LCBH Flyer 2012

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Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing Advocating for Chicago Tenants

The mission of LCBH is to preserve safe, affordable and accessible rental housing and advocate for the rights of tenants.

LCBH believes that every person and family has a right to decent housing. All

LCBH At A Glance

renters are entitled to 

LCBH has been serving Chicago tenants for over 30 years! LCBH, founded in 1980 by a group of young attorneys in Rogers Park, today is recognized as a leading public interest law firm specializing in housing law and policy.

LCBH provides advocacy, legal representation, supportive services, education and outreach as a means of empowering tenants and preserving decent affordable housing in Chicago. Through these services, in the last year, LCBH provided much needed assistance to 4,730 client families, and impacted many, many more.

LCBH focuses its resources on the most needy and vulnerable low income tenant families with a concentration on parents with children under the age of 18, disabled tenants, or tenants with disabled family members.

LCBH is the only full service legal program for tenants in foreclosed buildings.

In 2011, over 70 volunteer attorneys, legal and social work interns and volunteer paralegals donated approximately 7,600 hours to help tenants facing potential homelessness due to foreclosure, deteriorating building conditions and eviction.

understand their rights and responsibilities and to have access to legal representation to ensure those rights.

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