Jflorth ,$tafforb ~toir Department . 1~re~ent~:
Dinner menu JaoU~ nnb
e1l\eluctant Dragon an operetta
nub Dre~~ing Water, lee i'en anb 1£emouabe l5eef or tOegetabre ..$tew (i;rabuntiou ~ahe
We <5ive !e tlur <5ramerc~ l5rooke 1~oint )2fgh %moor ~oru~ Jnountafn lDitW ]2igh $moor ~oru~ lohnetta ~ook, Drama Director Jlu~tin l1imora~, l5anb Director mr•laurence ~ro~~wdl, accompaui~t mr~. ldre~ ..$lwwrouek anb .mr~. lOidU leffer~ mr. anb »~. %mrnU3 lake )2oioo~ 1~rogrnmme De~igner lDni~~ ]2eruaube3 ~over Jlrti~t Davib Jlnber~ou, who nrrnugeb nU of hi~ own mu~ic l5dnnn l5o~b nub ~ole IDet3 ilte liorth ~tafforb ~ ~oir l5oo~ter~ the ~u~tobial anb ~nfeteda ~tnff at .)1..$~ ilte Jl1%]V:5 ~oir ~tubent lDorunteer~ ilte ~taft anb abmini~trntion of n~~ I
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~ail )!e torb
anb tabies
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fting reque~t~ ~out pte~ence at north ~taffotb ~igh ~chool ~oit Depattment' ~ ll1abdgal fea~t ()u the iltirtidh of ma~ in the teat of out lotb two iltoManb anb thirteen. fea~ting anb fe~tivitie~ begin at 6:00pm.
ihe qtU~fdan~ anb adot~ of the Jllorthetn ~taffotb realm will humbl~ petfotm befote the ctowb~. tinb~e~ l5tuno, ~ourt Ditectot laurence ~to~~wdl, 1~iani~t ftaten me, 1~iani~t Davib Jlnbet~on, ~ourt Jnu~idan ~amantha ~atde;, ~outt trumpeter Jacob ~howtonek, ma~tet of ~etemonie~ )5dana )5o~b anb ~ole met;, 4\o~af ihe~pian~
1~rogramme c5feetings ftom the )Thurta of «etemonits anb llto~al tmmpetet anb tetoroet music b~ ltourt ~id~ Davib Jlnba~on ta~y ma~rigals: now 1~ the month of JUayfug
$ttiltt lt lllp 'rabot Jls fait Jls Jnom ilritomba Dixit
the 1\oyal thespians
featuring ~tenes ftom $halttsptate
"the 1\eluctant Dragon" by John 1\utttf featuring the 6hambet ~oir the ~oy by 10fdotfa c5iotbauo the Dragon b~ ftaten Jne ~aint c5eorge by «ory lUtc5ee
fatethee well ftom the Jnalrtet of «ettntonie~ anb 1\oyal trumpeter