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ill—almost falling out oftheir saddles.Ifthe characters try to help, they learn that the giants were cursed by some exotic spell cast by a wind witch they encountered while patrolling the region.Too weak to go on,they ask the PCs to visit a nearby fortress and get help.They explain that their mounts know the way.Ifthey agree,the characters must follow or attempt to ride the radonts to the fortress.On the way,a wild radont spies them and mistakenly believes that they are stealing or mistreating the domesticated individuals and intervenes.The PCs must deal with the regal beast and get to the giantish fortress to find someone to attend the warmains.Ofcourse,the wild radont can communicate with their mounts to verify the story, but most likely the player characters won’t know that.
Rhodin are bestial humanoids that survive by raiding and stealing from other intelligent creatures or by working as mercenaries.They are the traditional enemies ofthe litorians,whom they have attacked and pillaged throughout the centuries.
Wiry,brownish-gray hair covers the body ofa rhodin,with thick,spiky (and often darker) hair running from the top ofthe head down the spine.They have a predominant snout covered in cracked and peeling flesh.Thick,dark lips curl around jagged teeth.Just in front oftheir pointed ears,thick curling horns jut up and around their head.Small,black eyes hide no love or mercy.Some people liken a rhodin’s appearance to that ofa hideous,maltreated ram or a goat with the body ofa man.
Rhodin can see well in little or even no light (they have both darkvision and low-light vision).They prefer to operate at night.
These creatures eat meat almost exclusively and feed upon their own dead as well as those they kill in battle. Although they use armor,weapons,and tools,they rarely fashion these things on their own,preferring to steal them. As rhodin place no value on physical appearance,they wear whatever clothing or armor is at hand.Ifthere is none,they go naked and do not care.They are usually dirty,and their gear is neglected and mistreated.
Rhodin are lazy and selfish,but not intentionally cruel.Cruelty and brutality for their own sakes are not practical enough for these creatures:Such practices “do not put flesh in a rhodin’s belly,” as they say.
Rhodin speak their own guttural tongue.It is noteworthy in its simplistic grammar and imprecise vocabulary.Like the rhodin themselves,the language is lazy,and when it must it steals from other languages.Only a few exceptional rhodin have truenames—most choose to be Unbound.
Most rhodin males are warriors as presented in the DMG;the information in the statistics here describes one of1st level.
Rhodin use all manner ofweapons but prefer those that allow them to capitalize on their natural strength.They favor ambushes,dirty tricks,and uneven odds (in their favor) over a fair fight.They do what is most expedient in battle.They never take prisoners unless there’s some extenuating circumstance.
Rhodin Society
Rhodin leaders lead because they are strong—this is simply a practical matter.Rhodin not in this dominant position usually follow orders without question.Rhodin pack leaders are called draggets in their language,although an entire tribe is led by a kran, or chief.
Female rhodin are always bloated and fat,for in their culture,their only duty is to give birth.The more muscular males care for and protect the females,who do not fight and have no useful skills.In the mind ofa rhodin,however,the most important thing is the continuation oftheir kind.Thus,doting on the females and caring for the young is very important—by that same token,however,females unable to reproduce are killed (and often eaten).Normally, in a given group,there are twice as many males as females.
Ofcourse there are always exceptions.Sometimes a rhodin female becomes a warrior—she must be particularly strong-willed and skilled,however,to justify such actions. Such females,because they are so strong,often become leaders.Likewise,some rhodin—particularly those who spend much time around other more “civilized” humanoids—take on the traits ofthose humanoids. Rhodin mercenaries among human warriors,for example, begin to adopt human standards ofdress and outlook. While normal rhodin would not value stealing a hoard of gold or taking over an area ofland,those influenced by other races might.
Rhodin have no gods or myths.They don’t keep track of their own history.
Rare aberrations,skurgs grow to 9 or 10 feet tall.Their horns elongate as they become more massive than their smaller brethren,but otherwise they look like other rhodin.These mutants use their strength and fearsome demeanor to intimidate and command lesser rhodin.Normally,however,they have no goals loftier than other rhodins’.
Rhodin Characters
Rhodin with class levels are almost always warriors.A few become unfettered or (rarely) warmains.Very few rhodin ever possess the aptitude to become spellcasters,although a few skurgs learn the skills ofa mage blade.A few special rhodin become magisters,although even then,most do not progress to much more than 4th or 5th level.
Rhodin Encounter (EL 2)
A pack ofrhodin,hungry and desperate,begins raiding a small village.These four dangerous warriors sneak in under cover ofnight and raid storehouses and even break into homes. To stop them,the PCs first must find them.The rhodin hide during the day in an old abandoned flour mill by the river and do their best not to leave much ofa trail to this hideout.
SKURG Medium Humanoid (Rhodin) Large Humanoid (Rhodin)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp),dying/dead –2/–12 6d8+12 (39 hp),dying/dead –3/–15 Initiative: +0 +0 Speed: 20 feet (beastscale armor),base 30 feet 20 feet (beastscale armor),base 30 feet AC: 16 (+4 beastscale armor, wooden 19 (–1 size, +5 breastplate, steel +2 long shield, +2 long shield),touch 10,flat-footed 16 +3 natural),touch 9,flat-footed 19 Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3 +4/+12 Attack: Battleaxe +3 melee (1d8+2) or shortspear Masterwork greataxe +9 melee (1d12+5) +1 ranged (1d6+2) Full Attack: Battleaxe +3 melee (1d8+2) and butt +1 melee Masterwork greataxe +9 melee (1d12+5) and butt (1d6+1);or shortspear +1 ranged (1d6+2) +7 melee (1d8+2) Face/Reach: 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet 5 feet by 5 feet/10 feet Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet,low-light vision Darkvision 60 feet,low-light vision Saves: Fort +3,Ref+0,Will –1 Fort +7,Ref+2,Will +1 Abilities: Str 14,Dex 10,Con 12,Int 9,Wis 8,Cha 9 Str 20,Dex 11,Con 15,Int 10,Wis 8,Cha 10 Skills: Listen +3 Climb +7,Intimidate +5,Jump +6,Listen +4
Multiattack,Night Owl Multiattack,Night Owl,Power Attack,Weapon Focus (greataxe)
Environment: Any land and underground Any land and underground Organization: Pack (2–4),raiding party (6–15 plus two Solitary,raiding party (6–15 rhodin plus two 3rd-level 3rd-leveldraggets and one skurg),or tribe draggets and one skurg),or tribe (30–100 rhodin (30–100 plus 150% noncombatants plus plus 150% noncombatants plus one 3rd-level dragget one 3rd-level dragget per 10 adults,five per 10 adults,five skurgs,and one 8th-level kran) skurgs,and one 8th-level kran) Challenge Rating: 1/2 3 Treasure: Standard Standard Advancement: By character class By character class Level Adjustment: +0 +3