Senior Issue 2016

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La Costa Canyon High School

Senior Issue 2016

MavLife One Maverick Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009

Volume 10 Issue 8

We Did It B16 Class of 2016 Senior Issue


Senior Destinations


Junior College Karen Elias

Liam McGrath

MiraCosta College Nursing

MiraCosta College

Fire Science “I didn’t feel like applying anywhere and I didn’t want to go to a school that I wasn’t sure about and didn’t like. I eventually want to transfer to UCSB after two years.”

“I am going to transfer after two years. I want to go to UCSD hopefully. I decided to go to community college because it’s more affordable for me and my family.”

*4% Whitney Naccarato

Santa Barbara City College

Business and Marketing “I was originally planning to go to SDSU but at the last minute I tried out for the Santa Barbara City College cheer team because I cheered here and I just wanted to continue doing that. So I’m going to go there for a couple of years and then I plan on switching to either UCSB or SDSU. Cheer was obviously a big part of the decision and I really like the town up there, like Isla Vista; kind of just like the whole cute college community feel and it’s right near the beach.

Zoey Low

Palomar College

Child Development “I want to transfer to SDSU for speech pathology. I decided to go to Palomar because of money reasons and I didn’t like the colleges that I did get into. I just wasn’t excited about them, so Palomar was the best choice.”

Out Of State Erin Jacobson

University of Georgia

Biology “My dad lives there so I get in-state tuition. I’m really excited to move onto a career, because obviously we’re all looking forward to doing something specific so this is just kind of the next step of getting there.”

Taylor Robb

* 42%

Isabella Budwig

Forensic Science “I’m excited for the scenery because I heard North Carolina is really pretty. I heard they had a good forensic science program and that’s what I want to do. I wanted to go out-of-state just for a change in scenery. I’ve lived in a place where it’s like sunny all the time with no seasons and I like seasons. I chose my major because I love science and that type of science seems really interesting to me.”

Brandon Recce

The University of Georgia Biology

“I figured that it’s way easier to come back to California. It’s four years and it’s a perfect time to experience something new. The campus is so beautiful and everyone in the south is super nice. I’m looking forward to meeting a bunch of new people and being independent for the first time.”

Western Carolina University

University of Utah

Jaxon Guenther Lehigh University Political Science

“I chose to go out-of-state because I liked the school and I did early decision. It wasn’t that the school was in Pennsylvania or not in California, it was just that I liked the school. I’m excited for the fraternities.”

Computer Science “I chose that major because I’ve always loved computers and I’ve decided that I want to try and make a video game. I chose to go out-of-state because I saw while doing some research that the University of Utah has one of the best computer science classes for gaming design. It was a lot cheaper as well than California schools. I’m looking forward to going to a new state and being a new environment and adapting to it as well as meeting all new people, as I’m sure there are a lot of great people there.”


Elise McCutchen

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Senior Destinations


Business administration with a minor in Spanish “I really liked the area and I’m really into hiking and that area is super great for those types of activities so just community wise that really got me. They have a really great business program and none of their classes are taught by t.a.’s which I really like because I’m not a huge fan of learning from somebody who doesn’t have a degree in what I’m trying to learn. Also the class sizes aren’t too big, but it’s also not insanely small.”


Allison Nacario Cal Poly Pomona

Apparel Merchandising and Management “The school was very open and the campus was very spread-out and everyone seemed very close and also it was really pretty and it’s by L.A. I’m most excited for my major because it seems really fun and also just school activities. I’m already in a club, which is pretty cool.”

*52% Kevin Huynh

University of California Riverside

Undeclared, but I want to change to Business Administration “I just really liked it. I saw that they had a really cool swimming pool and that was one of the schools that actually accepted me. I’m excited to meet new people. My brother has a friend that got me interested in business administration, because she does sales for Sony.”

Maddie Brown

Sonoma State University

Undeclared “I love where the school is and I love how it’s near the city. I think it’s just a great school. I’m excited for a new experience, like the new people. I’m super excited and ready to take on a new adventure.”

Alternative/ International Chasen Nevett

National University of Singapore

International Banking and Finance “I think that Singapore and the countries that surround Singapore are going to do extremely well in the next 50 years. I’m excited to be immersed in another culture and being able to work in a foreign country and do something entirely different.”

Matthew Burigana McGill University

Chemistry “I wanted to go back to Canada because that’s where my family is going to be and it’s a lot cheaper. It also gives me a lot more opportunities than I would’ve had if I would’ve gone to school in the U.S. I’m excited about the freedom that I’m going to have and being closer to my family.

Jonathan Dittoe Coast Guard

*2% *This is a percentage of 2016 LCC Senior Graduates planning to follow this path. The information is gathered from the Facebook posts of students, and only comprises 201 of the 473 seniors. Information may not be representative of all LCC students

“I wanted to join the Coast Guard because my mom was in the Navy so I thought it was the career path for me. I’m really looking forward to traveling around the world.”

Jacque Lopez Garcia

Universidad La Salle Undecided, possibly Actuary

“I came here to study for high school, but my parents are in Mexico so I’m going back for my little sister, because I don’t want her to grow up without me. I am planning to come back [to the United States], but right now I’m going to be there for my sister. I’m excited to go back to the culture and to be with my family.”



Senior Confessions: What Do The Seniors Have to Say? The last chance for Seniors to share their unique stories during their four years here on campus “I’ve still never seen half of the seniors even though I’ve been here for 4 years.”

“I made nearly everybody in my geometry class fail a test by telling them the wrong way to do everything”

“I’m scared of public bathrooms so I only use the one behind the cooking classroom”

“One time I dropped an entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet in the bathroom and I didn’t know what to do, so I just left”

“I have used a window screen as a riot shield and then just left it somewhere on campus”

“ I once was a Tumblr boy”

“ I’m a vegetarian and I accidently ate a pepperoni at prom”

“ I barr everyone because I’ve had a crush on one person the whole time”

The Senior Editorial: The Editors’ Last Word at LCC

The MavLife seniors’ final editorial for the graduating class of 2016: Giving a huge thank you to each of you


enior year is the famed year of high school. It is the last of four jam-packed years of learning and self-discovery- and it is in this finality that many of us seniors find ourselves fixated on the idea that we are soon-to-be-adults with our whole lives ahead of us. While looking ahead is completely justified and it is absolutely essential to preparing yourself for college, it is also important for us to step outside of that fixation on the future and take another look at the faces we have been seeing over and over for the past four years. Lining the paths, side-glancing you in class, even calling you out on not doing your part in a group project, our peers were the building blocks of our high school social lives. It is in this final year that we have the special opportunity to share in our mutual hopes and fears, as chances are those you have not typically surrounded yourself with in high school could benefit from knowing that you, too, low-key enjoyed that math class or that you, too, are high-key stressing about the potential for an off-the-wall roommate in college. Outside of the circles we may have found ourselves bound to, there are likely so many of our peers that are in a very similar position to our very selves- and it is important to capitalize on this, reflecting on what connects us as a class and unites us as a generation. The Seniors here at MavLife have noticed the many positives the class of 2016 holds close to its core- the most significant of them being the interconnectedness our class has developed throughout our four years here at LCC. It has

been commonplace for us to receive compliments from the teachers, administration and staff here about how close we seem in class, or how inclusive we have proven to be towards all of our peers. When put in comparison to past graduating classes, we have been given continual praise for our ability to break down social barriers and open up ourselves to a wider social group. The Seniors here at MavLife want to not only give a huge thanks to all who have contributed to the incredible culture we have developed on campus since the start of our run here, but also to tell each and every senior that this interconnectedness is something that we should always strive for in our present and future endeavors. With the start of our college experience coming so soon, we feel it is vital that an emphasis is put towards building connections with our peers and finding those that truly enrich our daily lives- as it is these people that we can carry our friendships with for the rest of our lives. We knew that coming into high school there was likely a widely accepted notion that it was going to be a potential home of the social hierarchy we had seen imagined and been tortured by in everything from novels to movies. There was a fear of the popular crowd, the outcasts, and maybe even the over-achievers- and these fears were entirely justified, for how could we not fear the new social environment we were about to enter? We had to somehow defend ourselves. Luckily, these glorified images of commonly

shared teenage fears did not become the end reality of our class’s high school experience and that is in large part due to all of you working so hard to make LCC a place everyone can call home. Stepping away from the more social aspect of our high school lives, our class has also received praise for the amount of both academic-based and community-based engagement we have shown in the past four years. We have achieved, connected, and learned all within the scope of our own community and possibly even beyond- and for this we also thank you. We believe that the extent to which we have achieved will leave a definite legacy at LCC, and will likely set the precedent for future students. So, here we are at the end of these jam-packed four years. Have we found our identities? Possibly. Are we going to miss math class? Probably not. Did we make a difference? Most definitely, yes.

Aneleise Frandsen Editor-in-Chief Cassie Amundsen Editor-in-Chief Kailey O’Connell Feature Editor Reilly Tiglio Entertainment Editor Cooper Gee Opinion Editor


La Costa Canyon Teachers Reflect on the Class of 2016


Giving teachers a chance to give their input on the graduating class of 2016, as well as their experiences with the graduates

Mr. Teague

“In comparison to previous years this class is a lot more together and inspired and overall just a part of campus” “They are very motivated, energetic, and enthusiastic”

“This class really cared about each other as individuals they always supported each other” “Energetic, dynamic and exciting”

“One of the things that really stood out to me and that I remember most about this class is how many kids we had at the Torrey Pines football game. That was definitely a highlight this year”

Mr. Fletes “This year has been a HUGE change in campus culture, it’s been a positive change people are friendlier to each other, they’re supportive of each other”

Mrs. Denyes “Super kind, personable, motivated, good people “ “The seniors have been more visible on campus doing activities and have been good leaders”

“One word is too hard. I am just going to sum them up with awesome, they are awesome” “I have got some real stellar talents, there are a lot of just really good smart kids this year that I am going to be sorry to see go”

Mrs. Schildhouse

“Overall they are more enthusastic about activities on campus. They seem commited to studying and learning”

Mr. Farris

“I do see a pretty big change in our campus culture from the last year so I am going to go ahead and give them credit for that and it’s definitly a positive change”

“This group definitly has kids who are very engaged in the community I think we have a lot more kids who are engaged in a lot more depth then we have in past classes”

I think it speaks to a level of maturity for this class to be engaged for that long in one thing. They aren’t so much about resume checking or resume building. I think that it is a core interest that it seems like a lot of kids this year have, which is really awesome.”




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The official La Costa Canyon High School memory gameboard.

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The more you know about these last four years, the better of an advantage you’ll have in Life of a Maverick! This game will test your knowledge in categories such as music, movies, dance, LCC events, and more. 1. This game requires 1-473 players for the best results. 2. Use a nearby object as a game piece (ex: quarter, keys, chapstick, etc.) 3. Begin on the first blue square to start. 4. There will be different questions presented on each space. If you answer the question correctly, move forward. If you answer incorrectly, move backwards (except for the first space: move forward if right, but just stay put for one turn if wrong). 5. The number of spaces to move is indicated by the designated color of the space. Refer to this key for the exact numbers: Wh i p r 6. The first player to the end wins! em ch Su

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Feature Editor & Staff Writer

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Kailey O’Connell & Erin Sumabat

Which new dance, introduced this year, featured a Silent Disco?



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What fast food chain started feeding starving Encinitas locals in 2014?

Senior Checko ut Day

What did we do on June 7 that checked us out of high school forever?


Which treacherous, multi-step physics project invoked the most pain? (hint: rhymes with Flube Shmoldberg)

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Maverick Athletics and Athletes Through the Years

Committed Athletes*

Carson Sutherland: Idaho State Univeristy, Football Jake Koehnke: Air Force Academy; Football Jake Cesear:University of Wisconsin; Football Austin McClure: Dixie State University; Football Kenzie Peterson: Miami Univeristy; Field Hockey Nina Randolph: Stanford University; Field Hockey Heather Brennan: Amherst College; Field Hockey Riley Prohaska: University of California, Davis; Cross Country Keely Boyd: University of California, Irvine; Cross Country Derik Engebretsen: Saint Mary’s College; Soccer Kai Heckerman: Bradley University; Soccer Brandon Butler: San Diego State University; Soccer Kai Kramer: Drexel University; wrestling Kelsey Aaknes: University of Colorado, Boulder; Soccer Colie Martin: Biola University; Soccer Kalli Kampfl: Loyola Marymount University; Soccer Alex Estrella: Arcadia University; Soccer Maddie Germuska: Hartwick College; Waterpolo Mickey Moniak: University of California, Los Angeles; Baseball Nick Scheidler: University of California, Los Angeles; Baseball Bucky Hawk: North Carolina Sports University; Baseball Reed LaBar: California State University, San Marcos; Baseball Brendan Kawaja: Loyola Marymount University; Baseball Jake McLean: Towson University; Lacrosse Kara Gibson: Saint Mary’s College; Lacrosse Madison Lambert: University of California, Berkeley; Lacrosse Ryan Murphy: United States Military Academy; Lacrosse Megan Ruiz: Villanova University; Softball Riley Casper: Portland State University; Softball *: This is a list of committed athletes to the

Rachel Ereso: California Lutheran University

Kyle Whatnall: Chapman University

“My favorite thing about Cal Lutheran is that it is a smaller sized private school, which is something I’ll benefit from as a student, plus the campus is so cute. The athletic program for cross country is pretty laid back because it’s a division three school so we only have mandatory practice two days a week.”

Photos:Tom Mills and Kevin Mummau

Griffin Teisher: California State University, San Marcos “The atmosphere seemed really fun and it just seemed like an overall great campus to be at.The coaches made it seem really doable with my schedule and I’m going to take some summer school classes to try and make my second semester schedule easier when baseball season is.”

best of MavLife’s knowledge, and may not be a complete list.

Students Speak: Favorite Maverick Memories “My favorite memory is when we beat Torrey Pines at football this year, and the student section was all lined up against the rail and then everyone rushed the field. It was an amazing feeling.” - Reed Marting

“My favorite memory of athletics is when Michael Rice said that it was DanielVerga’s birthday even though it wasn’t, and the parents and Coach Foss brought cookies to celebrate. It was really funny.” - Jack Kagan

“I really like the atmosphere of the school. When I visited it was really open and friendly, I really like the size of it. I like the fact that it is close to home, that’s a bonus as well. I’m planning on taking advantage of the tutoring that’s offered and taking advantage of my schedule the best I can to make sure I get my work done.”

Capri Goldsmith: Dixie State University

“I’m most excited about new experiences, new friends, and a new school all in a new state. It’s going to be fun to be in Utah and start a whole new part of my life. For soccer we’re on the road a lot traveling, so we have tutors that come and help us and they also gives us time on the road to do our classwork.You have to prioritize school before athletics.”

Maverick Athletics: By the Numbers 2012-2016

55 League Championships 24 CIF Championships 1 State Championship 2014-2015 Cal High Sports Division 2 California High School Athletic Program of the Year

The Stampede: #2 in “Battle of the Fans”

Sammy Sinatra Staff Writer and Cassie Amundson Editor-in-Chief

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10 Entertainment SENIOR ISSUE 2016 Making Your Dorm A Home: Easy Life Hacks Here are some hacks to make your new room more like home: 1. Store extra clothes and shoes under your bed to maximize your room for activities 2. Customize the smell of your room by attaching a clip on air freshener to your air vent 3.Keep your cords tidy by attaching binder clips to your desks and stringing them through 4. Use bed risers that double as a power source 5. Tack your necklaces and bracelets to a bulletin board 6. Not enough space in your closet? Just add another bar! Graphics: Kennon Aarnes

7. Use ice cube trays to keep your jewelry organized

8. Use an over-the-door shoe organizer to store snacks 9. Get towels that have your name on them so you won’t lost them in the mix of other dormmates 10. Buy Twin XL Sheets 11. Bring 3M Command hooks to hang things on the wall 12. Bring a bunch of photos from home so you don’t forget about the ones you love most! 13. Pack your clothing for that season only. When you go home on holidays, you can pack your winter and spring clothing that you didn’t need in the fall. 14. Get posters from your favorite band or team to put on your side of the room. This will serve as a good conversation starter and will connect you back to home. 15. Purchase a shower caddy with holes in the bottom. It’s a useful way to organize your shower products and keep them all in one place for quick convenience. 16. Buy a simple whiteboard that can hook onto the front of your dorm room door. This way, friends can leave you sweet messages.



College Advice from Principal Bryan Marcus


oing from having your own room in a home with the people you are most comfortable with to living in one tiny room with some complete strangers in a foreign place can be a difficult adjustment for anyone to make. “ I remember vividly my parents rolling up in their van, I get out of the van and my mom’s crying and my dad has this huge smile on his face, he just gives me a high five and just says have fun, but make sure you stay on top of your school work and taking care of yourself,” Principal Bryan Marcus said. When thinking about college you don’t often think about the difficulties you’re going to have to go through, or what it is going to be like to have to take care of yourself. In reality, no one is there to make you your dinner or make sure you have your notebook for class, or even to get you to class on time.

This isn’t meant to scare you, it is meant to excite you. Our lives are rolling onward and we are becoming real life adults. This change is something most of us have probably dreamt about all throughout high school. Change is always hard to adapt to, even if it is for the best. In the first few weeks of college, you’re most likely going to see many new faces. “I remember those first couple of nights were just super lonely, it’s so foreign you’re not used to anything, you can’t just drive to LCC and know that the bells are going to ring at this certain time, college, it’s so different,” Marcus said. Change and having something new can be rewarding experiences. Throughout college, we learn so many new and exciting things about ourselves. With this strange experience still upcoming, no one knows half of the stuff we are capable of yet.


With all those questions still unanswered about who to talk to and why to talk to them, just be confident and know who you truly are and you will find those you have the most in common with. “Step out of your comfort zone, meet new friends and put yourself out there,” Marcus said. Marcus left us with one last piece of advice as we close out our high school chapter. “Stay true to who you are and people will gravitate towards you because they like you for who you are on the inside,” Marcus said. Confidence and the willingness to step out of your comfort zone is key in being a happy and successful college student. Sydney Kay and Kara Gibson Senior Staff Writers

Checklist: What To Bring To Your New Home -Netflix membership (so you can do your “homework”) -Bedside lamp -Fan -Headphones -Portable speaker (for impromptu dance parties) -Reusable water bottle -Planner? Maybe it’s time to get organized... -Slippers -Flip Flops (for the dreaded communal showers) -Rain jacket (even if you're in california, you never know when the drought might end) -Vitamins (keep that immunity system intact) -Keep healthy snacks in your room! When you're in a rush, you’re gonna eat whatever is available, so many good choices. -Quality backpack -Business casual attire (you never know when you might land an interview) -Eye mask, get your much needed sleep after long nights of studying -Sandwich bags (to steal food from the cafeteria) -Fuzzy blanket -Comfortable clothes for class -Very soft pillow

REMEMBER: Less is more. Bring only what you need, and you can buy more later.


The Hungry Maverick


Senior Issue Edition

The Hungry Maverick is an evaluation done by the MavLife Staff, to find the community’s best tasting food, drinks and desserts. For this the Senior Issue of 2016, we decided to do things a little differently and shout out all of our local favorites sure to be missed when we are cramming for finals at a college far from home. Our senior staff members chose their favorite restaurants that are considered staples to the Encinitas community. We got the famous “smiley” cookies from VG Donut and Bakery, fish tacos from Juanitas Taco Shop, cinnamon rolls from Pannikin Coffee and Tea, and last, but not least acai bowls from Mozy Cafe.They all received a five out of five Maverick star rating because they are a staple here at home and likely to be on the list of Reilly Tiglio first spots to hit when we come back to visit.

Entertainment Editor

VG Donut and Bakery

RATED: 5/5

106 Aberdeen Dr Cardiff, CA 92007 (760) 753-2400 erving up old school bakery items since 1969, “These cookies are so adorable,” senior Cassie VG Donut and Bakery is a local donut shop that Amundson said. “It makes me think of super fun never disappoints. The food options are endless at moments with my friends.” VG’s but the one that stood out as the class favorite The cookies hold a special place in all of our was the ever-so-photogenic “smiley” cookie. seniors’ hearts because it reminds them of the “These cookies remind me of a warm sunny bright and wonderful atmosphere of San Diego. day on D-Street,” senior Kailey O’Connell said. “It grab a cookie and wave at the Cardiff Kook as you smells and tastes like buttery,sugary goodness.” head down to the sand. The staff devoured these cookies and the crumbs they left over with smiles on their faces and in their stomachs.


RATED: 5/5

Juanitas Taco Shop

290 N Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 943-9612 ocated right on Coast Highway, Juanitas Taco Our staff couldn’t keep away from these Shop is known for its big burritos and mouth- tacos. With just a simple splash of lime, each bite watering tacos served for breakfast, lunch and was so fresh and mouth-watering that our staff dinner. After a long day of laying on the beach or was left wanting more during their off campus surfing the waves, fresh fish tacos from Juanitas lunch trips. make a perfect Encinitas summer day even better. “It tastes like all that is good in the world,” “The colors of the vegetables on the tacos are senior Erin Sumabat said. “It tastes like happiness perfectly complimentary,” senior Erin Sumabat and joy.” said. “They looked as if they were made and placed by da Vinci himself.”


Pannikin Coffee And Tea

RATED: 5/5

510 N Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 436-5824 annikin Coffee and Tea is known for its deliget enough of these gooey and delicious treats. cious and substantial amount of freshly baked They were the perfect cure to the May grey blues pasteries. Whether you are in the mood for a that our staff has been feeling these past couple muffin, croissant, tea, cinnamon roll or a big cup of weeks. of coffee Pannikin has it all along with adorable “These cinnamon rolls were equivalent to a decor. field of cinnamon, icing and glory,” senior Cooper “It smells amazing,” senior Emily Brown said. Gee said. “I dreamt of these cinnamon rolls.” “It smells like vanilla and cinnamon and warmth.” The cinnamon rolls left our room smelling incredible and the senior staff members couldn’t


RATED: 5/5


Mozy Cafe 698 N Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 944-9168

ozy Cafe is not only known for its food but for its friendly atmosphere and Encinitas feel. The bright and colorful interior brightens up anyone’s mood before even eating the delicious food. One of the most common and delicious items on the menu is their acai bowl. The acai bowl is filled with granola, coconut, blueberries, bananas as well as sweet and tangy acai. “It has a gorgeous vibrant shade of purple,” senior Aneleise Frandsen said. “It has an

assortment of fruit that tastes like pure happiness.” The seniors fell more and more in love with these acai bowls as they ate them. The perfect mixture of fruits and the crunch of the acai bowls left their stomachs full of Encinitas love. “I love this acai bowl so much that I’m not even worried about the thousands of seeds in my teeth,” senior Kailey O’Connell said. “It’s perfect.”

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