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The School Board provides this policy and schedule of fees for the consistent charging of student fees throughout the school division. No fees or charges may be assessed or collected that either have not been approved by the School Board or listed in this policy and schedule of fees. Variations in fees based on school level (elementary, middle, and high school) are identified below where applicable.
A. Reduction or Waiver of Fees. Fees and charges will be reduced or waived for economically disadvantaged students and students whose families are undergoing economic hardships and are unable to pay including, but not limited to, families receiving unemployment benefits or public assistance such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, families qualifying for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, Supplemental Security Income or Medicaid; foster families caring for children in foster care; or, families that are homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act. Each time a fee is charged, a notice that a fee reduction or waiver may be requested along with instructions for applying shall be provided.
B. Prohibited Fees. Fees may not be charged in the following circumstances:
1. As a condition of school enrollment, except for students who are not of school age or who do not reside within the jurisdiction as provided by the Code of Virginia.
2. For instructional programs and activities, or materials required for instruction, except as specified in this policy and schedule of fees.
3. For textbooks or textbook deposits; however, a reasonable fee or charge for lost or damaged textbooks may be charged.
4. For pupil transportation to and from school.
5. For summer school programs or other forms of remediation required by the Standards of Quality.
6. For instructional materials, textbooks, or other materials that are not directly used by a public school student.
C. Schedule of Fees. The schedule of fees is listed in the 4020 regulation.
D. Annual Notice. This policy and a schedule of fees shall be provided annually to parents and posted on the school division’s website.
E. Prohibited Collection Actions. No student’s scholastic report card, class schedule or diploma shall be withheld due to nonpayment of fees and charges. No student shall be suspended or expelled for nonpayment.
Student Fees And Charges
F. Determining Fees. The Superintendent shall adopt regulations establishing the amount or means for determining fees as authorized by this policy and schedule of fees. Such fees shall be uniform throughout the school division but may vary depending upon school level (elementary, middle or high school).
G. Items Not Included. This policy does not apply to the operation of voluntary activities such as school stores, school banks, extra-curricular activities (field trips), or fundraising activities. This policy does not apply to programs funded through the National School Lunch Act.
H. Fees Charged. Fees which are specifically authorized by a provision of the Code of Virginia may be charged.
I. Consequences. Participation in graduation ceremonies and other extracurricular and athletic activities may be withheld for non-payment of fees.
[Former Policy 4-2]
Adopted: 5/28/13
Revised: 02/14/17
Current Revision: 11/30/21 _______________________________________________________________________
Legal Refs: Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 8.01-43, 22.1-6, 22.1-243, 22.1- 280.4
Cross Refs: Policy 4010, Policy 4115, Policy 5060, Policy 5095