THESIS - Grand Point Island Resort Design

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Gr andPoi ntI sl and

Obj ect i ve

Thedesi gngoalwast owor kas at eam t ocomeupwi t hawel l devel opedsol ut i on,r i chi n det ai l scel ebr at i ngi nnovat i on, i magi nat i onandcr eat i vi t yf or humanexi st ence.Wehada semest erofpr ogr ammi nganda semest erofdesi gnt ocomeup wi t hadesi gnsol ut i onf ora l uxur yr esor tonani sl andat t heLakeoft heOzar ks.

LakeSi t eAnal ysi s

I sl andSi t eAnal ysi s

CONCEPTS 1.MEDI TERRANEAN VI LLAGE -A col l ect i onofsmal lwhi t ebui l di ngswi t hal l eysi n bet weenf aci ngt hevi ew oft hewat er .

2.CASACADI NG STREETSTO THEWATER -Mai nt ai ni ngvi ewsoft hel akef r om ever yst r eet -Connect i ont oact i vepar t i ci pat i onwi t hwat er act i vi t i es.

3.BUI LDI NGSI N A GARDEN TheBui l di ngsoft hevi l l agear enest l edi nan i ndi genousgar den.

4.TheCENTRALBUI LDI NG FOLLOWSFORM OFTHEI SLAND. -TheCur vi l i nearl i neoft hei sl anddet er mi nest he f or m oft hepubl i cbui l di ng. Thest r uct ur eandr oofar ei nspi r edbyshel l sand ot hermar i nef or ms.

5.BOARDWALKI N CONNECTI ON TO WATER -Pr omenadeal ongt heshor eoft hei sl andf or l ei sur el ywal ki ng.

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