Health and Social CoursesCare

The Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 6 allows candidates to demonstrate competence in job related skills in their particular area of work.
To study for this qualification, you must be working within Health and Social Care and need to be involved in the co-ordination and implementation of care plans which may include holding key worker responsibilities.
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Available from September
The Level 3 Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 7 allows candidates to demonstrate competence in job related skills in their particular area of work.
This course will develop the skills and knowledge you have gained working in a care setting.
To study for this qualification, you must be working within Health and Social Care and need to be involved in the co-ordination and implementation of care plans which may include holding key worker responsibilities.
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Available from September and Januar y
The aim of the course is to prepare students for progression from further education to higher education, employment and/or further training within Health, Social Care or Childcare. Students will develop a range of knowledge, skills and the understanding required to work in a variety of care settings. Students will undertake a minimum of one week’s placement experience during the session.
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Available from September and January
This course will give you a deep understanding of working with children and young people, and will help you to integrate knowledge and theory into practice, including the importance of anti-discriminatory practice, in line with the National Care Standards and Scottish Social Services Council Codes of Practice.
The SVQ Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level 9 is mandatory for those employed in senior and/ or management positions within the adult care sector. It is a requirement of the Scottish Social Servicies Council that people involved in adult care at a senior level have achieved, or are working towards, this qualification.
To find out more and-healthcare-scqf-level-9/
Available from September and January
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Available from September and January
This Child and Adolescent Mental Health (SCQF level 10) module is aimed at those working with children in education, health, social care and the voluntary sectors.
You will examine the concept of health and wellbeing in relation to mental health in children and adolescents and explore key policy documents like Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC). You will gain an awareness of child and adolescent mental health
services, their differences across the UK, the importance of progress, participation and partnerships, and an overview of specific mental health disorders.
To find out more and-adolescent-mental-health-
Available from September
It has become increasingly necessary for healthcare professionals to acquire skills in the communication of information across a multitude of disciplines, for the safe delivery and steady advancement of health and social care in a digitised environment.
You will learn about data security, legislation, patient confidentiality, and the impact of digital connectivity, especially in relation to improving access for those in remote and rural areas.
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Available from January Advanced Diabetes (SCQF level 10)
This Advanced Diabetes CPD Award provides students with the knowledge, confidence and capability required in diabetes management.
The module is aimed at professionals registered either with General Medical Council (GMC), Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), or Health Professionals Council (HPC).
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Available from January
Are you interested in influencing or effecting changes that will lead to better outcomes for patients or users of health and social care services? Do you wish to encourage quality improvement across your organisation? If you would like to be a future quality improvement leader then this PgCert Healthcare Quality Improvement will be of interest to you.
You will study part time, online, which means you can fit your studies around your work and personal commitments.
Developed and taught in collaboration with a team of healthcare professionals, academic and industry
Youexperts.can study individual modules for personal or professional development, or work towards the full PgCert.
Comprises 3 X 20 credit modules or can study one or two modules
Introduction to Lean (SCQF level 11) - 20 credit course
Available from September
Improvement Science (SCQF level 11) - 20 credit course
Available from January
Introduction to Patient Safety (SCQF level 11) - 20 credit course
Available from September
To find out more quality-improvement/
The MA Health and Wellbeing is designed to meet the career development needs of health and social care professionals in the UK. The course will increase your awareness of the social, technological, economic, political and environmental changes taking place within health and social care, whether in the public, private or voluntary sectors, enabling you to take your career to the next stage.
You will study part time through fully-supported online learning, with lectures, tutorials and other materials accessible via the university’s virtual learning environment (VLE). You will receive regular support from your tutors and peers via online discussions, telephone and email; whichever suits you best.
Comprises 9 X 20 credit modules with one module being a double and another module being triple.
To find out more outerhebrides.
Available from September and January
The PDA Health and Social Care Supervision is designed for those working in the care sector in supervisory roles. It is approved to meet the registration requirements of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and also provides continuing professional development (CPD) for first line managers who provide supervision, support and guidance
To find out more Date:and-social-care-supervision/
Available from September andJanuary