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Radonts look like massive horses.Not simply taller than normal horses (most stand 8 feet high at the shoulder,12 at the head),they also have thicker,sturdier legs and broader, almost barrel-like torsos.A typical radont measures 10 to 12 feet long.No human or other Medium humanoid could ever hope to ride a radont—but a giant,a chorrim,or other such creature could.

In truth,the radont is far more than a horse.Intelligent, magical,noble—even regal—in their bearing,radonts are “the Lords ofHorsekind” or simply “Horse Lords,” according to the giants.


History whispers ofan ancient pact between the giants and the radonts.In these tales,the radonts were not simply beasts ofburden,but true allies and equals.When the giants arrived on these shores,they rekindled the fires ofthis alliance.The supposed existence ofthis pact suggests that either the giants had been to these lands before,or that radonts also exist in the giant homeland across the eastern sea.

Something has happened over the last two centuries that no one predicted,however.The radonts serving giants who had foals in domesticated surroundings gave birth to creatures that,while still noble and hardy,were far less than the parents. These domesticated radonts had no greater intelligence than that ofany steed and possessed no magical powers.

Radonts can carry up to 1,836 lbs.as a light load,and up to 3,702 lbs.as a medium load,with a maximum load of 5,520 lbs.


Radonts attack with their hooves and bite in combat,using their natural strength to great advantage.Unless trained to do otherwise,they fight only in self-defense.

Wild Radonts

Wild radonts have never been domesticated or served as mounts.Although friendly toward giants and other noble races,these horse lords keep to themselves and avoid civilized areas.They do not speak,but they can communicate telepathically with each other,other radonts,and with horses.

Wild radonts can carry up to 2,400 lbs.as a light load and up to 4,800 lbs.as a medium load,with a maximum load of 7,200 lbs.


Wild radonts still possess the intelligence and magical abilities that have always characterized them.With these,they can escape danger just as easily by flying away invisibly as through combat.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Always active: telepathy (other radonts or horses only);1/day: acrobatics, lesser transfer wounds, invisibility,foretell future;1/week: flight.

Radont Encounter (EL 5)

A pair ofgiant warmains mounted on domesticated radonts approaches the PCs on the road.As they get close,it is obvious that both the giants are extremely



Hit Dice: Initiative: Huge Animal Huge Magical Beast

8d8+40 (76 hp),dying/dead–6/–20 10d10+60 (115 hp),dying/dead –7/–23 +1 (Dexterity) +2 (Dexterity)


60 feet 60 feet AC: 16 (–2 size,+1 Dexterity,+7 natural) 17 (–2 size,+2 Dexterity,+7 natural) touch 9,flat-footed 15 touch 10,flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+20 +7/+22 Attack: Hoof+12 melee (1d8+8) Hoof+17 melee (1d8+9) Full Attack: 2 hooves +12 melee (1d8+8);bite 2 hooves +17 melee (1d8+9);bite +12 melee (1d6+4) +7 melee (1d6+4) Face/Reach: 5 feet by 10 feet/5 feet 5 feet by 10 feet/5 feet Special Qualities: Scent Scent,spell-like abilities Saves: Fort +11,Ref+7,Will +3 Fort +5,Ref+4,Will +2 Abilities: Str 26,Dex 13,Con 20,Int 2,Wis 13,Cha 8 Str 28,Dex 15,Con 23,Int 10,Wis 17,Cha 14 Skills: Listen +7,Spot +7 Listen +9,Spot +9

Environment: Any land Any land Organization: Domesticated Solitary Challenge Rating: 4 5 Treasure: None None Advancement: 9–20 HD (Huge) 11–22 HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: — +5

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