Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM 2, 2017 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Lauren Murrant
810543 Jun Han Foong + Studio 5 5-7
Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier? (Maximum 100 words) Pictorial Space is space that cannot be entered or travelled through. It is space that can only be viewed from a distance. Due to this, it is always viewed from a frontal position. Through Le Corbusier’s paintings, it is understood that objects are viewed to be flat, objects join together through continuous edges and colour and texture contribute to the distance and representation of the cut between objects rather than representing depth and space between objects. Le Corbusier believed that Pictorial Space was the only kind that would allow for the world to only be seen from a frontal position.
Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against?(Maximum 100 words) Le Corbusier utilises texture and rigid frontality to create flatness. He utilises textures to enforce an idea of continuious skin that spans the painting’s surface. Depth is thus created and allows for definition of objects. Le Corbusier insists that the objects within the image be viewed frontally from a distance. He utilises proximate space to allow for understanding of the objects. Gris utilised flat black to create a sense of three-dimensional space and depth. It created a great contrast between figure/ground and separated the surface of the object.
Top: Image used to create the back projection of my world. Bottom: Image used to create the front projection of my world.
First drawing done in 2H pencil and traced with 0.1 and 0.5 Fineliner in Black.
Base layer drawn in 2H and traced using 0.1 Fineliner ans 0.5 in Black. Space was left to create an additional connecting layer in Illustrator. Changes were made to this later in Illustrator.
WEEK 4 READING: PRACTICE - ARCHITECTURE, TECHNIQUE AND REPRESENTATION Question 1: Explain the difference between Pictoral (in this case perspectival) space and Projection? (Maximum 100 words) Pictorial space limits space and makes it feel closed and finite. It creates a static view of the world. It is linked to a fixed point and suggests what already exists. A projection is to throw forward the object. It extends and minimises distance within the image. It is suggested that it constructs what does not yet exist. Projection is consistent and focuses greatly on measurements. Looking at vanishing points clairifes the differences. Perspectives have one whilst projections do not converge at any point.
Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? (Maximum 100 words) Axonometric projections first occured in a military context to chart the trajectory of artillery. Later, it was taught in engineering schools in the 18th and 19th centuries. It extended the scientific/mathematical basis for architecture. El Lissitzky wrote that between 1918 and 1921, Axonometric projections rose again in Russia and wrote that axonometric projections contrusts what does not yet exist. Axonometric projections allow for further development than what a typical representation allows. It enabled more consistent construction and precision of measurement. They also enable the multiplication of views of the object.
Completed Mario World. Inclusive of colouring, characters and patterns all displayed in an Axonometric style.
The equipment I used: T-square, sharpener, eraser, 2H pencil, 0.1 Fineliner, 0.5 Fineliner and Set Square
During the process of creating the back projection on tracing paper. I used a 2H pencil, eraser, set square and T-square during this tracing process.
During the tracing of both layers to combine my world.I used a T-square, 0.1 Fineliner, 0.5 Fineliner and Set Square. It was quite diff
During the editing process on Illustrator. I had to make multiple layers and colour further to create depth after this point to create my final world. I added significantly more detail to my world overall.