Electronic DJ Traveling Airstream Design

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El ect r oni cMusi cAi r st r eam Concept

Thedesi gngoalwast ocr eat e onel i vi ngspacet hatpr omot es andbal ancest het woext r emes ofpubl i candpr i vat e.Cr eat i ng ahi ghener gyf eelandel ect r i c gl ow t hr oughoutwi t ht heuse ofcol or ,l i ghtandmat er i al s. Thei nt endedspacei sdesi gned t ot r ansi t i oncr eat i ngnew boundar i esbet weent het wo ext r emes.

Si deEl evat i on

Fl oorPLan

匀攀挀琀 椀 漀渀  䄀

匀攀挀琀 椀 漀渀  䈀

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