Welcome to Lausanne Collegiate School. For over 90 years, Lausanne Collegiate School has been tailoring education to individuals’ learning styles, skills and interests while widening students’ perspectives to prepare them for college and life in a global environment. Today, Lausanne’s east Memphis PK2 through 12th-grade campus is one of only 24 schools in the United States to be accredited in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes. A natural fit with Lausanne’s core values and inclusive community, the International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Through small class sizes, a social and emotional balance to advanced academics, and supportive relationships with faculty and peers, students are prepared and confident to approach new encounters and environments at every age and stage. After years of exploring different subjects and co-curricular experiences, Lausanne graduates find themselves pursued by colleges and universities across the country and around the world. This outpouring of acceptances and scholarships exemplifies Lausanne’s effort to help each student find his or her own unique path. We encourage and welcome you to begin your family’s exploration of education: The Lausanne Way!
2 Core Values and International Baccalaureate Learner Profile 6 Early Childhood and Lower School (PK2 – Grade 4) 10 Middle School (Grades 5 – 8) 14 Upper School (Grades 9 – 12) 18 Lausanne Fine Arts & Design 20 Lynx Athletics 22 Commitment To Continual Improvement 24 The Lausanne Way Forward 30 Lausanne 360˚ – Afterschool | Extended Care | LynxTravel | Summers@Lausanne 32 Community Events
Lausanne Collegiate School is a coed, nonsectarian school whose mission is to prepare each of its students for college and for life in a global environment.
The core values of Lausanne’s community provide a balanced learning experience for each student: academically, emotionally and socially. THE LAUSANNE WAY We create a joyful and challenging learning process. We encourage continual self-reflection. We provide opportunities to succeed. We embrace global mindedness. We forge meaningful relationships. We build character through service to others. We empower individuals to seek their own journeys.
Building on the mastery of traditional college preparatory skills and high academic and ethical standards, Lausanne develops the individual talents, intellects, creativity and character of boys and girls through innovative teaching strategies and passionate and engaged learning within our diverse PK2 through 12th grade International Baccalaureate setting. As a global school in East Memphis, Lausanne students understand the positive impact they can make in their communities on both a local and global scale. Service learning is incorporated into every grade level experience, as students put subjects and skills into context and action. Lower School Units of Inquiry projects and Middle Years Programme projects directly impact local non-profit groups. In addition, our 10th-grade students participate in a week-long non-profit internship each year, while our 11th and 12th graders design personal CreativityAction-Service (CAS) projects that can have a local, national or international impact.
PK2–12th Grade at Lausanne
TOTAL STUDENT BODY 250 (PK2–Grade 4) 230 (Grades 5–8) 370 (Grades 9–12)
14:1 AVERAGE CLASS SIZE GRADES 1–12 (5:1 PK2, 7:1 PK3, 10:1 JK, 12:1 SK)
Prepared for Life and a Global Environment With girls and boys from 64 different countries and 48% students of color, Lausanne truly is a microcosm of the world. Students benefit from the school’s diversity, developing better cognitive abilities in addition to improved social aptitudes. As we welcome new students each year, a shared sense of hospitality is continually re-enforced by students’ respect of one another’s cultures, family traditions and backgrounds. At Lausanne, we believe the best educational environment makes learning challenging, engaging and meaningful for students. Attention to a child’s social and emotional competencies, executive functioning, and cognitive control fosters self-fulfillment and success in school and life. Throughout a student’s time at Lausanne, specific characteristics and aptitudes are continually honed and re-enforced through our International Baccalaureate coursework and actions. As IB learners, Lausanne students and graduates are:
INQUIRERS KNOWLEDGEABLE THINKERS COMMUNICATORS PRINCIPLED OPEN-MINDED CARING RISK-TAKERS BALANCED REFLECTIVE In addition to the support students receive day-to-day from faculty and peers, Lausanne has a dedicated Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) platform, counselors and learning specialists, who offer resources to students, parents and teachers to encourage healthy academic, career and social/emotional development in all students. Lausanne’s SEL practices ultimately enhance students’ sense of identity, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.
Early Childhood and Lower School PK2, PK3, JK and SK and Grades 1–4 By the ages of 2 and 3, children are already in the active learning process and have an effortless ability to absorb information. Lausanne’s Early Childhood foundation nurtures each child’s development emotionally, academically, physically, socially and artistically every day. Through an introduction to a collaborative learning environment, creative play, hands-on learning, reflection and discovery through Units of Inquiry, the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme provides a strong foundation for what is to come in Senior Kindergarten. During these formative years, it is essential that children develop a deep sense of self. Students at Lausanne learn to realize their ability to contribute to a group while capitalizing on their innate curiosity about the world around them. Teachers work to instill and maintain a sense of wonder and excitement for learning in all of our students as they eagerly and confidently grow through Lausanne’s Lower School classes. We believe that each child has his or her own unique personality, learning style and interests. At every grade level, differentiated classroom activities foster each student’s academic, social and emotional well-being. Art, music, physical education, early engineering, science and community service experiences, as well as daily Spanish and Mandarin classes, all enhance children’s development of strong personal interests and values while simultaneously focusing on global mindedness. The Primary Years Programme generates a stimulating and challenging learning environment, nurturing children’s natural curiosity, creativity and ability to reflect while fostering a lifelong love of learning in every child. Students delight in the encouragement of their peers and teachers. Lausanne’s innovative teaching techniques, including hands-on projects, group, paired and individual studies, are designed to enhance students’ preparation for the Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme.
throughout a child’s Lower School experience with three sections of each grade level and an average class size of 14 students.
•U nits of Inquiry – Teachers work with their grade-level teams and co-curricular teachers to create units of inquiry guided by the six transdisciplinary themes of the Primary Years Programme. Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Units of inquiry interweave subject areas such as mathematics, language arts, science and social studies, enabling students to make stronger connections to core subject areas and their context in the world. Through this process, children develop strong critical thinking, research, collaboration and communication skills. Several units of inquiry have culminating events when students present what they have learned to parents and peers. While PK2 students work through introductions to these interdisciplinary themes, our PK3 and JK students participate in four units of inquiry. Senior Kindergarten through Grade 4 participate in six units of inquiry throughout the year. Examples of grades 1 through 4 projects include a study of animal habitats in grade 1, robotics and coding in grade 2, marketing and inventions in grade 3 and human exploration in grade 4. • Small Class Sizes – Lausanne is dedicated to keeping class sizes small to forge meaningful relationships between students and teachers. While PK2 (avg. student to teacher ratio 5:1) and PK3 (7:1) have the most placement availability, there will be a few openings per grade level available each following year. Class sizes remain small
•D aily Mandarin and Spanish Classes – Daily foreign language instruction reflects the vision of the national standards of foreign language learning stated in the “5 C’s” by ACTFL (American Council on Teaching of Foreign Language): Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons and Communities. It also exemplifies Lausanne’s ongoing response to globalization, interaction among different countries and knowledge and respect of other cultures. •R eading and Writing Workshop – Lausanne’s Lower School teachers are all trained in the Reading and Writing Workshop at the Columbia University Teachers College under the direction of Lucy Calkins. Each classroom, SK through grade 4, has its own unique library system designed to engage students at every reading level. Blocks of time are dedicated to both reading skills and writing skills each day. Both mini-lessons and independent and group work are included. Teachers differentiate instruction based on students’ strengths and challenges while working on strong reading comprehension and creative and responsive writing. All students in grades 1 through 4 publish a book during the year and celebrate at the end-of-the-year Writers Guild Celebration featuring a published author. • E veryday Math – The Everyday Math program developed at the University of Chicago, is a comprehensive Lower School math curriculum that emphasizes conceptual understanding and an early introduction to the six major mathematical content areas: number sense, algebra, measurement, geometry, data analysis and probability. Students also work on memorizing math facts while working through a spiral curriculum of review and introduction of new material to prepare them for the integrated math program in Lausanne’s Middle and Upper Schools.
also make regular trips to the maker space and innovation lab in the library to enhance their creative design technology practices, where they also have access to the 3-D scanner, printers and projector. • Student-led Assemblies – Each month, a grade-level class works together to present one of their inquiry units on the Elder Performing Arts Center stage. Additional programs throughout the year include musical presentations at Grandparents and Family Friends Day and Lausannia.
• Co-Curricular Classes – During a seven-day rotation, students attend seven co-curricular classes, including two art classes, two music classes, two physical education classes and an ANTS class (Acquiring New Technology Skills). ANTS begins in SK. Additionally, students in grades 1 through 4 go to the science lab twice during the seven-day rotation. • F ield Trips – Each grade level participates in at least two field trips during the school year to do field research for their units of inquiry. Everyone looks forward to the 4th-grade rocket unit and day trip to Huntsville Space and Rocket Center. • L earning Specialists and Counselors – Early Childhood and Lower School students benefit from an average of nine different professional teachers each week. Additionally, two learning specialists and a counselor work both individually and in small groups with all students as well as through classroom presentations. These lessons include both advanced and support work for all students. • Technology – Each Early Childhood and Lower School classroom is equipped with iPads, touchscreen laptops and smart TVs. Students
• T he PYP Exhibition – The Exhibition is an important part of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) for all students. In the 4th grade, students work collaboratively to conduct an in-depth inquiry into real-life issues or problems. Students collectively synthesize all of the essential elements of the PYP in ways that can be shared with the whole school community. It is exciting for our 4th graders to demonstrate their independence and the responsibility they are taking for their own learning and showcase all of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile attributes they have developed throughout their Lower School experience. The PYP Exhibition is a wonderful celebration of their readiness to transition to the Middle Years Programme in the Middle School. • Outdoor Discovery Center – The only one of its kind, the center has 14 uniquely different structures representing world monuments placed on a multi-colored turf, a replica of a Rand McNally map of the world. Students can travel from Cape Horn, South America to the Great Wall of China without touching the ground, traveling through six continents, and interacting with seven monuments on their way. Students can zipline from the Horn of Africa to Australia without getting their feet wet, climb Big Ben, balance on the Eiffel Tower and explore the Taj Mahal. The playground also provides a quiet, reflective place out of the sun for children to interact and engage in imaginative play under the Bedouin tent over Africa.
Middle School Grades 5–8 Knowing the physical, emotional and cognitive changes children face during their preteen years, Lausanne’s Middle School is dedicated to fostering students’ confidence, love of learning, and self-advocacy, social and communication skills. Small class sizes, a Daily Focus on mindfulness and empathy, collaborative learning environments, and supportive and encouraging faculty nurture students’ individual life skills while encouraging compassion and understanding of others. The friendships built across grade levels in the Middle School’s House System strengthen student leadership, peer mentoring and school spirit. Motivated by the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme’s cross-curricular objectives, students are asked to evaluate information critically. They use what they learn to take principled action rather than simply memorizing facts to prepare for exams, with a focus on learning how to learn, stay organized and manage time. The development of the whole child prepares students for the Upper School and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme’s academic rigor.
• I nterdisciplinary Teaching – Students learn best when their learning experiences have context and are connected to their lives and their world experiences. Each year of the Middle Years Programme (MYP) is designed to engage students in one or more collaboratively planned interdisciplinary units that connect two or more subject areas. Using the global contexts of the MYP, students develop an understanding of their common humanity and shared guardianship of our earth through explorations of: Identities and relationships Personal and cultural identity Orientations in space and time Scientific and technical innovation Fairness and development Globalization and sustainability Out of these studies come students’ personal commitments to service and making a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment. • Zero Period – The academic day for Middle School students at Lausanne begins at 8:10 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. Most students arrive on campus between 7:30 and 7:45 a.m. to participate in the Zero Period, when all of the teachers are in their classrooms. Students can get extra support for lessons or work with teachers and peers on various projects. Some students also use this time to catch up on homework before classes begin or to eat breakfast with friends in Tully Dining Hall or the Blue Heron Café.
• E ight Academic Periods – Middle School students rotate through eight academic classes using a block schedule over two days. Four classes are held each day with snack breaks between classes, including lunch midday. Four core classes in English, Math, Science and Social Studies form the base for students. They also benefit from physical education classes and a genius hour that gives students a creative outlet and time to work with teachers one-on-one as needed. Students in grades 5 and 6 rotate through language study trimesters of French, Mandarin or Spanish, while students in grades 7 and 8 choose one course of study and gain a high school language credit after completing two years of study in the same language. The students’ eighth class is a rotation of fine and performing arts courses. The math program takes an integrated approach to mathematical concepts, including algebra and geometry, to make connections across the content domains leading to higher test scores and better retention. English classes also include Latin and Greek root word studies to strengthen vocabulary in preparation for later ACT/SAT testing. Science classes are lab-based and give students an early foundation for their biology, chemistry and physics classes to come in Upper School. STEAM and design studies can be taken as individual courses and incorporated into multiple experiences throughout the core subject areas. •G rade Level Advisors – Students benefit from small classes, which usually average about 14 per class and never more than 20 students. Each student has a homeroom grade-level advisory group and an advisor who is the student’s advocate and program connection for parents. During the 30-minutes after lunch, students meet with their advisors or enjoy a common time outdoors. 5th and 6th graders are delighted to have use of the Outdoor Discovery Center during this time. On Wednesdays, the entire Middle School meets in the Elder Performing Arts Center for an assembly featuring a guest speaker, student performance or message from the Head of Middle School.
• Teaming – While students attend arts and physical education classes, grade-level teaching teams from the core subjects of English, Math, Science and Social Studies meet daily to coordinate plans and discuss each individual student’s progress. They also pay close attention to each child’s social, emotional and academic needs and create proactive plans of support and communication with parents. • Technology – Technology is seamlessly integrated into all academic programs at Lausanne. Supported by our campus-wide wireless network, all Middle and Upper School students use personal laptops/tablets in all of their classes. Our classrooms and innovation labs employ tools like 3-D printers, 3-D projectors and laser cutters/engravers to provide a dynamic educational experience including higher-level STEAM and engineering courses for 5th through 12th grades. To provide professional development for our teachers and other educators, Lausanne Learning Institute brings leading experts on technology into the classroom from around the world to Memphis each summer. • Community Compassion Project – As a means of preparation for our International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in the Upper School, all 8th-grade students participate in a year-long, multidisciplinary service project. This endeavor allows students to explore their academic passions and interests, while strengthening their research skills, analytical thinking and writing abilities. Students are asked to collaborate and develop a service to the community from start to finish. As a culminating event, students give a final presentation of their project during a special evening gathering celebrating their Middle School journey. • House System – Lausanne's House System, the first of its kind in the Mid-South, offers students and teachers the opportunity to work with one another outside of the academic arena. Through weekly house competitions that promote a healthy sense of school spirit, students establish connections that transcend classrooms and grade
levels. Houses also provide older Middle School students with leadership opportunities through positions on our House Council and through the organization of school-wide activities. All students new to the 5th through 8th grades are sorted into one of four houses: Cottingham, Lendenwood, Massey and Monmouth, each named after a street surrounding our campus. •C lass Trips – Grades 5 through 8 take overnight class trips to enhance their classroom discussions and solidify friendships. 5th grade participates in a one-night trip to Victory Ranch in the spring to establish a sense of independence and team building. 6th graders take a team-building trip to Camp Bear Track in Arkansas. The 7th-grade trip centers around curricular enhancements in social studies and science. The 8th-grade trip allows the students to explore their impact on the communities around them. • L earning Specialist and Counselor – Students benefit from the extra support of a learning specialist and counselor, who manage student learning plans and lead small group and individual exercises to help build student community and strengthen student self-advocacy. • Mindfulness – The Middle School motto is “Work Hard: Play Hard.” Students in grades 5 through 8 go through many personal physical and emotional changes, and face new academic challenges while learning to balance special interests. The Middle School strives to help students approach learning mindfully by providing classroom exercises that heighten student awareness and ease anxieties. Each morning begins with a ten-minute “Daily Focus,” providing students with time to engage in continual self-reflection that empowers them to develop vital self-management, social and communication skills. Each class period also begins with a brief “mindful moment” to get focused and centered. This proactive, holistic approach to our students’ social and emotional development provides a foundation for becoming open-minded, caring and thoughtful society members. “Kindness is our superpower!” LAUSANNE COLLEGIATE SCHOOL
Upper School Grades 9–12 Upper School students in the 9th and 10th grades at Lausanne benefit from continued development of critical thinking, research and communication skills while exploring the interdisciplinary studies of the last two years of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. Our goal is to develop students who are global-minded, collaborative, empathetic and active learners with the intellect and skills to pursue lives of purpose and meaning. Classroom, co-curricular activities, student-organized interest clubs and community service experiences aim to help students develop their potential, explore their own learning preferences, take appropriate risks and develop a strong sense of personal identity. Through this self-reflection as well as the completion of most graduation requirements within their first two years of study in the Upper School, students are better able to design their schedules through the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in the 11th and 12th grades to develop their individual skill sets and interests and to enhance admittance to their preferred colleges and universities. Grade level faculty advisors, small peer groups and a structured four-year college advising process provide students the support, guidance and self-reflection opportunities to find their individual college or university of choice.
• Middle Years Programme – Lausanne’s 9th and 10th grades are part of the Upper School while also an extension of the Middle Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate. In addition to continuing the development of students’ Learner Profile attributes, students in the 10th grade will complete a long-term personal research project.
• International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme – The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a rigorous academic program during the junior and senior years of high school. Students choose from a selection of classes offered at both standard (SL) and higher level (HL) in each of six different academic areas of study. All SL and HL classes are taught over two years. Students also write an extended essay, take a Theory of Knowledge class and participate in the Creativity, Activity and Service program (CAS). All students in the Upper School at Lausanne benefit from participation in the full Diploma Programme or participation in two or more IB Certificate Courses. Forty percent of the junior and senior classes participate in the full Diploma Programme, and IB Math and English are required of all students. The math program is integrated to make connections across the content domains leading to higher test scores, better retention and advanced studies. Students who complete IB coursework with high marks should expect to have college credit applied towards their college graduation requirements.
• F lex Block – Each academic day, students in the Upper School have a 50-minute Flex Block starting at 1:25 p.m. This is a time when most teachers are in their classrooms. Students can get extra support on lessons or work with teachers and peers on various projects. National Honor Society students are also available for peer-tutoring. This is a great time for students to get one-on-one support in areas of challenge or a jump start on major projects or homework assignments. • Advisory – The academic day for Upper School begins each morning at 8:50 a.m., with a 15-minute advisory period. Each student has a grade-level advisor and a peer advisory group of seven to eight students that meet daily. Teachers build meaningful relationships with all members of their advisories and their advisees’ parents and help shepherd them through the academic and social challenges that present themselves over the year. The advisor is the primary contact for the family in the school. After the advisory period, the first class begins at 9:05 a.m., following best practices for the teenage brain. •R otating Block Schedule – Upper School students rotate through six academic classes over two days. Following best pedagogy practices, academic classes are 85 minutes long, allowing students to dive deep into each subject. Students can tailor their experience with over 100+ course offerings, including but not limited to Anthropology, Business, Computer Science, English, Languages (French, Spanish, Mandarin), Math, Psychology, Science, Sports and Health Sciences, and the Performing and Visual Arts, taught through three different art studios. There are never more than 20 students in a class, and class sizes actually decrease in size as students enroll in various electives of interest. The average class size experience is 14 students.
•C lass Trips and Internships – At the beginning of the school year, each class in the Upper School benefits from a unique week-long class experience designed to create a strong support system and opportunities for future planning. The freshmen go on a retreat with the 9th-grade faculty to learn about the Upper School culture and build community. Sophomores participate in a week-long internship in a local non-profit, allowing them to realize their impact on the communities in which they live. The junior class visits eight to ten colleges within a region with their college and faculty advisors to explore the differences between the types of schools. The seniors organize a week-long internship of their choosing, although corporate internships are encouraged. This internship’s timing is important to the college application process as seniors are narrowing their choices of program interests.
• Technology – Technology is seamlessly integrated into all academic programs at Lausanne. Supported by our campus-wide wireless network, all Middle and Upper School students use personal laptops/ tablets in all of their classes. Our classrooms and innovation labs employ tools like 3-D projectors and laser cutters/engravers to enhance lessons across the curriculum. The Upper School’s Virtual Reality Suite offers students a multi-sensory and contextualized learning experience. To provide professional development for our teachers and other educators, Lausanne Learning Institute brings leading experts on technology into the classroom from around the world to Memphis each summer. •A ctive Learning – Utilizing our flexible furniture, our highly trained teachers use active learning strategies to keep engagement high and optimize the student learning experience with each lesson.
• Clubs – There are over 50 student-organized clubs represented by the Upper School annually. Interests include community service efforts, academic clubs such as the Knowledge Bowl, Model UN and Health Occupation Specialists of America (HOSA), athletic and arts clubs and special interest clubs such as robotics or music history. Students can participate in two clubs during the community time block offered each Wednesday. •C ollege Advisory – Guidance from both faculty and Lausanne’s three-member college advising team gives students the support and encouragement needed to explore their individual passions as well as to design specific areas of academic concentration based on college and university interests. College advisors give multiple presentations to freshmen, sophomores and parents and create discussion cues for faculty advisory groups throughout the year. The college advisors work closely with each junior and senior through the college admission process, hosting over 130 recruiters each fall from various colleges and universities to visit with students.
Lausanne Fine Arts & Design We believe a strong arts education helps students appreciate global culture, sharpens communication skills, encourages creativity and hones self-confidence. We strive to instill a life-long love of the arts to enrich and deepen the whole range of life experiences. From PK2 through 12th grade, fine and performing arts are interwoven across the disciplines. In addition, visual and performing art classes encourage the discovery of relationships between the creative process and evaluative skills that enable a clearer understanding of our world.
Lower School Daily Co-Curricular Classes 7-Day Rotation in Fine Arts Studio Art Music and Voice (Orff Instruments) P.E. A.N.T.S (Acquiring New Technology Skills) Middle School 5th and 6th Grade Trimester Rotation in Fine Arts Art/Dance/Drama Art/Music/Drama Band Chorus Strings 7th and 8th Grade Year-Long Studies in Fine Arts Band Chorus Dance Drama Music Appreciation STEAM Strings Visual Arts Upper School Visual and Performing Arts Classes Theatre Arts Theatre Production IB Theater SL and HL Instrumental Music SL and HL Chorus SL and HL Digital Video IB Film Art 1 Advanced Art Multimedia Arts Photography Yearbook Design IB Visual Arts SL and HL Michelangelo Project Atelier SL and HL: Classical Drawing, Painting, Printmaking and Sculpting Art Studio Apprentice Ceramics Sculpture
The Conservatory at Lausanne offers after-school performing arts classes to build creative, confident and expressive performers with a life-long appreciation for the arts. Both private and group lessons are available. Many of Lausanne’s theatrical presentations are part of Lausanne’s after-school enrichment programs. The Lower School Musical is offered through Conservatory classes. 5th through 12th-grade students may audition for after-school participation in the Middle School and Upper School musicals and plays. In addition to these performances, students may also audition for The Night of Broadway and StudentDirected One Acts.
Conservatory Private or Group Lessons Pre-Piano, Piano, Violin/Viola, Guitar, Ukulele, Voice Acapella Conservatory Discover Art Conservatory Musical Theater Creative Movement Beginning Ballet Ballet 1 Ballet 2 Ballet 3 Beginning Tap Hip Hop Lynx Outloud – Show Choir Rising Stars I Rising Stars II Tap
Lynx Athletics Our students and community take great pride in supporting our Lynx and the blue and gold. While striving for personal growth and development in youth athletes, athletics at Lausanne also reinforces positive influences, self-confidence and the ability to excel inside and outside the classroom. Physical education classes are built into daily schedules from PK2 through our Middle School. Although there is not a physical education graduation requirement in the Upper School, most students enjoy participating in team and individual sports. In addition to PE and individual and team sports, Lausanne athletics offers individualized and group training sessions from various sports, allowing student athletes to develop their fundamentals or take their games to the next level. Afternoon and weekend academy participants can be beginners looking to learn and develop in fundamentals to elite athletes training for the next level. Our hope is to help student athletes realize the results of unyielding commitment, focus and drive. We believe the lessons learned through athletic participation are integral components of the educational experience. Lausanne’s student athletes take their leadership responsibilities seriously and, in addition to building athletic abilities, make every effort to build school spirit across the divisions.
Lower School Sports Basketball Cheer Cross Country Flag Football Gymnastics Lacrosse Run Club Soccer Taekwondo Tennis Track Volleyball Middle School Sports Baseball Basketball Cheerleading Cross Country Football Gymnastics Lacrosse Soccer Tennis Track Volleyball Upper School Sports Baseball Basketball Cheerleading Cross Country Football Golf Gymnastics Lacrosse Soccer Swimming Tennis Track Volleyball
Commitment To Continual Improvement Most Recent Campus Enhancements*
• Renovated Lower School • Virtual Reality & Film Studio Addition • Women’s Conditioning Gym Upgrades • Classroom Campus Cameras • WiFi Upgrades • Nurse’s Clinic Built • Water Bottle Filling Stations • Ionizer Install for HVACs
• All New Upper School Furniture • Upper School Study Space Upgrades • Lower School Tech Additions (Interactive Boards, iPads, Laptops, Document Cameras)
• Maker Spaces
• Welcome Center and Additional Parking Security Upgrade • Innovation Center
• Synthetic-Turf Field Installation
• 2 Multi-purpose fields, 6 tennis courts, sprint track • 60,000 Sq. Ft. Library and Indoor Sports Complex
• Two-Year International Baccalaureate Application Process Completion
• Upper Middle School Building
• Outdoor Discovery Center • Press Box
• Mandarin Program • Football Program
• Theater: New Sound System, 20 New Mics, New Curtain, 24 New Lights, 8 Acoustic Shells • Main Gym: Lynx Statue, New Sound System; New Conditioning Equipment • Innovation Labs: 6 Virtual Reality Pieces
• Lausanne becomes the first and only independent PK–12th grade International Baccalaureate World School in the state of Tennessee
• PK3 Classroom Renovation • Gagliano Baseball Field Renovation
• Tully Dining Hall Renovation and Alumni Dining Hall Addition
• PK2 Classroom Addition • Early Childhood Playground Turf • Middle School 5/6 Renovation
• Lower School Science Laboratory
• 500-Seat Elder Performing Arts Center
*Many made possible through gifts made to The Lausanne Fund and Capital Campaigns
Lakeside Acres In East Memphis
Indoor/Outdoor Sports Complex 6 Tennis Courts Sprint Track Synthetic-Turf Field and Natural Grass Field Press Box and Field House 2 Gymnasiums Women’s and Men’s Conditioning, Cardio, Weightlifting, Training Rooms
500-Seat Theater 5 Art Studios Dance Studio Instrumental Ensemble Room Music Tech & Chorus Room 2,112 Sq Ft. Middle and Upper School
STEAM Lab 1,200 Sq Ft. Lower School
The Lausanne Way Forward Through the supportive relationships of faculty and peers as well as the ownership students take of their own academic endeavors, Lausanne students are confident risk-takers with an understanding of a broad and balanced range of disciplines. Lausanne’s students all benefit from having all three divisions on the same campus. From an early age, Lower School students gain a sense of the collegiate-prep journey they are on as they connect their early learning connections with older students. Middle and Upper School students are inspired by the interests and encouragement of their peers. After years of exploring different subjects and co-curricular activities, internships, class trips and reflective conversations with faculty and friends, students work closely with Lausanne’s college advisors to apply to a wide range of schools.
Annually, the younger grade levels look forward to seeing the opportunities that await the senior class when they walk across campus with their college t-shirts. The 8th graders have their first college advising experiences as they begin meeting with Upper School administrators and tour the Upper School. They complete their first college advising reflection and study during the spring semester parent/teacher conference. Parents also have the opportunity to meet with the college advisors and tour the Upper School. In 9th grade, both an Upper School administrator and a college advisor meet with each family to discuss their student’s aspirational college goals. Students receive guidance on what courses, internships and extracurricular activities will help them as they move forward through their academic journey.
In 10th grade, students and parents meet with their college advisor to assess academic progress and address any concerns through early intervention. PSAT testing is reviewed, and students make goals for junior testing. Students also begin creating their college resume and conducting mock interviews. In 11th grade, students begin the year visiting a variety of different college campuses during their class trip. The tours create a great learning environment showing students how to explore academic options and find their “right fit� institution. Throughout the year, students will continue to receive guidance on their resumes and mock interviews. Weekly meetings focused on college advising will begin in the spring. Over 130 colleges and universities will send representatives to Lausanne during this time to recruit our students.
The 12th graders benefit from previous years of personalized reflection with the college advisors and faculty mentors. Students and parents will meet with college advisors at the beginning of the 12th-grade year to create a targeted and tailored application list based on the student’s academic profile, personal goals and professional plans. Together, they will review application deadlines and identify potential scholarship opportunities. A college application boot camp in the fall will help seniors learn tips and best practices for filling out applications. Lausanne has long been a place that helps students find their passion and confidence in an environment of empathy and true community support. Students’ interests are unlimited and their passion for learning lifelong. Through thoughtful and intentional learning experiences and the International Baccalaureate Programmes’ depth, students excel academically and personally,
gaining a competitive edge when applying to the top universities in the world.
The variety of colleges and universities Lausanne graduates choose to attend year after year exemplifies Lausanne’s efforts to help each student find his or her own unique path. We hope their opportunities for success inspire you to explore Lausanne for the students in your life.
Each class at Lausanne boasts a 100% graduation rate and a 100% acceptance rate. Due to the wide range of schools attended by Lausanne graduates, 85% of our graduates are matched with an alumni mentor who is still attending the college or university of the graduate’s choice or has settled in the area. Regional alumni representatives across the country also provide a network of resources for graduates.
Acceptances and Matriculation to 18 of Top 20 U.S. News & World Report Schools* Princeton University, Harvard University, Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Chicago, Yale University, Stanford University, Duke University, University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, Dartmouth College, Brown University, Vanderbilt University, Cornell University, Rice University, University of California – Los Angeles, Washington University in St. Louis *in the last five years
92 Graduates 100% Graduation Rate 100% Accepted to College Acceptances to 167 Different Schools Matriculation to 66 Different Schools $13 Million in Merit Scholarships 40% International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidates 94% Reception of International Baccalaureate Diplomas 78% Received Globally | 65% Received in United States | 56% Received in Tenn. $149,290 average in awards per student
College acceptances and matriculation* over the past five years Accepted to 378 different schools | Attended 181 different schools Alabama (12) Alabama A&M University* Auburn University Birmingham-Southern University* Miles College Samford University* Spring Hill College Troy University* Tuskegee University University of Alabama, Birmingham University of Alabama, Huntsville* University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa* University of North Alabama* Alaska (1) University of Alaska Fairbanks Arizona (3) Arizona State University* Northern Arizona University University of Arizona Arkansas (6) Arkansas State University* Hendrix College* Ouachita Baptist University* University of Arkansas* University of Arkansas at Little Rock University of Central Arkansas California (25) California Lutheran University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Chapman University Laguna College of Art & Design Loyola Marymount University Marymount California University Occidental College* Pepperdine University* Pitzer College Saint Mary’s College of California Santa Clara University Scripps College Southern California Institute of Architecture Stanford University* University of California, Berkley* University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine* University of California, Los Angeles* University Of California, San Diego University Of California, Santa Barbara* University of California, Santa Cruz* University of Redlands University of San Francisco* University of Southern California* Whittier College Colorado (8) Colorado School Of Mines Colorado State University Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design* University of Colorado, Boulder* University of Colorado, Colorado Springs University of Colorado, Denver Western State Colorado University University of Denver* Connecticut (6) Connecticut College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Connecticut* University of Hartford University of New Haven Yale University* Delaware (2) Delaware State University University of Delaware District of Columbia (4) American University* George Washington University* Georgetown University* Howard University* Florida (17) Barry University Eckerd College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University* Florida A&M University Florida Institute of Technology Florida International University Florida State University* Lynn University Nova Southeastern University Ringling College of Art and Design* Rollins College Stetson University* University of Central Florida University of Florida* University of Miami* University Of South Florida, Tampa University of Tampa Georgia (15) Agnes Scott College* Berry College Clark Atlanta University Emory University* Georgia Institute Of Technology* Georgia Southern University Georgia State University Mercer University* Morehouse College Oglethorpe University Oxford College of Emory University Savannah College of Art and Design* Spelman College University of Georgia* University of North Georgia* Idaho (1) Brigham Young University–Idaho Illinois (17) Augustana College Aurora University* Bradley University Columbia College Of Chicago* DePaul University*
Illinois Institute of Technology* Illinois Wesleyan University* Lake Forest College* Loyola University, Chicago* Northwestern University* Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology North Park University School of the Art Institute of Chicago* Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville* University of Chicago* University of Illinois, Chicago* University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign* Indiana (8) Ball State University* Butler University Indiana University at Bloomington* Purdue University* Purdue University at Fort Wayne* University of Evansville University of Indiana* University of Notre Dame Iowa (4) Coe College Cornell College Grinnell College University of Iowa Kansas (2) Kansas State University* University of Kansas* Kentucky (9) Bellarmine University Centre College Kentucky State University Morehead State* Murray State University Transylvania University University of Kentucky* University of Louisville* Western Kentucky University Louisiana (7) Louisiana College* Louisiana State University* Loyola University, New Orleans* Tulane University* Southern University and A&M College* University of New Orleans Xavier University* Maine (3) Bates College Bowdoin College Colby College Maryland (9) Goucher College Loyola University Johns Hopkins University Maryland Institute College of Art Stevenson University St. John’s College United States Naval Academy* University of Maryland, Baltimore County University of Maryland, College Park* Massachusetts (21) Amherst College* Babson College* Bentley University Berklee College Of Music* Boston College* Boston University* Brandeis University Clark University College Of The Holy Cross* Dean College Emerson College* Emmanuel College Harvard University* Massachusetts Institute of Technology* Northeastern University* Simmons College Smith College* Suffolk University University of Massachusetts, Amherst* University of Massachusetts, Boston Wellesley College* Michigan (3) Kalamazoo College* Michigan State University* University of Michigan* Minnesota (6) Carleton College* Gustavus Adolphus College Macalester College St. Olaf College University of Minnesota, Duluth University of Minnesota, Twin Cities* Mississippi (10) Alcorn State University Belhaven University Coahoma Community College Delta State University Jackson State University Millsaps College* Mississippi State University* Mississippi University For Women* University of Mississippi* University of Southern Mississippi Missouri (14) Columbia College Culver-Stockton College* Maryville University* Missouri University of Science and Technology Missouri State University* Saint Louis University* Southeast Missouri State University Southwest Baptist University Stephens College University of Missouri, Columbia* University of Missouri, Kansas City Washington University, St. Louis* Webster University
Westminster College Montana (2) Montana State University, Bozeman University of Montana, Missoula Nebraska (1) University of Nebraska–Lincoln* New Hampshire (3) Dartmouth College* New England College University of New Hampshire New Jersey (2) Princeton University* Rutgers University New York (34) Adelphi University American Musical & Dramatic Academy Binghamton University Bard College Barnard College Colgate University Columbia University* Cornell University* Dominican College* Fordham University* Hilbert College Hofstra University LIU Brooklyn Manhattanville College Marymount Manhattan College New York University* Pace University Parsons School of Design Pratt Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rochester Institute of Technology* Sarah Lawrence College School of Visual Arts Skidmore College St. John’s University, Queens Campus Stony Brook University* SUNY Polytechnic Institute Syracuse University The New School* University of Rochester* United States Merchant Marine Academy* University of Buffalo, The State University of New York Vassar College Wells College North Carolina (17) Appalachian State University Duke University* East Carolina University Elon University* Guilford College* High Point University* Methodist University North Carolina A&T University North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University* Pfeiffer University University of North Carolina, Ashville* University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill* University of North Carolina, Charlotte University of North Carolina School of the Arts Wake Forest University* Wingate University* Ohio (19) Art Academy of Cincinnati Baldwin Wallace University Bowling Green State University Case Western Reserve University* Cleveland Institute Of Art Denison University* Kent State University Kenyon College Miami University, Oxford* Oberlin College Ohio State University Ohio University Otterbein University University of Akron University of Cincinnati University of Mount Union The College of Wooster Xavier University* Youngstown State University Oklahoma (2) University of Oklahoma* University of Tulsa* Oregon (8) Lewis and Clark Oregon State University* Pacific Northwest College of Art Portland State University Reed College* University of Oregon University of Portland Willamette University Pennsylvania (14) Allegheny College Carnegie Mellon University* Drexel University* Gettysburg College Lafayette College Lehigh University Pennsylvania State University* Robert Morris University St. Francis University* St. Joseph’s University Temple University University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh* Washington & Jefferson College Rhode Island (1) Brown University South Carolina (8) Benedict College Charleston Southern University*
Clemson University* College Of Charleston* Furman University* Limestone College University of South Carolina* Wofford College* Tennessee (25) Austin Peay State University Belmont University* Christian Brothers University* East Tennessee State University* Fisk University* Freed-Hardeman University* Lee University Lemoyne-Owen College* Lipscomb University Lincoln Memorial University Maryville College Memphis College Of Art* Middle Tennessee State University* Rhodes College* Sewanee–The University Of The South Southwest Tennessee Community College The Art Institute of Tennessee, Nashville Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University Tusculum University University of Memphis* University of Tennessee, Chattanooga* University of Tennessee, Knoxville* University of Tennessee, Martin* Vanderbilt University* Texas (12) Baylor University* Prairie View A&M University Rice University* Southern Methodist University* Southwestern University* St. Edward’s University Texas A&M University* Texas Christian University Texas Southern University Trinity University University of Houston* University of Texas, Austin* Utah (2) Brigham Young University* Utah State University Vermont (3) Chaplain College Landmark College* University of Vermont Virginia (15) Bluefield College College of William & Mary* George Mason University Hampden-Sydney College Hampton University* Hollins University James Madison University Roanoke College Sweet Briar College University of Richmond University of Virginia* Virginia Military Institute Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University* Virginia State University Washington & Lee University Washington (7) Gonzaga University Seattle University University of Puget Sound* University of Washington* Washington State University Whitman College Whitworth University West Virginia (2) West Virginia University Wheeling Jesuit University* Wisconsin (3) Beloit College Carroll University University of Wisconsin, Madison* Wyoming (1) University of Wyoming Australia (4) Monash University University of Melbourne* University of Queensland* University of Sydney British Columbia, Canada (4) Alexander College* University of British Columbia Quest University Canada Vancouver Island University Montreal, Canada (2) Concordia University* McGill University Ontario, Canada (1) University of Toronto* Victoria, Canada (1) Monash University China (1) New York University, Shanghai Italy (1) John Cabot University, Rome United Kingdom (3) Richmond, The International College, London University of Edinburgh, Scotland* University of Northampton
Lausanne 360˚ incorporates our extended arts and athletics activities, after-school programs, summer programs, service learning outside of school projects and travel. From afternoon sessions of chess, tennis or ballet; to global experiences in Peru and New Zealand; to volunteer work in Belize and Memphis, Lausanne 360˚ provides students countless opportunities to grow, lead and evoke change at Lausanne, in Memphis and across the globe. AFTERSCHOOL Lausanne’s Afterschool program is designed to provide children with organized, creative and supervised after-school activities. Any PK2 through 8th-grade student staying on campus after dismissal (3 p.m. for Lower School and 3:30 p.m. for Middle School) is required to be enrolled in the supervised Afterschool program. Special activities are available for all grade levels, and Afterschool is available each school day from dismissal until 6 p.m. Estimated Cost of Afterschool DAILY DROP-IN RATE: $20 per day MONTHLY RATES: Average $13 per day Enrichment Opportunities Private Tutoring in Academics – 2ND–12TH GRADE Chess Club & Chess Team – SK–12TH GRADE Robotics & STEAM Classes – 1ST–8TH GRADE Art classes available during Afterschool are listed on page 19. Sports activities available during Afterschool are listed on page 21.
EXTENDED CARE The Extended Care program is offered to children in PK through 6th grade on select days when Lausanne is closed or dismisses midday. The program offers care and activities from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at a cost of $50 per day or $30 for mid-day dismissal care from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lunch and snacks are included, and counselors lead children through board games, group play, gym and playground time, crafts and occasional movies or field trips. Rest time is also included for PK2–SK students. Pre-registration is required.
LYNXTRAVEL While some organized travel takes place as part of the Middle and Upper School curriculum, optional study-abroad opportunities are offered throughout the year, including summer, fall and spring break travel. Faculty plan detailed schedules that immerse students in different cultures and specific studies such as fine and performing arts, language, humanities, ecology and history. Recent travels have taken students on historical studies through Europe and the Southern States, theater and art immersions in New York and Chicago, cultural and language studies in China and Peru, and ecological studies in the Galapagos Islands and Yellowstone Park. While some trips are planned for students only, other trips offer family experiences.
SUMMERS@LAUSANNE From the end of May through August, Summers@Lausanne offers weekly specialinterest camps designed to provide children with engaging and enjoyable experiences allowing for substantial academic, athletic and emotional growth. We place great care and effort into offering the very best in instruction and summer fun. Summers@Lausanne provides children with opportunities to discover untapped strengths and nurture new friendships, all under the supervision of a well-trained and caring staff. Activities include morning specialinterest camps and weekly-themed afternoon camps. Many camps include field trips, and students enjoy the full use of the campus, including Lausanne’s two gymnasiums, fields, tennis courts, seasonal pool, Blue Heron Lake and the Outdoor Discovery Center. Summer camp schedules are made available by early spring.
Every year Lausanne families look forward to a calendar of community events designed to celebrate their students’ efforts and accomplishments both inside and outside the classroom. Beloved traditions and new events bring the Lausanne community together and establish relationships that last beyond a student’s time on campus. Every parent or guardian is a member of the Lausanne Parent Connections (LPC). Building upon Lausanne’s joyful sense of family and community, the LPC’s goal is to provide meaningful, rewarding and inclusive opportunities for all. The LPC hosts a meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at 8:15 a.m. There are always opportunities for parents to volunteer in areas that suit their schedules and talents. Grade level Facebook groups and Instagram posts keep the parent community connected.
• Senior Send Off Alumni Lunch • Orientation Day for Families of New Students Meet the Teacher | Information Fair | An Intro to Lausanne Parent Connections • First Day of School for All Divisions Senior Breakfast and Drive-Through | Tapping of the Seal | Kick-Off Pep Rally | Ringing of the Bell • Middle School House Sorting Ceremony • Upper School Class Trips and Internships • Divisional Parent Information Nights
• Middle School Musical • Middle and Upper School Band Concert • Middle and Upper School Choral Concert
• Winter Homecoming Dance • All-School Spaghetti Dinner • Teacher Appreciation Week • Student-Led Parent/Teacher Conferences • Upper School Musical
• Fall Sport Pep Rally • Friday Night Tailgates and Football Games • Senior Appreciation Week • Lausanne Parent Connections Fall Social • Leadership Soirée • Arts Gala and Night of Broadway • Spirit Week • Homecoming Reunion Weekend
OCTOBER • Fall Homecoming Dance • Lausanne 5K Run in Memory of Peter Kling ’86 • SK Artists at Play • Middle School Class Trips • Scholastic Book Fair • Fall Carnival • Parent/Teacher Conferences
NOVEMBER • Upper School Fall Play • Veterans Day Program and Concert • Upper School Mother/Son and Father/Daughter Dance • Grandparents and Family Friends Day
JANUARY • Young Alumni Week • Spirit Week • Student-Directed One-Act Plays • Re-Enrollment
MARCH • Lausannia Lower School Performance
APRIL • Annual Auction • Lower School Musical • Prom • Middle and Upper School Band Concert • Middle and Upper School Choral Concert
MAY • ArtsFest/SportsFest • Early Childhood Art Show • Middle School House Cup Awards • Senior Luncheon and College T-Shirt Walk Through • Ice Cream Social for New Families • Baccalaureate and Graduation
JUNE AND JULY • Summers@Lausanne • New Family Grade Level Socials
admission@lausanneschool.com | 901.474.1030 | lausanneschool.com | 1381 West Massey Road Memphis, Tennessee