Loft/Firm Design

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Desi gnFi r m/Lof t


Thedesi gngoalwast ocr eat ea l i vi ngspaceandof f i cef i r mi n anexi st i ngdownt ownbui l di ng. Ichoset ospl i tt het wospaces downt hecent ert ocr eat et wo st or yat r i umst hatbr i ngl i ght t ot hebackoft heSpaces.The pushi ngandpul l i ngoft he spacecr eat esamoder npl ant o sect i ondesi gn.

Sect i onA

Fi r m El evat i on

Lof tEl evat i on

Sect i onA

SecondLevelFl oorPl an

Sect i onA

Fi r stLevelFl oorPl an

䘀椀 爀 洀

䰀漀昀 琀

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