Van vranken letter

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To whom it may concern, I cannot describe the level of enthusiasm with which I write this letter; it is rare that truly excellent individuals are celebrated. Mrs. Lindsey Bruno, the Director of Choirs and Music Theory instructor at North Stafford High School, is just such an individual. I have known Mrs. Bruno since my freshman year and have been one of her students since my junior year. Even when I was not in her classroom, I could sense Mrs. Bruno was an outstanding educator. Her skill in choral instruction and musicianship is evident in each of her students' performances. Not only are her students honing their musical prowess under her guidance, they are forging a bond with someone they respect, someone they value, and most importantly, someone they admire. Education exceeds the classroom and continues long after the school day has come to a close. Mrs. Bruno is continually offering her time and effort in afterschool rehearsals. Not only does she instruct Treble Choir, Concert Choir, Men's Choir, Lady Madrigals, and Chamber Choir during school hours, but she also facilitates after-hours choirs, such as the Jazzy Ladies, A Capella Fellas, and the Blue Notes. Additionally, Mrs. Bruno has offered countless hours of invaluable musical direction in each ofNorth Stafford's school musicals. She is also a member of the Chamber Chorale of Fredericksburg. Behind the scenes, Mrs. Bruno is a loving wife and mother. Needless to say, she is constantly busy. Regardless, Mrs. Bruno attacks each day with unparalleled vigor and efficiency. She is a talented and insightful musician, and truly is a paragon of perseverance. It is often forgotten that teachers, like their students, are human beings. Throughout my four years of high school, I have come to know Mrs. Bruno not only as a mentor, but as a person. Her inner drive and love for teaching is almost glaringly apparent in everything she does. I am currently the only student enrolled in North Stafford's Advanced Placement Music Theory course, and Mrs. Bruno gives me the same consideration, patience, and caliber of instruction that she would to a full classroom. She is never hesitant to help a student; in fact, she needs to help them, needs to show them how, needs to make a difference. It is this relentless compulsion to instruct that truly sets Mrs. Bruno apart from other educators.

To say that Mrs. Bruno deserves to be teacher of the year is a grotesque understatement. For me, at least, Mrs. Bruno's influence will outlast this year, and the next, and probably the rest of my life. It is not a secret that she has had a similar effect on all of her students. She has truly changed be; built me up. I realize I am not the same person I was before I met her, and yet, this realization is a glorious testament to her value. North Stafford, and the world, I'll wager, would not be the same without her. Sincerely,

~v~v~~ Daniel Van Vranken

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