Lauren Manley 22/10/2012
Establishing professional practice – Week 5 Review of Autocad commands: L + space + line Pan and zoom use mouse wheel Z + space + a + space = zoom out all F8 = Ortho F3 = turn snap on or off Di + space = Measure distance Esc = cancel a command Del = delete a line Marquee selection box: Green = selects everything inside the box and everything it intersects. Blue = selects everything that is inside the box. TR + Space = trim tool Ctrl + Z = undo CO + space = copy, select your object to copy then select a base point. The base point is where you grab the object. O + space = offset, this allows you to copy lines at a set distance from the original line.
Lauren Manley 22/10/2012
Using these commands you can draw a number of shapes and objects, such as those shown above, precisely and to the correct measurements.
To use the trim tool use the short cut ‘TR + space’, then select the cutting edge (the lines that you want intersecting lines to be cut off at) such as the two circles above , then press enter to confirm this.
Lauren Manley 22/10/2012
After you’ve selected the cutting edge you can click on any lines you want to be trimmed and they will be cut off up until the point where they intersect with the cutting edge, any line not intersecting with the cutting edge cannot be trimmed using the trim tool.
Using the tools that I have reviewed in today’s lesson I have drawn the above.