Visual Summary II

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DE7 401

Visual Summary Ying-I Lin (k1620181) Calvino Book Project Poster Project City Project


Calvino Book Project

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Team work

After first meeting, we made some decisions about this book project: 1. Handmade book with box 2. Handmade binding books by sewing waxed stream. 3. Each group member designs their own chapter style And my work of this project is to design the cover and content with Maryte.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Cover Design

Experimental Works Due to the short time of first submission, we have to give the box cover prototype as soon as possible. I therefore tried to design 4 kinds of covers based on my response to this book. On the top 2 covers, I want to depict the loneliness of a traveller at the night, so I used elements related to travel and loneliness: suitcase and light. The cover on the left bottom is to illustrate the book, this is a book and also thes story about book. The last one is try to keep the cover as simple as possible, I hence put the book name and author on it.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

If on a winter’s night a traveler

Outside the town of Malbork

Leaning from the steep slope

What story down there awaits its end?

Without fear of wind or vertigo

Looks down in the gathering shadow

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Italo Calvino was born in Cuba in 1923. He grew up in Italy. He was an essayist and journalist and a member of the editorial staff of Einaudi in Turin. His other novels include Invisible Cities and The Castle of Crossed Destinies. In 1973 he won the prestigious Premio Feltrinelli. He died in 1985.

In a network of lines that enlace

In a network of lines that intersect On the carpet of leaves illuminated by the moon Around an empty grave

Content Design Experimental Works

At fisrt time, we took David's advcie, we should consider the text in the first chapter, the author illustrated the scene. He wants readers engage the world of the book, imagine readers are the protagonist of the book who keep finding rest part of books. Therefore, we decided to put a part of text on the content, tring to engage readers in the atmosphere of book before they start reading. However, the texts make the whole look a lit bit complex, they decide to put the whole content (sentences) instead of the guiding text. The reason of the modification is because we want give readers a surprise that the content can be linked up to a complete sentences.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Context Layout Experimental Works The chapter I was responsible to re-design is "Without fear of wind or vertigo", which is the story about a love triangle between woman and two solders. The story background is before the revolution, so atmosphere is nervous and in deep with the crisis. In the last few paragraphese of the chapter, author describes the sex of the three protagonist so that I found this story nervous and erotica. I choose to use bloody red to whole text.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Cover Prototype First Prototype Unfortunately, the first prototype cover didn't meet my expectation. The group changed their minds again, they thought the cover should response to the context inside (the binding part). Therefore, they made the other cover by using the binding stream and the pattern is one of the book binding pattern. Using binding pattern as a cover is good idea, there is a connection between cover and context. But there are also some disavantages such as we can not see what kind of book it is from the first expression because there is no book name on it and the pattern doesn't have any meaning of this book expect it's one of binding pattern.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Paper stock We choose 2 slightly different paper stocks to distinguish the chapter and narrative

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Binding Binding group created 11different patterns to express 10 different chapters which have 10 different stories and styles, and the rest 1 style (black one) is for whole narrative.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Feedback After first crit, we got many useful feedbacks: Cover

• Too many white spaces on it and no book name on it (David) • Emphazing too many factors on the book. (David) • Trying to use whole binding patterns on the cover, there are connections between outside and inside works, looks more complete. (Andrew) • Considering about the ending paper and layout (typography) (Clare) Box structure

• The height of box should equal to the height of books.(David) • Box has quality Binding

• Using binding streams makes the book unique • Seperate books look like temporary documents (Andrew) • The cover of the chapters and narrative need to be changed (Andrew) Context

• Considering the ladding and the position of contexts (Andrew)

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Embroidery Research After the first, we have a meeting again. We decided to adjust the cover and box which means we have to come up new ideas about the cover. Therefore, I did the research about the embroidery, tried to find more possibilities.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project


I developped more potential cover based on the original binding patterns.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Testing Pringting out the cover I designed before, and sewing to see the outcome. At first I want to see how would it look if I sew color streams on the pattern, I think tje prototypes are nice. Then I explore many possibilities on the over lapping of two different color streams, they are regular and structural. But we have to consider the color matching

Visual Summary DE7 401

Chapter 1 If on a winter’s night a traveler Chapter 2 Outside the town of Malbork

Calvino Book Project

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Italo Calvino was born in Cuba in 1923. He grew up in Italy. He was an essayist and journalist and a member of the editorial staff of Einaudi in Turin. His other novels include Invisible Cities and The Castle of Crossed Destinies. In 1973 he won the prestigious Premio Feltrinelli. He died in 1985.

Chapter 3 Leaning from the steep slope Chapter 4 What story down there awaits its end?

Chapter 6 Looks down in the gathering shadow Chapter 7 In a network of lines that enlace Chapter 8 In a network of lines that intersect

If on a winter’s night a traveler. Outside the town of Malbork. Leaning from the steep slope. What story down there awaits its end? Without fear of wind or vertigo. Looks down in the gathering shadow. In a network of lines that enlace. In a network of lines that intersect. On the carpet of leaves illuminated by the moon. Around an empty grave.

Chapter 5 Without fear of wind or vertigo

Chapter 9 On the carpet of leaves illuminated by the moon Chapter 10 Around an empty grave Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Color stream underline testing

Content Redesign the content again, this time we decide to put color streams underlines on each chapters, the color underlines can guide readers to find out which chapter they're going to read next. In the middle, the layout is still messy, we considered to remove author info. About typeface, David said we need to consider about the type and kerning, and make it look good with the cover.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Photos : color stream underline making process

Calvino Book Project

Photos : handcraft cover making process

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Context Re-design the context of "Without winds of fear and vertigo". This time, I tried to use messy and complex words to illustrete the nervous and crisis background of this story. For the title, I used shaking words to reponse the title "fear" and "vertigo". In the seond page, I put the cover image (because there are rules for the cover, I can't put image on the cover.) A stamp lied under a upper "W". "W" implies two legs of a woman, and the stamp there means she grapped it in sexual ways .

Visual Summary DE7 401

Calvino Book Project

Height of box equal the total height of books

Color streams underline

Final outcome

Visual Summary DE7 401

Final outcome

Calvino Book Project


Visual Summary DE7 401

Handcraft Posters

Poster Project

In the first class, we need to make at least 2 handmade posters, that means we have to create complete posters without using computer. It was a little difficult to me because I am that kind of 2 left hands person. I'm not good at making handcraft. Before making, I did some layout sketches (photos on the right bottom), and chose one of them as the final outcome. But everything didn't go well as I expected, prototypes didnlt looks complete and balanced, so I still looked for more possible outcomes.

Final outcomes are the 2 posters on the left, one is black blank with white texts; the other is black texts. I used sloped grid to arrange whole texts. The thing is I didn't enlarge the texts by using copy machine so the texts look too small compared to the A1 paper. The 3 photos on the right top are the other prototype I made during the process, and I think they look nice as well.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Poster Project

B&W Posters Practices I tried to make the outcome as simple as possple so that I just use simple grid to do it. It looks stll too many blank space while they were printed out. I should enlarge the types again and adjust the information blocks to the same position (loks more consistent)

Visual Summary DE7 401

Poster Project

B&W Posters Practices Poster on the left side, I used sloped grid system to arrange the texts, enlarged the texts. The middle one, enlarging compaign title seperates title and information, so it looks clear and easy to read. The rest one, I used black blocks to seperate the information (date and lecturers), but the location info. is too far from the others, it looks isolated.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Poster Project

{Less good}


Feedback Not surprising, there are just few feedback, and 2/3 of them are less good lables. I'll do new complete B&W posters again.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Poster Project


The Royal Festival Hall Southbank Centre Belvedere Road London SE1 8XX

Global issues

1st February 2017


Alain de Botton Peter Zumthor Jonathon Ive 2nd February 2017

Carnegie Hall 881 7th Ave New York NY 10019

Stephen King Stephen Fry Matt Groening

1st February 2017 Richard Dawkins Noam Chomsky Steven Pinker

2nd February 2017 Christine Lagarde Warren Buffett George Soros

3rd February 2017

3rd February 2017

Brian Eno Mary Beard Quentin Tarantino

Slavoj Žižek Arundhati Roy Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Global minds

Final After adjustment, I chose this pair of posters. They looks neat and only essential info. on there. The others are blank space.

Global issues

Global minds

Visual Summary DE7 401

Poster Project

Color choosing London

New York

Color Posters For color posters, I can use color to disguintish different information and make hierarchy. Firstly, I choose 2 main colors to each posters, New York one is the color of Status of Liberty ; and the other one is standard london color : blue and red. The outcomes look quite good. About the event title "conversations", Clare said I have to consider the pronounciation (Originally, I put conver-sations), so I changed into "con-ver-sations". I found it's not easy to recognize if the word is seperated, it looks like the other works from a first sight.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Poster Project

Design Process They are the other posters that I practiced. The poster on the left, I seperated "conver-sations"into up and down again, but it still looks complete and easy to read. Perhaps it's because "sations" move a word forward, the whole two part still look linked. The other 2 posters are a pair, same text layout and color but different location names. on the back. I like this group of posters because they look order and clear, there are no complex design skill but only essential info. and layout on it.

Visual Summary DE7 401

Poster Project

Feedback I was surprised that I got so many good feedback for the color posters although I did't see (I was ill at that day...). The majority of opinions are that they like the color matching on the posters. I'm really happy because I like to use different color matching on my works.

City Project

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

on road (signs)

Trip in Berlin 2


FF City Street My subject is "Type in the street", so I tried to find the interesting and nice typos on the Berlin street. At first, typo on Berlin road signs caught my eye. They use "FF City Street"as the typeface of street sign. San serif


I found Berliner like to use san serif typeface as their street sign and logos. The whole city look is new and many areas are still under contruction. Using san serif font makes whole look new and fashion. And this kind of typeface is suitable for modern buildings. Gothic typeface In the traditional german restaurants, they prefer use gothic font as their logo. Perhaps they tried to convey it's traditional and old-school style.

posters / graffiti



Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project


directions / signs


[Typography] in museums

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project


A fasion guy on the open-air market.

2017 Feb. photography by Ying-I Lin

astonished man in Neue Museum

layout on street

color on street

Berliner StraĂ&#x;enschildschrift

:Jewish Museum structure

Berlin 2017 Feb. sketch and photos by Ying-I Lin



Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Grid In the sketches, I quite like the structure of glass buildongs. The grid in the structures are like the grid systems in graphicc design. Perhaps I can do some research about grid systems between building and graphic design

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Visual Research: Grid System City grid

Josef Muller Brockmann

The overview of a city is just like a huge grid systems, and the buildings blocks and roads are like text blocks and grid line. It may be interesting that using city grid to create posters for each city. Ex: New York may look neat and clear; London may look complex.

The grid and Swiss typography are synonymous.Several Swiss artist/designers, most notably Max Bill and Richard Paul Lohse, explored systematic forms in their paintings concurrently with graphic design, while the graphic designers Emil Ruder and Josef MĂźller-Brockmann both wrote educative texts explaining what grids were and how to use them. They approached the subject with great rigor, arguing passionately that "integral design" required structures that would unite all the elements in both 2-D and 3-D design: type, pictures, diagrams, and space itself. Despite their enthusiasm for order and precision, they both understood the value of artistic intuition. (Graphicscom, 2017)

de Stijl, the Bauhaus, and Jan Tschichold

Golden ratio

In 1917 Dutch architect, designer, and painter Theo van Doesburg founded de Stijl. The importance of this movement to the grid is that it explored form as determined by function, and placed this in a political context. Arguing that simplicity of form was accessible and democratic, its members advocated minimalism, using only rectilinear forms, and eradicating surface decoration other than as a byproduct of a limited color palette: the primaries plus black and white. (Graphicscom, 2017)

The Golden Ratio simply provides us with a way of creating harmony and proportion that our subconscious mind seems to be attracted to. (Design by day, 2016)

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Nigel Peake: In the City This pen and ink drawing by artist Nigel Peake depicts a dense urban neighbourhood with tight-knit blocks extruded from a deconstructed grid. Reminiscent of an early Zaha Hadid painting or shattered sheet of glass, the piece suggests Peake’s interpretation of the city as an assemblage of fragments. (Architectural-reviewcom, 2017) Ting suggested that I can see this artist's work. His work is about the city, blocks and line. Although his work have complex line and color, whole outcome still look clear and neat. I'm inspired by his works so this time I want to develop a work related to cities

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Piet Mondrian Piet Mondrian, one of the founders of the Dutch modern movement De Stijl, is recognized for the purity of his abstractions and methodical practice by which he arrived at them. He radically simplified the elements of his paintings to reflect what he saw as the spiritual order underlying the visible world, creating a clear, universal aesthetic language within his canvases. In his best known paintings from the 1920s, Mondrian reduced his shapes to lines and rectangles and his palette to fundamental basics pushing past references to the outside world toward pure abstraction. His use of asymmetrical balance and a simplified pictorial vocabulary were crucial in the development of modern art, and his iconic abstract works remain influential in design and familiar in popular culture to this day.(Theartstoryorg, 2017) From the first sight to his works from Tate Modern, I thought it just like a palette, and then found it look like a grid, city grid while researching grid system. I can't believe these works are made by hand without ruler. The color and blocks are wellbalanced.It gave me an inpiration that I can do a work combining with grid system and unique city color.

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Paula Scher "I began painting maps to invent my own complicated narrative about the way I see and feel about the world. I wanted to list what I know about the world from memory, from impressions, from media, and from general information overload. These are paintings of distortions.� Paula Scher Clare recommanded me this artist. Her well-known works are maps, this is really inspiring because her works are full with handwritten typos and colors are really complex. But the outcome still look complete and we can clearly see it a map of one city. The poster on the right side is my favorite as well, I like many typefaces combined together but every information are clear and seperated. The man seems pop up from the poster.

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

First Try For this project, I'd like to explore the relations between grid and typefaces, so I want to develop a work which is image based on grid systems and typeface for a city. I hence tried to use the grid of city and colors blocks (like Mondiran), like the sketches above. After starting, I found it's not a new thing, many designers/artists have already done these kinds of works. The work on the left is Shard. I tried to use the grid of Shard to arrange the representive works of London. I found I failed it, outcome looks too normal and not unique. So I kept narrowing down my subject....

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

New Idea Thinking a new idea almost squeezed my brain....I tried to do some collage for these buildings. I found some nice works on internet, a building is composed by many styles of buildong, modern, roman style....they are well-composed but conflit, like surrealism style building. I mimic their work by using buildong in London. There are so many windows there....! Maybe I can use window. Window frame and glass are also a kind of grid, and they are on building, exist in the street in the city everyday. Yes, that is. I therefore changed my mind and subject. I'd like to develop my project based on the windows.

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Tring to find out every single style of windows in London as possible as I can...

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Primary testing I illustrated 26 different styles of windows, they looks nice, ordered and structured. Then I made the typeface by following the frames, it seems not good any more. The whole outcome is just like black type sticked on the window. The width of each frames are different, some is too thin, so it's not consistent

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Second Try At the second time, I made the typeface based on the glasses. Umm...I think it's better this time. I like the "Z" "M" and "S" particularly. Then I used the new typos to arrange "Oxford Circus",the outcome should be like a normal london building on the street with different window style. Some of them still look too rough...My friend said he can't recognize some words like "F" and "X". I have to improve it.

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Crit I colorized the posters, make them like a building turning on light while night coming. During the Crit, David gave me some advices:

• Modifying to those typos can be really used.

• The yellow lights are like blocks, typos are not clear

• Tring just use frames • Tring to make other kinds of words (letters) Although I improved some before the crit. Some typos are still too think or blocks take too many space compared to the others. Whole look is not consistent.I've to improve again.

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Last Outcome This time, I improved some of words such as "S""Q". I used rose window instead of normal windows. And some typos I used decorative glass which looks old-fashion but the effect is not bad. There are more dynamic. I also adjust the propotion of glasses to make to work balanced and consistent. Feeling sorry I can't improve all typefaces due to limited time, but I think at least it's better than previous one....

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project

Poster Outcome Finally, the last outcome, this version I removed the color and bricks. The whole look are more neat compared to the previous one. Without color, the typos are clear to see. I also adjust kerring and the size. In order to make the typos same height, psrt of windows are taller than others. I should consider it next time.

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project


Looking back to these months, I participated many projects in a same time. It's my first time, I was so busy. Time runs too fast that I can't catch it. Now I've to think about my major project, last semester is coming.....

small. I feel comfused and annoyed...Ting said perhaps I've to learn more about structure. That's maybe the point, I'm still not familiar with using grid systems. I got a sense of achievement during the color poster class because I received many good posts. Color matching probably is my advantages.

Calvino Book Project It's a team work, I'm happy to work with these nice partners and we are more close now. At first I was disappointed that I can't engage the project because I was not in London at that week. Many details and concept I didn't know and I was not familiar either, just like a bystander. There are some advantages as a bystander, I can clear see the problem of our book prototype. No connections between streams and book, books are too thin like a booklet, and no guide to find the chapter....etc. Happy that they took my advices, and I can engage as well next time. Although there are still something need to improve on the final outcome. At least it has quiality now.

Poster Project I like this project, it's really interesting and the purpose is clear. Before I only use computer to make posters, handmade posters are a little difficult to me but interesting. During the B&W poster class, I found I'm not good at making this. The outcome always didn't meet my expectation, too many blank space, letters too

City Project This project is my favorite although time is too short. Still happy that we can have a berlin trip, it's a nice experience to research anything about graphic design in Berlin, I also feel amazing that Berlin is a city full of energy and design all around the city. Moreover, it's my first time to make a complete typeface, there are many part need to improve though. Making typeface is difficult which need to spend more time and passion on it, I still hope I can create more in the future....

Visual Summary DE7 401

City Project


Books •

Lupton, E (2011). Graphic design thinking: beyond brainstorming. (1st ed.). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Ambrose, G & Harris, P (2008). Grids. (2 ed.). Switzerland: AVA Publishing SA

Elam, K, (2004). Grid systems. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Lupton, E (2010). Thinking with type. (2 ed.). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Cheng, K (2005). designing type. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.

Cano, P & Serrats, M (2007). Typosphere. (1st.). Spain: Collins Design.

Website •

Graphicscom. 2017. Graphicscom. [Online]. [19 March 2017]. Available from:

Design by day. 2016. Design By Day. [Online]. [20 March 2017]. Available from:

Architectural-reviewcom. 2017. Architectural Review. [Online]. [20 March 2017]. Available from:

Theartstoryorg. 2017. The Art Story. [Online]. [20 March 2017]. Available from:

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