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53 yeArs

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eCrWSS prSt. Std u.S. pOStAge pAid LAke City, FL perMit #63

Serving north Central florida

Direct MAiL volume 53 issue 13

358 nW Main Blvd. | Lake City, FL 32055 | 386-752-8280 (FAX) 758-5869

“Reaching Over 33,304 Homes”

go to


puBLiShed WeekLy On WedneSdAy

for DAiLy classifieds & PictUres!

Covering all of north florida ColUMBia ~ SUWannee ~ haMilton CoUntieS: LAke City • Live OAk • White SpringS • Ft. White • BrAnFOrd • WeLLBOrn

Only one location on Main Blvd. The only “Pet Spot” in town!

Bring in this ad and receiv e

5 OFF Grooming Apri $


l 9-27, 2012

with Boarding! Mention This Ad Exp. Oct. 2012

in Pets h ave f u n

t h e Do g Pa r k

While you’re on vacation, let your pet stay and play at the Pet Spot! We have large and small boarding kennels. Your pet will have interaction with staff and other pets all day. Pets will also have fun playing in the Dog Park at no extra charge.

We also board Cats


with Boarding for a Week Mention This Ad Exp. Oct. 2012

Bring your pet and let them enjoy our

B o a rdin g fo r la

rg e a n d s m a ll

p ets

Bring your pet and enjoy

Yappy Hour

Doggie Daycare April 24th • 5-8 p.m. & Dog Park We are a Smoke-Free Environment

872 SW Main Blvd. • 386.754.5553


10 Donation to benefit Nature Coast Hospice

Music, Fun and Refreshments and Owner & Pet Look-A-Like Contest

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