An Introduction to Protean Research

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An introduction to Protean Research

*Protean pro·te·an (prō'tē-ən, prō-tē'-) adj. Readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings. P R O T E A N S T R AT E G I E S I N C . 80 C UMBERLAND S TREET • 1503• T ORONTO • M5R 3V1 ( 4 1 6) 9 6 7 . 3337 • FAX (4 1 6) 9 6 7 -2728 • WWW . PROTEANSTRATEGIES . COM

“In a Protean* world where how people behaved yesterday is not how they behave today

and will not be how they behave tomorrow, we need a Protean * approach to how we listen to them, talk to them, and understand them�

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Contents Overview of who we are and what we believe Our approach to market research – the Protean difference Research services and products Clients Appendices Proteanprediction© collective wisdom engine Inner Directives® psychoanalytics and archetype studies Contacts and links

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Who we are and what we believe

We are obsessed with difference

Different ways of looking at challenges Different questions to ask different people Different interpretations and different insights Differentiated brands, communication, companies Page 5

We help the solution to find you

Rain-ma-ker (rAn'mA"kur) A person, who causes it to rain, not by making it rain, but by bringing together the environmental, human and spiritual components that together make the perfect conditions for the rain to fall.

Strategic Rainmaking™ Creating an environment of knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment that crystallizes strategic solutions and brings them to the forefront.

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Our approach is versatile, variable and fluid

We make the conditions right so it wants to rain. and we rely on the wisdom of the crowd*

close partnership


fluid and



and updates


nobody knows what they don’t know

*Reference to “The Wisdom of Crowds” by James Surowiecki, Anchor Books, 2004

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everybody contributes equally

the marketplace reigns supreme

Our approach to research: the Protean difference

| brand | operationalize

What we believe: about market research

We don’t

know what we don’t know

If we ask

the same questions of the same people in the same way, we’ll get the same answers What we get

out of it depends on what we put into it

Research doesn’t make decisions, it provides learning to stimulate thinking

out of the box thinking comes from out of the box learning which comes from out of the box research

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Protean approach to understanding Protean people

Empathetic understanding -- stepping outside ourselves and walking a mile in their shoes brains Extrinsic and intrinsic investigation -- listen to how they behave and listen to who they are

Predictive conclusions – develop hypotheses and theories, backed by solid

information, on how people may respond to situations, stimuli and change

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“Google Earth” view of the brain

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Mapping our path through brains

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Getting to predictive conclusions

brain dump – bring all the relevant information into a room filled with everybody who has a stake in the outcome

capture the collective wisdom of the group -- under strict guidelines (everybody has a stake; a variety of points of view, no explicit or implicit pressure),

allow hypotheses, innovations, ideas, concepts, etc. to crystallize

evaluate and confirm – using Proteanprediction collective wisdom engine to leverage the magic of the crowd and predict probabilities of various outcomes

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Full range of methodologies

Brand equity studies

Project design, management and execution

Category U & A studies

Qualitative consumer insights


Prediction Markets Communication Evaluation and Testing Innovation Screening Concept Testing Etc.

Psychoanalytics/Archetype Studies

Ethnographic, anthropological studies

Semiotic and linguistic evaluations

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Clients whom we have helped “make it rain” Automotive General Motors (all divisions) Lexus Mitsubishi Nissan Canada

Business to Business Dell Canada Deloitte Consulting Sentry Capital Management Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Fleetcorp IBM ING Objectivity Systems OIC Publications Pattison Outdoor Rogers Communications Inc. Scotia McLeod

Consumer Package Goods Brita Corby’s Campbell’s Soup Company Energizer Batteries Knorr (Unilever) Linsey Foods Mark Anthony Group (Wines and spirits) Mars Motts (Clamato Juice) Pepsi Frito-Lay Procter and Gamble Splenda

Financial Services TD Canada Trust H&R Block ING Canada Presidents Choice Financial RBC Scotiabank Wells Fargo Bank VISA Allstate Insurance American Express Amicus CIBC

Communication Agencies BBDO DDB Canada Draftfcb LA Ads Leo Burnett MacLaren McCann Perennial Ogilvy Wonderman Y&R AJ Clean Sheet

Foodservice and Hospitality and Travel Canadian Tourism Commission Delta Hotels Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Fallsview Casino

Foodservice, Hospitality and Travel (continued) Page 16

Metropolitan Hotels Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG) Prime Restaurants Travel Gay Canada KFC (US)

Government and Not for Profit Canadian Liver Association Canadian Marketing Association Elections Ontario Food Banks Canada George Brown College Ontario Government  Ministry of Economics and Development  Ministry of Research and Innovation Toronto Region Research Alliance (TRRA) Wellesley Institute Bell Mobility Dell Canada GM Dealer Associations GM Goodwrench Grand and Toy Hazelton Clubs Holt Renfrew Liquor Control Board of Ontario (Retail liquor stores) Mac’s Convenience Stores Rogers Communications Inc. Sears Canada Shoppers Drug Mart

Proteanprediction collective wisdom engine a marketing tool for today’s changed world

Briefly Leverage the wisdom

of crowds to evaluate innovations, concepts, messaging, strategies, advertising copy and ideas Prediction Markets are a means

of aggregating the inherent

wisdom of the crowd in order to predict an outcome

Prediction Market theory applied to consumer research is a powerful, technique that enables marketers to evaluate

and reliably

multiple ideas quickly, effectively

Proteanprediction Collective Wisdom Engine is a simplified, streamlined tool based on prediction market theory

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A marketing tool for today’s changed world

Allows people to participate in marketing decisions Talks to them at the speed they are used to Allows people to apply their marketing savvy Gives them a respite from complexity by offering them simple ways to make their opinions known Credits them being consumer-kings

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The underlying premise

Two simple yet profound tenets ask what they think other people would do, not what they would do reward them for getting it right

One complex and profound tenet apply prediction market algorithm to weight the responses

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Simply what you need to know

will it work?

why? Page 21

Prediction market core If we asked 100 people like yourself which of the two advertising campaigns you have just seen will be most likely to make them want to buy BRANDX how many would say Campaign A and how many would say Campaign B and how many would say Campaign C

You said that more people would say that [Insert: Campaign Favourite] would make them want to buy BRANDX. Why do you say that? Page 22

Plus: tailored to the needs of every project

questions  demographic and behavioural screening questions  pre-exposure brand and competitive awareness and preference  post exposure preference  full range of diagnostic testing sample  customer lists, hand raisers, brand enthusiasts  on-line panel  any other source

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Prediction market difference

Traditional Quant Study


people think other people would say, not their focused on what

Remove Bias

Subjective personal opinions

narrow personal biases

People are better at predicting the behaviour of others than their own behaviour respondents are rewarded for Engage respondents

Respondents rewarded for completing the survey, not honesty or accuracy

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thinking about the question and being right!

Prediction market difference a more nuanced outcome

Looking at the results of this actual study, the deeper nuance of ProteanPrediction can be clearly seen.

Comparison ProteanPrediction vs. Average Responses 29.2% Statement D:

33.4% 29% 26.8%

Statement C:

Market Result


Using the average value for each statement (Red) would have lead to a conclusion that Statement D was far and away the best idea.

20% 16.7%

Statement B:


14.5% 13% 14.8%

Statement E:


Average of "favourite " concepts

13% 12.5% Statement A:

13.9% 21%





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Using the percentage of the sample that selected each statement as their “favorite,” (Green) dampens “D” ‘s lead, but changes the picture for the number two position – “A” is now equal to “C” In the ProteanPrediction (Blue) result, the difference between the lead and second closes significantly, indicating that the market place has very nearly as much “heart” for “C” as they do for “D”

Simple straightforward reporting

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Simple straightforward reporting

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Visual analysis of open ended question Comments about Statement A Total sample

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Widely used

• •

Iowa Electronic Markets: political predictions more accurate than the most accurate polls at least 75% of the time Hollywood Markets: Predict box office receipts Used by: Google, Hewlett Packard, Wrigley (Global); Kraft; GE; Microsoft; Intercontinental Hotels Group; GM’ etc.

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Inner Directives®

Understanding the subconscious relationship between consumers and brands

T H E B AY C H A R L E S C O N S U LT I N G G R O U P L I M I T E D 80 C UMBERLAND S TREET • 1503• T ORONTO • M5R 3V1 ( 4 1 6) 9 6 7 . 3337 • FAX (4 1 6) 9 6 7 -2728 • WWW . BC 3 STRATEGIES . COM

Inner Directives® •

Proprietary research approach

Proven psychoanalytic technique in combination with traditional consumer research

Explores and interprets subconscious level of consumer and brand perceptions and behaviour

One on one interviews conducted under clinical conditions by a clinical psychoanalyst Meyers Briggs self complete test as a window into understanding typology, archetypes and mythological narrative Combined with one or more qualitative techniques •

Focus groups, in-home interviews, ethnographic observations, in-store interviews and shop-alongs

Helps explain attitudes

and beliefs that underlie behaviour

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Inner Directives: Delivering deeper insights What you gain  Deeper insights into attitudes and behaviours that consumers are unwilling or unable to express What you learn  

How and why consumers buy How consumers experience “experiences” How consumers focus attention, acquire information, make decisions and orient to outside world

What you get 

Completely new understandings of consumer relationships with categories and brands

More connected experience

and relevant approaches to delivering brand

Entirely new ways of thinking about positioning and communication platforms

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For more information on Protean Strategies call Laurence Bernstein 416 967-3337

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