On Social Norms: the Collection of Theoretical and Empirical Findings DOI: 10.26399/978-83-66723-31-3
On Social Norms: the Collection of Theoretical and Empirical Findings
Iana Okhrimenko
Warsaw 2021
On Social Norms: the Collection of Theoretical and Empirical Findings Iana Okhrimenko (Lazarski University, ORCID: 0000-0002-8121-0733) Reviewers: dr hab. Piotr Stanek, prof. UEK dr Tomasz Kwarciński
Executive editor: Aleksandra Szudrowicz Language editing and proofreading: LIDEX Translation & Conference Service Center Cover design: Paweł Pietrzyk
DOI: 10.26399/978-83-66723-31-3 ISBN: 978-83-66723-31-3 e-ISBN: 978-83-66723-32-0 © Copyright by Lazarski University 2021
Typesetting: PanDawer Print coordination: PanDawer
1st Edition Lazarski University Press
Contents Introduction ............................................................................................ 7 Chapter 1. Pro-social behaviour under the neoclassical research program and the process of social change ....................................................... 13 1.1. What is the neoclassical research program? ...................................... 13 1.2. Social preferences, or how rational and self-optimizing agents reveal their social sentiment ...................................................................... 16 1.3. The procedure specifying public choice and its criticism .................. 22 1.4. Procedural and ecological rationality as the alternative to the optimization paradigm .................................................................... 26 1.5. The nature of social norms .............................................................. 27 1.6. The principles of reductionism and methodological individualism in the neoclassical research program ................................................... 30 1.7. Social preferences or social norms? ................................................. 32 1.8. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 33
Chapter 2. Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis ............................................................................................ 35 2.1. Cultural environment, formal institutions, and well-being ................ 35 2.1.1. The nature and typology of culture. ...................................... 35 2.1.2. On the idea of country-specific culture ................................. 38 2.1.2. Culture or informal institutions? ............................................ 38 2.1.3. The links between cultural environment and the design of formal institutions ................................................................. 39 2.1.4. Institutional and cultural determinants of economic development ........................................................................ 41 2.2. Research strategy description .......................................................... 44 2.3. Data processing method ................................................................... 45 2.3.1. Data pre-processing .............................................................. 45 2.3.2. Preliminary data analysis and clusterability assessment .......... 47 2.3.3. Selecting and executing the appropriate algorithm & quality evaluation ............................................................................. 64 2.4. Results and discussion ..................................................................... 65 2.5. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 76
Bibliography ..................................................................................... 81
Appendices ............................................................................................... 89 Appendix 1. Country codes (World Values Survey, Wave 7) ........................ 89 Appendix 2. Variables used for assessing the cultural environment – WVS indices, individual responses (World Values Survey, Wave 7) ............. 89 Appendix 3. Variables used for assessing the cultural environment – individual responses (World Values Survey, Wave 7) ......................... 91 Appendix 4. Variables used for assessing the perceived quality of the formal institutional environment – individual responses (World Values Survey, Wave 7) ............................................................................... 97 Appendix 5. Variables used for assessing well-being – individual responses (World Values Survey, Wave 7) ......................................................... 99 Appendix 6. Eigenvalues visualization; the proportion of variance explained by each principal component ........................................................... 100 Appendix 7. Summary on the distance measures used in the study ............. 104 Appendix 8. Cluster validity ....................................................................... 105 Appendix 9. Herfindahl-Hirschman indices computed based on the clustering analysis output (WVS indices – Dataset 2) ......................... 112 Appendix 10. Herfindahl-Hirschman indices computed based on the clustering analysis output (variables describing the character of the cultural environment – Dataset 3) ..................................................... 113
Introduction Public policy reflects how public authorities shape social interaction patterns, design legislation, protect freedoms, and reinforce civil rights. In some countries, the government, in most respects, does a good job; in others, government underperforms. Ukraine (the country of my origin) belongs to the latter group. Such an environment served as excellent motivation to think about whether public policy can be designed in a better way. The philosophy of Enlightenment suggested that society could achieve happiness and prosperity under wise governance. These ideas sounded extremely appealing to me. Hobbes (1651) justified the importance of central governing bodies as a guarantee of fulfilling legal obligations and preserving social order (or “the peace of mankind” – p. 88). In his Principles of Philosophy, Descartes (1644) proclaims the superiority of Reason, stating that all the objects in the universe obey some uniform rules and principles and that one can successfully learn these principles using the appropriate methods of scientific inquiry. Rousseau (1762) expresses the seemingly trivial idea that the underlying criterion of good governance is citizens’ well-being (“What is the purpose of any political association? The preservation and prosperity of its members” – p. 43). His opinion that the population growth rate should serve as a good governance indicator does not seem to be well-justified nowadays; yet, the fundamental principle of goodness-as-prosperity was clear, transparent, and seemed to be a good starting point for thinking about the appropriate public policy design. Later, I became a student of economics and got acquainted with the contribution of political economics to the principles of good governance. It is easy to see the links between the famous idea by Robbins (1935) that economics is a science of rational use of scarce resources (which is the first thing to be discussed in any economics textbook) and the Cartesian ideas. Both suggest that proper organization (or resource allocation) is the key to well-being and wealth. Talking about wealth, Malthus (1836) expresses the revolutionary idea (at least, for the undergraduate student), denying the narrow definition of wealth discussed in the microeconomics and macroeconomics textbooks. Stating that wealth can be defined as anything people enjoy, he argues that wealth should involve “everything whether material or intellectual, whether tangible or otherwise, which contributes to the advantage or pleasure of mankind, and of course includes the benefits and gratifications derived from religion, from morals, from political and civil liberty, from oratory, from the instructive and agreeable conversation, from music, dancing, acting, and all personal qualities
and service” (p. 42). Malthus’s (1836) understanding of wealth significantly enriches the scope of economists’ tasks. Although it might seem an exaggeration, I perceived economics as a tool for achieving greater happiness1 for everyone in a world full of various constraints. Mill’s (1863) utilitarian ethics is ideally in line with this intuition, proclaiming social utility maximization as the primary objective of any governor. Initially, I planned to keep on the Cartesian/constructivist discourse when writing my Ph.D. thesis, attempting to explore the optimal social policy principles based on the aggregate utility function’s shape, following Vickrey’s (1960) notion of the cardinal social preferences. However, after an extensive review of numerous works on social preferences, I started to doubt the validity of the Max-U paradigm2. Although the theory itself is beautiful and logical, it did not capture the full complexity of social interaction. The methodological individualism, featured by the neoclassical economic framework3 (see Colander, 2000), fails to capture the effect of interaction between individuals and the social environment. In this sense, I noticed a gap between economics and other social sciences. Skinner’s (1938; 1957; 1969) behaviourism suggests that observable behaviour is the only valid type of evidence for the researcher; the decision-making mechanism cannot be defined or verified in the experimental conditions, thus making the response analysis the only tool of scientific inquiry. Skinner’s framework does not dominate the cognitive sciences anymore, being recognized as an important milestone, but not as a fully valid scientific theory. However, orthodox economists continue mapping social preferences based on the revealed choices solely, in line with the commonly respected experimental economics principles (Bowles and Polania-Reyes, 2012). Not to be misunderstood, I see no reason for criticizing experimental methods in economics – the problem I would like to discuss lies in neglecting the decision-making mechanisms. In line with the fundamental principles of neoclassical economics (see Colander, 2000), the mainstream economic research program keeps assuming that any decision is an outcome of a conscious optimization process4. Subsequently, although there are plenty of studies dealing with various aspects of pro-social behaviour (Andreoni and Interestingly, Malthusian ideas seem to be re-born in the modern form – so-called economics of happiness (see Graham and Pettinato, 2002; Kahneman and Sugden, 2005). 2 According to Max-U paradigm, human behaviour is the result of deliberate self-optimization (i.e., utility maximization). 3 Here and further, terms neoclassical economics and orthodox economics are used interchangeably (see detailed discussion in the first chapter). 4 Heuristic decision-making (the alternative to the Max-U paradigm) is also a subject of the economic research program. Nevertheless, under the so-called “heuristics and biases”, or 1
Miller, 2002; Andreoni and Varian, 1999; Becker, 1974; 1976; Bénabou and Ok, 2001; Bowles and Gintis, 2000; Brennan et al., 2008; Dawes et al., 2007; Fehr and Schmidt, 1999; Fisman et al., 2007; Heffetz and Frank, 2011; Kroll and Davidovitz, 2003; List and Cherry, 2000; Morawetz et al., 1977), the only piece of novelty they can offer is a slightly different shape of individual preferences. In the neoclassical model of the world, atomistic agents interact with each other in a manner specified by their exogenously given social preferences. There is no place for social norms, arrangements, social evolution, and transformation of values. It would be argued that social exchange dynamics and collective choice cannot be addressed while ignoring the aforementioned phenomena. However, modern economic literature offers an alternative approach to individual and social choice. V. Smith (2010) argues that pro-social behaviour is not necessarily the outcome of deliberate self-optimization. Instead, we usually act for the good of others under the pressure of social norms and social arrangements. Being radically different from the vast majority of economics studies devoted to altruistic behaviour, V. Smith’s (2010) ideas seem to be much more consistent with reality. Such a model incorporates the effect of the social environment organically, denying the notion of atomistic and independent agents. Simon (1968) suggests that, in contrast to the common misconception, the optimization approach is not the only form of rational behaviour. Moreover, as Hayek (1945) reinforces, a means-end approach to public policy when public authorities attempt to achieve some ideal social state might be extremely damaging. It is hard to disagree that the neoclassical economic framework fails to serve as an accurate and appropriate representation of reality. Nevertheless, it is easy to see why it still dominates all the fields of economics. The orthodox approach commonly poses economics as a science analysing the objective laws of human action and social interaction analogously to the natural sciences (Lawson, 2003). It would be argued, nevertheless, that such a logic is not fully valid. As Hayek (1952) underlines, social and natural sciences feature radically different methods of scientific inquiry. There is no objective and uniform knowledge in the world of social artifacts (using Simon’s terminology) except for the agents’ shared knowledge. Moreover, the knowledge mentioned above is rarely codified or expressed explicitly5, representing the form of collective intelligence (V. Smith, “consistency” approach, it is viewed rather as a systemic deviation from the rational self-optimization path (Berg, 2014). 5 “… the concrete knowledge which guides the action of any group of people never exists as a consistent or coherent body. It only exists in the dispersed, incomplete, and inconsistent form of
2010). Therefore, “what is relevant in the study of society is not whether […] laws of nature are true in any objective sense, but solely whether they are believed and acted upon by the people” (Hayek, 1952, p. 93). It is impossible to define the objective rules and patterns of social and economic exchange. Markets are the products of social design, and their behaviour is constrained by the norms shared by all the agents constituting society. Based on the example provided by Hayek (1952), prices do not change as a result of an external shock. Instead, prices change due to the transformation of shared beliefs and assumptions, and the same applies to all of the social artifacts due to their praxeological6 nature. The conclusion is straightforward: better understanding of economics requires better knowledge of human nature. Realizing the role, design, and mechanism of social norms can provide valuable inquiry into the world of social facts. This way of thinking is strictly in line with the scientific methods used by Adam Smith in his famous book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). Axiomatic thinking, featured by the modern orthodox economics framework (Stigum, 2003), never appears in The Wealth of Nations. In contrast, A. Smith frequently relies on careful observations and the analysis of human nature, never trying to separate economic rationality from the sense of sociability or moral sentiment. Despite being the icon of the modern neoliberal economic framework, he did not write a word about the radical self-optimization principle (V. Smith and Wilson, 2019), emphasizing the role of social ties and norms instead. V. Smith, emphasizing the role of social norms and avoiding excessively formalized models of human behaviour, furtherly develops A. Smith’s ideas in the 21st century economics. However, V. Smith’s approach is relatively uncommon in mainstream economics, despite being established on the solid theoretical ground. In 2002, Kahneman and V. Smith shared the Nobel Prize in economics as a recognition of their effort in experimental economics. Leaving no doubts that neoclassical farsighted self-optimization assumption is not consistent with human behaviour, V. Smith and Kahneman have a radically different opinion regarding the implications of such “irrationality”. As one of the founders of the so-called “heuristics and biases” (Berg, 2014) approach, Kahneman treats substantive in which it appears in many individual minds, and the dispersion and imperfection of all knowledge are two of the basic facts from which the social sciences have to start” (Hayek, 1945, p. 93). 6 Hayek (1945) uses term “praxeological” instead of “teleological” due to the controversies associated with the latter. “Teleological”, or “consequentialist”, artifact might be interpreted as constructs developed with the clear and explicit purpose. In contrast, according to Hayek’s (1945) beliefs, social artifacts are not the products of purposeful design exclusively; instead, they develop spontaneously as the product of social interaction.
rationality as the only valid decision-making principle. In contrast, for V. Smith, rationality is rarely revealed at the individual decision-making level; even though the particular behavioural strategy might deviate from the deliberate self-optimization path, it can still be rational from the social group’s perspective. Consequently, social norms serve as useful heuristics, replacing the social preferences construct being the only tool for assessing social sentiment under the reductionist neoclassical research program setting. The present manuscript discusses selected topics related to the nature and role of social norms. The book consists of two chapters containing independent and complete studies, which are, nevertheless, connected by the core topic and the overall research objective. The first chapter examines the conflict between the neoclassical research program and the nature of social norms, addressing the research question of whether an atomistic approach towards analysing social sentiment featured by the neoclassical research program can adequately conceptualize social norms. Under the orthodox economic framework, optimization represents the only valid approach towards decision-making. Therefore, any kind of pro-social and altruistic behaviour is assessed as the result of deliberate self-optimization constrained by the shape of stable and exogenously defined social preferences. As discussed in the first chapter, social preferences (or other-regarding preferences) serve as the construct allowing for the phenomenon of pro-social behaviour to be explained and analysed without violating the neoclassical research program’s assumptions, since social norms and values are not consistent with the methodological individualism featured by the orthodox economic framework. In contrast, the competing school of rationality (ecological rationality) recognizes social norms as the decision-making heuristics developed by means of collective intelligence (from this perspective, social norms are exogenous for individuals, but endogenous from the societal perspective, being developed, adjusted, and the amended in the process of evolutionary selection). Without trying to assess which principle of rationality serves as the more accurate descriptive model of human behaviour and human interaction, the discussion is concentrated around the inability of the neoclassical research program to conceptualize the process of social change, which is accompanied by the adoption of a new set of values and principles governing social life and shaping individuals’ beliefs, expectations, and normative attributions. The second chapter investigates the process of social change through the transformation of social norms. The research question addresses the existence of straightforward links between cultural norms, formal institutional environment quality, and economic well-being. In the context of the modern heterodox framework, cultural mindset is commonly viewed as the equivalent of informal
institutions (the emphasis is put on the dominating norms, values, expectations, and normative attributions). Consequently, informal institutions are assessed as the sample-adjusted average values of the variables standing for various dimensions of the cultural environment (depending on the theoretical framework adopted). The study attempts to assess the links between the cultural environment, formal institutional environment, and policy outcome (i.e., the subjectively assessed level of economic well-being) using the cluster analysis. Reflecting the critical assessment of the country-specific culture notion, the analysis is performed based on micro-data.
Chapter 1.
Pro-social behaviour under the neoclassical research program and the process of social change
Although it is hard to doubt the existence and the role of social norms in social reality, their nature is hardly compatible with the underlying principles of the orthodox economic framework. The present essay highlights incompatibility between the endogenous nature of social norms and the reductionist approach featured by the neoclassical economic framework. The chapter begins with identifying the prominent features of the neoclassical research program, which serves as a standard set of principles adopted in orthodox economic analysis. The second section presents the overview of the most famous and influential works analysing pro-social behaviour under the orthodox framework. The third section discusses the principles of ecological rationality and social heuristics as the alternative to the model of pro-social behaviour based on the social preferences construct. The fourth section discusses the notion of endogenous preferences together with the process of their development and calibration. The fifth section examines the compatibility of the reductionist analysis and endogenous social norms. Finally, the last section concludes and explores the implications of methodological individualism in assessing social dynamics.
1.1. What is the neoclassical research program? As Hayek (1945) emphasizes, the modern mainstream economic approach is the direct descendant of the French Enlightenment philosophical ideas. The superiority of Reason is one of the critical features of Cartesian philosophy. The fundamental belief in the supremacy of conscious analysis accompanied by the assumption about the possibility of such analysis has, to a great extent, shaped the modern orthodox (or the neoclassical) school of economic thought. It should be admitted that nowadays, both the terms mentioned above are used in a schizophrenic and inconsistent way, as Colander (2000, p. 132) mentions. Therefore, discussing the characteristics of the neoclassical (or orthodox) framework is believed to serve as a crucial part of the present discussion. Colander (2000) names six critical features of neoclassical economics, namely, focusing on the efficient allocation of resources in a given moment; putting utilitarian and consequential approach in the central place; focusing on the marginal trade-offs; farsighted rationality
Chapter 1
assumption; an analytical approach based on the methodological individualism, or reductionism; and, finally, the prominent role attributed to the general equilibrium assumption in the economy. Here and further, the orthodox (or the neoclassical) economic framework will refer to the scope of beliefs and methods featuring the attributes listed above. Some of these attributes are reflected in the present research, constituting the basis for investigating the appropriateness of the orthodox theoretical tool for the social choice analysis. These assumptions, therefore, deserve a more extensive analysis. Firstly, optimal resource allocation is a central idea in economics and the first definition presented in any economics textbook. Efficient resource allocation requires an optimization approach, and this is reflected in the underlying rationality assumption, as discussed above7. Leaving aside the general validity of this premise, putting “a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses” (Robbins, 1935, p. 16) in the centre of social choice analysis narrows the perspective significantly. Society is a complex system. It is not static, and it is not the product of the conscious optimization design. Proper functioning of such a complex system can be ensured thanks to the proper process of evolutionary adjustment. Arguably, the mean-end policy (even if it can achieve the most efficient allocation of social resources) might not align with the aforementioned objective. Secondly, Colander’s (2000) notion of farsighted rationality is identical to the constructivist (V. Smith, 2010) or substantive (Simon, 1968) rationality. All the concepts mentioned above refer to the consistency of human action with the logical principles of optimization. In turn, optimization serves as the conscious and deliberate process of seeking the best alternative out of a set of possible alternatives. To be more specific, Simon (1968) described optimization strategy as the process of adjusting the variables of “inner environment” (i.e., the variables under a decision-maker’s control) to the constraints imposed by the “outer environment” consisting of the set of parameters “known with certainty or only in terms of a probability distribution” (Simon, 1968, p. 116). Speaking informally, the agents, rational in the substantive or constructivist sense, use their perfect computational abilities to define the best bundle out of the set of possible alternatives in the world, free of radical uncertainty. This view on human decision-making is too ambitious (and too In this context, the notion of efficiency corresponds to the definition provided by Robins (1935), being understood as the pattern of resource allocation maximizing the individual or the aggregate utility. From this perspective, efficiency indeed requires conscious optimization, when agents are perfectly aware of their preferences and external constraints, act in the absence of radical uncertainty, and have sufficient cognitive capacity to detect the values of variables under their control corresponding to the maximum values of agents’ utility.
Pro-social behaviour under the neoclassical research program and the process of social change
optimistic, considering the absence of the radical uncertainty assumption). However, the assumption of perfect rationality serves as the perfect basis for axiomatic analysis8, thus remaining part of the neoclassical research program (Lawson, 2003). It should be noted that the present study does not attempt to challenge the notion of farsighted rationality as the positive principle describing human behaviour. In contrast, it critically assesses the implications of the substantively rational optimization for the public policy architecture. Thirdly, methodological individualism mentioned by Colander (2000) implies that any complex system is viewed as a simple sum of its components. Subsequently, the system cannot have any characteristics not featured by its elements. Applied to the present discussion, methodological individualism (or reductionism) implies that society (as a complex system) consists of atomistic agents; logically, any interaction effects are assumed to be perfectly predictable or absent, depending on the adopted notion of reductionism. In both cases, the dynamics of such a system are perfectly predictable. The neoclassical school attempts to address social sentiment and pro-social behaviour using individual agents’ social preferences. Naturally, there is no place for social norms, values, and endogenous social norms, as discussed further in this chapter. Finally, utilitarianism serves as the ultimate basis for any normative judgements under the neoclassical framework. Goodness is defined by the criterion of aggregate utility, while other considerations are neglected. Although one can think about some alternatives to the utilitarian social choice principle (for instance, Nash9 and Rawlsian10 SWFs11), they all address distributive justice12. Stigum (2003) describes axiomatic analysis as the type of predictive analysis based on pre-defined axioms. Max-U (utility maximization) analytical approach is a perfect example of the axiomatic analysis. 9 Rawls (1971) argues that a fair social outcome occurs when all the agents decide on the social distribution pattern under the “veil of ignorance”, e.g., when their position in the social hierarchy after the choice is made is unknown. Consequently, Rawls (1971) asserts that all the agents would choose the most egalitarian pattern of social resources distribution. Following this assertion, Rawl, xn ) min{f ( x1 ),… , f ( xn )} – Stark et al., 2014, p. 440) is maximized, when sian SWF ( SWFR ( x1,…= utility of the most deprived agent is maximized. 10 Nash (1950) asserts that when two agents have equivalent bargaining power, the only mutually acceptable outcome is associated with the equal utility for both agents. Kaneko and Nakamura n (1979) describe Nash SWF ( SWFNash ( x1,… , xn ) = ∏ i=1 f ( xi ) – p. 427). Being the product of individual agents’ utilities, it is maximized, when the social outcome corresponds to the equal utility for all the agents. 11 Here and further, SWF stands for “social welfare function”. 12 The normative attribution of distributive justice is based on the consequences of the act, while the notion of procedural justice concentrates on the fair mechanism of distribution. It is easy to 8
Chapter 1
1.2. Social preferences, or how rational and self-optimizing agents reveal their social sentiment Social norms, arrangements, and institutions play a vital role in a society’s self-regulating mechanism, thus being consistently addressed in this work. However, as discussed in the further parts of this chapter, there is no place for social norms under the reductionist neoclassical research program. Pro-social behaviour is analysed as the outcome of a conscious self-optimization process. In other words, any kind of pro-social behaviour (voluntary giving, or altruism, is discussed most frequently) is assumed to arise from the features of individual preferences (inequality aversion, fairness considerations, “warm glow of giving”, etc.). This section provides a brief overview of the most influential studies dealing with the phenomenon of voluntary giving and designed under the neoclassical research program in order to illustrate the aforementioned argument. Becker (1974) formulates the principle which has been serving as a theoretical ground for analysing altruistic behaviour under the orthodox framework up to modern times. The aforementioned principle implies that, for any individual, the utility can be described as the function of an individual’s endowment/consumption as well as the level of utility of other individuals13. Formally speaking, Becker (1976, p. 819) describes the utility of the “representative agent” in the following way: Uh = Uh (X h , X i ) where Uh stands for the level of utility of the agent h; Xh stands for the consumption of the agent h; Xi stands for the consumption of the agent i. Becker (1981, p. 1) amends the hypothetical utility function incrementally, keeping that = Uh U(Z 1h ,… , Z mh , ψ(Uw )) where Uh stands for the level of utility of the agent h; U stands for the utility function of the agent h; see the difference between Nash (equality in terms of utility), Rawlsian (satisfying the needs of the most deprived agents), and utilitarian (maximizing aggregate social utility) mechanism of social distribution. However, all the aforementioned mechanisms concentrate on the outcome, i.e., final distribution of the social good among the agents. Consequently, they correspond to the idea of distributive justice (for a more detailed discussion, see Okhrimenko, 2021). 13 Becker (1981) discussed family members. Perhaps, the author meant the relatively small social group with strong emotional ties between its members.
Pro-social behaviour under the neoclassical research program and the process of social change
where Z ih stands for the ith commodity consumed by the agent h; Uw stands for the level of utility of the agent w; ψ denotes the positive function of Uw. Following the assumptions listed above, one can detect that δUh /δUw > 0. The fact that one’s utility is positively affected by the utility of others reflects the existence of altruistic motives or effective altruism14 (Becker, 1981). Based on this, the effective altruist’s utility is maximized when his marginal utility of consumption is equal to the marginal utility of consumption of the “agent of interδU/δZ w = 1 which is referred to as an equilibrium condition (Becker, est”15, so δU/δZ h 1981, p. 2). According to Fehr and Fischbacher (2002), “a person exhibits social preferences if the person not only cares about the material resources allocated to her but also cares about the material resources allocated to relevant reference agents” (p. C2). Therefore, although Becker (1981) does not mention social preferences, the preferences he describes perfectly suit this term. A word of caution needs to be said regarding terminology and possible confusion. Fisman et al. (2007) distinguish between preferences for giving (self versus others) and social preferences (others versus others). Correspondingly, preferences for giving and social preferences constitute the broader concept of distributional preferences. Therefore, here and further, when own theoretical findings are discussed, social preferences denote the type of preferences with the positive causal link between the well-being of others and the utility of the decision-maker. Stark (1995) examines “altruistically-motivated consumption transfers”, following Becker’s (1974) approach. Analysing the propensity to give within a family, Stark (1995) assumes that initially, the entire endowment of corn (C) is under Father’s control. Father’s and Son’s “direct pleasure” (“felicity”) depends on the consumption of corn. Formally, VF (CF ) > 0; VS (CS ) > 0; C > 0; VF′(CF ) > 0; VS′ (CS ) > 0 (p. 16). At the same time, each family member’s utility positively depends on the other family member’s happiness. Correspondingly, Stark (1995) describes Father’s and Son’s utility as the linear combination of their and the other family member’s felicity (p. 16):
Becker’s (1974) effective altruism should not be mistaken for Singer’s (1972; 2009) effective altruism. Becker uses the aforementioned notion to denote “altruism in action”. Roughly speaking, Singer’s (1972; 2009) principle of effective altruism stands for the moral obligation to the pass own endowment to another party as long as another party derives a greater marginal utility from the endowment in comparison with the initial holder. 15 In the absence of better terminology, “agent of interest” stands for the individual the decision-maker feels some sort of emotional attachment to (for instance, a family member). 14
Chapter 1
UF (CF , CS ) = (1 − β F )VF (CF ) + β F US (CF , CS ) US (CF , CS ) = (1 − β S )VS (CS ) + β S UF (CF , CS ) where UF stands for Father’s utility; US stands for Son’s utility; βF stands for Father’s weight placed on Son’s utility relative to his felicity; βS stands for Son’s weight placed on Father’s utility relative to his felicity; VF stands for Father’s felicity associated with the consumption of corn; VS stands for Son’s felicity associated with the consumption of corn. In the literature devoted to analysing pro-social behaviour under the orthodox framework, normative evaluation of such behaviour is relatively uncommon. Interestingly, Stark (1995) points out that although reciprocal altruism in non-market transactions decreases the probability of conflicts, it does not necessarily make a community better-off; perhaps, this can explain why some societies transit towards market-oriented transactions faster than others (p. 25). Fehr and Schmidt (1999) introduce fairness considerations to the model of social preferences, defining the former as “self-centred inequity aversion”. Self-centred inequity aversion implies that agents consider the fairness of their pay-off, remaining unaffected by the fairness of distribution among other agents. The aversion towards inequity implies that individuals are willing to sacrifice some portion of their pay-off to achieve a fairer outcome. In line with this premise, Fehr and Schmidt (1999) model preferences under which the income distance between an agent and other group members causes a negative effect on the utility level. Formally, Fehr and Schmidt (1999, p. 822) assert that if there are x x1,… , xn denotes the vector of monetary players indexed by i ∈ [1,… , n], and = pay-offs, then the utility function of the player is given by: Ui ( x ) = xi − α i
1 1 max[ x j − xi ,0] − β i ∑ ∑ max[ xi − x j ,0] n − 1 j≠i n − 1 j≠i
1 ∑ max[ x j − xi ,0] stands for the utility loss associated with n − 1 j≠i “disadvantageous inequality” (i.e., when pay-off of the reference agent is smaller than the pay-off of other players); describes the degree of sensitivity to disadvan1 tageous inequality, correspondingly. The term β i ∑ max[ xi − x j ,0] stands n − 1 j≠i for the utility loss associated with “advantageous inequality”, and bi denotes sensitivity to the advantageous inequality, respectively. As Fehr and Schmidt (1999) The term α i
Pro-social behaviour under the neoclassical research program and the process of social change
report, their model is more consistent with experimental evidence (i.e., ultimatum16, gift exchange17, and public goods18 games) than self-optimization models, when own monetary pay-off serves as the single determinant of utility level. Yes, one can notice that introducing fairness considerations serves as a minor adjustment to the orthodox decision-making theory. Individuals do care about fairness, and economics should consider the importance of fairness/justice attribution. However, it does not necessarily imply the validity of the proposed model. Bolton and Ockenfels (2000) introduce the ERC (equity, reciprocity, competition) model, replacing the expected utility function with the motivation function. The authors assume the players laboratory games (denoted as), with players randomly chosen from the population and matched with no disclosure to each other19; moreover, it is assumed that each player plays a new round with a different partner. All the players attempt to maximize their motivation function (p. 171): vi = vi ( yi ,σ i ) y i /c if c > 0 where = σ i σ= stands for the relative share of pay-off i ( y i , c, n) 1/n if c = 0 assigned to the player i; In ultimatum games, the first player has to decide on how the endowment is going to be split between the first and the second player. The second player preserves the right to accept or decline the offer. In the former case, the endowment is split between the first and the second player in the way suggested by the first player; in the latter case, each player receives nothing. The game setting frequently includes different trade-off ratios (i.e., if the first player transfers n units, the second player receives n × s units, where s can take the value both ≤ 1 and ≥ 1). See Fischbacher et al. (2009); Güth et al. (1998); Krishna and Serrano (1996). Note: in dictator games, the first player decides how to split the endowment, and other players have no other choice but accepting the offer (see Andreoni and Miller, 2002). 17 In gift exchange games, the first player has to decide on the share of endowment to be transferred to the second player, while in the second round, the second player decides on how much to transfer to the first player. The game setting frequently includes different trade-off ratios (i.e., if the first player transfers n units, the second player receives n × s units, where s can take the value both ≤ 1 and ≥ 1). (See Berg et al., 1995, and Fehr et al., 1994). 18 In public goods games, the players have to decide how much to contribute to the common pool (the “public good”) shared between the players. Usually, the value of the pool is amended: n if stands for the total value of funds contributed by the players, the value of funds to be shared among the participants is n × s, where s > 1. See Fehr et al. (2000) and Isaac et al. (1984). 19 As Bolton and Ockenfels (2000) mention, “face-to-face play is a known complicating factor” (p. 171), meaning that non-anonymous interaction is extremely likely to be “biased” by other effects. This approach is perfectly in line with SSSM (Standard Social Science Model) methodological framework attempting to analyse various kind of human motivation in isolation from social environment. One can question, however, whether experimental evidence obtained in such manner can serve as basis for modelling and analysing social interaction (see Barnett, 2019). 16
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where and c = ∑ j =1 y i stands for the total pay-out. The following assumptions are imposed: i) Assumption 1: “The function vi is continuous and twice differentiable on the domain of ( y i , σ i ) ” (p. 171) ii) Assumption 2 (narrow self-interest): v i1( y i , σ i ) ≥ 0; v i11( y i , σ i ) ≤ 0 (the positive value of the first derivative of value function with respect to own payment − v i1( y i , σ i ) is positive indicating the positive relationship between the motivation function value and own pay-off; the negative value of the second derivative of the respective function with respect to the respective variable − v i11( y i , σ i ) can be interpreted analogously to the law of diminishing marginal utility). Moreover, for the fixed value of s, each player chooses the option associated with a higher monetary pay-off yi (p. 171). iii) Assumption 3 (comparative effect): v i 2 ( y i , σ i ) = 0, for σ i ( y i , c, n) = 1/n, v i 22 ( y i , σ i ) < 0 (p. 172). The comparative effect assumption implies that assuming the pay-off value, the motivation function is concave with respect to the player’s share, being maximized, when player’s pay-off is equal to the average pay-off. iv) Assumption 4 (heterogeneity): as Bolton and Ockenfels (2000) discuss, each player faces a trade-off between narrow self-interest and comparative effect. Admitting that players are heterogeneous with respect to their preferences, the authors si (c )), where ri (c ) arg max v i ( y i , σ i ), c > 0, introduce two thresholds ( ri (c) and= σi = v i (csi , si ) v i (0; 1/n), c > 0. Then, for all and si (c ) is defined implicitly by c > 0, f r (r | c ) > 0, r ∈ [1/n;1]; f s ( s| c ) > 0, r ∈ (0;1/n], where f r and f s are density functions (p. 172). It is easy to notice that the ERC model utilizes logic similar to the model proposed by Fehr and Schmidt (1999). There are some differences, nevertheless. First, Fehr and Schmidt (1999) assume that individual utility depends on the wealth distribution in the entire population, while Bolton and Ockenfels (2000) consider a counter-player’s pay-off solely. Besides, the motivation function is more general, incorporation various types of social preferences. From this perspective, Fehr’s and Schmidt’s (1999) model can be treated as the special case of the model suggested by Bolton and Ockenfels (2000). Andreoni and Miller (2002) propose an experimental methodology to reveal i) whether the preferences of giving are well-behaved; ii) whether individuals demonstrate any consistent patterns in their altruistic behaviour. The authors rely on the assumption that an agent’s utility might be described as the function of “payment to self” and “payment to others” revealed during the dictator game (p. 738): n
Us = us (π s , π o )
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where U s stands for an agent’s utility; where u s stands for an operator transforming payment to self and payment to others into the individual utility (in simple words, this operator captures utility function’s shape); where ps stands for the payment to self (number of tokens devoted to self); po stands for the payment to others (number of tokens devoted to the other player)20. During the dictator game, the participants are to allocate their initial endowment (i.e., number of tokens) between themselves and other players under the specified “price ratio” (calculated based on the value of tokens passed to others and held), when “budget constraints” and “prices” varied across the rounds. Naturally, to be subject to the formal analysis, agents’ preferences regarding ps and po must be well-behaved (i.e., rational), constituting a convex set and obeying the General Axiom of Revealed Preferences (GARP21). Andreoni and Miller (2002) report that the vast majority of agents have GARP-consistent (hence, rational) preferences, and out of them, almost a half of the participants are characterized by the “standard” (i.e., Leontief22, selfish23, or utilitarian24) shapes of the utility function. The non-standard preferences are captured by the Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) function25. The authors, therefore, conclude that Andreoni and Miller (2002) emphasize that variables denoting payment to self and payment to others represent marginal consumption (i.e., change in consumption), underlying that they do not attempt to analyse the preferences regarding total consumption. At the same time, they pose a premise that if preferences regarding the overall consumption are “well-behaved” (i.e., represented by the convex utility function), preferences regarding the incremental consumption should be well-behaved as well (please note there is no reverse causal link). 21 “If A is indirectly revealed preferred to B, then B is not strictly directly revealed preferred to A, that is, A is not strictly within the budget set when B is chosen” (Andreoni and Miller, 2002, p. 739). 22 Leontief preferences imply that agents allocate equal number of tokens to themselves and others, treating “own good” and “good of others” as complements, so U(π s , π o ) = min{π s ;π o } (Andreoni and Miller, 2002, p. 745). 23 Perfectly selfish individuals never give to others, regardless of the pay-offs ratio; therefore, their preferences are depicted as U(π s , π o ) = π s (Andreoni and Miller, 2002, p. 744). 24 The principle of utilitarianism might be described as “Greatest Happiness Principle” (Mill 1863, p. 10) or “rightness consist[ing] in maximal goodness” (Brink 1986, p. 419). I.e., utilitarian individuals maximize aggregate social utility regardless of the effect on their individual utility. Subsequently, Andreoni and Miller (2002) depict utilitarian preferences as such preferences, under which payment to self and payment to others are perfect substitutes, and de-factor choice between them is determined solely by the “price” (i.e., pay-off ratio): U(π s , π o=) π s + π o (p. 745). 25 (απ sρ + (1 − α )π oρ )1/ρ, where parameter serves as the indicator for selfishness, and captures U= s the convexity of preferences defining the elasticity of substitution σ = 1 (Andreoni and Miller, ρ −1 2002, p. 746). 20
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“possible to capture altruistic choices with quasi-concave utility functions for individuals – altruism is rational” (Andreoni and Miller 2002, p. 750). Andreoni and Miller (2002) understand rationality as consistency with the neoclassical principles of rational choice. At the same time, there is no insight into the nature and mechanism of giving. From this perspective, Giving according to GARP is not radically different from the “first generation” of neoclassicism-spirited studies described earlier, since the process of social preferences formation is completely neglected (which is typical of the neoclassical framework – Berg and Gigerenzer, 2010). In other words, pro-social/altruistic behaviour is assumed to be implied by the “built-in” features of the self-optimizing agents, perfectly suiting the orthodox framework. Fisman et al. (2007) propose the modified version of the Giving according to GARP experiment. The authors distinguish between preferences for giving and social preferences. The former is described as the pattern of allocating resources between self and others (ps and po, respectively) while the former denotes the pattern of allocating resources between others (pA and pB, when π o =[π A , πB ]). The independence of the preferences for giving and social preferences (so, if π o π′o for some ps, then π o π′o for all ps) is the crucial assumption (p. 1860). Fisman et al. (2007) report that well-behaved preferences characterize the majority of participants; moreover, the participants tend to exhibit so-called social welfare preferences when the utility is positively dependent on both ps and po26.
1.3. The procedure specifying public choice and its criticism Bergson (1938) defines social welfare as the function of “the amounts of each of the factors of production, other than labour, employed in different production units, the amounts of various commodities consumed, the amounts of different kinds of work done, and the production unit for which this work is performed by each individual in the community during that period of time” (p. 311). Criticizing the utility calculus approach based on value judgements, Bergson (1938) argues that four conditions are sufficient for social welfare maximization, namely: Social welfare preferences can be described using Becker’s (1981) “effectively altruistic” preferences. The remaining broad types of preferences reported by Fisman et al. (2007) include i) competitive preferences (when utility increases in the difference between payment to self and payment to others); ii) narrow selfish preferences (when utility depends solely on the payment to self); iii) difference aversion (when utility increases in payment to self, but decreases in the difference between payment to self and payment to others); and iv) lexself preferences (lexicographic preferences, consistent regarding payment to self solely).
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i) the marginal economic welfare per the “dollar worth” of the commodity should be equal for all the commodities and all the agents constituting the society; ii) the marginal economic diswelfare per “dollar’s worth” of labour should be equalized for all the types of labour and all the agents constituting the society; iii) wages should be equalized to the marginal value productivity for all the types of labour; iv) the marginal value productivity should be equalized to the cost for all the commodities (p. 315). Speaking informally, Bergson (1938) refuses to apply the notion of utility maximization due to the unavoidable ethical and methodological ambiguity associated with interpersonal utility comparison27. Therefore, the underpinning idea behind Bergson’s (1938) analysis of social welfare is that achieving allocative efficiency serves as a sufficient condition for social welfare maximization. In Arrow’s (1951) model, the notion of individual values takes over Bergson’s (1938) individual tastes. Such a change makes Arrow’s (1951) approach more pervasive since it can be applied to any community without “any prior knowledge of the tastes of individuals” (p. 24). In line with the amendment mentioned above, Arrow (1951) proposes the following definition of the SWF: By a social welfare function will be meant a process or rule which, for each set of individual orderings R1,… , Rn for alternative social states (one ordering for each individual), states a corresponding social ordering of alternative social states, R (Arrow,
1951, p. 23). Arrow (1951) imposes five conditions for the SWF, namely: i) Condition 1 (admissible set of individual orderings): “Among all the alternatives there is a set S of three alternatives such that, for any set of individual orderings T1,… , Tn of the alternatives in S, there is an admissible set of individual orderings R1,… , Rn of all the alternatives such that, for each individual i, x Ri y if and only if x Ti y for x and y in S” (p. 24). ii) Condition 2 (positive association of social and individual values): “Let R1,.., Rn and R1′ ,.., Rn′ be two sets of individual ordering relations, R and
R′ the corresponding social orderings, and P and P′ the corresponding social preferences relations. Suppose that for each the two individual ordering relations are connected in the following ways: for x′ and y′
For a more detailed discussion, see Okhrimenko (2021).
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distinct from a given alternative x, x′ Ri′ y ′ if and only if x′ Ri′ y ′; for y′, x Ri y′ implies x Ri′ y ′; for all y′, x Pi y′ implies x Pi′ y ′ . Then, x P y if x P′ y” (p. 26). iii) Condition 3 (the independence of irrelevant alternatives): “Let R1,.., Rn and R1′ ,.., Rn′ be two sets of individual orderings and let C(S) and C′(S) be the corresponding social choice functions. If, for all individuals and all and in a given environment S, x Ri y if and only if x Ri′ y , then C(S) and C′(S) are the same” (p. 27). iv) Condition 4 (citizens’ sovereignty condition): SWF should not be imposed (p. 29); SWF is imposed if “for some pair of distinct alternatives x and y, x R y for any set of individual orderings R1,… , Rn where R is the social ordering corresponding to R1,.., Rn ” (p. 28). v) Condition 5 (condition of non-dictatorship): SWF should not be dictatorial (p. 30); SWF is dictatorial if “there exists an individual such that, for all x and y, x Pi y implies x P y regardless of the orderings R1,.., Rn of all individuals other than i, where P is the social preference corresponding to R1,.., Rn” (p. 30)28. In order to prevent IUC29 in the SWF analysis, Arrow (1951) introduces the conditions of individual preferences admissibility and independence of irrelevant alternatives. The famous General Possibility Theorem (also known as Impossibility Theorem) asserts that if the number of available options exceeds two, and the social welfare function fulfils two criteria mentioned above, it might be either imposed or dictatorial. Evidently, Arrow’s (1951) approach opened the space for analysing social choice from the lens of individual values or social preferences. As Suzumura (2019) points out, “Arrow’s social choice theory asks whether there exists a social aggregation procedure embodying several normative desiderata, through which a social value is endogenously constructed based on individual values. In other words, social aggregation procedure à la Arrow is not exogenously given; it is an endogenous variable to be rationally designed and socially chosen”. To illustrate the aforementioned idea, let us consider the following example. As Rawls (1971, p. 32–33) states, the society faces a trade-off between a higher degree of equality and higher total social welfare (in this case, welfare stands for the overall level of consumption and quality of life rather than for aggregate social utility). Assuming that all the individuals constituting a society keep strongly egalitarian views, The implications of these assumptions are discussed in detail in Okhrimenko (2021). Inter-personal utility comparison, i.e., assessing utilities of different agents associated with the identical or different goods using the same scale.
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they unanimously prefer equality to efficiency. If this is true, then, according to Arrow’s (1951) framework, social welfare is maximized when social resources are allocated in an egalitarian manner. Correspondingly, the egalitarian distribution should be treated as the social choice or social optimum point. In contrast, Bergson’s (1938) EWF30 formulation assumes that the total social welfare depends on the overall level of welfare in a sense it is described by Rawls (1971)31. Perhaps, it is possible to say that Arrow’s (1951) framework for social choice analysis preserves the spirit of the utilitarian attribution. The egalitarian pattern of the social resources allocation is perfectly legible as long as it satisfies the conditions specified by Arrow (1951). In other words, if egalitarian choice maximizes the aggregate social well-being (since SWF is viewed as the aggregate of individual orderings), it is qualified as the social choice. Therefore, although Arrow’s SWF is not required to take the form of the Benthamite SWF, it incorporates the purely utilitarian objective of social utility maximization (although the elements of deontological reasoning are clearly present in Arrow’s framework). At this point, let us analyse the implications of Arrow’s (1951) SWF formulation in the context of social exchange and social dynamics. Asserting that formal institutional environment describes the fundamental principles specifying the patterns of distribution and redistribution of social goods (Should richer individuals be subject to higher average tax rates? Should the government provide affordable medical care? Should the government subsidize education? And to what extent?). As discussed in the previous section, the neoclassical research program recognizes a kind of social sentiment in the form of an assumption that individual utility is positively dependent on the utility of other “agents of interest”. Provided that the social planner is a benevolent and selfless agent, whose decisions are always in favour of the society and who treats all the agents equally (i.e., provided that SWF is not imposed, not dictatorial, and no inter-personal utility comparison is allowed), Arrow’s framework implies that public policy design perfectly reflects the shape of the exogenous social preferences of agents constituting the population. Perhaps, this idea seems pretty trivial at this point. However, it has important implications for explaining and conceptualizing the process of social change and institutional evolution – we will get back to it at the end of this chapter. Bergson (1938) uses the term “economic welfare function”, or EWF. Rawls (1971) discusses the trade-off between welfare and equality, understanding welfare as agents’ utility derived from consumption. In contrast to the aforementioned relatively narrow definition of welfare, Arrow’s (1951) framework does not concentrate on the agents’ underlying motives, emphasizing their “orderings” solely. Consequently, the agents might derive utility from consumption or the fact the society functions in accordance with the agents’ normative attributions.
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1.4. Procedural and ecological rationality as the alternative to the optimization paradigm Gigerenzer et al. (1999) understand ecological rationality as the feature of heuristic strategy, asserting that the degree of ecological rationality depends on the degree to which the subject is adapted to the structure of the external environment. Less formally, the ecological rationality criterion addresses the agents’ ability to design, transform, and adjust their behavioural strategies constrained to their habitat. Under the aforementioned theory, substantive rationality does not operate as the normative principle of rational human behaviour anymore. Ecological rationality is a descendant of the procedural rationality concept developed by Simon (1968), who emphasized that operating in the conditions of uncertainty requires human beings to rely both on conscious analysis and feedback from the external environment (Simon, 1990). Under the neoclassical framework, the necessary condition of rationality is achieving the best possible outcome (a utility-maximizing consumption bundle, a cost-minimizing combination of inputs, a social welfare-maximizing public policy, etc.). In contrast, under the procedural rationality framework, human rationality is revealed in the process of designing an intelligent strategy of interaction with the external environment and the ability to interpret the signals coming from the external environment. The ecological rationality framework might be treated as Simon’s (1968) abstract concept of procedural rationality utilized in applied decision-making science. Due to the complexity of the external environment and the lack of certainty (Gigerenzer, 2000; 2007; 2008a; 2015), agents pursuing the appropriate principles of communication and interaction have better chances for survival than agents rational in the substantive sense. The ecological rationality paradigm is argued to serve as the appropriate theoretical foundation for both the individual patterns of conduct and decision-making (Gigerenzer, 2000; 2007; 2008a; 2008b; 2015) and social interaction (V. Smith, 2003; 2010) analysis. Such uniformity might be mistaken for heterogeneousness: for instance, Dekker and Remic (2008) assert that “there are two different conceptions of ecological rationality, which represent different ways of integrating psychology and economics” (p. 303), represented by G. Gigerenzer and V. Smith, respectively. This claim can be, to some extent, justified by the fact that, for Gigerenzer (2000; 2007; 2008a; 2008b; 2015), the central area of interest is the process of selecting, transforming, and adjusting the strategies by individuals, while V. Smith (2003; 2010) concentrates on the nature and role of “spontaneously developed social structures” (“collective intelligence”). However, following social norms represents a particular type of heuristic strategy (see Blythe
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et al., 1999; Rand et al., 2014; Rand et al., 2016), and only functional social norms successfully pass the selection process, being shaped by the “collective intelligence”. Therefore, unlike the substantive rationality framework, the ecological rationality framework does not demonstrate any inconsistency between the micro- and macro-level analysis. Correspondingly, there is no need to draw a borderline between “two different conceptions of ecological rationality”.
1.5. The nature of social norms Before discussing the nature of social norms and institutions, one should start with terms and definitions (since there is much controversy in this field). North (1990; 1991) defines institutions as “the humanly devised constraints that structure political, economic and social interaction” (North, 1991, p. 97). From North’s (1991) perspective, the principal function of institutions is reduction of uncertainty through establishing unified “rules of the game” for all the agents. Wealth-maximizing agents are likely to cooperate during the repeated games, under perfect information, and provided that the number of players is relatively small. However, in a complex and uncertain environment, the opportunities for cooperation diminish. Institutions serve as mechanisms “solving the problems of human cooperation” (p. 98). Under North’s (1991) framework, the term “institutions” is general enough to involve “both informal constraints (sanctions, taboos, customs, traditions, and codes of conduct) and formal rules (constitutions, laws, property rights)” (p. 97). Aoki (2007) defines institutions as a “self-sustaining, salient pattern of social interaction, as represented by meaningful rules that every agent knows, and incorporated as agents’ shared beliefs about the ways the game is to be played” (p. 6), emphasizing the endogenous nature of institutional changes. For the sake of clarity, hereafter, formal institutions stand for rules of conduct introduced, supervised, and reinforced by central authorities. In contrast, social norms are understood as uncodified rules, principles, and values governing the process of social exchange and social interaction, according to V. Smith (2010). The necessity to distinguish between the social norms and formal institutions instead of elaborating on North’s (1990; 1991) classification arises from the inconsistency between the North’s (1990; 1991) institutional exogeneity assumption (Aoki 2007) and the entire principle of evolutionary change discussed by Simon (1968) and V. Smith (2010). Besides, denoting social norms and formal institutions using the same term means ignoring the fact that solely formal institutions are subject to central authorities’ supervision and reinforcement.
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Albeit one cannot doubt the existence of social norms and their role in regulating the social exchange process, they are hardly compatible with the reductionist manner of the orthodox research program. As discussed in the previous section, social preferences serve as the only tool the neoclassical research program has at its disposal for assessing and analysing the phenomenon of pro-social behaviour, assuming “selfless” behaviour to arise from agents’ deliberate self-optimization. The framework proposed by V. Smith (2010) leaves more room for the analysis of social norm development and calibration. As he argues, “other-regarding behaviour does not require other-regarding utility” (p. 21), undermining the neoclassicists’ attempts to explain pro-social behaviour through the prism of self-optimization. V. Smith (2010) proposes a framework under which institutions (l) are understood as “rules of message exchange and contract in a market” (V. Smith, 2010, p. 31) assumed to construe “the mapping of messages [M] into outcomes [X]” (V. Smith, 2010, p. 31): I:M → X Agents’ messages are understood as revealed terms of the contract offered to the other participants of social exchange. The process of choosing messages (behaviour B) is constrained by the character of environment E depicting the scope of agents’ characteristics and qualities, which is conditional to the rules of conduct I: B(E | I ) → M Under the framework discussed above, institutions serve as “algorithms whose property right rules define outcomes, given messages, whereas agent behaviour is represented by decision algorithms for choosing messages, given the agents’ environment and the institution” (p. 31). As V. Smith (2010) discusses, fundamental institutions are the product of an evolutionary selection of the behavioural patterns facilitating the process of social exchange, thus reinforcing the objective of social prosperity and survival. For instance, property rights guarantee that some proportion of income, which is not consumed, can be utilized in the future as a production input; in other words, property rights make capital accumulation possible. An additional exciting point is that V. Smith (2010) recognizes the role of constructivist rationality32 in generating a variety of institutions, Simon (1968) distinguishes between substantive and procedural rationality. While the latter stands for the ability to choose the appropriate course of decision-making, including the capability
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while ecological rationality is revealed in the process of their selection. Interestingly, this coincides with the ideas expressed by institutionalists, such as Hindriks and Guala (2014). They distinguish between “real” and “nominal” rules, where the latter stands for the meaningless rules of conduct, which are not respected by the agents (i.e., the rules, which have not survived the process of evolutionary selection). Similarly, as Aoki (2007) mentions, “even when the objective existence of a statutory law in the books is unquestionable, if nobody believes it to be implementable or enforceable, it will not prevail as an institution” (p. 8). It shall be noticed that V. Smith (2010) does not provide any further insight into the process of institutions design, except for expressing the idea that the existence and character of formal institutions are justified by the importance of social exchange. Therefore, one might notice a kind of contradiction: on the one hand, institutions are shaped and calibrated in the context of social exchange and inter-human interaction; on the other hand, when it comes to the links between agents’ behaviour, agents’ environment (also incorporating social norms), and institutions, the latter seems to play the role of exogenously defined constraints (as implied by the formal model setting presented above). Any further insight regarding the effect of agents’ environment (including social norms and values) seems to be missing. According to Aoki (2007), the process of institutions’ development reflects the view of the nature of institutions. One of the approaches (referred to as “institutions as rules in a hierarchical order” – p.1) implies the exogenous character of institutions. Under this paradigm, the institutional environment and economic environment are separated: “rules of the game” (i.e., legal rules and social norms) are treated as pre-determined constraints. At the same time, presumably efficient and rational markets attempt to achieve their goals under the aforementioned constraints. Using Simon’s (1968) terminology, institutions might be treated as a part of the “outer environment”, while the economic objectives of the market agents constitute the “inner environment”. The rivalrous paradigm views institutions as “institutionalized rules as something spontaneously and/or endogenously shaped and sustained in the repeated operational plays of the game itself” (Aoki, 2007, p. 2). As the author argues, the critical feature of institutions is their duality: institutions are part of the objective reality; at the same time, to be part of the actual reality, they should constitute some aspects of mental models shared by the agents. Under to interpret signals from the external environment and adjust one’s actions path accordingly, the former corresponds to rationality in a sense adopted by the orthodox economic framework, i.e., the ability to make the optimal decision. V. Smith’s (2010) notion of constructivist rationality mostly corresponds to Simon’s (1968) substantive rationality (it should be mentioned, however, that V. Smith frequently puts an emphasis on the ability to pursue narrowly defined self-interest when he refers to constructivist rationality).
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such a framework, institutions develop in the process of approaching a game equilibrium, then being crystallized as explicit objective rules. The important thing to underline is that the approach suggested by Aoki (2007) does not contradict V. Smith’s (2010) view of institutions. However, V. Smith’s (2010) framework seems to be more relevant to the present discussion. It naturally incorporates both the notions of constructivist and ecological rationality in governing the process of social exchange, putting more emphasis on the formal institutional framework design. Respectively, the formal institutional environment is assumed to be exogenous in the short-run perspective, being the product of central authorities’ design and carrying the role of the “variety generator”. Correspondingly, social norms, triggered by the changes in the external environment, are adjusted and calibrated. Still, formal institutions are also subject to natural selection in the long-run perspective: unless they are not designed in line with the principles of social sustainability, sooner or later, there will be no society to serve as a medium for the particular formal institutional framework33.
1.6. The principles of reductionism and methodological individualism in the neoclassical research program Verschuren (2001) describes the reductionist approach as the paradigm based on the idea that any complex system can be decomposed into the basic elements and studied through analysing the elements mentioned above. According to Trout, “reduction is often formulated as the claim that some object, state, process, event, or property “is just” or “is nothing more than” the physical ingredients that compose it” (Trout, 1991, p. 387). Following the notion of predicate reductionism (Trout, 1991), no complex system can possess any features other than features of its components. Silberstein and McGeever (1999) distinguish between the strong and the weak form of ontological reductionism. The former entails that the complex system is nothing but the sum of its elements, while the latter also incorporates the effects of interactions between the agents. Nevertheless, the perfect micro-determination is assumed. To make this more relevant to the present discussion, the process of social interaction is frequently assessed under the conventional game theory framework under the neoclassical research program. Although such a framework includes the Although Smith (2010) attributes the role of variety generator to constructivist rationality, leaving the task for appropriate institutions selection to ecological rationality revealed in the process of social exchange, the latter idea about natural selection of formal institutions is not presented explicitly. Nevertheless, since it naturally arises from what Smith (2010) discusses, it shall not be presented as the product of own effort.
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effects of strategic interaction (i.e., the agents deliberately and consciously maximize their expected pay-offs, keeping in mind that the pay-offs are determined not only by their strategies but also by the strategies pursued by the counter-players), the game framework remains unchanged. In other words, perfectly rational agents are still perfectly predictable; their interaction cannot result in any outcome besides the set of outcomes specified by the exogenous game setting. Some examples of the weak form of reductionism in economic research arise, for instance, from introducing the element of game theory to the analysis of social exchange (see, for instance, Hoffman et al., 1994). However, as long as perfectly rational and perfectly predictable agents act under the exogenously defined rules, there is no place for evolution and spontaneous structures. In other words, the system remains perfectly predictable. According to Chorafakis (2020), atomistic aggregativity (interpreted in the same way as Trout’s reductionism and Colander’s methodological individualism) is one of the prominent features of the neoclassical research program. Verschuren (2001) juxtaposes reductionism to holism, defining the latter as “the tendency to look at an object as a whole” (p. 393). However, as the author admits, the ability to perceive the phenomena holistically is beyond the capacity of a human mind: even when trying to assess a phenomenon comprehensively, we cannot concentrate on all its aspects simultaneously. “True holism” is rather an idealistic concept; therefore, in the present discussion, the terms “holistic” and “holism” are used to indicate the denial to apply the reductionist logic to analysing social phenomena. Chorafakis (2002) opposes reductionism to emergentism, explaining it based on Wimsatt’s (2000) notion of non-aggregativity34. Under the neoclassical framework, assessing the preferences of the “representative individual” is assumed to be sufficient for analysing social exchange dynamics. Perfectly rational agents (in the sense of the choice consistency) are perfectly predictable. Consequently, the dynamics of the complex social system can be assessed through the process of individual agents’ self-optimization. Since altruism and pro-social behaviour are the undeniable social reality facts, the neoclassical framework cannot neglect these phenomena. However, due to its reductionist nature, the aforementioned framework cannot assume any social environment traits which are not featured by individual agents (i.e., elements of the complex system). Informally, pro-social and altruistic behaviour arises exclusively from deliberate “A system which is aggregative for a given decomposition is almost trivially mechanistically explicable: the parts all have the property in question, and enter into the explanation of how the system has it in the same simple way. Relationships with other parts are usually either monadic (i.e., non-existent) or of relatively low order, and would tend to meet strong conditions of symmetry and homogeneity” (Wimsatt, 2000, p. 288).
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self-optimization. Therefore, in line with the previous statement, other-regarding preferences serve as the mechanism allowing for an analysis of the benevolent attitude while adhering to the conventional economic theory principles.
1.7. Social preferences or social norms? The modern social choice theory was developed under the shield of the neoclassical research program. The dominating principle of methodological individualism naturally shapes the way in which collective choice is addressed by orthodox economics. The collective choice is viewed as the simple aggregation of the individual preferences while neglecting the interaction effects (or assuming that all the interaction effects are perfectly deterministic). Exogenous social preferences (or other-regarding preferences) are the only possible way to account for the existence of social sentiment and its role in shaping the social exchange dynamics while preserving the fundamental principles of neoclassical economics. From this perspective, any act of pro-social behaviour is the result of deliberate self-optimization. In effect, it implies replacing the strong form of ontological reductionism with a weak one, following Silberstein’s and McGeever’s (1999) terminology. The key argument addressed in this chapter is not related to whether social preferences are indeed rational (i.e., consistent), general suitability of methodological individualism (reductionism) in the field of analysing a social interaction, or the application of the optimization approach towards formulating social policy. Instead, the aim is to examine the policy biases resulting from the dominance of methodological individualism towards formulating social policy. Assuming exogenous social preferences (and assuming that the notion of social preferences can roughly account for the entire scope of values, beliefs, principles, and norms), we must give up on any attempt to conceptualize the process of social change (or the long-run social exchange dynamics). Under the mainstream approach, the interaction between the agents is depicted through the prism of the conventional game theory, when perfectly rational agents deliberately maximize their pay-off under the perfect information (i.e., under the absence of radical uncertainty). Consequently, the role of the public authorities in shaping the long-run social exchange dynamics is limited to ensuring credibility and contract reinforcement, pretty much in line with North’s (1990) ideas of good institutions. Properly formulated public policy (or a properly designed set of formal institutions) can help to achieve the Pareto-efficient outcome. Nevertheless, it cannot (and is not expected to) change the entire game setting.
Pro-social behaviour under the neoclassical research program and the process of social change
Institutional change requires a transformation of beliefs, expectations, and normative attributions. However, the neoclassical model of society is utterly atomistic, leaving no space for spontaneously developed social arrangements or common intelligence. In other words, any kind of institutional change (the guarantee of equal rights, widening the scope of civil rights, establishing animals’ rights, criminalization of domestic violence, and so on, and so forth) can be only conceptualized as i) radical exogenous change in social preferences; or ii) violating the principles of the collective choice under the orthodox economic framework. In contrast, admitting to the idea that social exchange is governed by social norms, at the same time contributing to their creation, makes things make much more sense. And this is the main argument against the neoclassical social choice theory pursued in this chapter.
1.8. Conclusion Under the mainstream economic framework, pro-social behaviour can be only conceptualized, explained, and analysed as the product of conscious self-optimization. Consequently, stable and exogenously defined social preferences serve as the mechanism incorporating altruistic motives to the neoclassical research program due to the reductionist approach featured by the latter. The rivalrous approach – ecological rationality school – denies the Max-U decision-making principle, e.g., the idea that decision-making can be conceptualized as the deliberate self-optimization process. From this point of view, pro-social behaviour is viewed as following social heuristics, which is subject to endogenous development and evolutionary selection. Not attempting to question the ontological ground of the neoclassical social preferences and public choice framework, the present discussion addressed the question of whether the process of social change (i.e., the transformation of informal institutional environment and individuals’ normative attributions) can be adequately explained under the orthodox research program. Under the neoclassical framework, the process of informal institutional environment metamorphosis can only occur under the exogenous change in social preferences (i.e., individuals’ values) or under violating the SWF assumptions of non-dictatorship and non-imposition. In other words, there is no way to assess the evolution of social norms as the endogenous process. Moreover, the very idea of social norms is not compatible with the atomistic approach to social exchange and social interaction. Therefore, one can conclude that the neoclassical research program is unable to incorporate the pro-social behaviour phenomenon.
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Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis While the orthodox economic framework is unable to incorporate and explain the links between the informal institutions, formal institutions, and policy outcome, the heterodox research program offers a variety of theories (frequently conflicting, as discussed in this chapter). The present study attempts to investigate the links between culture, the quality of the formal institutional environment, and subjectively assessed well-being using unsupervised machine learning methods. The key idea is to investigate whether cultural environment homogeneity implies similarity in terms of formal institutional environment quality and the level of well-being. Instead of using country-level aggregates, this study relies on the micro-level data (i.e., individual observations) provided by the World Values Survey (WVS) database (Wave 7). The structure of the chapter is as follows. The first section examines the links between cultural environment, formal institutions, and well-being, discussing the nature and typology of culture, the links between culture and informal institution design alongside the cultural and institutional determinants of economic development. The second section discusses methodology, including data, clustering algorithms, and preliminary data analysis. The third section presents and interprets the results. Finally, the last section provides a conclusion.
2.1. Cultural environment, formal institutions, and well-being 2.1.1. The nature and typology of culture. During the last couple of centuries, the understanding of culture has changed dramatically; having originated as the normative concept (i.e., the desired set of beliefs, values, and behavioural patterns), nowadays, the notion of culture serves rather as an attribute of a particular group, society, or community (Johnson, 2013). Frequently quoted Kluckhohn’s (1951) definition of culture suggests that “culture consists in patterned ways of thinking, feeling and reacting, acquired and transmitted mainly by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e., historically derived and selected) ideas and especially
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their attached values” (p. 86). Hofstede (1991) describes culture as “the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another” (p. 5). From Matsumoto’s (1996) perspective, culture serves as “the set of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviours shared by a group of people, but different for each individual, communicated from one generation to the next” (p. 16). When discussing the nature of culture, Geertz (1973) warns against perceiving culture as “power, something to which social events, behaviours, institutions, or processes can be causally attributed” (p. 14). Instead, culture is “best seen not as complexes of concrete behaviour patterns – customs, usages, traditions, habit clusters”, but “as a set of control mechanisms – plans, recipes, rules, instructions (what computer engineers call «program») – for the governing of behaviour” (Geertz, 1973, p. 44). From such a perspective, visible and measurable aspects of human interaction in the social group can only serve as the rough proxies for principles determining social exchange and interaction patterns. The present discussion concentrates on the role and nature of the social self-regulating mechanisms and outcomes associated with the different kinds of the aforementioned mechanisms. Geertz’s (1973) definition, although neglecting some aspects of the cultural environment, emphasizes the role of implicit uncodified rules, beliefs, and values. Therefore, in further discussion, interpretation of culture coincides with Geertz’s (1973) definition of culture. The present research addresses the links between culture, formal institutions, and well-being. When trying to assess the cultural traits determining the quality of formal institutional environment and well-being, identifying the principal dimensions of the cultural environment seems to be a crucial stage. Schwartz (2014) states that the character of cultural environment can be assessed based on normative attributions – “conceptions of what is good and desirable”, or values (p. 548). In line with this statement, all the cultural typology systems emphasize different sets of core values dominating society. Hofstede and Bond (1988) design a five-dimensional typology of culture, which includes: • power distance: the degree to which parties disposing of a minor degree of power accept such power inequality; “it suggests that a society’s level of inequality is endorsed by its followers as much as by its leaders” (p. 10); • individualism vs. collectivism: “the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups” (p. 10); • masculinity vs. femininity: the dimension reflecting the gap between “assertive” and “nurturing” poles; • uncertainty avoidance: the degree to which individuals can act effectively in the unanticipated situations;
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
• and long-term vs. short-term orientation (initially discussed solely in the context of so-called “Confucian dynamism”): the dimension reflecting time orientation (future vs. present and past). Hofstede et al. (2010) enrich the scope of cultural dimensions adding the indulgence vs. restraint aspect, representing the scale between gratification and control of human desires. Inglehart and Welzel (2005) view self-expression vs. collectivism as the principal determinant of cross-country cultural heterogeneity (and level of development variation, as discussed in the next section). Self-expressive values are closely associated with general emancipative values, such a secular-rational values, while the essence of collectivism lies in conformity, which, subsequently, leads to a more traditionalist mindset. Schwartz (2014) introduces the cultural dimensions map based on “Weberian ideal types”. The author specifies three dimensions of cultural values, namely: • autonomy vs. embeddedness: the dimension reflecting the degree of autonomy accepted in the society, when autonomy is understood as the degree to which cultural environment “encourage[s] people to cultivate and express their own preferences, feelings, ideas, and abilities, and to find meaning in their own uniqueness” (p. 551); • egalitarianism vs. hierarchy: the dimension reflecting the methods of ensuring coordination on the society, when egalitarian cultures “urge people to recognize one another as moral equals who share basic interests as human beings [and] socialize people to internalize a commitment to cooperate, to feel concerned for the welfare of all, and to act voluntarily to benefit others” (p. 551), while cultures featuring a strong sense of hierarchy “rely on hierarchical systems of ascribed roles to insure responsible, productive behaviour [and] define the unequal distribution of power, roles, and resources as legitimate and even desirable” (p. 552); • mastery vs. harmony: the dimension describing the extent to which intervention to the natural and social environment is justifiable; while cultures with harmony orientation “emphasize fitting into rather than exploiting the social and natural world, accepting, preserving, and appreciating the way things are rather than trying to change them” (p. 552), cultures with mastery orientation “encourage active self-assertion by individuals or groups in order to master, direct, and change the natural and social environment, and thereby to attain group or personal goals” (p. 552).
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2.1.2. On the idea of country-specific culture Minkov and Hofstede (2011) address the question of whether the aggregated micro-level data can serve as the appropriate indicator for the cultural environment in the country. In a broader sense, their study addresses whether the national culture is a valid concept in the light of regional heterogeneity. The authors cluster 299 regions from 29 countries located in East and Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America (the samples were clustered separately). The clusters obtained were mostly consistent with the national borders, thus confirming the validity of the national culture concept. However, the samples for clustering were pre-specified in accordance with existing regional cultural maps; similarly, the number of clusters was specified in accordance with the number of countries constituting the sample. Such a strategy, naturally, worked in favour of the conclusions of the study. However, even assuming that Minkov’s and Hofstede’s (2011) findings are reliable and robust, the criticism of the national culture can go beyond the issue of regional heterogeneity. Hofstede et al. (2010), Minkov and Hofstede (2011), Inglehart and Welzel (2005), Schwartz (2014), and the vast majority of studies dealing with cultural mapping (Shoham and Alon, 2010; Mensah and Chen, 2012; Ronen and Shenkar, 2013; van Vlimmeren et al., 2017) assess the cultural environment and cultural clusters of countries based on the aggregate country-level data. Although the country-level indicators are computed based on the individual responses (and using the weights corresponding to the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and the entire population – see WVS methodological notes), such a strategy is still easy to challenge (even assuming that research samples are perfectly representative). One can consider the following examples. Let us assume that, in country A, the views on whether abortions (or homosexuality, divorce, euthanasia, military intervention, public healthcare for drug-addicts, etc.) are justifiable are extremely polarized: while half of the population considers the right to abortion a basic human right, the other half argues that abortions should be criminalized. In country B, all the individuals keep less radical views, thinking that abortions are definitely not desirable but can be justified in some cases. Let us consider that, on average, the scores of acceptance are equal in the two countries. However, it does not imply that we shall expect similar societal development dynamics in both countries.
2.1.2. Culture or informal institutions? North’s (1990) typology of formal and informal institutions is a standard nowadays. The aforementioned typology distinguishes between formal and informal
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
institutions, where the former describes the rules reinforced by the central authorities, and the latter stands for the set of uncodified rules. In the previous chapter, informal institutions were conceptualized as a set of social norms. Social norms can be described as a sort of heuristics, providing some ready-to-use solutions in the complex multi-agent and uncertain social environment. Social norms are endogenous in the sense of being a product of social arrangements and negotiations rather than deliberate optimization design by central authorities. The notion of social norms was juxtaposed to the social preference constraint which serves as the only way to assess social sentiment without violating principles of the neoclassical research program. While social preferences are the attributes of individual agents, social norms are the product of common intelligence, being subject to evolutionary selection, adjustment, and transformation. Although social norms seem to be an appropriate concept for the purely theoretical inquiry, sticking to the same notion might be extremely challenging when performing the empirical analysis. In contrast to the formal institutions, social norms are not codified, and (to the author’s best knowledge), there seems to be no uniformly recognized method of assessing the character of the social norms dominating the society. Therefore, the empirical inquiry into the links between informal institutions, formal institutions, and policy outcomes would require defining different operating concepts for the informal institutional environment. Alesina and Giuliano (2015), addressing the links between cultural environment and formal institutions, argue that the notion of culture captures the traits traditionally associated with informal institutions, i.e., self-reinforcing values and beliefs. Therefore, the authors refuse to use the notion of formal institutions (since it creates an impression of subordination of informal institutions to the formal institutions) and assess characteristics of culture as the features of the informal institutional environment. This study adopts a similar methodology, assessing the character of informal institutions based on the broader concept of culture.
2.1.3. The links between cultural environment and the design of formal institutions There is plenty of evidence demonstrating both how culture shapes formal institutional norms and how changes in the formal institutional environment can trigger informal institutional environment transformation. Fischer (1989) explains cultural and institutional heterogeneity in the United States by analysing dominant views and norms among four massive waves of immigration. The first wave took place in 1629–1640 and was mostly represented by British
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Puritans relocating to Massachusetts. Fisher (1989) asserts that their norms and values can be explained based on four liberties: “collective liberty, individual liberties, soul liberty and freedom from the tyranny of circumstances” constituting the “ordered liberty” and “public liberty”. The respect for public liberty was associated with imposing numerous restrictions on individuals and relying on collectively made decisions which were later reflected by laws reinforcing universal justice and local government organization in Massachusetts. The second wave of immigration (1642–1675) was the migration of the Royalist elite and their servants to Virginia. Fisher (1989) characterizes their normative attributions as “hegemonic liberty”, which can be described as the “power to rule, and not to be overruled by others”. The aforementioned type of liberty is radically anti-egalitarian, treating some individuals as naturally superior to others (in this sense, a “natural” state of affairs means that it shall not be questioned or require any further justification). Consequently, the system featuring the minimal role of the government and inadequate mechanisms of income redistribution, at the same time, preserving the rights of the elite, became dominant in the region. The third wave was the relocation of Quakers to the Delaware Valley (1675–1725). Attributing great importance to universal equality and justice, they were the first group to condemn slavery in the United States. The last large wave of migration took place in 1718–1775 when people from Northern England, Ireland, and Scotland were moving to the Appalachian back-country. Fischer (1989) describes their views as “natural liberty”, describing it as the most radical notion of liberty (and very different from the Puritan notion of public liberty associated with numerous restrictions and constraints for individuals). Pretty intuitively, the idea of a strong government is not consistent with such a mindset, which resulted in establishing a system with minimum government intervention in the region. Mautner (2011) discusses the approach featured by the German historical school of law, which treats culture as the primary determinant of the legal system design: “law begins as culture, eventually becoming the law of the nation” (p. 844). While the French Enlightenment movement supported the idea of legislation that promoted some universally accepted principles and doctrines allowing for rational social life organization, the German historical school of law viewed legislation as endogenously developing constraint originated in norms and beliefs shared by the individuals or culture. Admitting that such an approach might be out of date, Mautner (2011), nevertheless, agrees that it might be helpful in the context of retrospective analysis of the modern juridical systems roots. Geertz (1983) expresses quite the opposite view, treating law as one of the “local knowledge” dimensions:
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
If one looks at law this way, as a view of the way things are, like, say, science or religion or ideology or art – together, in this case, with a set of practical attitudes toward the management of controversy such a view seems to entail to those wedded to it – then the whole fact/law problem appears in an altered light. The dialectic that seemed to be between brute fact and considered judgment, between what is so and what is right, turns out to be between, as I put it earlier, a language, however vague and unintegral, of general coherence and one, however opportunistic and unmethodical, of specific consequence (p. 184).
Such a perspective implies that law, or formal institutions, serves as a source of meaning for individuals, shaping the way they interpret facts, and their normative attributions, accordingly. In defence of this argument, Mautner (2011) describes the process of legal system transformation in the United States, when abandoning legal formalism in favour of the legal realism, facilitated the adoption of the “constitutive” rather than “instrumental” view on the legal system. In other words, a formal institutional environment might serve as a trigger for cultural change and transformation. In contrast, North’s (1990) view rooted in the orthodox economic framework suggests that “informal constraints that are culturally derived will not change immediately in reaction to changes in the formal rules” (p. 45). Formal institutions can be exogenously changed, while informal institutions are shaped by cultural inheritance. This point of view suggests that adopting a new set of formal institutions might not lead to the desired policy outcome due to informal constraints. As discussed earlier, such a view, although hypothetically implying the process of social norms evolution, is unable to explain or conceptualize it. Becker et al. (2015) use the historical evidence, juxtaposing the quality of governance in the Habsburg Empire to other Eastern European countries under different regimes (Ottoman and Russian Empire). The authors assert that supremacy of the formal institutional environment in the territories subordinate to the Habsburg Empire facilitated the development of trust towards government up to modern days since former Habsburg territories feature a significantly higher degree of trust towards government even nowadays.
2.1.4. Institutional and cultural determinants of economic development Sen (1999), being one of the pioneering theorists of economic development, views it as a process of expanding and enriching human freedom. Although the common proxies for economic development such as national output per capita, the degree of industrialization, or technological advance are essential indicators
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of development (since they might serve as the means for developing human freedom), they should not be mistaken for the essence of economic development. Sen (1999) defends his development-as-freedom views using two arguments. The evaluative reason asserts that progress should be judged based on whether the degree of human freedom is enhanced, while effectiveness reason states that “free and sustainable agency emerges as a major engine of development” (p. 5). When discussing the role of formal and informal institutions in promoting economic development (directly or instrumentally, i.e., through the development of commerce and technological progress leading to output growth), the very existence of social norms and formal institutions is commonly justified by their regulatory role. Hobbes (1651) argues that uniform social arrangements are developed and reinforced by the central authorities for the sake of human self-preservation when deliberate acceptance of the social norms is the most rational choice. Hume (1739) asserts that stability of possession, transference by consent, and performance of promises develop naturally in any society, as the aforementioned norms serve as the prerequisites for social exchange. When societies become larger and more complex, these natural norms are replaced with legal norms. North (1990) argues that institutions serve as the uniform rules of the game, reducing uncertainty and facilitating Pareto-efficient equilibria occurrence. From this perspective, well-established property rights and contract reinforcement serve as the principal aspects of the favourable institutional environment. In contrast to this view, Acemoglu et al. (2005) distinguish between political institutions (formal regulations) and distribution of resources (wealth inequality) as the determinants of the de-jure and de-facto institutions, respectively, arguing that institutions are the product of social conflict, not the mechanism of Pareto-optimal social equilibrium. Acemoglu et al. (2005) assert that good institutions allow for transforming production processes and innovation when such transformation conflicts with ruling the social groups’ objectives. Ownership of resources determines de-facto power, which can be used for enhancing the de-jure power, and so on. The authors, however, do not provide any conceptual model for the institutional change, arguing that it frequently depends on the unique historical opportunity. Schwartz (2014) refers to the cultural orientations as “normative responses”, arguing that “they prescribe how institutions should function and how people should behave in order best to deal with the key problems societies face” (p. 551). From this perspective, the cultural environment serves as the exogenous constraint for the formal institutional environment. Inglehart and Welzel (2005) adopt a different perspective, arguing that certain cultural traits are more desirable than others, and, assuming that dominating values and norms are endogenous (at
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
least, in the context of the intergenerational change), social development can be promoted through reinforcing the self-expression values. As the authors argue, The rise of emancipative orientations, such as individualism, autonomy, promotion orientation, and self-expression values, reflects the process of human development. This has desirable civic consequences, because rising emphasis on autonomous human choice is inherently conducive to anti-discriminatory conceptions of human well-being. Finally, emancipative orientations are inherently people-centred, which is a major reason why rising emphasis on self-expression values is strongly linked with democracy (Inglehart and Welzel, 2005, p. 145).
Therefore, the process of social and human development is viewed as the transition from collectivist values (justified by the survival objective) towards emancipative values. Rodrik and Mukard (2020) view political rights, property rights, and civil rights as the principal aspects of liberal democracy. While most of the modern elective democracies feature a sufficient degree of respect towards political and property rights, achieving civil rights requires quite a unique combination of factors since civil rights constitute the main value for the most deprived and alienated members of the society, who do not have sufficient power to pursue their interests. Under the conceptual model developed by Rodrik and Mukard (2020), the success in achieving civil rights depends on the depth of “identity cleavage” or the degree of social fragmentation. In this sense, social capital and social trust might be viewed as the drivers of liberal democracy and enhancing human freedoms. Interestingly, it is quite easy to find the links between Rodrik’s and Mukard’s (2020) views and Inglehart’s and Welzel’s (2005) argument about self-expressing values (since they are associated with diminishing importance of group conformity and adopting broader views on human values). Tebaldi and Mohan (2010) and Asongu and Kodila-Tedika (2018)35 emphasize the role of political stability, effective government, and the well-designed legal systems preventing rent-seeking behaviour as the main factors contributing to economic growth and reducing inequality alongside poverty. At the same time, Rodrik (2008) argues that there is no uniform appropriate formal institutional design. For instance, in spite of North’s (1990) premise regarding the crucial role Replication of Tebaldi’s and Mohan’s (2010) study replacing monetary poverty with multidimensional poverty index. The study reports findings consistent with the prior results: democracy reduces poverty through raising the average income (rather than reducing income inequality) channel.
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of property rights and credibility, commerce can successfully develop even under the absence of these “fundamental institutions” thanks to the informal settlements. The evidence brought by Rodrik (2008) can be treated as the argument in favour of Hayek’s (1945) premise regarding the role of “spontaneous social arrangements”.
2.2. Research strategy description The literature review has demonstrated that there is no consensus regarding the links between culture and formal institutional design: while some researchers view culture as a stable and exogenous (yet endogenously developed) constraint (North, 1990), others conceptualize formal institutions (including legal institutions) as a potential trigger of the cultural change (Mautner, 2011; Becker et al., 2015). Analogously, it is hard to come up with a model of interaction between culture, formal institutions, and economic development. Nevertheless, all the pieces of evidence discussed in the previous section consistently emphasize the primary role of endogenous cultural change. The present research attempts to explore the aforementioned links utilizing the data clustering method. Clustering analysis is frequently applied for the sake of structuring massive multi-dimensional datasets. Alternatively, it can be identified as a method of classifying objects into groups without making any prior assumptions regarding the precise selection criteria. In the context of the present study, clustering analysis is used for several purposes, namely: i) investigating whether a unique country-specific environment exists; ii) assessing the groups of countries sharing similar cultural values; iii) assessing the groups of countries sharing similar features of the formal institutional environment; iv) assessing the groups of countries with a similar level of well-being; v) contrasting results obtained during stage ii) and stage iii) in order to assess the links between culture (informal institutions) and the quality of formal institutional environment; vi) contrasting results obtained during stages ii), iii), and iv) in order to assess whether the links between culture and formal institutional environment as well as the links between culture, formal institutions, and well-being exist. The data provided by Hofstede et al. (2010) are used as the benchmark for further analysis. The data for assessing various aspects of cultural and formal institutional environment was alongside subjective well-being provided by The World Values Survey (Haerpfer et al., 2020). As discussed earlier, the vast majority of studies
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
dealing with cross-country cultural homo-/heterogeneity use country-level data for designing the clusters, where all the variables denoting various cultural environment dimensions are calculated as country-level aggregates. Since such a strategy ignores cultural environment heterogeneity within the country, the different methodology is followed in this study. The individual-level responses are used in order to design clusters. Then, the composition of clusters is analysed for each national sub-group, while the final classification is performed based on the dominating cluster (i.e., the cluster with the greater proportion of respondents from a particular country).
2.3. Data processing method Adolfsson et al. (2018) describe the generalized form of the clustering algorithm. The stages of the clustering analysis include data pre-processing, clusterability evaluation, algorithm selection and execution, and quality evaluation. This section describes all the stages of the clustering analysis in line with the aforementioned guideline.
2.3.1. Data pre-processing The present research attempts to assess the links between cultural and formal institutional environments by comparing the relevant classification of the economies analysed. It should be noted that in some cases, the variables were classified into different datasets intuitively. All the variables describing the shared values and beliefs were classified as cultural traits, in line with Geertz’s (1973) definition of culture. The questions dealing with the perceived quality of the formal institutional environment constituted a separate dataset (the principal criterion was whether agents’ satisfaction with or opinion about the particular aspects of how the society functions are strongly dependent on the central authorities’ policy). Finally, answers to all the questions dealing with respondents’ satisfaction with life were classified as well-being indicators. Below, the list of the datasets alongside the information about data specification is provided. • Dataset 1. The classification of countries according to cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede et al. (2010) – 113 observations in total; the data provided by Hofstede et al. (2015). • Dataset 2. WVS indices, individual responses: the dataset includes 35 555 observations for responses from different countries. The range of variables includes all WVS indices, except for trust in the army, trust in the police, and
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trust in courts (since the aforementioned values are determined not only by the character of the cultural environment but also by the trustworthiness of the governmental institutions). The list of variables included in the dataset is presented in Appendix 2. • Dataset 3. Variables describing the character of the cultural environment: individual responses: the dataset consists of variables describing the character of the cultural environment. The variables correspond to the “Core variables” from the WVS dataset and consist of the following subgroups, following the original WVS classification: social values, norms, and stereotypes; social capital, trust, and organizational membership; economic values; perceptions of migration; index of postmaterialism; perceptions of science and technology; religious values; ethical values; and political culture, interest, and participation. The variables related to characteristics of the formal institutional environment (e.g., the perception of corruption, trust in governmental institutions) have been excluded from the dataset. WVS Wave 7 survey is still not complete; therefore, although the inclusion of the variables dealing with gender norms was initially intended, it proved impossible. The complete list of variables representing each subgroup is presented in Appendix 3. • Dataset 4. Variables indicating the characteristics of the formal institutions (i.e., subjective opinion regarding all the possible aspects of the interaction between citizens and authorities). The list of variables is presented in Appendix 4. • Dataset 5. Variables indicating subjective well-being. The list of variables is presented in Appendix 5. The WVS dataset consists of 70 867 individual observations collected in 49 countries (see the list in Appendix 1). In the further analysis, when using the WVS dataset (i.e., when using Dataset 2, 3, 4, and 5), a randomly selected sample of 5000 observations is used due to the constraints of computational capabilities. Since there are numerous gaps in WVS, the following procedure has been adopted: i) first, the sub-sets containing the variables of interest solely (WVS indices, cultural environment dimensions, quality of formal institutional environment, and the level of well-being) have been designed; ii) second, all of the observations with missing data have been removed; iii) finally, 5000 observations have been picked from each sub-set. All the datasets have been standardized prior to any further analysis.
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
2.3.2. Preliminary data analysis and clusterability assessment The dataset consisting of random values with no cluster structure will still demonstrate the aforementioned structure if one applies a clustering algorithm. Therefore, before discussing the cluster structure of the data, one shall first verify whether data indeed have such a cluster structure. Adolfsson et al. (2018) name several approaches towards testing clusterability, depending on the adopted notion of clusterability: • Data reduction methods. Performing the cluster analysis of the high dimensional data might be challenging; therefore, the first step of analysing highly dimensional data usually includes dimension reduction. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the frequently applied methods of dimension reduction. In the case of high-dimensional data, extracting the principal components is a recommended (yet not required) procedure. The principal component analysis is performed as the preliminary analysis. Appendix 6 demonstrates the distributions of the eigenvalues according to the principal component for each of the datasets analysed. In each case, the first principal component is characterized by the highest eigenvalue. In the case of the well-being indicator dataset (Dataset 5), the first component explains slightly below 50% of the variance, while the first principal component of the cultural environment dataset (Dataset 3) explains approximately 13% of the variance. In the remaining cases, the proportion of variance explained by the first component is approximately equal to 30%. • Testing clusterability vs. spatial randomness. Hopkins statistics is a standard method for assessing the spatial randomness of data. The null hypothesis of the test assumes that the dataset has been generated by the Poisson process, thus showing no cluster tendency. Hopkins statistics takes the value between 0 (uniformly distributed data) and 1 (dataset with a strong clusterability tendency). • Classic methods (testing original data for multimodality). The essence of the method lies in verifying whether the distances calculated are based on the original (i.e., non-reduced) scaled data. • New clusterability methods (as proposed by Adolfsson et al., 2018), including Silverman’s test on dissimilarities, dip test on principal component, and dip test on a principal curve. As Adolfsson et al. (2018) discuss, in the case of high dimensional data, testing clusterability via spatial randomness tends to produce biased results, indicating datasets with a priori clusterable structure as datasets featuring spatial randomness. Considered a significant number of variables analysed within a single database, the Hopkins test is suspected of reporting the absence of the cluster structure in
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the data analysed. Therefore, the conclusions regarding clusterability structure are to be derived from the results of Hartigan’s dip unimodality/multimodality tests computed for different distances. Consequently, the clustering algorithm is to be performed solely for distances featuring the multi-modal distribution. The present study would attempt to make minimal initial transformation of the data; thus, no pre-clustering dimension reduction is performed. The algorithm of the test is pretty simple and takes two stages: i) calculating the distance measures; ii) testing the obtained measures for unimodality using Hartigan’s dip test. As discussed in the later parts of the study, there is no consensus regarding the most appropriate distance measure to be used, and there are plenty of options. Due to the limited data computational capacity, eight popular distance measures are picked: five classical measures (Euclidean, Manhattan, Maximum, Canberra, and Minkowski) measuring the distance between coordinates and three correlation-based distances (Pearson, Kendall, and Spearman). The additional explanations regarding computing the aforementioned distances are provided in the next sections. Cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede et al. (2010) Figure 1 presents the heatmap of distances when Hofstede et al. (2010) cultural dimensions are considered. Hopkins statistics indicate the absence of the cluster structure, although the visual assessment of the clusterability tendency (see Figure 1) allows the detection of clusters alongside the grid. The results of Hartigan’s dip unimodality/multimodality test (see Table 2) demonstrate that maximum, Spearman, and Kendall distances feature a multimodal distribution. Figure 2 presents the location of the countries analysed, together with information about importance of a component for each observation (typically referred to as the quality of representation). The countries with a satisfactory quality of representation36 constitute several groups, namely: Latin American countries (Venezuela, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, Trinidad i Tobago), countries with prevalent Anglo-Saxon values (U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, and the United Kingdom), Eastern European countries (Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Russia), and Central-Eastern European countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, and Lithuania). Here and further, the quality of representation is measured using squared cosine of a component with an observation. There is uniformly accepted critical value of the squared cosine, so, following the rule of thumb, the discussion concentrates on observations featuring the value of cos2 > 0.5.
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Figure 1. The heatmap of the Euclidean distances computed based on dataset containing variables describing the character of the cultural environment specified by Hofstede et al. (2010) (power distance; individualism vs. collectivism; masculinity vs. femininity; uncertainty avoidance; long-term vs. short-term orientation; indulgence vs. restraint, country-level aggregates – Dataset 1) (n=50; Hopkins statistics ≈ 0.31) 24-
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020). Table 1. Results of the Hartigan’s dip test for unimodality/multimodality computed for different distances (variables describing the character of the cultural environment specified by Hofstede et al., 2010: power distance; individualism vs. collectivism; masculinity vs. femininity; uncertainty avoidance; long-term vs. short-term orientation; indulgence vs. restraint, country-level aggregates – Dataset 1) Algorithm for distances computation
D statistics
p-value of the test
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020; diptest package, Maechler, 2021).
Chapter 2
Figure 2. Grouping the countries according to cultural dimensions specified by Hofstede et al. (2010) (power distance; individualism vs. collectivism; masculinity vs. femininity; uncertainty avoidance; long-term vs. short-term orientation; indulgence vs. restraint, country-level aggregates – Dataset 1)37
Individuals - PCA Estonia Latvia
Dim2 (23.9%)
Czech Rep Korea South Germany Netherlands Italy China Russia Bulgaria Switzerland Sweden Great Britain HungaryBelgiumPakistan Slovak Rep Norway Denmark Luxembourg FranceIndia Croatia Romania USA Canada Vietnam Austria New Zealand Indonesia Finland Spain Poland Bangladesh Ireland Malta Turkey Slovenia Serbia Australia Iran Uruguay Malaysia Argentina Philippines Peru Chile Trinidad and Tobago
cos2 0.75 0.50 0.25
El Salvador Mexico Colombia Venezuela -3
Dim1 (31.8%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Figure 3 presents the correlation of cultural dimensions together with the indication of their contribution to the principal component38. Masculinity vs. femininity (mas) and uncertainty avoidance (uai) are minor contributors in comparison with the remaining four cultural dimensions. Indulgence vs. restraint (ivr), the value Here and further, Dim1 and Dim2 denote two leading components. Here and further, the variable’s contribution to the component (contrib) is calculated as the ratio of the squared cosine of the variable multiplied by 100 to the total squared cosine of the component. Following the rule of thumb, the discussion concentrates on the contrib variables with the highest values of the variable (NB: the values of contrib vary across the datasets and cannot be used to assess the relative explanatory power of the variables from different datasets).
37 38
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
of which denotes the importance attributed to satisfying human desires and hedonism, is negatively correlated with the long-term vs. short-term normative orientation (ltowvs), the value of which denotes the importance attributed to modernization, for instance, in the fields of business and education. Individualism vs. collectivism (idv), the value of which denotes the importance of autonomy (and inverse importance attributed to the sense of social group belonging), and power distance (pdi), the value of which denotes the existing social hierarchy acceptance alongside a degree of tolerance towards power distribution inequality, are negatively correlated (which makes a perfect sense). Figure 3. Correlation of cultural dimensions specified by Hofstede et al. (2010) (power distance; individualism vs. collectivism; masculinity vs. femininity; uncertainty avoidance; long-term vs. short-term orientation; indulgence vs. restraint, country-level aggregates – Dataset 1) together with their contributions to the principal components
Variables - PCA 1.0
Dim2 (23.9%)
contrib 20 15
mas -0.5
10 5
-1.0 -1.0
Dim1 (31.8%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Chapter 2
Figure 4 presents the biplot of countries and cultural dimensions. Interestingly, all Asian countries present in the sample (Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and China) together with India, Pakistan, Czech Republic, Russia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Croatia feature a high degree of retrospective normative attribution (which corresponds to the side of the restraint on the indulgence-restraints spectrum). Figure 4. Biplot of countries and cultural dimensions specified by Hofstede et al. (2010) (power distance; individualism vs. collectivism; masculinity vs. femininity; uncertainty avoidance; long-term vs. short-term orientation; indulgence vs. restraint, country-level aggregates – Dataset 1) together with their contributions to the principal components
PCA - Biplot Estonia
Dim2 (23.9%)
ltowvs Latvia Lithuania Czech Rep Korea South Netherlands Germany Russia China idv Italy Switzerland Sweden Bulgaria Great Britain Hungary Belgium Pakistan Slovak Rep Denmark Austria France India Vietnam Romania New Zealand Norway Luxembourg Poland Croatia Spain Bangladesh Finland USA Turkey Indonesia Malta Canada pdi mas Slovenia Serbia Australia Ireland uai Iran Uruguay Malaysia Argentina Peru Chile Trinidad and Tobago ivr El Salvador Mexico Colombia Venezuela -3
Dim1 (31.8%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
53 WVS indices Figure 5 presents the heatmap of distances when WVS indices constitute the dataset. It is possible to see several clusters along the grid, although Hopkins statistics is well below 0.5, indicating that the dataset is not clusterable. The results of Hartigan’s unimodality dip test computed for WVS and for different distances are presented in Table 2. The results indicate that the null hypothesis about uni-modality can be rejected only for maximum (Chebyshev) distances. In other words, it is possible to cluster the dataset, but only provided that maximum distances are specified (since only maximum distances are not uni-modal). Figure 5. The heatmap of the Euclidean distances computed based on dataset containing variables describing the character of the cultural environment: WVS indices, individual responses – Dataset 2 (n =100; Hopkins statistics ≈ 0.31)
value 5 4 3 2 1 0
24 1304984-114966907--5114740693--838-12155842--11122735--19 112940446--19286-4112281422--1115352-112406765--578-11219063--91011702--113155890--352-13112925--9953--8 116492250--11733071--392-1120617294--11590409--60-115621920--9221-113235-114532645--1396595--94-113261806--1327713--1326-1118463832--016171024--11954454--16 1110853610--11 116632683--1746686--1540-117429799--1773304--11059-1119977895--14817-5114773-11635342--31117518156--11658731--1884-1117776381--17 17784395--111891858--01453067---1469-685-1110197933--91707---8 16686128--1085-11822704--8119550781--711488443--1118248711--1698368--7115161119--7---
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Proceeding to the principal components analysis, most respondents make a minor contribution to the principal component. It is interesting to mention, nevertheless, that major contributors from the same country are grouped together (see Figure 6).
Chapter 2 Table 2. Results of the Hartigan’s dip test for unimodality/multimodality computed for different distances (variables describing the character of the cultural environment: WVS indices, individual responses – Dataset 2)
Algorithm for distances computation
D statistics
p-value of the test
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020; diptest package, Maechler, 2021). Figure 6. Grouping the respondents according to WVS indices (individual responses – Dataset 2) together with their contributions to the principal components
Individuals - PCA
Dim2 (23.1%)
cos2 0
0.75 0.50 0.25
Dim1 (30.1%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Figure 7 indicates that two indices being the major contributors to the principal component Y001 and Y003 are weakly correlated. The remaining variables feature a minor contribution to the principal components. Figure 7. Correlation of WVS indices (individual responses – Dataset 2) together with their contributions to the principal components 0.5
Variables - PCA Y003
Dim2 (23.1%)
contrib 40
30 20 10
Y001 0.00
Dim1 (30.1%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Chapter 2 Dimensions of the cultural environment Figure 8 describes the heatmap of the distances computed for the variables describing the character of the cultural environment based on individual questions. The value of Hopkins statistics indicates the dataset cannot pass the test for non-random distribution, while the results of Hartigan’s dip test (see Table 3) show that maximum and Kendall distances are not unimodal, thus implying clusterable structure of the data. Figure 8. The heatmap of the Euclidean distances computed based on dataset containing variables describing the character of the cultural environment (social values, norms, and stereotypes; social capital, trust, and organizational membership; economic values; perceptions of migration; perceptions of security; index of postmaterialism; perceptions of science and technology; religious values; ethical values; and political culture, interest, and participation, individual responses – Dataset 3) (n=100; Hopkins statistics ≈ 0.46) 169292001401763514310311521524113454138119189773178791604216251511210150135231471391021257578122113107729532194913214437161941931104133104521171481731184625759221371713316811813081931751631808919712910884816611415718817224141271581796187701995526914843195174691981164071641831231115510916752307731498210018115471861776585478374165861062098164192187121156105162918939101881511317011719615951504428466863614613656761911261821411901241214260451311533492671209938128111905853803627663196145194185-
6 4 2
18 1149459356-12676-83560-3958111201-3812998-6907-32113534-4615-140121112924-18410-119262-1576114366-666683-24486-5415501-1119196-7715130-18018-18391-11699-02112565-1118917-296410208-16866-587434-7685118757-1576-110814-18420-393707-5 162115097-111251-833-764114110-6698119794-54483-29119556-9870116771-12589-1712744-115882-111674-610884-112989-18897-117630-9513813-111680-38113713-2527-5918627-11741-483-2117-113054-3111940-16943-31114374-492-31929-10725-112137-2778110255-113429-27115335-11100-152-12516426-17790-7938-17113189-15348-15414-11122-14035-331127456-0016290-9--
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020). Table 3. Results of the Hartigan’s dip test for unimodality/multimodality computed for different distances (variables describing the character of the cultural environment: social values, norms, and stereotypes; social capital, trust, and organizational membership; economic values; perceptions of migration; perceptions of security; index of postmaterialism; perceptions of science and technology; religious values; ethical values; and political culture, interest, and participation, individual responses – Dataset 3) Algorithm for distances computation
D statistics
p-value of the test
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Algorithm for distances computation
D statistics
p-value of the test
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020; diptest package, Maechler, 2021).
Figure 9 indicates that most of the responses make a minor contribution to the principal component. However, analogously to the WVS indices database, the major contributors from the same country tend to be grouped close to each other. Figure 9. Grouping the respondents according to variables describing the character of the cultural environment (social values, norms, and stereotypes; social capital, trust, and organizational membership; economic values; perceptions of migration; perceptions of security; index of postmaterialism; perceptions of science and technology; religious values; ethical values; and po litical culture, interest, and participation, individual responses – Dataset 3) together with their contributions to the principal components
Individuals - PCA
Dim2 (8.6%)
0.6 0.4 0.2
PHL 50812 ECU 17586
NIC 45409 HKG 24401
0 10 20 Source: own elaboration -10 using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020). Dim1 (12.8%)
Chapter 2
Figure 10 demonstrates the correlation between the variables together with their contributions to the principal components. The variables Q182 (acceptance of homosexuality), Q185 (acceptance of divorce), Q186 (acceptance of sex before marriage), and Q188 (acceptance of euthanasia) are positively correlated with each other and negatively correlated with Q164 (importance of God), Q172 (frequency of praying), Q242 (the degree to which respondents agree that religious authorities should interpret the law) and Q245 (the degree to which respondents agree that the army should take over when the government is incompetent). Figure 10. Correlation of variables describing the character of the cultural environment (social values, norms, and stereotypes; social capital, trust, and organizational membership; economic values; perceptions of migration; perceptions of security; index of postmaterialism; perceptions of science and technology; religious values; ethical values; and political culture, interest, and participation, individual responses – Dataset 3) together with their contributions to the principal components
Variables - PCA Q243 Q249 1.0
Q246 Q250
Dim2 (8.6%)
Q186 Q185
Q182 Q188 Q184
Q195 -0.5
Q162 Q172 Q164
Q245 -1
Q177 0
Dim1 (12.8%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
The additional group of highly correlated variables featuring a significant contribution to the principal component includes Q177 (the degree to which the respondents agree that claiming social benefits to which one is not entitled is justifiable), Q178 (the degree to which respondents agree that avoiding a fare on public transport is justifiable), Q179 (the degree to which respondents agree that stealing property is justifiable), Q180 (the degree to which respondents agree that cheating on taxes is justifiable), Q181 (the degree to which respondents agree that accepting a bribe in the course of one’s duties is justifiable), Q189 (the degree to which respondents agree that it is justifiable for a man to beat his wife), Q191 (the degree to which respondents agree that violence against other people is justifiable), Q192 (the degree to which respondents agree that terrorism as a political, ideological or religious means is justifiable), and Q194 (the degree to which respondents agree that political violence is justifiable). Formal institutional environment Figure 11 presents the heatmap of distances for the formal institutional environment dataset. As for each high dimensional dataset previously analysed, Hopkins statistics indicates the random data distribution. However, the results of Hartigan’s dip test (see Table 4) indicate that maximum and Kendall distances are not uni-modal. Figure 11. The heatmap of the Euclidean distances computed based on dataset containing variables describing the subjective perception of the formal institutional environment (social capital, trust, and organizational membership; perceptions of security; perceptions of corruption; political interest and political participation; political culture and political regimes, individual responses – Dataset 4) (n=100; Hopkins statistics ≈ 0.42)
value 5 4 3 2 1 0
11965 14969-547625-5651116886-3118119708-838312633-13150-90115517-992-14118901-1118674-50114523-1113338-13327-111241-909-7887-77370-347-3191119512-13415-978546-94406-13616222-495318949-18919-1116181-063-317118785-301-2201114889-28496-2326-2116561-1119664-57113508-110065-06976-4571-26111834-8726-1148118433-88116746-1115242-03110048-6619-85558-25549-111272-111167-44671-2339-13169-1413820-11625-112801-7517939-112407-6710-135201114225-8542117030-8835-111738-10257-987-1114737-08119999-117735-4217809-115497-744-164114242-69119615-1117316-023-2715115955-462112048-19260-7--
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Chapter 2
Table 4. Results of the Hartigan’s dip test for unimodality/multimodality computed for different distances (variables describing the subjective perception of formal institutional environment: social capital, trust, and organizational membership; perceptions of security; perceptions of corruption; political interest and political participation; political culture and political regimes, individual responses – Dataset 4) Algorithm for distances computation
D statistics
p-value of the test
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020; diptest package, Maechler, 2021). Figure 12. Grouping the respondents according to variables describing the character of the formal institutional environment (social capital, trust, and organizational membership; perceptions of security; perceptions of corruption; political interest and political participation; political culture and political regimes, individual responses – Dataset 4) together with their contributions to the principal components Individuals - PCA 5
Dim2 (12.2%)
cos2 0
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
AUS 2442 IDN 27137 RUS 54334 PHL 51158 KGZ 35616 IDN 25495 -10
Dim1 (23.5%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Figure 13. Correlation of variables describing the character of the formal institutional environment (social capital, trust, and organizational membership; perceptions of security; perceptions of corruption; political interest and political participation; political culture and political regimes, individual responses – Dataset 4) together with their contributions to the principal components
Variables - PCA Q120
Dim2 (12.2%)
contrib 20 1
Q148 Q251 0
Dim1 (23.5%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
As Figure 13 shows, there are four variables characterized by the above-average contribution to the principal component: Q112 (perception of corruption in the country), Q120 (perceived risk of being held accountable for giving or receiving a bribe), Q251 (respondents’ opinion regarding how democratically their countries are governed), and Q252 (satisfaction with the performance of the political system). Q120, Q251, and Q252 are positively correlated. Well-being The variables denoting happiness and well-being constitute the last dataset to be analysed. Figure 14 presents the heatmap of distances. Although it is possible to
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detect at least three clusters, Hopkins statistics suggests a random data structure. The results of Hartigan’s dip test (see Table 5) indicate that the dataset is clusterable for each of the distances analysed, except for the Pearson distances. Figure 14. The heatmap of the Euclidean distances computed based on dataset containing variables describing the level of happiness and well-being, individual responses – Dataset 5 (n=100; Hopkins statistics ≈ 0.33) 371397112825125192914711313513916975621151331401451811625331121126167195168123157242216090193118588129158941313198775511057321191531541591461421851471031501721438318719620010051104124144166188615239189683323418592106129156171194141174931761221530486086961021111281611701861901916203849597173747688116117132148151165251056641091771301850665105171145487989951221371381491521641831842712835406672879899108127134197432669788012016317336944107175141807442467084182191101111551366717817919963214534-
value 6 4 2
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020). Table 5. Results of the Hartigan’s dip test for unimodality/multimodality computed for different distances (variables describing the level of happiness and well-being, individual responses – Dataset 5) Algorithm for distances computation
D statistics
p-value of the test
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020; diptest package, Maechler, 2021).
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Figure 15 suggests that individuals are characterized by a better quality of representation in terms of well-being indicators in comparison with the previously analysed datasets (however, such a result might also be constrained by a significantly smaller number of dimensions analysed). Figure 15. Grouping the respondents according to the describing the level of happiness and well-being (individual responses – Dataset 5) together with their contributions to the principal components
Individuals - PCA
Dim2 (17.1%)
cos2 0.75
0.50 0.25
-8 -10
Dim1 (48.2%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Chapter 2
Figure 16. Correlation of variables describing the level of happiness and well-being (individual responses – Dataset 5) together with their contributions to the principal components
Variables - PCA Q48
Dim2 (17.1%)
contrib 30
Q54 0
Q51 Q52 Q55
Q46 Q56
Q50 0.0
Dim1 (48.2%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Figure 16 allows the specification of variables characterized by the most significant contribution to the principal component, which are Q48 (freedom of choice and control), Q49 (satisfaction with life), and Q50 (satisfaction with a household’s financial situation). Two latter variables are positively correlated.
2.3.3. Selecting and executing the appropriate algorithm & quality evaluation Saxena et al. (2017) distinguish between two types of clustering, namely, hierarchical and partitional clustering. The essence of the first method lies in designing the clusters through the iterative splitting of the patterns using either the topdown or the bottom-up approach, which are known as agglomerative and divisive
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
clustering. The partition clustering does not assume any hierarchical structure of the data, classifying objects to the clusters while optimizing the criterion function. Regardless of the algorithm applied, the objects are decomposed into clusters based on their similarity. There are plenty of methods for identifying the distances between the objects, as mentioned earlier. Therefore, five classical measures (Euclidean, Manhattan, Maximum, Canberra, and Minkowski) measuring the distance between coordinates and three correlation-based distances (Pearson, Kendall, and Spearman) are computed. The study assesses the continuous and quasicontinuous data; therefore, the distances compatible with the binary and mixed data are omitted. Appendix 7 summarizes the formulas in accordance with which the aforementioned distances were calculated. As demonstrated in the previous section, maximum (Chebyshev) and Kendall distances were only non-unimodal distances common for all of the datasets analysed. In order to preserve consistency, the uniform clustering method is used for all of the datasets for as long as possible. Consequently, the choice of the clustering algorithms would be narrowed down to methods compatible and consistent with the Chebyshev and Kendall distances. Appendix 8 presents the results of the preliminary cluster validity analysis computed for the sake of selecting the appropriate clustering algorithm and the optimal number of clusters based on the internal validity and stability measures. Internal validity is assessed based on three indicators: Connectivity, Dunn index, and Silhouette index, while the list of stability measures includes APN, AD, ADM, and FOM. For the dataset provided by Hofstede et al. (2010), nine clusters were computed using the k-means algorithm since it was detected as the optimal one based on the Silhouette statistics (internal validity measure) and FOM (external validity measure). For the rest of the datasets, hierarchical clustering appeared to provide optimal scores in terms of the internal validity measures, while k-means method featured optimal stability scores. Nevertheless, in each case, internal validity results for the k-means algorithm were not significantly different from the hierarchical clustering scores (while the opposite was not true). Therefore, it was decided to conduct the clustering procedure using the k-means algorithm (see additional details in Appendix 8).
2.4. Results and discussion Hofstede et al. (2010) provide the aggregate country-level data. Therefore, the results are presented based on the output of divisive clustering when countries from the same cluster are depicted in the same colour. All the remaining datasets
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consist of micro-level data (individual responses). For each country, the proportion of individuals ending up in the particular cluster is calculated. Then, the dominant cluster (i.e., the cluster with the greatest share of respondents from a particular country) is determined. The cultural map is designed based on the dominant cluster. It should be mentioned that some countries seem to be more homogenous in terms of the cultural environment than others; it means that the majority of respondents tended to concentrate in one cluster, while for other countries, respondents were distributed more uniformly across the clusters. Therefore, the notion of a “dominant cluster” is a bit artificial and should be interpreted together with the distribution of respondents across the clusters. Figure 17 presents the cultural map created based on the data provided by Hofstede et al. (2010). The results are pretty in line with the traditional regional clusters, although not being that cohesive. New Zealand, Canada, and the United States share the same cluster due to the common British colonial past, and Latin American countries are in the same cluster as Spain for pretty similar reasons. Besides, Norway, Finland, and Sweden are also frequently classified as countries sharing the same cultural background, and this study reports similar results. Figure 17. The cultural map of the world according to cultural dimensions specified by Hofstede et al. (2010) (power distance; individualism vs. collectivism; masculinity vs. femininity; uncertainty avoidance; long-term vs. short-term orientation; indulgence vs. restraint, country-level aggregates – Dataset 1)
Note: omitted countries are indicated in grey. Source: own elaboration using R-cran (maps package, Becker et al., 2018).
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Figure 18. Distribution of respondents from different countries across clusters (WVS indices, individual responses – Dataset 2) ZWE VNM USA UKR TWN TUR TUN THA SRB RUS ROU PRI PHL PER PAK NZL NIC NGA MYS MMR MEX MAC KOR KGZ KAZ JPN IRQ IRN IDN HKG GTM GRC ETH ECU DEU CYP COL CHN CHL BRA BOL BGD AUS ARG AND
Country AND
Frequency 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1 10111213141516171819 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Source: own elaboration using R-cran.
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Figure 18 presents the distribution of respondents from different countries across the clusters computed using WVS indices. Earlier, the idea of measuring country-specific cultural environments based on the average values was criticized, and the results obtained support this criticism. There are only several societies where respondents feature a sufficient degree of cultural homogeneity (i.e., where at least 30% of respondents are located within the same cluster): Japan (51% of respondents assigned to the first cluster), China (44% of respondents assigned to the eleventh cluster), Pakistan (42% of respondents assigned to the third cluster), South Korea (39% of respondents assigned to the twentieth cluster), Zimbabwe (37% of respondents assigned to the fifth cluster), New Zealand (36% of respondents assigned to the ninth cluster), Ethiopia (35% of respondents assigned to the fifth cluster), Puerto Rico (31% of respondents assigned to the nineteenth cluster), and Andorra (31% of respondents assigned to the ninth cluster). Alternatively, the degree of cultural homogeneity can be assessed based on the Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI)39 values computed for each country based on the proportion of respondents from the particular country assigned to each cluster (see Appendix 9). Usually, the value of HHI above 2500 indicates a highly concentrated market. Using the same threshold value, the list of countries with a significant degree of cultural homogeneity includes Japan (HHI = 3077) solely. Figure 19 presents the cultural map drawn based on the dominant cluster criterion. Perhaps, due to the high degree of cultural heterogeneity in the countries analysed, it is hard to detect any regional cultural clusters, except for the African cluster, consisting of Zimbabwe and Ethiopia (37% and 35% of respondents, respectively, assigned to the fifth cluster) and the cluster constating of the New Zealand and Andorra (36% and 31% of respondents, respectively, assigned to the ninth cluster).
The Herfindahl-Hirschman index is frequently used for measuring the degree of market concentration, being calculated as a sum of squares of each firm’s market share. In the present study, the index assesses the degree of concentration of respondents from a particular country across the Si1 + Si2 + … + Sin , , where HHIi clusters, being calculated according to the following formula: HHI= i stands for the value of the Herfindahl-Hirschman index computed for country i, and Sin stands for the share of respondnets from country i assigned to cluster n (out of the total number of respondents from country i). 39
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Figure 19. The cultural map of the world according to the WVS indices (individual responses – Dataset 2)
Note: omitted countries are indicated in grey. Source: own elaboration using R-cran (maps package, Becker et al., 2018).
The additional attempt to draw the cultural map of the world based on individual responses was performed based on the “raw” data (i.e., more than 170 non-indexed scores describing various normative attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions – see Appendix 3). Figure 20 demonstrates the distribution of respondents from different countries across clusters. The results obtained from the dataset are, in general, more consistent with the notion of national culture since the distribution of respondents from the same country is less uniform. The list of countries with at least 50% of respondents assigned to the same cluster includes Bangladesh (93% of respondents assigned to the tenth cluster), Japan (83% of respondents assigned to the thirteenth cluster), India (80% of respondents assigned to the sixth cluster), Germany (58% of respondents assigned to the sixteenth cluster), South Korea (58% of respondents assigned to the first cluster), and Ethiopia (52% of respondents assigned to the ninth cluster).
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Figure 20. Distribution of respondents from different countries across clusters (variables describing the character of the cultural environment: social values, norms, and stereotypes; social capital, trust, and organizational membership; economic values; perceptions of corruption; perceptions of migration; perceptions of security; index of postmaterialism; perceptions of science and technology; religious values; ethical values; and political culture, interest, and participation, individual responses – Dataset 3) ZWE UKR TWN THA SRB Frequency
BRA BOL BGD ARG AND 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Source: own elaboration using R-cran.
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
The list of countries where at least 30% of respondents ended up within the same cluster also includes Bolivia (43% of respondents assigned to the fifth cluster), Andorra (37% of respondents assigned to the eighteenth cluster), Ecuador (37% of respondents assigned to the fifth cluster), Greece (36% of respondents assigned to the fourth cluster), and Hong Kong (32% of respondents assigned to the thirteenth cluster). Appendix 10 presents the values of HHI for each country computed based on the clustering output of Dataset 3 (variables describing the character of the cultural environment: social values, norms, and stereotypes; social capital, trust, and organizational membership; economic values; perceptions of migration; perceptions of security; index of postmaterialism; perceptions of science and technology; religious values; ethical values; and political culture, interest, and participation). It is interesting to note that values of HHI also indicate that using the highly dimensional cultural dataset (Dataset 3) instead of the WVS indices provides a higher degree of cultural homogeneity across the countries analysed. According to HHI, the list of countries featuring a significant degree of cultural homogeneity includes Bangladesh (HHI = 8690), Japan (HHI = 7222), India (HHI = 6464), Zimbabwe (HHI = 4515), Germany (HHI = 3826), South Korea (HHI = 3604), New Zealand (HHI = 3400), Ethiopia (HHI = 3239), Philippines (HHI = 2938), and Malaysia (HHI = 2770). Figure 21. The cultural map of the world according to variables describing the character of the cultural environment (social values, norms, and stereotypes; social capital, trust, and organizational membership; economic values; perceptions of migration; perceptions of security; index of postmaterialism; perceptions of science and technology; religious values; ethical values; and political culture, interest, and participation, individual responses – Dataset 3)
Note: omitted countries are indicated in grey. Source: own elaboration using R-cran (maps package, Becker et al., 2018).
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Figure 21 presents the cultural map designed on the basis of the dominant cluster computed based on the more extensive non-indexed dataset. Considering only the countries with a sufficiently high degree of cultural homogeneity, one can distinguish only one regional cluster, namely, Asian cluster, consisting of Japan and Hong Kong (83% and 32% of respondents, respectively, assigned to the thirteenth cluster). Figure 22. Distribution of respondents from different countries across clusters (variables describing the character of the formal institutional environment: social capital, trust, and organizational membership; perceptions of security; perceptions of corruption; political interest and political participation; political culture and political regimes, individual responses – Dataset 4) ZWE VNM USA UKR TWN TUR TUN THA SRB RUS ROU PRI PHL PER PAK NZL NIC NGA MYS MMR MEX MAC KOR KGZ IRN IDN HKG GTM GRC ETH ECU DEU CYP COL CHL BRA BOL BGD AUS ARG
Country ARG
Frequency 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Source: own elaboration using R-cran.
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Figure 22 presents the distribution of respondents from different countries across clusters computed based on variables describing the quality of the formal institutional environment. Using the previously adopted threshold and considering solely the countries, where at least 30% of respondents are assigned to the same cluster, one can distinguish two clusters: Asian cluster, consisting of Vietnam and Myanmar (50% and 31% of respondents, respectively, assigned to the fourth cluster) and the cluster including New Zealand, Germany, and Australia (79%, 69%, and 46% of respondents, respectively, assigned to the fifth cluster). Figure 23. The map of the world according to variables describing the character of the formal institutional environment (social capital, trust, and organizational membership; perceptions of security; perceptions of corruption; political interest and political participation; political culture and political regimes, individual responses – Dataset 4)
Note: omitted countries are indicated in grey. Source: own elaboration using R-cran (maps package, Becker et al., 2018).
Finally, Figure 24 presents the distribution of individuals across different clusters computed based on variables describing the level of well-being. The first thing to notice is that when it comes to well-being, individuals demonstrate a much smaller degree of homogeneity even in comparison with the formal institutional environment quality, featuring a much more uniform distribution across clusters. Taking 20% share as a threshold, one can distinguish between four clusters,
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namely, South Korea, Macao, Greece, Germany, Andorra, and Cyprus (48%, 30%, 28%, 23%, 22%, 21%, and 20% of respondents, respectively, assigned to the seventh cluster); Ecuador and Argentina (28% and 21% of respondents, respectively, assigned to the fifteenth cluster); Peru, Chile, and Mexico (26%, 23%, and 20% of respondents, respectively, assigned to the thirteenth cluster); and Macao and Hong Kong (22% and 21% of respondents, respectively, assigned to third cluster). Interestingly, some of the obtained clusters coincide with the conventional regional map. However, the seventh cluster includes respondents from the countries characterized by the different cultural background, government policy design, and even legal system.
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
Figure 24. Distribution of respondents from different countries across clusters (variables describing the level of happiness well-being, individual responses – Dataset 5)
Frequency 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
1 10111213141516171819 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Source: own elaboration using R-cran.
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Figure 25. The map of the world according to variables describing the level of happiness and well-being (individual responses – Dataset 5)
Note: omitted countries are indicated in grey. Source: own elaboration using R-cran (maps package, Becker et al., 2018).
2.5. Conclusion The present research attempted to assess the links between cultural environment, formal institutional environment and well-being using clustering analysis. While the majority of studies rely on the country-level analysis based on the aggregate indices, the first attempt was made to assess whether the notion of national cultural environment makes sense, i.e., whether informal institutional environment (i.e., the scope of norms and values shared by individuals) is sufficiently homogenous (i.e., whether the notion of the national cultural environment makes sense). The analysis was performed based on the individual data provided by the WVS, where the prior stage of the classification was assigning a cluster to individual respondents. The principal component analysis conducted prior to the study has demonstrated that Welzel’s autonomy and post-materialism index contributed the most to the principal component yet being weakly correlated. When examining a more extensive dataset (i.e., the dataset consisting of more than 170 variables), the variables characterized by the most significant contribution to the principal component and positively correlated with each other were acceptance of homosexuality, acceptance of divorce, acceptance of sex before marriage, and acceptance
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
of euthanasia. The aforementioned variables are negatively correlated with the importance of God, frequency of praying, acceptance of religious authorities interpreting the law, and acceptance of the army taking over when the government is incompetent. The additional group of positively correlated variables included the degree to which the respondents agree that claiming social benefits to which one is not entitled is justifiable, the degree to which respondents agree that avoiding a fare on public transport is justifiable, the degree to which respondents agree that stealing property is justifiable, the degree to which respondents agree that cheating on taxes is justifiable, the degree to which respondents agree that accepting a bribe in the course of one’s duties is justifiable, the degree to which respondents agree that it is justifiable for a man to beat his wife, the degree to which respondents agree that violence against other people is justifiable, the degree to which respondents agree that terrorism as a political, ideological or religious means is justifiable, and the degree to which respondents agree that political violence is justifiable. The quality of the formal institutional environment was assessed based on respondents’ opinions regarding the various aspects of social life reflecting the quality of governance (more than 50 variables in total). The analysis of principal components has demonstrated that perception of corruption in the country, perceived risk to be held accountable for giving or receiving a bribe, respondents’ opinion regarding how democratically their countries are governed, and satisfaction with the performance of a political system are characterized by the greatest contribution to the principal component. The latter three variables are positively correlated. Finally, out of the variables describing respondents’ well-being (12 variables in total), freedom of choice and control, satisfaction with life, and satisfaction with a household’s financial situation contribute the most to the principal component, and two latter variables are positively correlated. It was found out that while some countries are characterized by a high degree of cultural homogeneity (when most of the individuals from a country are located within the same cluster), other countries are relatively heterogeneous (i.e., individuals from these countries tend to be distributed more uniformly across the clusters). For each of the countries, the dominant cluster was identified (i.e., the cluster with the highest share of respondents from the particular country). Considering the aforementioned cultural heterogeneity, the notion of the dominant cluster should be interpreted with cautiousness (obviously, it makes much more sense in the countries with the majority of individuals being located within a single cluster). The cluster analysis computed based on the dataset consisting of WVS indices did not allow for drawing any conclusions about regional cultural clusters since the countries analysed did not feature a sufficient degree of cultural
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homogeneity. In fact, there is only one regional cultural cluster corresponding to the traditional division, namely, the African cluster consisting of Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. Nevertheless, clustering based on a more extensive cultural dataset resulted in a less uniform distribution of respondents from the same country across different clusters. It is interesting to notice (although the result obtained would require a more extensive and careful analysis and interpretation) that countries featuring the highest degree of cultural homogeneity are Asian societies, which are traditionally referred to as more traditionalist (Bangladesh, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Philippines, and Malaysia). However, the list of countries featuring a relatively high degree of cultural homogeneity also included Germany, New Zealand, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe, which implies that Eastern traditionalism and collectivism cannot be taken as a satisfactory explanation. Considering only the countries with a sufficiently high degree of cultural homogeneity, there is only one regional cluster consisting of Hong Kong and Japan. The attempt to classify the countries based on the perceived quality of the formal institutional environment and well-being was less successful. Firstly, countries demonstrated a much smaller extent of homogeneity in terms of formal institutional environment quality and the level of economic well-being in comparison with the cultural environment (i.e., the distribution of respondents across clusters was more uniform in the former cases). Secondly, countries sharing the same clusters based on the quality of formal institutional environment variables were sometimes pretty different from the perspective of the legal system and political regime (which are frequently used as the proxies for the formal institutional environment). The overall conclusion is that countries sharing similar cultural traits did not demonstrate similarity in terms of the formal institutional environment and the level of economic well-being (alternatively, countries sharing the same clusters designed based on the cultural environment variables mostly ended up in the different clusters designed based on the quality of formal institutional environment and the level of economic well-being variables). It shall be admitted that the results were obtained using the WVS Wave 7 dataset which is not complete yet. On the one hand, it allowed for analysing the most up-to-date data; on the other hand, it significantly narrowed down the sample of countries as well as the range of variables. Besides, it is important to keep in mind that the datasets used for the clustering analysis (e.g., cultural dimensions, quality of formal institutional environment, and aspects of economic well-being) did not contain the same number of countries (in other words, the full dataset could provide more consistent results regarding whether sharing similar cultural traits implies similar formal institutional environment and/
Cultural environment, values, and well-being – a clustering analysis
or a similar level of economic well-being). Moreover, it shall be admitted that the analysis of cultural homogeneity (although, to the author’s best knowledge, there has been no attempt to question the appropriateness of country-average cultural dimensions indicators based on the empirical data so far) was a bit naïve. The degree of cultural homogeneity was roughly analysed based on the shares of respondents from a particular country in a single cluster as well as using the Herfindahl-Hirschman index computed for a single country. Further elaborations on the problem of cultural homogeneity might, perhaps, utilize more sophisticated measures. Finally, the conclusions about the links between cultural traits, quality of the formal institutional environment, and economic well-being were drawn based on the concentration of individuals from particular countries in the joint clusters solely. The use of correlation measures would not be valid since, being conducted on the basis of micro-level data, it would not explain the country-level similarities, while the use of aggregate country-level cultural indicators is not appropriate in the light of country-specific cultural environment indicators discussed earlier in the study. Perhaps, to provide clearer conclusions regarding the links between culture, formal institutions, and well-being based on the micro-level data, further studies on the topic might utilize the Fowlkes-Mallows index computed based on several hierarchical clusterings designed using cultural, institutional, and well-being datasets, analogously to the present study. Nevertheless, the present study provided several important implications. Firstly, the study provided some additional criticism towards assessing the character of the cultural environment in the country based on the aggregate indicators (or the idea of the country-specific national environment, in general). For most countries, it would be impossible to detect the respondents who originated in this country since the distribution of respondents across clusters was relatively uniform. Secondly, the study demonstrated (although it was not the primary aim) that certain countries feature a higher degree of cultural homogeneity than others (nevertheless, the results obtained require further verification and interpretation). Finally, although it was possible to detect some regional cultural clusters based on the cluster analysis, it is not possible to draw any links between the character of informal institutions, quality of the institutional environment, and well-being. The results obtained do not imply an absence of links between the aforementioned variables. Alternatively, they demonstrate that multiple outcomes are possible even given a similar set of informal and/or formal institutions might lead to a variety of outcomes.
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Appendices Appendix 1. Country codes (World Values Survey, Wave 7) AND – Andorra MAC – Macao SAR PRC ARG – Argentina MYS – Malaysia AUS – Australia MEX – Mexico BGD – Bangladesh MMR – Myanmar BOL – Bolivia NZL – New Zealand BRA – Brazil NIC – Nicaragua CHL – Chile NGA – Nigeria CHN – China PAK – Pakistan
COL – Colombia PER – Peru CYP – Cyprus PHL – Philippines ECU – Ecuador PRI – Puerto Rico EGY – Egypt ROU – Romania ETH – Ethiopia RUS – Russian Federation DEU – Germany SRB – Serbia GRC – Greece KOR – South Korea GTM – Guatemala TWN – Taiwan ROC HKG – Hong Kong SAR PRC
TJK – Tajikistan IDN – Indonesia THA – Thailand IRN – Iran TUN – Tunisia IRQ – Iraq TUR – Turkey JPN – Japan UKR – Ukraine JOR – Jordan USA – United States KAZ – Kazakhstan VNM – Vietnam KGZ – Kyrgyzstan ZWE - Zimbabwe
Source: The World Values Survey Association, World Values Survey Wave 7 (2017–2020) Variables Report, https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV7.jsp (accessed 10.02.2021).
Appendix 2. Variables used for assessing the cultural environment – WVS indices, individual responses (World Values Survey, Wave 7) Variables and description • Post-Materialist index 12-item (Y001) • Autonomy Index (Y003) • Welzel Overall Secular Values (SACSECVAL) • Welzel emancipative values (RESEMAVAL) • Welzel defiance – 1: Inverse respect for authority (I_AUTHORITY) • Welzel defiance – 2: Inverse national pride (I_NATIONALISM) • Welzel defiance – 3: Inverse devoutness (I_DEVOUT)
Variables and description • Welzel defiance sub-index (DEFIANCE) • Welzel disbelief1: Inverse importance of religion (I_RELIGIMP) • Welzel disbelief2: Inverse religious person (I_RELIGBEL) • Welzel disbelief3: Inverse religious practice (I_RELIGPRAC) • Welzel disbelief sub-index (DISBELIEF) • Welzel relativism – 1: Inverse norm conform1 (I_NORM1) • Welzel relativism – 2: Inverse norm conform2 (I_NORM2) • Welzel relativism – 3: Inverse norm conform3 (I_NORM3) • Welzel relativism (RELATIVISM) • Welzel autonomy – 1: Independence as kid quality (I_INDEP) • Welzel autonomy – 2: Imagination as kid quality (I_IMAGIN) • Emancipative Values – 1: Obedience not kid quality (I_NONOBED) • Welzel Autonomy sub index (AUTONOMY) • Welzel equality – 1: Gender equality: job (I_WOMJOB) • Welzel equality – 2: Gender equality: politics (I_WOMPOL) • Welzel equality – 3: Gender equality: education (I_WOMEDU) • Emancipative Values – 2: Equality sub-index (EQUALITY) • Welzel choice – 1: Homosexuality acceptance (I_HOMOLIB) • Welzel choice – 2: Abortion acceptable (I_ABORTLIB) • Welzel choice – 3: Divorce acceptable (I_DIVORLIB) • Welzel choice subindex (CHOICE) • Welzel voice subindex (VOICE) Source: The World Values Survey Association, World Values Survey Wave 7 (2017–2020) Variables Report, https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV7.jsp (accessed 10.06.2021).
Appendix 3. Variables used for assessing the cultural environment – individual responses (World Values Survey, Wave 7) Sub-dataset
Social values, norms, and stereotypes
Description • Important in life: Family (Q1) • Important in life: Friends (Q2) • Important in life: Leisure time (Q3) • Important in life: Politics (Q4) • Important in life: Work (Q5) • Important in life: Religion (Q6) • Important child qualities: Good manners (Q7) • Important child qualities: Independence (Q8) • Important child qualities: Hard work (Q9) • Important child qualities: Feeling of responsibility (Q10) • Important child qualities: Imagination (Q11) • Important child qualities: Tolerance and respect for other people (Q12) • Important child qualities: Thrift saving money and things (Q13) • Important child qualities: Determination perseverance (Q14) • Important child qualities: Religious faith (Q15) • Important child qualities: Unselfishness (Q16) • Important child qualities: Obedience (Q17) • Neighbors: Drug addicts (Q18) • Neighbors: People of a different race (Q19) • Neighbors: People who have AIDS (Q20) • Neighbors: Immigrants/foreign workers (Q21) • Neighbors: Homosexuals (Q22) • Neighbors: People of a different religion (Q23) • Neighbors: Heavy drinkers (Q24) • Neighbors: Unmarried couples living together (Q25) • Neighbors: People who speak a different language (Q26) • One of main goals in life has been to make my parents proud (Q27) • Pre-school child suffers with working mother (Q28) • Men make better political leaders than women do (Q29) • University is more important for a boy than for a girl (Q30) • Men make better business executives than women do (Q31) • Being a housewife just as fulfilling (Q32)
Description • Jobs scarce: Men should have more right to a job than women (Q33) • Jobs scarce: Employers should give priority to (nation) people than immigrants (Q34) • Problem if women have more income than husband (Q35) • Homosexual couples are as good parents as other couples (Q36) • Duty towards society to have children (Q37) • It is children duty to take care of ill parent (Q38) • People who don´t work turn lazy (Q39) • Work is a duty towards society (Q40) • Work should always come first even if it means less spare time (Q41) • Basic kinds of attitudes concerning society (Q42) • Future changes: Less importance placed on work (Q43) • Future changes: More emphasis on technology (Q44) • Future changes: Greater respect for authority (Q45)
Social capital, trust, and organizational membership
• Most people can be trusted (Q57) • How much you trust: Your family (Q58) • Trust: Your neighborhood (Q59) • Trust: People you know personally (Q60) • Trust: People you meet for the first time (Q61) • Trust: People of another religion (Q62) • Trust: People of another nationality (Q63) • Confidence: Churches (Q64) • Active/Inactive membership: Church or religious organization (Q94) • Active/Inactive membership: sport or recreational organization (Q95) • Active/Inactive membership: art, music, educational organization (Q96) • Active/Inactive membership: Labor union (Q97) • Active/Inactive membership: Political party (Q98) • Active/Inactive membership: Environmental organization (Q99) • Active/Inactive membership: professional organization (Q100) • Active/Inactive membership: charitable/humanitarian organization (Q101) • Active/Inactive membership: consumer organization (Q102)
Description • Active/Inactive membership: Self-help group, mutual aid group (Q103) • Active/Inactive membership: women’s group (Q104) • Active/Inactive membership: other organization (Q105)
Economic values
• Income equality vs larger income differences (Q106) • Private vs state ownership of business (Q107) • Government´s vs individual´s responsibility (Q108) • Competition good or harmful (Q109) • Success: hard work vs luck (Q110) • Protecting environment vs. Economic growth (Q111)
Perceptions of migration
• Impact of immigrants on the development of the country (Q121) • Immigration in your country: Fills useful jobs in the workforce (Q122) • Immigration in your country: Strengthens cultural diversity (Q123) • Immigration in your country: Increases the crime rate (Q124) • Immigration in your country: Gives asylum to political refugees (Q125) • Immigration in your country: Increases the risks of terrorism (Q126) • Immigration in your country: Helps poor people establish new lives (Q127) • Immigration in your country: Increases unemployment (Q128) • Immigration in your country: Leads to social conflict (Q129) • Immigration policy preference (Q130)
Perceptions of security
• Freedom and Equality – Which more important (Q149) • Freedom and security – Which more important (Q150) • Willingness to fight for country (Q151)
Index of post materialism
• Aims of country: first choice (Q152) • Aims of country: second choice (Q153) • Aims of respondent: first choice (Q154) • Aims of respondent: second choice (Q155) • Most important: first choice (Q156) • Most important: second choice (Q157)
Perceptions about science and technology
• Science and technology are making our lives healthier, easier, and more comfortable (Q158) • Because of science and technology, there will be more opportunities for the next generation (Q159) • We depend too much on science and not enough on faith (Q160) • One of the bad effects of science is that it breaks down people’s ideas of right and wrong (Q161) • It is not important for me to know about science in my daily life (Q162) • The world is better off, or worse off, because of science and technology (Q163)
Religious values
• Importance of God (Q164) • Believe in: God (Q165) • Believe in: life after death (Q166) • Believe in: hell (Q167) • Believe in: heaven (Q168) • Whenever science and religion conflict, religion is always right (Q169) • The only acceptable religion is my religion (Q170) • How often do you attend religious services (Q171) • How often to you pray (Q172) • Religious person (Q173) • Meaning of religion: To follow religious norms and ceremonies vs To do good to other people (Q174) • Meaning of religion: To make sense of life after death vs To make sense of life in this world (Q175)
Ethical values
• Degree of agreement: Nowadays one often has trouble deciding which moral rules are the right ones to follow (Q176) • Justifiable: Claiming government benefits to which you are not entitled (Q177) • Justifiable: Avoiding a fare on public transport (Q178) • Justifiable: Stealing property (Q179) • Justifiable: Cheating on taxes (Q180) • Justifiable: Someone accepting a bribe in the course of their duties (Q181) • Justifiable: Homosexuality (Q182) • Justifiable: Prostitution (Q183) • Justifiable: Abortion (Q184) • Justifiable: Divorce (Q185) • Justifiable: Sex before marriage (Q186)
Description • Justifiable: Suicide (Q187) • Justifiable: Euthanasia (Q188) • Justifiable: For a man to beat his wife (Q189) • Justifiable: Parents beating children (Q190) • Justifiable: Violence against other people (Q191) • Justifiable: Terrorism as a political, ideological or religious means (Q192) • Justifiable: Having casual sex (Q193) • Justifiable: Political violence (Q194) • Justifiable: Death penalty (Q195) • Government has the right: Keep people under video surveillance in public areas (Q196) • Government has the right: Monitor all e-mails and any other information exchanged on the Internet (Q197) • Government has the right: Collect information about anyone living in this country without their knowledge (Q198)
Political culture, interest, and participation
• Interest in politics (Q199) • How often discusses political matters with friends (Q200) • Information source: Daily newspaper (Q201) • Information source: TV news (Q202) • Information source: Radio news (Q203) • Information source: Mobile phone (Q204) • Information source: Email (Q205) • Information source: Internet (Q206) • Information source: social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) (Q207) • Information source: Talk with friends or colleagues (Q208) • Political action: Signing a petition (Q209) • Political action: joining in boycotts (Q210) • Political action: attending lawful/peaceful demonstrations (Q211) • Political action: joining unofficial strikes (Q212) • Social activism: Donating to a group or campaign (Q213) • Social activism: Contacting a government official (Q214) • Social activism: Encouraging others to take action about political issues (Q215) • Social activism: Encouraging others to vote (Q216) • Political actions online: Searching information about politics and political events (Q217)
Description • Political actions online: Signing an electronic petition (Q218) • Political actions online: Encouraging other people to take any form of political action (Q219) • Political actions online: Organizing political activities, events, protests (Q220) • Vote in elections: local level (Q221) • Vote in elections: National level (Q222) • Political system: Having a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and elections (Q235) • Political system: Having experts, not government, make decisions according to what they think is best for the country (Q236) • Political system: Having the army rule (Q237) • Political system: Having a democratic political system (Q238) • Political system: Having a system governed by religious law in which there are no political parties or elections (Q239) • Left-right political scale (Q240) • Democracy: Governments tax the rich and subsidize the poor (Q241) • Democracy: Religious authorities interpret the laws (Q242) • Democracy: People choose their leaders in free elections (Q243) • Democracy: People receive state aid for unemployment (Q244) • Democracy: The army takes over when government is incompetent (Q245) • Democracy: Civil rights protect people’s liberty against oppression (Q246) • Democracy: The state makes people´s incomes equal (Q247) • Democracy: People obey their rulers (Q248) • Democracy: Women have the same rights as men (Q249) • Importance of democracy (Q250)
Source: The World Values Survey Association, World Values Survey Wave 7 (2017–2020) Variables Report, https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV7.jsp (accessed 10.06.2021).
Appendix 4. Variables used for assessing the perceived quality of the formal institutional environment – individual responses (World Values Survey, Wave 7) Sub-dataset
Social capital, trust, and organizational membership
• Confidence: Armed Forces (Q65) • Confidence: The Press (Q66) • Confidence: Television (Q67) • Confidence: The Police (Q68) • Confidence: Justice System/Courts (Q69) • Confidence: The Government (Q70) • Confidence: The Political Parties (Q71) • Confidence: Parliament (Q72) • Confidence: The Civil Services (Q73) • Confidence: Election (Q76)
Perceptions of security
• Secure in neighborhood (Q131) • Frequency in your neighborhood: Robberies (Q132) • Frequency in your neighborhood: Alcohol consumed in the streets (Q133) • Frequency in your neighborhood: Police or military interfere with people’s private life (Q134) • Frequency in your neighborhood: Racist behavior (Q135) • Frequency in your neighborhood: Drug sale in streets (Q136) • Frequency in your neighborhood: Street violence and fights (Q137) • Frequency in your neighborhood: Sexual harassment (Q138) • Things done for reasons of security: Didn’t carry much money (Q139) • Things done for reasons of security: Preferred not to go out at night (Q140) • Things done for reasons of security: Carried a knife, gun or other weapon (Q141) • Worries: Losing my job or not finding a job (Q142) • Worries: Not being able to give one´s children a good education (Q143) • Respondent was victim of a crime during the past year (Q144) • Respondent´s family was victim of a crime during last year (Q145) • Worries: A war involving my country (Q146) • Worries: A terrorist attack (Q147) • Worries: A civil war (Q148)
Perceptions of corruption
• Perceptions of corruption in the country (Q112) • Involved in corruption: State authorities (Q113) • Involved in corruption: Business executives (Q114) • Involved in corruption: Local authorities (Q115) • Involved in corruption: Civil service providers (Q116) • Involved in corruption: Journalists and media (Q117) • Frequency ordinary people pay a bribe, give a gift or do a favor to local officials/service providers in order to get services (Q118) • Degree of agreement: On the whole, women are less corrupt than men (Q119) • Risk to be held accountable for giving or receiving a bribe (Q120)
Political interest and political participation
• How often in country´s elections: Votes are counted fairly (Q224) • How often in country´s elections: Opposition candidates are prevented from running (Q225) • How often in country´s elections: TV news favors the governing party (Q226) • How often in country´s elections: Voters are bribed (Q227) • How often in country´s elections: Journalists provide fair coverage of elections (Q228) • How often in country´s elections: Election officials are fair (Q229) • How often in country´s elections: Rich people buy elections (Q230) • How often in country´s elections: Voters are threatened with violence at the polls (Q231) • How often in country´s elections: Voters are offered a genuine choice in the elections (Q232) • How often in country´s elections: Women have equal opportunities to run the office (Q233)
Political culture and political regimes
• How democratically is this country being governed today (Q251) • Satisfaction with the political system performance (Q252) • Respect for individual human rights nowadays (Q253)
Source: The World Values Survey Association, World Values Survey Wave 7 (2017–2020) Variables Report, https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV7.jsp (accessed 10.06.2021).
Appendix 5. Variables used for assessing well-being – individual responses (World Values Survey, Wave 7) Sub-dataset
Happiness and Wellbeing
• Feeling of happiness (Q46) • State of health (subjective) (Q47) • How much freedom of choice and control (Q48) • Satisfaction with your life (Q49) • Satisfaction with financial situation of household (Q50) • Frequency you/family (last 12 month): Gone without enough food to eat (Q51) • Frequency you/family (last 12 month): Felt unsafe from crime in your own home (Q52) • Frequency you/family (last 12 month): Gone without needed medicine or treatment that you needed (Q53) • Frequency you/family (last 12 month): Gone without a cash income (Q54) • In the last 12 months, how often have you or your family: Gone without a safe shelter over your head (Q55) • Standard of living comparing with your parents (Q56)
Source: The World Values Survey Association, World Values Survey Wave 7 (2017–2020) Variables Report, https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV7.jsp (accessed 10.06.2021).
Appendix 6. Eigenvalues visualization; the proportion of variance explained by each principal component Figure A6.1. Eigenvalues distribution for the cultural dimensions specified by Hofstede et al. (2010) (Dataset 1) Scree plot
Percentage of explained variances
0 1
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
99 Figure A6.2. Eigenvalues distribution for the WVS indices (Dataset 2)
Scree plot
Percentage of explained variances
0 1
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Appendices Figure A6.3. Eigenvalues distribution for the variables describing the character of cultural environment (Dataset 3)
Percentage of explained variances
Scree plot
0 1
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020). Figure A6.4. Eigenvalues distribution for the variables describing the character of formal institutional environment (Dataset 4) Scree plot
Percentage of explained variances
0 1
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Figure A6.5. Eigenvalues distribution for the variables describing well-being (Dataset 5)
Scree plot 50
Percentage of explained variances
0 1
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Appendix 7. Summary on the distance measures used in the study Distance Euclidean
Formula n dEuclidean = ∑ xi − y i i =1
dManhattan =
1 2
− yi
i =1
Chebyshev (maximum)
dChebyshev = max xi − y i
xi − y i
dCanberra = ∑
i =1 ( x i + y i )
n dMinkowski = ∑ xi − y i i =1
Pearson dPearson =
∑ ∑
( xi − µ x )( y i − µ y )
i =1
n 2 i x =i 1= i 1
(x − µ )
dKendall = 1 −
( y i − µ y )2
nc − nd 1 n( n − 1) 2
Where nc stands for the number of concordant pairs; nd stands for the number of discordant pairs; n stands for the total number of observations. Spearman
∑ ( x′ − x′)( y ′ − y ′) n
dSperman = 1 −
i =1
∑ ( x′ − x′ ) ∑ ( y ′ − y ′ ) n
i =i 1= i 1
Where x’i stands for the rank of xi and y’i stands for the rank of yi
Appendix 8. Cluster validity Table 8A.1. Cluster validation indicators for the cultural dimensions specified by Hofstede et al. (2010) (Dataset 1) Score
Criterion: internal
Criterion: stability
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (clValid package, Brock et al., 2020).
Figure 8A.1. K-means clusters for the cultural dimensions specified by Hofstede et al. (2010) (Dataset 1)
KMEANS Clustering 33 59 58 2
37 69 9240
Dim2 (23.9%)
27 0
70 101 50 6
72 7 34 18
56 21
26 52 43 44 11 54 96 85 46 35 106
16 73 86
100 87 1568 9841 78 7662
64 48
104 20
80 84
32 65 22 105 -3
Dim1 (31.8%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020). Table 8A.2. Cluster validation indicators for the WVS indices (Dataset 2) Score
Criterion: internal Connectivity
Criterion: stability
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (clValid package, Brock et al., 2020). Figure 8A.2. K-means clusters for the WVS indices (Dataset 2)
KMEANS Clustering
Dim2 (12.3%)
15660 5432251800 16466 15935 16401 51819 50734 51827 2632 9181 52122 2427 2374 52326 16421 24915924 44988 52152 52680 15588 2808 13659 3338 52806 889 67860 2864 52424 52005 16362 52157 57987 52283 254 8651 40090 2832 13440 70799 19599 16768 51808 16771 52639 536 32744 66998 5731 40525 550 51995 46190 3710 2719 3204 68145 757 3330 2149 51861 52276 46222 52323 10453 20316 11345 52320 16601 66911 54004 52198 69600 3478 51921 20697 39754 27536 13400 354 51873 29288 16565 67651 2892 22551 7827 46179 68200 70321 46276 16241 20297 19842 261 61303 53115 54015 46982 949 60327 929 67709 637 68091 2794 16287 28999 3998 12974 52371 14195 34516 52219 52922 67066 68151 67565 38835 53769 3108 15887 60968 16419 52030 40046 14167 41189 1621 3591 3137 69868 52210 15959 3795 8936 2674 67449 52315 53645 461 43006 39973 2109 16721 52698 62777 20976 56177 68380 902 21691 53668 19892 52130 21893 20281 50515 11430 19843 21015 40578 1490 69856 70712 16462 38849 2489 39727 3664 51900 11879 16553 15784 7652 59873 33106 52651 52227 52541 15748 7916 2670 2668 19541 16026 40382 70844 15412 46561 16369 1048 43409 20625 67187 21194 56603 50079 51788 1610 66614 18117 13263 7582 1574 67673 30449 39903 15961 19453 52580 12916 42833 39096 16079 58083 15518 61372 68293 39502 52600 17784 52072 49481 51964 63402 64425 2146 6625 1266 52160 63764 9168 46178 15707 20415 5188 45921 70679 56407 33344 42052 21231 2024 1652 21119 53235 46268 16253 67683 1265 3167 2213 43761 3606 52733 52763 46000 54285 53892 50093 14496 68112 13575 65945 40298 9774 58267 9103 21768 16013 9454 15672 16201 20609 20584 56412 8898 65833 62269 40760 63763 66612 16926 49391 19581 39497 13958 40498 15975 51798 24229 56298 68386 20787 28457 8989 40714 51867 3567 62594 56320 22043 21306 53293 5549 70637 12447 19849 53832 66845 52998 17459 39809 11958 15689 67421 423 59860 1618 20835 70840 16925 53126 21117 16375 5816 3360 8818 70049 7917 42389 14783 16831 4604 13131 21451 16440 13379 19560 8232 6358 5778 1773 20699 49512 63172 8320 14300 3013 62913 32349 27376 21309 49998 3373 60464 69995 14522 39226 2540 52206 46623 7743 46542 42158 66646 67465 20280 42449 3749 9456 15677 820 29544 21104 53665 70359 68286 13002 63279 17331 11938 14348 62305 49202 15735 40769 52154 4765 14543 19629 67729 12193 52897 42956 46928 42818 11847 61869 20292 24322 21909 53144 19571 341 63052 14606 3690 2414 14820 61141 63023 13893 3745 44969 1986 54013 23363 7723 42986 45522 48213 2689 14309 38625 67670 20551 43749 29079 19913 63716 62281 9468 67218 62395 57320 12894 5553 3722 51950 52166 9825 14827 54012 14448 3408 62702 47983 534 13798 210 1603 28570 3803 19394 67880 70577 69867 9757 62030 12061 70044 8355 14601 56608 58098 51899 43577 41380 40380 15940 54067 2454 67215 17032 61047 66254 40975 14247 2177 66144 60163 43342 57269 40123 43747 61750 50322 39708 1684 20768 5083 53094 68438 52520 11048 67031 70625 17838 49528 11828 7152 56811 57247 3298 6678 8696 46117 12049 70040 50526 20724 16123 56709 49987 52038 4480 16091 2877 54797 2381 53695 7673 33635 3295 69137 6219 70135 49431 11223 19687 59999 15600 11354 14279 21655 17903 50298 17600 14386 70648 16144 53114 2816 69994 59986 62693 7014 5155 1069 70374 63875 19850 46915 14001 67686 8789 67847 17648 17813 33300 58218 5919 14339 13096 1926 22081 66864 43933 6318 20291 11864 13233 47524 27976 6272 39743 6128 2080 44309 28709 2012 49975 28172 27741 20019 39724 52218 68236 68168 19881 6305 41966 66972 68244 61046 15880 13723 9481 5276 41063 65862 48319 20138 7434 17548 67124 45909 62882 9536 20411 58338 50430 63041 34810 2278 877 11330 2558 65921 11484 13282 52265 519368 3538 16390 27408 46054 45330 13779 10228 53934 45272 53513 711 67807 12628 66236 11797 19658 19982 3987 39140 5452 6413 12978 3539 49687 14294 44110 68183 69888 28369 41069 7855 2415 69743 2045 13680 45735 66195 21512 60242 955 54689 62262 1041 19809 24593 10649 2809 67779 67609 52936 3306 20673 15933 8903 42555 49283 22389 57963 49393 19969 21090 2504 32291 17915 43661 38526 2678 56386 63426 3358 33256 20349 5459 28367 3444 17837 16622 5488 44354 69894 46491 6087 52111 67929 29420 60595 13241 40922 16316 45488 12075 8576 20431 15676 13999 16915 16668 25184 8133 1043 5544 24933 52450 11233 23709 20965 9471 62881 67611 29223 46085 32690 61654 27060 52145 10942 67849 16116 20627 21121 70095 58018 52558 16594 23797 968 24609 11480 63500 13395 69913 66914 66459 8159 44214 69949 13143 17062 12241 51824 52293 47103 47961 27986 41535 69725 10101 7744 21305 60953 40853 66181 3123 14450 43881 68359 13156 9455 1496 33109 14298 25495 49696 25707 62606 70674 22063 43102 11352 52590 20113 34524 51953 801 65156 14530 61515 30173 45449 14102 53043 54333 40087 68454 6288 63952 13737 42422 45305 19727 49873 14225 28213 53679 3172 68527 956 38648 8710 23480 67662 62310 14764 46696 26454 46061 25147 19413 58210 59814 7496 58366 43670 46804 63696 9508 56052 15409 49850 11933 42674 54081 30504 9792 10821 16854 20836 20643 12541 16356 14188 12443 58183 16162 38984 60631 60274 45562 53912 16056 12204 32401 52025 372 25951 2833 62405 19341 5454 62460 34644 60089 64370 3351 24951 56152 66399 17485 8307 67993 47306 17438 58414 37155 60043 47884 62954 24662 13082 23677 14719 21490 34935 32330 20849 7319 58297 53508 26062 67069 45892 51107 9791 56695 11511 41154 11985 14452 21144 15604 67716 6990 21150 35577 8596 66345 68167 23588 49213 70136 66994 309824259 33417 42497 38995 32430 61865 63012 27790 69707 63957 12575 7080 45233 24941 57171 28482 904 24373 2030 66821 50364 3211 52690 21385 70705 12532 5931 69601 44418 19825 22340 54437 51997 29253 4761 51742 27276 8669 56623 49702 9878 20816 2564 32964 14840 10940 11447 39279 598 29518 12889 9175 38568 2064 32625 42221 45165 10121 23607 11210 11173 950 38448 4768 23278 35800 69282 11863 38549 32781 53550 70618 23228 11180 66218 49996 2964 52994 46638 28901 11435 40224 46584 62082 64023 70706 1095 13325 52950 19393 70829 5205 68104 61619 39923 1832 64635 70452 63343 56305 17437 59882 58056 12967 29664 11138 23247 56616 11448 11541 1794 29322 46419 38872 45161 69779 38814 967 7197 23469 24994 40698 8733 54154 12059 64000 23366 64126 20412 61169 38869 672 68095 49758 47872 16505 57173 58037 58257 62646 57934 16074 20424 8328 59787 12055 45119 55126 47573 936 46471 4866 52771 23207 53703 47784 14013 56528 6885 4985 17545 32749 66285 69676 14794 43734 60958 21020 29297 33574 6971 1474 70013 45683 24550 21553 53362 66906 11085 4922 14613 23362 57334 2935 52007 38604 11465 42506 12563 53454 61045 11724 56440 3319 42074 27459 33087 26865 14636 4490 45309 39958 56316 49678 25712 62722 12479 32577 45978 33095 53985 66066 13969 66962 21715 54267 20203 53771 25684 52 50575 40838 61823 62964 59961 70502 56547 12949 60849 12189 67855 11464 64508 21719 19505 40866 59870 49969 42046 70729 68908 13232 69008 54140 16605 30856 515 66163 40030 20445 39121 63910 29431 70746 27075 62892 25407 1813 19361 67041 10697 11141 57946 32702 17499 20796 26638 6086 10144 24301 10803 61575 39049 55247 62126 14340 49395 70826 27777 34499 11654 44716 28973 68944 51095 16805 50145 61608 23384 67594 62823 39539 18026 64123 69400 23463 46705 67252 11382 14639 8 6855 54083 67909 10279 49664 10686 52012 563 26768 50423 23148 6599 39117 16043 23490 4221 10594 56304 61780 4527 70265 23406 12561 28190 3824 1879 23810 6961 5745 63246 53405 61386 41477 25492 60003 49312 61408 39734 12275 49974 42910 11648 49875 13966 368 23867 60399 43692 10442 61463 9316 16610 32311 8926 40434 23189 54165 9269 2835 70167 11706 17818 23459 49799 69742 25241 29474 23008 24801 13321 3744 53127 36843 23289 54491 28768 10363 25807 63989 66231 13689 4711 32726 29159 5984 61140 36716 70531 70621 44417 28553 23431 12071 70283 67660 34550 53847 16949 7996 64953 41873 27668 17833 21038 61349 5464 62407 61320 69720 65138 44511 45249 41289 33800 6259 46677 6167 16299 53956 61411 47637 58350 44976 55875 3699 60629 23489 35879 70824 38841 62227 9384 23735 60807 50690 33038 20530 1871 28309 38881 4134 24545 69358 10610 30590 35085 63081 66824 1611 4917 28860 66642 57575 45847 57420 44313 65701 11451 50627 1959 28374 41065 45780 21547 8403 33462 6459 44282 25248 12573 13546 7648 40180 16517 26530 26902 38441 43293 9208 10234 29426 21493 47166 12352 26747 42273 63140 62707 69922 12092 26951 38596 2263 53319 4419 28842 9186 27167 40863 25770 64579 9546 32872 19575 1163 16086 45472 14436 16911 49061 66229 69048 43822 70490 12705 28959 35629 26545 70294 49986 42100 66523 28786 1162 52822 10951 70299 69996 27024 10343 61845 67077 49209 25999 23170 46377 28118 18055 70308 62317 62817 27340 23171 23732 27779 9460 50321 24820 4224 62464 17949 48437 12324 39448 38709 53117 14158 60668 25872 32445 25698 49197 14683 24645 68163 48613 28114 22300 11595 49587 55894 25788 33401 8858 50021 27271 10046 9331 44191 40752 66488 43919 26554 34795 61694 45696 70727 60597 62837 33083 25320 51154 70139 54794 50393 61745 56744 43746 58118 63213 59977 67283 10448 54431 5435 16607 63352 58205 35902 28833 43282 52794 49318 58243 12640 45056 17746 16104 14356 39942 69597 33787 59886 61943 52298 13089 25551 9807 39763 32390 66279 54904 18094 13161 47919 26997 54077 13988 44659 62541 62272 55594 8150 36505 20545 14218 53078 20798 61283 49385 35117 34629 57518 11583 49225 4135 62989 12623 28134 39782 10577 41848 43375 67230 41875 67027 38884 64307 1937 20290 48003 19373 13499 69011 61049 43074 11691 40645 5110 25089 3419 48674 8330 45751 11983 1841 17880 35145 63834 10177 70456 24924 56595 62115 20783 67612 70024 12602 25019 23933 20641 46748 27860 329 38680 2947 44330 52120 12248 4166 47787 56619 68053 25103 5688 62569 33186 69889 65864 27090 12759 25810 12883 6450 56181 13227 11599 46004 10270 26878 61659 35811 45551 70848 18054 13682 4594 53657 40933 66178 46587 24973 23781 62411 62086 6174 67169 8083 64467 23953 23949 24535 14733 28290 10631 46394 14390 33209 51991 35973 66862 67020 68083 27036 3422 64477 13483 38657 45350 36229 26579 6278 27473 45635 61352 4591 28313 34975 3588 60736 13916 33282 50378 14625 20487 69193 62511 39506 2070 17598 9621 7011 70406 12026 32735 36771 50090 27332 44126 9857 35001 57781 25144 20439 47602 21637 45482 20682 10092 17910 23146 19792 17634 33597 67152 35520 50362 43877 35548 34939 57442 5069 19759 4255 25173 68751 62598 8616 41879 42220 4639 48952 60517 5575 14464 48857 28392 42749 13437 64448 13362 67496 35543 25051 9180 8439 52517 35569 17066 20918 63149 4286 49255 12730 35010 53740 26142 17000 36705 63731 19989 56592 35366 6784 32485 63690 56114 43744 1804 47922 23940 23418 34876 27390 8017 33523 6099 60723 19381 1164 7889 47131 5638 60093 30932 53200 44373 12041 30220 1149 14739 50372 69401 32184 28571 5554 10768 64093 53739 67273 29192 43889 46270 63971 20790 21220 10036 70183 29208 21336 17279 62502 61064 63694 44891 50672 12230 41888 47255 60670 29273 3771 62498 62725 10614 66564 1659 62745 66239 27472 44122 40822 56717 56994 42014 67000 69493 13027 60392 7004 6108 63751 33725 27785 52624 30740 49637 39622 28617 19852 19744 44877 63089 50132 2896 7807 5776 26196 56468 2421 39365 54541 25123 7132 39569 24734 49836 27195 25082 25715 11965 5074 25497 20723 66860 14046 26569 36655 26290 2301 38531 27661 49152 40063 12330 52700 35705 23578 4150 50099 61912 25731 33564 10863 61579 44589 21989 70116 29920 70822 10195 20325 54808 10428 54144 12069 22511 6263 20197 45603 9989 42436 45748 52341 29185 5737 70007 44662 12895 49227 3681 63857 48751 47925 34879 60268 17676 46888 27665 44528 5106 59899 35102 10388 60153 47574 13652 2749 55502 6431 27638 26553 57824 39549 69650 12405 36969 42808 56561 65811 52938 48597 50689 39416 33189 2671 55629 17460 34890 44433 63687 57465 47434 62203 12270 7474 67340 38772 34924 12280 20182 54018 11325 62338 9347 62958 8193 64319 14846 17187 70579 46637 70552 50254 57190 22594 56664 49549 19802 4418 47594 26437 6556 61816 28983 4957 48045 15431 42163 24377 12790 62582 30061 66046 70485 38440 57260 4026 13954 69201 46683 42701 4267104 54178 61818 3200 47840 16754 13352 59824 30929 26173 69703 43301 6101 60792 36421 16983 68110 11423 11556 44703 54420 34361 9354 46041 46298 28193 24515 42690 6991 66371 4192 6850 27502 64492 69080 10479 23883 10444 35620 17844 20112 40519 42061 1494 63486 60655 56574 51108 54564 59919 41422 41963 8254 11487 7716 7064 2629 45928 40930 62894 69626 56693 4458 26048 15545 46582 70859 15641 66771 34618 7518 66054 35101 12645 9959 32294 4523 38760 35516 27881 69436 66438 8361 27456 41048 8429 70108 25167 61222 26446 46547 43839 21402 40715 48763 38464 45939 49759 41185 61521 27766 19578 16760 24500 54976 52711 53810 58407 69506 27364 25391 2704 35720 13622 13030 70686 15948 47411 68847 16819 1951 28169 5851 49041 5206 49953 49627 58171 34325 22213 61574 16491 35080 11238 4330 12793 41503 33697 36582 64460 1445 47462 20261 1571 13900 53923 4506 66762 12494 13764 3362 63229 41416 54006 49716 62557 60743 21178 9463 25687 65899 54741 35245 19582 63061 38777 56727 46029 4230 3788 63767 43564 21475 62061 33781 43620 14874 56236 65383 36911 55327 6899 68037 42207 30159 23249 64339 54166 67652 25618 21668 66925 20240 68704 2262 61035 69740 14579 52261 47503 25509 10829 41626 34983 50754 49733 25658 8765 10748 55161 3332 13908 23078 66349 11492 10856 8615 49226 60945 11144 25681 13042 60538 44130 5623 41550 67771 46097 50496 66650 29200 14428 24212 11995 2292 19942 58512 47271 68219 4392 70553 49908 56698 40061 9906 17049 44145 19570 17583 10903 7460 47351 12076 13430 67691 69930 41246 29326 26626 12156 69927 14153 47254 2038 10839 61013 22450 3290 55312 61594 18034 32214 25190 49697 35235 7007 17193 29044 11075 25314 13330 30550 27810 42679 15467 41677 38963 30527 30457 6804 50858 45669 2925 1989 11658 28616 30867 48414 52103 5535 28386 6035 51809 67906 4505 64095 5343 5059 68821 70459 36809 49323 58127 39031 35033 9535 36594 3320 23721 35079 42256 35862 17255 64182 21304 20618 61650 25621 58252 41296 65299 12388 44762 49657 11218 64167 540 7157 2082 62721 61747 48601 41645 63544 1602 11908 49877 34639 17329 34446 28397 13567 70678 49688 19364 36517 12155 39641 9432 12160 36998 40998 10358 10231 35247 25743 47262 35122 30786 50461 50415 26860 41757 10814 40961 36489 5805 48099 44894 25181 42429 14024 68629 6736 28017 6646 42876 38782 26636 48210 10116 14885 13904 64570 20262 20092 17718 60385 33740 12520 43265 40040 16979 49477 64293 27198 50794 56558 50024 55001 66628 64320 27281 5640 49343 29050 1247 20785 23364 66189 43545 4931 13153 14566 8796 1284 48273 5629 45680 58481 50525 57940 10451 4407 2100 21088 44618 56710 41902 30784 10630 3284 37167 12607 6727 24809 42611 39631 62856 11262 18127 12329 68307 47436 34076 63471 11328 13458 35544 25622 67588 14865 63535 40549 30899 10295 10245 51094 2087 17878 60267 20341 63792 12683 28680 14338 47288 3356 41916 47633 44150 45392 36806 29030 40678 55953 37082 56538 33741 41451 36418 64281 26600 28658 27879 65961 49383 5826 40670 28915 28484 12684 4234 7243 26557 47219 70366 62608 43932 34873 60452 1089 67025 59871 60432 19863 48042 57157 19709 20105 63675 35845 64399 43096 44675 39580 63479 8943 39520 23682 13693 5837 41313 49440 67932 32145 34952 47875 22624 30481 8094 25309 26811 42523 62726 8212 34694 24604 60921 6279 25229 28748 35602 41029 17798 21115 12358 27210 49663 44164 49368 14052 62039 25132 14092 13787 67853 45251 24771 50846 64435 45671 57249 3430 2760 7306 19464 44563 9104 16403 35822 29747 41998 21313 42417 37172 67426 6897 70146 25211 9913 4055 60604 47405 50975 47963 45818 41405 62474 48182 44787 12664 26823 63927 14651 59890 25558 53249 66265 63904 56891 68957 34896 11884 44730 35243 35993 69504 44782 67786 61658 38756 27656 4654 30812 28358 29400 45881 4059 12634 45458 38822 63704 27528 42762 19384 67181 24308 1393 68202 28226 25383 26777 36865 70215 10261 48475 67425 24907 50928 35598 48208 12051 26153 13942 68991 26659 5720 67552 5387 35818 70077 50448 60117 35273 26379 50585 26625 41037 44843 34848 17027 57446 60910 39518 33499 62736 27690 56586 44702 36924 40623 70528 3941 64216 21455 3059 27123 20021 57333 49216 861 70550 69374 60549 44708 27923 5948 32571 51577 25654 41235 54483 39103 35776 57684 68246 26910 49113 42730 20441 24425 24279 23376 4220 45343 11103 40790 19921 35451 56035 61368 11131 68461 35692 18045 7069 12610 35093 17408 21597 45536 28624 52747 28138 24296 15501 2840 43498 12697 25348 4482 5451 68699 63676 49258 68505 13168 69434 3920 39325 44764 50906 14354 67019 28217 69929 57361 49166 51886 44113 47864 47945 44450 6201 42139 2751 67354 63268 63635 66879 3311 47260 29389 26903 44240 27193 39624 27806 1564 48509 19856 41656 69383 11915 19960 19920 28498 12023 56090 12542 67083 43972 10625 63497 41808 33520 34658 34093 33557 64506 10306 51039 53018 4880 5819 59983 30686 35387 44868 22440 4004 19911 7913 35317 60747 37118 47529 48672 26666 51993 53483 48283 5005 26565 64066 43098 70238 47346 18049 35400 42485 63925 48557 50840 12389 21060 69459 63796 28869 39756 48379 35414 54818 11936 5929 34809 25289 58408 28178 1625 10385 68974 15747 50607 35797 27712 36478 10853 67584 39709 41869 57478 53981 44491 62222 12211 35886 30054 41212 60808 48234 43297 5236 70667 48047 36000 51751 26089 64905 36749 24879 50493 29366 41328 47463 43249 39726 15489 30160 35263 35120 41303 39796 42069 47310 36196 42315 63905 11115 43683 70775 25673 51240 33835 66853 28124 67331 29662 60969 29317 54306 28579 26655 66871 49173 70864 2514 41243 41941 17560 57751 59867 62071 39614 8628 25213 48349 47305 42000 64154 21017 26398 27742 15941 69437 6397 25159 35428 1461 12132 27030 36097 63878 57969 24890 37058 63269 45264 62760 42361 41334 4409 40360 44415 41284 17465 24147 61063 39683 28155 10668 44821 70073 67736 26981 8739 58168 53718 40187 5392 48077 43638 26761 57010 5918 61518 23962 63701 41403 1654 63423 44817 14620 50314 21342 47779 51901 64655 30430 41182 7990 40028 13498 34549 26209 44994 27995 47283 66155 67966 49109 69175 45086 9724 45257 45417 47467 64411 17275 40081 10517 7006 41918 50182 35583 2557 46234 68087 42097 41455 6216 23060 4827 4443 23400 16237 48301 53333 62415 48436 41306 53246 34769 41047 69546 201 16892 28453 61381 2698 17556 50506 3886 3537 53147 16857 12091 60351 35702 41224 45007 34664 51176 27864 42083 35214 35933 28234 14124 2842 28388 47460 41938 21319 65083 34654 10880 25861 54314 60124 50893 60641 34804 62677 36250 28009 10211 48399 45433 17358 70174 35585 48583 42063 27028 62187 48155 17506 28770 66103 45176 42283 11613 36939 43011 4447 44692 53456 41964 66420 63705 8130 62628 16731 47937 17118 64088 66193 68150 41393 63839 27196 25307 64502 45419 35842 21334 54860 35550 35183 22591 15423 56783 5233 60622 66405 36581 4522 35666 35431 50230 18040 41086 61538 42379 27279 3145 44517 2469 3535 12931 60134 27119 41456 5134 1567 49422 45067 21131 42010 35907 26740 53615 44848 47412 7161 5414 50262 40196 48168 34802 52935 34858 49178 25079 24061 25062 42816 23026 60246 6787 26516 47096 57235 29458 56388 36157 8711 53861 27342 17869 39719 27795 63646 36698 5377 47924 68717 44356 27305 32487 55926 35181 49263 1439 21931 64591 65120 30529 35714 68817 41070 36511 41567 3528 48493 41787 12068 69673 41822 40996 39896 26318 19591 64665 13370 55800 62581 33846 44251 65456 49405 67964 47299 24974 2175 47865 40023 56870 61908 13280 42204 36395 4184 23546 11145 12624 51670 40784 26808 27524 3213 46309 50851 41599 36242 3974 20917 68067 60571 18066 11524 54038 48460 27751 58244 46025 56488 66387 60930 27362 29821 6522 35016 55824 24793 27118 20596 25420 45501 3091 56539 13810 4911 25991 66421 29020 40014 29536 40282 44464 34937 30838 2982 25425 63367 3860 10567 33948 6275 20454 61321 63747 47734 3797 46226 13346 26866 37139 38857 60855 40854 26856 55560 28052 48386 48487 29382 8779 27629 41276 14053 42235 48095 40990 34458 66085 54114 23692 40985 51336 23948 38622 41381 41108 29442 66644 66161 60532 50195 8901 10366 9038 47856 29949 47291 2560 32187 30405 67955 7279 40911 68841 35745 66015 27611 5315 65285 24600 67355 66068 36114 11836 3481 7117 46224 45583 27045 29615 48953 26000 8750 65470 45817 43127 54139 13516 29376 29579 39553 27593 39382 23957 29205 35068 61065 51166 54518 18093 5668 66791 47736 40191 54309 46387 7299 48289 46038 66256 48164 36994 55680 9267 28872 10242 50072 42505 66446 24011 29398 11370 65219 60230 39640 34507 57498 35753 4616 29266 6628 36908 5758 64403 21317 56542 64128 1884 11336 11118 47894 62216 34208 23241 64377 58421 56526 39914 8594 16758 67653 60776 41286 40411 29337 17884 7504 47838 63397 24632 2969 45952 58392 43515 50792 28829 25942 24694 43393 47269 54324 29530 48087 50066 70312 41695 25484 62849 41640 2779 41632 20788 42738 44479 4157 57697 22876 36730 5159 1167 63527 2948 24651 47437 59948 29179 68552 2456 47846 14186 27017 29782 60427 50956 39795 5908 65275 13450 6642 6390 67640 67183 10102 40458 50259 39844 36631 35557 35266 17378 44466 7730 14243 40841 55390 59780 67113 69241 67638 22253 25347 19356 65924 6701 30748 34626 5197 40927 44775 6302 34934 33608 28238 39508 34028 54390 67912 28737 46086 12274 61761 44256 27288 27915 47874 36389 42473 64034 5574 13922 66627 6133 35240 11750 67727 37061 27998 21777 3343 7342 48697 26348 17226 64378 60254 43963 4558 11993 56876 16966 56276 24103 3586 25998 42007 27574 41513 19678 3631 39767 66753 26485 36159 25054 14574 1196 2956 5811 39000 60319 4525 67911 43460 42017 60502 38510 13705 20666 29560 24218 64042 23634 50331 54457 4848 42177 36471 10608 14030 7788 42728 2750 23807 67562 4548 36970 60381 54872 70407 46007 54760 49285 5538 51931 54767 44357 26922 48622 42295 66235 68922 39600 35727 13136 67701 26364 67416 36134 23956 28731 45292 26359 4973 68637 68838 55083 9754 50954 49357 42499 41497 21740 50482 44078 1492 50112 67170 41492 50677 14535 23122 45188 62807 65554 45462 42416 29581 30939 12550 70484 16860 12971 25455 1698 47942 21437 41565 53482 24957 26320 69012 44865 54762 22785 28058 67127 29453 39748 4842 27646 6700 55626 69928 44579 50309 24193 41971 40501 2204 35934 9343 24753 25881 56061 14134 18016 67482 29250 35815 66125 5744 35062 36176 35654 64159 54413 25224 1249 28575 56665 23771 25469 22049 56490 1197 40440 54247 2694 7719 44768 60780 6730 56669 59893 29514 66916 16947 42117 49715 62821 9318 49931 8991 36416 40537 24955 47908 43834 41585 6836 64212 12993 26593 53735 27140 17487 64499 1573 42985 25440 56763 26038 51632 60260 6824767960 26515 28987 17613 14421 1521 70106 43057 5099 66221 60919 26920 4891 55365 51533 11237 54294 70650 52824 57657 24901 3958 55564 17102 50679 5778846378 14147 65186 16011 17790 50626 45211 65114 24379 45973 65301 10338 26787 40664 21276 41239 43362 27999 35499 28470 28098 26773 4298 65457 37042 54223 51771 20784 29332 35225 40545 17165 26888 35156 26091 2332 49190 56277 40682 14169 6063 51486 5647 51587 5142 7092 33553 36867 57702 48605 36713 41927 13854 55550 69449 69062 12184 40365 1026 44729 20693 50779 56954 36752 11554 61847 40332 67968 68668 45416 14741 3930 25048 28599 18047 57302 68834 49382 44058 5395 4805 56515 67527 66041 64873 64701 1402 39991 10139 49525 64842 69289 6616 5087 55175 6389 29165 16344 24464 44551 24125 40322 68662 27967 55738 66702 65328 4339 40031 24842 4093 42281 65454 4895 47000 42133 13465 5287 6789 38598 66805 2398 17541 55774 43189 17336 53867 33678 42467 54408 40900 29342 51416 51555 60513 45858 20766 1188 65037 3859 45163 63755 5086 26789 67901 12606 11555 60843 44705 54450 24628 54825 41985 26471 16948 8477 48397 29473 10267 67903 62727 45775 396 69247 51424 56478 24666 57784 38687 55062 51052 26393 44033 27642 14716 17655 26377 50892 22377 51686 29388 4248 36960 13688 5146 12539 25427 48472 34047 8848 54660 69027 1533 40015 24318 22992 62658 50982 51054 51529 29343 29329 47730 30473 51419 57730 55979 40593 63966 40228 38519 64796 24823 12742 24792 60758 55922 61969 63633 51773 1505 68004 11047 14817 38570 65481 49723 61315 19460 67371 29595 67415 57846 50720 25044 18001 69440 27088 56508 40970 60440 51310 27074 51776 21279 43583 50791 68519 24860 51589 28653 44812 33865 68570 5269 51026 57602 43938 6768 69501 49345 43198 35399 29863 25925 33554 70333 56504 12864 59912 66749 43669 16081 50556 12165 55184 6203 68070 43487 25057 3288 27230 42839 21066 55806 2553 24896 32557 44039 41061 51335 13292 68511 39994 8724 50100 11615 34008 47188 27780 42011 13592 28799 53862 66886 27805 3891 5193 49284 45566 10914 17374 51216 41163 67712 69093 36226 41579 49354 24582 43920 68108 39473 51598 11627 6858 66525 67767 37154 40132 25113 3713 39846 63058 17356 45322 4871 13907 46127 50429 64871 24452 60798 36302 11760 20227 57460 35162 59764 4789 10459 28270 25433 40509 55698 45445 70773 48286 6567 33494 24265 2280 4817 51302 35789 36142 11725 48529 54447 5794 57632 13905 5556 16990 69685 66391 51009 43031 1342 10817 42946 55306 22639 34744 47841 39737 39834 36984 55199 51394 43123 34498 42192 43988 67045 55633 36305 18077 13438 66833 56176 43469 36158 67281 50853 23307 41628 6981 26680 6573 68975 39819 50035 66076 43089 17491 55959 39154 48867 37199 60738 27133 15592 21429 41723 4021 66657 39729 38433 24372 23502 26419 43350 29790 50980 56167 54685 24089 51143 55344 64747 29682 56351 41731 35930 30344 3602 57637 69957 48127 40344 29849 48466 13106 68667 50971 42864 39570 54724 40104 13291 17423 27977 50835 42230 43274 39309 27884 40170 38721 30348 21284 11040 36359 65774 13704 42667 29248 26168 26743 24094 33867 66416 39885 68518 28064 56100 24655 70504 51075 28997 34892 50867 69273 44515 68697 50634 39198 26034 4844 39030 11470 33750 63948 69083 12327 4076 13117 43979 63855 51657 43521 54201 64777 24427 23139 26619 13113 9635 23533 27165 57283 12419 57894 42227 39343 9513 33618 56989 17100 27351 17401 4694 68797 57540 9238 23832 66211 36192 51775 5539 40018 66062 51602 36193 13100 63412 49981 43132 24668 39353 14567 35268 43978 12596 51337 68670 45243 9510 17258 56682 50854 68107 45405 54579 67635 42836 28753 33708 36950 35065 54790 36062 36411 62141 47544 39053 16019 68858 10767 38475 7066 38578 69536 5376 24552 28574 68700 51038 64117 43257 5993 44664 1744 44745 69511 25473 34542 26670 51185 24088 57380 50760 62196 66949 66084 43339 27262 30438 2883 26198 51328 15760 39367 23062 23954 57516 30290 68625 35220 34543 35230 51104 40463 54524 47987 65656 49684 67167 3929 42634 41756 23488 61754 51147 29503 25521 69581 36223 39862 38741 9395 40275 13480 51498 36588 11963 48784 34041 27356 58212 8988 69165 36679 27604 41853 39964 56094 4317 26095 42337 11941 68609 51442 25027 1064 58411 13454 30723 30632 27585 47723 25117 36536 60366 63760 42832 55319 57434 63357 28933 24211 26356 29238 24921 64761 29157 24502 43618 34663 36733 66122 44696 57477 44258 54690 69213 23908 1366 49681 25860 24803 42528 29643 66149 43174 33719 43703 48856 30716 63869 43207 9367 50695 61866 69319 69089 48905 42588 22348 40351 9701 61218 4242 38944 47354 38725 57598 43228 51066 36787 66208 24696 63894 28267 45115 51019 48054 47956 65809 28713 43128 54487 50883 33810 69505 39015 43291 43652 28629 43596 9676 13726 24523 69087 9120 57647 48120 36085 55307 43835 33667 65181 39399 61777 36351 29110 45303 64781 23723 42886 57610 41696 49769 28656 43957 4695 29405 34193 51200 29449 13199 23121 39347 68690 8973 38472 11634 18073 33675 30768 42440 42324 41316 24873 62013 17937 51005 54992 4934 43451 51715 25434 42823 36866 14087 65620 44697 22390 70243 62621 67793 36244 26916 42714 51730 36149 43486 50717 54900 45672 43053 30486 27997 33679 57868 41219 54069 51569 30664 34158 28727 29140 30745 56937 28391 1910 53222 29749 22984 43388 24297 34284 68789 24528 46028 50557 51561 36724 5750 26001 34351 37112 58374 54819 44678 36444 39476 37034 43403 36629 59980 60577 27578 34335 24383 4446 12349 44650 30465 42755 36975 25834 62454 63654 55020 14230 36075 51470 49491 44059 24277 46251 2349 4719 69572 41612 4684 57787 64028 46008 4578 25393 62185 57790 21804 39823 1915 43383 8550 43641 43161 42508 27757 61295 6069 55032 51359 60215 70487 40797 51595 45617 24001 57656 39372 48785 17164 43356 24572 65185 29209 42382 24519 50727 55276 36670 57804 4516 35561 47211 21212 30722 26595 69696 38517 64227 65548 50857 7924 45503 34371 25450 28437 34955 27202 43543 30283 42325 66017 35311 36562 25256 61875 5907 12486 60927 54837 36475 11625 54602 1889 35812 24859 62879 44503 1909 28919 20192 63697 36232 43294 39350 57923 12714 35631 11292 36873 57896 38943 12732 53229 36634 44929 39351 30488 34718 51361 69176 42392 26120 68796 4521 38904 36435 30665 36248 40390 47295 24785 42771 28834 26627 37067 42664 42955 34127 64205 48057 19483 48059 51382 1892 42185 4360 41360 9596 30684 47550 47553 29810 68211 48873 51249 30698 42597 54932 18060 61236 42125 36777 24656 1920 43585 36483 57457 44833 39357 51152 23599 39247 68669 44513 41830 68579 36491 36598 27401 54954 51223 20118 25972 69627 36334 10588 26496 36425 66039 9071 44668 57874 68937 62432 68531 30653 24486 64697 13699 40325 5073 30102 68954 36584 42587 60498 33729 9198 6517 41620 17126 42217 66825 28650 40096 63959 23593 27361 69343 70252 44540 64625 11101 36304 44012 4370 36898 10711 36096 4677 3529825456 29267 30693 36379 23460 58441 69406 30843 68528 40852 54119 26989 20190 25600 29349 26072 51390 43184 44685 42238 36677 65061 67778 24810 68989 42776 51063 54462 11779 10586 30451 24778 69548 3895 29055 51763 61902 43612 24191 50651 64081 22065 70409 4352 36377 37189 33994 51687 30415 58423 53419 22883 43047 34171 61121 51226 36841 30710 21206 9553 65473 10284 36656 55176 43871 4513 54599 35299 69081 42455 28316 42708 27871 37192 36633 37106 41815 -10
Dim1 (26.4%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Appendices Table 8A.3. Cluster validation indicators for the variables indicating the character of cultural environment (Dataset 3) Score
Criterion: internal Connectivity
Criterion: stability APN
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (clValid package, Brock et al., 2020).
107 Figure 8A.3. K-means clusters for the variables indicating the character of cultural environment (Dataset 3)
KMEANS Clustering 20
Dim2 (5%)
9549 18001 19858 70240 24297 24778 24707 19494 43374 43232 19986 50890 70654 40371 51037 22654 43568 43408 20104 43317 43618 45409 51292 40278 43367 14125 24877 24688 44158 70147 45188 19819 5318 45398 19911 24575 51516 43319 24913 19335 50527 56785 21907 24026 42872 39829 42828 43397 5099 43031 42904 24802 40197 70276 56418 40275 51557 42834 43492 20106 44059 24412 42827 19758 22696 43161 19756 43053 70402 43196 56852 36262 43063 57859 20228 43134 45121 19987 39850 43325 55628 43267 9554 24010 26113 39504 43078 43302 51761 70475 24250 13889 43786 45454 43286 26399 50920 36047 50996 51580 43050 40239 42887 43678 43081 24296 43187 43057 43606 65583 40995 43533 43228 24870 57904 46043 51571 57601 51485 43612 43000 36312 24200 43497 50997 13251 24096 57822 43509 43106 6260 57711 43503 57434 57876 24388 43471 16953 1750 42858 39855 36516 43162 70272 24188 55714 51488 57523 56861 43554 17420 36325 50657 70646 56475 56485 51237 50985 43622 5691424868 56856 57604 5157951502 13611 24665 44225 43278 56417 44605 24751 24211 24112 70813 24943 42829 39524 43273 24331 43337 17519 51008 40466 50733 44230 57907 43220 24919 24293 24418 50655 51529 36054 24128 24336 8661 45164 39599 56725 4406517413 43208 42823 70106 51053 26034 43080 24686 24231 55556 43613 43398 50673 56913 52889 50937 24794 43276 43834 39851 6192 36224 43360 56499 5648 43542 43170 51726 45784 51678 5479 17036 51780 43222 51559 9057 24501 65555 16758 40304 24001 17946 50668 6535 50796 24317 42944 57900 57838 28060 19497 50946 50603 24220 40425 43058 51345 56353 51569 43284 42900 40159 70855 39757 45251 40917 43939 27865 17790 43498 24582 39508 44509 9846 43186 43179 39871 39736 45395 51633 25014 51981 70203 19419 17306 1772640376 40734 54260 43329 3837 24845 18045 56508 50755 43285 42817 24149 51443 43482 56496 51317 57394 43668 42448 37052 64229 45113 17576 28042 24234 70431 23022 36069 51535 57537 70435 42863 24291 57540 50812 57630 50230 5357 43339 19396 51729 43135 8059 56478 57911 24436 43627 56471 50648 51379 27565 43830 36689 44629 50660 51501 17654 39892 43370 6130 44096 50722 24824 63884 56486 45434 45763 51370 56506 36053 51192 58354 43559 44580 43648 17586 50825 51010 926623087 51206 45178 57475 45160 43268 24354 43210 43230 51393 27369 50915 51556 43289 18074 44677 43185 24236 51558 36785 45867 57514 17924 45081 42806 44427 43518 43233 56488 14154 55075 44151 50713 50846 43871 43073 39478 46056 44518 43048 51587 43597 24194 57613 51032 56473 56844 42878 50817 63564 45894 13307 44106 50611 24054 13310 24048 40510 50776 57457 51568 6811 8712 23492 24539 43561 51339 43852 51066 50838 45495 506 18096 42840 16147 56662 24193 43499 40256 51023 40718 50907 51684 51573 43330 50981 50983 27361 27871 50634 50837 24218 39541 24576 40732 51731 36241 24020 51240 43647 50758 17619 24543 23066 26396 56970 43434 70209 57474 43192 42856 40833 45057 43084 55233 14037 5053 43386 52726 24663 40906 44585 51525 45256 39740 24572 40288 42791 43307 5609 51563 39635 24914 51751 36341 5859 6634 5933 57686 55681 39822 51775 43661 53225 24411 43015 40735 51599 51468 24161 43655 7918 40950 43653 51326 8147 50773 36063 24286 43132 36521 42868 43851 43869 43396 13729 24174 36555 24333 17913 40219 36187 64041 8210 51716 51538 24243 56503 55826 26240 44417 41061 51435 42914 37136 57471 43261 51270 27397 24347 14169 22041 17491 43322 43507 50843 17525 56416 43182 28124 13077 24515 50653 70853 22415 56846 57745 43567 24242 51613 57757 51366 57461 42875 51679 54757 70122 57467 55715 50509 24443 13546 51453 26490 24808 57515 43111 36093 43347 52714 51651 43128 24854 18052 43046 40831 50984 57525 16994 17090 43151 6836 55772 51674 63473 46007 5701 42802 43626 25054 57774 43019 55411 57468 43108 24890 22555 42786 16990 69683 40628 57713 69953 43308 43406 39890 53252 45263 17909 24503 54825 24989 63347 24901 24235 55705 6925 42804 50804 6085 46311 39443 39861 17920 58379 24822 51659 19547 13106 42964 5375 42915 43245 25024 16783 24780 25346 63710 39673 9311 16938 24109 43193 51373 50940 44503 56687 51455 9305 24781 45882 22982 23570 64016 41137 40473 51440 27756 43771 64019 57747 70814 43152 64118 40943 42930 54107 9132 17677 42859 39807 43479 24993 43640 43172 13964 39625 45569 23103 5510 50619 51584 39994 51494 17686 36828 36258 40956 70205 43311 56493 24351 6852 50700 36051 18025 44483 44420 57454 43582 13367 24240 23386 23978 43125 45536 56797 43608 50729 43038 36947 9196 24141 39710 51634 24605 18119 45720 45485 6636 24063 22440 45533 56680 57465 39473 8299 57479 44598 40244 4872 45458 40303 45892 7501 57655 36092 9068 43181 1885 43477 36129 43937 15449 43076 36355 36280 51090 36530 23542 36116 25945 7782 51480 40233 55420 39506 15652 42992 43792 43288 15774 54202 70208 16757 4180 51499 24451 42877 47028 24337 50555 57653 24413 50795 45079 40819 40912 42870 70273 24324 42970 23454 42955 43692 18088 45275 25805 16442 14181 43511 44589 52858 24911 51686 23576 24453 54170 50933 23002 57510 44537 43552 27176 51618 9625 43229 5914 24410 43437 50679 23397 23808 17429 20691 26796 49345 36657 24574 43259 43260 51238 5993 39915 897 63709 24371 36085 57584 51534 51657 25231 25525 43034 24091 39688 13865 42787 36099 21423 51424 370 57766 44043 45038 52896 5928 44608 43415 40187 42824 42926 37055 51585 17433 51919 50980 43544 9120 24519 14173 43364 45418 47079 26466 6186 36626 56585 52361 45034 40859 50810 16780 51260 25083 45620 53866 43603 4925 43340 36933 51738 40787 27556 63759 53869 24340 52028 51088 36402 50969 39971 40559 51157 50694 15609 63899 23600 51109 9251 42846 24366 25312 21878 5301 36048 50914 44612 50536 57659 63529 6133 13726 51152 52709 24386 51266 45722 5238 40661 55663 36098 51215 55464 8804 55854 26368 63887 70083 13860 36403 16145 1749 56666 43464 19737 40852 50927 7427 21425 36240 50615 51171 43575 43117 39501 23803 18128 52719 45956 1034 63419 43314 36441 36223 43369 70624 24132 36756 50749 24987 40744 37170 1427 39683 7774 24616 42793 23954 51041 24426 58522 36599 6203 17378 45948 17669 25219 39817 51323 51560 40143 63448 43438 24256 70137 6178 5073 22707 6669 24306 47166 36773 6930 15880 36817 46041 43411 17570 52795 43651 13819 27505 24995 40880 43452 24793 43085 50743 64527 8626 40874 5131 7913 24449 50835 64205 56525 9300 17463 39618 43649 50874 6922 40038 14212 39700 16968 42957 43444 24204 24027 40791 36029 44196 8142 51588 4433 37009 40054 17180 24079 35982 42986 36975 27115 15883 13921 51334 51554 24230 64214 64095 19516 53864 64012 37187 51539 57472 44582 39865 24175 13837 43685 39 37165 54240 45280 39617 5134 26348 37144 45238 44486 37014 56284 36663 5415 43650 24353 40133 5040 24921 51628 51107 24695 19341 18019 7440 55470 40875 50872 49760 17381 43677 63382 5397 23854 799 6351 23237 43429 16345 40291 40539 40134 40549 9637 36062 64211 64488 43304 7901 56591 42933 4724 40945 40105 24927 63437 70805 42852 57798 40643 9319 56333 24087 36810 24277 24591 36369 42810 24137 40626 24972 43727 36514 39744 8550 40344 40234 28052 28010 6461 52763 64000 52788 57661 55421 24710 36122 13005 45678 43252 841 17174 43674 17338 69727 1354 44319 56401 45030 13131 23035 43573 45181 40690 43244 16102 17252 23565 25457 63913 36641 56529 24736 56308 44448 43767 6360 887 23346 16987 45289 27541 16457 51658 45672 57662 24910 57571 36297 16217 56672 366 43571 25767 6281 70726 57755 23545 63546 40254 37176 36095 36011 64757 5924 46018 45494 43548 56043 23457 42816 50783 26684 40724 37084 42917 57484 54466 40177 51901 45685 70037 50968 45125 51606 604 42 50359 22063 46099 57588 50759 16822 43082 5214 5235 36213 24397 70275 40317 5183 24226 56772 44468 13032 51661 45844 17426 25934 64245 63583 27407 40167 51060 40020 24647 16196 63952 63637 57670 4630 69928 51343 50083 17075 5197 51416 39856 6460 293 5771 39853 779 55057 15974 13392 50643 8701 50701 17173 39607 16959 63510 42950 51513 37192 63971 26339 36897 39582 27857 6280 39963 56194 43043 17457 44964 6699 44321 40041 43515 4897 25000 22796 45585 69944 781 36026 23755 70117 42386 42923 23801 42881 51055 50715 36208 36902 36145 930 50849 39580 63532 16320 36152 52190 6657 64178 24752 63388 27978 42790 43588 23890 40739 44381 36005 39606 42946 70651 5159 13182 46457 49215 45570 39858 63875 43115 36982 43096 24307 41056 7996 63934 5416 40412 24493 24409 16343 14163 40026 36757 45244 37190 39675 17832 24683 36570 43118 51602 739 64532 43116 63375 39649 42784 27387 23806 64390 63630 36961 51383 19545 36665 54389 56609 3930 43895 13390 45805 50736 63721 43283 65538 54723 275 36401 13605 39878 20138 52669 50675 51283 681 51170 40410 16819 63886 24885 17356 50639 43906 24642 16309 63544 64350 21207 4560 26100 64065 51459 26098 17296 43402 44222 52466 50564 36653 50841 16965 9133 16876 6321 46434 24841 37154 43433 50710 43086 54189 42984 17944 40967 45162 24526 42849 64188 8565 16136 36411 46329 19441 22986 44952 13909 52004 24756 64296 55629 50777 52887 705 40352 23034 39709 43297 36301 24357 13678 43296 45929 4250 17505 51291 16018 69859 43934 23725 45816 5772 5237 24528 39773 8177 6256 37039 23067 23709 40069 17842 24974 7066 6171 43023 51448 50623 43141 664 39515 40311 43639 50261 37113 39811 24906 24648 18117 26237 44553 63769 63359 23909 50627 45224 43731 24355 24408 45950 54888 46971 39950 24670 43563 43266 110 16054 43100 50375 5727 23697 766 21187 18113 36534 4317 39667 40976 42789 51590 40286 24456 23664 15432 40641 40720 19435 43299 8368 4313 43968 24567 55406 24787 6617 5320 43349 45580 5918 39899 36291 45411 45145 5368 56497 46421 36357 26210 55598 13614 39883 23900 36164 709 39932 51121 50260 23080 63947 3928 43455 25035 43454 39695 5049 54328 70775 36543 24704 24179 27160 47004 43093 27601 6348 26713 54867 6795 40107 20904 37058 9233 56720 50905 19951 6225 24980 41038 9648 26570 24933 8792 55659 55463 24965 428 23626 52101 4827 56994 55129 19965 51335 63667 63777 36459 52073 13076 7378 36125 16446 13294 52018 19777 4242 63446 54929 1168 42869 45468 17037 26176 40935 36246 17797 70774 64353 63442 63367 24321 24953 17770 6725 43459 24527 9347 39824 64067 52223 56561 45306 26956 63724 25169 45842 5172 24916 50794 45380 51733 4303 17642 40097 17310 57451 56271 1438 36406 51258 23780 23130 36195 24709 13189 39838 17264 17237 23337 64195 24344 36167 56670 24208 3916 353 50037 45783 6984 63540 63423 40523 23903 40261 64303 40657 36148 45946 19771 35989 24767 20002 17609 70033 16944 23944 45250 64417 44334 36842 40146 58177 15493 63919 37171 36218 51797 63653 43598 41090 45487 43159 45349 42960 36114 52993 43059 56385 26028 17439 36179 39685 23334 57157 40301 56517 36679 42903 21208 16963 23358 50764 24618 57255 44720 486 46425 52308 14044 64298 534 7201 21124 16459 18038 16423 25474 44397 63940 35984 43529 54646 40548 7342 39600 24820 37023 43326 69835 39891 44372 50652 54503 19945 9135 6504 50847 510 64854 24738 40883 20834 57797 55274 43024 36942 17001 43074 36154 23896 42948 44996 64115 36395 45004 14193 46220 50790 24524 63580 64276 39828 23374 24610 56964 63997 46351 51341 40464 36044 70677 24765 43119 63957 64120 39550 798 656 15932 44733 40308 21110 24623 70753 18044 16019 27089 36254 4760 54335 14892 24926 40027 40030 51211 56676 43088 25866 45471 39775 23271 27775 13389 43122 6116 17769 50332 70101 54222 40582 45301 36332 23922 50682 42985 44356 45771 24634 50990 56394 56584 20437 24660 940 63755 27647 64177 9647 45344 63726 44 24146 50558 17546 51113 17494 50677 23567 43207 36356 40986 36226 5653 64385 23624 4261 43359 55337 7068 45826 36413 36606 9433 37164 5029 230 63663 27266 50215 52617 64006 69803 37197 43271 7786 52041 63356 531 36971 43558 797 49875 55156 37158 64356 24586 23270 50050 38 227 36436 15763 50394 36814 767 44433 40759 70415 70633 44207 24761 40804 50684 15409 45666 51146 44722 15935 28201 56685 955 50646 15663 54465 51134 56669 1820 23445 42942 51331 70497 51185 17079 40018 44606 56020 21204 50584 39708 24942 64542 63657 50535 24407 45568 51881 4318 13858 15455 49264 63954 54468 64555 8487 50472 70212 18000 21379 5776 40810 13642 3966 24182 14124 13910 63582 26356 6127 62 5637 36856 55626 576 40463 36119 17905 64551 50851 50877 15779 69697 16249 50101 554 317 63408 63693 6548 19542 14682 36929 4331 42916 906 63961 50393 56173 24238 44956 24364 1809 1122 25694 52643 6931 50867 45631 13023 49266 42991 63403 43209 37015 50610 24842 24549 63814 42981 70709 28157 39776 17461 45163 40793 9434 24677 42820 27590 24171 54079 24542 24535 39898 51074 8343 9328 70698 13315 70274 55398 997 56577 25759 6654 320 78 63634 1735 64081 44880 47145 21464 24237 19359 39810 40247 43109 49410 24547 15677 16676 16954 24711 51676 17355 42843 8414 20050 16378 52304 39692 6306 24827 24085 44717 43258 40583 54078 44150 43065 64368 22213 44595 23357 14408 44163 49992 51298 45080 24082 55133 63565 15769 35988 16301 40953 36409 50661 45049 36940 24837 4064 36232 21788 40089 17450 44806 37182 45936 56137 49237 51071 28054 15937 16349 36916 18053 14057 23740 6612 63530 63363 51236 36359 25148 43540 52162 16077 53338 39902 64525 16960 64252 40776 36678 1565 44962 5545 63966 37193 20594 36134 24973 36392 70788 42983 36140 50324 45062 21255 70150 15665 70701 24662 395 16389 14088 69810 40323 174 16582 26824 52122 52116 44833 4079 24745 55273 63480 16074 5594 36050 17904 17778 25150 63748 49933 44681 36010 820 44705 36190 51405 6896 21377 26175 69811 17459 43321 63896 44470 46363 20934 70848 43611 51052 44682 17869 6914 6672 24985 16738 45957 64330 51703 25026 517 54065 21072 42922 1166 40048 63386 16225 51035 17159 45442 69829 45654 44278 52504 40540 26093 49998 51478 23931 4078 42803 17503 13924 36440 8124 24258 37001 4820 24318 24180 69845 24153 63831 241 21259 54926 63933 69874 23416 619 36006 24815 6423 36726 42908 37198 39679 24424 70118 65083 54249 56178 27774 15696 5890 49726 36500 49535 40792 64300 56166 44740 56974 26080 6081 51054 51895 46119 14629 24259 24791 14585 24668 45687 53212 57163 39983 699 23614 46127 42883 50617 24784 27390 22643 51980 63680 25217 36205 39536 64487 36433 36784 44928 27506 24717 6675 36743 27151 63431 23480 36004 64160 36508 36089 50223 69691 8375 63433 50848 23338 49414 63475 69665 24438 43838 24287 17302 54454 52859 5130 25719 595 44234 36491 4574 7007 54864 44563 50534 13584 63705 683 63920 6380 4452 41159 530 40855 43531 21936 63402 3860 17614 39659 45906 36177 56397 5777 5343 37177 5536 16495 26688 25627 36823 44823 8234 63816 313 46545 6935 20408 40405 42813 45781 56110 21391 50274 39555 953 63539 14180 16534 23533 52258 21804 44619 44664 58480 19938 13827 15528 5979 56316 52697 16013 24770 1411 39816 64200 64152 26424 50604 55131 45746 658 17272 16351 28048 22192 16868 23122 43839 36812 57519 46209 64128 43628 36690 26870 14382 69759 26225 45510 37111 36908 17681 45919 36321 16967 36176 23172 36988 51810 58470 20824 24540 43282 69827 25887 63837 45166 3882 15848 7562 70494 51214 15469 63968 64117 27103 56741 336 39771 42997 15788 45530 16250 19952 37129 24671 13030 25309 17178 43950 17840 37153 5188 39711 42818 36387 20196 24753 57000 56837 17865 21811 23713 26479 64075 24470 14381 45235 51142 63698 56164 54666 51955 19643 64208 64414 37068 64047 17807 53013 587 27977 70347 4332 43069 13625 64247 1183 37078 65128 19636 16855 41068 55670 44164 56889 55141 44485 53357 54582 13111 64237 19456 36871 17217 859 16601 42994 40617 63507 63594 17167 64378 26797 23482 16362 25005 50658 40300 26995 5407 24871 49923 45028 45021 49436 52624 43343 49456 647 36980 42811 4436 4043 43557 24075 39484 63593 43332 39844 53419 24356 54340 25765 50452 39666 499 45519 21279 24937 19817 56235 50387 70061 39842 40096 25867 25036 257 44063 50797 5128 44695 36350 63588 50461 39876 25394 24262 44809 41098 64429 50845 16195 39863 452 52309 52631 16213 37098 1413 6529 39664 64050 43133 24064 7269 23671 23043 37175 9640 49842 52558 23115 15976 17581 17221 36789 64456 686 21205 63615 36926 24000 56335 21079 23065 24981 64491 44241 25897 14127 25745 24038 27733 25314 51625 24645 37019 16243 36002 5199 39672 24712 36740 22009 44703 13015 37029 21105 36674 64567 42988 36058 44586 36251 17554 56266 23323 17435 56792 70779 15831 26550 5347 63783 36943 27302 25827 5229 16061 64415 97 4783 20858 64257 52324 63669 41168 56208 63754 35996 26647 5487 24049 7082 70086 17245 63900 44195 63521 42924 51239 15909 54699 17194 7328 24763 44609 64191 36774 24123 43574 23249 23873 24110 51106 8323 4130 16547 64216 54201 4041 55206 8361 23150 40796 6546 45203 23990 24352 45414 19537 36499 39786 45500 16095 69711 36800 49416 54281 17991 24747 70568 264 6846 36706 45176 37094 63679 15438 23027 40224 43489 4158 27092 17956 5065 64369 57162 24007 20829 17517 12889 8575 56274 20201 718 6 4087 64499 25063 42999 36470 25641 27230 36585 3952 23280 63972 54676 39516 40210 21075 63839 57929 21288 51059 4404 5297 17299 44764 40014 44754 56518 50224 64070 23693 37157 840 17415 261 14669 36444 24766 24746 27675 40629 46085 44355 23886 41103 36748 44755 52647 24395 23107 16611 41134 63991 63557 13744 45785 42871 23814 56535 24541 57581 24584 70269 13704 50786 16 64256 24419 52017 44693 64358 56372 64255 41128 36259 4003 50097 70561 44741 23169 17615 5322 56273 27264 24477 5821 39560 15743 63494 6946 36429 7689 7122 36432 37071 44998 5792 5083 15481 50034 7015 39646 231 63454 19962 36025 24534 64459 22858 36802 17942 52618 51817 21277 26910 24033 23885 14901 69927 69885 6780 45190 19797 4451 54388 64380 26756 37137 39868 26363 36292 63525 23475 5010 300 64466 43102 724 23020 39696 6354 50943 17875 49887 56905 64154 36173 63776 17523 5961 785 16602 98 64316 53451 563 177 44013 9050 63823 63493 6056 63654 6814 17414 19449 4573 791 52712 36108 19937 24046 44710 16050 5449 44729 70472 69861 50600 16122 70406 26708 70495 36792 21339 15598 24601 16543 16538 41036 70684 6806 40565 64148 26215 17982 37080 51333 45022 49434 36482 64269 742 36088 45031 8394 70738 63818 22316 6043 6377 37064 24326 22583 56714 50680 355 9172 50988 44183 6923 21173 36448 43983 22927 21083 63779 15830 69918 40678 50503 662 6142 27693 5315 44994 52 7926 52733 53575 23932 5876 21209 15978 16567 45242 24928 63912 295 21290 23178 5720 37186 52297 56737 44665 46055 50816 467 36094 27844 26807 9701 52704 63811 64042 20465 40438 51868 45668 52264 44885 57886 50229 24414 50184 8397 39464 14671 577 60 42943 44339 56156 8403 44868 21844 21621 262 56267 23282 35993 24560 999 63485 50220 36853 4996 36018 45457 936 16417 15664 43972 26350 15561 70492 39497 23646 21234 36157 36578 16818 63866 39591 37048 64048 17099 23212 1812 57771 70226 40117 50386 64500 36263 23370 23523 43387 64550 17124 44337 39928 50858 17526 8386 16748 24583 5200 56689 54413 45032 7457 21198 43416 21269 36020 36754 24720 22941 5127 40973 39904 64174 64489 64127 36007 17910 367 45444 54235 55224 63412 45657 6986 33282 24732 20428 50671 50321 50735 23677 44759 33200 16665 64402 6440 6512 41082 49509 40828 9649 54714 52247 294 70766 54526 70650 17620 6793 5692 56158 41080 50495 36533 70042 17996 49435 831 44825 36609 37066 50254 6164 957 64406 70354 70220 56246 37135 46035 41019 21321 17925 40609 23306 23690 36066 1096 57440 36781 24588 7549 25843 44919 45632 45623 54315 44562 57004 44827 24462 16702 56902 6560 49432 37168 807 17089 36735 44837 20373 43522 638 22204 64457 56393 64357 23310 63617 17634 7370 63799 913 6522 50440 42961 36877 5191 46016 869 64222 4696 55130 57742 50496 818 6927 36865 23173 14807 49965 70258 23033 50167 36745 6209 63925 40211 21332 8018 23884 45286 45477 23742 64285 63416 15658 24031 36697 24722 40111 363 50118 7835 42909 20379 41170 20017 4009 24497 50459 5171 21620 24962 64392 63645 7303 49851 24963 36376 485 45093 50000 64231 65718 70499 4519 23537 8977 56196 21065 22785 21281 40361 45529 15891 70138 26530 37216 52268 23376 16228 37139 24701 25033 64263 4796 64274 5516 63768 7921 64169 25816 50002 51324 40443 16576 626 1578 15736 63955 56146 927 23631 56145 64560 17137 36628 17199 4569 49429 36374 36811 21237 24788 24249 16981 369 50352 6939 21031 21612 57011 45467 19997 14652 56070 24468 20458 36269 7766 43620 63888 64454 7763 56099 24406 52054 43006 20349 52623 14427 27846 56260 37131 6667 882 43993 70841 21067 21134 16096 408 393 27609 16235 4438 23160 14296 24086 63937 14058 45717 19808 51864 40524 17260 28235 52033 52251 56789 56287 55856 24269 23161 23776 20694 56152 56024 50371 69761 20430 24069 64046 63923 23674 19614 36365 37218 56691 44890 45863 63796 17845 24544 733 24144 36315 22096 39832 1577 43671 24774 52667 36574 24734 56161 64327 39872 37036 19941 36734 51787 23088 54168 45308 429 56016 3979 36619 52055 26832 1324 56634 63439 19555 37174 24955 15801 44684 40119 19338 15984 24266 36807 69959 24508 39948 49219 17715 63713 46094 55239 36693 101 51859 23964 5068 21078 17693 50183 55983 26895 17695 64024 20261 36037 70686 56678 27494 45665 69981 1101 5880 55195 56693 56361 40383 24101 63636 36795 64196 17504 23763 6887 25121 989 52029 51873 54257 36424 41126 17604 17801 40597 24600 45128 20559 56268 40073 24748 39746 56719 24330 44709 56375 17738 8495 43947 172 16549 40870 6253 63951 20937 24114 64226 19629 8119 23757 64435 36649 40567 70546 20782 36438 56703 17038 888 46238 49850 36549 21114 16237 23152 64592 17636 36034 63747 36317 56968 26734 53572 52620 17045 556955 591 70660 6629 26314 598 20718 70490 56701 55984 26973 9478 64570 27682 15782 70111 39662 36408 63631 19847 36608 24050 39728 20930 14208 22496 37155 856 16144 17248 57442 45099 8834 36427 20837 64518 70500 54623 22329 63562 64460 1084 16516 69906 49938 26604 23393 28183 5562 51822 44170 6493 23609 4345 55081 50416 36271 23818 40357 24589 513 16369 70358 624 37016 63756 682 793 17123 496 44716 58261 52402 918 52202 53654 25589 69714 6279 25074 24869 25815 27474 4553 64232 50784 53215 39985 63903 64497 40424 20460 21192 16370 32809 55226 36542 27214 1136 36366 63694 45348 5976 36247 22793 63487 70230 23402 36159 23316 24181 9674 43312 51098 23467 70783 41112 527 39715 23769 21776 70596 43553 26932 1104 39493 40814 63426 4591 70154 25387 1579 235 41051 24140 7333 69723 25564 36443 50876 17583 8746 24626 63757 24964 41091 63607 26017 54678 24322 8545 40166 26292 49438 49957 36055 16600 55279 20921 57316 8269 40588 32910 64352 8547 37049 25874 64124 52498 49625 56133 24857 36808 40936 64034 36903 51207 5436 6031 44871 20943 444 7608 50187 36676 409 23804 24225 36237 37011 56874 24092 36106 70744 45645 70727 9458 20459 7085 63740 52027 464 70717 44762 23215 15482 69658 63385 45644 36229 69844 1439 16523 20452 25019 43670 36625 56692 24554 21227 70367 50563 49391 40991 13834 6966 70166 44165 56119 36492 70146 27188 24689 24428 63993 26349 19849 63465 474 36605 21314 49977 25788 14056 27350 40218 42555 19525 23071 53125 6642 54838 49390 54455 36713 54385 26853 70227 70838 21909 56236 744 63625 69994 64112 36527 44706 32956 70845 51425 49458 39944 17225 44569 54761 49484 23904 26355 32696 52607 27380 25023 1383 64447 63364 24252 47161 49364 56025 16298 45048 64334 16605 254 56165 49528 40062 69903 44210 49738 49455 49540 36883 56586 24107 23038 57331 50235 3862 16735 49714 36295 21027 20987 44266 17428 9019 36959 27559 36547 52151 64446 63595 25861 17345 63975 40169 46941 53364 45334 64405 17211 69687 63623 56867 17653 40660 9758 24990 24850 36590 37101 49704 53015 15868 8228 51871 21403 15965 16379 8053 24134 15510 24681 15672 708 44176 65593 20867 17372 20524 36839 39762 64557 20405 45168 54722 64089 52646 44264 46034 8778 64467 52848 25018 49530 64060 39567 70234 49245 36326 36420 69963 24118 8334 20871 27488 50373 24022 58131 18097 51309 26754 50407 63718 54794 36564 50488 63885 70532 69783 36750 1866 6037 64142 314 36023 50361 25485 50372 24834 36694 44918 63856 5056 23781 49376 64240 52196 454 15789 21461 39520 966 4476 1134 20424 14377 56200 63560 52584 56425 40108 63397 482 43129 545 50526 40648 63917 57012 70361 69698 39699 50422 56612 36840 40220 63853 3889 36793 39833 16989 54919 70478 57017 16916 40458 54632 39548 50120 4379 36505 23549 36267 17543 20745 63376 40599 26988 54376 17835 40978 49379 41127 815 17588 15829 56135 23379 24380 44713 546 64449 283 23583 50162 6075 14579 18034 70781 27002 17122 44590 45284 17638 39718 70030 21573 36870 36895 56524 27374 49452 24491 55121 50378 56153 40843 49276 36736 21385 40138 70001 23489 52488 23691 650 5328 64760 64394 19939 26590 70470 44679 57397 39462 15489 22001 54533 69688 70748 17627 46120 54080 41121 39527 14380 69774 44212 49835 36141 24826 17577 56197 53732 4795 25744 50405 21088 37021 54116 69871 70238 64318 69945 70385 14273 37018 40768 19557 37026 49358 49905 54075 21022 64005 43889 54560 40619 54959 43882 23276 17696 44749 6561 23184 64313 874 14332 21921 13899 23607 56396 54400 16652 21044 20464 64135 22873 26403 140 5276 45609 36537 53992 23965 70640 20262 64166 52536 17808 49812 49385 70776 39995 95 70520 24437 36703 16408 9473 45651 36351 45294 636 50832 17902 24328 819 17673 70778 52451 21008 41016 20168 40016 43422 50768 16293 52519 36741 21026 5621 44213 23311 63987 946 56546 19466 64531 49278 4085 961 52257 64137 419 49975 19966 36520 64315 8658 70169 41075 61 25200 63778 70306 15600 25920 36442 36532 7041 39815 37214 8754 40125 950 811 49396 36705 24158 27523 4766 52157 17288 20919 49319 70149 40596 17412 37178 63444 53522 40267 21386 53561 40145 23833 23259 21311 55837 63514 40743 63849 40982 236 52886 57210 64281 58196 21168 4200 17256 70743 70618 17376 52544 36446 40851 26834 24983 39483 25481 63591 53348 536 63842 23898 7490 357 5748 37000 56247 14409 50303 69690 1629263538 16394 4059 56124 20438 40192 1325 17269 21033 8678 17417 24609 40195 17907 20345 49724 5424 70594 584 49394 70024 40687 19472 40806 800 477 70167 49500 20214 1142 49730 39568 4350 14795 17734 21960 52197 64507 65565 70266 39658 4508 36991 36238 23322 69739 23368 55791 17800 407 44963 36668 50137 17674 52401 70284 56462 24315 27924 24555 39754 64045 36987 17438 16873 64165 1979 27818 19367 49367 64362 64320 50489 6784 39785 22950 19399 21490 285 41033 20195 20048 24483 28196 52441 49228 52136 54629 50356 55840 1525 63587 56849 50418 23391 55076 23165 17926 52279 50262 49389 52284 53667 49884 70023 49383 56598 21445 50364 63907 45059 40512 14867 21402 52232 43517 19942 13524 5114 14787 40854 49877 20433 6174 49917 64508 167 21217 40249 56759 50491 26641 51463 21480 40578 21144 49762 37122 25570 40984 36990 14496 70125 27422 70518 4196 39631 45355 41125 23695 63864 23827 843 44686 7781 19970 70826 36643 57177 45671 24614 45232 37124 57199 1999 931 19785 20722 23273 37042 24254 6486 20910 56243 56428 20132 40699 6996 37069 50010 49373 40595 52354 45597 14424 40522 20131 37008 56468 36907 70136 21308 53422 207 49510 52213 36550 50064 40762 7582 56536 36594 36957 40635 49747 63883 64522 40584 49814 4503 40867 39794 31 64540 8638 41122 40296 37046 21029 40869 40673 40537 41152 50381 20794 64504 70100 40541 50466 51996 50325 49698 55853 36761 40871 23774 7319 23340 70048 40127 53982 36503 20536 51894 49366 35974 49207 36279 36755 40545 24664 64243 21389 6087 64010 36960 49886 20136 1082 6853 70093 70053 49914 70170 40098 56998 52602 40257 36913 17071 36881 21249 39456 4972 14094 70471 40437 65724 24892 40773 23628 23217 24603 20900 69956 70525 36854 36136 18086 155 36819 21053 17313 7738 19476 14736 70680 56620 17080 63908 18022 56324 8910 56624 19845 45979 49537 70723 14575 55941 53944 70064 36655 20320 22838 37204 56234 21482 14707 4424 53440 70764 21483 17277 16533 23743 69780 70316 20468 52036 63443 20950 52608 20766 56576 64235 20780 54839 40965 965 40858 70261 21043 20287 63585 40866 478 23308 21050 15441 50444 53219 89 21411 37099 70309 8219 70652 36762 20541 27285 21034 51967 21099 916 69849 49822 17186 63578 8091 17631 447 20869 17643 45640 49742 69962 21252 53523 17794 70299 52144 63463 69833 49186 70007 20760 7685 20896 40761 22942 36821 37172 36487 9416 56610 56114 63606 20802 21273 20775 21683 5808 40009 36884 70123 17640 910 17393 21328 24422 40600 57183 20448 36904 39743 52194 19648 21056 36460 6570 56169 54967 45812 70671 63871 20538 36583 70712 50053 55077 36696 50247 70757 19745 19581 64287 56707 69908 45990 53835 49246 14355 49451 16678 36498 56444 36771 49876 20763 53812 830 70264 40598 20204 5491 70852 420 64437 490 14506 26387 63503 21112 53411 21247 52914 70301 19360 53353 16287 40751 4598 45001 56 23194 69936 45055 17595 27010 56548 83 70346 63586 52865 27932 19541 13355 50057 45130 69920 8569 54392 39951 56602 20034 55874 54004 25997 69680 50043 36843 14709 70759 40135 9663 20101 20205 8798 52244 51803 64110 69950 56440 69954 21270 70571 21499 50457 70702 50042 70799 54273 70697 56358 20785 49696 49780 39671 21496 205 19988 21038 70355 56461 52683 20558 26246 36977 56371 49257 19474 22325 6555 63434 69708 40590 36283 40772 21317 63821 21063 39750 1640 58026 52266 70777 544 40968 57169 40060 20053 70303 17948 70785 69977 56366 70818 39450 55841 45095 19473 19989 40574 70188 1083 21007 20043 19700 40474 69942 17676 27209 17303 21374 70558 69756 70411 56121 22310 24040 21051 36463 56445 36989 70608 49702 36111 39813 36809 21399 40846 40863 49279 69867 53218 49255 37022 40389 70589 49785 63450 56052616 23211 70466 20435 6382 70867 14703 4559 70672 36905 52627 40106 53566 268 4461 70772 8449 338 5931 37210 21061 21485 41021 56357 19668 64106 5089 56463 20917 63980 36857 37211 56597 40972 500 20990 70294 56711 49820 52005 21097 22869 15654 17622 70829 70598 22906 40181 19784 70603 19442 49782 52541 49712 63255858 70459 21653 20715 70457 19422 70716 20714 70351 -10
Dim1 (7.4%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020). Table 8A.4. Cluster validation indicators for the variables indicating the character of formal institutional environment (Dataset 4) Score
Criterion: internal Connectivity
Criterion: stability APN
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (clValid package, Brock et al., 2020). Figure 8A.4. K-means clusters for the variables indicating the character of formal institutional environment (Dataset 4)
KMEANS Clustering 57824 61298
Dim2 (8.8%)
24797 70576 70158 17585 50639 42674 62389 57648 43374 66439 69944 4736547373 57593 61334 6130624978 70568 40989 17179 22275 9134 22183 48015 67448 70815 70472 70118 57855 8015 61553 51187 57845 38641 42679 44225 70531 43519 61843 8863 57866 70322 62774 70832 63285 62988 70106 36203 61559 57859 7965 48706 13324 61414 6015 22502 2117 62850 43316 48207 42780 70563 70209 48398 40334 51076 40967 28098 44509 51081 69146 62998 70125 62837 40383 70375 45866 70733 69581 43743 16982 48127 6370 13385 42500 18001 44357 51673 22125 42504 60609 39667 14319 57641 22733 3590 9457 51258 69978 40654 50809 40883 26226 27580 48183 45883 43652 36718 4063 49610 52280 42187 23754 63249 51110 26271 57840 49546 57917 57735 28093 47426 42214 70024 19648 49085 44518 48391 42885 43154 66333 40107 50986 13533 8259 35055 28109 2919 13244 26143 9479 43365 44818 47321 19484 28188 48433 39476 60692 54877 43056 48381 57524 50987 50676 57745 50830 70019 41812 48027 13084 70333 39621 41188 50163 9330 28194 68735 66475 51795 43595 43647 13041 42089 17743 42178 22229 50722 42458 39577 43280 44538 70504 50148 51448 51143 70519 51750 65211 23022 51416 50411 38593 22251 24296 51343 43382 48627 15590 47955 42295 70609 70216 20202 45260 66588 57684 14966 51484 69410 40795 50691 69161 28213 51704 7268 70045 8518 69926 48096 26285 5984739480 51018 60044 43202 19400 50756 44194 38904 19496 48419 4751 51427 47300 70434 25633 8063 70564 69563 39526 50609 24167 14371 50303 28078 35604 29250 50591 51740 43276 13653 48017 44527 47550 70665 42556 64051 22583 62028 41930 47330 41140 43582 7989 41465 39908 22619 47895 48325 9453 47249 69870 68965 8356 22526 70366 36129 51463 44562 69921 50758 41635 19399 18058 36955 7648 48952 37083 40014 69748 68559 41960 60601 5099 40223 40588 69995 42241 49152 48280 57909 51583 21807 28094 57615 17372 3085 23593 40791 21837 42068 13246 50612 39745 42777 44234 70461 17086 28039 60373 41468 43203 44018 22921 51336 12977 35297 44365 17944 68600 6081 24704 20240 24564 69416 45417 25070 51434 51019 43517 59738 22048 20261 51516 70477 68330 69762 68079 50978 14119 51109 23920 27801 69067 35366 45366 50967 28180 59824 42376 51659 43144 68966 22744 67798 13917 22152 14275 3263 70644 13252 35182 60478 51587 70242 13420 65885 48390 40368 50773 43995 51313 40307 51347 39556 69426 57922 41886 43993 51374 70691 40055 28168 69215 41567 67607 27615 17235 43066 69666 15313 51577 43460 44802 41010 6982 24331 70745 70018 38713 51217 38759 48259 44218 44987 51131 68961 17469 69406 41826 57710 5558 50824 50652 67610 20330 51605 48950 50664 40552 69543 70746 48100 42897 68525 69585 7632 69564 61611 58517 51275 42081 42040 20199 8241 70506 40387 19477 8400 55461 19968 39285 60709 57544 41061 41217 42581 69208 42307 41064 40220 68509 51400 43886 69557 39744 22890 40061 18045 55086 70541 37157 44593 43598 70801 3969 51693 1436 1401 4211 24777 58401 67289 51029 17587 8137 14356 23560 70153 8889 26209 24818 39514 2938 70117 27939 48537 45810 51248 45628 43274 69734 27128 17190 43335 68710 50525 44229 69040 66631 39780 20233 42298 50913 39916 22095 50141 59842 40274 70562 8119 40143 51344 50979 24184 17942 1762 60320 36362 8331 42734 43927 47772 51293 44665 45010 69709 70688 25912 26139 6345 21904 1888 23292 47389 1380 60902 13846 27541 3891 40534 56187 17619 35118 50926 20366 59970 19626 43847 42425 28302 41297 13189 51414 66453 51971 4528 70359 13621 22545 51184 50752 49173 48250 66106 28056 70035 29353 25319 45394 42265 58358 4894 44214 49089 57189 25477 69882 70213 17902 44977 40332 51664 13505 44820 51115 49399 39688 63634 9290 44643 27503 41823 6761 13918 66532 41907 14279 43739 8257 50729 70573 41962 57472 4456 13972 48478 51397 57630 28186 5613 14023 58352 57674 7938 51080 51158 50860 65187 41529 36329 13591 68783 68712 57360 50832 51464 60108 47230 70765 58351 5776 69291 40392 41322 51177 54900 66108 43402 27740 7573 57565 27544 51025 70140 27609 28192 42441 50594 26641 41853 42317 14282 25054 68359 44994 39567 8067 44093 57188 51430 69069 47327 18005 23312 44705 51046 64469 44661 9213 43619 47349 50220 67631 41829 20408 19369 36088 57187 41123 27901 44173 20379 69461 56538 47347 3203 25534 47287 41049 19756 46167 69830 40280 46050 40038 20106 39440 49471 66344 19359 42705 35128 3441 43624 68853 2606 8832 5318 45103 4032 6000 51195 42719 44055 4717 41889 42527 19678 59881 41189 14287 26467 22324 7762 43181 43389 25714 20876 40983 45039 36722 5805 49390 15042 43660 66299 68505 29205 28490 14046 42822 69612 44359 24931 50990 66761 51088 45322 67218 40145 60314 69232 68539 14218 69143 44552 29560 40052 49237 13300 69412 69672 69570 51561 35764 51657 51488 41657 20791 22299 51387 45426 41654 28065 18100 36134 21813 24845 42663 43903 40515 66560 19902 70076 65282 65213 50602 39891 51057 22413 25962 25667 66995 28107 37125 48832 41252 60461 59742 13376 22169 40108 66622 40584 68503 40622 50866 50662 4715 43127 50902 17566 1940940086 44516 26583 40972 66242 6609 4333 67814 41726 42154 8275 69110 48320 45112 51661 53176 15236 59912 26728 43052 45318 4273 18044 8502 8577 66099 42273 4819 68592 41177 8160 44270 39555 22470 40161 70866 66283 51146 43664 67462 45346 68838 57872 25341 44983 65920 57297 41968 40959 43861 66587 50981 44486 47786 47342 70596 51272 51096 60412 39707 27134 48584 23886 58335 40047 42230 5602 26958 67047 17186 5810 17049 28138 51041 38834 40361 13607 69025 34855 51504 59939 25304 22377 9233 26303 13677 47377 7913 2431 69768 70769 39855 60340 70063 69224 70092 45325 57559 51492 13625 69323 5088 4657 40158 55697 42300 36653 36301 16515 17694 6143 27431 43044 25624 29507 50173 67291 66611 14212 70724 22218 44837 25775 47183 41496 20803 13587 29451 43441 43570 24272 52181 51509 50383 70113 27521 9421 28129 48368 27389 51612 66712 56666 47916 43500 13880 51170 7223 64808 60693 42077 65144 45451 52738 40607 13122 70672 69659 29405 59986 50883 41699 25930 68788 14039 29648 68664 45220 26279 68680 13004 13356 66405 52824 48321 50798 25342 27517 45022 66313 63964 2688 68813 69990 50608 13551 17555 17895 19351 52840 68616 43825 60377 18118 17773 68792 21981 66018 50925 17214 57676 52285 39494 40438 51575 24308 41104 28108 13329 69013 50048 44016 43443 6377 64169 42713 41332 27636 40366 39903 44636 4465 14068 69442 40416 40922 42725 66013 50901 60065 40214 43320 69829 51215 47201 43041 48112 40269 25207 59953 68981 15335 67634 50538 14171 9680 41987 62961 41790 40489 39589 22023 3592 57693 48551 70324 52858 13131 16959 62099 69531 68671 43830 69325 39694 6409 43704 17396 42235 44885 40563 19539 69871 36853 55619 45622 69189 42021 13855 26683 57802 41780 25490 41592 39479 23671 8368 41929 35733 28969 29690 68751 68034 22476 1750 9461 66387 56669 57471 14072 25595 35506 28342 56991 9350 51771 64849 8248 50719 67520 69209 52159 41888 15385 41640 17000 43410 54237 49208 41501 67304 51551 34839 43284 26056 51663 29731 69278 28463 39458 66891 69606 39974 55043 44989 66667 44597 17558 68732 28202 42448 22311 20555 50943 63547 66957 64200 36673 64614 49407 42733 22772 41785 63507 41660 13590 9645 24455 52363 68726 4125 39854 24780 68661 69950 18128 44490 44692 6951 70614 14209 51613 1041 27007 67706 51325 67445 52887 69881 5859 19696 2603 48501 56782 61851 50977 69272 68640 23461 25978 7523 24300 49449 37137 64091 17153 70210 48048 24665 19899 70195 41353 1165 69507 51270 47474 41194 45195 57466 6638 57747 36429 13201 16165 45492 51376 26796 52639 43567 4601 45685 68993 4745 62667 20451 41600 40540 67598 68723 27588 41619 20083 6905 23308 57653 51680 7007 65956 69402 41361 24546 15493 57505 64236 63774 45113 41137 42243 45175 50811 28480 25856 4058 27805 70524 65268 69247 7630 27584 43196 55155 50954 20497 65588 51566 6706 22522 53362 50823 69781 70485 43497 22567 7052 40990 67447 41130 50673 47620 41389 3976 8041 51174 51672 39825 70278 59954 42138 69258 42548 45248 26686 24617 17368 28852 36024 16443 69330 27569 37079 64460 29701 41982 13361 63579 60220 17406 17550 68464 44909 47683 2628 68289 56503 28201 26539 22440 1749 36408 19512 4696 20025 68662 43672 48825 51572 42226 51373 68926 62737 51190 29114 26803 52058 66068 29534 70462 50473 70370 43684 24062 42144 27572 47963 54859 41293 61345 48625 23909 24533 44972 41898 36767 26804 51507 69623 13185 9622 17802 59812 41601 52126 41312 13207 45629 7699 40800 18122 26997 69035 45100 3559 58020 51358 17917 52743 45670 22673 69260 60176 69090 43511 36229 25812 41471 51630 7691 26079 19898 27739 42503 19424 26922 54463 36741 56942 29111 27424 20161 25473 43369 44721 6366 49510 4509 44319 54947 27641 54053 51972 34972 13370 8292 68856 43515 49008 6032 51278 24079 22142 23642 37103 54584 12976 3916 59899 48158 51455 47267 44288 44719 41135 45101 24185 39990 2125 44148 68933 69429 57581 9691 14266 4824 43658 4359 60872 41630 42326 14301 27948 24451 42968 21951 70811 28111 24083 63093 12893 24911 69813 8658 25497 26979 51585 42847 44619 13112 51754 8152 3947 66824 64097 24108 67040 47410 26669 17660 17637 4692 60105 17389 60507 25083 68923 39436 36048 50869 13311 66171 41279 45409 23980 44269 24498 44168 58414 51228 56929 36265 44038 17759 43967 50306 41817 25012 42179 63953 57767 24686 54199 66023 48464 6777 66192 55513 13133 29598 42107 4691 43251 23176 43458 67475 43385 42979 55839 24276 25920 67288 29656 52241 24020 7153 65598 27694 21933 42661 51766 42651 68832 70778 24096 63888 43957 69093 1354 6831 6111 2996 7724 26159 25468 43803 1306 13346 40140 7954 5192 59774 70236 3610 43242 68872 62887 67097 68769 54236 4010 29592 42806 27977 43571 39446 68737 65383 45902 4788 45255 57006 69332 7209 6418 13231 39915 13118 37007 22042 40888 9809 22725 66315 5642 18088 68328 36973 26188 35412 14237 22300 37183 14182 57359 44831 36940 43671 4843 35917 16359 13705 17870 40904 36526 17428 54334 5288 5619 43626 7576 66504 20132 38658 22783 14022 67993 70780 17374 51764 23870 22103 40656 3309 23739 50870 17180 68374 38420 29557 52322 67934 42763 44056 23259 24529 49644 39939 9621 5962 40905 50531 66209 45418 25755 49429 69720 469925 7660 44237 36910 52893 42170 44488 67564 26255 68649 6140 43428 56477 5158 26469 5476 17738 68998 7723 22088 66671 29190 43272 17160 21979 55873 43409 20389 36576 51995 15600 44876 51341 13138 29724 43521 52907 23127 20792 16817 29698 54576 60780 45510 35082 62025 6813 17220 36975 8900 51558 40835 13106 51141 42413 14069 36267 17615 36505 45571 5798 29344 13099 67488 65938 40351 39576 58382 70073 51164 39617 17671 6506 39779 14618 60510 5863 45081 40333 40603 2505 48595 19821 24872 57933 47213 34885 26187 16571 42958 66008 27625 37218 22605 19660 5749 55307 47197 8319 36251 45696 22289 51359 64483 41364 28267 35868 36999 42331 5440 19418 63809 39972 42716 13104 54162 60682 57267 44352 3521 38889 43399 35043 54074 50904 27523 44514 36094 24004 26156 6859 52786 52411 41646 39052 24592 17731 51710 50749 40709 65946 2599 39938 43870 27169 41500 40427 44684 39875 28692 14018 36281 7006 42659 26361 26755 57356 66311 55715 4973 44126 9633 13944 13656 29288 23707 47406 62477 29647 41842 15975 66781 54772 22882 54732 36711 57800 67860 63759 26602 40947 49962 22927 19805 27673 28788 29558 28087 51715 21860 24536 4550 70687 16901 52178 64372 57256 53857 13203 26856 17538 47392 44778 68820 1864 28132 34938 63686 66533 45985 39558 23744 25942 40816 14374 42189 42224 68531 69405 56976 29127 4124 40621 42665 45367 15652 29231 44714 13328 26719 40374 4459 67202 52624 22596 55886 41410 36005 24956 66026 27603 41409 28694 3878 68756 64203 22312 47284 9640 60324 25325 50919 39843 51348 8935 24321 7971 20033 41632 64301 24036 40113 68659 22692 45008 45593 69348 63475 13745 27681 49513 43085 36397 7980 54319 13959 26537 17029 39279 29562 13657 49691 36876 46553 53348 54864 17022 27028 17324 42681 39087 24216 42093 40019 23547 26691 27137 17342 43762 51175 27736 52855 48272 6343 41789 64623 67846 22871 22134 29579 37070 41724 22065 50028 43166 25931 25628 20243 4455 66563 22762 42213 41328 3150 41290 47554 27025 25837 6938 7996 43113 49930 48557 63615 48101 39799 25767 29553 24370 5604 16983 35137 45970 43279 46045 28241 23249 1439 27658 47494 49284 22491 36318 8897 65086 14258 27940 6355 46034 52883 17478 9034 43586 43794 41695 2793 7763 36828 70835 62643 24795 14806 48811 36829 6090 22967 48925 2506 1860 56944 66206 50216 45457 9030 68347 17649 39528 26513 40095 50227 29236 48812 70662 2517 20491 23865 7863 23338 42111 56659 36148 35416 66799 63734 9306 14247 5668 8999 42088 25792 24917 51390 20516 44848 43969 35668 17951 26087 62738 29538 55888 50142 55665 35663 36171 29555 68570 26558 29323 56397 4821 19651 22454 25091 42530 61090 67422 41239 62559 68991 63436 29163 41354 41837 5821 44536 23473 58419 54926 24541 56271 52895 24984 41603 66623 40690 9328 47288 25424 28812 1253 66789 68818 6667 21953 16197 36475 55312 59925 66098 23490 14443 40048 66520 17519 24352 13613 67736 20327 70192 28162 8273 20014 22376 9485 55044 40318 68936 43953 58508 17490 49026 39068 25849 25344 64147 67747 51682 66217 24503 17651 68462 64001 22949 1568 13704 51176 55986 24194 61491 65866 67703 23695 25038 27538 70232 25134 2593 52701 22700 44439 8663 2668 27920 40812 1853 9495 6059 27879 54230 49924 56719 6543 28269 36341 36520 36320 21950 51691 61509 60671 48877 17980 45854 27723 6141 3654 65101 60656 2819 29728 23488 60676 54973 3142 6914 27057 27248 27710 64557 40404 53451 38490 17695 28565 6192 69168 13283 41922 68082 2626 16978 57078 35178 5914 26612 69046 21907 23580 6310 26252 51253 36599 67327 25165 42899 60518 17224 51674 23295 67433 5549 65595 37203 42071 55292 22965 35354 7203 49553 61597 25620 28740 52856 24236 63992 27238 28069 23047 24279 24478 22815 42868 39961 17068 25666 34955 62760 4003 43948 2953 27099 42483 60498 27379 61140 39894 55258 5072 24863 62201 62241 60437 24021 46109 69642 3574 39568 27963 35190 4122 14043 63397 28722 53127 28345 38918 25195 39317 17714 13067 58297 49737 5361 26692 29237 54279 65893 49528 51821 9370 27855 28305 28498 40257 28482 5799 22191 65977 26607 43183 23815 17273 22610 24242 60375 17311 70383 41880 28409 70481 27510 1792 13739 41586 5487 66255 12896 29600 67626 63560 65890 35858 23418 13936 2413 67701 54705 42097 67033 49196 60832 6 7376 36584 14329 2217 6885 13358 50785 63087 41761 42369 15145 2455 16562 28864 41776 67588 25684 25821 68475 24703 40976 54710 18106 34808 56996 70470 9347 20462 21994 45421 35504 63090 68989 51945 49642 63816 56381 55772 38603 68065 5745 67146 48108 60327 22187 54226 24606 4478 47042 6682 2572 25060 42632 28321 41058 25163 24767 50211 14221 63075 3517 41253 45659 24047 50501 38737 14041 29505 69662 35622 45448 23497 14331 24484 56419 54946 45294 34912 5977 47135 40987 22495 7589 28967 20215 41199 29284 17826 67816 62377 22963 63617 39807 40213 48939 18022 59732 39942 23088 68657 57213 41796 36541 44680 29438 38439 16816 35220 17085 13637 36721 3966 22176 26055 35890 66601 42426 64197 27180 8468 36017 7170 22032 26198 36985 27423 60715 28425 49910 27798 70271 22643 41809 36998 53650 6113 67920 50924 56994 67399 44009 49121 51519 50592 17683 6277 51799 52426 24111 56490 24958 24227 26369 39684 8581 27487 45407 13614 66370 15451 21067 5568 63646 8269 28767 56703 14351 7283 21948 43679 51898 23795 23704 66772 41212 20540 39880 36081 67063 15857 38922 22162 45803 45063 43609 66645 39593 51621 44551 70287 50424 66479 27453 13404 26479 40365 54718 8775 68317 58386 23357 49785 19654 25738 50422 64998 3790 57318 14617 37161 27495 28413 15630 7664 35057 48934 36634 50505 26524 59803 42609 40236 24574 6264 14377 36769 24199 26664 21811 41480 27141 2054 43157 61149 64232 25615 68125 58407 38597 52187 23542 51225 24612 69031 64405 36082 29061 40177 26408 50043 23266 44582 45211 42320 43008 16668 43269 40075 24613 52302 3042 29622 63911 54546 43277 44576 28296 22847 34887 36096 26708 36477 9760 70155 53616 65496 69686 52244 64447 25499 25508 42558 43946 40160 49716 3159 49090 5197 3392 8603 13377 24406 9475 16309 44326 23806 29495 70516 27927 16452 25727 24452 48803 45226 45971 54190 44396 70177 67145 4379 23166 22137 66740 13468 40120 23583 69156 3928 36695 49791 67772 56999 70089 69222 67243 54848 68497 22623 23887 64508 22867 42112 54545 17432 66835 36716 36573 5098 56968 60217 56443 45608 24825 22121 42555 36146 63971 22838 27751 22170 8175 39377 28417 42953 52558 3564 64603 28866 47993 14250 28707 22870 24018 66818 42012 34841 13257 40514 36536 2280 13594 67113 44857 35201 3627 25326 63947 23702 43364 23847 38576 49914 67892 68773 27224 27178 57660 4169 24717 4749 35523 60257 29646 5161 39481 39154 48883 15996 50629 29716 60717 68999 13563 36185 28824 42545 23691 52291 27800 3077 39231 2714 57834 29354 41055 17626 36114 17133 47269 68612 58343 3733 21791 45949 56982 43121 26000 45285 42406 36941 43368 16019 45395 57881 29046 29124 45458 41179 7819 29266 67982 22724 44262 63856 48941 23636 7352 2511 29118 40716 13717 15593 61592 42940 3818 29101 39482 3260 7469 39278 36274 24152 63334 16954 62644 3236 13617 22694 17282 22332 41828 42566 3567 14308 69242 29072 52105 4993 17583 17269 49687 23888 23093 63857 36382 24468 49431 40580 23100 6392 60918 17481 66939 52067 64592 44175 3657 4680 40020 38722 41954 27232 22441 66583 17820 1013 27014 64319 25248 40261 28759 36578 58016 24290 41638 55564 25892 56090 28804 16898 37096 39163 17403 28769 22096 27033 23223 50001 14392 59966 65651 70692 57496 5326 35250 66734 54204 67470 43011 37098 3138 22173 40195 54507 24728 16220 61787 3315 28962 42109 41653 43751 41524 28050 68081 4510 66455 39493 41164 4870 70581 25461 25625 35391 37043 63925 35181 21777 24266 63940 13033 28986 52325 46683 2060 4404 24059 24349 45993 63508 50324 19449 60651 27678 62147 15131 8173 6866 29189 13916 41003 63233 25649 20051 63979 45542 8062 29564 40998 55681 45640 35571 40568 46734 29480 68382 43070 6589 39300 66214 17795 27347 65048 16745 43390 16320 66401 7749 70652 60031 35316 41504 45445 3794 44995 53692 43881 67680 50042 25024 23068 18085 50210 2440 6946 6688 40714 39361 40858 3822 68130 3070 51535 57279 3422 36385 50336 46528 41799 7027 47854 65437 2754 43388 4558 2041 66143 24544 25215 51142 14990 23086 26972 9764 42404 37088 41843 22047 13733 22932 42026 52866 45334 6996 4245 67473 42949 23242 21912 49391 45138 21795 63489 16465 13574 26951 2563 41196 24474 27063 50541 68385 55084 36587 49339 26634 67609 66530 42612 52237 49344 43105 63558 42621 14223 45683 22383 58420 57336 17007 45000 18016 13511 56387 36544 58483 45871 24402 64032 15766 23284 55794 67669 8143 7780 16018 16306 49979 49433 42881 2974 36868 2062 21159 28283 13195 9706 59819 57891 44390 66797 47415 25893 54212 42598 65716 36041 53123 4706 41628 36539 41378 66411 18037 24636 38515 5159 40608 29626 22402 24166 8596 1082 6184 52130 66848 25032 43201 68396 24053 29578 3273 7306 57209 66522 62624 2954 26096 24661 64495 28698 39266 43745 49706 69536 68819 53178 39181 25147 16234 23445 57658 9017 24985 54650 41033 62418 59988 4389 59825 45229 6690 52662 53511 52764 42978 43029 66061 29483 64326 19431 4798 56164 57995 36522 59855 57363 38587 39155 64194 45793 68150 24961 2711 42002 57782 52496 60700 4972 14263 40572 42630 67552 62496 25269 3366 43088 2738 56687 63907 41949 17605 29145 66733 23615 13909 64345 54381 49199 37058 36614 7544 66663 40924 2021 14213 45600 51627 14077 49635 63010 42544 7673 46115 29149 60333 42588 23645 23164 22753 36864 38607 24864 23109 39221 63048 27354 17767 42000 57964 67305 39306 62229 14281 56322 40466 44658 24831 24746 28913 56984 5423 29122 3486 35322 27941 35901 36107 54012 70385 37135 27988 21780 54180 28577 15157 36530 68105 22828 46576 25619 22825 60316 49038 19852 64210 63663 52581 48867 35937 52404 52415 13784 20748 23970 57018 1012 28449 66791 63981 60793 67369 48571 67451 17930 17892 17028 27394 13232 49165 45568 36712 40090 39220 23268 22647 13510 23194 56176 63880 67868 5200 41710 64046 68864 56981 13157 24134 26232 66443 41716 52260 57502 46343 70846 9627 27687 27250 28719 4351 5112 24853 52313 4725 35177 24361 56163 13075 57444 2762 16615 6666 38428 45136 62521 61859 45233 7969 13581 55142 50149 13017 25189 7446 23244 61518 23277 38471 70391 69628 41433 27163 45892 46022 56120 1778 68334 1171 16139 55671 67435 3412 42826 64491 63455 51936 56648 3445 27330 53573 57918 5807 69367 51396 46387 43270 45379 6493 60425 22443 66723 66953 2545 23216 49291 19787 14115 56720 1900 23677 38661 50403 24736 56615 36166 26458 48642 24970 26398 52506 13275 39332 27479 25875 18113 63358 39245 23621 52831 43897 25522 54007 28665 23290 43512 18097 38648 51951 69993 38630 13970 57252 2474 55464 23103 3149 64555 47845 16078 44081 17317 45888 50781 49395 14076 66402 28745 28923 3364 45150 41180 66395 13884 63881 52167 24763 57023 4924 40012 14205 14899 19744 14406 49880 69625 49799 64330 18014 26655 67025 49945 66932 5928 23178 42596 24144 67614 39569 35188 40435 24492 45480 54846 63892 67293 41370 5467 16919 36370 66285 29655 3404 67874 16269 66237 37010 44053 13801 29431 37110 46016 54094 15182 64311 16883 23725 27853 26672 17457 24043 41230 68283 56276 24347 56467 57181 42942 5404 41858 62258 36897 29107 47166 8774 23837 52608 40505 35104 67378 28647 25128 66825 47619 66860 43530 2469 15418 17163 67103 3171 23028 39145 21772 22250 3004 27048 46048 36816 2713 4377 39747 6043 41440 22768 66815 52016 56035 13463 42937 52978 36217 26083 64333 66204 24959 25231 49256 19955 64401 9786 36300 15570 64187 67602 3716 28939 60136 35109 60464 52264 23910 14122 39516 45746 22215 54155 23049 21285 9373 64885 25500 57706 42051 16374 43464 24140 21861 56580 63807 13648 42654 44211 2200 38810 24754 67624 61822 26460 60127 66775 24800 23406 63760 17458 65962 9758 24981 66929 45405 40822 60117 17588 51849 66686 58379 7919 45374 67890 13139 51178 9451 28946 56052 62972 55174 14365 1596 13716 5208 64081 2766 66843 67810 3027 6701 37054 2999 36089 24768 67933 39534 38498 28790 13834 35612 57169 13395 42652 43141 56132 17175 36838 68026 43021 60472 60632 45089 45807 51827 12987 67809 44750 37119 21833 51910 6575 2513 21743 66302 20831 24126 7476 50461 41996 27873 39535 49168 60182 47104 48868 63698 40531 56967 2110 67867 2077 15874 64432 23811 42821 23462 66420 24386 52133 35948 3551 41103 21410 9309 41337 66266 6047 52689 22809 6628 1277 57508 65356 27274 48788 36991 60202 39256 22349 2644 16333 41093 21990 36677 13102 17655 53742 2582 23950 3005 29307 57764 60594 16176 66965 50182 41207 41752 56691 67208 25124 62699 40643 21218 40245 45900 39246 5724 50292 50506 68072 43709 41700 52652 25145 64420 52003 16671 29517 20162 70357 41992 13482 62333 29643 25923 41926 64136 36701 57056 14621 37167 67303 28676 26027 67893 8234 35335 3383 45222 2348 3786 39840 64332 39541 67543 20705 64440 37021 21419 63965 56953 67368 45486 50026 22178 25430 36831 63207 2516 22954 13643 45872 63347 52749 17666 46080 23690 17781 6136 63027 70547 49602 23388 39770 3754 26894 23403 29614 49879 5584 64893 2379 39756 42418 53777 24520 26722 36487 46884 24420 21826 16188 63895 40930 52139 2057 47679 28687 43381 63810 68268 67099 67364 67712 67965 55410 56139 43560 67192 51989 52793 24858 16401 13735 8773 6637 63783 38902 39489 49701 27839 17270 16072 2986 26794 23527 41739 15117 28894 23060 24640 38510 52542 25035 63624 63267 68310 2356 39639 21856 13471 17657 60265 66703 38582 63876 67802 16318 66630 66103 25067 63721 2683 49628 3715 24327 39715 27032 28735 40694 64120 66399 35689 37005 26068 38895 63717 45401 13148 64297 56097 2987 42811 22192 45988 17191 57986 20124 65173 51924 13238 46593 52214 15814 29080 36903 39175 45309 29532 40390 3617 56170 16417 25636 60096 49310 22481 37074 60817 57311 2346 63926 22298 6084 56933 57590 56939 17560 69802 38703 64079 55290 25274 2746 24555 15278 34804 2442 41246 58036 16780 2351 56199 24817 25572 3049 23168 36006 3630 21326 2580 46867 61350 16144 3033 17686 25316 52099 13263 49225 47173 17334 24811 49420 6386 2190 45440 66925 38453 15536 7120 45389 21582 38923 56641 62969 56511 9462 38444 64560 23305 50114 15276 46345 3732 3714 40804 16787 17093 43227 16186 52577 38438 3176 22981 13038 26867 27442 16252 39074 68857 16680 68352 13523 67899 66324 17880 3356 63016 15952 48721 45783 61751 49227 45204 56774 5328 38591 52332 42845 65635 9759 49822 52874 14631 23854 8540 15903 23436 57572 58133 42108 1968 14268 34932 36869 56196 24085 15252 55501 50261 14697 22070 57778 2660 43047 9201 3793 16153 2457 2789 7113 36911 35585 67784 29665 24282 59805 65443 23282 2697 17267 2514 39984 35699 8307 52209 23891 35429 39315 50440 15921 61828 42162 68242 63848 24808 3363 52200 36099 2676 28853 39274 49751 46579 28703 49287 24726 18124 45664 54470 56617 52469 2588 5911 24594 23942 56070 57453 27909 40773 51940 56119 15887 54498 38877 23441 65176 25082 60424 15621 46128 67026 61905 59900 8308 49487 68309 28895 2707 43531 20126 69959 63815 16233 52029 2325 24904 21172 45948 13690 15241 16267 67095 28886 45656 36192 36213 25096 36772 56713 7489 55159 2692 29047 2100 38581 3695 63777 29186 38546 16921 53394 21920 36768 23246 43766 57431 13564 49886 49949 46035 67742 52733 2716 69958 46013 22800 26688 50557 50553 22161 67088 55249 24658 3291 53646 22730 39400 3286 49921 7085 52017 3409 49967 14584 36854 50233 6142 3161 16235 38652 2432 9401 21955 63553 57512 3505 24422 45811 67159 16879 13007 16583 64011 67756 1366 24562 38949 35587 64453 39658 2163 29264 55954 4469 49783 49396 40421 3053 37092 6705 13854 50429 16291 3195 47303 28434 21465 43322 28115 2585 35753 68118 24017 15569 23936 38914 63689 24179 63785 38608 66948 45153 2108 15083 45508 3736 23992 21417 40147 50418 53400 46220 65993 15724 58054 45276 52579 23787 36678 68378 22110 24921 23454 35832 36639 3605 52125 45092 29310 66376 26936 24878 23147 39709 44261 52154 50218 64531 57668 56627 38835 2393 67960 56849 40939 36885 35471 3008 1095 2078 50067 58081 13330 14626 66260 52040 28764 66582 22877 8081 63905 36188 40679 24871 15447 60034 63532 54995 14597 56889 67385 45505 68178 48533 2158 56940 66890 21114 22666 55661 52501 3655 2733 3741 13125 55348 20897 68312 16577 61906 20472 28301 5678 67672 66446 56604 40650 19959 52512 24946 21504 45464 47067 52730 23743 67623 50523 39405 21085 54496 15512 42835 45728 45716 52270 24953 36032 45338 3257 5296 36916 45472 3744 56732 36592 14058 35385 46702 28379 39691 47412 60438 56392 49588 50477 52162 63555 56735 14380 35257 15987 42846 38758 67790 36272 13812 16299 2459 38996 65996 21501 61384 52232 23988 67352 23029 50162 24198 66896 17381 52448 63409 52408 36606 65879 3532 9235 9488 57568 15961 22571 52809 5948 67847 52780 39302 65715 59757 29449 14666 38425 15607 53236 28266 50423 27995 53268 65230 5960 14932 28720 52593 45607 57571 2906 36944 3162 29619 16798 7847 63380 65880 3432 64544 57460 68416 42696 9299 23627 35535 67921 45399 45721 63768 68146 52327 66904 66301 28275 25548 54955 36934 22924 20983 1576 56546 45928 25238 2814 14573 35633 26499 67300 14872 1908 58459 2507 63738 54017 52144 63968 6582 60732 16068 2249 38680 64452 24395 23187 63487 23078 48684 48698 45501 43984 67219 65905 68120 2271 60334 61935 67283 35857 53177 52142 52218 14904 23318 22290 2089 44393 56230 67627 36296 2388 68404 22360 1606 1551 63922 3696 38512 36252 44871 15338 67718 57669 15618 14734 56658 23881 55407 51917 42967 66495 28291 22431 22040 49664 55535 12955 16051 24645 67700 5969 2044 46288 16762 23280 38725 51974 50376 48826 13822 39406 3728 52487 3451 14916 24585 56509 65966 6857 22849 40104 2717 29068 45927 14576 55650 60276 41701 37085 38944 52431 67897 66943 39184 37078 23423 49742 15564 56051 39125 38633 43457 68255 39674 65656 24750 2832 14783 22136 15968 66998 56024 66870 1133 42156 53853 6105 14326 52194 14180 64131 52365 40532 60083 58060 39076 13583 24567 24918 27149 15665 66175 40681 36877 42808 22536 65140 63959 56192 15736 2178 36953 60046 67081 22227 53465 3454 70262 15321 46505 66758 2521 38899 14736 21610 69854 3501 17868 45174 16476 3730 29595 45017 45671 36502 21490 52564 54597 68063 22713 45310 9016 22902 14246 68137 36655 40935 51848 52224 40887 47156 56708 39179 49750 54410 3182 5084 14002 21581 56182 14970 3197 39390 5307 64182 29142 25532 66753 23310 67007 38885 67260 9384 9196 15739 2539 40950 57462 17529 55194 52829 41629 38731 39702 13989 56694 23797 53136 21937 63737 67418 66053 20977 52723 36167 16484 5454 26781 49894 56351 13955 45903 20873 13612 36083 36733 46002 16702 54058 16861 46849 22961 21492 56143 25753 68234 28863 45146 24822 1890 36335 54080 58455 16548 57373 67775 46544 50397 8566 42381 36236 22008 66267 51914 5910 44338 38786 22510 14715 53958 36191 41797 36723 35738 38995 14014 14578 21800 68170 45552 36231 63469 56420 17455 38833 47744 64288 53327 14619 14166 55131 14789 46380 22636 20749 15191 25375 8211 64541 16341 25495 66243 64514 22554 38871 15531 38447 68259 47006 16419 2702 46482 56376 47096 2430 68360 39016 50392 35415 39200 63620 20870 21154 63626 42797 20947 21252 58463 66334 66915 45603 1611 53228 43580 53315 62439 58078 38773 49651 67226 21839 45917 42883 67313 64482 66668 6230 36548 45329 56356 51956 46577 3438 48900 22952 66845 14663 20900 56088 7542 9492 48848 1771 49793 49147 21036 39670 66264 40172 47743 52486 56253 55274 49580 14671 64485 36455 50016 14774 15664 55275 36659 38632 54685 21342 45899 56389 49133 63129 38755 55276 35300 17937 14572 15476 21792 5710 48903 14579 21827 1924 16888 16592 5350 67594 16275 56291 39677 55331 64434 2673 29696 39950 21970 14423 38620 45332 64494 2234 1718 53626 16509 46421 38627 2066 52571 36439 54141 21055 55568 21475 66342 49810 53542 14532 39104 1783 14502 48893 48846 36040 57298 54006 22573 21665 52190 35616 39109 39304 14029 22344 21028 66233 53576 54102 55781 45520 14792 39283 21397 52584 9849 54104 53629 14354 -5
Dim1 (17.6%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
109 Table 8A.5. Cluster validation indicators for the variables indicating the level of well-being (Dataset 5) Score
Criterion: internal Connectivity
Criterion: stability APN
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (clValid package, Brock et al., 2020). Figure 8A.5. K-means clusters for the variables indicating the level of well-being (Dataset 5) KMEANS Clustering 6
Dim2 (16.5%)
60584 56362 23302 64632 19274 44420 55259 24715 66653 12687 63835 11407 64992 66185 10307 65804 53073 64168 30165 32017 29917 52350 39147 673 32722 31557 39365 67263 29918 34030 32204 33339 20894 1012 21282 41724 55026 23454 65091 10360 24337 47767 64179 21171 65495 38915 61329 21912 46421 14839 10196 24129 19298 18403 21460 64043 30541 56195 33039 20604 10641 9896 38803 38254 38273 14209 34032 36238 32449 23106 63499 2315 29117 60838 32584 46518 32474 47027 53136 38516 56376 41716 33656 27773 2872643713 70042 3160 35701 55495 55063 38615 30546 32826 15860 33433 29686 33353 20874 41954 26635 28664 65827 14016 14354 60284 31209 12740 37088 31008 54699 4109 23551 24698 38916 65174 18835 14186 57087 38580 65333 24895 52232 32829 30519 37612 27385 9681 37195 60495 37897 57939 24798 50315 59973 60130 64699 64448 32813 12410 34179 67929 1074 10303 55181 58045 18567 55260 52033 60048 38117 42058 47109 21272 10209 38192 38191 46419 33456 33290 54748 8207 61032 43852 28984 37984 2501 59918 35625 62545 60432 64596 53188 66089 35114 2178 33927 14298 24408 53657 65303 41944 38078 38207 20965 617 21226 54406 25034 67371 42271 60420 44141 18584 38948 12785 38107 34719 65823 30601 47019 33149 67211 38690 21127 37281 36735 21564 21178 23315 65580 46681 24604 11961 15821 65139 20767 43350 43428 37657 70393 28700 33789 25008 34210 9236 36140 37666 24814 32515 65939 21255 57101 64868 39184 39324 56601 18712 32823 31647 62310 67344 64860 20787 55224 36836 18372 47513 36811 30775 56901 79 38286 37299 37781 33025 65556 70162 37900 57063 39129 23515 32712 12426 37187 13477 61274 58408 18048 35098 29453 22984 33310 58874 34382 56435 60790 69732 30733 64070 5119 23333 55548 65525 54868 50870 4645 46784 28832 67752 57924 64981 43872 25836 54464 42180 46546 24880 63671 12559 26189 52873 61971 37286 29462 8106 55464 38780 12732 60783 70170 38199 9940 68494 29682 46831 52991 54372 39329 34045 60468 60080 42369 23188 6588 44544 32340 36858 56386 61664 66091 55344 61792 46263 35851 53240 2180 54873 47996 70732 33844 56430 38075 29700 37574 15581 30430 19989 15894 55043 38575 6319 36375 37334 11447 57071 60457 19393 56715 30137 20026 63486 56134 45669 51935 61376 12297 34440 10270 53928 36323 23809 24615 65787 28971 2857 31927 66872 65430 55589 20269 54510 29864 53884 41718 1898 17281 25510 69236 65774 24062 62180 33326 37901 38682 9813 55365 53812 17215 10830 18640 18776 27421 10252 282 48532 9966 37011 39239 9794 15275 60440 8125 15760 29658 14828 16517 23921 60057 66152 69703 16506 18928 19094 42281 51091 2841 69957 58162 55741 30668 54824 28473 29668 57925 63548 1737 8032 20522 13641 25285 54946 68860 29844 24683 59975 24993 37745 23059 37825 1480 43299 41361 1258 24187 59210 58327 21122 19259 1955 32150 14663 480 51849 66681 67976 20335 59800 18468 36418 17645 30530 14673 65734 43577 20401 63136 64041 39241 59693 70204 24552 66595 7685 23973 41362 37431 62600 10545 33561 29138 23332 24678 41742 56933 29752 43121 69044 29379 60728 28944 49142 8377 31022 67670 58009 39 43586 5026 52158 60313 41893 30339 14789 54912 2324 56231 56822 56931 42327 31660 84 11759 37660 12694 32359 38740 29903 46981 30500 11287 56492 56030 9882 21662 18675 22456 31229 19358 32238 67761 33645 40442 24602 42314 14489 24381 16779 18529 52040 51136 16413 59889 18915 51592 65101 39011 60780 38285 31090 15942 55889 62036 29246 60813 60886 60055 54981 70588 57268 59727 29586 54694 18483 20989 24118 53542 55195 33396 63408 61681 36200 47762 10049 9194 68901 42520 47026 55325 7625 15478 3474 58148 18369 18394 34304 30507 63372 30646 65790 11520 11401 32419 11505 62983 4657 35594 55835 62635 39163 37295 62340 56826 1966 66188 12642 26286 18714 8661 54526 58039 4677 172 14460 21159 26544 34413 56975 33521 26674 63178 32555 42860 14216 7892 59729 19362 70096 18819 16882 7225 36464 12588 54184 36628 28675 36316 3628 46464 43045 19012 36474 19465 63841 36318 42408 32925 37384 54219 55078 50753 14578 69364 30334 155 46409 51377 55664 70700 16541 820 5446 9802 11481 37796 60898 20986 60291 31148 50769 10929 18906 67362 34290 43494 6821 22234 38983 58744 41403 12415 36023 69759 51990 14520 16798 18451 18693 23974 37756 24989 20630 67014 21734 3426 59899 35169 50250 1541 55058 2911 33109 1310 29599 24498 29724 66311 5369 11225 65910 32799 64881 36532 17634 15702 61418 19647 68132 30153 31330 20541 57156 20824 64575 69906 32024 11021 18514 64984 38691 23530 25395 52986 11609 64178 38014 19786 61460 31749 54339 17277 38146 15751 24117 36007 55801 64964 42026 60267 38748 11491 9228 58869 38783 57096 30272 12009 43134 32729 15044 14831 19442 57150 37682 54932 30097 35508 53729 11928 16931 55899 68758 57062 31169 23402 20377 30419 32758 24358 37367 60506 3119 68133 55044 51154 31429 30556 54019 21661 38974 43679 38177 41370 60694 42330 1670 576 38882 38981 60781 2687 62347 32984 37546 55661 19843 32321 23798 65557 51425 26815 59209 23823 60179 23377 65128 20463 2975 67331 62880 184493950 19485 54755 42319 55847 24325 69733 14100 61062 11005 48223 28560 42106 30929 63200 18427 11663 28769 7526 34905 41262 44249 68259 35299 55608 69708 64110 69721 33221 66337 32576 20759 19008 56878 43660 13355 10347 23524 14859 36872 2570 47118 36687 898 2937 976 20357 21752 21061 32579 34575 10889 19616 24032 53770 63527 10769 24143 64819 70824 20265 13749 14923 10834 14812 23305 33104 21245 19474 55622 30336 12122 54275 33912 59775 41497 56403 62066 37826 36046 63577 29826 66050 16161 28933 9187 16781 38416 10557 43074 60567 64741 70491 19839 59955 32461 31864 16923 14872 568 24852 9844 55183 56306 14537 58267 9980 37025 60673 37363 46943 36993 42795 54568 70241 21961 59969 10764 55278 42585 50571 34402 1744 29059 60275 36417 24085 62037 31051 51714 2286 23908 24702 34123 47182 42261 22015 18366 14701 53378 37266 31461 35722 10198 10763 19013 12453 31873 29825 18784 63351 64271 67589 55303 25445 28559 51667 64652 27298 60266 65898 21745 53973 24452 25204 61649 50475 65086 30061 59147 67642 15868 44143 28395 58315 37931 67999 39072 21286 66958 19066 11631 41307 41828 9816 24670 59355 32506 69514 36488 16001 34206 65221 49119 53904 61640 30124 65401 59598 10221 66499 43114 68183 38099 12245 11736 21294 30408 11764 39062 68674 59952 26190 21041 68839 56840 35717 29067 32503 26734 60140 14497 50206 65267 29510 15505 38336 32256 31983 55227 33154 36877 31909 10161 38276 17917 70242 18485 61410 24455 61277 33137 30504 41841 11285 4926 15832 36228 36404 59568 59581 36116 65374 68270 46507 42345 36712 38877 31241 52862 36884 31276 38865 66466 61449 26181 48685 30516 16027 63472 46593 67881 50856 42660 59722 30810 67311 12594 37733 5739 16744 10222 67514 12425 12081 49231 20823 61864 70533 32488 5653 54919 21285 12736 36912 11496 23292 58567 46625 38547 37844 30496 41867 37234 28706 52001 30867 54295 69333 41375 37017 55005 41392 50313 2405 2989 56820 62106 66942 24376 1058 64888 49897 33834 55019 35439 69431 33594 26744 2704 60938 50669 56534 9791 27455 30492 29374 33251 17685 59779 64805 13262 25554 42372 46532 38111 60400 24920 33407 53886 53959 23154 41998 38599 29289 43629 57442 32206 19030 29018 41532 52641 35452 66502 38853 430 14193 60246 18973 29109 70473 5379 54790 55895 35402 65168 65541 32690 31130 56603 31742 57051 10898 10094 63822 63435 69350 36817 24155 52306 20843 18829 33195 46331 19960 66614 11955 37289 31234 43782 60925 55706 15895 37107 23889 12141 37336 36554 39033 20387 10879 63865 59189 54226 67703 3601 38712 38062 42406 52175 46370 10126 65336 48062 66926 8355 55963 9873 61185 21480 38012 31072 10588 52800 68577 20151 61322 65766 57982 53214 9605 36246 57011 638 16607 54993 927 35 23945 5533 593 27871 62375 24616 434 32202 51920 19273 64406 36439 57997 32554 10556 39375 37184 63312 10794 68942 33027 47508 33486 65284 20926 23280 65056 59468 56020 63860 43232 366 36744 22046 56633 28536 11281 62084 44555 1348 37622 30161 58201 19878 55583 11484 28746 34136 46691 43642 670 60494 23032 433 56759 45531 37101 10584 39650 8781 293 42784 35931 56940 16652 18339 31775 50505 24881 10332 10942 54317 53456 69038 52942 45279 32003 27121 19318 2685 8089 33716 14032 19906 60225 37800 30341 16595 57664 11152 21092 66397 63571 59184 24938 37193 57081 15546 26132 16151 37840 63881 59011 29645 44267 3026 54421 34153 57129 570 16412 24629 27904 35579 47489 64422 58166 29163 48571 66470 4262 54329 21594 8808 20356 2245 29816 33622 60832 58367 24258 53363 586 26241 12200 17628 54517 39081 16072 22788 42534 59793 69278 11727 19473 56511 59862 65477 3129 47025 52707 21048 60316 3464 36152 69625 54385 58647 39404 23925 33703 51067 36123 69480 47588 14427 66448 1537 2213 39932 645 59291 47086 37455 1015 9453 6711 67335 16722 23199 2211 410 14464 31964 56052 31062 38508 53440 52146 10828 65350 15987 20696 44223 38114 15958 16999 9396 20931 2864 15177 30017 53518 6943 65036 11644 27453 29465 20577 16022 18147 21932 41380 53565 67656 15939 70740 60121 2031 34475 27882 15707 51233 41009 12653 11619 59868 60305 56756 36037 24159 10264 31275 58241 21632 18471 62155 56828 51217 67227 46746 4798 38533 23578 62149 55381 12966 61504 42157 60271 108 59207 52480 58 55051 39694 36497 60616 70764 49014 38005 51229 51133 66208 50933 25206 35562 26794 1127 35879 11591 32644 53344 3661 11421 23636 14842 13274 4673 8683 17734 65124 63547 47905 10928 14432 14780 16927 69972 23750 17894 65445 59125 22314 57960 18045 34423 3800 56181 30833 62320 26806 31068 66711 33088 56636 15430 8776 50886 12643 55433 17218 3054 70581 42779 1794 9458 873 68395 46211 46148 10979 67178 8655 11590 11186 16637 65702 4042 62656 55851 32719 41690 61100 63401 26887 31600 64676 27669 43839 62729 53116 13087 19252 2736 6 2082 21664 41213 18824 36014 42017 38463 11870 27379 12164 27058 53482 3931 2861165501 11054 62365 32172 20448 21352 16562 32886 32666 43719 1706 55749 61387 9343 68150 56110 61913 24419 59118 14604 21602 36031 36381 47074 1619 22510 37288 65164 29401 14794 59668 20807 4512 68016 52177 18200 15528 925 57460 36516 7581 64995 17924 9993 39009 53316 43744 57169 41761 66754 39021 24148 46447 36586 16016 23674 34984 3571 59485 34626 39427 19867 54234 38795 46203 30827 4156 595 29631 37542 32726 16544 37095 64651 57039 58049 45526 32314 44276 34898 8199 42417 65064 12132 41880 58564 43533 14628 21374 67946 30793 56941 20819 43495 31683 66910 46637 985 60 15087 67956 66937 22512 59708 37134 37254 66006 16464 28297 57019 46352 33863 8338 42994 13155 38358 53848 47073 1804 830 57977 15773 851 15754 39714 3961 57449 56023 27068 26980 68261 56843 26739 66155 1275 41584 7878 43119 55015 32383 8621 20503 23544 52332 64778 54456 46575 39296 26667 3013 46873 57580 37966 63470 67274 39255 55420 30364 68989 30538 66791 13191 1312 2879 57074 4799 61520 7529 17078 28657 27658 3981 65050 26416 26179 69334 32445 55865 63823 67310 15377 36610 15475 10805 2117 29783 20800 22981 10611 8123 21011 21824 11982 4942 66883 56479 38175 8242 2381 65365 41612 41231 44257 6428 56555 25891 32228 18232 5041 69571 51624 31608 33714 59412 53525 1 6753 68507 64394 7245 15523 51054 42635 42545 16535 63106 68572 57138 1640 64352 55447 61867 4923 54511 54146 23272 68651 53233 62027 20120 8194 22334 23939 22543 20558 20892 67141 5294 31089 12054 11119 15534 44339 11093 5306 25986 37875 38330 36174 30466 33598 44199 63535 19034 69515 44553 8162 68672 53728 12799 54799 56533 14824 66665 59816 46728 46947 42643 42101 36242 21119 32157 65991 56547 856 60818 14393 49760 61891 26967 60118 5873 6412 47653 26830 40969 25471 18690 17257 4263 18213 37294 61025 5455 33513 608 834 5305 56318 28283 35468 65307 56394 1168 37458 37176 37998 26615 64097 20382 66664 68599 25485 43183 29022 29978 29662 15308 32960 27680 32807 65992 5544 55937 54439 52913 29629 46284 52927 60306 63658 29545 22467 15426 28201 12052 60608 7203 15537 40228 10599 15397 32483 2560 66505 38985 62521 38137 59050 37814 10980 28760 20270 3 3189 27806 10092 49856 9337 25339 26025 37673 23410 19176 27671 44068 44912 9282 48856 37896 20066 8327 712 44417 64495 47761 22433 68967 61903 18817 63519 29904 4543 2262 17623 11667 58424 35466 33958 31878 32802 43064 34966 57766 66329 59593 32370 16468 65200 53472 53121 20063 41945 52486 11747 12015 44221 49171 62907 68349 1077 6956 51035 35376 10992 52900 26264 25314 67316 17821 3505 19288 989 41773 9560 60477 68089 24390 50104 59062 27233 43989 58181 28558 33498 18680 54130 14507 8190 39080 35704 66560 36039 46423 15540 10188 59094 45966 28476 46428 63082 14729 38333 10625 37130 67385 62569 16612 26353 10027 49 35958 43095 43601 39200 65048 42902 17355 67556 2041 67417 32924 68336 664 52995 42416 66839 825 54512 69013 17216 36446 39311 63287 47515 57573 6360 18634 51285 50010 61750 25427 25730 15972 24638 56879 66503 59492 22588 63210 10432 27117 35479 56332 42941 69569 1687 64020 16324 2361 64424 26685 12003 63557 68952 57462 59794 29309 67347 3774 14606 63719 4014 15596 29274 68338 12503 66982 56708 37057 63856 48939 53004 5433 66833 42343 11363 11053 60550 60003 41861 6637 42714 30088 14728 33357 5551 49137 6904 50186 44816 4578 58831 63792 61171 6923 66491 41109 31597 37087 13944 34614 23 1833 36552 63072 4551 69511 4221 45896 70036 9555 33880 63378 32635 46376 56137 44079 21219 31503 347 54014 54774 69134 63746 34389 25411 15371 19025 4629 27636 4412 4148 51917 69019 66690 4006 56116 43558 49735 10250 69059 20927 25709 33014 18936 59749 19100 3307 13124 58463 28982 30072 67474 65909 39431 42521 10355 37580 19412 57929 36932 37493 12566 53320 20493 10394 61918 8197 68218 33187 59572 7577 63414 29120 31415 7700 25575 411 14826 51614 30757 9376 12357 19922 63537 3772 3691 55171 8185 68918 22531 67801 19087 69164 53997 54454 8430 43420 3136 40801 40509 53731 15420 35521 28869 9479 19882 51807 63672 28343 41607 47494 61872 20314 68629 10046 17545 9678 4409 50738 59486 31149 58399 5403 24569 12397 42539 69009 15448 45791 4866 44131 62166 2135 55081 2 6248 3582 41930 67595 39882 68668 69570 61139 37950 21415 60647 6509 21659 22683 61754 57972 60740 38684 53409 56613 42962 28709 27487 55587 34788 18657 70456 25104 27889 8286 27238 17890 7199 46137 14730 1345 64018 46144 4682 64313 49812 26459 23016 11851 34278 18499 10324 67809 25971 42651 41981 3669 35318 26622 8095 55581 35396 69447 64393 5627 58440 59289 42678 8589 53944 24558 63593 23208 52398 53777 9740 34022 40349 34145 41222 41614 47148 54097 4654 25724 32521 27980 19037 30938 59277 13096 44915 26817 33166 9824 55828 56246 8861 32053 42656 41027 43834 44914 60123 38408 34977 44828 34527 16594 62168 63945 23314 7598 15419 68240 57486 63483 11656 58804 33013 4180 10800 47940 7445 8793 5973 44602 52331 12875 57388 59686 65087 34565 41653 38800 69403 2923 59919 61143 41203 5559 31163 61744 41531 14908 16602 45647 68127 28948 51952 39351 21769 39203 28899 36878 14773 47861 44483 35288 64690 69377 15310 3365 4288 49930 37430 17617 10750 47951 3360 64466 2945 30002 37394 3347 31518 28699 3257 8519 6877 22876 44662 65558 11696 13890 47052 68120 3107 16578 63113 60287 18960 52773 26906 42847 26840 9430 44441 21328 70560 40385 7942 63205 63603 58042 5498 34688 38966 2566 3021 32153 36564 14117 2454 3599 59796 4138 36338 33222 1602 70157 12612 7381 35800 19240 6719 22522 39585 57611 68704 68264 64126 66970 29952 31245 53328 40077 62927 14030 24519 19064 60486 15148 56557 69562 43308 34738 458 16528 22111 49865 1859 3352 7793 1099 62797 35503 42547 58002 17648 30181 63018 7313 35141 47431 48462 35290 32723 9579 66087 7610 8332 46926 40749 37858 5371 16044 49362 47179 1095 53522 69010 3376 21675 42098 5993 39534 43146 26774 8597 7505 70207 57779 40682 69850 49428 11423 8929 37345 4121 44950 61782 54851 41081 30511 11019 13379 68371 65142 60114 49851 9729 42477 25701 11256 68959 69499 67370 19217 2721 64409 36630 53353 5947 16181 17260 44471 68239 70458 29529 66527 3894 61286 3435 9268 1573 22390 2659 5970 16995 35914 8432 40405 29366 42934 12143 25003 24375 66996 49093 4201 24231 5831 15921 49650 59526 9625 52160 4418 34695 12614 6824 67320 49720 41677 4596 7495 70512 42431 32368 18038 19157 10559 69522 2705 1052 6951 17902 24434 67444 22432 59126 59292 17893 67001 43412 10553 2157 23725 63901 3346 29580 54468 35355 46161 50953 56034 14644 28236 33536 26866 4427 11003 58964 3729 3564 41204 32473 70541 2451 59757 61741 34992 17757 27494 4692 47764 2709 49397 35865 17567 3583 46654 9395 51575 13510 64528 58207 17684 18327 43110 12874 51037 67655 7707 9970 49044 63481 62444 45050 7368 11483 63771 51267 8138 16419 8004 22306 66248 52408 34846 31286 35116 35097 2292 10139 66701 40268 4023 41915 2977 67034 23979 68934 1138 35863 60963 33238 2411 3752 30535 53803 27422 12464 53865 18236 51989 59480 9803 60873 16793 52239 66130 45309 63409 28911 1855 25587 49020 46173 117 69183 67740 8576 24849 6462 46353 32601 19553 32843 57484 1757 31846 40034 16259 43254 45299 50889 374 68360 11135 49557 69015 589 53773 21307 25436 68105 28417 39978 61424 6642 48830 10219 20079 21332 6880 48119 65480 70378 12909 22193 14580 19002 37156 6391 64335 11677 58153 34828 29647 7050 46641 40281 67611 45842 44559 8961 31157 65121 27022 2690 59570 58963 23253 22418 19383 3765 8523 64364 45860 65291 68117 34816 60581 50900 57577 12445 16021 50285 38316 31656 41128 58985 16233 11812 56402 26942 51724 21193 54551 70313 22482 51562 32511 2314 42778 29533 33334 16285 65904 63032 33864 7105 16428 35488 54825 7093 66800 70088 46265 27186 60324 27273 48563 15094 3523 1423 63243 3996 50442 65784 29409 11995 42439 57996 46183 56320 48789 10812 50651 16896 25316 42707 33100 25936 53597 55715 70440 65314 70046 11148 26473 34007 29144 8404 49848 13928 39456 25668 46455 19773 28428 5552 36612 10801 23918 16924 547 52697 8000 15629 41120 26575 32493 42612 26633 39941 1675 1517 39706 20958 23123 63782 2156 5311 15891 65208 68144 49707 47175 40402 50411 13206 29532 921 45953 17028 34889 7523 4060 6053 8439 66420 33270 58103 62886 6620 69945 45436 58114 52261 9291 1009 1396 35790 68027 3128 69053 66604 45193 59534 65115 49714 9539 70667 7656 23009 28783 8090 46971 23326 18022 46927 44101 3475 53668 60485 23811 48318 34086 21822 55794 119 34621 52287 9069 32887 50404 32720 39843 46345 10577 56365 34676 51838 63516 6621 64015 62951 44155 57279 22913 70682 62817 69960 39579 62179 6283 49993 16156 67087 894 15634 42231 63556 48721 31221 17874 4660 28924 66648 40475 245 50253 7243 51505 14860 22560 45426 7833 35485 4226 51544 65183 58535 17769 24247 28782 30987 1594 10156 10114 24767 12675 56012 67021 53938 66655 51175 43076 57290 47915 62751 28158 40492 22223 44497 5594 43938 39057 3383 49130 12821 54152 34546 59692 52151 22307 41510 23298 68679 40916 46548 17063 56643 59687 255 1392 28462 67926 47469 49432 1736 13920 69389 6324 37588 62719 56720 33491 58107 15357 22648 67358 4342 12743 6705 59724 51675 58668 35674 18080 46422 26529 70399 27287 47739 6019 58313 38823 18516 61430 11134 876 62504 22527 56467 24527 61034 17891 60466 7834 15378 20259 41083 34785 40731 64199 18261 7530 51047 67879 54817 40455 9063 66980 996 2558 33990 34233 1328 50162 56151 66698 59453 13105 50562 46482 30215 60986 50098 17438 62913 45230 9135 34425 34003 4946 132 49225 33996 55672 42496 15622 49553 18265 11450 53745 22948 20381 10875 19500 9186 56900 69580 69297 22167 4160 16494 68570 43012 11133 53241 118 35675 10477 34407 46657 40736 27815 21975 65085 1831 4607 39870 23724 1524 27040 7230 67746 29794 31192 25150 40530 11553 64843 26042 43365 25458 21165 40112 7150 9892 67843 1329 19059 13251 17718 14010 58532 53207 63174 40137 40443 25141 35927 39453 2521 39496 11032 59376 35393 44419 6288 19020 32129 52108 61789 54020 31761 48360 28021 43367 30198 53230 35821 44278 50474 54273 62410 59246 4698 62296 31819 34221 29032 57655 69442 45075 29539 41550 26223 22261 23099 4897 11541 59180 62216 4454 22507 17666 23795 4206 6224 20290 38293 26659 33747 30752 27653 68181 21844 26292 52388 23224 3437 66774 21416 38398 42955 63858 66523 44678 45421 28081 45673 27390 61843 40826 9178 47438 57155 61291 1552 12798 62748 41453 20231 2991 41499 55822 740 42478 20280 1277 22547 34439 48357 37407 26656 2477 21732 65693 26146 67838 55634 19344 48040 49547 60961 1924 9028 35898 599 12770 51652 2781 21022 10586 7047 21084 53513 8485 9264 47587 52365 70515 65982 19006 66286 45654 69207 48843 47041 43011 66416 68361 14912 33952 70295 19946 61583 5323 66013 31053 59205 25728 66526 49267 50128 5354 59576 16140 63737 34265 3276 25341 22080 17144 1548 30902 70480 13438 69992 22085 69418 67650 50786 64155 16670 7428 3982 11288 909 50504 69159 53810 34408 6615 45607 41267 53053 51626 47392 16978 17566 46042 51352 21424 51712 49963 11584 47656 50922 43109 4377 28191 26061 29081 66720 49749 12104 66186 28299 2655 269 42002 31842 69459 12839 25527 21357 63954 70342 49703 46902 7609 68552 43620 52036 58632 56758 6772 7112 30348 25809 8227 35598 14954 5374 8128 15559 48581 11137 26998 25589 24074 2220 61911 69448 47796 7246 60684 14396 41552 9927 2795 69573 33983 18361 5736 42748 68521 22006 26680 69525 67856 27012 29110 7366 67216 58937 42163 31665 53611 61515 61694 44330 66813 31939 41833 15777 27269 1316 58770 40117 62764 49642 16152 57408 29522 58221 17720 16675 34801 9826 3897 16840 40150 64761 59128 27062 24824 62215 46941 44443 57896 3835 5082 22190 59375 25526 43356 22812 53137 67163 39987 40966 49513 63689 52734 38982 60716 47553 21344 25687 4608 25630 55702 13150 10474 10281 51039 32634 31344 27886 34802 50604 5483 49474 44240 13031 45528 45406 22243 61499 63674 25712 25156 6634 8674 58715 27491 44277 26758 6201 3573 51926 60462 47055 50149 25707 54087 31693 25866 4063 296 7125 52938 8099 8470 17702 13772 10946 57164 58912 50789 4125 45397 61364 59539 29680 13908 49950 63848 8428 58609 40207 19838 29268 5789 57561 10411 59101 48825 25941 40773 17089 50178 61366 42409 51041 28641 54233 26090 2759 19827 18509 6690 27259 7411 6243 41834 2719 3600 31171 61590 62100 50427 37517 50730 69466 8436 41048 61219 37594 27142 22162 59378 68705 49917 58274 1463 7870 6777 26707 26270 54715 68603 52566 18450 13387 57190 25137 6089 44861 32492 61174 16045 29332 12686 59248 39344 35768 28288 40523 62119 54769 4269 49019 40175 1851 25397 40707 9309 63667 70698 13082 25228 20361 32122 7721 10550 19324 69564 78 30214 23881 52085 29046 56361 26787 70681 3222 6912 35519 52756 39833 35353 9527 34231 70343 62446 19117 35165 58973 52421 20070 7486 49712 16551 43417 17353 916 27681 67799 45908 44880 32084 59770 29531 49226 27720 49235 19903 58131 52349 1455 16005 56334 30748 3694 59287 46486 47078 9220 66133 43645 17979 7532 61682 40863 3412 14428 22264 9499 50082 27716 7533 28638 31297 43237 4161 30480 66745 27589 49855 29501 50391 38422 11935 26692 39435 12414 52757 42246 17248 17380 47980 3888 3895 27173 7376 40428 17459 52899 51641 13859 70075 26605 31980 2993 27423 9263 14809 48705 2918 50220 4085 68560 26576 69713 12210 26444 55721 59271 39537 3033 27652 25933 10718 16077 4030 59327 7002 48192 44521 4002 8040 49617 4711 57159 69695 40160 15865 11036 4572 10119 14916 10361 9529 47317 7488 68226 40560 35327 58562 69332 50471 39791 31050 34155 29213 1812 46168 1380 58193 67182 59336 70143 17405 20012 39645 40155 67504 27329 65947 14751 62982 11997 67848 59449 29147 58692 27318 44482 26916 45344 17595 8342 5266 22180 58598 18625 40435 13833 9003 69404 11222 263 49764 22957 57788 8017 43306 9825 57347 43376 52216 46603 69328 59555 48813 49793 3724 25474 67947 50569 27251 483 22332 67983 46524 68031 68056 10861 25441 44503 31177 25656 42614 52896 69902 40830 934 5823 1565 61028 33492 35139 17612 59427 52700 7000 68761 26105 13171 57519 63090 18444 9080 17368 40499 50211 44557 40816 3469 8715 58394 643 18599 17686 1929 211 42313 6344 52908 15360 70077 3988 17878 40980 22856 25371 43820 50517 5382 61397 59177 25605 45525 34149 25084 22740 48418 50876 24416 17786 31143 39076 1554 66076 13989 50291 13506 25135 26082 68293 41135 58599 22502 10419 59812 58411 30019 49608 49489 10038 35362 64219 25184 52516 11340 68948 417 52392 35259 19792 26247 5988 64184 40859 26274 60128 22753 5215 68606 3430 47387 47717 59636 38947 4561 43059 14579 31510 6680 6313 41992 59015 50827 54441 17267 67919 35753 19458 67090 58737 48130 35017 20227 5251 50606 52505 50881 39510 51046 25943 57305 45776 17863 4911 17199 48268 25264 45994 23972 11900 1561 44585 13127 69669 56424 1289 30038 42351 63284 57027 44126 59550 50774 45924 46889 48935 47681 29570 25338 69268 18964 30484 52726 45693 7898 50061 27695 28766 45925 40274 16940 45859 62790 4334 38237 61525 52801 4519 47224 30418 29643 51965 3957 27242 12960 17095 1326 1372 51936 49438 51999 27445 27762 7775 9785 70426 43640 68792 3362 58862 28629 30847 27803 70494 51741 28985 55907 45571 25593 47929 44349 57697 49296 49705 47244 69664 9168 8061 52609 44734 45272 28469 43589 62618 7415 50181 8828 63569 28127 4382 70741 49365 22365 16054 35964 11079 14624 41026 35343 19997 23179 13097 12907 52580 35536 22817 56103 47297 23920 34932 52998 48105 52416 22877 35347 39955 35339 11219 35432 11703 58753 42555 68726 10697 38861 8132 3492 60953 2946 2071 1566 47080 69429 8524 4079 6115 59256 3111 54962 69354 6479 41040 42548 52283 22292 34909 64334 15624 46223 31684 40878 38718 37849 35487 39901 7809 29354 6978 4403 68305 43631 5320 40295 64413 4758 44291 59262 46851 29033 7884 45676 61010 66268 62533 17683 57795 68298 45058 18456 51079 6884 61003 53815 42759 48513 26115 45227 26435 28152 59644 14290 7009 5165 49535 5600 6755 9097 5672 13927 22911 53088 24028 22354 30766 57598 43151 63064 61057 37381 51775 50834 18924 45766 22935 2859 14404 60565 30407 41272 13518 48728 35444 29676 66606 30959 40538 56554 5955 5475 18433 18180 29628 39543 24039 69362 14071 5224 50518 39467 18160 22644 5779 31891 47578 64544 28215 26731 27758 25057 14342 22010 4740 51409 7536 6220 47784 49771 6329 59097 45296 38082 30478 25318 41115 48644 67532 61398 42903 19966 4570 62779 39480 54377 41681 50912 33777 9553 45369 14149 22001 68569 34761 3682 39930 8602 62882 27981 6532 41808 14350 26078 41087 27388 50466 6214 27515 25793 57386 45944 17152 45417 42341 50197 13428 28925 41047 45627 36426 66027 43066 45946 28966 35920 52321 34242 13086 41156 11864 19015 52877 64521 4168 42336 48579 17396 47299 30782 28404 27767 8784 42878 34990 9235 26930 32769 40622 43901 48624 40217 25081 9596 5623 30413 27819 62856 45109 5469 26997 44465 20333 48769 59558 17816 13882 50090 2193 9541 7257 46865 47501 22582 8447 44979 44720 14162 8075 8989 26462 5153 50251 22071 27856 61580 40495 5161 66140 31617 59023 48237 59659 13732 7955 50420 19858 42274 25178 13906 48485 28452 26229 43929 57472 48599 41726 17977 6528 45781 26361 48161 6456 7504 44248 13813 5634 47374 69951 6413 5174 6071 14121 50120 46064 34731 44058 45547 57634 50164 13093 3848 50657 7624 69822 40398 5099 52754 4813 45930 40706 4605 60934 29377 22624 68364 33584 50266 13535 59541 13592 35926 44150 45477 45077 40114 15224 28747 40848 6976 48641 48004 39669 52372 35500 6561 47440 52401 38127 61166 8719 50152 13197 5553 30429 13682 43112 44004 59803 5227 50235 67097 52089 41031 5427 5492 40710 17808 61946 27471 27290 7036 58875 32930 54989 47554 63452 1459 52257 52223 11792 26947 45303 14295 70855 51760 2264 40318 17958 45025 8053 54766 44940 14389 45098 29726 25828 22140 53791 25660 21397 27007 54022 19450 27229 28118 50139 5347 62918 30996 20564 54525 45893 13603 65237 25043 32482 58836 39736 43857 48358 28618 39487 49806 39784 50023 57893 7146 40942 6751 6814 6110 52720 52145 30191 69751 6656 29103 49112 3517 21905 1288 13978 15163 10459 52843 1041 6908 13345 42956 8852 59849 44105 6124 45790 68129 27691 29548 42324 48047 27817 27848 3867 17425 50406 1199 12927 63154 28200 1660 47292 58081 44632 47909 57431 50494 52540 45874 13950 24870 44677 6926 58830 31856 39598 5859 25340 47540 26591 48981 39878 57794 51045 49723 51529 40067 25149 26074 57708 44852 30783 28847 69397 35692 22643 27523 43878 50417 38355 48849 59957 5724 49369 39599 32749 5297 69401 45318 22933 57687 7063 35934 47419 25667 69688 45640 9199 6121 25826 50838 19797 60725 5880 52442 62881 24868 57341 1654 27430 22078 63680 27666 59647 28801 70292 51061 5388 49719 50050 15165 68855 49641 28096 60240 18602 49600 18027 47748 21898 44676 4852 48553 70027 22649 70216 21771 60848 31385 49063 43781 40110 45127 48781 29127 38827 22595 35952 25493 63074 52075 48417 4955 19689 42387 4688 6389 57534 30446 42287 41567 50848 29948 17110 28028 49863 48851 27685 10621 45155 61303 61138 21911 25932 45642 48646 35922 5303 17777 62454 43661 17780 40950 49881 25494 3849 21767 47350 2754 26228 66498 8340 68373 1511 35057 26085 22313 70446 49725 13077 45608 54410 52595 40607 43665 45451 52301 11348 26593 51499 44819 48826 13842 22215 13623 45237 27870 29405 47197 52035 24883 29097 45322 48323 38667 22496 24302 7711 5068 17096 28165 11112 47549 42889 40049 12979 9551 5001 45350 49773 40149 22587 26737 41632 25293 43885 40550 43157 14948 40543 14060 27646 6707 52411 47715 52382 25647 40010 13624 59145 6872 28485 62925 6033 27673 57807 546557743 48324 59627 57817 45327 51665 48113 55912 48726 35657 45724 45049 52552 41108 22119 58491 45387 51811 6003 63281 17401 7041 19138 70699 5728 26800 1585 9129 45163 62415 1748 48743 68211 12950 46108 7130 26359 41017 61949 22257 51908 30388 13307 14949 39436 8300 45112 27513 49290 32443 45536 11045 48104 13316 50796 39766 62136 25298 52482 6172324200 24365 58834 31440 3967457645 24893 27522 28067 13513 45817 13349 40525 21706 51840 46004 25349 48711 68454 45143 47364
Dim1 (30.2%)
Source: own elaboration using R-cran (factoextra package, Kassambara and Mundt, 2020).
Appendix 9. Herfindahl-Hirschman indices computed based on the clustering analysis output (WVS indices – Dataset 2) Country code
HH index
Country code
HH index
Appendix 10. Herfindahl-Hirschman indices computed based on the clustering analysis output (variables describing the character of the cultural environment – Dataset 3) Country code
HH index
Country code
HH index