Your Local Journal - Dec. 3, 2015

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Only 25 minutes from Hudson




441 County Road 17, Hawkesbury, ON

Knitting needles + love = a warm welcome… See story on page 5 Vol. 13 No. 44 December 3, 2015

St. Lazare citizens have their say “It’s not the voting that’s democracy; it’s the counting.” - Tom Stoppard


St. Lazare resident Bruce Waters told Mayor Robert Grimaudo and council the town should reconsider and revise the scope of its proposed $10 million town hall project saying the current price tag is excessive and will add to the financial strain many residential taxpayers are facing. See story on page 3.

Festival of


Friday, December 4 from 6:00 pm Stephen F. Shaar Community Center 394 Main, Hudson PHOTO COURTESY RICHARD DUBOIS

Gathering with candles, Choir & Christmas carols Hot Chocolate Distribution Scottish Bagpiper à la Holiday spirit! Christmas Market from 3pm

Hudson Santa Claus Parade Sunday, December 6

Starts at 1:00 pm

Representatives of regional Organismes à but non lucratif (OBNL) were recently recipients of awards of $1000 each in the presence of managers and directors of la Caisse Desjardins de Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

Vaudreuil-Soulanges NPOs honoured by Desjardins Vaudreuil-Soulanges During an event held in VaudreuilDorion Multisports Centre November 25, Caisse Desjardins de Vaudreuil-Soulanges honoured 20 non-profit organizations (NPOs) that are Desjardins members from the Vaudreuil-Soulanges area by awarding $1000 to each of them. A total of $20,000 was distributed by officers and executives of the Caisse present at the event. In her message to participants, Pauline Thauvette-Leroux, Chair of the Board of Directors of Caisse Desjardins de VaudreuilSoulanges, stressed the importance of the NPOs and their volunteers to the social and community fabric of the region: “We hope that the financial support awarded this evening demonstrates our gratitude to the many volunteers who strive day by day

to improve our social environment in the communities where they work with your organizations. Their involvement pledges a meaningful expression to the generous mission of those who are eager to serve their respective communities, which we all hope to be as peaceful and prosperous as possible.” In addition to financial support, NPO representatives will receive a commemorative plaque with an official photograph of the presentation. The NPO evening is organized annually by Caisse Desjardins de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, since its merger in 2009. Over the years, the total awarded in grants has reached $395,000, benefitting over 200 Desjardins member organizations in the region.

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at the Community Centre after the parade!


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Thursday, December 3, 2015


St. Lazare residents ask council to rein in proposed $10 million town hall cost John Jantak Your Local Journal

Several St. Lazare residents asked Mayor Robert Grimaudo and town councillors to reconsider and revise its plans for its proposed new town hall which has been pegged at $10 million

held a registry signing that garnered 483 signatures opposing the loan bylaw, just 17 short of the 500 signatures required that could have resulted in a municipal-wide referendum being held on the issue. As it stands now, the town can proceed with town hall loan by-law.

When you have a $10 million project that might double or triple our debt and may skyrocket our taxes, you have a responsibility to your citizens to inform them and you bypassed it. - St. Lazare resident Bruce Waters during the Monday evening council meeting, December 1. The issue was raised during question period when about 10 residents took turns behind the microphone to voice their concerns about what they feel is an unjustified extravagant price tag that residential taxpayers will have to foot during a period of austerity. Opposition to the cost of the project comes just one week after the town

Resident Bruce Waters told council he’s concerned about the possibility that the $10 million loan amortized over 30 years at a proposed interest rate of 3.5 per cent could double or even triple the town’s current $12 million debt, especially if interest rates rise substantially in the future. “The actual loan by-law is not determined at this point,” said Grimaudo. “They’re just estimates at this point.


St. Lazare residents will be saying so long to the existing Town Hall that currently is housed in a 60-year-old former school following the November 24 registry signing that garnered 483 signatures – 17 short of the 500 needed to force the issue to referendum.

We are renegotiating certain loans right now at 2.5 per cent. It’s a 30-year loan but we can renegotiate the inter-

est rate every five years and in some instances it could be every year.” Continued on page 13

Saint-Lazare Food Drive

Donate! WůĂĐĞ LJŽƵƌ ĚŽŶĂƟŽŶ ŽƵƚƐŝĚĞ LJŽƵƌ ĨƌŽŶƚ ĚŽŽƌ͕ on Saturday, December 5. /Ĩ ǁĞ ĚŝĚ ŶŽƚ ŐĞƚ ƚŽ LJŽƵƌ ŚŽŵĞ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĂŌĞƌŶŽŽŶ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĚƌŽƉ ŝƚ Žī Ăƚ >Ă ^ŽƵƌĐĞ Ě͛ĞŶƚƌĂŝĚĞ͕ ϮϬϬϭ ŚĞŵŝŶ ^ĂŝŶƚĞͲ ŶŐĠůŝƋƵĞ͕ ƚŚĂƚ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ ƵŶƟů ϰ Ɖ͘ŵ͘ Žƌ ŽŶ DŽŶĚĂLJ͕ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϳ͕ ďĞƚǁĞĞŶ ϴ Ă͘ŵ͘ ĂŶĚ ϰ Ɖ͘ŵ͘

Volunteer /Ĩ LJŽƵ ǁĂŶƚ ƚŽ ǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌ͕ ŵĞĞƚ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ĐŚƵƌĐŚ ďĂƐĞŵĞŶƚ ;ϭϵϴϬ ŚĞŵŝŶ ^ĂŝŶƚĞͲ ŶŐĠůŝƋƵĞͿ Ăƚ ϴ͗ϯϬ Ă͘ŵ͘ ŽŶ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϱƚŚ͘ DĂŶŽŶ >ĞƌŽƵdž Ăƚ ϰϱϬ ϰϱϱͲϴϬϬϬ Žƌ ŝŶĨŽΛƐŽƵƌĐĞĚĞŶƚƌĂŝĚĞ͘ŽƌŐ ĨŽƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ

Thursday, December 3, 2015




It’s about time Despite clearing myriad hurdles, not the least of which included the cooperation of political forces from across party lines, Quebec’s dying with dignity legislation has encountered another setback with the federal government’s declaration that the law will contradict the Canadian Criminal Code. The work done last year by the Quebec National Assembly deserves our utmost praise and respect for having our province pave the way in Canada by addressing people’s rights in what’s arguably the most difficult and delicate scenario one will face in life. And though vocal opposition has arisen from some in the medical community and a number of private groups, the work done by the province has been nationally lauded as the Canadian government struggles to adopt a federal policy on the topic. The law allowing medically assisted suicide that was to pass December 10 has been pushed back to February 6 and, if its historical trajectory is to be analyzed, is likely to encounter further delays. It’s all well and good for those with the luxury of time to be arguing points of law but many for whom the passing of the act into law will have a direct and profound effect, time is not a viable option.




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Thursday, December 3, 2015


Help solve the puzzle of the mystery photo featured each week taken somewhere in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges or West Island region. Featured photos pertain to a story in this week’s newspaper. Winners get bragging rights and their names printed in the paper. Send your answers to Congratulations to Hudson resident Rod Hodgson who was the first reader to correctly identify last week’s Puzzled? photo taken outside the Hudson Fire Station following the successful 38th annual Firemen’s Christmas Charity Auction hosted by Royal LePage Village. The Puzzled? feature is also available on our website

Dear Editor: Dear Editor, St. Lazare Mayor Robert Grimaudo was happy with the attendance of less than 50 people showing up at the presentation of the new city hall project. We have a population of over 6000 households and, in my opinion, this is a rather poor success rate. As per the signing of the registry, it was not advertised ahead of time, leaving an 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. period on a Tuesday. It should have been advertised properly with a week’s notice. Many citizens feel they were not informed and everything was done on a fast track. Spending $10 million will definitely translate to a substantial tax hike in the next years, and surely more than $63 on a property evaluation of $350,000. Maybe the town needs a new city hall but I have a hard time justifying the spending of $10 million on a municipal building when it could be done at a lesser cost. Alain Bruneau, St. Lazare Dear Editor, I am both happy and sad with the results of the registry related to the borrowing by-law for the construction of a new town hall which will include community facilities. I am happy for the physically handicapped who will be able to access the new building. I am happy for the many non-profit organizations which will be able to use the new community facilities and storage areas for free. The residents will now have access to many town services in one location. I am happy for the employees that have been working in a building that no longer meets the Quebec Construction Code. I look forward to the day that we will no longer spend $200,000 per year for rental of a property that does not belong to the town. As I’ve said in the past, I’d rather pay

a mortgage than pay a rent. And lastly, we will move out of those temporary (10 years is not very temporary) mobile trailers that we are using behind the actual Town Hall. What I’m sad about is that despite our Town Council’s attempt to be as transparent as possible, many rumours and disinformation were circulated. We went above and beyond what was required by the law. We advertised our twohour information session in both the French and English newspapers. In the last month, detailed explanations appeared in newspaper articles on our plans and why. We posted the information and the entire presentation on our website at We informed our over 3000 subscribers via our infoletter. We posted the information on our Facebook page and our Twitter account. Sadly despite all this, much disinformation circulated throughout the population. I think that it is important to reiterate to the population the facts of the project and also take the time to squash the rumours and disinformation that have been used to lobby against the project. I will even propose to council that we hold a second information session to do exactly that. A few clarifications about the disinformation that was perpetuated by some naysayers: • A loan by-law by its nature (and by law as well) is the worst case scenario. Many of the projects realized by the town in the last three years have been finalized under the amount of the projected loan by-law after we open the public tenders and finalize the project. • The project is estimated at $10,369,000 as stated in the presentation, not an amount of $22 million that has been rumoured by those with political aspirations. Continued on page 6

Join a Quebec-wide movement: Knit a tuque to welcome Syrian refugees Stephanie O’Hanley Special Contributor

It’s been only a few weeks since Montreal resident Danielle Létourneau launched 25 000 tuques, an initiative inviting people to knit tuques for Syrian refugees and include inside each tuque “a small, personalized welcome message” from the knitter. The news spread quickly through Facebook, drawing thousands. People from all over Quebec are participating and groups have sprouted up in other provinces. “I’m kind of overwhelmed and amazed,” said Létourneau. “... It was supposed to be a very small thing, like 30 people knitting together in my own living room. “I was crying in my kitchen reading comments about people getting


Amitié et Passion manager Christelle Dusseau places a hat in the shop’s 25,000 tuques donation box. The shop is giving away wool and patterns in case people need them to make a tuque.

all paranoid about the refugees and I thought that signing a petition wasn’t enough,” said Létourneau, who said she purposely chose to raise her kids in multicultural Côte-des-Neiges. “High tolerance isn’t enough. Love is barely enough. Especially for people who come from a country that’s in war. So I thought that making a gesture like a real one was better than nothing.” As others collect furniture, clothing and housing for Syrian refugees, 25 000 tuques is symbolic, Létourneau said. “We’re focusing on the message that’s inside the hat. The message is important because it’s one person welcoming one person.” For Vaudreuil-Soulanges residents, the nearest 25 000 tuques drop-off point is Amitié et Passion, 18, rue Nicholson in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. When Your Local Journal visited last Saturday, staff couldn’t say how many Vaudreuil-Soulanges residents had donated tuques but said many of their customers live in Vaudreuil-Soulanges. The shop, popular with knitters and embroiderers, attracts both individual crafters and groups, some from as far away as Ottawa. Near the cash, a donation box set up only days before is almost full. Some of the tuques are from projects created on site by knitters who work for the shop or by teachers who give courses but most were donated by interested individuals, said Amitié et Passion Manager Christelle Dusseau.

One woman dropped off three or four tuques. “She sort of launched everything,” Dusseau said. Pointing towards the donation box, Dusseau said, “We have all sizes, for children, women and men. “It’s truly a wonderful initiative.” Next to the shop’s 25 000 tuques donation box is a basket filled with balls of yarn and knitwear patterns. “It’s leftover wool,” Dusseau explained. “If someone doesn’t have any wool, they can take some, knit a tuque and bring it back here.” PHOTO BY STEPHANIE O’HANLEY

Continued on page 15

Amitié et Passion’s donation box is nearly full.

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Continued from page 4 • It is not only inaccurate, but also a terrible lie, to say that the Town has paid off the church in exchange for a parking agreement and use of their portion of the parking area. That would be considered as a bribe which, by the way, is illegal. • Rumors were circulating that the existing building can be fixed at a lesser cost! No, it can’t. Reports done in the past by an independent consulting firm clearly state that any scenario involving renovation, transformation or expansion is not an option. • The community facilities at the new Town Hall are an added service, and not a replacement, to our present community center which is continuously overbooked. • Regarding the rumour stating that it was difficult to sign the registry and that the town did that on purpose, I remind you that the registry regulations are determined by the Loi sur les élections et les référendums dans les municipalités (Elections Quebec) and that the municipality cannot change those rules. In the last three years, we have prioritized the water, public security, fire hall, the public works building, the parks, the conservation areas and the roads. The New Town Hall is the next and the last natural progression to rectify the Town’s infrastructures.



Most people reading this know that I have an open door policy at town hall and everyone is welcome to come and talk to me. I meet citizens regularly and exchange ideas and get feedback from the community. Take the opportunity to come and see me, and I will be more than happy to discuss the town hall file with you. I would also be happy to give you a tour of the present town hall to help you understand more clearly the current situation. Best Regards Robert Grimaudo A proud citizen and Mayor of Saint Lazare

Passing around the hat – and the boot

Dear Editor, I would like to say a huge thank you to all those who so kindly contributed donations of baked goods or other to the St. James’ Bazaar food table. The table was laden with all sorts of wonderful things and was truly a sight to behold. Your efforts were very much appreciated. Thank you so much! Gay Campbell Hudson Dear Editor, I just want to congratulate Your Local Journal on its excellent webpage publication which I read each week from my sojourn place in Mexico. Extremely readable and well presented. Naomi Henshaw Hudson (and Mexico)

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Scores of firefighters and volunteers were set up at a number of intersections in Île Perrot, Pincourt, and Ste. Anne de Bellevue November 28 raising funds for both local food bank initiatives and for the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence (VSPCR). Firefighters from Île Perrot raised an astounding $14,708 to help needy families in the area through the Fonds de secours de la paroisse of Sainte Rose de Lima Church in Île Perrot. Pincourt firefighters were once again raising funds for the VSPCR and their setup on Cardinal Léger Boulevard near Highway 20 included a firefighter perched atop the ladder truck. The total amount raised was $8,500. Volunteers from Ste. Anne de Bellevue held a two-day Barrage Routier next to the fire station on Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants and raised $15,875 benefitting the Comptoir Alimentaire of l’Église Ste. Anne. Thank you to everyone who donated. For more photos, see our Facebook page.

Thank You to all our Hudson (and area) Angels Linnea Owen Special contributor

As the holiday season approaches, our many Hudson, St. Lazare and Vaudreuil-Dorion Angels are busy at work preparing gifts and goodies for the upcoming Christmas party for many underpriviledged children in the Montreal area. In addition to the Continuité-famille auprès des détenues (CFAD) children’s party, the Hudson (and area) Angels support an ‘Adopt a Grandpa’ program for the 20 men residing at Nazareth House downtown, providing a gift bag and note from a caring family and a sumptuous Christmas dinner. This year the Angels will also be taking care of 26 women, aged 18 to 50, who are living at a new residence in Montreal called Anne’s House which just opened in July, 2015. These men and women struggle with homelessness and/or mental health issues and all come with sad stories. One young lady celebrating her 19th birthday last week was so touched because it was the first birthday cake she had ever received. Without your help these men and women who have no

family will not have a gift for Christmas so your support is very much needed. Your family can honour the memory of a father or relative who is no longer here by giving a special gift bag or a donation so that we can fill gift bags for each of the residents of Nazareth House and Anne’s House. We are looking for more angels to help meet our many objectives this year. All of the gifts have been purchased for the 108 children but we still need volunteers to provide sandwiches or savoury food, vegetable platters, baking and monetary donations for the extras for the December 6 Christmas party. We also still have nine men at Nazareth House to provide gift bags for and the 26 women at Anne’s House. If you would like to help in any way, please contact one of the following for more information: Some gift ideas include IGA, Provigo, Pharmaprix or Tim Horton gift cards, new clothing, shoes or boots, food items, etc. and monetary donations to fill in where needed. For more information on the CFAD and the Nazareth House, consult cfad. ca and

Adleisia Winter Lights Concert (formerly Concerto Della Donna) Sunday, Dec. 6 at 4 pm


Last year’s Hudson Angels Children’s Christmas party was a resounding success and organizers this year are looking for volunteers to provide food and donations for this year’s party December 6.

Rigaud Oldtimers Hockey Report Edward - Miller Blockbuster Trade Totally disgruntled with the noneffort of their respective charges last week coaches Peter ‘Shady’ Miller and Mark ‘The Shell Game’ Edward moved to action and completed their respective housecleaning in a huge six player exchange. Gone from Gold to Miller’s Blue is the key to the trade Ryan Smith as well as throw-ins Brian Penny and Tim Lawson. Miller is clearly counting on lifting Smith to past glory by re-aligning him with his all-time favorite line mate Peter ‘The Flea’ Thompson and

an unknown third on the now-to-beknown-as ‘Brokeback Mountain Line’. In return, Gold receives highly sought-after high energy, bone jarring defenceman Adam Mills plus ROHA’s version of Sean Avery - Mark Goldstein and one other old half-burned-out castoff. An Oldtimers league that trades players? Only in Canada folks… only in Canada... Gotta love it! ‘Till next week.

Wyman Church, Hudson

$20 adults, $10 seniors or students Tickets available at May’s Studio or at the door.

Thursday, December 3, 2015



Pointe Claire Cadets collect for the community


Breakfast organizer Linda Eames, Le Pont/Bridging’s Carol Laws and Rotary Club President David Warne with their contribution at the Le Pont/Bridging food bank.

The Rotary Club of Hudson and St. Lazare gives $1100 in support of Le Pont/Bridging Food Bank Ken Lefrancois Special contributor


The 2806 Pointe Claire Army Cadets held a food drive this past Saturday, November 28. The cadets (40

youths) went door to door despite the cold dressed in full uniform in Pointe Claire and were able to collect enough canned food to fill 30 boxes. All the food collected was donated to the West Island Mission. This is a community service the cadets enjoy participating in.The names of some of the cadets (and their rank) in the picture from left to right are: Warrant Officer Finnerty, Corporal Jing, Captain Brooker, RSM Boisvert, Cadet Caron, Sargeant Edwards.

ORTHODONTIC personalized




In his children’s book on community building, Scot Ritchie asks us to “Look Where We Live.” In his chapter “Celebrate the Community,” he talks about coming together to build a community. Rotary was started by four individuals who wanted to create a different future, one that promised a sense of belonging and the possibility of sharing talents to increase their respective businesses. That initial initiative eventually grew into a larger worldwide association of clubs that feature the values of service, diversity, fellowship,



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Dr. Michel Malboeuf

integrity and leadership. This small group of dedicated individuals keeps proving, over and over again, that the small group is indeed the unit of transformation that makes the world go round. In small groups we all experience intimacy, belonging, and a real sense that we share each other’s concerns. The Rotary Club was officially chartered two years ago on June 10, 2014, intent on doing some good in the community. One of the first endeavors of the club was to thank Carol Laws and her group at the Le Pont/Bridging Food bank for their devotion to our fellow residents who were in need. We particularly want to thank the members of our club for reaching out to their friends and raising $1100 to help Carol Laws continue her fine work in caring for others. As a club we would like to thank the Parish of Saint James Anglican Church for supplying the venue along with Ronald Gastonguay of La Sucrerie d’Antan, Nicky Fisher of Clarence and Cripps and Raymonde Lefrancois for their generous support. We would also like to thank James Parry of Your Local Journal and Bill Riley and friends for supplying the music for the Poor Man’s Breakfast fundraiser event held last October 10. We of course thank all those who participated and look forward to seeing you again next year! For further information please contact Ken Lefrancois at (450) 455-3329 or by email at

Dr. Benoit Thivierge

Thursday, December 3, 2015


P O L I C E R E P O RT S Compiled by Carmen Marie Fabio

West Island police files Station 3 covering Île Bizard, Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Ste. Geneviève An 18-year-old man was arrested in Pierrefonds November 24 following an attempted break-in at a home on Louise Bizard Street in Île Bizard. Const. Daniel Maheu reports the homeowner heard her garage door open around 4:45 a.m. and went down the stairs to investigate. She then saw someone attempting to access her home through the interior door to the home, which was locked. The woman saw the suspects leave the garage and head towards a neighbour’s home on Fers de Lys Street where they tried to open the car doors of parked cars. After taking a number of items from one car, they brought them to a third suspect’s car, a Toyota Tercel. Police arrested the driver who had been slowly trailing the

two suspects at a distance. A search of revealed a number of tools used in robberies in the suspect’s pockets. He will be charged with theft and concealment. The other two suspects, described only as being 17 or 18 years of age, have not been located. Police are asking anyone with information on this event to communicate with Station 3 at (514) 280-0103 or Info-Crime at (514) 393-1133. Station 4 covering Dollard des Ormeaux A young man having lunch at a restaurant on St. John’s Boulevard November 30 at around 1:50 p.m. was robbed of his wallet. Const. Leslie Potts reports the man placed his knapsack, which contained his wallet, on the floor as he ate. When he looked down, he noticed the bag was open. On closer inspection he found his wallet, containing cash and all his cards, was missing. Police are reminding the public to always keep purses and knapsacks within your sight line.

Suspects sought Sûreté du Québec police are asking for the public’s help in identifying two suspects who broke into a food store in Notre Dame de l’Île Perrot last August 16. SQ spokesperson Sgt. Joyce Kemp reports two men broke in around 11 p.m. and reportedly made off with several thousand dollars in cash. The first suspect is a white male, around 30 years of age with a medium build with short dark hair. He was wearing dark jeans, a white polo shirt, white cap, white running shoes and gloves. The second suspect is around 40 years old with short dark hair. He was wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt, dark blue fedora-style hat with a white band, beige Bermuda shorts, white running shoes, and gloves with white writing on the back. He was also wearing glasses with a thick dark frame. Anyone with information to help

Potential victims sought Investigators in the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) child exploitation unit are looking for potential victims of 55-year-old William

Mayers who was arrested November 12 in the West Island. Between May 8 and June 24 of this year, Mayers used the pseudonym of ‘Bill48’ and posed as a 14-year-old adolescent in online chat rooms. He was caught by police in Queensland, Australia after he reportedly tried to lure an officer posing as a 14-year-old girl. The online conversation allegedly became sexual in nature allowing police to open an investigation and establish the origin of the communication, identifying the suspect. Investigators conducted a search at Mayers’ home and immediately placed him under arrest. A search of his computer revealed at least 20 potential victims. Mayers also used the online name of ‘billyam2400’ and was reportedly active on M-IRC and Skype networks. Anyone who believes they may have been a victim of William Mayers, or anyone with information about him is asked to call 911 or report to their local police station.


PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, that under Section 18 of Fire Safety Act/Loi sur la sécurité incendie, that a public consultation meeting will be held on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the community hall of municipality of Saint-Clet located at 4, rue du Moulin, Saint-Clet, QC J0P 1S0, about the revision of the fire safety cover plan project (projet de schéma de couverture de risques en sécurité incendie) of the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, adopted at the Council meeting of November 25, 2015. The fire safety cover plan project of the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges may be consulted at the office of the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges and the offices of each of the municipalities within the territory of the MRC during normal business hours. GIVEN AT VAUDREUIL-DORION, this 1st day of December in the year two thousand and fifteen (2015). RAYMOND MALO, Assistant Executive Director/ Assistant Secretary/Treasurer


identify these individuals is asked to contact the Centre for criminal information at 1 800 659-4264.



AVIS est, par les présentes, donné de ce qui suit :

NOTICE is hereby given of the following:

Une séance extraordinaire du Conseil se tiendra au Centre communautaire Stephen F. Shaar, le mardi 15 décembre 2015 à 19h00. Cette séance portera exclusivement sur le Budget 2016, conformément à l’article 474.2 de la Loi sur les Cités et Villes.

A special meeting of the Council will be held at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, on Tuesday, December 15th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will deal exclusively with the 2016 Budget, in accordance with Article 474.2 of the Cities and Towns Act.

DONNÉ à Hudson GIVEN at Hudson Ce premier jour de décembre This first of December Two thousand fifteen Deux mille quinze Vincent Maranda Greffier / Town Clerk


NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, that the 2016 calendar of regular council meetings of the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges was adopted, and that the meeting will be held on Wednesdays in the board room located at 420 St. Charles Avenue in Vaudreuil-Dorion and will begin at 7:30 p.m. as follow: • January 27th • February 24th • March 30th (5th Wednesday) • April 20th (3rd Wednesday) • May 25th • June 15th (3rd Wednesday)

• July - No meeting • August 17th (3rd Wednesday) • September 21th (3rd Wednesday) • October 12th (2nd Wednesday) • November 30th (5th Wednesday)

and that the 2016 calendar of regular meetings of the Administrative Committee of the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges was adopted, and that the meetings will be held on Wednesdays in the board room located at 420 St. Charles Avenue in Vaudreuil-Dorion and will begin at 1:00 p.m. as follow: • January 20th (3rd Wednesday) • February 10th • March 23th (4th Wednesday) • April 13th • May 11th • June 1st (1st Wednesday)

• July 6th (1st Wednesday) • August 17th (3rd Wednesday) • September 7th (1st Wednesday) • October 12th • November 9th • December 7th (1st Wednesday)

GIVEN AT VAUDREUIL-DORION, this 30th day of November in the year two thousand and fifteen (2015). MYLÈNE BLAIS Assistant Executive Director/ Assistant Secretary/Treasurer

Thursday, December 3, 2015





ell you , dear readers. Some stuff you just can’t make up. Like the recent cretinous decision PHOTO BY on the part of the MAURICE JEFFERIES University of Ottawa to suspend a yoga class because of fears of ‘cultural appropriation.’ Which, according to Wikipedia, is a “sociological concept which views the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture as a largely negative phenomenon.” Give me a bleedin’ break! This in a multi-cultural country founded and populated by people of different cultures and which prides itself on its tolerance and diversity. And on the eve of welcoming some 25,000 Syrian refugees over the next few months. Who, presumably, and in time, will come to appropriate Canadian customs and a lifestyle completely foreign to what they have known in the past. And this from an established institute of higher learning in the nation’s capital dispensing degrees to the next generation of … Well, you get my drift. Bloody nonsense, eh? --------------WAY OF PEACE - Which brings me to the martial art that is Karate. Created in Japan centuries ago and which literally means ‘Empty Hand’. And which, gadzooks, is being taught right here in Hudson, to youngsters and their parents and in a church hall, no less by Tora Karate. To be more precise, Wado. Which is a combination of Japanese Jiu-jitsu and Okinawan karate and the essence of which is to “yield to superior power, and kill them on the way by.” And which, translated, means ‘Way of Peace’. ‘How do I know this?’ you might ask. Because this past week I dropped by St. James’ Church Hall to meet up with Dorval resident and sensei

Jeff Waters – sensei meaning teacher – and his students who every Friday evening get together for an hour to ‘appropriate’ another culture in peace and harmony. Fascinated to learn from Jeff, who has been studying and teaching karate since 1981, is a semi-professional musician who has played at the Hudson Music Festival, and is a gliding instructor at the Gatineau Gliding Club, that although the first class here was in October in 2010, it is only in the past year or so that it has really grown beyond all expectations. So how did it all come about? Says Jeff, a 5th Dan black belt in Wado, incidentally, and who took over the Tora Karate Club in Pointe Claire 15 years ago, “On the recommendation of a co-worker at Future Electronics and who was a student and black belt at Tora, Hudsonites Andy and Anna Bowers made the trip faithfully with their children, Alexa and Ayla, during the spring of 2010. It was at this time that a fellow gliding instructor who lives in Hudson, Greg Baumeister, suggested that Hudson would be a great place to introduce this particular style of karate.” --------------TEACHING CORE VALUES - Obviously in full agreement is Sophie Anderson-Maheo who together with her husband, David Anderson, and their two youngsters, Ewen aged almost five and seven year-old Maïwenn, is there every week. Says Sophie, “As any parent of young children will tell you, they are not the most patient creatures. They want to do things like all the big kids, but they get frustrated when they don’t master a skill right away. We try to teach them that we all have to work to be good at something, but I’m sure from their perspective it’s easy for us to say.” Adds Sophie, “So when our friends Andy and Anna told us about family karate classes, it seemed like a great way to put our words where our mouth


Way back in 1961, Peter Stephenson (front row centre) watches the Grey Cup game in front of the TV – check out the aerial – with friends at the home of Rupet and Jean Doehler in Como. Back row left to right, Goldie Dobie, Rupet Doehler, Jim Donaldson, Wes Gray, Alan Pearson and Stan Rowell. Front, Chappie Thom, Peter, Bill Hoggan, and Pat Farnum. For more photos, see our Facebook page.



Thursday, December 3, 2015


Sensei Jeff Waters welcomes his karate kids and their parents every Friday night at St. James’ Church Hall in Hudson.

is! We want Maïwenn and Ewen to see that mommy and daddy too need to learn, and listen and practice if we want to get better at it. I honestly can’t wait for the time that Sensei Jeff will ask them to demonstrate for us the proper way to do something we, the adults, are struggling with. And of course it teaches kids the core values of respect for themselves, respect for their peers, respect for others, and respect for their things. It’s just a great way to kick off the weekend!” Explains Andy Bowers, “When we joined Tora in Pointe Claire over six years ago, we were looking for an activity that offered more than just exercise – the girls were already swimming and playing soccer – and one that we could enjoy as a family. When the club expanded into Hudson, it gave us the opportunity to invite and encourage friends to attend. Sensei Jeff has helped our whole family to develop both physically and emotionally. It has been extremely rewarding to see our daughters, who are now 10 and 11, develop from young children into leaders and role models in the club. And we would happily recommend the club to anyone who is looking for an activity that will help their children develop into responsible, confident young adults.” Who knows? Some of them may even go on to study at the University of Ottawa. Where they could surely teach the administration there about the benefits of ‘cutural appropriation’! Tora Karate offers classes at St. James’ Anglican Church, 642 Main Road, Hudson, on Friday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. For more info, call Jeff Waters at (514) 695-9858 or After all, according to Jeff and his enthusiastic students, it is The Way of Peace! --------------A GREY AREA - Meanwhile, still on the topic of physical and mental activity (and cultural appropriation) and with a link to Ottawa, what about that Grey Cup on Sunday between the Ottawa Redblacks and the Edmonton Eskimos in Winnpeg, eh? Didn’t

watch it to be perfectly honest. As I am not a big sports fan and the Montreal Canadiens – er, sorry, Alouettes - didn’t make it. But I certainly did enjoy a pre-game libation with my friend and neighbour, 90-year-young, Peter Stephenson, who showed me a marvellous photo of himself and a group of close friends watching the game on TV in Como back in 1961. (See pic below). “Who won?” I asked him. “Haven’t a clue,” he replied. “Who was playing?” I asked. “I have no idea.” “How was the party?” I asked. “Must have been great as I don’t remember a darned thing about it!” Ah, Peter. You are indeed a tonic and an inspiration to us all! And just for the record, it was, in fact, the 49th Grey Cup and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers defeated the Hamilton Tiger Cats 21 to 14 at CNE Stadium in Toronto before 32,651 fans in what is still considered to one of the greatest Grey Cup games of all time. The score was tied 14-14 at the end of regulation time. And the only score in overtime came when Winnipeg quarterback, Ken Ploen, called his own number and tiptoed down the sideline for the touchdown. How do I know? Because I checked on Google. Ah, the marvels of modern technology! --------------ON THE RUN - As for me, this past weekend, I certainly wasn’t tiptoeing around town in a dash to take in the Christmas Bazaar hosted by the St. James’ Church Women in the morning, the Hudson Christmas Craft Fair at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre in the afternoon, and A Walk to Bethlehem at the Hudson Community Baptist Church in the evening. All superbly attended, full of the Christmas spirit being enjoyed by locals and out-of-towners alike, and a joy to behold. For photos check out our Facebook page. And that’s a wrap! Email:

The English Gardener Fantastic Flowers for Feathers James Parry Your Local Journal

As regular readers of this column are surely aware by now, one of the joys I get out of working in my garden year round - until winPHOTO BY GREG JONES ter makes it simply impossible - has absolutely nothing to do with plants, flowers, or compost. But also my friends who come and go, never stopping to chat, distract me, or bug me in any way. I’m talking, of course, about my fabulous feathered friends, including robins, scuttling under the raked leaves in spring for a juicy worm. The crimson cardinal we have dubbed Richelieu. Cheeky chickadees seeking seeds and who flit around as if they owned the place without a care in the world. Striking blue jays who really believe they do own the place. Croaking crows that I never want to upset because evidently, according to documented research, they never forget a face and will possibly attack anyone who has ticked them off in the past. Then there are the woody woodpeckers. Tap-tapping away on the branches and trees in search of nourishing insects or whatever they eat. Sure would hate to be a humungous red-crested pileated with a hangover in search of an earlymorning breakfast. There again, I’m not sure if they drink anything but water… But

that’s a whole other story. This one is about Flowers for Feathers. Don’t you just love that segue? Or, as it is called in French, des Plumes en fleurs. A quiet, behind-the-scenes fundraiser in support of Hudson’s very own Le Nichoir Wild Bird Rehabilitation Centre. Learned this week from Le Nichoir president, Lindsay D’Aoust – who also just happens to grow some 700 varieties of Peonies on her Hudson property and which are sold around the world – that Flowers for Feathers is back for its seventh year. And here’s how it works. If you would like to support Le Nichoir and receive a beautiful locally-grown potted plant every month from now through April, then you have until December 11, to call (450) 458-2809 and sign up. Cost for a plant-a-month for five months is $155, which includes a donation tax receipt for $100. The Flowers for Feathers coordinator will send you a reminder each month and you can pick up your plant at Ye Aulde Curiosité Boutique at 441 Main Road on the appointed Sunday of each month. This year’s lineup includes, of course, a perfect Poinsettia for December followed by Cyclamen, Hyacinths, Easter Lily and, in April, Begonia that should carry you through the summer. All grown and donated by John Van Egmond of Hudson Greenhouses who has been on board since first approached seven years ago by Dr. Amanda Glew. Learned from Lindsay that plant and

bird lovers from throughout the region signed up in droves and the Flowers for Feathers campaign was an instant success. Why? Because John grows fabulous plants which can be in your home within hours of coming off his greenhouse benches. Simply, perfection in pots! While strictly a wholesale-only business – and not open to the public – I was indeed honoured to meet up with Lindsay, John, and his daughter, Lisa, earlier this week for a tour of their greenhouses. Chock-a-block full of Poinsettia and Cyclamen in full bloom. All of which will be gone in two or three weeks from now to make room for … Well, that would be telling. Sheesh, tell you folks, I thought I had died and gone to heaven! This is a great innovative fundraiser supporting both a local worthwhile cause


Wholesale plant grower extraordinaire, John Van Egmond of Hudson Nurseries, and his daughter Lisa (right), say they are delighted to once again support the Flowers for Feathers fundraising campaign for Le Nichoir headed up by its president, Lindsay D’Aoust (centre).

and business that I respectfully suggest should be on everyone’s floral radar this season. Until next time. E-mail:

Thursday, December 3, 2015



Winning weekend for local athletes On the weekend of November 21st Dojo Perrot Shima was well represented at the St. Hyacinthe Judo competition. With 16 competitors, we were able to bring home six medals. This is a fantastic outcome, as this was the first competition ever for some of our athletes. Our Sport Étude members from École Secondaire Chêne Bleu (brothers) Kip and Kyle Karowich took home silver and bronze in their divisions. In U14 Jacob Lafrance won gold, and Hana Goodfellow won bronze in their respective categories. In U12 Elom Paku, and Deven Tetley both took home silver medals. Several other competitors narrowly missed the podium. The Club and the coaching staff are incredibly proud of our athletes and their efforts. For more info see


Vaudreuil-sur-le-lac Taekwondo Club

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Thursday, December 3, 2015


Vaudreuil-sur-le-lac (VSLL) Taekwondo Club participated in the Dando Cup over the past weekend where their students brought home six medals having fought some intense battles using the new Daedo Electronic scoring system offered for the very first time to colour belt participants. The highlight of the day was Alexandre Pambrun bringing home Gold for his school with the help of his coaches.






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St. Lazare

Continued from page 3 The actual cost of town hall has not yet been determined, but Grimaudo speculated the cost could be significantly less than the current estimate, saying the town was required to budget the maximum possible cost based on provincial government requirements. Grimaudo used its new fire station as an example to showcase how the town’s original loan by-law estimate was substantially reduced when all factors related to the tendering process and provincial subsidies are taken into consideration. “The provincial government forces us to always go to the worst-case scenario which is what we did,” said Grimaudo. “The reality is that even




though we had a loan by-law of $5 million for the fire hall, the actual loan by-law will be around $2 million, which is substantially less than the original estimate. “That’s because when we go to tender, the price comes down a bit. Then we find subsidies that the government can give us, so the actual cost is less than was originally estimated in the loan by-law,” Grimaudo added. Waters and several other residents also complained the town lacked transparency, saying council didn’t do enough to properly inform residents about the registry signing and suggested that more people would have signed the registry if they had known about it. “We did more than was required to advise our residents about the registry,” said Grimaudo. “Maybe we could have done more, but we did our best

in the last three to four weeks to advise people about the registry.” The mayor’s assertion didn’t sit well with some people who complained the town did more to promote its first Festival au Galop equestrian event last summer than informing residents about the registry signing. They also complained that information was not easily accessible or properly promoted on the town’s website. “You have to educate your people,” said Waters. “When you have a $10 million project that might double or triple our debt and may skyrocket our taxes, you have a responsibility to your citizens to inform them and you bypassed it. I’m looking at all of you (council) and don’t understand how you can do this.” “You’re absolutely right that we have a responsibility,” Grimaudo replied. “It’s for the welfare and well-

being of St. Lazare residents. In the past three years, we’ve addressed our water issues, public security, fire hall, roads and other problems. “Our responsibility is making sure that you’re safe, that you have good drinking water and good roads,” added Grimaudo. “I took the responsibility with the support of council to improve the town’s infrastructure and we’ve taken care of all our infrastructure issues.” While a couple of citizens voiced their support for the town hall project, most in attendance were not swayed by Grimaudo’s explanations. They said taxpayers are already carrying a substantial financial burden as a result of all the town’s recent infrastructure projects and the town should consider scaling back the project to make it more affordable.

Thursday, December 3, 2015




SECTIONS 100- For Sale 125- For Rent 150- Services

175- Wanted 200- Careers/Employment 225- Financial Services

Submit & pay your ad online at or e-mail:

450 510-4007

250- Real Estate Sale 275- Garage/Moving Sale 300- Miscellaneous

325- Autos for Sale $24.95 until it sells

350- Legal

1 week 2 weeks

$15 $20 3 weeks $25

100 - FOR SALE



175 - WANTED

Michelin Winter Tires 205/50R17 $200 per pair 2 - Michelin X ICE 2 - Michelin Pilot Alpin High performance, low profile. Call 514-6595376 (151203)

Music Lessons for Christmas. Give someone the experience of learning how to sing or play piano. Experienced teacher. All ages and levels welcome. 450-424-1072. (151217)

Couture Le Mieux. Seamstresses without appointment. 2 locations to better serve you: 1051 avenue St-Charles, Vaudreuil-Dorion, corner of chemin de l’Anse, one minute away from Costco (450218-6899) and 140 avenue St-Charles, Vaudreuil-Dorion (450-218-6400). Pants hem $10, alterations of all kind, clothing modifications, curtains, gazebo, tarps and pillows. Custom made curtains, valances and roman shades. Fabric sales as well as sewing supplies. All of our prices include taxes. (151217)

LATERAL FILING CABINET, 5 drawer, legal file size with lock. Preferably one that doesn’t make me swear when opening and closing it! Call 514-594-2055.

4, winter tires, on mag wheels (235/60R/17), radials for Mercedes Benz GLK350, very little used. Asking $1,000. Also bedroom and dining room furniture, electric stove, sofa and tables. Call for price: 514-695-3172. (151217) Dry firewood. Stacking and kindling available. Very reasonable. Dan: 514.291.1068 (151217)

Kiln-dried kindling for sale. Half-cubic foot, 10 lbs. minimum per bag. $7 per bag. Mix of hard and soft wood. Free delivery on the island of Île Perrot. Delivery on Thursdays and Sundays. Help support teenage enterprise. Contact Christmas Bazaar, Sunday, December 6, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Christmas baking, decorations, giftable items, DVD’s, video games, children’s books, toys, hand-knitted sweaters, hats, silk ties, woolen scarves, senior bibs, refreshments. St. Mary’s Hall, 273 Main Road, Hudson. (151203) In-House Xmas Craft Sale, 2602 Côte St. Charles, St. Lazare, Saturday, November 21, 28, December 5, 12, 19, Sunday, November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 20. Decorations, ornaments and lots more. 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (151203)

125 - FOR RENT Large 4 bedroom vintage home in the heart of Hudson,..approx 2500 sq/ft..radiator heating(oil)... renovated bathrooms and kitchen.. private yard, new appliances including washer/dryer. Available Dec.1st. Snow removal and all lawn care included!..$1750/mo. 2 car garage...79 Maple. Call 514-923-1472

APPLE MAC SUPPORT since 1983 Variable Rates Initial Hour Free – Upgrades Troubleshooting Bootable Backups System Analysis & Advice – 450-853-0534 Wolftech Inc. Since 2004. PC/Laptop repair, sales and services. Custom system builds. Software/hardware upgrades, virus –malware removal Data recovery, network and internet troubleshooting. Pick up or In-home service. Very competitive rates. Windows and other software tutorials. HTTP:// 514-923-5762 HOME CLEANING SERVICES Hudson, St. Lazare and surrounding area. Competitive rates. Special rates for Seniors. Free Estimate. Please call Helen: 450-206-0760 Cell: 1-450-465-7999 Email: (151210)


4-1/2 available December 1st $850 per month, 5-1/2 available immediately $860 per month. Rue Daniel, St. Lazare, 450-455-4787 (151210)

Downtown Hudson, Main Road, ground floor, Commercial spaces, courtyard, a/c, alarm, call 450-458-1125. (151203) OFFICE FOR LEASE FOR PROFESSIONALS

690 sq/ft. Prime location Great opportunity Heart of Beaconsfield Easy access. Off Woodland Exit Competitive leasing rates For more information, call: 514-774-7179 (151217)

Local Experts in matters of Bankruptcy and Insolvency since 1994. First Consultation Free. Available Nights & Weekends. Solid reputation for Reliability, Honesty & Integrity in our field of Expertise. Blumer Lapointe Tull & Associes Syndics Inc. 514 426 4994 Paul’s Painting, small & large renovations. Call 514-900-5839. (151210)

Piano Tuning, local Fine tuning $88. 514-206-0449 Piano Piano Piano (160114) Moving Service, local, trailer rentals. Call Colin: 514-850-9948

150 - SERVICES Retired teacher with many successful years of tutoring mathematics to students in the St. Lazare, Hudson areas is anxious to continue doing so. At any level, in English or in French. Please call Astrid at 514-646-1528. (151203)


Registered Gun Smith. We buy and sell used guns. 514-453-5018 (151222) ¿ Moving? All jobs. Reliable, reasonable, fully equipped. Local and Ontario, Maritimes, USA. 35 yrs experience. Call Bill or Ryan. 514.457.2063 Painter - Mark Griffiths Painting Company. Interior / Exterior. 30 years Experience, References, Free Estimates. Local, Trustworthy. 514-442-4992 (151217)

Experienced local piano technician offering quality tunings and skillful repairs. Improve the sound and touch of your piano with hammer voicing and action regulation. Marc Lanthier 514-7707438 (160114) Jacques Harvey Piano School. Experienced, qualified teacher offers piano lessons to beginners or advanced students. Children and adults are welcome. Call 450-455-1544. Exterior home & yard services. Hedge & shrub & tree pruning, stump removal and leaf clean-up. Gutter cleaning, garden closing & general landscaping. Call Sean 514-991-9674 Handyman/ for small jobs. Call John: 514623-5786. (160211) SINGING LESSONS - Ages 7 to 17. Private or Semi-Private. In my home (StLazare). Sing the songs you love! Call Morgan. 514-607-1308 References available. Vacuum Cleaner. Sales and repair of all brands, 40 years in service (Electrolux, Filter Queen, Kenmore, Samsung and Central Vac). Special on Hoover Central Vac w/standard kt at $399. Other brands available from $329 and up. Repair and service of all central vacuum systems. Parts and bags (all makes). Small appliance repair. Carpet cleaner rental available. NEW: Oreck Excel air purifiers $329. 67 McNaughten Hudson, Quebec 450-458-7488



Professional artist seeking male or female models to pose for drawing and painting portraits in my own art studio in Hudson. 3 hour sessions. Day or evening. Please call Barbara at 514-574-7114. References available. (151210) Le Nichoir is looking to hire a full-time office coordinator for 30 weeks starting December 2015. Applicants must be on unemployment insurance and bilingual. Please send your resume to Susan Wylie at susan@ (151210) Full-Time Nanny Needed. Care of two Young Girls 4 and 5 in Hudson. Flex time, mornings, evenings and weekends. 40 Hours/Week. Starting immediately. Call Graham 514-980-4848 or email graham@ (151217) Dépanneur Shaar is looking for a bilingual cashier for SUNDAY MORNING & MONDAY EVENING shifts. Please drop off your C.V. at 58 Cameron, Hudson. (151210)

250 - REAL ESTATE SALE House for sale. 82 Pine, Hudson Village. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. $279,000 negotiable. Available now. 514-983-7164

325 - AUTOS FOR SALE Cleaning ladies available, weekly, biweekly or occassionally. 20 years of experiFord Ranger 1998 Black. 298,000kms, good ence with same clients. All have: attention to condition, 2 sets of tires, (4 X 4 not working). detail skills $1750 or best offer. 450-458-7906 good work ethics 2012 Nissan Altima 2.5 SL, Lease Take Over, motivated by perfection 67,000 kms, Black, Leather package , 22 glowing references Call and leave message 450-458-0251 (151210) months remaining @$325/month. View on ID #140741. Call 514-220MAN WITH A VAN” MOVING whole house. 3398 Small moves, too! Quebec/Local/Ontario. Experienced/ Equipped. Mike The Moving Man: 1978 Cadillac Sedan De’Ville blue, 138,000 km, 4 door, not winter driven, asking $2,900. 514-605-3868. Call 514-684-3715 175 - WANTED

Looking for a cook and counter services staff for breakfast and supper at Les Artisans d’Hudson, 429 Main Road, Hudson. Preferably bilingual. Call 514-575-0373. (151203)

$ Buy car for scrap. Running or not. 24/7. Call 514-951-4203

Visit our NEW website at Thursday, December 3, 2015

200 - CAREERS/EMPLOYMENT TEACHER WANTED, 37 hours/week. Requirements: High School Diploma, 7 to 12 months experience, fluent spoken and written English. Applications by e-mail, Canada Post or in person. Garderie Enfant Cité, 2190, Chemin Sainte-Angélique, Saint-Lazare, Qc, J7T 2H4 (Garderie Subventionnée) Courriel: (151203)

1992 Lincoln 192,000 km. V-8 auto, fully equipped, used for weddings, second owner, electric roof. Invested $12,000. Must sell (illness) $2250 Cash. 514-453-7468 2009 VW Rabbit, 2.5 litre, gas, 5-speed manual transmission, black, heated seats and mirrors, AC, power windows, locks, mirrors, sunroof and fog lights. 130,000 km. $9,600 Call 514-886-1008

More Classifieds on page 15...


Submit & pay your ad online at or e-mail:

450 510-4007




2003 Kia Rio, Automatic, Green, new all season tires, very clean, 121000kms, $2,500 2003 Kia Rio, Standard, Silver, very clean, 172000kms, $2,200 both 4door. 514-773-0394

“1999 Chrysler Cirrus LX Sedan, Amethyst, Very good working condition, Automatic, P.S., P.B., P.W., P.L., P.M., Cruise control, A.C., Tilt Steering, Pioneer stereo, C.D. with remote. 230,260km. Asking $765. Neg. Please call 514918-4274”

Honda FIT SPORT, Blue 2007. Winter & Summer TIRES / Well Maintained / SUPER on Gas / Fits LOTS / NO Rust / Very CLEAN, 200,000km Still Lots of Life Left! Asking $4400! 514-730-1702

2009 Chevrolet Malibu 2LT, grey/green, 98300 km, no Montreal winters, excellent condition, well-equipped, 6 speed transmission, great gas mileage, sunroof, leather/ suede seats, $8700. 450-458-7863

Nissan X-Trail SE 2005, 165,000km. Looks great. Runs great. New Toyo winter tires on rims, summer tires on mags. Asking $5,200. Richard: 450-458-1497. 514794-4507. 2009 Chevrolet Malibu 2LT, grey/green, 98300 km, no Montreal winters, excellent condition, well-equipped, 6 speed transmission, great gas mileage, sunroof, leather/ suede seats, $8700. 450-458-7863

Kia Sportage LX 2009 with Convenience Package, (4WD), manual, 136,000kms, very good condition, never accidented, new 4 season tires, towing hitch inc., asking $8,900 neg., 450-424-4308

2006 Mercedes CLS 500,Silver, never winter driven. 86,000 kms, very clean, $18,000 – negotiable. Call Ray: 514-668-9718.

Chevrolet Suburban 2010 -LT- White. Model 1500, 4x4. 60,000 km. Mint Condition, Like New. $30,000. Call 514-216-9217. Triumph TR6 1972, White, Very Good Condition, 77,000 miles. $7500 negotiable. Call 514-262-3320.

1964 Cadillac Sedan de Ville. Excellent condition. 82,000 original miles. Rebuilt motor. Numbers match. Appraised at $17,000 asking price $10,000 or best offer. Call 514-6264770

2006 Jetta TDi DIESEL. Manual Transmission, it runs and drives good. It has new timing belt.100% Mechanical. $3900. Call: 450-567-4016

In Memoriam

325 - AUTOS FOR SALE Mazda3 2006, 4 door, manual, sunroof, fully loaded with AC 159, 000km. Includes 4 winter tires used 1 season. Asking $ 3400. Also selling 4 summer tires with mags asking $450. Call or text 514-690-5463. 94 Mustang GT. Black coupe $5,800 must sell. Please call 514-996-6965 Ford Focus Wagon ZXW 2005. 218 000 kms, dark grey. Comes with 4 winter tires. $950.00 Call 450-218-2935 1992 Mercedes 300 SL convertible. 162,843 Km’s … Hardtop, new: soft top, battery, compressor A/C . 6 cd disc player, cassette player. Not winter driven, mint condition. $12,000 or best offer. Call 450-458-5995


Sekure Cost Review is hiring now!! B2B English sales

Mercedes CLK 320 - 1999 - Convertible, Silver. 208,000 KM. $6,900. Call 514-216-9217.

Mazda 3 for sale, 2006, charcoal-black, 4-door, 5-speed AC, 159,000 km, $3495. (514) 1960 Mercury Meteor, 2nd owner, straight 941-5320 6, 4 door, radial tires w. flappers, all original, registered, needs paint. $3500, 450-763-2232. 1996 Honda Civic Si with multiple modifications: JDA B16A SIR II, cams, Exedy clutch, Mercedes S550 – 2007 AMC Package. JDM ITR S80 LSD trans. w/short shift, urethane White, panoramic roof. 144,000 km. Mint con- engine mounts, Sparco quick release steering dition. $24,500. Call 514-216-9217. wheel, Sparco seats w/Willans 4 pt. harness, Neuspeed sport springs w/Koni front shocks, Silver Chrysler LHS 2000 with 267,000 frt/rear strut bars, stainless brake lines and kms. Highway driven only to Florida, Very much more. $6500 or best offer. 514-218clean, all electric. 3.5 engine with a V-6 $1700 2776 Please call 450-458-7488

(No experience necessary)

Thank you The family of the late Allan Hall would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your expressions of sympathy and support through ‘phone calls, e-mails, cards or donation. A special thank you to the staff and volunteers of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence. Please accept this as our personal thank you.

The Hall Family

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Continued from page 5 During Your Local Journal’s visit, a series of people who came into the shop asked about the donation box. Several customers said they would knit a tuque.

While it’s unlikely the knitters will ever meet the recipients of the tuques they donate, it gets them thinking about another person, Létourneau said. “We’re welcoming people, families, kids, real human beings. And we’re real human beings; we’re supposed to do things like that.” For more information, look for the

“25 000 tuques” Community on Facebook. A link on Facebook leads to the initiative’s website, which includes an important “FAQ” in English for participants to read, a list of drop-off points and a post office box where people can mail tuques if they can’t get to a dropoff point.

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Lunetterie Vista

Sylvi Lafontaine

Investment Advisor Raymond James Ltd. 2870 Route Harwood, St-Lazare 450.202.0999 FITNESS & INJURIES Greg Lothian, B.Sc.,CAT(C), CSCS

100 boul. Don Quichotte, bureau 12 L’Ile-Perrot, QC J7V 6C7 Ph: 514-425-2233 ext. 229

Professional strength coach & Low back/ injury reconditioning therapist. Become strong & injury free! 514-867-5684



Bryan Todd, B. Comm (Acct.) Business and Personal Accounting Services, Tax Preparations & Filings Ph. (514) 730-5966


Dr. Don Littner & Dr. Morty Baker 472B Main Rd, Hudson • Ph. (450) 458-5334

Dr. Aileen Elliott 1710 Ste Angélique, Saint Lazare

450 455 7924

Brazolot Migration Group 35 Wharf Road, Hudson, QC (450) 458-2186


Jean-Pierre Boyer L.L., L., D.D.N. 1576 C Ste. Angélique, St. Lazare Ph. (450) 455-2323

1867 E Ste. Angélique, St. Lazare Ph. (450) 455-4500


Psychologist 450.458.0944 Bilingual Services • Cdn & US trained

Dr. Amy Archambault Dr. Paul Morton

drs. Martina Kleine-Beck

Your Local Specialists in Orthodontics 3206, boul. de la Gare, Suite 160 Vaudreuil-Dorion (450)218-1892

Psychologist 514.265.1386 martinakb _ 58@



Marilou Leduc

Sandy Farrell, Davis Facilitator

Affiliated BRUNET 1771 Ste. Angelique, St. Lazare Ph. (450) 424-9289

Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD & Learning disabilities can be corrected. (450) 458-4777


PSYCHOTHERAPY Frema Engel, MSW, ts, Psychotherapist Individual, Couple & Family Counselling

Relationships/Conflict/Mental Health/Bullying/Trauma, School & Workplace Issues St. Lazare - 514-989-9298

Thursday, December 3, 2015



Open Houses Sunday December 6th, 2015 2:00PM to 4:00PM HUDSON


91 Mayfair $790,000 taxes included Youri Rodrigue 514-258-7051 / 450-458-7051 Re/Max Royal (Jordan) Inc.

2349 de la Fanfare $574,900 Chris O’Neill 514-946-0926 Re/Max Royal (Jordan) Inc.


306 Rue Main $279,000 Margaret Lagimodière 450-458-5365 Royal LePage Village Hudson Inc.

23 Rue Corrigan $269,000 Gary Joubert 514-953-4428 Royal Lepage Village Hudson Inc.

ST-LAZARE 6 Rue de la Cooperative, Apt. E2 $159,500 Paul Laflamme 514-793-4514 Royal LePage Village Hudson Inc.

2402 Rue de la Symphonie $699,000 Diane Laflamme 514-715-4514 Royal LePage Village Hudson Inc.

St. Lazare Resident wins gold medal The Royal Conservatory of Music congratulates St. Lazare resident Marguerite Gauthier, 12, who won a Gold Medal for scoring the top mark in Québec on the Level 2 Clarinet examination. Marguerite received the award on Sunday, November 22 at a public ceremony in Toronto at The Royal Conservatory’s Koerner Hall. Marguerite studies at École Québec Musique. Regional Gold Medals are awarded each academic year (September 1 to August 31) to Conservatory examination candidates in Preparatory A and B and Grades 1 to 10 who achieve the highest mark in their respective province or designated region. Eligible candidates must score at least 80 per cent on their practical examination and must have completed the co-requisite theory examinations for their respective grade and discipline. Gold Medal ceremonies are held annually in cities across Canada, often in conjunction with Convocation ceremonies, to recognize students’


St. Lazare resident Marguerite Gauthier, 12, has won a Gold Medal from The Royal Conservatory for scoring the top mark in Québec on the Level 2 Clarinet examination. Marguerite received the award on Sunday, November 22 at a public ceremony in Toronto.

achievements and acknowledge the contributions of their teachers.


welcomes Carl Poirier to its family of Brokers. Carl can be reached at the office, 450-458-7051 or on his cell, 514-895-4607. OPEN HOUSE ͳ SUN. 2ͳ4PM



Put your featured homes of the week on this page!

$288,000 Angelito Ilagan Real Estate Broker GROUPE SUTTON DISTINCTION INC.


Vaudreuil-Dorion. Perfect starter home in quiet neighborhood. 2 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. Finished basement. Move right in. A must see! #13392340


Just call 450-510-4007

$269,000 Gary Joubert Real Estate Broker ROYAL LEPAGE VILLAGE


Rigaud. 23 rue Corrigan. 3+1 bedroom, 1 bath. Close to all ameniƟes, green space. Many inclusions including hot tub. MLS 18729547






En conformité avec l’article 474.2 de la Loi sur les cités et villes, AVIS PUBLIC est par les présentes donné que le Conseil municipal de la Ville de Kirkland adoptera le budget 2016 ainsi que le Programme triennal d’immobilisations pour les années 2016-2017-2018 de la municipalité, lors de deux (2) séances extraordinaires qui se tiendront le lundi 14 décembre 2015 à 19 h et 19h15 à la salle du Conseil à l’hôtel de ville, 17200 boulevard Hymus, Kirkland.

In conformity with Section 474.2 of the Cities and Towns Act, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of the Town of Kirkland will adopt the 2016 Budget and the Three-Year Capital Expenditure Program for the years 2016-2017-2018 of the municipality, at two (2) special sittings to be held on Monday, December 14, 2015 at 7 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. in the Council Room at the Town Hall, 17200 Hymus Boulevard, Kirkland. A third special sitting will be held at 7:30 for the adoption of the 2016 taxation by-law.

Une troisième séance spéciale sera tenue à 19h30 pour l’adoption du règlement de taxation pour l’année 2016.

The meetings will be preceded by the presentation of the Budget.

Les séances seront précédées de la présentation du budget.

All residents of Kirkland are invited to attend.

Tous les résidents de Kirkland sont invités à y assister.

Given at Kirkland, this 3rd day of December, 2015.

Donné à Kirkland, ce 3e jour de décembre 2015. Martine Musau, avocate Greffière et directrice des affaires juridiques



Thursday, December 3, 2015

Martine Musau, avocate Greffière et directrice des affaires juridiques

Discover your local merchants! Choice, service, and quality at Planchers Artz Rénovation Ju l e s - P i e r r e Malartre Special contributor

Renovating can be a pain, but why suffer through an experience that should actually be enjoyable? The secret to successful and pleasant home renovations is choosing the right supplier. Planchers Artz Rénovation has been helping clients improve their homes for nearly a decade. It’s more than a floor coverings store - it’s your one-stop renovation resource for your home improvement projects. While the store has built its solid reputation on retailing some of the best, highest quality brands and most trendy flooring styles on the market, it also offers highly sought after home renovation services. The store offers a wide range of floor and wall coverings for the interior as well as materials, stains, and varnishes for decks and other outdoors projects. The store is also adding exterior house facings to its wide range of products this spring. “I want to offer as many products as possible. It gives the clients a chance to have something exclusive, so that everyone doesn’t end up with the same thing,” Mélanie Garcia, the proprietor of Planchers Artz Rénovation, says. When it comes to renovations, the expert team at Planchers Artz Rénovation can assist you with your basement project or bathroom upgrade. Whether you want

to entrust them with your entire project, or simply hire them to put in your new flooring, the experts at Planchers Artz Rénovation will be there to assist you through a trouble-free home renovation experience. “Choice, service, quality,” Mélanie likes to say, the three words that most readily come to mind when describing Planchers Artz Rénovation. Choice and quality are evident after a first look at the store’s catalogue, and when it comes to service, it is the reason for the store’s customer loyalty. “I have a lot of returning customers,” Mélanie says proudly. “We helped clients renovate their basement last year when they put their house up for sale, and they sold it right away. They came back this year and entrusted us with the renovation of their new home.” Clients remember the excellent service because they come back, even years later. “They say they don’t want to use anyone else,” Mélanie adds. Planchers Artz Rénovation is located at 408 Harwood Boulevard in VaudreuilDorion. The store is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. You can visit the store on Sunday by appointment. You can view their extensive online catalogue to help you make your selection before visiting the store at You can also email Mélanie at or call her at (514) 577-6250 to find out more before your visit.

Season’s Greetings Until Christmas, FREE single vision lenses with a scratch resistant coating with purchase of frame

Upon presentation of this ad.

Small Business...BIG Difference! Thursday, December 3, 2015



THINGS TO SEE AND DO To submit your “Things to See and Do”, send your information to before Monday noon. All announcements should include dates, times and addresses. Publishing priority will be given to non-profit and community based groups. HUDSON The Annual Giant Menorah Lighting will take place in front of the Hudson Town Hall, 481 Main Road, Tuesday, December 8, at 7 p.m. Come celebrate the third night of Chanukah with the community and enjoy donuts and potato latkes. Visit Jewishhudson. ca for more information. The Hudson Seniors’ Travel Club will hold its Annual General Meeting and Christmas Party Tuesday, December 8, 1 to 3 p.m. at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, 394 Main Road. Join us for an update on the year’s activities, renew your membership, and enjoy some light refreshments. Everyone is welcome aged 50+, wherever you may live. Come and sign up as a member and enjoy monthly outings throughout the year. For information, please call (450) 458-6699. The War Memorial Library December Book Sale starts at 2:30 p.m., Monday, December 7, and runs until Saturday, December 12 at 60 Elm Street. Cook books are featured. For more info consult Greenwood invites you to its OldFashioned Christmas this Sunday, December 6 and Sunday, December 13 at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. at the Greenwood Centre for Living History, 254 Main Road. Featuring music, singers, stories, mulled cider, baked goodies and Christmas cheer! Tickets $15. Available at Boutique Pure Art, 422 Main Road, or by calling (450) 4585396.



The Greenwood Singers present Carols for a Midwinter Night on Wednesday, December 9 at 7:30 p.m. at St. James’ Church, 642 Main Road. Tickets: $25 (includes reception before concert at 6 p.m. at Greenwood or after the concert at St. James’). Available at Boutique Pure Art, 422 Main, May’s Studio, 459 Main, by calling Frank Royle at (450) 458-7316 or Greenwood at (450) 458-5396. Following a critically-acclaimed tour of Nova Scotia, the 306 (Maple Leaf) Wing concert band will be performing a Christmas Concert at St. James’ Anglican Church, 642 Main Road, Saturday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. The 306 is one of the few members of the Royal Air Force Association to have its own such band, formerly associated with the Black Watch (RHR) of Canada, and which has been entertaining in venues ranging from parks to music festivals to the Veteran’s Hospital in Ste. Anne de Bellevue since the 1950s. There will be a reception at intermission with wine available and all are asked to take along a non-perishable donation for Le Pont/Bridging food bank. Tickets at $20 can be reserved by calling the church office at (450) 458-5897 or (450) 458-5127. KIRKLAND Kirkland Food Drive - the Town of Kirkland calls upon all Kirklanders to give generously! Our hard working volunteers will be deployed throughout Kirkland to collect non-perishable food items. The success of the Kirkland Food Drive rests on the support and generosity of our citizens and volunteers. Anyone interested in helping out is asked to join us at the Holleuffer Chalet, 75 Charlevoix Street, at 12 p.m. December 6. Please send us an email at loisirs@ville.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Sporting their traditional tartan, members of the 306 (Maple Leaf) Wing concert band take time out from a performance during their recent tour in Nova Scotia to salute veterans in front of a cenotaph there. They will be performing December 12 in Hudson. See listing for more details.

to let us know if you are interested in helping out. If you are unable to participate, please keep an eye out for the volunteers going door to door and give generously! Non-perishables can also be left in a marked bag on your porch, should you not be home during the collection period. Help us make a difference this Holiday Season! PINCOURT St Patrick of the Island Christmas Bazaar & Craft Fair, 278 Shamrock Drive, Saturday December 5, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sunday December 6, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Many vendors and special crafts, White Elephant table, delicious baked goods, country kitchen warm soup served. POINTE CLAIRE Artisan Fair and Bake Sale is being held on Saturday, December 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Valois United Church, 70 Belmont Avenue. Offered for sale will be crafts of 20 artisans, home baking, meat pies and used books. Tea Room 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Hearty soup lunch 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call church office for more info at (514) 697-0651.

cookie decorating, face painting, delicious Chanukah foods, a Chanukah theater, a grand raffle, and fun for the whole family. Join us Sunday, December 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the new Chabad Centre for Jewish Life, 1955 Ste. Angelique. Visit for more information. Admission $5/person. Gerdys Rescue Christmas brunch, December 6, at Café Anis et Marjolaine 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 2027 Chemin Ste. Angelique. Extensive Brunch fundraiser for animals in distress. Canadian and Vegetarian specials $25, children $10. For advance bookings call (514) 968-6680. A fundraising Zumba-thon is being held Friday, December 4 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Community Centre, 1301 rue du Bois. Come dance and move for a good cause and a chance to win a number of prizes. The Funds raised will go towards helping Dylane, a child afflicted with a rare genetic condition. For more information, consult VAUDREUIL-DORION

CASCA Vaudreuil-Dorion and CASCA Soulanges will be holding two ST. LAZARE adoption days, Saturday, December 5, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., at You are invited to Chanukah WonFaubourg de l’Île Shopping Centre, derland! Featuring menorah lighting, 101 Cardinal-Léger Blvd. in Pincourt, cool Chanukah crafts, a photo booth, , and one at Global Pitous, Minous et Compagnons, 585 St-Charles Blvd, in VaudreuilDorion. For information regarding our adoption The Turtle Pond Lane Gang, Together Ensemble days, contact us and James Armstrong & Friends at or you invite everyone to visit our web site St. Mary’s Annual Christmas Carol Sing at www.cascaorg. at St. Mary’s Parish Hall, ca. Please note 273 Main Road, Hudson on that adoption fees Saturday, December 12th at 4:00 p.m. are requested to help us with our Bring your own instruments and bells and join vet bills and other in the singing and fun! Complimentary cookies, costs associated fruit juice and sherry will be served. with the wellbeing of the cats unYour free will offering to help defray our costs der our care. would be welcome!

Thursday, December 3, 2015





UNTIL DEC. 12, 2015



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Thursday, December 3, 2015

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