October 2016

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La Costa Canyon High School


October 2016

Volume 11 Issue 2

One Maverick Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009

New Cheerleading Coach Sparks Change in Program SPORTS: PAGE 8

Courtesy of Daniel Salas

Homecoming Dance Brings Ancient Greece to LCC


uring La Costa Canyon High School’s first pep rally, ASB revealed the theme of this year’s homecoming: Welcome to Ancient Greece. The dance was held on October 8th, and ASB had 1182 students attend. Due to the popular and requested return of an outside dance, ASB has delivered, and this year’s homecoming was held near the softball field. ”My freshman year it was inside and it was so hot and crowded you were touching someone at all times. It was actually a death trap. I’m so happy the dance was outside this year,” junior Layla Slipper said. Homecoming, a night inspired by the sophisticated, ancient civilization that brought us the Olympics, medicine, and togas, brought us a homecoming like no other. “I really liked the theme because I think that you can do a lot with it and make it really cool. I think it’s gonna be super fun,” senior Spencer Broberg said. Although homecoming is known for the dance, this year’s also had a photobooth. But the crowning activity was a jumpy, and

inflatable Wipeout styled game. “I was so glad they had the photo booth because pictures last longer,” freshman Tessa Catledge said. The food at this year homecoming was ice cream and churros. Although not necessarily Greek themed, the food that was present at the dance contains many of the students’ favorites. “I was excited for churros because Costco closed their churro stand and I’ve been churro-less for too long,” sophomore Tim Buchakara said. “I also like the mix of cold and hot foods so I can cool down after all the moshing.” Thanks to ASB’s collaboration with SOS, an entertainment company that has put on most of LCC’s dances in the past, which have been successful. SOS is provided most of the activities, and all of the food at this year’s dance. “Working with SOS is so nice,” junior ASB member Maysen Hendricks said. “They help us plan and set up to make homecoming


from middle schools such as Diegueno, Oak Crest, Earl Warren and Carmel Valley. There aren’t clubs at any of those four Kennon Aarnes schools, so the incoming students were exposed to clubs for the first time. “I love the idea of clubs at LCC,” Assistant Principal Reno Medina said. “They provide a great way for students to connect with other students from different grade levels or students they’ve never seen before.” Participating clubs at La Costa Canyon High School came to the meadow with their own table and most had food, such as cookies or popsicles, that they handed out in order to draw students to their stands and discuss more about why one should join their club. Most clubs also had signs with their club name on it or little decorations adorning their table. This visual appeal and attraction caused many students to walk up to stands and decide if they wanted to join the club or not. “Club Rush was great for my club because we had a lot of lower classmen join with some returning juniors and seniors as well,” French Club President Tatym Razc said. This year, ASB decided to have the

nutrition law repealed so students can sell candy and other items that were banned in previous years. This drew more attention to the tables where all the clubs were located in the meadow. Because Club Rush occurred right before lunch, the students were hungry, which offered the perfect time for clubs to offer these snacks. “I think that the new food option this year was a good one because it brought in a lot more students to our stand to try the variety of French-themed foods we were handing out,” Razc said. Many students were willing to purchase the tickets in order to receive the food at the stands. There was also much more room for clubs out in the meadow, which made offering foods and describing clubs more possible and efficient. “I like how it was in the meadow this year because it was more announced,” Razc said. “We got more of a turnout when it was in the meadow because everyone was there and they all knew where to find us.” Club Rush was an hour long, from 11:15am to 12:15pm. Some were concerned with Club Rush’s dedicated time slot because they considered it to be too long. While Club Rush was a success overall, there was a considerably length of time allotted for different clubs to portray their interests. “I think Club Rush was a huge hit for everything, except for the time length,”

LCC had a football game against El Camino on October 7th that was intended to get the students hyped for the dance. The homecoming queen, Kami Hoban, was announced during the halftime show. Austin Ashby was crowned king at the dance. “I’m excited to find out who won and watch the halftime show because they always announce it in a cool way,” said Buchakara. Ticket prices started at 25 dollars with ASB card and went up five dollars every week. Without an ASB card, tickets started at 30 dollars and went up five every week. LCC also had a spirit week before to get the Mavs excited and ready for homecoming. Each day had a different theme to dress up as. The days were Tye-Dye vs. Stripped, Tacky Tourist, Rep the Prep, Jersey Day and Mavs Wear. “I love spirit week,¨ Broberg said. ”It always brings everyone together and gets us excited for the dance.” ASB has been planning homecoming for a long time. They have put in hours every

class, as well as out of class since school started. “We started working on Homecoming at retreat during the summer and we plan more stuff every day,” sophomore ASB member Keelin Grub said. Unlike Formal and Prom, Homecoming is a more casual dance that took place at LCC. The shift from the inside to the outside homecoming was only implemented last year and many students have voiced their preference for the change. “We were very excited to have homecoming outside again this year,” ASB advisor Casey Rector said. “Last year was the first time in school history that ASB hosted an outdoor dance. We’ve taken the good and the not so good and made positive changes for this year’s event.”

Myka Birchall Staff Writer

ASB Introduces LCC’s First Food Fair to Promote Clubs


arlier this year Comedy Sports Club, Fishing Club, Art Club, Rugby Club and more flooded the Meadow for Club Rush to recruit more members and raise funds by selling food to students. The clubs had a new option this year: selling food to the students to try and get more students to join their club. Senior Lauryn Westgarth was one of the organizers for Club Rush. She has always liked clubs because she thinks that they are a successful way in bringing in new members that can find new people that have the same interests as they do. Westgarth had a choice of organizing an event at LCC and she chose Club Rush because she wanted to kick off the school year on a positive note. “I think clubs are really important,” Westgarth said. “It gives a really good opportunity for students to get involved outside of school activities as well as in-school activities.” There was an exceptionally large freshmen class this year, most of them coming





Cheerleading Revolution

The Great Debate



Coach Farr’s vision and attitude lead to a positive change in the cheerleading program.


Students provide opinions on the political beliefs of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.


Assistant Principal Jaime Garman said. “An hour of signing up for clubs is just too long, but everything else worked well; the food tickets were a good idea and nearly every student was looking around, finding the perfect club for them.” Club Rush was an accomplishment for both club members and the student body. It helped introduce many to new clubs they might’ve not heard of before. Club Rush continues to offer students with a way to connect to their peers and their community. “Club Rush affects our community here at LCC very positively because of the friends students can make during clubs and because of all the opportunities students have at joining any club they want,” Garman said.


The Hungry Mav

MavLife brought in hungry students during lunch to determine which local Mexican restaurants’ fish taco is the best.


Tommy Griffiths

Staff Writer

Oct/Nov 31-4 3 9-12, 16-18 1 4-5 16-17

Survivor Week Comedy Sportz

Fall Theater Production Start Smart SDCUE Tech Fair Community Day

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