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WE ASKED: HOW DO YOU GET YOUR KIDS INTO BACKTO-SCHOOL MODE? < YOU ANSWERED: SPRINKLE FAIRY DUST The night before school starts, the back-to-school fairy stops at our house. She leaves my 8-year-old niece a new outfit for her first day and a letter telling her about all the fun she will have that year.
Valerie Steen Lexington, SC
SERVE ALPHABET SOUP We have a special school-themed dinner before the kids go back. I make alphabet soup and bread stick letters, with alphabet cookies for dessert.
Nina Healy Rockfall, CT
SHARPEN THEIR PENCILS In August, we go shopping for new school supplies, then have the kids “practice” with them in their education workbooks until the start of school. For each page they do, they earn a treat, such as stickers or a snack. Their favorite snack? FamilyFun’s Indy 500 Fruit Racers!
Julie Reissner Tinton Falls, NJ
See it on our Fun Food board.
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How our readers make family life more fun.
The Allens’ chalk paint recipe: Mix equal parts water and cornstarch, then add washable finger paint (they like Crayola brand) to get the desired shade.
1. IF YOU DON’T HAVE LEMONS ... My daughters, Lexie, age 5, and Leah, 2, set up an avocado stand, Lexie’s idea. We picked the fruit from our avocado tree, and Lexie decided the sale price and made signs. She really got into the signmaking process, and we ended up with more than we knew what to do with, hence the sign on her head. Alyssa Morita Los Angeles, CA
2. TOOTHBRUSH GARDEN Our family of six likes to share most everything— except sickness. That’s why I repurposed this adorable baby bottle–drying rack by Boon for our toothbrushes. The stiff plastic grass keeps them separate, clean, and dry; plus, it looks cute. Katherine Winegar Georgetown, TX
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3. PAINT THE TOWN RED, BLUE, AND GREEN We recently made sidewalk paint, and before I knew it, all the neighborhood kids were over, painting our walk and driveway along with my son, Easton. They had hours of fun! The best part for Mom? With a little water, it washed right off. Jennifer Allen Panama City, FL