Crusader Connection: January 14, 2021

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Lancaster Catholic High School Crusader Connection January 14, 2021

Spanish Honor Society Lancaster Catholic’s Spanish Honor Society has been translating sponsor letters for the children at Amigos de Jesús, an orphanage in Honduras. At Amigos de Jesús, donors have the ability to sponsor a child and as a sponsor, they would receive periodic updates and a handwritten letter from the child. “Helping with the translation of the letters from English into Spanish has been a great opportunity for the upper level students to use what they have learned in their classes,”explained Señora Sue Ringleign. “It is also a great way for them to serve others. We are hoping to also have a penpal exchange next semester where the students will write their own letters to the children at the home.” Pictured are members of the Spanish Honor Society. For more information about Amigos de Jesús, click here.

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