Oh Canada
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photography, oLIVIa harrIS/reuterS/CorbIS
Meeting Malala ON Oct. 9, 2012, a talibaN guNmaN shOt malala YOusafzai ON a schOOl bus iN pakistaN. he called her bY Name, kNOwiNg she was the ONe whO demaNded a right tO educatiON fOr herself aNd Others. she survived. malala kept fightiNg fOr girls’ rights tO educatiON aNd was Named aN hONOrarY caNadiaN citizeN. NOw Christina Lamb, the writer whO helped tell malala’s stOrY, shares what it was like tO meet the girl whO almOst gave her life fOr wOmeN’s rights.
MARCH 2014 | canadianliving.com