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Memories of the dark - Magic lanterns
Paolo Forti
Magic Lanterns
The first magic lanterns were made in the late 17th century and, until the advent of photography in the mid19th century, used glass that had been painted by hand. Public projections were geared towards astonishing the viewers with strange and unusual images. From the early 19th century onwards, in Britain there were regular projections of the natural attractions that the first travellers encountered on their explorations. Fingal’s Cave, on the island of Staffa, is the only natural cave on our planet to have had the honour of being depicted in one of these slides (teak frame, glass 8 cm in diameter, early 19th century, “F. Anelli” Documentation Centre).
LA VENTA Members
Soci Effettivi
Roberto Abiuso Teresa Bellagamba Tullio Bernabei Gaetano Boldrini Leonardo Colavita Carla Corongiu Vittorio Crobu Ada De Matteo Antonio (Tono) De Vivo Martino Frova Luca Gandolfo Giuseppe Giovine Luca Imperio Francesco (Ciccio) Lo Mastro Leonardo Piccini Enzo Procopio Alessio Romeo Natalino Russo Tommaso Santagata Francesco Sauro Giuseppe Savino
Soci Aderenti
Paolo Agnelli Giorgio Annichini Daniela Barbieri Alvise Belotti Alessandro Beltrame Norma Damiano Riccardo De Luca Jo De Waele Umberto Del Vecchio Davide Domenici Felice La Rocca Massimo Liverani Luca Massa Marco Mecchia Fabio Negroni Paolo Petrignani Pier Paolo Porcu Giovanni Rossi Patrizio Rubcich Giuseppe Soldano Francesco Spinelli Giuseppe Spitaleri Roberto Trevi Stefano Vanni Marco Vattano
Foreign Members
Josè Maria Calaforra Alicia Davila Fulvio Eccardi Esteban Gonzalez Elizabeth Gutiérrez F. Israel Huerta Carlos Lazcano Enrique Lipps Jesus Lira Mauricio Náfate L. Jorge Paz T. Monica Ponce Argelia Tiburcio Freddy Vergara, Kaleb Zárate Galvez
Honorary Members
Raul Arias Giuseppe Casagrande Viviano Domenici Adolfo Eraso Romero Paolo Forti Elvio Gaido Amalia Gianolio Italo Giulivo Silvia Nora Menghi Luca Mercalli Ernesto Piana Rosanna Rabajoli Tim Stratford Marco Topani Carina Vandenberghe
In memory
Giovanni Badino † Paolino Cometti † Francesco Dal Cin † Edmund Hillary † Adrian G. Hutton † Lucas Ruiz † Thomas Lee Whiting †