Academy Journal, Fall 2018

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The Academy Journal LAWRENCE ACADEMY FALL 2018

“From thy portals facing westward...”


First Words from Head of School Dan Scheibe

Visions, Dreams That Still Will Go The first and last moments of a school year are often accompanied by certain melodies and harmonies: in our case, the tune and tone of our “Elm Tree Shaded Hillside.” The closing, less-often-cited-and-sung Dan Scheibe verse of the school song is appropriately outward-looking. Conjuring the “portals facing westward,” the lines inspire us to look deeply into imagination and possibility. Likewise, the strategic orientation of Lawrence Academy today must be a blend of both wisdom and aspiration, simultaneously connecting and advancing as we consider our horizons. The institutional and individual “dreams that still will go where so e‘er life takes us” are indeed grounded and transcending. What moves and drives us most deeply as individuals should also be reflected in the school’s priorities and progress, identity and mission forever converging. In that spirit, it is simultaneously captivating and energizing to read in Joe Sheppard’s article in this journal of the transformations

of scale, gravitational center, style, and landscape on the Lawrence Academy campus over the last 60 years. If one widens the focus to the 225 years we have been graduating students from this hillside, the theme becomes even more intriguing. Including the prospects generated by the recent acquisition of the Country Day School property (and intimations of views 60 and 225 years in the future), the vista becomes downright beguiling. It all needs a center. While the daily life of school might still be played out in the confined, diffused spaces of classrooms, dorm rooms, halls, and courts, when I think of both the present and the future identity of Lawrence Academy, I imagine a more particular view. Specifically, my mind’s eyes and ears key in to the human scale of activity on the Quad. Actually, I don’t need to use my imagination that strenuously: The Quad enacts its dramas and dynamics outside my office window every day; it’s premium seating for Spoon Hunt in the fall. Sprinting students aside, when I connect myself to the Quad, the core feeling I have is a sense of settled vitality in the midst of this educational enterprise. Quieted of traffic, populated by new generations of faculty and students en route to manifold expressions of teaching and learning around campus, the Quad is a place of human-scaled transit and repose — both purposeful and playful. On a beautiful morning

any time of year, the space soaks in the beauty, energy, and dignity of the day. At night (particularly now with the streetlamps lighting the way down Powderhouse Road) it retains a hearth-like glow. Centered here, one gets a powerful sense of community — an impression equally apparent to Shep after his many years and to a prospective student upon a first visit. Omnibus Lucet. As my slight embellishment at the end of Shep’s article will describe (and as the pictures accompanying these words more effectively and suggestively portray), we want to reinforce the centrality, versatility, and impact of the Quad. The common outdoor space will continue to balance the social experience of the school with the academic life of the school. Yet, as with our long-range planning around program, these experiences will be further developed and intensified through advancements in the structures and designs that support them. A new Community Commons growing from the Gray Building will be flanked on the opposite side of the Quad by a renovated Schoolhouse, featuring a special focus on design, collaborative work, and creative application. The library, arts, meeting, performance, study, practice, support, expression — teaching

and learning in all its forms on all sides — will achieve yet more effective balance around the Quad. Student-focused engagement will continue to define us at our core. The Country Day School property, formerly and fittingly a school for landscape design, settles the Academy atop the hill. If one considers the overall imprint of the school in its topographic setting, this recent acquisition does seem to give the campus a sense of completion, and these long views can be helpful in many ways. In landscape, portrait, ground- or drone-level perspective, our campus captures this great sense of possibility and permanence even as it changes vigorously every day — a theme as appropriate for a student as it is for an academy. In all of these plans, it is important to note this consistent appeal to principled balance even in the concept and design of our campus. We care about the living and the learning. We seek a sense of interdependence and immediacy in our daily interactions. We want to be welcoming and recognizable even as we are distinct. Tying all our efforts and plans together, we want to be able to see that the light, from our elevated vantage point, does shine for each and for all. - Dan Scheibe

It all needs a center


2017–2018 Trustees of Lawrence Academy

TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES The Changing Face of LA’s Campus


Bruce M. MacNeil ’70, President Jason Saghir, Vice President David Stone ’76, Treasurer Gordon Sewall ’67, Secretary Rob Achtmeyer ’97 Jay Ackerman ’85 Kevin A. Anderson ’85 Ronald M. Ansin Timothy M. Armstrong ’89 Deborah Barnes Chris Bernene Barbara Anderson Brammer ’75 Randy Chamberlain ’79 Chris Davey

The History of the Country Day School Site


Hello, Scotland!


Be on the Lookout for Joey Mullaney ’13


A View From the Beach: Linda Deasy Retires


Stories on the Radiator: Mark “Doc” Haman Retires


Say Cheese! Online Photo Archive


Oliver Yang ’18


Maddox Angerhofer ’18


Honorary Trustees

Lucia Stein ’18’s Advice on “Winging It”


Joey Luchetti ’18 Wins Top Honors


George A. Chamberlain III Albert B. Gordon ’59 Henry S. Russell Jr. Albert Stone Benjamin D. Williams III


Liz Gross Brad Hobbs ’82 Sam Liang Doug Long Peter C. Myette Phyllis Rothschild David Santeusanio Alex Sugar Rick Tyson ’87 Stephen Wilkins

Spartan Highlights




Trustees With 25 or More Years of Service

Welcome to LA


Welcoming Jamie Feild Baker


LA at a Glance


1974–present 1978–present 1978–present 1980–present 1984–present

Founders’ Day 2017


Cum Laude Day


Faculty Doings: Laura Moore


Editorial Team

Editorial Council

The Annual Spring Social & Fundraiser


2018 Commencement


John Bishop Director of Communications

Allie Goodrich ’13 Communications Associate

Joseph Sheppard College Counselor, retired

Geoff Harlan Major Gifts Officer

Angela Zimmer Editorial Consultant

Susan Hughes Assistant to the Head of School

Layout/Design/ Production

Caitlin O’Brien Director of Alumni Engagement and Support


Henry S. Russell Jr. (current honorary) George A. Chamberlain III (current honorary) Albert Stone (current honorary) Ronald M. Ansin Bruce M. MacNeil ’70

Leadership Dinner


Alumni Gatherings


Why We Give


Senior Parent Gift


Dale Cunningham Assistant Director of Communications

Letter From Bruce M. MacNeil



Reunion 2018


Jon Chase


Alumni Notes


In Memoriam



Jonathan Gotlib Assistant Director of Communications

Dan Scheibe Head of School Heather Stacchi Executive Director of Development Hellie Swartwood Director of Parent Engagement and Support




Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose by Joseph Sheppard


ne of the best things about being part of a community like Lawrence Academy is the assurance that some things will never change: The neo-Georgian buildings, the views of Gibbet Hill to the east and Wachusett Mountain to the west, “where the last faint sunbeams glow” — these will, it seems, always be there. So, too, will the friendliness shown to strangers and newcomers to campus, and the honest courtesy and kindness with which students and faculty alike treat each other on a daily basis (most of the time — we all have our moments!). Yet LA, like every other place in the world, lives and evolves even as the constants remain. People come and go; societal rules change; buildings are put up and torn down; and the campus itself is reshaped. We offer you here a modest chronicle, in words and pictures, of the evolution of the Lawrence campus over the last 60 or so years, ending with a glimpse into the future.

• • • The LA campus we know today really began to take shape in 1948, with the construction of the Fred C. Gray Building. The new facility gave the gymnasium, formerly housed in the old school building, its own space, and the locker rooms were moved from the “caves” of Bigelow Hall. The new kitchen and dining hall permitted Dana House, where meals had been served for years, eventually to be converted into an infirmary, today’s Frigoletto Health Center. And the spacious new MacNeil Lounge provided students and faculty with a real common room for the first time. The late 1950s and early 1960s saw a flurry of new construction: The old Schoolhouse burned down on graduation day in 1956, and its replacement moved the focus of campus life up the hill onto the present-day Quadrangle. Spaulding Hall appeared in 1960, followed by Sheedy two years later; these dorms replaced two Victorian edifices on Powderhouse Road that had long served as dormitories. The only wooden structure remaining on the “new” Quad was Pillsbury House, located on the north

edge next to Lawrence House — and it was sawed in half and moved in the summer of 1966 to make room for the Ferguson Building, which gave the Quad the appearance familiar to all of us. Until Pillsbury was moved to its present location, the LA campus ended at the Dr. Green dormitory, originally known as Ebert House; beyond that lay hayfields and a good-sized communal faculty garden. Gene and Connie Gray lived in what is now the Alumni Development House, and the Sheedy House faculty residence and garage were occupied by that family through the 1960s. The decade of 1970-1980 saw the construction of Grant Rink in 1973, spurred in large measure by the collapse in a snowstorm of the metal roof over the old, natural-ice hockey rink by the lower fields. Athletic Director Norman Grant, who had designed the roof, used to say that LA had the best natural ice in the league; by the time the roof fell down, the joke among the faculty was that it was the best because it was the only natural ice left. An odd addition to the campus in 1980 was the Madigan Student Center, named for longtime LA business manager Joe Madigan and located across the driveway from Grant Rink. A true product of the ’70s, it was appropriately iconoclastic for the times: Architecturally, it harmonized with absolutely nothing around it; in a school where a

Headmaster Arthur Ferguson dedicating the new Sheedy Hall, 1962.

1948: Construction of the Fred C. Gray Building • 1956: The old Schoolhouse burns down 4 LAWRENCE ACADEMY FALL 2018

Today, the space is used for storage by Buildings and Grounds.

Moving Pillsbury House to make way for the Ferguson Building, 1966.

sense of community was a priority, the myriad nooks and niches of its interior catered to the privatism of the teenagers of the day. Its location put it “out of sight, out of mind” for most students, who preferred to gather in the Study Hall or the library during class breaks. It was too small for dances or social events; even the snack bar was a losing proposition from day one. Few mourned the building’s passing when it was torn down in 2014 as part of the renovation of Murbach Field. The Student Center wasn't isolated for all of its existence, however: The Stone Athletic Center came along in 1993, continuing the southward expansion of the campus, and the new faculty housing on Academy Drive was built five years later. The decade also saw the acquisition of the Grays’ home at the end of Powderhouse Road. Elm Tree Hall, the newest dorm on campus, was constructed in 2002 to replace Sheedy Hall, which was demolished to make room for the Ansin Academic Building.

• • • The LA campus has looked pretty much the same on the outside since the early 2000s; indoors, however, another, ongoing, evolution has taken place. Do any readers remember, for example, that the basement of Spaulding Hall originally housed a fully equipped civil defense hospital, packed in crates and ready to be deployed in the event, presumably, of an enemy attack? The hospital didn’t stay long, for by the mid-1960s, the space had become the music room — with the “butt room” for smokers cut out of one corner — and then, when the Ferguson Building was built, it was transformed into the woodworking shop.

The Gray Building has seen many internal alterations over the years as well: MacNeil Lounge, on the ground floor, is one of the least-changed rooms on campus, except for its furniture. Older alumni will remember the original, heavy, rustic oak chairs and tables, the standing lamps, and the huge table lamp in the middle of the room (a few remnants of these seemingly indestructible pieces can still be found in various offices around campus). There was no cushy wall-to-wall carpeting in the old days, either: The floor was dark brown linoleum tiles with one big rug in the middle. The only lighting in the room other than the lamps came from the four chandeliers, so after sunset, the place was always dingy, at best. There was a baby grand piano in one corner, and, diagonally opposite, to the left of the fireplace, was a small table with a locked oak case that housed the keyboard to the original carillon. At holiday times, Mr. Ferguson or a trusted faculty member would use it to broadcast Christmas carols o’er campus, or occasionally to stir everyone's hearts with a chimed rendering of “Lawrence, Here's to Thee.” One had to be careful when playing harmony parts, as the overtones of certain combinations of notes could be excruciating to the ear. Entering the Gray Building prior to its 1990s remodeling, you would find a ladies’ room on the left and a men’s room on the right. The ladies’ is still there (its plumbing and décor thankfully updated), but the men's room started life as the Trustees’ Room, and was used as such until sometime in the early 1970s, when the board of trustees became too big for the space. The original door had a small brass “Trustees” sign on it. Opposite MacNeil, of course, was the gym, which also served as the theatre until the Ferguson Building was built in 1967. You walked down half a dozen steps to get to the basketball court, over which hung the oak plaque, familiar to most living alumni, with the lines from Sir Henry Newbolt’s poem “Clifton Chapel”: “To set the cause above renown, To love the game beyond the prize.” A door to the right led to more stairs, down to the level of the kitchen, faculty locker rooms, squash courts (yes, squash courts!), and a monstrous furnace. In the early 1970s, the first girls’ locker room was carved out of storage space on that level; it served as such for some 20 years, until the Stone Athletic Center opened.

1957: New Schoolhouse built • 1960: Spaulding Hall built • 1962: Sheedy Hall built FALL 2018 LAWRENCE ACADEMY 5

were wearing sunglasses watching a play: Ferguson would not permit any lighting fixtures to be installed in the theater, insisting that they would ruin the aesthetics of his monument. Next to the stage, toward Lawrence House, was the art room, another huge upgrade from its predecessor, a single room in the basement of Sheedy Hall. There were a ceramics room, a painting studio, and a small, windowand ventilation-less photo darkroom that quickly became a favorite trysting spot. The roof of the art wing was the original library patio. Prone to both leaking and flooding, it never saw the use that its successor enjoys. Ferguson Building under construction, 1966.

The final set of stairs led down to the locker rooms and showers, which were on the right. On the left were located the weight room, the athletic director’s office and training room, such as it was, and the small and cramped wrestling room. The athletic stock room, originally run by faculty, was found at the end of the corridor. The entire gymnasium side of the Gray Building now houses the arts department, with music and dance on the old basketball court, and fine arts and photography on the lower level. A sharp eye will note that the wooden floors in the Recital Hall and the dance studio are, in fact, refinished portions of the old basketball court. Speaking of floors, visitors to the photography lab will detect a change in the sound and feel of the carpeted floor as they progress through the room: The lab occupies a portion of the old squash courts, the floor of which was several feet below the rest of the basement; it had to be built up to the level of the concrete slab during the remodeling. The LA radio studio, WRLA, sits on the site of the old faculty lockers, and restrooms now occupy the former girls' locker room space. Leaving the Gray Building basement by the north door, you’d exit onto a short driveway and the original tennis courts. When the Ferguson Building came along, in 1967, you could turn left and enter the Ginsburg Auditorium by its stage entrance. Though the original stage was a vast improvement over the one in the Gray Building gym, it had little space in the wings and even less overhead, making scenery design a challenge. For the first few years, until Arthur Ferguson’s retirement, the stage lighting, rescued from the old facility, gave audiences the feeling that they

If you left the auditorium through the rear, into the lobby, you'd find two restrooms and the new music room, also a considerable improvement over the cramped space in the Spaulding basement. The acoustics weren’t great, and the ventilation system, having been installed backwards, didn’t ventilate most of the time. More or less an afterthought during the construction of the building, it nonetheless served its purpose for some 25 years, until the Gray Building was renovated. Along with the theatre, the ground floor and balcony levels of Ferguson were gutted and completely remodeled during the 2006–’07 school year. Originally built as library stacks but never physically connected to the library (thanks to an architect who spent most of his time designing churches, not libraries), the area has housed the College Counseling Office for many years. For the first year or so of the building’s existence, however, the balcony served no purpose at all: Apparently the project had run out of money, and the stairways leading up from the ground floor

The new Conant Art Gallery, 1968

1966: Pillsbury House moved • 1967: Ferguson Building built 1973: Construction of 6 LAWRENCE ACADEMY FALL 2018

Powderhouse Road end of the room was a raised dais about the width of the window, with a few chairs and a lectern. More chairs, used by faculty during morning chapel, as it was called then, lined the east and south walls, and in the opposite corner, nearest Bigelow Hall, stood a decrepit grand piano, used during chapel to accompany what passed for hymn singing at that hour of the day.

The brand-new Ginsburg Auditorium, 1967.

weren’t installed until some time after the building opened! It then housed everything from student activity offices to evening study halls until the College Counseling Office (and, originally, the studies office as well) moved in permanently in the 1980s. Many readers will remember that the area was shaped like a rectangular doughnut, with a hole in the middle opening onto the library lobby directly below and to the original Conant Art Gallery on the west side. Early on, a glass wall was installed on the library side as a two-way noise shield. That did nothing, however, to stifle the constant buzz of conversation from the lobby and the gallery, both popular student hangouts (because no one wanted to trek all the way to the Student Center). The college counseling staff were most grateful when the remodeling filled in the doughnut hole and extended the floor all the way to the outer wall, thus providing both silence and new, quiet office spaces.

Along the south wall — stage left if you’re standing at the lectern — was another, smaller platform big enough to hold a desk and chair, which were occupied by the teacher on duty during day and evening study periods. It looked out on 200 or so Formica-topped steel student desks, which were assigned, in alphabetical order from front to back, to every student in the school. The place was drafty and echoey, and the heating units, noisy enough on their own, made an even louder racket when a wad of paper “fell” through the top grid onto the squirrel-cage fan blades. One September in the early 1970s, students and faculty came back to school to find the Study Hall empty, the desks sold in the wake of a faculty decision to eliminate most required study periods. Over the following two decades, until the Stone Athletic Center opened, the room, now more cavernous and echoey than ever, served as the volleyball court, an extension of the wrestling room in the Gray Building, and, gradually, a gathering place for our growing number of day students. A large closet located just inside the door on the right, now an office, housed the wrestling mats for a few years. Other “temporary” offices that are still in place were added one by one, and, eventually, the old tile floor received its first layer of industrialstrength carpet. The piano, the red hymnals, and the

The Schoolhouse, too, has seen its share of changes: The Study Hall — or as it has been re-branded these days, the Student Lounge — has been a central gathering place for well over 60 years’ worth of LA students. Only readers over a certain age will recall how the room looked originally: The walls were a dull green, of a shade determined in the 1950s to be conducive to relaxation — perhaps not the wisest choice for a space where rigorous study was the order of the day. The floor, like the rest of the Schoolhouse, was covered with brown-and-tan asbestos tile, which was not only noisy but also slippery when waxed, as it was every vacation. (If you had leather soles on your shoes, you could slide all the way down the ramp after a wax job.) At the New McDonald Library, 1967.

Grant Rink • 1980: Madigan Student Center built • 1993: Stone Athletic Center dedication FALL 2018 LAWRENCE ACADEMY 7

Building the Student Center, 1980. LA students helped.

faculty chairs all went the way of the desks; the only remaining artifact of that era is the lectern, which, beautifully restored, now graces the stage in the theatre. Walking down the ramp from the Study Hall, past the furnace room on the left, you would pass an open area on the same side that served as a coat room for the day students, who were few in number in those years; beyond that, where the bookstore is now, were a couple of classrooms, one of which, according to a veteran faculty member, was originally a smoking room. The three science labs were on the other side of the hall, pretty much as they are today; they comprised the whole department until the classrooms behind them were added in the mid-1970s. If you continued all the way down the ramp to the area under the Study Hall, you would find the bookstore on your right and the original McDonald Library on your left, in the space now occupied by the IT department and the physics classroom (i.e., the whole righthand side of the corridor). Student mailboxes occupied the space now used for the computer system’s servers. If you look closely at the photo of the library, you’ll see some furniture that hung around for many years after the facility moved — not to mention the bust of Albert Pillsbury, which has had at least 10 homes over the last 50 years.

bathroom. Francis Head showed a movie every Saturday night (200 kids crammed in that room on hard, blue steel folding chairs!), pausing between reels to sell candy from the window of the bookstore. Manly John Wayne films were the rule in those boys-only days; deviations from the norm weren’t warmly welcomed, as Mr. Head found out one night when he screened a movie about the über-manly Royal Canadian Mounted Police — starring Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald, who spent most of the film singing to each other on horseback. His puzzlement at selling out his stock of Good and Plenty candies at the break didn’t last long: Eddy and MacDonald were soundly pelted with them when the second reel started! The opening of the Ansin Academic Building in 2004 meant repurposing much of the Schoolhouse. The science wing remains, while most of the upstairs classrooms became offices; some have been subdivided into smaller spaces. The ground floor, too, might confuse an older alumnus who has not visited campus in a while. The language lab, which moved around on that floor before being relocated upstairs, is now in Ansin. More recently, the Head’s Office moved down the hall from its original area to make room for an expanded admissions reception area. Outdoors, recent changes have been dramatic: The gracefully winding new entrance road opens onto an expanded parking area, while Powderhouse Road is now for pedestrians only, except for emergency vehicles. The new turf Murbach Field has been completely redesigned and re-landscaped; and to the south, the apple orchard is now part of the campus. Across Main Street, recent

Across the hall from the library, where the physics lab is now, was a single long room known as the Audio-Visual Room, probably so named because everyone had to have one in the 1950s. The entire inventory of audio-visual equipment consisted of one 16mm movie projector and a CinemaScope screen that covered the end wall facing the Stone Athletic Center dedication, 1993.

2002: Elm Tree Hall constructed • 2003: The Ansin Academic Building built 8 LAWRENCE ACADEMY FALL 2018

property purchases have added faculty housing and several acres of open land that adjoin renovated tennis courts, a baseball diamond, and soccer fields. And the recent addition of the Holy Union School property adjacent to the campus opens up endless possibilities. As Dan Scheibe said to the Class of 1968 at Reunion in June, “A lot had changed since you were here as students 50 years ago, but a lot is still the same. We want LA always to feel familiar to you.” May that always be true for anyone who returns to the hillside after a time away.

Sheedy Hall meets its end, 2003. The Ansin Academic Building will rise on this spot.

Postscript What Joe writes in his opening paragraph is still so true: The Lawrence Academy campus today holds a sense of graceful, approachable familiarity. Through the centuries, the poised beauty of the school’s setting has been a constant, even in the midst of change. With the Country Day School property now part of Lawrence Academy’s future, the school’s footprint changes again. Still, the most recent changes described above all have to do with openness, access, and possibility — a welcoming, promising message we want the campus to communicate to those who know us well and those just getting to know us.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Quad, we are ready for Schoolhouse 4.0. As is well known in LA lore, the first two Schoolhouses succumbed to fires in successive centuries. The present Schoolhouse is functional, but its schoolishness has been attenuated over time. Our new plan for the Schoolhouse envisions the removal of the Student Lounge to allow for the construction of two symmetrical additions on either end of the building, housing a now-elevated, expanded science center and program. These prudent-yet-bold improvements will remind us that teaching and learning always remain at the center of the Academy.

Of course, there are more tangible, brick, mortar, and stone changes coming as well. Significant improvements to the Gray Building and the Schoolhouse will be this generation’s signature contribution to our campus landscape. The Gray Building plan will consolidate and expand the common, public spaces of the campus to include the dining hall, student center, and areas associated with the daily functions of school life. This “Community Commons” will be the beautiful, welcoming interior space to match the exterior presence of the Quad. With a gracious orientation open to both internal and external space, we will recognize each other and our environs warmly in the many passing and pausing moments of the day.

Please revisit the words and phrases at the beginning of this journal for finer illustrations of our visions. Most importantly, remember that the sense of thoughtful, personal connection and fidelity to the school’s essential spirit will abide in the changes we make and discover. Here’s an eternal truth: An educational setting doesn’t have much vitality or meaning without students at the center. For the present, we will fully explore the great vistas we have been granted, grounded in the legacy of the beautiful landscape we have inherited. – Dan Scheibe


A Homegoing: The History of the Country Day School Site by Susan Hughes

Remnants of old stonework on property.


When Lawrence Academy purchased The Country Day School of the Holy Union, the acquisition represented, in a sense, a return to campus. The latest property to join the Lawrence Academy campus is located at 14 Main St., abutting the Lawrence Academy property at the eastern edge. It was originally the homestead of Dr. Oliver Prescott, Revolutionary War veteran and prominent Groton physician. When his house burned in 1815, he offered the property to his grand-niece, Miss Susan Prescott, who built the current Prescott residence in 1820. Susan Prescott, who attended Groton Academy (as LA was first known) starting at the age of eight, was hired by Westford Academy in 1819 as an assistant teacher in the “young ladies’ department.” She was then hired as a preceptress at Groton Academy and served from 1821 to 1823. At the end of her tenure, she approached her alma mater and new neighbor asking to create a young ladies’ school; having received a formidable education at Groton Academy herself, she was a firm believer that education was a “beneficial activity” for young ladies. Upon approval, she then built a second building at her home on Main Street to use as the school and opened her academy in 1823. Miss Prescott’s Ladies’ Seminar attracted young women from all over New England for study in the languages, music, and the arts. Among the notable students was writer and transcendentalist Margaret Fuller, whose family had recently moved to Groton. Fuller wanted to attend George B. Emerson’s School for Girls in Boston, but her parents opted for Miss Prescott’s. Ms. Fuller later said of Prescott in her autobiographical story, Marianna, “I really love and admire her, though I did not intend to like her at all.”

Existing buildings as they stand today.

Miss Prescott’s school operated until Prescott married John Wright and moved to Worcester in 1833. A series of homeowners occupied the residence after that, but the property returned to academic use in 1901. The Lowthorpe School of Landscape Architecture opened under the leadership of Mrs. Edward Gilchrist-Lowe, teaching women landscape architecture, gardening, and horticulture, until it was absorbed into the Rhode Island School of Design program in 1945. The new building that Prescott built as her school was moved from this site to another spot on Hollis Street in Groton, where it stands today as a private home; the residential house she rebuilt in 1820 still stands, at the front of the Country Day School campus. After the Lowthorpe School was incorporated into the RISD system, the house and outbuildings that Gilchrist-Lowe built were used as a convent for the Holy Union Order, which opened the Sacred Heart Country Day School. The Country Day School, educating children in grades K-8, operated until 2016. Sources: Mass. Historical Commission Inventory Form B; Jubilee of Lawrence Academy at Groton, Mass, July 12, 1854; The History of Lawrence Academy at Groton, 1792 to 1992; Margaret Fuller: A New American Life by Megan Marshall

School moved to Hollis Street; now a private residence.



by Grace Harlan

Hello, Scotland!

Grace Harlan ’18, for her first assignment as a journalist for LA, accompanied Dance Director Brian Feigenbaum and the LA dance troupe to the 2017 Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. The 2017 issue of the Journal had already gone to press by the time they returned, so we present excerpts of Grace’s blog here, for your reading enjoyment.

May 24, 2017: Preparing for the Fringe Festival GROTON, Mass. — As LA Dance gears up for their trip to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, it's obvious that a whole lot of work goes into the preparation — and not just from the student performers. Three faculty members, Director of Dance Brian Feigenbaum, Director of Theatre Joel Sugerman, and art teacher Dina Mordeno, will be accompanying the 12 student dancers (and one student journalist) on the trip to the worldrenowned two-week art festival in Scotland. Not only will the students be performing on numerous occasions on two continents, but they will also have the chance to see other acts representing dance, music, and theatre.

August 9, 2017: London Calling LONDON, England — Despite landing at what felt like 2 a.m., we all managed to successfully pass through customs and receive our luggage this morning at the airport. As soon as we boarded our bus, the tour of London began. We passed by the streets of South Kensington, the Royal Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, and Parliament, all before 10 a.m. The bus then dropped us off, and we were able to explore and eat lunch in small groups.

August 10, 2017: Last Night in London The morning started out with a quick breakfast, and then a group walk to Siobhan Davies Studios. The team used the three-hour practice to go through the entire dance again, section by section, and ensure they are ready to perform this coming Monday. The practice required lots of concentration, but with the help of Mr. Feigenbaum — and each other — they were able to remember all the pieces of the dance, including intricate details like transitions.

Afterward, we all walked back to the hotel and proceeded from there to lunch. Then, we were allowed to split up into small groups and explore some more of the city. We were all happy to get the chance to go to bed after a long day of hard work. However, Victoria Hodgkinson ’18 said, “I wish we didn't have to leave London so soon.”

August 11, 2017: Hello, Scotland! EDINBURGH, Scotland — We were off to an early start today, with a 6 a.m. departure from London to Edinburgh. Our group shared a bus with a theatre group from Michigan and another from New Jersey. It was a relatively monotonous drive until we entered into Scotland, where we were greeted with a beautiful view of the ocean by the countryside. Even though most of us slept on the bus, by the time we rolled into the University of Edinburgh at 5 p.m., we were all tired from a full day's worth of travel. The group was happy to find excellent accommodations, and — finally — we were able to completely unpack. The most unique experience of the day was, by far, the flash mob rehearsal we attended. The American High School Theatre Festival (AHSTF) organized the dance to the opening song of the musical Hamilton, and it seemed as though we were the only group that had never actually seen the dance done before. The Hamilton theme struck close to home for us LA students, resulting in Fairlight Chemelli ’19 declaring, “We should totally perform this for Mr. Scheibe's birthday next year.” Perhaps it is a good thing today was so tiring, for now maybe we can all sleep through the jitters and excitement that await us with the first day of Fringe tomorrow.


August 12, 2017: So Much to Do (and See)! This morning, after a dorm breakfast, we traveled on a doubledecker bus to a practice hall in Edinburgh. The girls danced for three hours, managing to complete an entire run-through after a couple of hours of technical work. Later, a bus took us to Central Studios, where we had our first official tech rehearsal in the room where the dancers will be performing. It was a shorter practice, mainly used to see how efficiently the girls could run through everything they needed to. Overall, it went very well, as the piece is incredibly beautiful and fluid.

August 13, 2017: What a Whirlwind of a Day! The LA Fringe crew started with a rehearsal in the morning, before catching the bus midday to their very own street performance. Every group gets to advertise their show on the Royal Mile before they perform, and today was the girls' chance. They ran through a shortened piece four times, and people came from all over the street to form a horseshoe shape around the students and watch them perform. After each performance, the girls handed out the flyers for the show to the various viewers.

emotional and internal, but then we also do the stress section, which is very true to our daily life, and the whole piece comes full circle. We reach so many different points, with parts relatable to everyone.” To have one show officially (and successfully!) done comes as a huge relief and pleasure to everyone here from LA. There is truly nothing like accomplishing something incredible through hard work. In celebration for the performance, the entire cast, along with their families, went out to dinner with Mr. Scheibe, our head of school, and his wife, Ms. Montesano.

August 15, 2017: Max Capacity! The girls put on another fantastic performance today in front of a max-capacity audience. Despite everyone's hard-earned bumps and bruises, each girl has given her absolute best every day. As Brian said to them before show time, “You've never done the show you're about to do today. We're here for this, and this isn't just a high school performance. We're trying to do something bigger: We've got a world to save.” Tomorrow marks the first off day from dance the girls have had all month, and it will surely bring a whole new batch of adventures.

Finally, at 6 p.m. it was time to perform our flash mob with the rest of the AHSTF on the Royal Mile. The street was packed, but everyone made way for the group of high schoolers as they moved to the Hamilton number. It was quite a thrilling experience to be out in front of so many people. After the flash mob, we returned to the dorms to learn the Ceilidh, a traditional Scottish dance, with the other students from AHSTF. We learned by a combination of watching the professionals dance and practicing ourselves.

August 16, 2017: Dancers’ Day Off

August 14, 2017: Showtime!

None of us really knew what to expect of the Tattoo. The fact that every single seat in the stadium was sold out certainly was a positive sign, but once the announcer stated the guests of honor, we got really excited: Prince William and Prince Charles were in attendance.

The day had a great start thanks to our first sleep-in of the trip. After a slow, drizzly morning, we made our way to an AHSTF play by a school from California. We then went back to the dormitories and had one final rehearsal before the thing we’d all been preparing for: showtime! The group boarded the bus back to Central Studio, arriving early enough for the girls to set up the stage and stretch. The audience filed in, and it was time to start! The turnout was amazing, with nearly a full house. The girls’ performance was captivating and beautiful. Recent graduate Vanessa Hsiao ’17 said about the piece, “You feel a lot of parts of your normal life: In the beginning, we introduce ourselves, then it becomes very


ST. ANDREWS — Finally, the team had a well-deserved day off! We took a trip to St. Andrew’s on an AHSTF bus. We went sight-seeing and grabbed lunch, and then proceeded to Falkland Palace. The palace was built around 1450 and, at one point or another, housed numerous Scottish royals. When we got back to the dorms, it was already time for us to head out for dinner. The entire group had tickets to attend the Military Tattoo in the Edinburgh Castle.

August 17, 2017: 75 Percent Done ... EDINBURGH — Already, three-quarters of the performances are done! It is so crazy to think how far these dancers have come: from practices in LA’s Black Box all the way to soldout shows at the Fringe Festival.

The group in Scotland.

Before today’s performance, we attended another high school's play and rehearsed our own. Free moments are hard to come by here, but dedication is engrained in each member of the team. Fairlight Chemelli ’19 explains, “We’ve worked really hard, we have been rehearsing so much, and everyone has been tired, but it is totally worth it. This has been a great experience.” After tonight's performance, everyone rushed off to various venues to see shows. As time is running out, we are all realizing how hard it is to fit everything we want to see in our schedule; some tough ticket-purchasing choices have to be made in the upcoming days. A large group of us saw Tape Face, who was a huge star on America's Got Talent last year.

August 18, 2017: Final Performance An entire month's work of rehearsals and a year's worth of material all came to a close tonight as the girls performed “Room” for the final time. The performance was gorgeous — the best I have seen it done — and the audience agreed, giving the girls a standing ovation at the end. It was a bittersweet moment as they took their final bow, but Brian helped prep them for it during the morning's rehearsal. He said, “Don't let your nostalgia or thoughtfulness about your life taking on a new chapter override this incredible opportunity. Take this opportunity as a performer. Don't worry about the future; don't let that take away from you being 100,000 percent invested in this moment.”

Even though everyone is sad to say goodbye to the performing aspect of Fringe, it is hard to be too upset with two full days left in Edinburgh. Most of our schedules for the weekend include 4-6 shows daily; we will not feel ready to leave until we've seen all that we possibly can. The dancers set to return to LA this fall are already gaining inspiration for and creating new shows to perform this upcoming year.

August 19, 2017: Freedom! The only thing required of us today was a morning meeting to debrief with the adults about our plans, and then we were completely free. Ironically, despite all making different plans in various small groups, the entire dance team happened to go to two of the same shows today. Considering that both those shows were dance performances, perhaps it's not so coincidental, because everyone seems to share somewhat of a similar taste. I first went to a two-man show about PTSD, then shopped around the Royal Mile, then watched an all-men’s ballet group, a modern dance group, and finally a Scottish ballet/hip-hop troupe — lot of dance, yes, but the variety from show to show was still astounding. The possibilities truly are endless. The day, along with the trip, is slowly winding down, but, thankfully, we still have one last day to soak it all in.


Be on the Lookout for Joey Mullaney ’13 by Allie Goodrich ’13 Joey back on campus in April 2018 with brother Sean ‘13.

Joey Mullaney ’13 has been busy: He’s got a book on the way — a memoir, hopefully out next spring; he’s got a blog up and running; he’s kickstarted his career as the motivational speaker he aspires to be; and on April 17, he returned to Lawrence Academy with his twin brother Sean ’13 for the “Live Action Leader” series to share and reflect on his story — living with Friedreich’s ataxia — with current LA students. Asked if any favorite memories came to mind, Joey hesitated briefly. “The Dunk, dude,” Sean suggested. “What?” “The Dunk.” “That’s, like, an easy answer.” So, Joey thought for a minute.


“Really, just being around the Quad and stuff at lunchtime,” he offered. “I miss that.” But let’s get back to “The Dunk,” because there were many moments precipitating that instant, so poignantly captured in the giant photo now hanging in the student lounge, as well as in a video which has amassed over 90,000 views on YouTube. It was something special, but it almost didn’t happen. The initial idea began as a layup. “[Varsity boys’ basketball coach] Kevin Wiercinski asked me to do that. I said no; I didn’t want to do it,” Joey reflected. “I was in history class, I think, and then for the next 20 minutes, I was thinking about it in class. So I texted Kev just saying, ‘I’m in,’ and then Kev was so pumped he came to MacNeil, and it was me, Sean, some of the basketball guys.

“Kev came in and said, ‘I’m really excited you’re on board. Do you want to shoot a layup?’ And I said, ‘No, I’m not doing that.’ ‘So what are you going to do?’ he asked, and I said, ‘Daquan [Sampson ’13, who is 6’8”] can put me on his shoulders, and I can dunk the ball, and that’s the only way.’ So he said, ‘All right, I’ll figure it out.’” It’s just one prime example of the Joey Mullaney mentality: Why go for the layup when you could go for the dunk? But such a mindset, like any muscle, is something that has taken work and persistence to develop. “I went through a lot of hard times to get there and to get where I’m at now,” Joey says. He points to a critical event during his junior year, which gave him the confidence to make the decision to do “The Dunk”: “I was an extremely shy kid,”

the Dunk... he admitted over lunch in LA's dining hall, shortly before speaking to students in MacNeil Lounge. “I like getting to know people, but I was afraid really to be myself. “Back when I was a freshman and sophomore, I walked everywhere, [but] my disease got to the point where it was too tough and very noticeable my junior year,” he continued. “And that was really hard for me, because kids saw me as Joey, and I didn’t want them to really see me as a kid who can’t walk, a kid who’s disabled, who’s going to die one day. I didn’t want them to pity me, so I didn’t want them to know what was wrong. I didn’t tell people I had FA, but everyone knew something was wrong, so junior year, Sean’s assembly, remember that? That was like a turning point in my life.” Friedreich’s ataxia (FA) is a debilitating, life-shortening, degenerative neuro-muscular disorder. About one in 50,000 people in the United States has the disease, which begins its progression in the toes and gradually works its way up, diminishing the muscles in the body. Together, Sean, Assistant Head Libby Margraf, and faculty member Mike Culley approached Joey to suggest a special assembly to address what was going on. At first, Joey was resistant to the idea, but later, they “kept talking about it and decided it was the best move.” “It was definitely tough,” added Sean, who graduated from Bowdoin last spring and is currently applying to law school. “But the community — it was awesome the way they responded to it and helped out, and I think that was a nice microcosm of what LA is, and how special the community is here and how everyone really tries to help each other.”

Although he chose not to be in attendance himself that day, Joey said, “Those 10 or 15 minutes really changed who I am. It made me become much more confident in myself, and much more willing — not able, but willing — to do as much as I can.” Fast-forward to sailing on a boat in the Caribbean during Winterim, becoming a peer counselor, being voted class speaker for graduation, and, of course, “The Dunk.” Then, the next stop: Quinnipiac University, where, despite new transitions and challenges, Joey quickly enmeshed himself in social and academic life. He served as an orientation leader for new students, joined the Student Government Association (SGA) as a sophomore, landed himself on the SGA executive board as the vice president of public relations, and was elected student body president his senior year.

“I don’t think I’m a leader,” he said. “In my mind, I still have a long way to go.” Then, he paused. “So be on the lookout.”

“Daquan [Sampson ’13, who is 6’8”] can put me on his shoulders, and I can dunk the ball, and that’s the only way.”

In a blog post from January, titled “Adjusting to Change,” Joey wrote: “I have learned to embrace the unknown. More specifically, I embrace the fear of the unknown. I have found that, as fearful as I might be of the challenges to come, I have to face them head-on. I also feel excited, nervous, eager, happy, afraid — the list goes on. So while my emotions are firing and my brain is wiring, I start to think of a proper response to stress. How I should handle everything is a mystery until I get there. Yet I know I will be required to make some adjustments. And that mystery — and the new challenges I will face — are what make me feel most alive.” Yes, Joey has been busy. But between that book on the horizon and enrolling in graduate school in Boston, he is just getting started. And as for being a leader?


Linda Deasy Retires


A View From the Beach by Joseph Sheppard


t’s fortunate for Lawrence Academy that there was a glut of teacher candidates when elementary education major Linda Campbell graduated from UMass Amherst in 1973. While in college, she’d taken a summer job in LA’s business office, where her mom worked as a bookkeeper. She realized that she enjoyed and had an aptitude for business, so when one staff member left shortly after Linda graduated from college, she was offered the job.

“I think I knew when I was in college, once I’d worked [at LA] and once I’d gotten a taste of the business side, I liked business and I liked being in a school, so [the job] gave me the best of both worlds,” she explained with a smile. Earning an MBA along the way, Deasy became business manager when Joe Madigan, who had held the post for many years, retired in 1980. By then, she had been married to her husband Jack Deasy for five years; son Mark ’96 was a toddler, and Kate ’99 came along in the spring of 1981.

“I think I knew when I was in college, once I’d worked [at LA] and once I’d gotten a taste of the business side, I liked business and I liked being in a school, so [the job] gave me the best of both worlds.”

Deasy held the post for 38 of her 45 years at LA. In the mid-1980s, she became director of finance and business operations, her new title reflecting the escalating complexity of her job.

Linda being recognized at Reunion weekend luncheon.

“When I first started out, we were doing mostly just the accounting work, putting a budget together,” Deasy recalled. “There wasn’t any long-range thinking. Lawrence was like a lot of schools then: We were small, and we tended to stay in our own little world. We didn’t have to worry about what the outside world thought or did.” She attributes the changes in her responsibilities to government oversight and regulation that didn’t exist 40 years ago: “Today, you’ve got to have a strategic plan in place — a long-range plan, a facilities plan, a plan for everything,” she explained. “You have to have good relations with town officials, state government, the police. We’re much more outwardthinking now.”

Retirement has made life simpler again, as she and Jack have moved into a new home in Falmouth, Mass., where his family has owned a house for many years. They look forward to visits from Mark and Kate and their kids. “It’s a change; it’s new,” she said with a smile. “But we know the area; we know the neighbors around us. I’m going to sit on the beach for a while.” Offering parting words to LA’s students, Deasy added, “It’s a great place with lots of opportunities. Appreciate it while you’re here!”


Mark “Doc” Haman Retires


Stories on the Radiator


here were precious few college jobs available for medievalists in 1982, so, after part-time stints at a few institutions, newly minted Ph.D. Mark Haman and his wife Lee Muir-Haman started looking at private secondary schools. “I realized in teaching college kids that I saw them twice or three times a week for three hours,” Haman recalled, “and that wasn’t as much time as I wanted. I wanted to get to know them better as people and have some kind of meaningful contact. It sounded as if private school would be a way to go.”

Presiding over the Judith French Poetry competition.

Offered a position in the Lawrence Academy English department for the 1982–’83 school year, Haman came to visit Groton, which, he was pleased to discover, reminded him of his hometown of Hopkinton, N.H. So, he took the job and stayed at Lawrence for 36 years — half, he noted, before the turn of the millennium and half after. Though he had never seen himself as a coach, it’s part of the package in a boarding

by Joseph Sheppard

school environment, and “Doc,” as he was always known, found himself helping George Peabody and then Jerry Wooding with boys’ thirds basketball. For someone who places a high value on human relationships, coaching with Wooding was fortuitous: The two have remained close friends. “I learned a ton from Jerry about the meaning of life,” Haman reflected with a smile. “I spent a lot of time feeling harried and worrying about what I was going to do in class and being overprepared, and sports felt like this horrible intrusion on my time. Jerry helped me recognize that the hour and a half a day we spent in the gym was a little world unto itself; it gave us a chance to escape from the rest of it.” It was in his classroom, however, that Doc most fully realized his dream of meaningful contact with students. As he put it, “Listening well and being kind are my ongoing goals as a teacher and as a person. I try to share my passion for language and literature with them, and I try to use humor to keep them smiling, but they give back to me something equally valuable: their energy and the conviction that beauty and truth, ambiguous as they may be, still matter.”

Haman’s humor and his love of storytelling, inherited from his dad and from listening to family stories at holiday gatherings “perched on the radiator,” are legendary on campus.

hawking Doc’s Doggy Products in morning assembly, selling “Art Karp’s Previously Owned But Professionally Preserved and Perpetually Pampered Vehicles out there in Pepperell, where every vehicle is a work of Art” on his radio show, or leading one of his popular storytelling Winterim courses, he loved to share his unique take on the world, our foibles, and, as often as not, himself. And woe to the student or colleague who dared to engage him in a punning contest! Retirement, it seems, will find Haman as busy as ever: Hiking with his and his wife’s three new dogs, kayaking, helping Lee with her newly acquired painting studio in Ayer, and turning some 800 pages of manuscript from his radio show’s Stumpy the Squirrel episodes into “something that I can publish myself ” are all on the agenda, along with spending time with his grandchildren — who, lucky kids, will all get their turn on the radiator, listening to one of the world’s great tellers of tales.

Haman’s humor and his love of storytelling, inherited from his dad and from listening to family stories at holiday gatherings “perched on the radiator,” are legendary on campus. Whether he was


Say “Cheese!” Online Photo Archive Is Up and Running

by Joseph Sheppard

For my second Project Only a Retiree Could Love (the first being cleaning out and digitizing alumni records and transcripts, last year), I got the OK to attack Hellie Swartwood’s closet in the Alumni Development House. I figured that Hellie, who works with LA’s parents, would like to have the space back, and I wanted to get my hands on the contents: about 40 huge three-ring binders of Kodachrome slides and prints of school life from the 1970s to the 1990s. Fortunately for us, Karen Serach, a previous occupant of Hellie’s office, had been a meticulous collector and organizer of just about every photograph taken at LA, by every photographer the school employed at the time. The albums were organized by year or by topic (major events, teams, graduation, etc.); some were general in focus, some more specific. The problem was what to do with them once I’d emptied Hellie’s closet. Conversations with folks in the development and communications offices generated the idea of an online archive, kind of a complement to the Whipple Archive in the Ansin Building on campus. A bonus came with a search of the third floor in Alumni Development House, which produced another gold mine: hundreds of black-and-white photographs dating back as far as the late 1950s! Some had been taken for the yearbook, while others were just stored up there because no one knew what to do with them. The school kindly set me up with a slide-viewing table and a digitizing device, and I went to work about a year ago in a spare office on the first floor. First, the thousands of pictures had to be culled, and then sorted by year, subject, team,

event, or whatever seemed appropriate. I knew that photographers took a number of pictures of a subject — say, a senior speaker at graduation — to get just the right shot, but I had no idea just how many! I counted something like 73 slides of one late-1970s thirds lacrosse team; one made the cut. The prints were easier to deal with, as the photographer had presumably printed only the best shots. When the selection and sorting operation was done, I took the pictures over to the Communications Office to digitize the slides and scan the prints, and put everything into folders on the computer. From there, they were uploaded to the new Online Archive on LA’s Smugmug page. The result of this work is a wonderful visual record of the last 50 or 60 years of LA’s history. You’ll see pictures of major events, like the Academy’s 175th and 200th birthdays, the dedication of Sheedy Hall (and its demise some 40 years later), and the construction of the Madigan Student Center in 1980. There’s also a separate folder containing pictures of about 125 faculty and staff between about 1960 and the 1990s. Not everyone is there, but we’re working on it. When you visit the site (the link is below), be sure to read “Welcome to the Online Archive.” Besides providing easy navigation instructions, it also contains an appeal for contributions: photos, documents, videos, etc. There’s an email address where you can send contributions, which will be duly credited. Help us fill in the gaps! Reprinted from Shep’s Place, May 2018

The Online Archive is located at:


Enjoy viewing! FALL 2018 LAWRENCE ACADEMY 23

Oliver Yang ’18 Shares His Story Addresses Parents’ Weekend assembly

Good morning, Mr. Scheibe, students, faculty members, and parents. I want to say how honored I am to speak in front of you all. My name is Oliver Yang, and I’m a four-year senior from Shenzhen, China. Before I came to Lawrence Academy, I was a child spoiled with the love from my parents. It was certainly not easy for me when I had to travel thousands of miles away from the place I call home. I still remember the day when my parents drove me to the airport: Unlike the usual, the ride was really quiet. They didn’t ask any questions or make any physical contact. Instead, they were just looking at me. I pretended I couldn’t see them by looking out the window, but I knew they were looking. After I received the boarding pass, I stopped in front of the security check, because I knew it was time to say goodbye. I gave my parents a firm hug, and I turned around. As soon as I turned around, tears started to rush down my face. I couldn’t look back because I knew if I did, I might not be able to leave. After passing through security, I glanced back for a brief second and saw my mom standing on her toes, trying to locate where I was. She waved at me after she found me, and I


waved back. I turned around, and tears washed down my face again. It’s hard for a 14-year-old to leave home for the first time, and it’s definitely not easy when he has to travel halfway across the world by himself. But I want to emphasize how much the LA community has made me feel welcomed and how important it is to receive support from my parents. The first day after registration, I decided to grab some food from the dining hall. After getting a plate, I looked around the tables and did not recognize anyone, so I sat down alone. I hunched my back and put my head down in order to avoid any eye contact. After a while, one of the students stood up from his table and approached me. He sat down, gave me a firm handshake and said, “Hi, my name is Isaac Mukala ’18.” After a brief conversation, he introduced me to the varsity soccer team, who made me feel like I was part of the team. That’s why they kept fighting for me to play soccer in the athletic center. One of the things that I have noticed over the years at LA is that the community provides so many opportunities for me to make new friends and establish connections with others. With the mentality of trying new things, I developed relationships

The winter came quickly, and it was time for me to try out with other players. At that time, my skating skills were still lingering at the unable-to-stop level; however, I still tried to go as fast as I could when we were skating laps around the rink. I loved the feeling of the cool air passing by my skin. For a brief second, my mind believed that I was a pro skater, and I saw a player clearing the puck in front of the net. Obviously, I was going to skate around him and try to impress Mr. Gagnon, but instead, I skated in a straight line right into him. I knocked him on his back, and his glasses went on the ice. I was in shock and didn’t know what to say, so I just sat there and looked at him awkwardly. Gags didn’t say anything either, besides gesturing me to go back to skating. After the practice that day, I was like, “I am so getting cut from the team.” For the entire night, I was brainstorming other sports that I could play during winter, and I was pretty upset because I love being on the ice. The next time when I showed up to practice, Gags acted like nothing had happened, so I continued practicing with the team. I put my best effort out there every single time I stepped out on the ice, and I dressed for every single game. People ask me why put in the effort to dress if you know you’re not going to play. I told them if warm-up is five minutes, that’s five more minutes on ice.

Windsor Mountain Orientation, freshman year.

with many faculty and earned respect from my peers. During my sophomore year, I wanted to try something new for my winter sport. Although I had never skated in my life, ice hockey appeared to be a fun sport. People on the team refer to themselves as the JV Bears, and Mr. Gagnon (Jared Gagnon ’03) — we call him “Gags” —- is the coach. I found him in the gym with a beanie hat on, jamming out to Taylor Swift. I told him about my idea of playing hockey. He said he would love to have me on the team and I should definitely try out. I started practicing skating with Tyler Poulin ’18 on the weekends, and he was nice enough to teach me how to move forward, how to turn, and how to speed. Surprising, I learned pretty quickly, but I skated like a car with no brakes, because I didn’t have time to learn how to stop.

You may wonder where this mentality is coming from. Well, without the support and influence of my parents, I would never become the person I am today. As many of you are here to support your children, my parents are not here today, but their influence on me has made a huge contribution to my growth at LA. My grades weren’t the best my freshman year, but my mom told me as long as I put my best effort out there, report cards are just numbers. It doesn’t represent what kind of person you are, and who you are trying to become. I carried those words with me over the years and try to give 100 percent in everything that I do. Overall, the LA community offers students many opportunities to thrive and grow. I am thankful for all of those who have helped me with my journey here at LA, and I am most thankful that my parents will see me again turn and wave to them, after I receive my diploma. There, the tears may fall again because I will be saying goodbye to this home for the last four years.

Graduation, 2018.


National Merit Scholarship Awarded to

Maddox Angerhofer ’18 by Allie Goodrich ’13

English enthusiast, history buff, crew captain, math and science peer tutor, and now, the recipient of a National Merit Scholarship. Meet Maddox Angerhofer ’18. Set to study the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, Maddox will also be rowing for the women’s crew team. She has her sights set: “I will get a Bachelor of Science in foreign service, and my major will probably be international politics,” she said, smiling. “But we’ll see.” A strong interest in security studies and U.S. and global foreign policy has drawn Maddox in this direction. As a junior, she wrote a 12-page research paper on the South China Sea for her U.S. History class, getting into “some very nitty-gritty details” about international navigation legislation in international waters. “Mr. Sheehan (Sean Sheehan ’87) was a huge help,” she reflected. “I’m very grateful to him for his help with that.”


Speaking of her teachers, Maddox was quick to point to Honors Literature with Mark “Doc” Haman as a particular favorite. “It’s really fantastic,” she said. “He just loves the books that we read and really works hard to get everyone talking about them when we have our discussions.” Above all, she added, “he is really good at listening to students. It’s a very good class — I enjoyed it a lot.” The humanities are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Maddox’s pursuits, however: Her activities on the LA campus included founded and serving as the president of LA’s Environmental Sustainability Council; leading tours for prospective students and their families as a member of the Elm Tree Society; serving as a peer counselor and tutor; playing clarinet in the student jazz ensemble; co-editing LA’s literary magazine; and co-heading the Lawrence Academy Stock Club.

In addition to captaining LA girls’ varsity hockey, Maddox started the crew co-op program with Westford Academy and captained the Westford community rowing program. “We row on Forge Pond in Westford,” she said. “It’s pretty small, but it does the trick.” Twice, Maddox has traveled to the Wintergreen Dog Sledding Lodge in Minnesota, first as part of a group Winterim trip and then as a Winterim Professional to work as a staff intern. “It’s the largest Canadian Inuit sled dog kennel in the world,” she explained. “They have 73 dogs, and there were two 8-week-old puppies this spring. The day basically consisted of waking up in the morning and feeding and playing with all the dogs, then skiing about 10-20 miles alongside the guests who were dogsledding, and coming back and cooking dinner and playing with the puppies more — pretty much a dream come true.”

fall, Maddox received news in early May that she had been selected as a scholarship recipient out of the finalist pool. High school students enter the National Merit Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) — which serves an initial screen of approximately 1.6 million entrants each year — and by meeting published program entry and participation requirements. During LA’s graduation exercises in June, Maddox received the Benjamin Davis Williams Prize, which is awarded by the faculty “to that senior whose leadership qualities, innovative ideas, and varied interests in the numerous areas of Lawrence Academy life all make this a better place in which to live, to experience, and to learn.” Clearly, Maddox has taken these qualities with her, to Georgetown’s benefit as well as her own.

After being named a national semifinalist in the 2018 National Merit Scholarship Competition back in the

Top pic, L-R: Meera Iyengar-Gupta ’20, Bridget Walter ’20, Jorie Van Nest ’18, Leah Davis ’19, Maddox Angerhofer ‘18. Botton row of pics, L-R: Maddox Angerhofer ’18 and Ellen Sojka ‘18. Maddox on her independent Winterim, 2018. Maddox and Mom (Melissa Solomon). Maddox in goal.


Here are Lucia Stein's four strategies for successfully "winging it":

#1 Engage. Lucia stressed to her classmates and the underclassmen the importance of “truly paying attention” — in the classroom and in life — and finding a way to “be invested,” even in the things that don't seem all that interesting or relevant. “Things are just generally more interesting if you involve yourself,” she noted. “And, frankly, finding ways to be interested is easier than faking it.”

#2: Find a Balance.

“Winging It” Lucia Stein ’18’s Advice on

by Angela Zimmer

Lucia Stein ’18 may be a college freshman, but she’s still figuring life out. In her own words, she’s “winging it.” “[I wanted] to be inspirational and have you thinking for days and help you achieve incredible academic success,” the Cum Laude Society member told the Lawrence Academy community during the Winter Term Academic Awards Assembly last April 11. While writing her speech, Lucia realized she couldn’t quite achieve that goal — but she could share a few strategies she’s learned during her time at LA “that make the process of figuring life out a little less daunting.” From what I can tell, these tips are not only good for high school but for life,” Lucia said. “But then again, I’m only 18. Like I said, I’m winging it.”


Whether it means learning to focus more on schoolwork and extracurriculars or more on yourself and your relationships with others, balance is essential. Lucia admits that this strategy is still one she struggles with herself. “I won't pretend to know what I'm doing,” she said, “but I will say that keeping your goal in mind... makes success in academics [or elsewhere] far easier to achieve.”

#3. Find What Works for You. “Everyone is different: We enjoy different activities, we come from different backgrounds, and we learn differently. And high school, Lucia shared, “is a good time to figure out who you are... in terms of how your mind functions. No learning or working style is better than another, but there's nothing more useful than knowing how to set yourself up for success.” She added that parents, friends, teachers, and advisors can all be great assets in learning how you work: “Everyone has their own style, and finding it doesn't need to be a solo thing.”

#4: Ask for Help. Speaking of parents, friends, teachers, and advisors, Lucia praised LA’s “incredible faculty,” admonishing the underclassmen, “They are here to help you succeed. But they can’t do that if you don’t ask.” It’s especially important to follow this tip, Lucia noted, when “life happens.” She explained: “Your teachers want you to understand, and they will do what it takes and go the extra mile to help that happen.” And when something unexpected comes up, “[they] are understanding, and they’ll help you figure it out.”

Joey Luchetti ’18 Wins Top Honors at Boston Globe by John Bishop The Boston Globe has conferred official honors that most on the elm tree-shaded hillside had already assumed: Joey Luchetti ’18 is the 2017-2018 NEPSAC Athlete of the Year. As the Globe reported: “Luchetti, the Independent School League co-MVP for football, caught 45 passes for 582 yards and four touchdowns as a tight end committed to Boston College. On the basketball court, he netted his 1,000th point as a junior, the fastest since Shabazz Napier.” Joey is the first Spartan, male or female, to earn this recognition from the paper. “This is so well deserved,” said LA varsity basketball head coach Kevin Wiercinski, who saw college recruits for both basketball and football call on Luchetti. “Joey has been following his dreams and has put in so much hard work to achieve them. I couldn’t be more proud of him. Through it all, he has represented himself, his family, our programs, and our school extremely admirably. Boston College will be excited to see what we’ve seen for the past three years on our campus in this young man.” One Eagle alum — former Lawrence Academy varsity football head coach Paul Zukausakas — can’t wait to see his former pupil pull on Boston College’s maroon and gold. “I have had the privilege of being around outstanding athletes, and Joey is one of the best I’ve been around,” said the former NFL player of watching Luchetti, who was known more as a basketball player prior to matriculating at Lawrence Academy, transform into a can’t-miss prospect on the gridiron during a recent run of ISL and NEPSAC success. “His leadership and competitive spirit drove our great football season last year. I am thrilled about his future in football, as I know he can be one of the greats at Boston College.” For now, however, it seems fair to say that Joey is one of the best athletes to ever wear LA’s red and blue. FALL 2018 LAWRENCE ACADEMY 29

SPARTAN HIGHLIGHTS Coach Z, flanked by his football team, varsity boys’ ice hockey head coach Robbie Barker, and his ice hockey players — who had just finished their portion of the celebration (for accolades which you may read about below) — surveyed the gym and, wearing his trademark wide smile, took a moment to recount his own days on the gridiron with Boston College and in the NFL. Paul spoke, noting the red, white, and blue banner ready to be raised and the rings to be delivered after the ceremony. He lauded the accomplishments racked up by his final LA squad: a 9-0 docket, a 56-7 NEPSAC Bowl victory over Andover, and a fourth-straight ISL title. However, Zukauskas said the accolades — the rings and banners at any level — paled in comparison to the relationships and memories forged within a team, on and off the field.

Another Amazing Season for Varsity Football Just prior to graduation, one of Paul Zukauskas’ final duties as head coach of varsity football at Lawrence Academy was to preside over a flag-raising/championship ring ceremony for his undefeated team in the Stone Athletic Center.

“The only thing you’re going to remember from your playing days is your teammates,” said Zukauskas, who became emotional during his speech. “You’re not going to remember the scores, you’re going to remember the people you played with and how that felt. “That’s the truth.”

New Hampton School in the final game of the Piatelli/Simmons bracket. After an end-to-end contest finished 4-4 in regulation, the Spartans managed to edge the Huskies 5-4 off a goal from forward Gunnar-wolfe Fontaine ’20 with 8:22 on the clock in overtime. “[I’m] so proud,” said co-captain Andrew Moynihan ’18 after the game. “Every single player in that room would do something for the person next to them, and I think that’s what’s most important.”

Boys’ Hockey: NEPSAC Champs Following their 6-2 win over St. Mark’s in the quarterfinals, the Lawrence Academy boys’ varsity hockey team prolonged the winter season with two overtime wins and emerged as the tournament’s eventual champions. After beating Gunnery 3-2 in overtime in Connecticut, the team traveled to St. Anselm College in Goffstown, N.H., to take on the


“It’s been a huge honor,” added fellow captain and senior Jack Cameron. “To be a captain of this team and win the championship — it means so much to me. It could’ve been anyone out of eight or nine of us in the room … I feel very fortunate, very lucky to be in that position.” “We preach family first, right from the get-go,” head coach Rob Barker ’00 reflected. “I tell the guys, ‘You’ve got to believe in yourself, you’ve got to believe in each other, and you can’t play for yourself’ — it’s a team game, and that’s a great example of what happened today.”

University before being drafted by San Francisco in the first round of the 2014 MLB Draft. Selected out of LA by the Toronto Blue Jays with the 21st pick of the 2011 MLB Draft, Tyler, then 19, opted to join the NCAA's Vanderbilt Commodores rather than turn pro. An admitted gamble, his decision to take the collegiate route has been fruitful, as the Commodores won the 2014 College World Series prior to his re-entering the draft and being selected by the Giants. “A lot of thoughts come to mind,” Tyler told the San Francisco Chronicle, no doubt thinking back to his journey to the big leagues. “At the end of the day, I kept the team in position to win. It was an incredible win at the end. “I was nervous probably prior to the game,” he said. “Once I got out there, I settled in.”

©2018 S.F. Giants

Former Spartans Standout Makes His MLB Debut Even from afar, the emotion was palpable as former Lawrence Academy pitcher-turned-San Francisco Giants hurler Tyler Beede ’11 made his major league baseball debut on April 11 at AT&T Park in San Francisco, Calif. Tyler, now 24, graduated from LA after leading the Spartans to an ISL flag and an undefeated season. The righty attended Vanderbilt

He certainly did — particularly after the first inning. In his MLB debut, Tyler pitched four innings, allowed three hits and two runs (none after the first inning), and struck out three as the Giants won, dramatically, 5-4. “There are a lot of things I can break down about this start,” he admitted. “I was not my sharpest. I was not efficient. I have a lot to work on, but I limited them to two runs.”


With his layup on February 5, Martin Mann ’18 became the latest addition to the varsity boys’ basketball 1,000-point club.

The volleyball Spartans enjoyed an outstanding 17-4 campaign, stretching the season to the second round of the NEPSAC.

Gabi Bailey ’19 was a big part of LA’s volleyball success, and earned ISL “Player of the Year” honors for her efforts. FALL 2018 LAWRENCE ACADEMY 31



Welcome to LA New Employees

Travis Army has joined the math department. He comes to LA from Vermont Academy, where he taught AP microeconomics, honors pre-calculus, and other areas of mathematics, and is a graduate of Stonehill College. An avid coach, Travis counts lacrosse, ice hockey, and baseball as his strengths. He will be living on campus and participating in the residential program. The LA band is under new leadership with the hire of Zachary Bacak. Zack has given private instruction in classical saxophone and jazz pedagogy and led summer music camps. He is a graduate of Florida State University, with a BA in music education. He has played at many festivals, including in the Disneyland All-American College Band, where he was presented an outstanding soloist award. Jamie Feild Baker (see her full profile on pp. 36-37) takes on a new position at LA: assistant head of school for academic life. She was previously the chief academic officer and director of the Grauer Institute at Pomfret School. Jamie will live on campus and participate in our residential program. The new face in the business office is Diane Bellino. Diane comes on board in a new position: human resources and benefits coordinator. Most recently, Diane provided HR consulting services to a local law firm; prior to that, she was the senior human resource manager for a 275-employee company in the


for-profit sector. Her volunteer experience includes serving on the Tyngsboro School Committee. With her new role, Diane is returning to the LA community: She is the parent of Jeremy Bellino ’10. Coming to LA from The Carroll School, Liza Feldman joins the academic support team this year. Liza has her Master of Arts in teaching from Simmons College and a BA in English from Amherst College. She will be assisting the academic support team with tutorial as well as teaching English. Liza will also serve in the residential program. Prudence Glover joins the Development Office as senior development assistant and office manager. Pru recently came to LA from Middlesex School, where she worked in the Development Office on the Annual Fund; she is also an alumna of Middlesex. Prior to Middlesex, Pru worked as the sponsorship and HR manager for Dover Saddlery, Inc. She is an avid equestrian and skier. The language department is happy to welcome Mary Ann Meste-Price. A native Spanish speaker, Mary Ann most recently taught at the Francis W. Parker Essential School. She received her BA in modern languages from UMass Lowell, and is a master’s candidate for December 2018 for her M.Ed in curriculum and teaching. Mary Ann will coach and serve in the residential program as well. Caitlin O’Brien joins the development office as director of alumni engagement and support. Most recently, she served as the

director of development for Cushing Academy. She continues to serve on the Groton Dunstable Education Foundation in a volunteer capacity. She has her BA in psychology from the University of Massachusetts. Caitlin will also serve in the residential program. As the new director of health services, LA is pleased to bring in Dr. Melinda Raboin. With an undergraduate degree in molecular biology from Wellesley College and her medical degree from Tufts School of Medicine, Melinda brings a wealth of experience to campus. Her most recent position was as medical director for Clean Slate, an opiate addiction services center. Chelsea Rafferty joins the English department. Chelsea has her Masters of Education from Boston College and an undergraduate degree in English from Nichols College. She comes to LA from Lowell Catholic High School. Chelsea will be living on campus as a dorm parent, coaching, and serving in the residential program. New to the college counseling department is Mia Ritter. Mia is a recent graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, having earned her master’s in adolescent counseling. Previously, she was assistant dean of admission for Hamilton College in New York. She received her undergraduate degree, a BA in sociology, from Grinnell College, where she also served as a senior interviewer for prospective students. Mia will also coach and serve in the residential program.

Heather Stacchi may seem like a familiar face around Lawrence now as she came on board in late 2017 as the executive director of development. Heather had been at St. Mark’s since 2013, first serving as the director of major gifts and then as the campaign director and executive director of advancement. Prior to St. Mark’s, Heather held development roles at a variety of organizations, including Merrimack College and her alma mater, Boston College, where she majored in political science. Heather earned her master’s from Simmons College in gender and cultural studies. She lives in Groton and is thrilled to be working for her “hometown” school. Jason Swepson will be a new face on the turf, joining LA as head football coach. He has been an assistant football coach at many New England colleges, most recently MIT. Prior to college coaching, Jason spent several years in the professional football arena. He played for Boston College, where he also earned his BA in human development. Jason will also serve as an admissions associate.

LA is also pleased to bring in two interns this year: Margaret Whitlock joins the language department, teaching French. Margaret graduated with her BA in French and Arabic from UMass Boston. She most recently assisted in a French immersion program at Cambridge School of Weston. In addition to French, Margaret will work with the DEI and serve in the residential program.

Matthew Williams also joins as an academic intern, teaching in the English department. He is a recent English graduate of Bowdoin College. An avid reader, he has served as a volunteer for America Reads and Counts, as a tutor, for three years. Matthew will coach and serve in the residential program.

New Trustees

Rob Achtmeyer ’97 returns to LA to serve as a trustee. He has been involved in education as a teacher, board member, coach, and advisor since 2001. Currently, he teaches American history and English at the Maret School in Washington, DC. Previously, Rob worked at the Fenn School in Concord, Mass. At various points, he has served on the boards of the Concord Museum, the Handel and Haydn Society, and the MFA’s young patrons board. Rob has been honored with the Ford’s Theater Teaching Fellowship and, most recently, with the Case Institute Award. He lives in Rockville, Md., with his wife, Kate Lenane, and their two sons. Sam Liang was 9 years old when his family immigrated to the U.S. from Hong Kong. His hard work and determination defined his career in retirement planning. Sam is the founder and managing partner of Rubino & Liang, a business he began in 1992 and has built over the last 25-plus years. He is the co-author of two books, No Blood, No Money and Just Don’t Lose the Money, and is co-host of Just Don’t Lose the Money Radio on WBZ and WRKO. Sam, his wife Eileen, and their four

children live in Bedford, Mass. Two of his children attend LA: Ethan ’18 and Harrison ’19. Alex Sugar joins the Board of Trustees this year. He is a parent of Brian ‘19. Professionally, Alex co-founded The Core Group in 1995 with partner and financial advisor Grant DeVaul. He works with successful entrepreneurs and their families, developing and implementing appropriate investment strategies, while also constructing wealth management plans for those who have experienced divorce. He recently earned global recognition for his dedication to clients, by being named to The Financial Times‘ Top 400 Financial Advisors in 2014 and 2017. Alex, his wife Lauri, and their two children live in Wayland, Mass. Steve Wilkins is currently the head of school at The Carroll School in Lincoln, Mass. His undergraduate degree is from Brandeis University, his master’s in education and reading is from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and his doctorate in special education is from Johns Hopkins University. Of his 41 years of educational experience, Steve says, “I have been fortunate to work at schools that share a formula for success: a celebration of different learning styles, a commitment to experiential modes of teaching and learning, and, above all, deep adherence to human values and community.” Steve and his wife Sarah live in Lincoln.


Welcoming Jamie Feild Baker Jamie Feild Baker joins Lawrence Academy this school year as assistant head of school for academic life. Jamie previously served for four years as the chief academic officer and founding Director of the Grauer Institute at Pomfret School. In this role, Jamie managed all aspects of the school’s academic operations, curriculum, and professional development, resulting in a new and innovative approach to teaching and learning. Jamie has worked extensively with school leadership teams, boards, and education associations to address issues of strategic planning, leadership development, relevance, and long-term financial sustainability. She is nationally recognized for her work in change leadership and education innovation. Jamie holds a B.S. from The Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, having majored in economics and international finance. Jamie’s home is in Memphis, Tenn., where her husband Phil runs a company that manufactures specialty parts for military aircraft. Jamie and Phil have been married for 33 years and have three adult children: Tanner, Percy, and Davis. We recently sat down with Jamie to find out more about her.


Q&A With Jamie Q: You have a varied background: business and education. What are the advantages of this? I think a diverse background, unique experiences of all sorts, and exposure to different perspectives all highlight the importance of being curious, resourceful, adaptable, and capable of continuous learning. My first job was as a certified financial planner, which gave me lots of experience with insurance, tax law, and a variety of investments. I think I learned to listen to people and ask questions in a way to identify and target goals. After about three years, I transitioned at my company to investment banking and institutional sales. This was really difficult because it was a very male-dominated industry, and they weren’t too sure how having a woman on the sales floor would change things. I gained a sense of resilience and learned how to work through tension to build relationships and friendships. After we had kids, my husband and I began buying old buildings in Memphis and converting them to businesses. We developed a boutique hotel in downtown from a boarded-up apartment building, as well as a retail center and restaurant from an old Masonic Lodge. We had to research so many different aspects, from permits to zoning to construction requirements. It seemed like we were learning something new every day. Through discovering that my son at age 9 could only read 17 two-letter words and figuring out how to solve that problem, I became involved in independent school leadership, which makes use of all of the skills, information, and habits I have learned in my past. It was through my son’s experience that I really became passionate and adamant about a school’s performance and fulfillment of its mission and the outcomes they claim to engender.

Q: What is most exciting to you about working in schools? For me, the most exciting part of working in schools is serving students. As adults, we have the benefit of our own educational experiences and life journey’s, which give us wisdom in extending the right amounts of challenge and support to the young people in our care. In schools like Lawrence Academy, we can get to know each student and partner with them individually to find success. I appreciate being able to work in an environment where shaping a student’s sense of discipline and responsibility is as important as subject area specifics, and in a community where adults work as a team to support student growth and success.

Q: Tell us a bit about your educational philosophy. The world in which we live is vastly different than it was when our system of formal schooling was developed. Thus, we must structure today’s school experience and targeted outcomes so they align with

the environments and challenges that we know our students will face upon leaving Lawrence Academy. Everything we do as educators must cultivate a student’s ability to think deeply and independently, to define and solve ambiguous and complex problems, and to work collaboratively with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Our teaching and educational program should be designed in a way that fosters a variety of analytical and creative thinking skills and problem-solving strategies, cultivates strong communication skills across a variety of media, develops the skills of teamwork and leadership, develops digital and qualitative competency, and instills integrity, compassion, and discernment in our students. In addition, I think it is highly essential to create an integrated curriculum centered around meaningful and relevant problems and situations instead of rigidly maintaining distinct and separate disciplines, because the world does not present itself to us in separate disciplines.

Q: What attracted you to Lawrence Academy? I am drawn to Lawrence Academy’s aspirational spirit. Despite its centuries of success, Lawrence Academy is not resting on past excellence. Instead, I see a school focused on defining and implementing educational excellence that is aligned with and relevant to modern times. I appreciate the humility, courage, and hard work it takes as an institution and community to flex and evolve. I am excited to bring my experience and passion for designing transformative learning to LA, to be a part of the school’s becoming an exemplar of modern learning practices.

Q: How do you see your first year, in a new position, in a new community? As much as schools are the same — students, classes, teachers, events — each school community is unique and different. I see the first year at Lawrence Academy as exciting because everyone and everything is new. There is so much to learn about the many interesting individual stories and intersecting histories that make Lawrence Academy what it is. Everyone has been so warm and welcoming. I believe I will feel right at home in a short period of time.

Q: While you worked most recently in Connecticut, you are from the South! Are you ready for a Massachusetts winter? You must be forewarning me to expect longer, colder, and snowier winters. Four years in Connecticut has certainly given me the winter wardrobe I need, but as a southerner, I will probably never truly adjust to the snow and cold.





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LA at a Glance



W INTErIM Winterim — a word everyone on the LA campus knows extremely well — is the annual centerpiece to Lawrence Academy’s commitment to immersive education and experiential learning. A hands-on experience, Winterim is the perfect complement to how students learn in the classroom every day at LA. In 2018, for the first time, a group of students (joined by faculty members Laurie McGowan and Kira Shaikh) traveled to Morocco, where they photographed the beautiful landscapes, learned about Moroccan culture, took in local art, and cooked and ate regional foods — experiences they will remember forever.

L OV E Y OUr S C H OOL W EEK In the spirit of community, Lawrence Academy devoted a week in February to celebrating our school with shared acts of gratitude, giving, and service. Whether it was a series of fun “Carpool Karaoke” videos with Head of School Dan Scheibe, current Spartans participating in Spirit Week, faculty and staff being honored at the annual appreciation luncheon, students and alumni attending the Winter Walk in Boston, everyone donating to the LA Fund throughout the week, or community members spreading the love on social media using the #LoveLAWeek, everyone got involved in some way to show their appreciation for Lawrence Academy and its community. e Winter Walk, one of the major events of the week, is an initiative the founders of which believe that ending homelessness is within our reach. Robyn Glaser ’86, one of the walk’s main organizers, spoke to the LA community during an assembly a few days before; she discussed Winter Walk’s mission to raise funds and awareness towards that goal, and to help organizations in Greater Boston that are working on supporting and caring for the homeless community and preventing homelessness.


W IN DS Or M OUNTAIN Another new year means another group of new students stepping on busses and heading up to Windsor, N.H., for two days. Just like Lawrence Academy’s other longtime tradition, Mountain Day, which gives the whole school a chance to spend time together in natural setting, the New Student Orientation at Windsor Mountain Summer Camp allows LA’s new batch of Spartans to get to know each other and bond with peer counselors, faculty, and staff members. Whether by overcoming their fear of heights on the ropes course or making s’mores at the evening bonfire, students always leave Windsor Mountain closer and ready for their first year on the elm tree-shaded hillside.

M EES V ISITIN G S CH OL Ar In February, Lawrence Academy was fortunate to have Irshad Manji as its seventh annual J. William Mees Visiting Scholar. An author, educator, and founder of the Moral Courage Project, she embodies what it means, in the words of Head of School Dan Scheibe, “to enact, activate, and actualize.” Shortly after 9/11, Manji wrote her New York Times bestseller e Trouble With Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call for Reform in Her Faith, which took her around the world and first introduced her to the concept of moral courage. e Moral Courage Project is a multimedia undertaking, primarily producing videos of young people “who are speaking truth to power for the greater good.” e team also speaks at schools and offers resources to individuals who are interested in becoming leaders. None of this work is meant to be easy, they explain; in order for real change to occur, you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, starting by learning how to sit with yourself.

C ONAN T G AL L ErY e Conant Gallery again featured visual and musical artists throughout the year. We had the pleasure of seeing art openings from ron Gwiazda and Jane E. Simpson (Looking Backward from an Imaginary Future), photographers Dan Mead and Sally Eagle (Ultimate Antarctica) and Christine Banna (Violent Reactions). Not your typical piano trio, Warp Trio (Mikael Darmanie, Ju Young Lee, and Josh Henderson) rocked the Conant Gallery in early spring with their unique sound, best described as “chamber music ensemble meets rock band.” Earlier in the year, LA also hosted the acclaimed vocal stylings of Daniel Brevik and Jennifer Fijal, joined by Alan DiBiase, as well as master storyteller, author, creative musician. and educator Odds Bodkin, who performed in the richardson-Mees Performing Arts Center. Finally, an exhibition featuring the work of Honors Visual Art students Bella Rielly ’18, Lily Harvey ’18, Alex Tansey ’18, Milenna Huang ’18, Fandy Wu ’18, Kelli Gifford ’19, Shelby Guinard ’19, Hannah Song ’19, McKenzie Lippa ’18, Esther Lee ‘18, Jorie Van Nest ’18, Tyler Poulin ’18, Zamir Primus ’18, Leo Narisawa ’19, and Cassandra Comjean ’18 rounded out the space’s yearly offerings.


S PArTAN C Ar N IVAL Since our students work so hard during the school year, it’s important to give them a chance to breathe and relax. To that end, this year, Assistant Dean of Students Kimberly Poulin organized a number of themed weekend activities for the students. Among the most memorable was the Spartan Carnival, an evening event that took place in the Stone Athletic Center. Complete with multiple games, several inflatable bounce houses, and the chance to earn tickets and exchange them for prizes, the carnival was an exciting night for the students.

ISL C rOS S C OUN TrY C H AMPIONS HIPS A number of LA students and sports teams celebrated major athletic achievements this year, but one of biggest and busiest days of the year came back in the fall, on Nov. 3, when LA hosted the ISL cross country championships. e LA XC course is unofficially known as being “the hardest course in the ISL,” and the event saw dozens of fellow boarding school students, hundreds of runners, and several volunteers spread out across its 135 acres.

A N IG HT S ENIOr S W ON ’ T F OrGET Each year, the night before graduation, LA seniors and their families gather in the rMPAC for the senior parent dinner and senior slideshow assembly. is year’s slideshow was compiled by Ashley Barron ’18, and a number of singing and acting performances took place. One performance was extra special, though: As the senior dance crew took the stage, they were joined by dance instructor Brian Feigenbaum, who performed alongside them in what was a highlight of the night.


L EAr N IN G V IrTUAL LY It’s one thing to read a textbook, listen to a teacher’s lecture, write a paper, or prepare a presentation on a subject. But when students can sit face to face with a primary source — someone who’s lived what they’re learning — and have a conversation about the topic, it takes education to a whole new level. On two separate occasions in late January, seniors and juniors in Kevin Wiercinski’s and Sean Moyo’s Human Geography classes welcomed special (virtual) guests: a man from the rwandan reconciliation Agency in rwanda, East Africa, to talk about post-genocide issues, and Maliha Zaheer, an independent defense lawyer in Herat, Afghanistan. Mr. Wiercinski, who loves using the MCC as a teaching tool, states, “e tech also allows us to meet firsthand the people from the regions we study, and kids can hear personal stories of the issues they face and the problems that face people around the globe.”

MLK J r . D AY Each year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day features an impactful event at Lawrence Academy. In lieu of a day off in observance of Dr. King’s birthday, the LA community uses the holiday to learn more about the man and his legacy. On Jan. 15, 2018, students, teachers, and staff gathered in their Omnibus groups to discuss the documentary I’m Not Racist … Am I?, which they had watched earlier in the day. In the afternoon, students filed into the rMPAC for the day’s keynote speaker: former NFL player Wade Davis, a thought leader, writer, public speaker, and educator on gender, race, and orientation equality. While in the NFL, Davis played for the Tennessee Titans, the Washington redskins, and the Seattle Seahawks, as well as for two different teams within the NFL Europe league. Davis became the NFL’s first LGBT inclusion consultant (after coming out as gay in 2012); he leads training sessions and national engagement initiatives, including the High Five program, which works to create affirming spaces in sports for LGBT athletes.

D IN ING H AL L M UN C H IES Director of Dining Services Dave Ofgant’s creativity reached new heights last year when it came to what was being served in Lawrence Academy’s dining hall and how it was being presented. Whether he and his staff were decorating with figurines for Star Wars Day, playing music during Mardi Gras, setting up a decorateyour-own-cupcake station, getting Lucky the Lucky Charms leprechaun to make a special appearance, or grilling a 10-times-normal size hamburger, Ofgant’s imagination lifted everyone’s spirits. Perhaps most memorably, for Maritime Day, he created a self-serve ice cream buffet, where all of the ice cream was scooped from the inside of a giant inflatable boat.


225th Founders’ Day

FOUNDErS’ DAY CErEMONIES HONOr STUDENTS, STAFF, ALUMNI The Lawrence Academy community gathered in the Richardson-Mees Performing Arts Center on Oct. 20 for the 225th Founders’ Day, an annual celebration of the school’s history. The all-school event is also the day on which a number of awards are presented to LA students, faculty, staff, and other community members, following welcoming remarks from Head of School Dan Scheibe and Associate Head of School Rob Moore. To begin the 2017 Founders’ Day awards presentation, Cum Laude Society representatives Jack Cameron ’18 and Jorie Van Nest ’18 presented the Greater Good Award — established in 2005 and given each fall to a student and each spring to an alum — to a classmate, Kaylee Kendall Beagan. Greater Good Award recipients demonstrate an understanding of their responsibility to use their education for the greater good of humanity; as Jorie explained, Kaylee “has a strong desire to help others and make the world a better place through her numerous service commitments, many of which she performs outside of her Lawrence Academy-required volunteer hours.” “Kaylee just exudes positivity and caring,” Kaylee’s advisor, Sara Anderson, told Jack and Jorie prior to Founders’ Day. “She influences other people in the way she approaches life.” For the 21st year, the presentation of the Kathy Peabody Memorial Book Award was also part of LA’s Founders’ Day festivities in 2017. Together with retired Lawrence Academy faculty member George Peabody, Kathy Peabody’s husband, and Kevin McDonald ’70, one of the former Pillsbury House residents who helped establish the honor, Nicolette “Nikki” Arnold ’19 and Isaac Mukala ’18 — representatives for the proctors, peer counselors, and international ambassadors who select the award’s recipients — presented the 2017 Kathy Peabody Memorial Book Award to Dan Knox P’12 and Jim Howard, both members of LA’s buildings and grounds staff. Both hired at Lawrence Academy in 1995, Knox and Howard “keep LA running and are part of the fabric of LA,” Nikki explained. “It’s hard to think about Lawrence Academy without [them].” Also an integral part of Lawrence Academy since the early 1990s, dance teacher Brian Feigenbaum was lauded during Founders’ Day for his 25 years of service to the school. Moore described Feigenbaum, a graduate of Connecticut College, Boston University School of Law, and New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, as “the perfect combination: a dance teacher with a law degree.” Joked Tony Guglietti ’94, a former student who spoke in


Feigenbaum’s honor during Founders’ Day, “I was trying to think of anything negative about the guy, and the only thing I could come up with was, if he ran a cult, I’d probably join it. And I feel like anybody that’s been in a room with him probably feels the same way.” The final Founders’ Day 2017 award, the Founders’ Day Award for Service to Lawrence Academy, went to Lucy Crocker Abisalih ’76. The Founders’ Day Award, established in 1993, is given to a member of the Lawrence Academy community who exemplifies outstanding service to the school — a bit of an understatement when it comes to Lucy’s years as a student at, trustee of, and volunteer for LA. The daughter of 1995 Founders’ Day Award winner Jeanne L. Crocker and mother of Lawrence Academy faculty member Will Abisalih, Lucy was part of one of LA’s first coed graduating classes and captain of the 1975 girls’ varsity soccer team, recent Lawrence Academy Athletic Hall of Fame inductees; additionally, she has been involved with LA’s strategic planning committee, visitors’ board, and much more. “Lucy was everyone’s favorite trustee,” shared her longtime classmate and fellow trustee David Stone ’76. “She works well with everyone, always without pretense or ego … She was not a particularly vocal trustee at our meetings, but she always spoke up when needed, and when she spoke, everyone paid close attention, because her comments were always so perceptive, and she always advanced the discussion. She is the embodiment of the Founders’ [Day] Award,” he added.

L-R, top row, clockwise: Lucy Crocker Abisalih ’76, Dan Knox with wife Kim (Chapman), Kaylee Kendall Beagan ’18, Brian Feigenbaum, and Tony Guglietti ’94.



he Spring 2018 Greater Good Award was presented to Shawn Dove ’80 of New Jersey by Grace Harlan ’17 and Ellen Sojka ’18. Shawn is the CEO of the Campaign for Black Male Achievement (CBMA), located in New York City, a national membership network “that seeks to ensure the growth, sustainability, and impact of leaders and organizations committed to improving the life outcomes of black men and boys.” Shawn spoke of this important work and shared a video of the impact the CBMA is having in America.

Cum Laude Day On April 25, Lawrence Academy recognized the distinguished academic records of seven juniors and eight seniors by inducting them into the Cum Laude Society. This year’s inductees are: JUNIOrS Shriya Balaji Vittoria Colautti Kelli Gifford Hyunbae (Harry) Jeon Emily Leung Matthew Noel Alena Tochilkina SENIOrS Nathaniel Althoff Maddox Angerhofer Liam Healy Meixin (Milenna) Huang Wenxuan (Vivian) Liu Maxwell Ray Isabella Rielly Anna (AJ) Sacknowit





This book prize is awarded to that student whose improvement in the skill of reading attests to a demonstrated interest in literature, learning, and composition, and the desire to do well.

This book prize is awarded to that student whose improvement in the skill of writing attests to a demonstrated interest in literature, learning, and composition, and the desire to do well.

Ethan Paek ’21 This year, Ethan Paek has discovered the power of thorough and organized reading notes. As he has experimented with different ways of using reading to sharpen his thinking and writing, he has begun to approach literature with fresh eyes and a passion for finding what treasures lie beneath the surface of the text.

Shyla Montgomery ’21 Writing paragraphs that demonstrate strong analysis has been a focus for Shyla this year. With each paper, she has built on new knowledge and incorporated feedback. Her writing has begun to match the strength of her thinking and, combined with her direct honesty, is evidence of substantial potential for excellence.

THE CLASS OF 1957 AWArD Awarded annually to the underclassman who displays the most outstanding citizenship as voted by the student government.

Roisin Casey ’20 For nearly two years, Roisin has engaged with the LA community for her outstanding citizenship. She is a member of the Faculty Student Senate, and a committed and active co-leader of the Rise Against Hunger Club. In addition to her community work, she keeps busy playing violin, varsity field hockey, varsity ice hockey and JV lacrosse, and she is a tour guide. “Engaged, collaborative, and motivated” are words that describe Roisin’s connection to our community. THE BrOWN BOOK AWArD Established by the Associated Alumni of Brown University, the Brown Book Award is given annually to that member of the junior class who best combines a high degree of ability in English expression, both written and spoken, with outstanding personal qualities.

Maggie Eames ’19 Whether sudying a nautical guide to understand the green light in The Great Gatsby, writing 10 pages on a single in-class essay question, connecting classmates’ disparate ideas and creating new meaning in a Hamlet seminar, attending summer writing institutes, or editing LA’s Consortium for the past three years, Maggie has woven her passion for the literary arts into every aspect of her life. THE MANSFIELD BrANIGAN MEMOrIAL PrIZE Established by his classmates at Lawrence in 1932, for excellence in the first three years of secondary school mathematics.

Seunghee Wei ’20 Seunghee has a quiet command of mathematics that is both impressive and inspiring. She has dedicated her time to her studies and excels at difficult problems by using outside thinking as well as critical

analysis. She is able to articulate higher-level thinking to her peers and demonstrates a higher understanding on projects and assessments. Seunghee understands how mathematics is related throughout the different disciplines and has excelled because she is able to see those connections. THE HArrY AND ANN DAVIDSON PrIZE Awarded to that undergraduate student who, upon the recommendation of the faculty, has demonstrated in all academic areas the sincere effort to achieve to the best of his or her ability.

Nick de Valpine ’20 Over the past two years, Nick has differentiated himself through his honest and sincere desire to perform at a high level in all facets of life, but nowhere is this desire stronger than in the classroom. He is a motivated and compassionate learner, and the epitome of someone committed to achieving to the best of his abilities. THE DArTMOUTH COLLEGE BOOK AWArD Awarded by the Dartmouth Club of Central Massachusetts, the Dartmouth College Book Award is given to that junior in the top 10 percent of the class who has demonstrated intellectual leadership and has made a positive contribution to the extracurricular life of the school.

Kelli Gifford ’19 Across a demanding schedule of seven classes, including two languages, and prominent roles in both the dance and visual arts programs, Kelli has demonstrated a serious commitment to excel both in and out of the classroom.

THE BAUSCH AND LOMB HONOrArY SCIENCE MEDAL Awarded to that member of the junior class who has displayed outstanding achievement in mathematics and science.

Callie Bauer ’19 Callie is not satisfied just learning various science concepts; she is determined to know how they work and why they work. Her mental gears are always churning as she listens, practices, explains, and applies what she learns. She epitomizes the best kind of science student by demonstrating her unending curiosity about science, her superior reasoning ability, and her thirst for achieving the deepest understanding of the world around her. THE rENSSELAEr MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE AWArD Awarded to that member of the junior class who has displayed outstanding achievement in mathematics and science.

Hyunbae (Harry) Jeon ’19 Hyunbae is one of the more engaged students in his class. He is a sharp thinker who reasons well in mathematics. More importantly, he brings a sense of play to his study of mathematics and is able to see a question from many viewpoints. Harry is a pleasure to have as a student. THE ELEANOr AND CAMErON SMITH POETrY PrIZE Awarded to that junior or senior who shows talent or aptitude in poetry composition and/or who demonstrates an appreciation of a poetic approach to life.

Milenna Huang ’18 Whether writing of her grandfather and his brothers, the view through her darkened window late at night, or a blaze of chemicals at a fireworks display, Milenna’s poetry is infused with a deep and rich insight into the frailty and power of the human soul. “Poetry is truth,” she writes. “It touches the softest part of the human heart.” FALL 2018 LAWRENCE ACADEMY 45



Established by Corey S. Finkelstein, an alumnus of the class of 1972, in honor of James P. Holmes, a mathematics and computer science teacher at Lawrence from 1968 to 1981. Awarded to that student who has demonstrated outstanding proficiency in either math or computer programming and who best emulates the qualities of excellence and dedication that were so characteristic of Mr. Holmes’ work.

Established by the classes of 1885 and 1886 in honor of Rev. Nathan Thompson, principal of Lawrence Academy in 1881. Any student above the first year is eligible. This year’s award is given to a uniquely qualified student of English at Lawrence.

Maksim Tochilkin ’19 Maksim’s natural ability to think logically is a critical asset of any computer scientist. He uses this ability to write elegant code in order to solve unique and difficult problems. Maksim’s innate curiosity is the catalyst that enables him to achieve a very high level in computer science. THE LANGUAGE PrIZE The Language Prize is awarded to that member of the senior class whose expertise in a language other than English is exemplified by a strong and continued interest, versatility, and scholarship in the study of foreign or classical languages.

Grace Harlan ’18 Grace has taken both Spanish and Latin during her four years at Lawrence and is a curious and engaged Spanish language scholar. She is an inspiring natural leader in all conversations, and her compassionate, creative mind surveys literature from multiple angles. In Latin, Grace has demonstrated both an outstanding aptitude for the language and a natural intuition for the profound content of the material. In addition, Grace has a knack for explaining Latin concepts to her peers, and she works to facilitate a greater comprehension and appreciation for the language with classmates.


Maddox Angerhoffer ’18 Maddox’s sophisticated approach to literature displays careful reasoning, disciplined understanding, and sensitivity to the nuances of whatever she reads. In classroom discussions, she lays out a steady stream of insights. Not surprisingly, her writing is full of beautifully crafted and varied sentences that clearly and succinctly explain the authors’ ironies and implications. THE CLASS OF 1965 PrIZE FOr ArT Awarded to that senior who shows the most outstanding achievement in the field of art. The Class of 1965 Prize for Art is awarded in the memory of Virginia Smith Gray, Class of 1982.

Alexandra Tansey ’18, Lilly Harvey ’18, Milenna Huang ’18, Bella Rielly ’18 and Fandy Wu ’18 Each of these five artists has completed two years of the Honors Visual Art program to form a powerful, creative quintet. In an extended quest, each student has produced a portfolio of quality work that demonstrates her inquisitiveness and quick mind. They have reached this quota without being quixotic or querulous. Their deservedness cannot be quibbled or quarreled with, and there are no qualms about giving all five artists this quintessential award.

THE CLASS OF 1965 PrIZE FOr MUSIC Awarded to that senior who shows the most outstanding achievement in the field of music.

Anna Duffy ’18, Maddox Angerhofer ’18, and Nate Althoff ’18 Anna Duffy has been a member of LA Singers since her ninth-grade year. She performed with Lawrence Academy at Carnegie Hall, on tour in the Coachella Valley of California, and at many All-New England choral festivals. For two years, she has been in the Honors LA Singers, and she regularly performs at recitals. Anna is a passionate singer who works hard to prepare all elements of the work, studying the language, history, poetry, and music theory of each piece. “Did you hear that?!” “That was amazing!” “Such fluidity and poise!” “That boy can screech out them high notes unlike anyone I’ve heard.” “I love her tone and how she can play 16th note lines with clarity.” These are just a few of the ways people describe Nate Althoff ’s trumpet solos and Maddox Angerhofer’s clarinet solos after an LA Band concert. The art of improvisation through any artistic medium is not for the faint of heart, and these two have shown the courage to, time and again, play it by ear and from the heart. Both Maddox and Nate love playing their instruments so much, that they got together a motivated group, called Spartan Swing, to rehearse on Thursday mornings. Their time management, motivational leadership, and passion for creating highquality music have earned this dynamic duo this Award.

THE CLASS OF 1965 PrIZE FOr THEATrE Awarded to that senior who shows the most outstanding achievement in the field of theatre.

Jesse Trainor ’18 Jesse was in a lot of plays. Jesse was in all the plays, in fact. That’s 11 in all. That’s a lot. And now … now, Jesse is directing a play. In fact, Jesse is directing a play written by Jesse! What is this? Here, Jesse: This is your award for doing all that theatre at LA, and doing it so well. THE CLASS OF 1965 PrIZE FOr DANCE Awarded to that senior who shows the most outstanding achievement in the field of dance.

Alex Tansey ’18, Mackenzie Gondek ’18, Vivian Liu ’18, and Victoria Hodgkinson ’18 This award cannot go to just one dancer, as they have been, in the truest sense of the word, a team that has brought out the best in each other. One is fierce and fearless — a force of creative nature. One is a well-trained dancer whose inventiveness and performance skills have grown immeasurably. One quietly goes about her business with consistency, positivity, and elegance. One is a strong, athletic, unassuming leader who does her best work when the pressure is highest.

between these issues and the course materials, and this benefits us all in class discussions, activities, and simulations. Will is a true asset to have in the Lawrence Academy history classroom.

Lucia Stein ’18 Lucia’s determination to do her best possible work is founded in her deep interest in history. For Lucia, this is not an abstract thing. She wants to understand the historical context for the current issues that she is so interested and committed to. Fortunately for us, she is willing to share her ideas — not just her policy positions about current events or during simulations in class, but her passion for using the past to understand the present. THE MAY SArTON POETrY PrIZE Awarded to that junior or senior who has made a serious and continuing effort to develop a personal creative voice in the written arts and whose produced works are evidence of substantial talent and achievement.

Jorie Van Nest ’18 Guided by a desire to understand the inner workings of her own voice and to express it honestly and without artifice, Jorie has worked hard to understand and be understood. Her authentic poems and stories have been recognized and acclaimed both at LA and beyond. THE TOWEr MATHEMATICS PrIZE

THE PETEr S. YOZELL ‘41 HISTOrY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES AWArD Awarded to those seniors who have displayed a scholarly approach to and an outstanding appreciation of the study of history and the social sciences.

Will Moskow ’18 Will’s work is informed by his interest and involvement in current issues around the world. He is eager to make connections

Established by the pupils of Alfred O. Tower, a former headmaster (1889-1897). Students taking advanced courses in mathematics are eligible.

studied material to a current topic. He has a gifted ability to imagine the concepts and how they interact with each other. He is a natural intellectual leader of his class. THE FrANCIS A. HEAD AWArD FOr EXCELLENCE IN JOUrNALISM Established in Mr. Head’s memory by the 1971-72 Turning Point Editorial Board for the junior or senior who has displayed outstanding talent in the field of journalism.

Grace Harlan ’18 For four years, Grace has been an active participant in the activities of the Lawrence Academy Communications Office. This year, however, Grace went above and beyond by providing on-the-ground coverage of LA Dance and their latest trip to last summer’s Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. While in the UK, she provided stories and social media content highlighting LA’s work at the world-renowned event. THE ANNE AND DAVID rOSENTHAL PrIZE FOr LITErArY APPrECIATION Presented by the Rosenthals’ son, Robert, Class of 1956, and awarded to that senior who has been a member of the Academy for at least two years, for appreciation and understanding of good literature, and for excellence in writing a scholarly report on the books read.

Grace Harlan ’18 Grace reads with enthusiasm and curiosity, reacting to the reading with a sincere interest in what makes human beings act, think, and feel the way they do. Her writing is direct, clear, and probing, addressing in her carefully structured and clearly argued essays the vital issues raised by Shakespeare, Frost, Sherwood Anderson, and others.

Max Ray ’18 Max is doing a very fine job in both of his math classes. He is an excellent problem solver who is able to apply previously


Using Her Words

Painting is an original by Katherine Rogerson Moore ‘06.

by John Bishop


The English Department’s Laura Moore has published a volume of poetry, entitled Using Your Words.


t was a perfect setting for a poetry reading.

On the evening of April 26, friends and family sat around the hearth at Park House to listen to selections from Using Your Words — a collection penned and recited that night by English Department Chair and longtime faculty member Laura Rogerson Moore. Surrounded by the artwork of her daughter Katherine ’06, Laura — who has taught several generations of Lawrence Academy students — weaved words described by fellow author Mimi Baird as “poems that sparkle with insight, caring, and humor.” In her review, Baird added: “Laura Rogerson Moore’s intimate and energetic portrayal of three

generations of women from the same family brings the reader on a journey of reflection, frustration, and ultimately, love. Stepping into Using Your Words is like stepping into one’s own life. For any age, this generous gathering of free verse grabs the heart and doesn’t let go.” The description was apt, as knowing nods, singular tears, and laughs spoke volumes about the collection's ability to talk to the passage of time, the many roles inhabited by women, and the enduring power of love. Congratulations to Mrs. Moore on the publication of her second book of poetry. It may be found on Amazon.

L-R: Rob Moore, Elibet Moore ‘09, Laura Moore, Katherine Moore ‘06, Anita Rogerson (Laura’s mom).


The Annual Spring Social & Fundraiser With nearly 200 guests in attendance and $73,000 raised for Lawrence Academy’s LA Fund, “Strong at the Center: Celebrating the Heart and Soul of LA,” the 2018 Parents’ Association Annual Spring Social and Fundraiser, was a resounding success. Much gratitude for the evening’s success goes to event chairs Noreen Britt (Clayton ’19) and Robin Loporchio (Tim ’20), for their leadership, vision, and gracious support of LA. They, along with a dedicated team of parents, came together and hosted a beautiful night overlooking the rolling hills of Groton on the tented McDonald Library terrace. As always, LA forwards another sincere “thank you!” to the entire parent community for its outstanding support of this annual event, which furthers the mission of Lawrence Academy and contributes to the pursuit of excellence in all areas of school life.

Peter & Michelle Lando (P’20)

Co-chairs Noreen Britt (P’19) and Robin Loporchio (P’20).


Kathleen Barron (P’18, P’21), Steven & Rachel Kelley (P’20, P’21), and Anne Davis (P’20).

Faculty member Frank Mastrangelo (P’15,P’18), Rick Blackshaw (P’19), and Marc Beran ‘89 (P’19,P’20).

Save the Date PA Spring Social May 4, 2019

Tina Duggan (P’18,P’19) and Beth Hodgkinson (P’18).

Win and Wendy Brown (P’20).

Chuck and Kathy Dutton (P’18).

Chris (trustee) and Kirsta Davey (P’10, P’16)




featuring speaker

Pamela Nwaoko ’06 by Allie Goodrich ’13 Gray skies, high humidity, and the random raindrop did little to dampen spirits on the Quad as members of the Class of 2018, friends, family, and faculty gathered to celebrate the 225th commencement exercises of Lawrence Academy. Throughout the morning, bittersweet tears, ear-to-ear smiles, and stoic faces of accomplishment (and the occasional selfie) punctuated the day, even before Head of School Dan Scheibe and peer-selected senior speakers AJ Mastrangelo and Jorie Van Nest greeted the Class of 2018 and the large crowd of beaming onlookers. “Two-hundred and twenty-five graduation exercises,” Scheibe reflected. “That is a lot of exercise; a two century-plus elm tree-shaded workout. “For me, all respect to speakers and prizes, [calling the seniors up by name] is the most energizing and most important part,” he added. “It is our mission-powered opportunity to recognize you — to call to mind the essential character as your physical presence is called up. With the diplomas, the responsibility becomes yours. So, one last time, we are inspired to ask: Who do you want to become?”


Commencement speaker Pamela Nwaoko ’06 spoke to the value and importance of self-love as she addressed the 90 members of the senior class. “Entering this new stage of your lives, other people may try to diminish you, perhaps because they don’t yet understand you,” she said. “But I tell you, do not diminish yourself.”

Student Speakers

A graduate of Georgetown University and the University of Oxford, and a recipient of the Dean’s Award for Community Leadership from Harvard Law School, Pamela now practices law in Washington, DC, at the multinational law firm Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom, representing and advising national and international financial institutions. Back once more on the LA campus, she talked about “translating the love Lawrence Academy has demonstrated to me and turning that inward.” “As you are” was one lesson: “Begin your lives as graduates of Lawrence Academy as you are,” she told the graduates. “You are enough. Right now, at this very moment, and for every moment for the rest of your lives, you will be enough.”

Jorie Van Nest ’18

“Be brave,” she continued. “Because it is hard to be and love yourself in this world. Those things that make us who we are are the same things that may make others uncomfortable … Teach others your value by first setting the example; be brave about loving yourself. Love yourself out loud.” In conclusion, Pamela spoke of the future, adding, “Hopefully, [you will] have gone forward bravely, loving yourself — and, in turn, expanding your ability to love others as they are.”

AJ Mastrangelo ’18


2018 Graduation Awards The Faculty Award Jack Cameron ’18 The Benjamin Davis Williams Prize Maddox Angerhofer ’18 The Ferguson Prize for Leadership Grace Harlan ’18 The Treisman Prize for Superior Scholastic Achievement Jorie Van Nest ’18 The Pillsbury Prize for General Improvement in Scholarship and School Duties During the Course Travell Washington ’18 The Pillsbury Prize for Character and Conduct Nate Althaff ’18 The Adrian Chen ’92 Award Vivian Liu ’18 The Tom Park ’29 Memorial Award Jack Cameron ’18 The David Thomas Kinsley Prize for Public Speaking Grace Harlan ’18 The Whitehurst Prize Aidan Travis ’18 The Grant Award Jake Miller ’18 The raymond A. Ilg, Jr. Award Joseph Luchetti ’18 The richmond Baker Prize Corinne McCool ’18 The Proctor Award Nicolette Arnold ’19 The Melvin W. Mann Award Leslie Mateo ’18 The Howard W. Glaser ’55 Award Isaac Mukala ’18 The Mary Elizabeth Chickering Prize Mackenzie Gondek ’18 The James E. Baker Prize Alex Scliris ’19 The David Soren Yeutter Memorial Award Mike Templeton ’19 The Harvard Book Prize Vittoria Colautti ’19 The Carl A. P. Lawrence Award Jennifer Dick ’19 The Thomas B. Warner Memorial Prize Nicolette Arnold ’19 The Margaret Price White Award Roisin Casey ’20


Class of

2018 College Matriculation

The University of Alabama

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

University of South Carolina

Babson College (3)

College of the Holy Cross (2)

State University of New York at Albany

Bates College (2)

Ithaca College

State University of New York at New Paltz

Boston College (5)

Kenyon College

Stony Brook University

Boston University (3)

Lehigh University (2)

The University of Tampa

Bowdoin College

Marist College

Tufts University

Brandeis University (2)

Messiah College

Union College (New York)

Bucknell University

University of Miami

Vassar College

Champlain College

Michigan State University

University of Vermont

Colby College

Middlebury College

Wake Forest University

Colgate University

Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Wheaton College Mass.

University of Colorado at Boulder (2)

University of New England

Wilkes University

Connecticut College (4)

New York University

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Denison University (2)

Northeastern University

Wittenberg University

University of Denver

Pace University, New York City

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Elon University (3)

Pennsylvania State University

Fordham University (3)

Pitzer College

Franklin Pierce University

Rhode Island School of Design

Georgetown University

Roger Williams University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Saint Anselm College (2)

Grinnell College

School of Visual Arts

University of Guelph

Simmons College

University of Hartford

Skidmore College (2)



Leadership Dinner 13, P15), (P’09, P’10, P’ ’18, P’21). artha Joumas (P M ), ck 19 Be P’ ia 5, ’1 ar dM adigan (P ’18, P’20), an (P y al L-R: Eileen M He ri ell (P’18), Lo Rosa Hallow

Trustee Phyllis Rothschild (P’20).


L-R: Gordon Sewall ’67, Trustee Ben Williams (P’82, P’84), and Honorary Trustee Ron Ansin (P’80, P’83, P’85, P’87), Trustee, (GP’03, GP’05, GP’14).

L-R: Head of School D an Scheibe Trustee Ale , Lauri Sug x Sugar (P ar (P’19), an ’19). d

L-R: Holly Bernene (P’19), Tru (P’19), an ste d Maddy McCormic e Chris Bernene k (P’14, P ’19).

mmer ’75 (P’06) and L-R: Trustee Barbara Bra Annie Montesano.


Los Angeles

New York City

Cape Cod

Los Angeles





New Your City


Why We Give

Welcoming Shenzhen families with 2018 graduates to Lawrence Academy’s home at Park House. L-R: May Xie, Danru Huang, Qiang Huang, Ruiguang Ou, Meixin (Milenna) Huang ‘18, Yating (Barbara) Ou ‘18, Dan Scheibe, Jiayun (Irene) Yang ‘15, Qilin (Oliver) Yang ‘18, Zhaoxia Liu, Fan Yang, Rob Olsen, Lilly Scheibe, and Annie Montesano.

For the last decade, one of LA’s most loyal, impactful local communities has not been down Route 2A; it has been half a world away in the growing and thriving city of Shenzhen, China. The strength of this group of families has been their deep care for both their children’s experience and the quality of the Lawrence Academy experience. The most powerful manifestation of this strength has been the incredible sense of hospitality that has developed between Lawrence Academy and these Shenzhen families. Three families in particular have led the way in the school’s recent history in solidifying this relationship. The Yang family, parents of Irene ’15 and Oliver ’18 has been the leader in many of the school’s gatherings and networks in annual trips to China and Shenzhen over these last years. Interestingly, both Irene and Oliver presented to parents during Parents’ Weekend in their senior years despite the fact that their parents weren’t attending. Their essential message, however, directly conveyed the sense of love, trust, and connection that drives a family to invest in a Lawrence Academy education, particularly a family sending a child thousands of miles away to school to realize their dreams. Similarly the Huang and Ou families, parents of Mileena ’18 and Barbara ’18 have consistently remained present in the life of both their children and the school, forging a powerful connection that can serve as an example not only


to international families, but to families living down the road who care deeply about the way their children’s lives can grow and flourish in a powerful educational setting that shares this sense of purpose and attention to the lives of young people. It is appropriate, then, that these families have dedicated their most significant act of generosity to a project that gives a sense of welcome and presence to Lawrence Academy itself. Contributing together more than $100,000 to the 2018 Senior Parent Gift, the Yang, Huang, and Ou families are helping the school to develop the conversion of Powderhouse Road and the Quad into a beautiful, pedestrian outdoor common space that embraces the life of each student and adult at LA. Ultimately, their generosity will be recognized in one of the plazas that will grace Powderhouse Road, welcoming families to the center of a campus that will in turn become the center of so many children’s and families’ lives. As these three families returned to campus (some for the first time since dropping their children off at school), they were able to appreciate the way in which this campus home had become an extension of their own homes thousands of miles away, supporting, nurturing, and ennobling their children with a sense of possibility and purpose that will hopefully bring them back to Lawrence Academy many times as proud alumni and for many years to come.

We are grateful to Lawrence Academy for guiding our son through high school and helping him to create a path toward his next educational adventure. As an athletic family, we decided to donate new bleachers to The Stone Athletic Center, which allows all students to join together to be part of the excitement and energy of Spartan Nation. The new bleachers will help build on the tremendous community atmosphere and create a spirit that is unique to LA, and will help create a lasting legacy for all students. We were also excited to donate specifically to the baseball program and create enhancements that should further support a fantastic program. The coaches of LA, who also serve as teachers and counselors, have provided tremendous guidance to help shape Tyler ’18 into the young man that he is today. The importance of understanding what it means to be a true student athlete has been instilled in him by these fine leaders. - Melissa Todd Usen

The Usen family, L-R: Melissa, Tyler ‘18, Morgan, Todd, and Rachel.

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Plans for the new indoor bleachers.


Senior Parent Gift Raises Over $300,000

Trustee Doug and Eileen Long and family (Donald ‘18 and Meredith ‘15).

Ted and Peg Bernhardt and family (Harrison ‘18 and Chris ‘13).

Senior parents have created their own legacy of transformative giving to Lawrence Academy through the Senior Parent Gift. This year, under the leadership of Peg and Ted Bernhardt (Chris ’13, Harrison ’18) and Trustee Doug and Eileen Long (Meredith ’15, Donald ’19), the Class of 2018 parents raised $324,000, with more than 85 percent of parents participating. Half of the Class of 2018 parents’ gift went to the LA Fund, and the other half to the capital project. The latter portion will continue the definition and refinement of the Quad as an extension of a multi-year initiative to make Lawrence Academy’s educational landscape even more welcoming and gracious. Powderhouse Road is now primarily a pedestrian way, reinforcing the Quad as a central community space connecting our human network through school buildings, walkways, open space, and beautiful landscaping. Lawrence Academy is grateful to the Bernhardts and the Longs, the committee, and the parents of the Class of 2018 for their leadership and commitment to the school and its future.

FACuLTy & STAFF APPRECiATioN DAy L-R: Peg O’Brien Bernhardt (P’13, P’18), Trustee Doug Long (P’15, P’18), Pam Broderick (P’20), Lori Healy (P’18, P’20), Sheila Drugotch (P’21), Youri Bastien (P’19), Lori Burke (P’20), Noreen Britt (P’19), Melissa Usen (P’18), Chuck Dutton (P’18), Sue Yeaton (P’20), Holly Bernene (P’19), Eileen Long (P’15, P’18), and Sheri Beran (P’19, P’20).


Dear Fellow Alumni, As I enter my 38th year of service as a Lawrence Academy volunteer, I have never been more proud to be part of the LA community. Last year, more than 600 members of our community participated in on-campus events or regional LA Circle gatherings, and nearly 250 alumni returned for Reunion. Even in the depths of winter, 70 alumni participated in the Winter Walk, braving the elements in support of fighting homelessness (and in support of alumna and Winter Walk founder robyn Glaser ’86) while celebrating LA’s mission for the greater good as part of our inaugural Love Your School Week. If you have not been back to school in a while, you are in for a treat: A beautiful new entrance will greet you, and a stroll past the Schoolhouse on Powerhouse Road, now a pedestrian-only thoroughfare, shows off the beauty of our scenic, vibrant campus. With the recent acquisition of the Country Day School property next door, we continue to make progress toward achieving the aspirational vision for the campus as detailed in the campus master plan. I am also hopeful that you took some time to review Head of School Dan Scheibe’s strategic plan digest that was mailed out last fall. As you may have read or heard at one of our events, strengthening alumni engagement and better channeling the power of our alumni voices is an important foundation of the school’s strategy for the future. You will be seeing and hearing more from our Alumni and Development Office as we ramp up our outreach to gather your feedback, input, and opinions both in person and via alumni surveys. Your perspective and guidance is incredibly important to us as we shape a bright future for Lawrence Academy and for our students. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the entire LA community, thank you for your support and all the ways you play a role in ensuring LA not only endures but thrives. I hope to see you on campus this year! Warm Regards,

Bruce M. MacNeil ’70, P’04 Chair, Board of Trustees

Lawrence Academy • 26 Powderhouse Road, P.O. Box 992 • Groton, Massachusetts 01450


DJ Hager ’88

Class of ’83, L–R: Vickie Triplett-Coleman , Ken Ansin, and Pat Gibbons.

reunion Weekend 2018 Features ’80s Theme Night at the Groton Inn


Beginning with Friday afternoon's golf outing and through Saturday night's gatherings at The Point in nearby Littleton, Lawrence Academy reunion 2018 gave 60 years of alumni ample opportunity to re-engage with the community and reminisce about their time on campus.


Following a well-attended golf gathering at Overlook in Hollis, N.H., the alumni storytelling and conviviality moved to the Alumni Quad, where rob and Laura Moore hosted a cocktail reception for the 10th through 49th reunion classes in their new “backyard,” behind “The Barn.”

Down the elm tree-shaded hillside and overlooking the route 40 fields, the Class of 2013 and other young alumni enjoyed a barbecue on Frank and Donna Mastrangelo's porch. Meanwhile, the 50th reunion Class of 1968 and Golden Alumni gathered on the Park House lawn, where Head of School Dan Scheibe and his wife Annie Montesano feted members of the most senior classes on campus, including the Class of 1947's ronald Winslow.


Reunion Weekend 2018 Features ’80s Theme Night at the Groton Inn

members Joe Sheppard, Peter Hazzard, Becky Josephson, and emcee Mark Haman.

Beginning with Friday afternoon's golf outing and through Saturday night's gatherings at The Point in nearby Littleton, Lawrence Academy Reunion 2018 gave 60 years of alumni ample opportunity to re-engage with the community and reminisce about their time on campus.

On Saturday morning, family, friends, and former head of school Ben Williams cheered on participants in the annual Tom Warner ’75 Walk/Run, before everyone headed to the Media Conference Center (MCC) for a state of the school address from Dan Scheibe and Board of Trustees President Bruce MacNeil ’70.

Following a well-attended golf gathering at Overlook in Hollis, NH, the alumni storytelling and conviviality moved to the Alumni Quad, where Rob and Laura Moore hosted a cocktail reception for the 10th through 49th reunion classes in their new “backyard,” behind “The Barn.” Down the elm tree-shaded hillside and overlooking the Route 40 fields, the Class of 2013 and other young alumni enjoyed a barbecue on Frank and Donna Mastrangelo's porch. Meanwhile, the 50th reunion Class of 1968 and Golden Alumni gathered on the Park House lawn, where Head of School Dan Scheibe and his wife Annie Montesano feted members of the most senior classes on campus, including the Class of 1947's Ronald Winslow. A 1980s theme night at the newly re-opened Groton Inn capped off Friday night. The event kicked off with an opening set performed by “The Time Out Trio”, featuring former faculty

Attention remained on the MCC as alumni Jeff Hoch ’78, Courtney Harrison ’83, and Nicole Hurwitz ’93 shared career advice and experience with fellow former Spartans before the alumni community sat down for lunch in the Dining Hall. Retiring English Department faculty member Mark “Doc” Haman earned a standing ovation after an emotional farewell from his colleague in the History Department, Artie Karp. Associate Head of School Rob Moore was also poignant in his celebration of retiring Director of Finance and Business Operations Linda Deasy, who was chosen by a vote of the alumni to receive the annual Alumni Faculty Appreciation Award.

Tom Warner ‘75 Memorial 5K Walk/Run L-R: Greg Cope ‘74, Vic Laushine ‘74, Katherine Maynes ‘74, Robb Bunnen ‘73, Ben Williams, Sandy Gallo ‘75, Nancy Maynes ‘73, Richard Johnson ‘74, Patrick Warner ‘80, Anthony Rodale ‘83, Tony Sampas ‘74, Andy Franklin ‘68, and Bill Boyd ‘68.


Following lunch, attention turned to the Richardson-Mees Performing Arts Center, where four new entries were added to the Lawrence Academy Athletic Hall of Fame: the 1972 boys’ varsity soccer team, Steve Heinze ’88, Ted Crowley ’89, and Heather Goehringer Causey ’89.



Classes then gathered on the McDonald Library terrace for cocktails and class photos before making their way to the Quad to listen to live music from the Jonathan Moody Band and enjoy a hearty summertime feast. Finally, the party continued at three off-campus locations (The Groton Inn – 45th and 50th reunion classes; Great Road Kitchen – 35th, 30th, 25th, and 20th reunion classes; and Tavern on the Square – 15th, 10th, and 5th reunion classes).

Robb Bunnen ‘73 and Andy Franklin ’68

Sue Barron ’86 and Annie Montesano

Peter Hartwell ‘73 and Bob Bianchi ’73

Class of 1968 – 50th Reunion L-R: John Lobsitz, Jay Gibson, Jay Burke, Peter Clay, Andy Franklin, Stephen Bradley, Fred Coltin, Bill Boyd, Bart Jones, Carl Wright, Dick Goodman


Geoff Mitchell ‘98, David Mitchell ’87, Polly Gilbert ‘87, and Nancy Aiken ’87

Alumni panelists Nicole Hurwitz ’93, Jeff Hoch ’78, and Courtney Harrison ’83

Aran O’Leary ‘83, Elizabeth Harrison ‘82, and Mark Phelps ‘78

Mark “Doc” Haman


L-R: Crystal Tyson ’13, KJ Davis ’13, Victoria Hansen ’13, Maddie Groves ’13, and Mikayla Blanch ’13.

Kelley Howell ‘08, Victor Howell ‘08, and Mason Howell.


L-R: Charlie Corey, Stephen Heinze ’88, and Ted Crowley ’89.

The 1972 boys’ varsity soccer team. Pictured here L-R: Phil Stetson ‘73, Vic Lavshine ‘74, Jeff Hoch ‘73, Gil Conant ‘73, Bob Culnane ‘74, Coach Dick Pickering, Rob Russell ‘73, Robb Bunnen ‘73, Tip Krairiksh ‘73, Demi Samellas ‘73, Rusty Parker ‘73, Chuck Heingartner ‘73, Manny Veiga ‘74, and Steve White ‘73.


Lawrence Academy recognizes you for who you are and inspires you to take responsibility for who you want to become.

It begins with you Lawrence Academy is — and always has been — a school dedicated to the full realization and recognition of the individual. From our student-centered mission to our commitment to highly individualized programs of learning, Lawrence Academy’s identity rests in the experience of our students. Last year, gifts provided classroom supplies including lab equipment for Ms. Hallock’s chemistry class, allowed our language and arts students to have real-world learning opportunities at local museums, and helped support student leadership training at Windsor Mountain. Support of the LA Fund also ensures our ability to improve the systems our students need to take fullest advantage of today’s learning environment, whether through technology or through community engagement and service. The reach of the LA Fund is as broad as our interest in individual students is deep: It upgrades and improves on-campus spaces, creates opportunities for curriculum development, and enables access to the transformative experience of a Lawrence Academy education through financial assistance that can literally change the course of life for a student. To our donors who allowed us to do all of this and more, thank you. To be a part of this year’s LA Fund, visit or call 978-448-1565.

Alumni Notes 1958 robert Kertzman ’58 writes: “LA Memories: Mr. Carter’s trig class — due to his teaching, I, an ordinary math student, was able to record the highest ACT score. Varsity basketball with Coach Baker and scoring 45 points against Cushing Academy. Three years of undefeated singles as the number one player for Mr. Davis’ tennis team.” Dave Luce ’58 sent us this note: “I came to LA as a junior in 1956 and lived on the third floor of Bigelow Hall. We were basking in the glory of an undefeated, though tied, football season. I was fortunate to have two football buddies living on the second floor of Bigelow,


Ron Winslow


Hal Jackson ’57 and Tyler Black ’57. Hal’s father was a DJ, I believe in New York City. We would congregate in their room to listen to the newest songs; we felt so smug getting the newest tunes in



Bob Kerztman

Groton! Today, I still remember sitting in their room and listening to the 45s until it was dinner time. LA is the best!”

1960 Walter Davis ’60 writes: “The Class of 1960 was well represented in Vero Beach over the winter months, with Dick and Mary Weden, Elliott and Michele Zide, Don and Susie Beck, Jimmy Gurry, Jon and Jill Alexander, and Buck and Megan Davis known to be here. Sited on a pretty Atlantic barrier island, Vero has no high-rises, but always offers bright sun and calm ocean breezes. Youngsters like Ken MacAuley ’62 and wife Corinne are also here.”

L-R: Andy Franklin, Jay Gibson, Ed Jones, Bill Boyd, and John Lobsitz.


Kneeling, L-R: Demi Samellas and Steve White, First row, L-R: Vicki Lamb, Clare Kelley, Tip Krairiksh, Rusty Parker, Peter Hartwell, Debbie Johnson, Nancy Moyer, Barbara Peacock, Jim Causey, Anna Koules, Sue Hammersley, Nancy Maynes, and Dave Woodin. Back row, L-R: Jeff Hoch, Sandy Woolard, Bill Tagerman, Bo Zimmerman, John Ricotta, Robb Bunnen, Gil Conant, Jon Ladd, Chuck Heingartner, Rob Russell, Phil Stetson, and Bruce Miller.

1964 Sandy Walcott ’64 writes: “2017 was a very significant year for me. I retired from my position as vice chairman of JP Morgan Chase Bank after 49 years in banking (10 at Citi and 39 at JP Morgan), and moved from western New York to be a resident of Vero Beach, Fla.”

1967 Steve Bianchi ’67 was recently elected to the board of trustees, as treasurer, at the Rockville Meadows Condominium Trust in Millis, Mass. He and his wife Michelle currently reside in this condominium

community. He writes: “My best to to all of the current LA community, past alumni, and especially to the rest of the class of 1967.”

1968 Jay Burke ’68 has retired after 35 years of teaching middle school English and drama. A second career as an actor-singer is “winding down.” He is currently the president and CEO of the New Bedford Festival Theatre, a regional professional summer theatre located at the Zeiterion Theatre in New Bedford, Mass. In July, the company presented West Side Story in honor of Leonard Bernstein’s 100th birthday.

1970 Lou Curran ’70 has retired after a distinguished 30-year career in the Maryland Public Defender’s Office. Since 1995, he had worked in the Baltimore Felony Trial Division, handling criminal case for indigent clients that range in nature from drug offenses all the way up to murder. According to his colleague Todd Oppenheim, “It takes fortitude and dedication to make it 30 years here. Anyone who’s practiced criminal law in Baltimore in the 2000s knows Loui and his iconic ways…His goal in representing someone was to make that case the client’s last in the criminal justice system.” Shortly before his retirement, Lou was honored



Kneeling, L-R: Sam Pelham, Steve Goldstein, and Anthony Rodale. Front row, L-R: Courtney Harrison, Elizabeth Harrison ‘82, Pat Gibbons, Scott Sloan, Amy Sinclair, Lauren Schwarz, Ainslie Wallace, Aran O’Leary, Hilary Fordyce, and Juan Salinas-Bentley ‘84. Back row, L-R: Vickie Coleman, Ginger Brennecke, Ken Ansin, Tim Ely, Ben Williams (former head of school), Mike Ciaffone, Darren Messina, Denise Korn, Chris Rogers, and David Bradbury ‘84.

with the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney Association’s Fred Bennett Award for zealous advocacy. In Mr. Oppenheim’s words, Lou was “a deserving recipient. He’s a legend, a firebrand who left his mark on Baltimore.”

1973 We received this note from Walter Loeman ’73: “I would like to thank all those (Rico, Reynolds, and others), who donated to the non-profit Farm Truck Institute that my sons and I established in December, 2016. We are trying to address food insecurities in elementary schools in Portland, Maine.” Barbara (Pallian) Peacock ’73 was one of five recipients of Getty Images’ annual Grant for Editorial Photography programme, which gives photojournalists an award of $10,000 as well as the


agency’s support in pursuing projects of their choosing. The award was given in Perpignan, France, at the Visa Pour L’Image International Festival of Photojournalism. American Bedroom is Barbara’s ongoing series of portraits in which she explores the complexities and idiosyncrasies of contemporary American life. The project will encompass the entire United States and will take a total of five years to complete. To date, she has photographed extensively in New England, New York City, and Detroit, and on several trips to the South.

1985 Sukey (Cáceres) Novogratz ’85 and her sister-in-law Elizabeth Novogratz have published a book, Just Sit: A Meditation Guidebook for People Who Know They Should But Don’t. Published in print by Harper Wave, it is also available from Harpercollins e-books.

1986 Gregg Jackson ’86 has published his fourth book, 40 Rules to Help Boys Become Men. Gregg is a former radio host, a speaker, and a writer whose articles have appeared in several national publications. Learn more about Gregg’s work at

1997 Dan Beauchemin ’97 earned an MBA with High Distinction from Bentley University’s McCallum Graduate School of Business in May 2017, along with induction into Beta Gamma Sigma, an international business honor society. In March of 2018, he accepted a new role with Bank of America U.S. Trust Private Wealth Management as a SVP/senior trust officer in Boston.

Pictured are other LA classmates in attendance: L-R: Leah Brayman, Abigail Parson, Chelsie (Moore) McCarthy, Maeve (who has kept her name), Veronica Barila, Elana Cogliano, Oriana Federico, Lauren (Bender) Gardner, and Sara Conneighton.

Maggie Joyce ’05 and Ty Hennes.



Melissa Levine-Piro ’03 was elected to the Maynard, Mass., board of selectmen for a term running from July 2017 to June 2020 term. She is the owner of Levine-Piro Law in Maynard.

Maeve Conneighton ’05 and Eric Fiegoli were married on Sept. 2, 2017, in Garrison, N.Y. The couple met while living in New York; they currently make their home in Seattle. Elena Cogliano ’05 officiated the ceremony, and Maeve’s sister, Sara Conneighton ’03, was maid of honor.

the bridal party were two LA representatives: Tony Voce ’00 and Kimberly Healy, associate director of college counseling. Maggie is an associate director of admission at The Hill School in Pottstown, Pa., and currently travels within the U.S. and Latin America to enhance the geographic diversity of the applicant pool. Ty, a Deerfield Academy ’98 and Boston College ’04 alumnus, is currently a coach with the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Maggie Joyce ’05 married Ty Hennes on Dec. 31, 2017, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Among


L-R: Sue Lambert, Mike Small, Sara Vlich, Pete Chesla, Doug Poulin, Alyson Marcello, Kate McEleney, Tania Berk, Nicole Hurwitz, and Ryan Chase.


2006 Elizabeth Costa ’06 started a new job, in October 2017, as director of communications at Saint John's High School in Shrewsbury, Mass. She loves being a part of a close-knit high school community again, saying that it reminds her a lot of the people she met, and is still in touch with, from LA.


L-R: Kris Ansin, Jarrod Gagnon, Laney Gagnon, Nora Gagnon, and Andrei Romanov.


Katrina Glaude ’07 and classmate Alex Ingraham


Katrina Glaude ’07 and classmate Alex Ingraham were married on Aug. 12, 2017, in Walpole, Maine. They were honored to have classmate Ethan ruby serve as best man and several other classmates, including Helen Kiesling Oot ’07, Alec Oot ’06,

Ashley Wheeler Ott ’07, and Marco Garbero ’07, join in the celebration. They now reside in northern Maine, where Alex began a career in forestry and Katrina earned her veterinary degree at Atlantic Veterinary College.

First row, L-R: Victor Howell, Kelley Howell, Lynn Hartwell, and Ally Liguori. Back row, L-R: David Lee, Matt Cramb, Brendan Gallagher, Spencer Lovejoy, Andrew Gilboard, Alasdair Thornton, and Peter Sanchez.



Kneeling: James Plummer. Front row, L-R: Sam Fradin, McKayla Blanch, KJ Davis, Lorig Purutyan, Jillian Thero, Inez Bouzon, Katherine Melvin, Maddie Groves, Chris Bernhardt, and Sarah Carlson. Back row, L-R: Marcus Backlin, Victoria Hanson, Blake Whitehouse, Nick Day, Meghan Joumas, Christal Tyson, Connor Spotts, and Robbie Barsamian.

2009 Nisreen Dahod ’09 and her husband welcomed their first bundle of joy, a son, in November 2017.

in Great Lakes, Ill. Graduating with 545 classmates on March 9, 2018, he received the Academic Excellence Award, given to the graduate with the highest academic average. Airman McDonald is now stationed at the Pensacola, Fla., Naval Air Station.

2014 Franchesca Kiesling ’14 and classmate Sean Collins have announced their engagement. A July 2019 wedding is planned.

2010 Grady McDonald ’10 completed basic training at the Great Lakes Naval Station

Isaiah Bellamy ’13 had a remarkable senior year for Wesleyan University (Conn.) wrestling. Earning a First Team All-New England Wrestling Association selection, as well as the NEWA Most Dominant Award, Bellamy, a 285-pound heavyweight, placed third overall at the NCAA Division III Championships. An All-American, Bellamy earned the National Wrestling Coaches Association award for “Most Falls” with 24 – the most in the nation (in any division) – and took the Northeast Regional and finished the year with a 38-3 record. Photo courtesy of University of Rhode Island

Congratulations to Abbigail Streeter ’17, who was named Rhode Island Women’s Basketball’s “Rookie of the Year.

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In Memoriam Stephen Merrifield ’41 passed away on June 11, 2018, in Wolfeboro, N.H. He cherished his time at Lawrence Academy, especially football, lacrosse, swimming, and track. He served in the Army Air Corps during WWII and successfully founded and ran a nursing home in Melrose, Mass, before retiring with his wife Jean to the lakes region of New Hampshire. He continued to ski, swim, hike, and skate into his 80s. He is survived by three children, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. James Baker ’44 died peacefully early on Nov. 1, 2016, after a valiant run with a slowmoving cancer. He was 89. After graduation from LA, Jim joined the United States Naval Air Corps, serving from 1944 to 1946. Upon his return from the service, he attended St. Lawrence University and graduated from Canton College with a degree in applied science. During that time, he met and married his wife of 64 years, Anna Louise Landres. They moved to North Syracuse, N.Y., where he worked as a sales engineer, eventually starting his own business, J.R. Baker Associates, Inc. He was both a manufacturers’ representative and a designer and seller of HVAC systems, work that he loved. To all who knew him, Jim was simply a really good guy: a big-hearted, affectionate teaser who was always willing to lend a hand. He was an avid coin collector, loved birds, had lots of bird feeders behind their home, and was always figuring out ways to discourage the squirrels. He was a big fan of Syracuse University sports, holding season tickets for football and basketball for many years. While he raised his children, there were camping and hiking trips to the Adirondacks as well as trips to Maine to visit his own parents in Cape Elizabeth. Other hobbies included bridge, cribbage, and golf. ralph Bianchi ’47 passed away on Jan. 22, 2018, after battling cancer for several months. He was 89. Born on Nov. 11, 1928, in Medford, Mass., he earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Vermont and an M.S. in mechanical engineering from Harvard University. Ralph began his career at 7 4 LAWRENCE ACADEMY FALL 2018

Arthur D. Little and went on to found three companies, including JBF Scientific, which developed the preeminent technology for oil spill recovery at sea. He was also a partner at House of Bianchi, a prestigious Boston-based wedding gown company started by his mother, Columba Bianchi. Ralph retired to golfing, political commentary, and continuing the family wine-making tradition still carried on by his children. He enjoyed his last football game watching the New England Patriots beat the Jacksonville Jaguars for the AFC Championship. Ralph loved life, food, and family, and those who knew him never needed to mention his last name. Ralph is survived by his wife of 65 years, Irma; four children, raimond ’71, robert ’73, Leslie, and Richard; eight grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter. He will be missed at the LA alumni reunions he attended faithfully for many years. Irwin Bruce Sanborn ’50 passed away on Oct. 31, 2017, at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Graduating from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., he received his doctorate from the Institute of Paper Chemistry in Appleton, Wis. He and his wife Carlene settled in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., where he worked for Consolidated Papers. He is survived by his wife, eight children, 19 grandchildren, and eight greatgrandchildren. Mr. Sanborn was a cousin of generations of Woodins at LA: Charles, Sr. ’47, richard ’48, Thomas ’50, David ’73, Charles Jr. ’78, and Danielle Woodin Sheffer ’06. George T. Hirai ’56 passed away peacefully at his home in Upper Montclair, N.J., on May 22, 2017. A graduate of Hofstra University and Pace University, he was a successful commodities trader, spending his career working in New York City, Tokyo, and London. George served as a deacon at the Union Congregational Church in Montclair, N.J., and was a member of St. James Episcopal Church in Port St. Joe, Fla. He enjoyed skiing, horseback riding, traveling with Elizabeth, his wife of 53 years, good food, and, most of all, spending time with his

friends and family. In addition to his wife, George is survived by a son, Douglas, a daughter, Anna Cranmer, and six grandchildren. Kent Damon ’61 died on Dec. 14, 2017, following a five-year struggle with leukemia. At Lawrence, Kent was a starter in basketball and baseball; he went on to Syracuse University, where he played baseball and was a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity. He went to work for Bethlehem Steel in Detroit after graduation, but soon changed careers and enjoyed a long and successful career in finance. Kent loved sports and outdoor activities. His love of baseball permeated his life, and he was an avid Boston Red Sox fan. Running became a daily activity; Kent ran the Boston Marathon four times. Sailing and golf were strong interests as well. Kent coached baseball at Newton North High School for seven years. He leaves behind his wife, Celeste; two sons, Kent, Jr. and actor Matt; as well as several grandchildren. John rowse ’61 died of cancer on March 29, 2018, at the age of 74. After graduating from Lawrence, he earned bachelor’s degrees in architecture and business from Syracuse University. He also did graduate work at Wheelock College, and taught for a while in Boston’s elementary schools before founding the Boston Building Materials Co-op in 1978, which helped residents keep their homes and preserve their neighborhoods. He co-founded the nonprofit Reuse Center in 1993, and went on to start a third organization, Community Boat Building, in the last decade of his life. The organization gives pupils in the Boston Public Schools opportunities to work on boats and learn maritime history. John had a passion for sharing his knowledge with other homeowners, especially those with fewer financial resources, so that they could take good care of their homes. In a 1990 Boston Herald article about the Co-op, he stated that “the ultimate goal is not profit, but helping people solve their housing problems.” “The older and lower-income

homeowners are in a real bind,’’ he told the Boston Globe in 1986. “They want to stay here but are under pressure to leave…The truth is they have virtually nowhere to go but don’t realize it at first. We are trying to convince them to fix their houses and stay in the city. I, for one, wouldn’t want to live in a city made up of only one economic class.’’ John leaves his wife, Susan Naimark, two sons, Ben and Jesse Naimark-Rowse, a daughter, Kristin, from an earlier marriage, two brothers, a sister, and one grandchild. A celebration of his life was held on Saturday, June 2, which would have been his 75th birthday. At the memorial, Jesse recalled, “His life just seemed to have been all about solving problems. He was always incredibly supportive and encouraging of people not just to succeed in life, but to succeed in the way that was right for them.’’ Joe Donovan ’68 died peacefully on May 14, 2018, in Cambridge, Mass. At Lawrence, he was a respected student leader, a ranked tennis player, and a strong scholar who was awarded the Harvard Book Prize as a junior. Joe graduated from Harvard in 1972, going on to earn an MBA from Northeastern University two years later. Returning to Harvard in 1977, he worked for 40 years in various development capacities, lastly as a driving force on the University Development Office’s principal gifts team, from which he had recently retired. Joe is survived by his wife of 41 years, Mary Kane “Mikki” Donovan; children Jay Donovan and Megan Donovan-Chien; son-in-law Dr. Kenneth Chien; and granddaughter Griffen Chien. A memorial service was held on May 21 at Memorial Church in Harvard Yard. David Shattuck ’68 passed away peacefully at the Community Hospice House in Merrimack, N.H., on May 26, 2018, at the age of 68. A lifelong resident of Pepperell, he ran a billing service for many years, and was the owner of Shattuck Printing and IronWoods Driving Range. He served as a Boy Scouts Cubmaster and helped coach youth soccer and girls’ basketball. He also served the town by filling a vacancy on the Pepperell Planning Board. In addition to his mother, David is survived by his wife of 47 years, Gail (Wright) Shattuck; their children, Jacob Shattuck of Nashua and Heather MacCoy of Pepperell; a brother; and three

granddaughters. Contributions in his memory may be made to Community Hospice House, 210 Naticook Rd., Merrimack, NH 03054. John Byron Sewall ’71 passed away on Aug. 14, 2016, shortly after his 65th birthday, at home in Andover, Mass., with his wife of 44 years, Karen, and a room full of close friends beside him. John always credited his leadership qualities to the three years he spent at Lawrence Academy, where he also excelled in lacrosse and was football co-captain. At his request, there was no funeral. Jahn Arslan ’72 died peacefully in his sleep of complications from heart disease at his home in Maine on Oct. 23, 2017. An avid outdoorsman, he loved hunting, fishing, snowshoeing, and four-wheeling. His golden retriever went everywhere with him. Jahn enjoyed life to the fullest, never letting his medical problems stop him from staying active. Corey Finkelstein ’72 died unexpectedly on Sept. 28, 2017. He was 63. Corey is survived by his sister, Cheryl Rosenberg (Finkelstein); nieces Leslie Rosenberg and Amanda Heussler (Rosenberg); nephew Benjamin Rosenberg; and countless close family and friends. An astute businessman, Corey spent his life bettering the lives of those around him. He was full of great stories and witty jokes to put a smile on the faces of those who loved him. Charlie Cresine ’78 passed away in October 2017 at the age of 58. Claire Shoen ’78 died on Feb. 1, 2018, following a brave battle against glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer. Her family wrote: “Claire fought an epic battle with grace, humor, and strength, exactly how she lived her life. She passed peacefully in her sleep in the home she adored, surrounded by the love of her family and her beloved dogs. There will always be a Claire-shaped hole in our hearts. We will honor her memory by taking on life 'one bite at a time' while always remembering to throw a little sparkle at it just for fun!” Enrique Salinas ’83 died of small-cell lung cancer on Nov. 28, 2017. He had been diagnosed with the disease only three weeks before his passing. Enrique was the brother of Juan Salinas ’84 and Alexandra Salinas ’82.

Pam Campolieto, wife of retired LA physics teacher Bob “Campy” Campolieto, mother of Paul Campolieto ’93 and Valerie (Campolieto) Templeton ’89, and grandmother of Jack Templeton ’17 and Michael Templeton ’19, died on July 5 after a courageous fight with pancreatic cancer. A lively and involved member of the LA community for 40 years, she lived her life with fullness and joy even while battling her illness. Kay Draper, wife of former LA faculty member Jim Draper and mother of Dana Draper ’78, died on Dec. 22, 2017, at age 96. Though never formally appointed to the faculty, Kay was a vital presence on campus, putting her love of directing, producing, and acting in plays to good use on many occasions. Her personal warmth and kindness earned her many friends over the Drapers’ years at Lawrence. Before retiring in 1985 from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where she taught public speaking to engineers, Kay had published two books: How to Produce Plays Without Crying (“Attic Dramatics”) and Speak Easy. Prior to that, she was invited by three universities in China to teach public speaking. After retirement, she founded her own company, Dynamic Communication, and continued to conduct seminars for corporate management in the Boston and Worcester areas and, twice, at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Kay is survived by five of her six children: Steve and his wife Sue, daughter Buffy, daughter Laurie and her husband Peter Bride, son Jim and his wife Judy, and Dana. In addition, she leaves 10 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her mother, her father, and her brothers Bob and John, as well as Jim, her husband of 52 years, and their daughter Alison. A memorial service was held on April 28, 2018, at the Kearsarge Community Presbyterian Church in New London, N.H.





Join us for

Homecoming On November 10, we welcome all alumni and their families for LA’s homecoming. Alumni registration begins at 10 a.m., and we invite you to spend the day on campus, while watching field hockey, soccer, and football home games, enjoying kids’ activities and seasonal refreshments, and learning about what’s currently happening at the school. There will be something for everyone! For more information:


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