Component 2 - Lauryn Chen

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Component 2 Lauryn Chen

Contents Introduction...................3 Project Brief & Specification.........4 Location Research...............5 Primary Research.................6-7 Secondary Research................8-11,16, 19-20 Model Making..................12-15,17-18,21-32 Final Model Plan.............33


In my Component 2 I will be exploring abstract natural forms and trying to incorporate it into my later models and ideas for my overall project. In the project brief it states differences between complex and simple structures, but I'm choosing to ignore the complex or simple structure outline and instead to a mix of both. I used two of the suggestions stated in the brief to form inspiration for my Component 2. These were seas, lakes, rivers, streams, weather, deserts, dunes and insects, birds, mammals, plants, trees, moss, algae, ferns. I naturally gravitate towards Landscape Architecture and so this was a perfect word bank and analogy for my project as I'd be able to use different elements of nature as inspiration, such as earth, water, sand etc. It gives a wide space for ideas and my creativity to flow but I instantly thought of a nature reserve/zoo as my idea, and the purpose of this idea is to rehabilitate nature and provide a sanction for animals and endangered species. Another idea that I had was to use one of the ideas on the project brief from the Three-Dimensional Design sector, and I decided to choose the camping idea. Something about the use of camping instantly stood out to me as I could make a lot from it and the different camping structures I could make could be very versatile, which would bring a lot of publicity. I had varied ideas for the tents I could make; I could make a Family tent which could suit a large family or a smaller family, a Relaxation tent with a foldable and inflatable jacuzzi, a Valentines Day tent for couples (Valentines Day inspired), a Glamping tent for going camping and feeling your best and a Girls night tent for friends. These were originally two separate ideas but when getting advice on these project ideas it was recommended to combine them both and maybe make a nature reserve or a zoo with a camping park/area, and that instantly intrigued me. The nature reserve idea with a camping park seemed the most interesting and doable and was one I could finish off, as pairing the zoo with a camping park might have been too difficult to pull off. This idea is still very ambitious, and I can't wait to research further and explore further into my coming designs.

Brief Specification

The addition of a Nature Reserve park with a camping park area would greatly benefit Hylands Park as being around nature and at one with nature often brings serenity and a sense of calm to visitors, and visitors also have the option to stay over as many nights as they like and rent a tent of their desire to further experience the nature.There would be numeral choices of tent designs to choose from, especially if spending longer at the reserve. Necessities will be provided like water bottles, places to shower and toilets, food, blankets etc. but it would be recommended to bring your own materials as it would cost extra.The Nature Reserve park will not have anything added to it except from wooden platforms where you can gaze at more nature and stairs/walkways, so that users can experience plain, raw nature.Guards will be stationed at the park during the night to watch over visitors.

❑ FreeWifi – enabling visitors to contact family members once within the camping park, but not in the Nature Reserve as it encourages being in the moment

❑ Reception/Resource Desk – placed at the start of the Nature Reserve Park and also placed at camping park so that people can rent tents and buy resources and book days or bring their own tent and resources and book days.

❑ Showers and Toilets – accessible for all users, users can shower once they wake up and can get ready and feel clean.

❑ Walkways and Bridges – so that people can access paths and walk over rivers easily

❑ Platforms - so that visitors can peer over at lakes and can almost reach areas that they can't reach

❑ Directions – so that people know where they're going and how to get back to the beginning

Location: Hyland's Park

Hylands Park is a public park in the London Borough of Havering in northwest Hornchurch,near to Romford.It is owned and managed by Havering London Borough Council and has Green Flag Award status

The park, although it is nice for dog walkers to walk their dogs in and joggers to do their morning jogs in, the park is placed in an area where long roads filled with greenery are, and instead of using the park, they can use the roads. The park isn't used for much else and nothing changes about it, which is why I want to re-develop it and change it into a nature reserve park and camping area. My secondary school, Frances Bardsley Academy, used to use this park for running but apart from that the park is relatively useless and abandoned

Where the entrance to my park will be, I'll knock down the pillars and the white structures and maybe some of the houses around the structure if needed, to create a larger space. I will then place a Reception at the beginning to authorize people going into the park and check tickets

Natural Forms

Geometric Forms

Secondary Research London Zoo

Regent's Park, London

London Zoo is located at Regent's Park in London and was previously known as ZSL London Zoo or London Zoological Gardens and is the world's oldest scientific zoo. It was built on the 27thApril 1828 and has over 755 species of animals. It has multiple events and tours around the zoo which could be used for my idea as both the Nature Reserve and Camping Park will be extremely large.

My idea was initially going to be a zoo with a camping park area but changed instead to a nature reserve with a camping park, so I won't be using the initial idea, but I do want to implement the tours into my idea and the different activities to do for the children,and I want the park to close and open at certain times, so it leads to more demand.

Secondary Research Epping Forest

Essex, England

Epping Forest is a part of the Green Belt in the Epping Forest District and is one of the two historic forests in the area. It is an ancient woodland featuring numerous ponds,and has horseback riding opportunities,mountain biking opportunities and visitor centres.

My idea strongly relates to Epping Forest as they are (will be) both large green spaces with lakes/ponds so that visitors can look at nature within those waters. In the picture above there is also a bridge photographed which will be something that I will use in my model.

Secondary Research Waterside Glamping Pods

Cambridgeshire, England

Field EndsWater is a business that specialises in creating Glamping Pods for weekend getaways and family holidays and has those Pods facing the river so visitors can have beautiful scenery to make them feel more at home.There are multiple pods to choose from which include the Duck Pod which sleeps 2 guests,the Heron Pod which sleeps 2 people, the Kingfisher Pod which also sleeps 2 people and the Moorhen Pod which also sleeps 2 guests.

Although my designs for my tents would be different to these designs and more inclusive, for example some of my tents would cater to a larger audience, I would use the idea of these to implement my own designs.

FurtherResearch intospaces

Chongqing Sunac CulturalTourism City

Navy Yards in Philadelphia


Experimentation with SketchUp drawings

Pathways that connect each part of the park.

Using SketchUp drawings to experiment with my layout designs, I decided to use inspiration from the bottom right Pinterest picture to further my ideas for my area plan.I did not copy the exact layout and decided to use my own creativity.The larger parts will be where the nature reserve/park area will be, and the large space at the back will be where the camping park is located

Although I like this idea, I don't think it would be suitable as I wouldn't know where to put the camping park area,and the camping park area is one of the main ideas of my project

For this experimentation idea I decided to use the bottom right Pinterest picture to fuel my ideas for this design. I found I really like the rounded structures in the original design, and since it is a nature reserve area the rounded park spaces would prove to be a good design idea since circles are often seen as a circle of life which is a process of nature,and that is why I showcased it in this idea.

Space at the back still represents the camping park area as I really liked that idea, and it needs to be one of the biggest areas of the park.The other spaces represent the different areas of the park and the areas customers can explore

For this design I did not need any inspiration pictures as this is a development of both the previous experimentations.I decided to combine the circular structures of the park with sharper structures like the square and the rectangle at the back, this is because I also find I like the sharper structures as it creates contrast and also might garner more public interest.

Area Plan

Went onto Floor Plan and designed the floor plan for this model, flat 2D shape with no dimensions,just like how Architects do when building a house

Taken inspiration from previous research done, it is not a direct copy as I made it into my own., for example creating more space in between the circles and creating smaller circles.This is my fallback idea for my final model, or 'Plan B' option as it isn't as suitable for my aspirations for this project although the circular build is very nature-like.

Area Plan

Second,flat, 2D design floor plan

My original and main idea and aspirations for this project,it is not yet developed and is a plain idea plan that has no details as of yet. Taken inspiration from the research spaces and experimentation drawings and merged with some of my own ideas (I decided to keep the space at the back as the camping area, and decided to develop the development experimentation drawing

The wire woven in between the elevated carboard pieces are meant to resemble pathways visitors will walk through in order to get from one part of the nature reserve and camping park area to another

Taken inspiration from my main area plan above

The piece of bent cardboard at the front represents the Reception that people will go to in order to be accepted into the park,and the wide space at the back represents the camping are with the toilets to the left of it (the triangular shaped model)

The petite triangular forms at the back within the camping area are meant to represent tents that the visitors will use if rented (I'll dive into the design more in the next slides)

I have now added some more wire to make the structure more complicated and complex

The horizontal pieces of cardboard represent trees and their distribution throughout the nature reserve and camping park

Lucio Fontana

Lucio Fontana was an Argentine-Italian painter, sculptor and theorist. He specialised in spatialism and was famous for his slashed and punctured canvases. His work mainly consisted of paintings, ceramic sculptures and light-based installations.

I've chosen Fontana as part of my research as his slashed canvases would work well with my theme as my theme is a nature reserve park area. I will explore and show this in my models in the next slide.

Taking thin cardboard,cutting and exploring flexibility

I've done multiple models on one piece of cardboard to still represent Fontana's slash designs,the different pats could represent pathways

I have now added more slices and folds to make the structure more complicated and complex

The slices and the different folds represent different parts of the park and different pathways,each connecting to each other in some way

Tent Design inspiration


1. GlampingTents

2. CoupleTents (Special for Valentines Day) or Family tents

3. Girls Night Out/Guys Night OutTent

4. Casual Tent

5. Relaxation Tent (Inflatable Jacuzzi etc.)


Girls/Guys night out

Casual Tent

For my tent design idea, there will be 5 types of tents as listed above. GlampingTents, CoupleTents (inclusive whenever but popular for Valentines Day), Girls Night out/Guys Night out Tent, Casual Tent and a Relaxation Tent. Whilst the others are more expensive,the Casual Tent will be cheaper due to the design being less grandiose.If visitors have their own tents they can bring it to the park area, but it is advised to experience the true experience to rent one of the tents.Visitors can also rent the tents out for as long as they like, the park closing times will not affect their stay.

Secondary Research Crossover


Shape of the windows

The Crossover Lodge is the first TÜV certified lodging structure and is weather and storm proof.It offers comfortable accommodation for up to 5 guests, with a luxurious bathroom and a stylish kitchen. The medium Crossover tent can fit up to 4 people and is 49m,and the large Crossover tent can fit up to 5 people and is 68m.The reason why I chose to research this is because the tent ideas are close to the tents I envisioned.I hope to explore more into this later on.

Rounded dome structure, homely and eye catching. Rounded tent structures are my aim for Glamping tents

Experimentation with toilet roll led to this model being made.This structure differs from the structure made at Crossover lodge, and I plan on exploring into this structure more in the next few slides.

Taken inspiration from the research done before

Used pen on PowerPoint to draw a messy outline of what I wanted the interior to look like

Couple Tents/Family Tents Idea

The wooden deck doesn’t come with the tent there would already be wooden deck ports around the camping area to place the larger tents

This is a more detailed adaption of the model before

I decided to further convey my ideas for my tent through my drawings.This is one of the tents that will be available for customers to rent,and it will be available for as many days as the customer wants. It comes in 3 different layouts, and 2 different sizes; the medium size and a double bed for couples, the medium size and a double bed and a single bed for a family of 3, and finally a large size and a double bed and 2 single beds for a family of 4

Abstract design, fabric on top is meant to represent tent material and the looped wire is meant to represent the properties of the tent and the differing heights.The first slanted loop represents the entrance,and the back loop represents the ending of the tent, and all the loops together represent the structure of the model

Experimented with a different tent design and decided to use a different way of design for this

The jutting edges are meant to represent the models sharp,pointed structure.I couldn't quite capture what I wanted it to look like but used a different technique on SketchUp to convey the message I was trying to present


Tent Idea

Used PowerPoint pen to draw an outline of what I want the exterior to look like as a development.Pointed edges, a sharper silhouette

A more detailed adaption of the model before

I decided to further convey my ideas through this drawing as when making the model on SketchUp before,I found that I could not get the properties correct.My ideas for this tent model was to create a sense of sophistication which I achieved with my SketchUp, but my original idea for my model was to develop on my original model and have two protruding structures on either side of the tent at the back so that it shows the 'glamping' sense more

Rough black and white side

Taken inspiration from the tent picture below,I decided to change up the style, so it has my ideas incorporated in the design too. I decided to stick with the orange colour to keep a fun element, especially to contrast with the colours of the other tents.The zipper is to create easy access into the tent for renters, and although it is a cheaper and simpler version of the other tents, I still made sure to make the structure relatively similar.

CasualTent idea

I decided to develop my model further through the use of my drawings.This is another one of the tents that will be available for customers to rent,and it is the most affordable tent and is for customers that don't want to spend too much and just want to relax under the stars. It is also the most low-key tent, which suits customers who don't want a bigger tent or a tent that is too extravagant.This Casual Tent Model, however,mostly suits couples due to its medium size or smaller families.

Black and white elevation sketch of what the top of the tent will look like.

Development of tent inspiration picture,I originally experimented with the different colours as I didn't want to mimic the exact picture and I wanted the colours to match,and so I came up with this idea. The green see through entrance represents nature and the warm tones of brown contrasts with the grey shelter. There will also be a jacuzzi outside the tent but I did not include the focus is more on my tent.

Relaxation Tent idea

Relaxation Tent model is named for a reason and will provide relaxation for whomever rents it. It is designed for single person use for maximum luxury,or 2 person use if couples want to rent the tent and want to relax together. The tent will come with a double bed for single or couple use and will have an inflatable jacuzzi for customers to use (each inflatable jacuzzi will be new and not used before). I decided to use a different entrance for this tent, going for a circle entrance instead of a rectangle entrance as circles are often the symbols of peace.



Night Out Tent idea

Development of tent inspiration picture,I couldn't quite achieve the curve that the picture portrayed,but in a way that made my shape unique.I decided to make the colour periwinkle,so it represents both girls and guys. I made the space big enough to fit 5 people max,and the tent gives an element of fun

This tent idea is one of the more unusual tents I have made, and I decided to explore it more using my drawings.The colour would be periwinkle so it fits both girls and guys as the theme of this tent is a Girls/Guys Night Out tent, and it also is a lighter and more flavorful colour compared to the others as the element and point of this tent is to have fun.This tent design is significantly larger than the other designs and would require more space. It would be able to fit 4-5 people in one tent and single beds will be provided.

Camping fire pits are also available for those who want to light a fire,and for those who want to toast s'mores.

Final Model Plan

Through my research and through exploring with my own models, I have formulated what I want my final model to look like.The trees and tents and grass have not been added yet and the properties not yet coloured,but this model shows exactly how I want my layout to look like. At the entrance there is a reception with barriers either side of it and a walkway for visitors to pass through after paying for their pass or verifying their pass, and after that are different areas of the nature reserve. Animals like birds and squirrels and koi fish will be rehomed here,and wild animals can come and go as they please because it is nature's home, and whilst visitors are walking through the park,they can experience nature for themselves. Sanded pathways can lead to one area of the park to the other, but visitors are not confined to these spaces and can walk around freely.The large space at the back belongs to the camping park area, and there will be another reception added so that people can rent tents or bring their own tents and go through,and there will also be a toilet/showering space for the visitors to use that will be cleaned daily.

Final SketchUp model

The final digital model was made on SketchUp 2022,and although my model does not go into as much detail as my physical model, I'm very happy and proud of my final model. I think it shows my ideas and previous ideas perfectly,and the detail being less prominent on this final model means it leaves more room for detail in my physical model,which I demonstrated.This final model is a combination of all of my previous models and ideas before,for example my area plan models and experimentation models all led to the formation of this model, and it all shows a deliberate process to where I have gotten now.Through development and through some of my own ideas, I decided to add further details to this model, for example a koi fishpond for visitors to interact with and feed the fishes (this nature reserve promotes animal interaction), I also added benches for visitors to sit on so they don't have to walk around all the time and can relax in nature,and also added picnic tables for couples or families to eat in peace without having to go elsewhere

Final model

The final 3D physical model was constructed using elevated black foamboard for the layout of the park with grass placed carefully on each layer, cardboard for the pathways with the sand that I bought myself and moss and trees that I bought myself to furnish and create the park that I envisioned and created ideas for from my previous research and experimentation.

Although there are no people in my model,the size and the scaling of the benches and the tents should give an idea of proportion.Cardboard was also used make the circular extensions of the receptions, and polypropylene was used to make the windows

Koi Fishpond Large table with bench

Location: Hylands Park


While creating this model I learnt so many things, for example learning how to create my first big model and I enjoyed every step of it. I also learned how to 3D print and get the sizing correct, which I demonstrated with my 2 receptions,and I also learned the types of adhesives that are used for different materials or for different outcomes, for example with the structures I built myself like the receptions and with the toilets and the tents I used a hot glue gun,but with the pathways leading to each main part of the park I used PVA glue and covered the glue in sand and flattened it out using a weight. By using the trees I bought,and the ones from the school it was so much easier to achieve what I wanted,and to also give an idea of the scaling as the trees are shown to be larger in proportion to everything else.

I'm extremely happy with how my model turned out, I think it represents my previous ideas amazingly and shows a journey as most of my ideas led up to this. However,I do wish I had remembered to add the people to my structure as I feel like that would have finished off my idea completely, but overall, I am glad I got to add extra detail and show off my creative prowess.

Overall Evaluation

Referring back to my original project Brief and Specification, I think I followed my original ideas and plans very well and made sure to make use of all of my key ideas. My inspiration for this Nature Reserve and Camping Park area was to achieve abstract natural forms, and I think I achieved the abstract element through my layout of my Nature Reserve and Park and the natural form element is demonstrated all throughout my final idea and previous ideas. In my Brief I stated that there would be numeral choices of tent designs to choose from, which I demonstrated in my tent designs and the Family/Couple tents that are shown in my physical and digital final models, and I also stated that there would be toilets and places to shower and buy food and toiletries, and although in my Brief I had only really specified one toilet and shower being there, I decided to combine both the toilets and showers together and create two places for visitors to access (all toilets and showers will be cleaned regularly which will showcase good hygiene and make it popular within visitors).

In my Specification I had highlighted specific things that I wanted in my project, for example I wanted Free Wi-Fi which will enable users to contact family members whilst in the park, especially since users may be camping and staying overnight, and although it isn't exactly shown in my model this idea is achieved. I also wanted a Reception/Resource desk at both entries to the different parts of the park, and I showcase this in both my final models.The only aim that I did not achieve in my final model was the Walkways and Bridges, but I swapped it with sanded pathways instead. Overall, I am very happy with my final outcomes.

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