Your Local Journal - December 1st, 2016

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

VOL. 14 NO. 44

LBPSB Ethics scandal riles council meeting attendees Carmen Marie Fabio


Sign of the times


After being banned from speaking at the Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) public meetings for three years, retired teacher and outspoken LBPSB critic Chris Eustace calls for the resignation of Chair Suanne Stein Day following the findings of the board’s Ethic’s Commissioner. See story on page 5. “I’m not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it.” - Niccolo Machiavelli


SAINT-LAZARE. Spacious family home. $375,000 Centris #14531301

Despite myriad voices calling for the resignation of the chair of the Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB), Suanne Stein Day was adamant in insisting she would not step down, despite the recent revelation she had violated the board’s own code of ethics on three separate occasions. The news broke soon after troubles at the English Montreal School Board (EMSB) saw a letter issued to Chair Angela Mancini citing a lack of support and recognition directed towards administration, accusing elected commissioners of meddling. On the morning of Wednesday, November 30, it was announced at the National Assembly that Québec Education Minister Sébastien Proulx has appointed an auditor to look into management of both the LBPSB and the EMSB, citing irregularities in education issues and certification of students. Minister Proulx also confirmed the Unité permanente anticorruption (UPAC) is investigating. Continued on page 5

Vaudreuil-Soulanges MRC tired of waiting for Hydro-Québec


Young Pincourt Councillor appointed to UMQ committee


Hudson Fireman’s auction raises over $14,000


Walk back in time to Bethlehem


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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hydro will finally remove dangerous tree in St. Lazare MRC frustrated by Hydro-Québec delays John Jantak Your Local Journal

A Hydro-Québec spokesperson confirmed it will look into a complaint from a St. Lazare resident about a leaning birch tree that has been resting atop a power line since early August and promises to remove the tree within a week. Sandrine Brindejonc, a Hydro media representative for the Estrie and Montérégie region, made the announcement in response to a complaint made to Your Local Journal by resident Richard Masys who said that after three attempts to report the issue, once to customer service and twice to road crews, no one has visited his property to assess the situation. Brindejonc confirmed that Masys reported the issue by phone to customer service on August 1, but the situation was apparently reported inaccurately which meant the problem couldn’t be properly identified or the proper action taken. At press time, a Hydro technician

was scheduled to be on-site at the Masys property to assess the situation and work to remove it should be completed by next Thursday, added Brindejonc. Hydro also apologized for the incident and said its primary aim is to always provide excellent customer service. Masys’ situation of having to wait months for a response from Hydro is apparently not unique when it comes to customer dealings with publicly-owned utility. Last week representatives from the Municipalité Régionale de Comté (MRC) de Vaudreuil-Soulanges discussed the issue of Hydro’s unique autonomy and lack of customer accountability with journalists during a general press briefing at MRC headquarters on November 24. The briefing was presided by MRC Prefect and Mayor of Très-Saint Rédempteur Jean Lalonde, MRC Director General Guy-Lin Beaudoin and Communications Director Simon Richard. The MRC represents the regional governing body for the 23 municipalities under its jurisdiction. Lalonde cited another example of


Hydro-Québec spokesperson Sandrine Brindejonc confirmed the utility will assess and remove a birch tree by next Thursday that has been leaning since August 1 atop a power line behind St. Lazare resident Richard Masys’ property.

Hydro inaction during the briefing saying that one Notre-Dame-de-l’ÎlePerrot resident waited at least two years before his house was connected to the main power grid. “I think that Hydro has too much power now,” said Lalonde. “I feel for the citizens of Vaudreuil-Soulanges. There are people in our municipalities that have been waiting for one year and more to get services. We’re trying to get an explanation from Hydro because it’s not normal to have these situations.” The experience Masys is dealing with,“ a perfect example of the bad service we get from Hydro-Québec. This is why the MRC Prefect wants Hydro

to be a part of the mandate under the Quebec National Assembly’s Protecteur du citoyen (ombudsman) so that people can make complaints,” said Richard. Even the construction of the new MRC headquarters on Harwood Boulevard in Vaudreuil-Dorion has been affected Hydro’s inadequate response time, said Richard. He noted that its taken almost one year for their request for electrical work to done at the job site before Hydro personnel arrived recently, adding the MRC had to contact the National Assembly deputy to try to resolve the situation. Continued on page 25

Thursday, December 1, 2016




Lesson learnt A public school system is, by its very definition, the property of the public domain and part of a democratic system in which we all have a stake, and every voice, regardless of consenting or conflicting opinion, must be heard. The recent events at the Lester B. Pearson School Board shine a sad and uncomfortable light on an institution for which we ought to be taking pride but, instead, are being told its governance is fraught with questionable leadership practices by Chair Suanne Stein Day. Allegations of disrespect, sharing of private information (which is sometimes referred to as gossip), and accusations of misappropriation of funds levied against senior school board officials may be fodder for Hollywood but is, apparently, alive and well at an educational body that extends throughout our region. Chair Stein Day says that, on her lawyer’s advice, she will not step down and while this may protect her position at the board, it does nothing to instill confidence in the end consumers of public education – the students and parents. A responsible chair would recognize that the ethics’ breaches have eroded public trust and would put their interests before her own by stepping aside as a show of good will – even on a temporary basis – until the air has cleared. Claiming she was duly elected to the position and will fulfill her mandate is misleading. In the last three-way school board election for chair, more people voted collectively against Stein Day than for her. The events of the last few months at the LBPSB have not been a shining example of professionalism nor integrity and had they happened in one of the school yards rather than the council room, we’d be using it as an example of bullying.




3100 Route Harwood, Suite 201, Vaudreuil-Dorion (QC) J7V 8P2 Tel: (450) 510-4007 • Fax: (450) 455-9769 email: /



Thursday, December 1, 2016

Photo of the week


This dusting of our first significant snowfall on a crab-apple tree in Notre-Dame de l’Île Perrot was captured recently by resident C.J. Maxwell. Do you have a photo taken in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges or West Island region you’d like to submit as a Photo of the Week? Send it to Due to the popularity of this feature, we’ve had many submissions and will feature them all on our website at

Dear Editor: LBPSB Chair must resign Dear Editor, “I recognize I am not perfect and I have made mistakes,” Suanne Stein Day stated at the Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) Council meeting of November 28, 2016. Talk about understating it and as CTV Montreal reported, “…in speaking to reporters immediately afterward, Stein Day denied doing anything wrong.” The doubletalk and lack of transparency at the LBPSB and by Chair Stein Day continues unabated. Some important points to ponder: A letter was sent by the Executive Director of the LBPSB International Program , Carol Mastantuono, signed by 16 administrators accusing Stein Day of breaching the code of ethics. A second letter criticizing Stein Day was submitted to council by LBPSB principals. Suanne Stein Day was subsequently found guilty of three ethics charges by the LBPSB ethics commissioner. The LBPSB Chair then saw fit to spend $80,000 of school taxpayers’ money on legal costs to ensure that commissioners and one member of the public remained silent. Through this action she not only gagged the commissioners but by not identifying herself as the guilty individual, she made all the commissioners suspects. As the teachers’ union president stated at the November 28 meeting, everyone at the LBPSB is operating under a cloud of mistrust. The LBPSB Vision Statement, in part, states the following, “We, the members of the Lester B. Pearson School Board community comprising students, parents, teachers, professionals, support staff, administrators and commissioners, value a respect for self, for each other. An atmosphere of openness, honesty, integrity and accountability.” It is apparent that under the leadership of the current chairman, Suanne Stein Day, these elements are not being attained or respected. Suanne Stein-Day must do the honourable thing and resign. “Leadership is practiced not so much in words

as in attitude and in actions.” - Harold S. Geneen Luc Horne Vaudrueil-Dorion Former Hudson Councillor Robert Spencer Dear Editor, In our household we are largely in agreement with the views expressed by Frank Hicks and Robin Grinnell in the November, 24 (2016) issue of Your Local Journal relative to our District 1 Councillor, Rob Spencer. We have known Rob and his family for decades. He is a person of consummate honesty, courage, evidence-based convictions, and overall integrity. There has been much fake “news” and vile gossip in the village about his character. Some halftruths have been innocently disseminated no doubt, as though they were true. Some I suppose are politically and invidiously motivated. Others of the rumours are simply flawed inferences based on poor (even a good) understanding of the in camera planning and “understandings” that appear to be standard in every government. I’ll refrain here from warming over old cabbage in the history of Hudson dating back at least, say, to the ‘70s. We and our children (and the Spencers’ many friends in Hudson) wish Rob and family a pleasurable future in their new community among fortunate neighbours. Mr. Hicks raises the issue of “sin.” We don’t use the term. Bearing false witness against a neighbour might, we suppose, be characterised as such in a different context. Frank and Rita Dumont Hudson St. Lazare governance concerns Dear Editor, I attended last month’s St. Lazare council meeting whereby the council decided to permit overnight parking in the street during winter in the H300 housing development. Councillor Marc Esculier voted against it because he believed it would set a precedent. He was once again outvoted. Continued on page 6


Lester B. Pearson School Board Chair Suanne Stein Day meets with reporters at the Monday, November 28 council meeting to explain why she intends to stay on in her position despite being recently found guilty of three counts of breaching board ethics.


Continued from page 1 In front of about 50 attendees at the November 28 monthly Council of Commissioners meeting in Dorval, Stein Day revealed she was the councillor in question who, in a report issued by Ethics Commissioner Vincent Guida, had been accused of ethics’ breaches that reportedly included “not showing respectful behaviour to colleagues” and “spreading salacious gossip about colleagues involving sex and misappropriated funds.” “If I’ve offended (my team) in any

way, then I have – and do again – sincerely apologize to them without qualification,” Stein Day read from a prepared statement at the beginning of the meeting. She went on to dispute allegations that following complaints made against her, board employees had been demoted or reassigned. “The chair does not have any power to hire, fire, reassign, or demote anyone. We all, however, fully support the extremely difficult decisions this board has had to make over the past year.” Her words did nothing to assuage the hostility in the audience as critics from retired teachers, taxpayers, and governing board members approached the mi-

crophone to express their concerns and demands for her resignation. Teacher representative Heidi Yetman addressed council, saying, “As an educator, we teach kids critical thought and how to become good citizens in this society. And unfortunately, there’s been a dark cloud hanging over the building. It worries me because it harms our reputation as teachers.” Yetman stressed the need for transparency in public education and said, moving forward, that she hoped communication would be more open and that teachers would be getting the “truth” from the board. Former teacher Luc Horne chose to address his comments to the student commissioners by saying they were there to ostensibly learn how a council was supposed to be run. “What I have seen over the last few years is that things are not always what they seem to be when nice, composed words are expressed at the meeting, saying everything is alright, and ‘we will do our best and continue.’” Horne said while it was common for commissioners to present a unified front, it did not indicate a consensus amongst the elected representatives. “Madame Chair, in the overriding spirit of the Quebec education act, considering the current tumultuous atmosphere at the LBPSB, I am herewith formally requesting, as a taxpayer, your resignation from your position as the LBPSB Chairman.” Following a three-year ban on speaking at the LBPSB council meetings, outspoken school board critic and former school teacher Chris Eustace was given permission to address council and voiced perhaps the most vocal opposition to Stein Day’s refusal to step down.

“Madame Stein Day, pay back all the taxpayers’ money you used to pay your own lawyer, to threaten all these commissioners here, and me last year,” he said of the reported $80,000 spent on her defense. Eustace further asked each commissioner be individually polled to reveal their level of confidence in Stein Day as chair, and for her to immediately resign. “What you have done is wrecked the school board, and wrecked the community, all because of your arrogance, extravagance, and negligence,” he said, waving a sign with the word ‘Resign’ printed in large red letters. “You’re teaching the student commissioners all the wrong things and that’s why the Ethics Commissioner found you at fault.”

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Continued on page 25




Emergency measures “Do you have an emergency kit in your car?” asked my publisher out of the blue one day. “I have a hat...” I responded. Hey, for someone who doesn’t normally wear hats, that’s actually a big deal. He went on to list all the necessities he has, and that I should also have in my vehicle, including a blanket, snacks, candle, matches, flares, and a whole bunch of other important sounding stuff. Apparently half a granola bar in the back seat and box of rusty Band-aids in my trunk won’t cut it in the event of a vehicular mishap. While I do own the combination seat-belt cutter/window smasher, purchased in a fit of maternal paranoia after the birth of my first child, I don’t have the government-recommended windup flashlight, plastic water bottles, and extra clothing unless you count the pair of leopard-spotted summer shoes forgotten under the front passenger seat. My sister lives in a remote corner of northwestern Canada where she spends much of her time working with film crews who use the majestic northern scenery as a back-drop for cinematic shoots. And she once told me she is adamant about always having a roll of duct-tape in her own emergency bag-of-tricks, in part because it’s the best thing to patch up holes in seaplane pontoons. When I asked my kids what items they would want to have in the event of an emergency, their responses were thoughtful and pragmatic. “A universal tracking device,” said the first. “A water purification system,” was the second’s contribution. My youngest looked perplexed when I asked the question, as though the answer should be blatantly obvious. “My emergency kit,” he said, pointing to a large red knapsack stashed in a corner of his bedroom. “You made one?” I asked. “What’s in it?” “Pistachios,” he said. “Warm gloves, six Triple-A batteries, toothpaste, a compass, binoculars....” “Are those from my car?” “Glow sticks,” he continued, ignoring me. “Matches, 9-volts, more 9-volts.... Fireworks, a homemade gas-mask, windup flashlight, rubber bands - you never know!” He unearthed things from that knapsack that I’d long given up hope of ever finding in the house again. Suddenly, a whole lot of things began to make sense. “Granola bars,” he went on, “A hammer, screwdrivers, X-acto knife, multi-tool, a shuriken, candles...” I sat watching in awe as he continued to pull out all he had squirrelled away for whatever emergency his then 12-yearold mind conceived including a toothbrush and more toothpaste as though dental hygiene had suddenly become a major priority. “A can opener,” he added, concurring he had packed no actual canned goods. “Band-aids, a windbreaker, a magnifying glass....” It went on. Socks, jeans (so that’s where those went!) Toilet paper, long underwear, orange garbage bags, small pocket knife, first aid kit, aluminium foil... “For what?” “I dunno.” He continued pulling out goodies fit for any self-respecting, post-apocalyptic prepper including a whistle, note book, and a signal mirror but my mind had been made up long before his big reveal. In the event of an emergency, I want my baby by my side. He has pistachios. Revisited. This column originally ran February 12, 2015.



Thursday, December 1, 2016


Continued from page 4 Councillor Brigitte Asselin replied that the idea came from a resident and she was listening to their request. I find this response to be very strange because one thing that I have noticed in the past year that I have attended council meetings is that this council rarely listens to the residents. Nine hundred and fourteen residents voted against the Dunes Lake acquisition and yet their voices went unheard. While 483 people ventured out in a snowstorm to vote against the building of an extravagant town hall and yet once again, their voices were ignored. The residents of St. Lazare were never consulted with regards to the expensive Au Galop festival and many have voiced their disapproval at council meetings and also with letters to the local paper. Despite their disapproval, plans for the third Au Galop are on the way. It seems to me that this council chooses which concerns to listen to and which ones to ignore. My question to Ms. Asselin would be the following… “How can you justify making a policy to satisfy the request of one resident when the requests of hun-

AUCTION Sunday, Dec. 4th 1:00 P.M.

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dreds are being ignored?” Joanne Ackland St. Lazare Internet scam warning Dear Editor, I am a senior who lives in Hudson and I am eagerly waiting every week to get Your Local Journal. I’d like to share what happened to me and think it could be of general interest or warning for others. Beware of “free trial scam.” Lately there are different banners that come up while you surf the internet. They start nicely to ask you to participate in a survey, promise you free product trials under names and logos that look like Costco, Videotron, or your bank, all you have to do send $5 for shipping and you get a trial order for some skin cream, or weightloss capsules , or super vitamins. Just for fun I thought I will order some skin products trials for the lady in my life, expecting to get some trial sizes of such products. I filled out the order form and gave my credit card to pay for the $ 5 shipping fee. When I checked my credit card statement, I noticed that the payment went to some outfit in Cyprus, this made me already quite suspicious. I went back to the offer on the internet and at the bottom of the page, in small and faded print, I clicked on ‘Terms and Conditions.’ Up came a 9-page legal-looking document that says if you keep the ‘Trial Products’ they will bill you for approximately $180 after a month. Plus you are now enrolled in a ‘Club’ and will be shipped every month an order of this product and billed again for $180 on your credit card. When reading that contract – which must have been written by some “artist“(shyster) in Cyprus – it is incredible how much this company has to put conditions on unsuspecting people just to peddle some skin cream. I would like to warn anyone who is tempted to take advantage of this “offer” to stay away from it. I don’t know if these companies are aware that their names are being used to entrap people into buying their ware. The contract mentioned that the products can be returned within 30 days and they will credit the charge less a restocking fee of $1.95. One really has to read that paper thoroughly to find out how you’ve just been had. Continued on page 9

Pincourt councillor appointed to UMQ planning and transport committee John Jantak Your Local Journal

One of Quebec’s youngest municipal politicians, Pincourt District 1 Councillor Alexandre Wolford was recently appointed by the Union des Municipalitiés du Québec (UMQ) to sit as a member of its Commission de l’aménagement et des transports (Planning and Transport Committee). Wolford told Your Local Journal during an interview Tuesday, November 29, that he’s proud of his appointment and will use the forum to raise issues that affect small municipalities. He is also of a member of the UMQ’s Commission des jeunes élus et élues for municipal politicians under age 35. “My new appointment will give us a voice in the region. You have voices for large cities like Montreal and Quebec City but there’s no voice for small cities in Vaudreuil-Soulanges and I hope to be that voice at this table. I want to show what our problems are when it comes to issues like urban planning and public transit,” said 25-year-old Wolford. He’s also involved in other regional activities including sitting as VicePresident of the Executive Board for

the Société de développement du Parc historique de la Pointe-du-Moulin in Notre Dame de l’Île Perrot. “I try to be everywhere to give a voice to the citizens and to contribute to the development of the region,” said Wolford. His community involvement began at age 15 when he first started working at the Pincourt Omni-Centre handling various responsibilities and tasks over the next six years which is what eventually led him to run for councillor in the 2013 municipal election. “This is one of the reasons I was elected,” said Wolford who was 22 at the time. “I want to change our city and region so if I can get involved, why not? And since I’m young it gives me more of a chance to achieve that. It’s always important to talk with citizens to understand their needs. I’ve been able to help my citizens and help to change things.” Aside from Mayor Yvan Cardinal and District 5 Councillor Jim Miron who were both re-elected by acclamation in 2013, Wolford was one of five newly elected councillors. “It’s a completely different world. First you have to learn the job and what you can and can’t do. Then you learn that what you hope to achieve in one year will take


Pincourt District 1 Councillor Alexandre Wolford, who was recently appointed to the UMQ Planning and Transport Committee, plans to raise issues that affect small municipalities within the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

longer and that not everything is easy.” In addition to his political responsibilities, Wolford is completing a second Master’s degree in Urban Studies at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS University) in downtown Montreal. His first Master’s was in Urban Theory which allowed him to work on the Turcot Interchange that is currently being completely reconfigured. Wolford isn’t sure whether he’ll run for a second mandate as councillor, saying it’ll depend on the completion of his second degree and whether

other job prospects become available. Wolford encourages other young people to become active in their communities saying that their participation can make a difference even on a municipal level. As with most Pincourt residents, Wolford is anxious to see the eventual completion of the long-awaited Pincourt indoor sports complex, saying he’s been waiting for its opening ever since the project was first announced when he was a teenager more than 10 years ago.




ADOPTION OF THE RATE SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: THAT at a regular meeting held on October 27, 2016, Transport Soleil adopted the following resolution :

TS-16-10-603 ADOPTION OF THE TRANSPORT SOLEIL RATE SCHEDULE FOR 2017. WHEREAS THE AMT submitted a revised rate schedule for the year 2017 including an average increase of 2%; WHEREAS THE TRANSITION COMMITTEE has recommended the implementation of an average increase of 2% in the respective rate schedules of the AOT, in order to facilitate harmonization of rates at the metropolitan level; WHEREAS the rate of inflation in Quebec between September 1, 2015 and August 31, 2016 was .4% It is PROPOSED BY Madame Lise Charest SECONDED BY Monsieur Jim Miron


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AND UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED TO AUTHORIZE an average increase of two (2%) percent for local Transport Soleil fares; TO ADOPT the new rate schedule presenting local transportation rates for the year 2017 as submitted and attached..

• EVENING CLASSES Mondays & Wednesdays 6 hours / week 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

• PART-TIME January 16th to March 30th 12 hours / week Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

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Thursday, December 1, 2016



Hot bidding heats up Fireman’s Charity Auction James Armstrong Your Local Journal

The annual auction for the Fireman’s Christmas Basket Fund held on Monday November 28 at Hudson Village Theatre was a steaming success according to organizer Tania Ellerbeck. “We raised about $14,000 and the donations are still coming in,” said the cheerful but tired Ellerbeck in an interview the morning after. She estimated that proceeds from the auction would cover the cost of about 50 food baskets that Hudson Fire Department members put together and distribute the week before Christmas. The auction, organized by Royal LePage Village Real Estate Agency in collaboration with the local food bank LePont/Bridging, received more than 150 items donated by local businesses, merchants, organizations and individuals. The highlight of the evening is auctioning off of the services of teams


Shirts came off as the bids went up. Members of the Hudson Fire Department devoted time, energy and talent to the fundraiser auction held Monday evening.

of firefighters. The auctioneers, Robin Pridham and Michael Lawrence were quick to point out that the services were for four hours and had to be legal.

“One individual bought them to install a dock each year,” said Ellerbeck adding that gardening or serving food and drink at a party have also been work

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projects. There were many popular items in the sale including a one-hour flight for three people over the Island of Montreal donated by Laurentide Aviation. Tickets for Montreal Canadiens hockey games also proved popular as were ‘Magaret’s Baked Beans’ and ‘Youri’s Apple Pie,’ delicacies crafted by fellow real estate agents. “There’s a friendly competition amongst some of the contributors to see whose item brings the highest price,” said Ellerbeck adding that she really appreciates the support from other real estate agents. The charity auction was started by Janet Ellerbeck 39 years ago and has gradually developed into the event it is today. “We moved it to the Hudson Village Theater 17 years ago for more space,” said Tania. She was pleased to see that it was almost a full house on Monday evening and are already planning for next year’s 40th auction.





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Titan Crew Cab SV



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Thursday, December 1, 2016


Continued from page 6 After a bit more research I found out this is a well-known credit card fraud scam by criminals who are selling some worthless products through a phony company that often hides in some Caribbean hole where there are no laws, while the owners and operators live in a mansion in Florida. Rudolph Stucki Hudson What is your vision for the future of Hudson? Dear Editor, I speak for myself when I say that I moved here for the rural type setting, New England style charm and, most of all, the beautiful natural environment filled with trails, ponds, Pine Lake and Sandy Beach. Is this your vision of Hudson too? Maybe it’s time we embrace what we are, what we have, and recognize what we cannot be. We will never be able to compete against Vaudreuil-Dorion’s shopping mecca – so maybe we should focus on whatever niche markets Hudson does have to offer. In regards to housing capacity – well Vaudreuil-Dorion and St. Lazare win hands down. So why are we trying to fool ourselves into thinking we can compete? While change is going on all around us – this may be our best opportunity to protect our best assets – our natural environment. Of course, we do need some growth – but it needs to be managed to protect these treasures, not be built on them. So with this in mind, I wish to start with one our favorite areas: Sandy Beach. Presently we are fortunate enough to have an access to Sandy beach. We are thankful to our previous town councils and the current landowner who were able, so many years ago, to negotiate this access. But we do not own Sandy Beach and much of this property could be developed should the owner decide to do so. I am hoping we can work towards purchasing more of this property to form a nature park. That is why I am supporting a petition working towards its purchase. While it is clear we are a small village without a large budget it doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Other communities have managed to secure

grants and outside funding towards the conservation of such valuable ecological properties. I am proposing we ask, we try, we research, we negotiate, we see if we can make this happen! Please consider supporting this effort and add your signature to this petition. Eva McCartney Hudson Successful Poppy Campaign Dear Editor, I would like to thank all the population who took time to donate to the Poppy Campaign, and once again make it a great success, also to all the volunteers who gave their time and energy to ensure that all went well. The drivers who made trips to all their stores and outlets, to service the trays that they had left there, and to the people who sat at the various stores to collect the donations. Without people like you, we can never have a successful campaign and, last but not least, to the Poppy committee who put in the hours to make this happen. Once again, very many thanks to all you people, without whom we could never succeed. Eric Connor President and Poppy Chair Royal Canadian Legion Br. 115 Hudson Thank you Dear Editor, I would just like to thank everyone for their overwhelming response to providing all sorts of wonderful items for the bake table at St. James’ Church Bazaar this past Saturday. We very much appreciate all your hard work and thank you all so much! Very sincerely, Gay Campbell Hudson


Everything you always wanted to know about pothole laws Q: What is the liability of my town concerning potholes and damage to my car? A. There is no universal standard for road care. Towns set their own schedule on how often their roads are inspected and repaired. The legislation associated with potholes is refreshingly simple. Its interpretation over the years provides nuances that are not evident to the layman. The results are surprising, as we shall see below. Section 604.1 of the Cities and Towns Act (applicable to your case since the Town population exceeds 5000 people, provincial legislation is similar for other areas) states: The municipality is not liable for damage caused the state of the roadway or bikeway to the tires or suspension system of a vehicle. Pretty clear right? An effective deterrent to claiming when read quickly. But there’s more to it than that for pothole law junkies out there. Here it is: If you can demonstrate that your Town has been grossly negligent, that section does not apply. Why? The courts say s.1474 of the Civil Code overrides this pothole law: A person may not exclude or limit his liability for material injury caused to another through an intentional or gross fault; a gross fault is a fault that shows gross recklessness, gross carelessness or gross negligence. Gross fault? When you have fallen so far below the ordinary standard of care that one can expect, it warrants the label of being “gross.” That is behaviour that made your parents very angry, negligence bordering on the intentional. Here is one example of gross negligence. If you prove your Town had been made aware of the pothole and had not responded diligently to make repairs or install warning signs, the courts assimilate this behaviour to gross fault. In that case the Town is liable for tire and suspension repair. Isn’t that uplifting? Here is another surprise. Damage to steering, wheel rims, alignment, hubcaps, and other parts can be claimed for compensation. Yes that’s right, the law must be interpreted literally and it does not mention these parts. Also, for those car parts you don’t have to prove gross negligence. Why? Because a gross negligence exception is unneeded if there is no legislation on such car parts. So where do you go to read about your rights for those car parts? You look in the Civil Code and apply the general sections on damages caused by someone’s negligence (s.1457). The link between a Town’s fault and the damages to your car must be proven but the bar is lower; no need to prove gross negligence. You simply show your Town did not take reasonable measures to prevent the damages from occurring, which is easier. It is crucial to file your claim with the Town in writing within 15 days of the clunk incident. If it has to go to Small Claims Court you have six months to file a claim there. No fancy legal loopholes here. In your letter state clearly you are making a monetary claim explaining why you believe the Town has been negligent. Include photos - pothole width and depth, precise location, damage to your car. Submit an access to information request to find out how often the road was inspected and maintained. Phone them to let them know about this pothole but first ask if they knew about it. Now you see the pertinence of this question. An alternative is trying to claim from your insurer but coverage varies and, if covered, it’s considered a collision which affects your record. Please send your legal questions to editor@yourlocaljournal. ca Website of law office:

Thursday, December 1, 2016



Walk to Bethlehem in St. Lazare re-enacts the Christmas story of 2000 years ago Hudson Community Baptist Church welcomes thousands from far and wide

James Parry Your Local Journal

For 12 years now, thousands from miles around have flocked to a little church in St. Lazare at this time of year to participate in a walk unlike any other. Namely, a flickering torch-lit Walk to Bethlehem in what is a unique re-enactment of the original Christmas story. That church is the Hudson Community Baptist Church on Côte StCharles in St. Lazare just above the Four Corners at the intersection of Route Harwood where its spacious grounds - formerly riding stables - are transformed into ancient Bethlehem with over 130 costumed cast, along with another 100 behind-the-scenes volunteers, serving as singers, actors, carpenters, costume makers, parking lot attendants, cookie bakers, and so much more to make it a truly unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages. They will then be guided to 12 ‘stations’ complete with live animals, a bustling marketplace, shepherds with real sheep, singing angels, wisemen, King Herod, Roman soldiers, and Mary and Joseph and the child Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes in the

stable barn. It all begins with visitors being shepherded through the Roman gates into a welcome centre where a costumed guide sets the stage for the journey that casts them as fellow travellers who must obey the law of the land while on their way to Bethlehem to pay taxes and be counted in the recentlyannounced census. They are given a shekel coin and a ‘passport’ which they must keep for the duration of the tour in order to experience the sights and sounds of life as it was 2000 years ago. If not, they could be thrown in jail by centurions only to be released, perhaps contingent upon the rest of their group singing a song or paying a special fine. Music, performed by 85 singers and musicians, is an important part of the evening, as are live animals including goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, and alpacas. And after the memorable visit to Bethlehem, visitors are transported back to the 21st Century to warm up inside the Christmas Café to enjoy hot chocolate and homemade cookies, pastries, and cakes baked by an army of volunteers. And where they can chat with some of the cast or meet with friends while listening to beautiful live


PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given by Diane Duhaime, Assistant Town Clerk



Lot 1 832 421 462 Ridge

Lot 1 832 421 462 Ridge

Le Conseil de la Ville d’Hudson, lors d’une séance qui se tiendra au Centre communautaire, 394 rue Main, le lundi 16 janvier 2017 à 19 h 30, statuera sur une demande de dérogation mineure pour un immeuble situé au 462 rue Ridge et portant le numéro 1 832 421 du cadastre du Québec, aux fins suivantes :

The Hudson Town Council, at a meeting to be held at the Community Centre, 394 Main Road on Monday, January 16th, 2017 at 7:30 pm, will rule on a request for a minor derogation for an immovable located at 462 Ridge Road and known as lot 1 832 421 of the Quebec Cadastre, for the following purposes:

d’autoriser que la marge latérale droite pour un garage détaché en cour avant soit de 1.20 mètres c’est-à-dire 3.30 mètres de moins que la marge minimum permise de 4.50 mètres établie par l’article 801 g) tableau 7 du règlement de zonage numéro 526 de la Ville d’Hudson;

Authorizing that the right side setback for a detached garage in front yard be 1.20 metres, that is 3.30 metres less than the permitted setback of 4.50 metres established by the article 801 g) Table 7 of the Town of Hudson’s Zoning By-Law No 526;

le tout tel que montré sur le plan B 10 000-2, minute 16 486 daté le 3 octobre 2016, préparé par Claude Bourbonnais, a.g.

as shown on plan B 10 000-2, minute 16 486, dated October 3rd, 2016, prepared by Claude Bourbonnais, a.g.

Toute personne intéressée peut se faire entendre devant les membres du Conseil relativement à cette demande, lors de la séance du Conseil municipal du 16 janvier 2017.

Any interested person may be heard before the Town Council members with regards to this request at the Council meeting of January 16th, 2017.

Donné à Hudson Ce 23e jour de novembre 2016

Given at Hudson this 23rd day of November 2016

Diane Duhaime Greffier Adjoint / Assistant Town Clerk YOUR LOCAL JOURNAL

Christmas carols. There is no charge for The Walk to Bethlehem, although donations to help cover the costs are appreciated. Visitors are also encouraged to take along a non-perishable food item to go to families in need, to be distributed by the Dorion Dream Centre food bank. As the historical re-enactment, which occurs this Friday and Saturday, December 2 and 3, takes place outdoors on sometimes uneven ter-

rain, warm clothing and sturdy walking shoes are recommended. Reservations are not necessary and tours, with either English or French guides, leave about every 10 minutes. The church is located at 3141 Côte St-Charles, Exit 22 from Highway 40, corner Route Harwood, and for more info go to walktobethlehem or call (450) 4581945.


Avis est, par les présentes, donné par Diane Duhaime, Greffier Adjoint



Guarding the gate of entry, Roman soldiers check out the ‘passport’ of Vaudreuil-Soulanges Liberal MP Peter Schiefke (right) as he was about to embark on a Walk to Bethlehem at the Hudson Baptist Community Church in St. Lazare this past weekend.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

AVIS PUBLIC est par les présentes donné par le soussigné, greffier-adjoint de la Ville que :

Demande de permis de démolition Le Comité de démolition a reçu, le 28 octobre 2016 une demande de permis de démolition pour le déménagement de l’immeuble existant sur le même terrain au 779 Main. Toute personne qui désire s’opposer à la délivrance de ce permis de démolition doit, dans les dix jours de la publication du présent avis, c’est-à-dire avant le 12 décembre 2016 ou, à défaut, dans les dix jours qui suivent l’affichage de l’avis sur l’immeuble concerné, faire connaître par écrit son opposition motivée au greffier adjoint soussigné. Les coordonnées sont : Diane Duhaime Greffier- adjoint, 481, Main, Hudson, QC J0P 1H0 Donné à Hudson Ce 23e jour de novembre 2016.

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, Assistant Town Clerk of the Town, that:

Request for a demolition permit The Demolition Committee received a request for a demolition permit on October 28th, 2016, for the moving of the existing building on the same property at 779 Main. Anyone wishing to oppose the granting of this demolition permit must make his/her objections known in writing to the undersigned Assistant Town Clerk, giving the reasons for his/her objections, within 10 days of publication of the present notice, that is before December 12th, 2016 or failing such notice, within ten days following the posting of the notice on the immoveable concerned. The co-ordinates are: Diane Duhaime, Assistant Town Clerk, 481 Main Hudson, QC J0P 1H0 Given at Hudson This 23rd day of November 2016.

Diane Duhaime Greffier Adjoint / Assistant Town Clerk

Yule the night away at benefit concert for the West Island Mission Bands with West Island ties fundraise for local charity Stephanie O’Hanley Special Contributor

On December 10, three bands with West Island roots – Rosebuddy, The Opera, and The Co-Conspirators – are holding a benefit concert for the West Island Mission food bank at the Pioneer in Pointe Claire. The promise? Three “smokingly awesome bands” inviting people to “come on out and yule the night away.” “We’ve done benefit concerts for different organizations but this is our first time for the West Island Mission,” said organizer Neil Briffett, Rosebuddy’s guitarist and vocalist, who teaches English at John Abbott College. As a teacher Briffett says he’s not

rich but he and his band are happy to donate their labour for a good cause. “A quarter to a fifth of our shows are benefit concerts. It’s the least we can do.” Rosebuddy has done benefits for Dans La Rue in downtown Montreal. But since so many band members are from the West Island, Briffett thought it would be interesting to do something for a local charity. “I looked around at different charities and the West Island Mission jumped out at me. “A student at John Abbott told me about them helping his family,” he said. “I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of them before,” Briffett said, adding that after he checked out their website, Continued on page 18


Rosebuddy band members Yuri Mohacsi (left), Neil Briffett, and James Misata (right) in promotional photo. Rosebuddy is one of three bands putting on a benefit concert for the West Island Mission food bank December 10 at the Pioneer in Pointe-Claire Village.

Thursday, December 1, 2016



PARRYWINKLE JAMES PARRY Over the past 12 years or so here at Your Local Journal, one of the joys that I get from writing this weekly column is meeting, and reporting on, PHOTO BY MAURICE JEFFERIES positive people and happenings in our fair burg. For sure, not always necessarily the stuff of Page 1. But always a vital part of what makes small towns with all their problems such as Hudson - real or imagined - a very special place in which to live and enjoy life. Since my beautiful Sunshine and I moved here almost 40 years ago this Christmas, I have been privileged to have met some very special individuals who are also proud to call Hudson home. And who, in their own multifaceted way, have shared in this vision. One of them being Constance ‘Connie’ Middleton-Hope who, after 63 happy and busy years in Hudson and now in her 90s, is moving this very day, Thursday, December 1, to a new home at the Maxwell Retirement Residence in Baie d’Urfé. --------------HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL - Caught up with Connie earlier this week to learn more about this very special lady and her reasons for moving. And in her inimitable style, albeit with a smile, she told me, “I am in my ninetieth year now. It’s time. That’s all.” Well, not quite Dr. Constance Middleton-Hope. For being the ‘in-depth investigative’ reporter that I am - and I cannot reveal my sources - here is what I have learned about Connie in recent days that I do believe her many friends and our readers would love to hear. Connie was born Constance Irene Mackay on November 1, 1927, in her parents’ apartment on Drummond Street in Montreal at five in the afternoon after her mother had been shopping at Ogilvy’s all morning. And that she always thought it significant that she arrived at cocktail hour! Having gone to school in Montreal and later at Marymount University in New York State, she would meet her late husband, Clark Middleton-Hope at a New Year’s party in 1951 and together they looked in Hudson for their first home because Clark had a cousin

who owned a cottage on Sandy Beach. Married two years later, they held their reception at their new house on Hillside in Hudson Heights when Clark carried his bride over the threshold in true romantic fashion. At a time when Côte. St. Charles was unpaved. Milk, butter, and eggs were delivered to the house daily. And the Wilson Company still harvested ice from the river for the CPR. Also that there were then three towns - Como, Hudson Heights, and Hudson - three mayors, and three councils. And that there were 10 trains a day to Montreal, starting at 6:30 a.m. and stopping at Alstonvale, Choisy, Hudson, Hudson Heights, and Como. The couple would have three children, all born in Montreal as the Lakeshore General Hospital did not exist. And they all went to Lois Thompson’s nursery school in her home on Main Road, and then to Mrs. Moffat’s kindergarten in the Wyman United Memorial Church basement. Then to Hudson High for Grades 1 through 11 when they walked to school and back as the house on Hillside was less than a mile away and buses then only picked up youngsters who lived over a mile from their school.


After 63 years in Hudson, Constance Middleton-Hope is moving on to pastures new in Baie d’Urfe.

--------------A REAL EDUCATION – Fascinated to learn that schools and education would go on to become the focal point of Connie’s career from 1961 to 1988. First as a teacher at Macdonald High School, then vice-principal of Sunny-


Taking a breather after cooking some 150 turkey dinners at Wyman United Memorial Church are Cody Gilmore, Lynn Sandquist, Karen Goldberg, and Heather Doyle.



Thursday, December 1, 2016


Local songstress Sarah Kemerer (right) serenades Hudsonite Peggy Shutler who turned 90 years young on Saturday, November 26, and who jumped up on a chair as the second sitting of Wyman’s turkey dinner that very evening broke out in spontaneous applause.

dale Elementary in Stanstead, Quebec, the first woman ever to become vice chair of the Superior Council of Education of Quebec, secretary general of the Lakeshore School Board, and deputy director general of the Conseil Scolaire de l’Île de Montreal. She would go on to work as program director for the Anglican Diocese of Montreal, found and become first president of Auberge Madeleine, a woman’s shelter still flourishing in Montreal. Also La Passerelle helping professional job seekers find new employment. And the list goes on. Including being president of Alliance Quebec in 1997 and, from 1998 until 2010, serving on the board of directors and then the executive of Centraide. And, in her ‘retirement years’, volunteering with the Hudson Historical Society, Hudson Village Theatre, and the VaudreuilSoulanges Palliative Care Residence in Como. Oh yes, from time to time, she could also be heard voicing her opinions - and in no uncertain terms - at Hudson Town Council meetings! Enjoy your new home in Baie d’Urfe Connie where they also have their very own council meetings as I am sure you are very well aware, of course. Suffice to say that you will be sorely missed here in Hudson. And, as the old saying goes, don’t be a stranger! --------------COMING CHRISTMAS CALENDAR - And now to the continuing Christmas calendar here in Hudson and immediate environs. (For photos of happenings this past week, check out our Facebook page.) First up, the Hudson Merchants Christmas Market, organized by the Société de Développement Commercial d’Hudson runs from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, 395 Main Road, on Friday, December 2, complete with a bagpiper playing festive tunes and a movie for the kids while you shop. This Saturday, December 3, the St. Thomas Aquinas Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting their Christmas & Craft Sale from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. in Reid Hall at 413 Main Road, with arts and crafts, decorations, assorted knitwear and, of course, their ever-popular bake table. Also on the same day, at 7:30 p.m., the big band music of the 306 Maple Leaf Concert Band returns for the second year in a festive Christmas concert at St. James’ Church Hall, 642 Main

Road. Admission, which includes a wine reception at intermission, is a non-perishable donation for Le Pont/ Bridging food bank plus a $20 ticket which can be reserved by calling (450) 458-5897 or (450) 458-5127. Also at St. James’ on Wednesday evening December 7, there will be the Greenwood Centre for Living History’s presentation of the Greenwood Singers’ Carols for a Mid-Winter’s Night comprising a wide variety of music particular to the Christmas Season and readings. Attendees are invited to Greenwood at 6 p.m. for coffee and dessert before the concert or at St. James’ Memorial Hall for mulled cider and homemade goodies following the performance. In either case, the concert will start at 7:30 p.m. with net proceeds being shared between the church and Greenwood. Tickets at $25 each are available from Frank Royle at or (450) 458-7316, Pure Art, 422 Main Road, or by reserving them direct from Greenwood at (450) 458-5396. --------------FEZTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS TREES - A little further afield, on the West Island but benefiting families - and particularly youngsters - from throughout our region, the Karnak Shriners are hosting a very special fundraiser for their operations, the Shriners Hospital for Children in Montreal, and the transportation fund that enables them to bring youngsters in from other jurisdictions for treatment at the hospital. It is called the FEZtival of Trees and it’s all happening at the Karnak Shrine Centre, 3350 Sources Blvd., Dollard des Ormeaux, at different times from Thursday, December 8, through Sunday, December 11. Learned from Karnak Shriner, Gary McKeown, who also plays such a big role in bringing the St. Patrick’s Day Parade to Hudson every year that local businesses have donated unique, fullydecorated Christmas trees which can be won by simply buying a raffle ticket. And not only will you win the tree, but also all the gifts contained in and under it. In addition, families are also offered a free photo opportunity with Santa. Ho, ho, ho! For more info, go to: And that’s a Christmas wrap! E-mail:

Engaging and beguiling tales of India the trademark of emerging Hudson author James Armstrong Your Local Journal

Local author Serge Sabourin and editor Jon Torell are launching their shared work, The White Handkerchief and Other Stories in Hudson Saturday, December 3. This is a maiden voyage not only for the book, a collection of five short stories, but also for their author, Sabourin. It all began when Sabourin made his first solo trip to India in 1973. “It was a different world back then,” he said of India in a recent interview. “I went to India to live with the people.” His love and respect for the people and country are clearly evident in his stories that are distilled episodes from a love affair that has developed over 40 years and 14 visits. Sabourin is a natural storyteller, a raconteur, who is able to report an event, bring it to life and let the characters of his tale relate directly with their audience. Each story is an episode in time, a slice of reality in a place where anything can happen and usually does. “They are real events, they really happened,” he said of the adventures described in the stories. Who could disbelieve the existence of a billboard advertising “Come and die in

Varanasi”? Language played a key role in his experience of India. “Everything was happening in English but it wasn’t their language,” said Sabourin whose native language is French. The distance between the languages created a space where a relationship without words was possible, according to the author. Fittingly, the process of writing the stories began with their telling. “I would tell my friends stories about my trips to India and they would say I should publish them,” he said. Instead, the stories were recorded and then transcribed by editor Jon Torell. “It took a lot of hours,” said Torell, a published author and poet in his own right. “I would listen to the tapes and then confirm with Serge,” he added. The end result was well worth the time and effort. Each story, although short, dramatic, and episodic, is complete in itself and leaves the reader wanting for more. “I would like to develop some of the characters further, tell more of their story” said Sabourin when asked if there are plans for further publications. “The genre is what Judith Isherwood calls ‘creative non-fiction’,” said Torell adding, “but I also call it magic realism.” Isherwood is editor in chief of


Hudson author Serge Sabourin reveals some of the mystery of India and his long-term love affair with its people.

Shoreline, the publisher of the collection of short stories. Author and editor will be present with copies of The White Handkerchief

and Other Stories at Crème Brulée Hudson, 429 Main Road, Hudson, from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, December 3.

Are you a caregiver?

DECEMBER is a month of celebration. This is why, the Parrainage Civique de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (PCVS) has planned a friendly Christmas party at La Maison Trestler. A traditional meal, music, dancing and warm exchanges are on the agenda. Please note that the PCVS of¿ces will be closed from Friday, December 23, 2016 to Tuesday, January 3, 2017, due to Christmas holidays. Activities for the month of December: Support Group: Thursday, December 1st, 2016, from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Where: Alzheimer Society du Suroît (100 Harwood Blvd., Vaudreuil-Dorion) Subject: Mandate in the case of incapacity Christmas Party for Caregivers and Seniors: When: Friday, December 16th, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Where: Maison Trestler (85 Ch. de la commune, Vaudreuil-Dorion) Cost: Members: $22.50* Non-members: $25.00* (*Reminder: Registration and payment required before Friday, December 9, 2016) Mispa Nkuh Basa, Social Worker Parrainage Civique Vaudreuil-Soulanges 36A, avenue Saint-Charles, Vaudreuil-Dorion QC J7V 2K5 Tel. : 450 455-8986 # 225 This project is made possible with the ¿nancial help of:

Thursday, December 1, 2016



Legion News The next Friday night dinner will be held Friday, December 16. Call the Legion for your reservations, (450) 458-4882. Roast beef will be on the menu. There will also be a 50/50 Draw that evening. The winner of the 50/50 Draw at last week’s dinner was Harold Harvey. Congratulations. Monies raised at 50/50 Draws this winter will go to finalize the Cenotaph renovations prior to its rededication in April, 2017. New plaques are needed and also a sign for the area to be known as Place Vimy as well as some posts and chain around the monument. The next Cribbage night will be this Friday, December 2 at 7:30 p.m. This will be the annual Christmas

Crib night with lots of door prizes, sandwiches, coffee and some special prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Please note the earlier date for this one. Please don’t forget the Annual Christmas drive for the Veterans in Ste. Anne’s Hospital. (For specifics on items required, please see page 16). Our deepest condolences go out to Mrs. Anna Mae Martin and her family whose dear husband and Legion member, Judge Fraser Martin, passed away this past weekend. Are thoughts are with you at this sad time. Lest we Forget

YLJ Around the world


Hudson resident Barry Whatley just returned from an amazing safari in Western Zimbabwe that was the highlight of a recent trip through east and southern Africa. Although the drought lies heavily on the region, he says the variety of wild animals, including elephants, lions, and giraffes, were in full form and, of course, Barry took time to get caught up on the news back home in Your Local Journal.




Thursday, December 1, 2016

The English Gardener In praise of Poinsettia James Parry Your Local Journal

Alas, fellow gardeners, it’s time to move inside until spring. But that doesn’t mean that we still can’t share PHOTO BY GREG JONES our love of plants and beautifying our environment through this column in which in the coming winter months - and hopefully not too many - we will look at some great indoor plants. And, for want of a better term, fun stuff on the gardening scene. So as we approach Christmas and the holiday season, let’s begin with a plant that is right now cropping up for sale at local garden centres, supermarkets, and as a fundraiser for several worthwhile causes in our region. Including the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence in Hudson. Namely, Poinsettia. And here’s the reason why. The shape of the flower and its

leaves are sometimes thought of as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem which led the Wise Men to Jesus. The red-coloured leaves symbolizing the blood of Christ. The white leaves representing his purity. And then there is an old Mexican legend about how Poinsettia and Christmas first came together and it goes like this. According to the story, there was once a poor Mexican girl called Pepita who had no present to give the baby Jesus at the Christmas Eve services. And as she walked to the chapel, sadly, her cousin Pedro tried to cheer her up. “Pepita,” he said. “I’m sure that even the smallest gift, given by someone who loves him, will make Jesus happy.” Pepita didn’t know what she could give, so she picked a small handful of weeds from the roadside and made them into a a small bouquet. She felt embarrassed because she could only give this small present to Jesus. But as she walked through the chapel to the altar, she remembered what Pedro had said. She began to feel better, knelt down, and put

the bouquet at the bottom of the nativity scene. Suddenly, the bouquet of weeds burst into bright red flowers, and everyone who saw them was sure they had seen a miracle. And from that day on, the flowers were known as the ‘Flores de Noche Buena’, or ‘Flowers of the Holy Night.’ Fact or fiction? Who knows? But what a magical story. What I do know for a fact, however, is that Poinsettia plants are native to Central America, especially an area of southern Mexico known as Taxco del Alarco where they flower during the winter. Also that the ancient Aztecs called them ‘cuetlaxochitl’ and had many uses for them including using the flowers to make a purple dye for clothes and cosmetics and the milky white sap for a medicine to treat fevers. As to how it got its name? Because it was first made widely known by a man called Joel Roberts Poinsett, who was the first Ambassador from the U.S. to Mexico in 1825. Apparently, he had some greenhouses on his plantations in South Carolina and, while visiting the Taxco area in 1828, he became very interested in the plants. Immediately sending some of them to his home where he began growing them and sending them to friends and


Surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands, of Poinsettia that he has grown in St. Lazare, John Van Egmond, owner of Hudson Greenhouses which is not open to the public, takes a brief break from delivering them to stores, boutiques, and garden centres throughout the region.

botanical gardens. The rest, as they say, is history. And to put everything in perspective - according to an unknown writer - winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer. When they complained about the heat! Until next time! E-mail:

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Saint-Lazare Food Drive





Thursday, December 1, 2016



Veterans’ Christmas gift drive Christmas Show WĞƟƚ &ƌŝƐŬĞƚ Ğƚ ůĂ ĨƵƐĠĞ ƉŽůĂŝƌĞ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͕ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϭϬ͕ ϮϬϭϲ Ăƚ ϭϬ Ă͘ŵ͘ ŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ ĞŶƚƌĞ ;ϭϯϬϭ ZƵĞ ĚƵ ŽŝƐͿ Musical show in French for children 3 to 10 years old ^ĂŝŶƚͲ>ĂnjĂƌĞ ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐ ŽŶůLJ͘ ƌŝŶŐ LJŽƵƌ ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ / ĂƌĚ͘ ŌĞƌ ƚŚĞ show, you could meet Santa Claus and his elves who will have a few suprises in store for you!

Sleigh Rides & Snacks ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͕ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϭϬ͕ ϮϬϭϲ͕ ϭϬ͗ϰϱ Ă͘ŵ͘ ƚŽ ϭϮ͗ϯϬ Ɖ͘ŵ͘ ŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ ĞŶƚƌĞ ;ϭϯϬϭ ZƵĞ ĚƵ ŽŝƐͿ dŚĞ ůƵď KƉƟŵŝƐƚĞ ǁŝůů ŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĞ ƐůĞŝŐŚ ƌŝĚĞƐ ĂŶĚ ǁŝůů ĚŝƐƚƌŝďƵƚĞ ĨƌĞĞ grilled cheeses and hot chocolate to all kids!

teen’zone party &ƌŝĚĂLJ͕ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ Ϯϯ͕ ϮϬϭϲ͕ ϲ Ɖ͘ŵ͘ ƚŽ ϵ͗ϯϬ Ɖ͘ŵ͘



Thursday, December 1, 2016

Once again this holiday season the Royal Canadian Legion Hudson Branch #115 is appealing to the community to support the annual Veterans’ Gift Drive. Sainte-Anne’s Veteran’s Hospital is home to some 300 Veterans of WWII and the Korean War. In addition to the older Veterans residing in Sainte-Anne’s, there are several younger Veterans of the Canadian Forces and the RCMP receiving rehabilitation for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following active duty. Items that would be most appreciated are: For Men (sizes L, XL) • Housecoats • Jogging suits / casual stretch pants • Cardigans with buttons • T-Shirts • Suspenders and belts For Women (sizes M, L, XL) • Cardigans with buttons • Jogging suits / casual stretch pants Toiletries: • Plastic toothbrush and denture containers • Plastic soap containers • Kleenex • Brushes and combs

• Hand lotion (AVEENO unscented brand) Please, no socks, underwear, soap, perfume or aftershave. Donations need to be new items, and the Hospital thanks you for your understanding in this matter. Cookies and chocolates are always welcome! The Veterans in Sainte-Anne’s come from all over Canada. The holiday season can be a difficult time of year to be apart from family, and the generosity of the local community goes a long way. Please support our Veterans, young and old, by dropping off unwrapped gifts, before December 16, at one of the following two drop-off points: • Hudson Legion, 56 Beach Road, (450) 458-4882 • Sainte-Anne’s Hospital itself, attention Johanne Grenier, Volunteer Services (514) 457-3440, ext. 2399. Thank you! Lest we forget.

Destination Salaberry-de-Valleyďƒželd Going the extra mile at Prestige Ford Ju l e s - P i e r r e Malartre Special contributor

If you like your car shopping experience with a little hockey thrown in, you should definitely head out to Prestige Ford in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. Richard Aitken, proprietor of Prestige Ford, is a lifelong hockey fan that also likes to bring his passion for hockey into his work by associating his business with Montreal Canadiens hockey players in order to bring joy to his local community. “We reach an agreement with the player, and the player comes on-site to sign autographs. We’ve done that in the past with three other players. We started in 2009 with Hal Gill, who was our spokesperson for two and a half years until he was traded with the Nashville Predators,� Richard said. “We want to please our clients. We want to please people in our community. By associating with a Montreal Canadiens player, especially Shea Weber who is a star player, we attract a lot of people. We had 600 people showing up for our November 9 event. Our goal is to attract people and to make them happy. “This is how we stand out from the







Š Rick Diaz Photography

Š Michel Verdure / NCL

Š Steve Beaudet / NCL


competition. I am a hockey fan myself. I started playing hockey at age six and I stopped at 44. For me, when I was young, meeting a Montreal Canadiens player was an extraordinary event. I met Ken Dryden once, and I couldn’t sleep for two weeks. I imagine that it’s the same thing for today’s youth.� Following the event with Shea Weber, comments came pouring in for three days on Prestige Ford’s Facebook page. “There were mothers commenting that their kid could not sleep that night. I spent three days thanking people for their comments. We did not receive a single negative comment. It was a huge success.� There are nearly 600 pictures on Prestige Ford’s Facebook page commemorating the event with Shea Weber, a vibrant testimony of Richard’s passion for bringing joy to his community. “We posted pictures on Facebook and invited people to download their picture with Shea.� The next event is being planned and Richard is aiming for March 2017. There are many car dealerships in our region. Many will tell you that their customer service is what differentiates them from the competition, Continued on page 21

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destinationvalleyďƒž Thursday, December 1, 2016



Home and Estate Open Houses


Sunday December 4th, 2016 2:00PM to 4:00PM HUDSON


34 Rue Westwood $435,000 Steffen Servay 514-713-7833 Groupe Sutton-Distinction Inc.

49 Rue de la Coopérative, #302 $152,513 + GST/PST Marc Leduc 514-795-0638 Groupe Sutton-Distinction Inc.

205 Rue de la Seigneurie $339,000 Debbie Middleton 514-232-3539 Royal LePage Elite


300 Main Road $269,000 Paul & Diane Laflamme 514-793-4514 Royal LePage Village Hudson Inc.

Our Focus... YOUR News

9 Rue Fleurie $229,000 Helen Henshaw 514-703-8981 Royal LePage Village Hudson Inc.

SOUTH GLENGARRY, ONTARIO 4499 County Road 34 $229,000 Rhonda Greenfeld 613-330-5584 Royal LePage Performance Realty Inc.


Hudson. 17 Rag Apple. Grandiose custom-built home located in presƟgious Alstonvale. #13763607

OPEN HOUSE, Sun., 2 – 4 p.m.


Asking $999,000 ResidenƟal Real Estate Broker SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY QUEBEC

“it certainly struck me as the right cause.” “Wow, this is so great!” said Wendy Gariepy, West Island Mission’s Director of Operations. Gariepy said the West Island Mission was also chosen this year to receive funds for its Christmas baskets from a December 4 Bands for Baskets fundraiser. “It’s always nice to find some new people to notice you.” In late summer when Briffett got the idea of doing a benefit concert, he discussed it with a band called The Opera, whose members include Andrew Brock and Ryan Maydan, two friends who teach in John Abbott’s English department. “We’ve never played together even though we’re good friends,” he said. “The Co-Conspirators is an offshoot of a band I’ve known for a long time.” Briffett said. When he approached Will Richards, a guitarist he’s known for 25 years, he initially thought Richards would bring his band, Sawtooth. “He’s (Richards) the one who suggested The Co-Conspirators. I said, sure, why not start the evening with something more acoustic? He and his partner Katherine Simons, she’s got a great voice, I’ve seen her play before, they’re going to be doing a short set of their own original compositions.” “Generally speaking all three bands play original material, they’re not cover bands,” he said.

OPEN HOUSE, Sun., 2 – 4 p.m.


Bea Jarzynska

Continued from page 11

Steīen Servay Real Estate Broker GROUPE SUTTON DISTINCTION INC.


Hudson. 34 Westwood. Colonial. 4+1 bedrooms. 2+1 baths, Serious renovaƟons. Wood Ňoors. Brand new master bathroom. Oĸce/studio with separate entrance. 20,500 sq. Ō. lot. Film, photos, info at: www.Steī

Briffett said the four-piece band The Opera is “hard to describe… a little bit atmospheric, moody, angular, very dense sort of music, but incredibly entertaining and a very good live band.” As for Rosebuddy, a rock-pop trio, “we have songs that will either tear your head off or weep over your decapitated corpse.” The Pioneer is a “good, central location,” he said. “We were looking around and said, okay, that will be the place,” Briffett said. “All three bands have sort of West Island roots, so it’s kind of a nice combination. A lot of people have said ‘oh next time you’re playing, let me know’ but if we’re playing downtown they’re not going to go schlep their way and so we figured okay, this is a nice middle ground. People from the West Island can go and people from downtown can come as well or off-island.” There’s no need to bring a canned good donation. “Frankly what we’re doing is just asking for $7 at the door and we’re also going to be passing a hat if people want to hand over additional money, because canned goods, I’m sure they’re getting that from other places. I just want money for them.” The benefit concert for the West Island Mission takes place Saturday, December 10, 2016, from 9 p.m. to midnight at the Pioneer Resto Bar, 286 Lakeshore Rd. For more information and to learn more about the bands, visit events/1119608701468852/

$339,000 Debbie Middleton Real Estate Broker



Hudson. 205 Rue de la Seigneurie. NEW LISTING! Completely renovated and painted 2+2 bedroom bungalow. 2 full bathrooms. Large living room with paƟo doors opening onto backyard. 2-car garage. 23,000 sq. Ō. lot. #28487599

OPEN HOUSE, Sun., 2 – 4 p.m.

OPEN HOUSE, SUN., 2 ͵ 4 P.M.

Put your featured homes of the week on this page! South Glengarry

Rhonda Greenfeld Sales RepresentaƟve





4499 County Road 34. Lovely 2-storey home aƩached insulated garage on 1 acre lot. 3+1 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, natural gas heaƟng and central AC. Finished basement. #1035261


Just call 450-510-4007

Thursday, December 1, 2016



Rigaud. 49 Rue de la CoopéraƟve, #302. BeauƟful 2-bedroom condo in charming Rigaud. Large kitchen with island, your choice of ŇoaƟng Ňoor for bedrooms and living room. Ceramic in kitchen and bathroom. 5-year warranty. #11295913


To submit your “Things to See and Do”, send your information to before Monday noon. All announcements should include dates, times and addresses. Publishing priority will be given to free events, non-proϔit, and community based groups. DOLLARD DES ORMEAUX The Feztival of Trees takes place December 8 to 11, a 4-day public event where local businesses and organizations donate fully decorated Christmas Trees (artificial) that are displayed and raffled off one-by-one to the public. Each tree winner will receive their very own uniquely decorated Christmas tree, plus all the gifts contained in or under the tree. Values will range based on decor and gifts chosen by each Tree Sponsor. All funds raised by the Feztival of Trees cover the operating expenses of the Karnak Shrine Centre incurred over the course of the year. Join us at 3350 Sources Boulevard. More info at info@ HUDSON The last Rendez-Vous luncheon of 2016 will be held at Hudson’s Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, 394 Main Road, Tuesday, December 6. The guest speaker will be Lee-Ann Lynn. Lunch is served at 12:30 p.m. The price is $5. Greenwood presents an Old-Fashioned Christmas with carols, readings, fiddles and home-baked goodies on Sunday, December 4, at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m., and on Sunday, December 11, at 1:30 pm and 3:30 p.m. Tickets: $15, available at Boutique Pure Art, 422 Main Road, or by calling (450) 458-5396. The Greenwood Singers present their Christmas concert ‘Carols for a Midwinter Night’ on Wednesday, December 7, at 7:30 p.m. at St. James Church, 642 Main Road. Tickets: $25 (includes reception). Receptions: choice of pre-concert dessert and coffee at Greenwood, 254 Main Road, at 6 p.m. OR post-concert refreshments at St. James Church. Tickets available at Boutique Pure Art or by calling (450) 458-5396. Mount Pleasant School is hosting a Holiday Craft Fair Saturday, December 3, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 97 Mount Pleasant Street. All crafts under 10$. Free gift wrapping for kids buying for parents. Bake sale and used books sale. An Evening of Christmas Readings will be presented by the Hudson Players Club. For many people this 30-year-old tradition signals the start of the festive season. Tables decorated with fresh pine and candles, mulled drinks and goodies prepared by the club members and, of course the readings, all chosen and read by the talented members of the club and reflecting the season. The date: Friday December 9 at St. James’ Church Hall, 642 Main Road. Doors open 7 p.m. for

8 p.m start. All are welcome. For more info call Mary at (450) 458-4185. Christmas Concert with 306 Maple Leaf Wing Concert Band takes place Saturday, December 3, at 7:30 p.m. at St. James’ Church, 642 Main Road. Join us for festive music and wine and cheese reception at intermission. Please bring a non-perishable food donation for Le Pont/ Bridging Food Bank. Tickets $20 are available at the door. For more information call (450) 458-5127. The Santa Claus Parade takes place Sunday, December 4, at 1 p.m. This year’s theme is Crazy Christmas Trees. Parade begins at Westwood Senior High School on Côte St. Charles and heads eastward along Main Road to the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre. Bring the little ones to meet Santa after the parade and enjoy a free cup of hot chocolate. The December Book Sale takes place at the War Memorial Library, 60 Elm Street starting at 2:30 p.m., Monday, December 5, and runs until Saturday, December 10. Books for Christmas presents are featured. For more info consult PINCOURT CASCA Vaudreuil-Dorion will be holding an adoption day Saturday, December 3, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., at Faubourg de l’Île Shopping Centre, 101 Cardinal-Léger Blvd. For information regarding our adoption days, contact or visit our website at www. Please note that adoption fees are requested to help us with our vet bills and other costs associated with the wellbeing of the cats under our care. POINTE CLAIRE The Lakeshore Stamp Club will meet Thursday evening, December 8, at 7:30 p.m. Meetings are held at St. John the Baptist Church, 233 Ste. Claire Avenue. Activities include philatelic discussion groups, stamp talks as well as exchange, display, and

collection of postage stamps. Visitors welcome. More info at STE. ANNE DE BELLEVUE ‘A Gift of Light, New Reflections on an Old Story’ is the 6th in a series of successful road shows given at Union Church. As with previous shows, it features a diverse selection of music and images in a highly integrated 90-minute presentation, including an 18-voice choir, soloists, and an instrumental ensemble. Come join us for an exciting and thoughtprovoking event, and experience this old and familiar story in a new way. Saturday, December 17, 8 p.m., and Sunday, December 18, 2 p.m. Union Church, 24 Maple Street. Tickets $25. Part of the proceeds go to support displaced Syrian refugees. For info and reservations, contact Jan Langelier at (514) 453-7103 or DivorceCare For anyone struggling with the effects of separation or divorce. Begins Tuesday, January 10, 7 p.m. Pre-registration required, $25 for materials. St. George’s Church, 23 Perrault Avenue. More info at (514) 457-6934 or The Sainte-Anne Singers present ‘O Nata Lux,’ featuring music that celebrates the promise of light in the midst of darkness including three settings of the text ‘O Nata Lux’ by Thomas Tallis, Morten Lauridsen, and Guy Forbes. Concerts take place Saturday, December 10, 8 p.m. at Union Church, 24 Maple Avenue, and Sunday, December 11, 3 p.m., at St. Mark’s Church, 865 Lakeshore, Dorval. The group is proud to announce the launch of their 30th anniversary CD, ‘Nuits d’hiver,’ a collection of Christmas and winterthemed music. For more information, visit

The Lakeshore Chamber Music Society presents the Quavaria Ensemble in the third concert of their season. In the spirit of the season, this vocal and instrumental ensemble will perform Christmas related music from the Renaissance to the 20th century. The concert takes place at Union Church, 24 Maple Avenue on Friday, December 9, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets available at the door; adults $20, seniors (60+) and students $15, children 16 and under: free. Come and enjoy an evening of beautiful music as well as an after concert reception with refreshments. For more details please visit www.lakeshorechambermusic. org. VAUDREUIL-DORION A free workshop on Anxiety & Stress Management will be given in English Thursday, December 8, 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. at Réseaux Emploi Entrepreneurship, 430 Harwood Boulevard., Unit 130. Because there will be limited seating, interested individuals need to RSVP at (450) 424-5272 ext. 227, or by email at A free information session on the Energy East Pipeline Project will be given Monday, December 12, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Centre Multisports de Vaudreuil-Dorion, 3093 boulevard de la Gare. UQAM professor Éric Pineault will be discussing the pipeline, its function, the immediate dangers it poses, the oil sands complex, nature, ecological, economic and social impacts followed by a question period. Presentation will be given in French. English questions will be accepted. For more info, contact Katherine Massam at (514) 619-7635.

GriefShare 13 week seminar and support group for those going through loss and grief following the death of a loved one. Begins Tuesday, January 10, 7 p.m. Pre-registration required, $25 for materials. St. George’s Church, 23 Perrault Ave. Ste Anne de Bellevue, QC. 514-457-6934. www.griefshare. org.

WANT TO TRAIN YOUR BRAIN? Forget about apps, forget about puzzles…


Musical training can have a dramatic impact on your brain’s structure, enhancing your memory, spatial reasoning and language skills. Attend our ORIENTATION/REGISTRATION SESSION for new members on December 15, 2016 from 7:30 to 9:00 pm at Beaconsfield United Church, 202 Woodside Rd., Beaconsfield NO MATTER YOUR AGE OR LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE Have some experience? Join our already established Beginner Band II. No experience but ready to learn? Join the Beginner Band I. For additional information go to or call 514-242-4831

Thursday, December 1, 2016












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Our Focus...Your News 20


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Where’s Your Card? 450 510-4007



MLS 12640014 $179,900

right & Airy 3 bedroom open concept bungalow in quaint neighbourhood. 20x16 shed/ workshop with electricity on private 16,000 sf lot with mature trees. Basement has exterior entrance & urethane insulation. Located minutes from Rigaud ski hill, hiking trails and shops. Recently renovated & updated, move-in ready!



MLS 17674139 $299,000

harming Hudson farmhouse on a private 104,068 sf agricultural lot. City water, detached garage, barn and sheds. Tucked between exit 28 and 26. Lots of potential.

Prestige Ford

Continued from page 21 but very few actually live up to Richard’s standards of customer service. “It’s our drive to do it right for the clients. We are driven to please our cli-



MLS 15028055 $194,000

EW 2014 semi-detached BUNGALOW. 2 bedrooms, plus option for a 3rd in spacious wide open semi¿nished basement. Upgraded unit with wood stairs, two tone kitchen, thermopump (A/C+heat) and pave-unie patio and wood deck. Located within minutes of elementary school, beach and Hwy 20 with go-karting and McDonalds.



MLS 14380680 $314,500

uplex in TOP locations! Fully rented, Revenues $22,232/year. Lower unit consists of 2 bedrooms + spacious low un¿nished basement, garage and a huge shed with electricity. Lot’s of potential for improvements!!! Upper unit is a bright well laid out 3 bedroom apartment. Property is fenced and private with mature cedar hedge.

ents. Our slogan is ‘Prestige Ford, the dealership you can trust’”. Richard and his staff will go out of their way to help a client in need. “A few weeks ago, a client who was in a bad fix came around the dealership on Saturday, after we were closed. I was still there and hurried to open the

door for him. He had problems with his car. We took it in and lent him a courtesy vehicle.” Such care above and beyond the call of customer service is part of the message that Richard wants to send out to his clients. “All we do is make our clients happy.” Prestige Ford is located at 1275

boulevard Mgr Langlois in Salaberryde-Valleyfield, only 10 minutes away from Vaudreuil. You can visit their Facebook page at prestigefordinc or webpage at www. You can also reach any of Richard’s friendly staff at (450) 3710711 or (888) 927-1741.






Peter Byrne, Consulting Engineer

Caroline Courey, M E M B E R I F C

Marilou Leduc

Taxes and Accounting 438 Main Road, Hudson Tel : 450-458-0406,


Aumais Chartrand

100 boul. Don Quichotte, bureau 12 L’Ile-Perrot, QC J7V 6C7 Ph: 514-425-2233 ext. 229


Shantiom Inc.

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Bryan Todd, B. Comm (Acct.)

Building structural, foundation and waterproofing expertise, reports and expert testimony. 514 594 5140,

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Karine Joly, MSW, TS, Family Mediator

Brazolot Migration Group

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Nova Hudson

Nursing care, palliative care, cancer care, foot care, family support, volunteer services and adult day centre. 465 Main Rd, Hudson, Suite 202 (450) 458-5727

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Investment Advisor Raymond James Ltd. 2870 Route Harwood, St-Lazare 450.202.0999

Dr. Don Littner & Dr. Morty Baker 472 Main Rd, Suite I, Hudson QC, J0P 1H0 Ph. (450) 458-5334

Jeffrey Quenneville

35 Wharf Road, Hudson, QC (450) 458-2186


Jean-Pierre Boyer

L.L., L., D.D.N. 1576 C Ste. Angélique, St. Lazare Ph. (450) 455-2323

ORTHODONTISTS Dr. Amy Archambault Dr. Paul Morton

Your Local Specialists in Orthodontics 3206, boul. de la Gare, Suite 160 Vaudreuil-Dorion (450)218-1892



Affiliated BRUNET 1771 Ste. Angelique, St. Lazare Ph. (450) 424-9289


Sylvi Lafontaine

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drs. Martina Kleine-Beck Psychologist 514.265.1386 martinakb _ 58@


Sandy Farrell, Davis Facilitator Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD & Learning disabilities can be corrected. (450) 458-4777

Thursday, December 1, 2016



CLASSIFIEDS SECTIONS 100- For Sale 125- For Rent 150- Services

175- Wanted 200- Careers/Employment 225- Financial Services

View, submit & pay your ad online at or e-mail:

450 510-4007

250- Real Estate Sale 275- Garage/Moving Sale 300- Miscellaneous

325- Autos for Sale $24.95 until it sells

350- Legal

1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks

$15 $20 $25

100 - FOR SALE

125 - FOR RENT



Dry Firewood. Stacking and kindling available. Very reasonable. Dan: 514-291-1068

Small house for rent in Hudson Village. 4½ rooms, fully furnished, fireplace, large property. Immediate occupancy, by month or lease. 450-458-4608 (161201)

PIANO PIANO PIANO Fine tuning $88. Regulation, voicing, repairs, all makes and models, any condition, Grands and Upright pianos, keep your piano tuned, enjoy music. Text or call 514-206-0449. Thank You! (170309)

Handyman/Contractor, reliable, 20 years experience. Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, cement work/repairs, decks. Structural experience. No job too big. Discounts for future contracts. Derek 514898-4392 (161201)

Jacques Harvey Piano School. Experienced, qualified teacher offers piano lessons to beginners or advanced students. Children and adults are welcome. Call 450-455-1544.

Handyman / Renovations. Reliable. Over 25 years experience. NO JOB IS TOO SMALL. I do bathrooms, kitchens, ceramics, wood floors, plumbing, etc. Free estimate. Patrick 450-206-0588 (161208)

Firewood, 2 years dry hardwood, 80% Maple. Bois de chauffage, bois franc sec de 2 ans, 80% Érable. 450-424-8001 or 438-822-2399 (161201) SPECIAL - FIREWOOD: Dry firewood $80/cord (hardwood), minimum 6 cords (delivery included); 8 – 10 cords firewood (16 foot lengths) $500 per load (delivery included). 514-708-4518 (161215) Large Elmira fireplace insert for sale, showroom condition, $950. 450-458-5115 (161201) Downsizing time! Upright piano, treadmill, large art easel, artist’s desk and lamp, 5 drawer blueprint flat file, metal storage racks, mat cutter, small fridge, bookcases, pine armoires, small pine table and much more. Call 450-458-5388 (161201) In house Xmas craft sale, 2602 Côte St. Charles, St. Lazare. Open Saturdays and Sundays, starting November 26 to December 18, 10am – 5pm. Lots of handmade ornaments, interior and exterior flower arrangements, decorated wreaths and more. Closed December 4. (161208) Blizzak WS80, 4 new winter tires on Dodge Caravan rims, size 215/70/R15 $300. Dunlop Graspic DS, 4 winter tires on Hyundai rims, size 195/60R/15 - $100. Rovelo RWT-768, 4 winter tires, size 195/65R/15 -$100. 514-946-1395 (161208) 2009 Kawasaki quad ATV KFX450 fuel injection. 4 studded tires and 4 snow tires included. Very nice condition. Asking price $3900. 514-996-6965 (161208) Honda generator model EM6500SX, approximately 6 years old, excellent condition - $400. 450-458-0380 (161201) Side-by-side General Electric refrigerator with ice maker and water supply, Frigidaire stove and Westinghouse convection oven. All are in good working condition. $650 for all three. 514-668-9718 (161215) 4 Michelin X-ICE snow tires, size 185/65 R15, used 2 seasons on Prius, 7/32-9/32 $120. 3-drawer bi-lateral FILING CABINET, all drawers lock, nearly new, beige - $100. 450202-1205 (161201)

125 - FOR RENT Bright studio apartment available, close to Hudson village. Heating and electric included. Washer, dryer, full kitchen, $550 per month. No smokers, no pets. Contact 514294-3627 (161201) BEAUTIFUL OFFICE SPACE available in Place Cameron (corner Cameron/Main) in downtown Hudson. 500 square feet of bright office space with many windows overlooking Main Road. Please call 514608-4958 or email (161215) OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: Beautiful, modern, recently renovated upper floor office space available for rent in Hudson. Available immediately, fully furnished. Includes 5 offices and 1 large conference room. Please call Katherine or Annabel for inquiries at 450-458-0101 (161215)



Recently renovated 3 bedroom cottage, 1 bath for rent, Hudson village. All appliances included, private deck and yard. $1350 per month, available immediately. No dogs. 514-817-0260 (161208)

150 - SERVICES Piano Tuning - Experienced local piano technician offering quality tunings and skillful repairs. Improve the sound and touch of your piano with hammer voicing and action regulation. Marc Lanthier 514770-7438 Cleaning ladies available, weekly, biweekly or occasionally. 20 years of experience with same clients. All have: attention to detail skills good work ethics motivated by perfection glowing references Call and leave message 450-458-0251 (161208) Cleaning ladies wanted, experienced or not. We will teach you how to be a fivestar cleaner. Must be energetic, a perfectionist, possess a good work ethic. Jobs supplied after passing the course. Leave message 450-458-0251 (161201) APPLE MAC SUPPORT since 1983 Variable Rates Initial Hour Free – Upgrades Troubleshooting Bootable Backups System Analysis & Advice – 450-853-0534 Wolftech Inc. Since 2004. PC/Laptop repair, sales and services. Custom system builds. Software/hardware upgrades, virus - malware removal. Data recovery, network and internet troubleshooting. Pick-up or In-home service. Very competitive rates. Windows and other software tutorials. HTTP:// 514-923-5762 Paul’s Painting, small & large renovations. Call 514-900-5839 (161222) Professional Painter & Plaster - 10 years experience. $25/hour with free estimates. Both individual and team work available for any scale job. Contact Kayl at 514-5717813 (161201) “MAN WITH A VAN” MOVING. Whole house. Small moves, too! Quebec/Local/Ontario. Experienced/Equipped. Please leave a message 514-605-3868 MIKE THE MOVING MAN PROFESSIONAL RUSTPROOFING AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE. CALL MARTY AUTO BODY IN HUDSON AT 450-458-1148 (161215)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cleaning Services available weekly, biweekly or as needed. Attention to detail with a strong work ethic. Call for a free estimate. 450-458-8098 (161201) SINGING LESSONS. Private or SemiPrivate. In my home (St-Lazare). Sing the songs you love! Call Morgan. 514-6071308 References available. Vacuum Cleaner. Sales and repair of all brands, 40 years in service (Electrolux, Filter Queen, Kenmore and Central Vac). Central Vac Electron with bag, hose, accessories $675. Other brands available from $329 and up. Repair and service of all central vacuum systems. Parts and bags (all makes). Small appliance repair. Carpet cleaner rental available. Biodegradable cleaning supplies. Toilet paper $31.95/48 rolls. 67 McNaughten, Hudson, Quebec 450-458-7488 MEDIUM, PSYCHIC, SHAMAN, EXORCIST. Natural born gift. No cards or gimmicks. Clairvoyance & guidance. Contact of deceased. Shamanic energy treatments for pain & disease. Removal of ghosts, spirits & demons from homes, offices & people. Jarred Shaman Medium 514-621-6261 (161215)

Cleaning services available, weekly or bi-weekly. Hudson, St-Lazare sector. More than 10 years experience. References available. 450-455-0607 (161201) RENT-A-HANDYMAN! All projects big and small. Get that list of Things To Do done! Indoors and outdoors – no jobs too small. SENIOR DISCOUNTS! Time to hang those Christmas lights! 438-405-1891 (161215)

Ivan’s Garbage Removal will remove renovation debris and junk from houses, sheds, garages, basements. Also old fences, decks and balconies. Available 7 days per week. Call: 514-804-8853 Hedge and shrub trimming and planting, tree pruning and removal, stump grinding, gardening, fall clean-up and gutter cleaning. Grass cutting and sod. All exterior maintenance and general landscaping. Sean 514-991-9674 (161208)

175 - WANTED $ Buy car for scrap. Running or not, 24/7. Call 514-951-4203 A Military Collector looking for medals, flags, swords, uniforms, documents, helmets, hats, all related war memorabilia WWI, WWII, Canadian/German or others. Antiques, collectibles, aviation, nautical, coins, badges, maps, signs. Please contact Patrick 450-458-4319, patrick148@ca.inter. net, 2760A Côte St-Charles, St-Lazare, Reni Decors (161215) CALLS FOR SUBMISSIONS. Mystery writers may submit their best Police procedural whodunit short stories, between 6000 and 8000 words. Only one piece accepted. Current pay is $0.05/word for accepted stories with a $400 maximum. For additional information, Jean Bissonnette Family of five (no pets) is looking for a house to rent in or around Hudson. 3 - 4 bedrooms. 514-501-3197 (161215)

**MTL LANDSCAPING** - Fall Clean Ups / Leaf Removal. Small Trees & Hedges Trim, Cut, Clean Up, Removal 24h. *GRASS CUTTING 2017: Save 10% now, with or without a contract. Myles Truax 514-9293315 (161201)

Collector seeking older (pre 1960’s) Soft drink bottles and Soda advertising items from Montreal and this area; e.g. Leroux, Radio, Dorion, MacKimmie Lachute, Hawkesbury, etc. John 514-449-4969 or (161215)

Give your horse a Christmas present. Call Lancaster Equine Massage Certified. 1-613330-0637 (161208)


Local Experts in matters of Bankruptcy and Insolvency since 1994. First Consultation Free. Available Nights & Weekends. Solid reputation for Reliability, Honesty & Integrity in our field of Expertise. Blumer Lapointe Tull & Associes Syndics Inc. 514 426 4994 Registered Gun Smith. Number one buyer of used guns in Quebec. 514-453-5018 ¿Moving? All jobs. Reliable, reasonable, fully equipped. Local and Ontario, Maritimes, USA. 35 yrs experience. Call Bill or Ryan 514-457-2063. Moving Service, local, trailer rentals. Call Colin: 514-850-9948

Dépanneur Shaar is hiring cashiers. Please drop off your C.V. at the dépanneur at 58 Cameron in Hudson or email it to (161201) COUTURIÈRE demandée / Usine vêtements pour dames située à St-Clet. Temps plein. Équipe dynamique et environnement agréable. SEAMSTRESS position available / Ladieswear factory in St-Clet. Full time. Great team work! Experience sur/on Plain, Overlock & Coverstitch. Email CV à/to (161215)

Supplying the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Region

More Classifieds on page 23...

CLASSIFIEDS SECTIONS 100- For Sale 125- For Rent 150- Services

175- Wanted 200- Careers/Employment 225- Financial Services

View, submit & pay your ad online at or e-mail:

450 510-4007

250- Real Estate Sale 275- Garage/Moving Sale 300- Miscellaneous

325- Autos for Sale $24.95 until it sells

350- Legal

1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks

$15 $20 $25





I am a Chartered Professional Accountant with over 25 years of professional experience looking for new contracts to fill my week. I work mainly with entrepreneurs and small businesses. My services include GST/QST returns, Payroll, Full Cycle Accounting. 514797-8916 (161208)

Chevrolet Malibu LS sedan 2013 top condition, 77,175 kms, OnStar feature, 2 sets of tires on rims with steel mags. $10,950. 450458-0527

MG Midget MkII 1964 Red. 120,700kms, 1098cc, 1 litre, 56Hp, 4 cylinder. Hard and soft top, 4 new tires, new battery and suspension blades, tape player. A pleasure to drive and in very good condition. Ready for summer. $10,500. 514-528-8703

2002 Saturn SL1, 4 door sedan, 1.9L OHV 4 cylinder engine. Silver with charcoal interior and CD radio. Winter tires installed, summer tires available. 54,000km. Asking $2500. Repeat, 54,000km. 450-458-1321

Panoramic views, Covey Hill. 4 new box stall barn. Dressage ring, pasture, year round carpenter shop, 5 arpents, historic house, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, needs TLC, commute to Montreal 35 mins., $239,000. Patrick Pietry, Royal LePage Extra Bkr. 450802-7200, 450-829-2653 (161208) Largest Cortland Apple Producer in Quebec, located in St. Antoine Abbé. 70,000 bushels, with buildings. 140 acres. Patrick Pietry, Royal LePage Extra Bkr. 450-802-7200 or 450-829-2653 (161208) Maple Bush, 8,000 taps, plus 200,000 board feet of Red Oak, in Havelock. 140 acres. Patrick Pietry, Royal LePage Extra Bkr. 450-802-7200 or 450-829-2653 (161208)

325 - AUTOS FOR SALE 2005 NISSAN X-TRAIL. 200,000kms. One owner. New brakes - fully serviced all records available. Good summer and winter tires on rims. $4000 or best offer. 514-567-2428

Mercedes CLK 320 - 1999 - Convertible, Silver. 208,000 KM. $6,900. Call 514-216-9217. Ford Freestar minivan 2004, white, 4.2 litres, 132,000kms, 5 door, 4 seater, rear tinted windows, electric doors and windows, A/C, rust proofed, good condition, new brakes and discs, new spark plug wires, 4 winter tires, $2900. 450-458-7488 Hyundai Accent 2002, 1.5, automatic, blue, winter tires, good winter car, $800. 450-458-7488 BMW 325i, 2004, sport wagon, low mileage, 124,400km, metallic silver gray, fresh maintenance, very good condition. 4 winter tires. Best offer. 450-458-7081 2010 Volkswagen Tiguan Comfortline, 4-motion, Automatic. Panoramic sunroof, carrier support bars. 17” mags plus 16” winter mags. 163,000 kms. Fully serviced, top condition, new front brakes. White gold with tan interior. $10,800. 514-714-7363

1996 Honda Civic Si with multiple modifications: JDA B16A SIR II, cams, Exedy clutch, JDM ITR S80 LSD trans. w/short shift, urethane engine mounts, Sparco quick release steering wheel, Sparco seats w/Willans 4 pt. harness, Neuspeed sport springs w/Koni front shocks, frt/rear strut bars, stainless brake lines and much more. $6500 or best offer. 514-979-1603

2009 VW Rabbit, 2.5 litre, gas, 5-speed manual transmission, black, heated seats and mirrors, AC, power windows, locks, mirrors, sunroof and fog lights. 130,000 km. $9,600 Call 514-886-1008 1997 Ford Cobra Mustang SVT. Good condition. Triple black. New clutch. New tires. New magnaflow mufflers. Asking price $9500. 514-996-6965


Honda Civic Reverb 2 door, silver, 2005, manual, A/C, 6 CD player, brakes, brake pads, discs and bearings done late 2015, 288,000kms, great little car. Recent oil change and transmission fluid. 4 winter tires – 2 years old, $1800, 514-261-7043

Supplying the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Region

• Salary: $11.50/hr. • Day shifts • Must have a car Contact Siham at 514-906-4811

Condo for Rent or Sale in Saint-Lazare



In Memoriam



1992 Lincoln 192,000 km. V-8 auto, fully equipped, used for weddings, second owner, electric roof. Invested $12,000. Must sell (illness) $1250 Cash. 514-453-7468

2006 Mercedes CLS 500,Silver, never winter driven. 86,000 kms, very clean, $18,000 – negotiable. Call Ray: 514-668-9718.

2009 White Saturn Outlook, 8 passenger, 120,000kms, good condition, $9500. 438-8788587



BMW 550I 2007 Mint shape, New tires/ brakes all around, fresh maintenance. Second owner sale, 173,000kms. $9950. Fully equipped. View on Kijiji. Call 514-742-2779

MARTIN, The Honourable J. Fraser CD 1939 – 2016 Born in Greenock, Scotland, October 5, 1939, died in Hudson, Quebec, November 26, 2016.

Rent: $950 Sale: $206,000

Survived by his wife of 53 years Anna Mai Norwell and his children Micheline (Mark), Derek (Sonia), Francine and Colette (Michael) as well as eight grandchildren. Predeceased by his son Hal (Karen). He came to Canada with his parents in April 1953 and attended school at Rosemount High, then went on to Sir George Williams University for his BA and joined the COTC program of the Canadian Army rising to the rank of acting Major. Eventually he became Honourary Colonel of the Royal Canadian Hussars, retiring in 2010. After Sir George, he went on to McGill Law School from which he graduated in 1964. He practiced law for 16 years in Montreal and in 1983 was appointed to the Quebec Superior Court where he served for 31 years and very reluctantly retired in 2014. Fraser will be sorely missed by his family, friends, and many of his colleagues. There will be visitation on Thursday, December 1st, 2016 at: F. Aubry & Fils Inc. Funeral Home 434 Main Road Hudson – 450-458-7381 from 1pm to 4 pm followed by a short commemoration. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation, the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence Foundation, or a charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated.

• • • • • • •

4 1/2 (2 bedrooms) Hardwood Floors Throughout Crown Moulding Central Vac Gas Fireplace Roman Tub Separate Shower

• Air Conditioning • Walk-in Closet in Master Bedroom • Superior Sound Proo´ng • Walk to Bédard Park, IGA, Pharmaprix and SAQ etc... • Peaceful Neighbourhood

Call Monique (514)652-9484 Thursday, December 1, 2016



Your Local Journal Weekly Newspaper

(450) 510-4007



Thursday, December 1, 2016


Continued from page 5 Attendees who took the microphone continued to voice opposition to Stein Day’s decision to stay. Verdun Elementary School Governing Board member John Ranger said he did not accept Stein Day’s opening speech. “Don’t you understand the word ‘accountability’?” he asked. “You can’t just sit there and ignore what’s going on. I need to know that these very systemic problems that are coming out are not going to reoccur,” while retired teacher John Wilson said, in quoting English politician Oliver Crom-


Continued from page 3 The issue was also raised during the November St. Lazare council meeting when Masys asked at the time whether there was something the town administration could do to help. Mayor Robert Grimaudo replied there was nothing they could do. “Unfortunately, what the MRC has communicated is true,” said Grimaudo. “Hydro-Québec pretty much is an entity on its own. Municipalities have very little if no control over Hydro-Québec. The other problem is as the MRC mentioned, when it comes to Hydro-Québec, you can’t complain to anybody. “They’re the only people you can complain to and if they’re not willing to take action, the residents have very

well, “You’ve sat here too long to do any good. You’ve dishonoured this place and, in the name of God, go.” In addressing assembled media outside the meeting room, Stein Day refused to go into further detail on the nature of the ethics breaches, citing confidentiality. When asked how the board could move forward in light of the hostile response of the attendees, Stein Day said she had the support of every one of the commissioners and administration. “We’re going to move forward in a respectful manner,” she said. “I did not commit any wrongdoing, legally or morally. It was just a matter of understanding better my role (as chair) and my dealings with administration.”

little if no other options,” Grimaudo added. “It is definitely not a good situation and unfortunately Mr. Masys was not alone with have having issues with Hydro-Québec.” Hydro spokesperson Jonathan Petit replied by saying the utility will address concerns raised by the MRC about their service in the New Year. “Hydro-Québec is well aware about the complaints from the MRC and we are aware there are certain dossiers that they would like to discuss with us. We will meet with MRC representatives in January,” said Petit. “A date has already been set we will talk about how we can improve service for our customers in the MRC. HydroQuébec is already working harder to give better service to the population and we want to cooperate with all our customers and the MRC.”

When asked if she had bullied people or overstepped her powers, Stein Day replied, “I don’t believe so.” The sole voice or support willing to speak at the meeting came from a board staff member and school integration aid Claire Campbell. “Every one of these people has made mistakes,” she said. “To condemn her for having made a mistake

I feel, in my heart, is beyond acceptable. Does everyone who makes a mistake deserve to lose their job?” Soon after stating she committed no wrongdoing, legally or morally, Stein Day said, moving forward, she hopes to learn from her mistakes but will not step down, and fully intends to fulfill her mandate.

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Food drive to benefit Le Pont / Bridging Food Bank

Bring your non-perishable food items to our office up until December 20th 3100 Route Harwood, Suite 201 Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 8P2 Donations gratefully received Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fridays 10 a.m. until noon. Thursday, December 1, 2016



Discover your local businesses!

Yogalogy’s new centre in Vaudreuil-Dorion offers therapeutic yoga Stephanie O’Hanley

Special contributor

TRILINGUAL PRIVATE SCHOOL Teaching methods based on latest EDUCATION education Teaching research methodsinbased on ENGLISH, FRENCH AND SPANISH latest research in education PRESCHOOL TO AND GRADE 6 ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH K to Grade 6 PRESCHOOL TO GRADE 6

a few spots available for the current school year. Spaces MONTESSORI

available PRESCHOOL K to MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL FULL! Grade Register your child now for 2017-2018 6 Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC

Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC Registration open for 2017-2018

Its first yoga therapy centre only opened in Pointe-Claire a year ago but it’s already proved so successful that on December 1, Yogalogy will open the doors to a second location in Vaudreuil-Dorion near Hudson. Yogalogy offers yoga therapy combined with psychology to help with mental health difficulties, stress-related conditions and pain, said Chrystal Assee, Yogalogy’s owner and founder. “We use yoga therapeutically to help with those issues.” Assee, a mental health professional, certified naturopathic doctor and trauma expert, works at Yogalogy with her colleague, her identical twin sister, Faye Assee, who’s a psychotherapist who heads up Yogalogy’s family program. Both have been mental health professionals for over 15 years and are trained yoga therapists. Clinical yoga therapy services, private sessions which combine talk therapy with yoga therapy, meditation and relaxation training, include help with suicide prevention, suicide evaluation, family therapy, and therapy for adaptation problems and for learning difficulties and disorders such as autism, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and behaviour problems. “We also offer services for concussions and pain,” she said. “We’re the only ones dealing with concussions, as experts.” All services are bilingual, available in French and English, and Yogalogy issues receipts from a variety of insurance providers. “We work with various partners in the community,” she said. “We specialize in teenagers, children, families, couples, and individuals. We’re really specialized starting

from childhood to the elderly when it comes to mental health difficulties and stress. “We offer parent training and coaching,” Assee said. “We’re also going to be having seminars that have to do with mental health, with raising children with special needs. One of the first seminars, which is coming up, is detecting cyber-dependency and how to coach your children to use the internet without developing cyber-dependency. Help is also available for drug and alcohol rehabilitation and addictions. “One of our clinicians is an alcohol/drug and behaviour dependency expert,” she said. “We also offer therapeutic yoga classes where there’s no counselling,” Assee said. “We offer specialized programs for stress management, for anxiety management, for depression management, and for pain management.” Making a reservation via Yogalogy’s website is a must to participate in the group classes, which include restorative yoga, I Rest meditation programs, and Slow Flow Yoga. Right now Yogalogy is offering a special until the end of December: six signature yoga classes for $120 instead of $180. On Sunday December 11, from noon to 4 p.m., Yogalogy is holding an open house with seminars that give people a chance to meet different experts. Topics include Pain Management through Yoga, Mindful Parenting, Stress and its Overall Consequences on Health, and a seminar by doulas explaining what they do. “They’re going to be working out of our location,” Assee said. To reserve a class, visit and go to the Schedule section. To make an appointment or you have any questions, call (514) 952-9642 or email Chrystal Assee at

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

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