WYSE Work Abroad Market Barometer March 2009
WYSE Work Abroad is a founding member of WYSE Travel Confederation
Helping WYSE Work Abroad members make informed business decisions through critical market intelligence
Research Programme WYSE Travel Confederation and WYSE Work Abroad are committed to understanding the ever changing characteristics, motivations, and needs of young travellers. The Confederation and WYSE Work Abroad gather, analyse and share important research data and market intelligence with their members, academics, corporate and government decision-makers, and the general travelling public. Our investment in research and market intelligence informs the policies, services and products which make international travel and educational experiences exciting, safe, accessible and affordable for young people. For more information about WYSE Travel Confederation’s research programme, please visit: www.wysetc.org. Go to the “What we do” section, and click on “Research & Publications.” For more information on WYSE Work Abroad’s Member Surveys and International Standards for Work Experience Programmes, visit: www.wyseworkabroad.org.
Author Greg Richards Year 2009 Title WYSE Work Abroad Market Barometer, March 2009 Publisher WYSE Travel Confederation
Production WYSE Work Abroad Market Barometer March 2009 was produced with fully sustainable materials, using FSC paper.
WYSE Work Abroad Market Barometer March 2009
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In an uncertain business climate, having good market intelligence is more critical than ever in helping organisations make informed business decisions. WYSE Work Abroad’s Market Barometer aims to find out more about the impact of the current economic situation on the work abroad industry, and provide members with very targeted data on how work programmes are being affected. WYSE Work Abroad’s March 2009 Market Barometer focuses on the inbound U.S. market from both the sender and receiver perspective, which will serve as the first in a series of surveys analysing these issues. Additional surveys, covering other major markets, will follow, and will assist WYSE Work Abroad members in making smart business decisions through valuable market intelligence.
Summary of Major Trends U.S. Sponsors
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U.S. sponsors reported that the average growth in work and travel participants to the U.S. was 5.5%, with growth in the spring/summer 2008 (+7.2%) significantly higher than in the winter season for 2008 (+2%). The total number of job placements increased by 7.8% in spring/summer 2008 and by 10.6% in winter 2008, when compared with the same seasons in 2007. Job cancellations rose by 4% in spring/summer 2008 and in winter 2008 by 7.7%. For 2009, respondents expect this trend to continue, with spring/summer participant numbers set to fall by 12%, and the number of placements by 4%. Intern/trainee programmes grew by 7.5% in 2008, but for 2009 the expectation is that these programmes will shrink by 1.3%. The most frequently mentioned growth markets in 2008 were South Korea and India.
Sending Organisations
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Senders reported an increase in work and travel participants of 3.7% in calendar year 2008. The expected growth in work and travel participants for 2009 is only 1.1%. It should be noted that these figures are more optimistic than the 2009 projections from U.S. sponsors. This may be due to the sample of respondent countries, and lack of responses from key markets like Bulgaria and Romania. For intern/trainee programmes, senders to the U.S. reported growth of 4.2% in 2008. In 2009, numbers are expected to drop by 7%. Camp counselling programmes experienced some growth in 2008 (+1.8%), and growth for 2009 is expected to be higher at 5.8%. Volunteer programmes grew by 18% in 2008, with a further forecast 12% increase in 2009.
Impact of the economic situation
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Three quarters of work experience organisations had experienced some impact from the economic crisis. Weaker economies in the sending countries and a lack placements in the U.S. were most frequently mentioned as impacting work experience business. Organisations are also seeing a reduction in the hours offered and the cancellation of placements. Almost two thirds of organisations have seen or expect a drop in business as a result of the economic situation. They are reacting to this mainly by cost cutting, developing new programmes and increasing marketing.
WYSE Work Abroad Market Barometer March 2009
Keizersgracht 174 1016 DW Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel +31 20 421 2800 Fax +31 20 421 2810 mailbox@wyseworkabroad.org www.wyseworkabroad.org
The WYSE Work Abroad Association is the leading global forum and trade association for organisations involved in work abroad and volunteer programmes. WYSE Work Abroad was formed in October 2006 through the merger of the Global Work Experience Association (GWEA) and the International Association for Educational Work Exchange Programmes (IAEWEP). The Association’s mission is to facilitate and increase international youth travel and exchange through the promotion of culturally oriented work abroad activities.
Aims & Objectives
Create and maintain an international network of member organisations
Establish criteria for the conduct of business amongst members and for the treatment and protection of participants in work abroad programmes
Encourage governments to treat work abroad programmes as cultural exchanges
Represent the common interests of members to regional, national, international, and other bodies
WYSE Work Abroad Members WYSE Work Abroad is represented in over 40 countries worldwide. Members adhere to a Code of Conduct. Members are active in serving the work abroad and volunteer community and represent a variety of business and organisational interests. Members include:
Student and youth travel and/or exchange companies
Placement agencies and organisations offering placements
Governments and non-governmental organisations
Schools and universities
Training organisations
Language schools