Catholic Highlights February 2016

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— February 2016 —

Purple and Gold Gala Silent Auction Items Needed

Lancaster Catholic High School will host the second Annual Purple & Gold Gala on Saturday, April 30, 2016, at 6 p.m. at the Lancaster Country Club. One of the most popular events of the evening is the silent auction. Full of great prizes and unexpected treasures, the silent auction proceeds directly support Academics, Athletics, Campus Ministry and Fine & Performing Arts for ALL Lancaster Catholic High School students. We are seeking silent auction donations. From beach house rentals to museum memberships to sports tickets, your donations will help to make the auction a huge success. To donate, please contact Venus Clements at 717.509.0313 ext. 134 or Thank you for your support!

Easter Flower Sale Benefits Verterans’ Victory House

Lancaster Catholic High School invites you to celebrate the Easter season and help others at the same time. The Varsity Club is selling spring flowers to raise money for items for those starting out on their own after a temporary stay at the Transitional Living Center, home to Veterans’ Victory House, on King Street in Lancaster. We hope to provide blankets, mattress pads, dishes and silverware along with other basic needs.

Flowers include tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and Easter lilies from Stauffers of Kissel Hill. Pick up will be March 22. Complete the Order Form and return with cash or check made payable to Lancaster Catholic High School to Varsity Club Easter Flowers, c/o LCHS, 650 Juliette Ave., Lancaster, PA 17601. The sale continues until March 7.

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