portrait mini assignment

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PORTRAIT ASSIGNMENT WEEK ONE STATEMENT OF INTENT For this portrait shoot I am going to start my thinking about the different themes and ideas that I could go with in taking two portraits that relate but are different. I am going to think of some different ideas that I could base my images around and how I will link them so they had relation to each other in some way, be it the theme, the way it was shot or both. One person I will need to know, and another would have to be someone I have just met. I will be taking the photos so they are similar but different with an obvious connection or two. I will be taking the images in black and white so that is one relation. I want to use a male and a female and have them be related by one or two things in particular. I know that tattoos could be a good start so I will be looking at that in more detail. Another idea I have, to relate is to photograph them in their homes and even their rooms surrounded by their belongings that show the viewer of the photo, who they are through their belongings that would possibly show a sense of what they like, what kind of music they listen to, what their interests are and what kind of social group they belong to if you want to go that far. I am going to be shooting someone I don’t know, and a friend. I’m not sure what way round I will be doing this though. I think that planning this shoot is helpful to what I am going to be doing instead of just going out there and trying to look for inspiration on the day. I would rather find my inspiration, plan, and then go out and shoot.

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