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to two activities per school, per year. This does not apply to classroom projects approved under B.4. above.

c. Any publicity for school-wide fundraising involving a vendor will include the percentage of money earned that will remain with the school.

2. School-Sponsored Clubs and Organizations

a. Fundraising organized by school-sponsored clubs and organizations should have a designated purpose and the proceeds should be used for that purpose, as intended.

b. Any fundraising activities that involve the sale of food and beverages on school premises during the school day must comply with applicable School Nutrition and Wellness policies and regulations.

c. The use of instructional time to promote a fundraising activity or to celebrate the outcome of a fundraising activity should be minimized through the use of brief messages on the morning announcements or short presentations connected to school assemblies with an instructional purpose.

d. It shall be the duty of each principal to ensure that fundraising practices for each school are consistent with the guidelines set forth in Chapter 12 (“Fundraisers and Donations”) of the LCPS School Activity Funds Administrative and Accounting Manual.

3. Student Involvement in Fundraising

a. Student participation in fundraising is strictly voluntary. Student grades, playing time, athletic practice time, or involvement in other school activities will not be affected by participation, or lack of participation, in a fundraising activity.

b. Door-to-door solicitation by elementary and middle school students is prohibited. If used at the high school level, students should only approach homes in their local community in pairs during daylight hours.

c. Direct solicitation of elementary students during the school day is not permitted. This does not include participation in book fairs conducted by school librarians or purchases made at the school store, when one exists.

4. Parent Support Groups (PTA/PTO/Boosters) This section applies only to groups organized to provide support for school-specific purposes and does not apply to fundraising conducted on behalf of LCPS, in general.

a. Funds raised by parent support groups are not subject to regulations for school activity funds.

b. The principal should act as an advisor to parent support groups on the school’s funding priorities. Parent support groups are expected to follow their bylaws when deciding the purpose of each fundraiser.

c. Parent support groups must clearly identify their sponsorship of events and activities on all publicity generated.

d. Parent support groups are solely responsible for their own compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations, including but not limited to §18.2-340.15 (“Charitable Gaming”) of the Code of Virginia and applicable Internal Revenue Service requirements concerning the lawful operation of 501(c)(3) organizations.

[Former Policy 8-4]

Adopted: 11/8/76

Revised: 6/22/93

Confirmed: 12/13/11

Current Revision: 6/25/19

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