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used for that day.This ability has no effect upon nonspellcasters with no spells active upon them. A harrid can choose to touch an item rather than a creature.Ifthe item has a spell effect upon it,it is drained just like a character’s.Ifit has no spell effects upon it but it is a magic item, the harrid suppresses the item’s powers for 1d4 rounds. In any case,ifa harrid successfully drains some kind of magic,it gains +1d4 temporary hit points.They last until lost or for one hour,whichever comes first. Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will—analyze, detect magic, detect poison, read magic;2/day—levitate, read mind, see invisibility, whisper of madness; 1/day—empower spell, sorcerous guise, telepathy. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 10th-level magister (save DC 13 + spell level).

Spells:All harrids are (at least) 1st-levelmage blades,runethanes,or magisters.They have all the appropriate abilities,saving throws,base attack bonuses,and so on added to their 4 HD of“monstrous humanoid.” The 1st-level harrid mage blade presented here normally would ready these spells:0-level—bash, canny effort, saving grace; 1stlevel—mind stab.


Harrid Characters

Harrid characters are mage blades,runethanes,or magisters.Harrid witches or champions ofmagic are not unheard of,though rare.Their leaders are usually magisters—although their continual infighting and betrayals make it difficult for an outsider to ever really know which harrid is the leader ofa group at any given time.

Harrid Encounter (EL 6)

Two harrid mage blades intend to steal a powerful magic item in the possession ofa litorian champion oflife just as she is about to undergo a long ceremony of mourning for her dead mother.The champion knows the harrids want the magic item,so she attempts to hire the PCs to watch over her and her possessions while she takes part in the daylong ceremony. The harrids use sorcerous guise to try to get in close,pretending to be litorian friends ofthe champion.They may even attempt to offer the characters poisoned gifts.Ifthe PCs see through the disguise, the harrids attack,using their poisoned weapons and magic.


Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp),dying/dead –3/–15 Initiative: +5 (Dexterity,Improved Initiative) Speed: 30 feet,swim 40 feet AC: 16 (+1 Dexterity,+5 natural) touch 11,flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6 Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d6+3) Full Attack: 2 claws +6 melee (1d6+3),bite +1 melee (1d8+1);or masterwork longsword +7 melee (1d8+3); or mighty composite longbow (+3) +4 ranged (1d8+3)

Face/Reach: 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet Special Attacks: Poison secretion,disease Special Qualities: Mutation,goggle-eyes,leaping Saves:Fort +3,Ref+4,Will +2 Abilities: Str 17,Dex 12,Con 15,Int 4,Wis 8,Cha 11 Skills: Jump +11*,Search –1*,Spot +7* Feats:Fast Healer,Improved Initiative,Speed Burst

Environment: Warm or temperate land Organization: Solitary,raiding party (3–8),or tribe (10–60 plus four of4-6 HD,and one master ofat least 7 HD) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: Standard Advancement: 4–6 HD (Medium),7–12 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: +2

* Includes a racial bonus.

Nearly mindless,inshons are despicable amphibious brutes. These goggle-eyed,wide-mouthed,hunched,slick-skinned humanoids often have strange mutations:four arms,extra eyes,odd coloration,bizarre skin excretions,and worse.Even the nonmutated specimens secrete harmful substances,spread disease,and deal death and destruction as a way oflife.

Inshons live only to eat and breed.To accomplish this, however,they feel they must be the highest order oflife in a given area.Thus,ifthey encounter virtually any living creature,they attack it,considering it either food or a threat—or both.Their need to wipe out perceived competitor species extends even further:They delight in murder and revel in destroying anything created by another species (although a few ofthe smarter inshons sometimes take weapons or usable gear).Villages devastated by inshons offer no survivors,and the creatures leave standing not a single wall.

People think ofinshons more as a plague than anything else.When they move into a new area,it is like an infestation;unless the locals can wipe out every single individual, the plague returns.Inshons spawn mature very quickly and hatch in clutches ofdozens or hundreds.Many ofthe newborns are so malformed that they do not survive long,but the population nevertheless renews itselfin a matter of months.Many communities place small bounties on inshons to keep their numbers down.

Inshons neither build nor make anything.They live along the water’s edge and sit on rocks or amid reeds while resting, which is about three quarters oftheir existence.The rest of the time they spend scavenging or hunting for food.While omnivorous,they prefer meat.

Inshons appear able to adapt quickly to either fresh or salt water.

Some inshons speak a few words ofCommon or another language they have picked up,depending on where they live—Giant,Faen,Verrik,and so on.Most inshons do not speak,they just emit guttural croaks as warnings,cries of pain,or shouts ofanger.


Inshons are not smart enough to employ tactics ofany kind.When they attack, they simply hope to overwhelm their foes with strength and numbers.They bash and bludgeon an opponent until it is dead—and sometimes long after it is dead.

Poison Secretion: An inshon’s oily flesh is coated in a clear,greasy secretion. Anyone touching (or touched by) an inshon must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 13) or suffer a –1 penalty to attacks,checks,and saves for 1d4 minutes.

Disease: One in three inshons carries a disease.Anyone within 5 feet ofthe creature for more than 2 rounds must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 13) or suffer 1d2 points oftemporary Constitution damage per day,starting two days after the infection.(Inshons can carry other random diseases instead ofthis one,as the DM decides.)

Goggle-Eyes: Inshons gain a +2 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks. They suffer a –2 penalty to saves against any blinding attack or effect or any other visual-based attack or effect.

Leaping: Inshons receive a +8 racial bonus to Jump.

Inshon Mutations

One in four inshons encountered are mutants.To determine the mutation,roll on the following chart:

d% Mutation

01–05 No eyes: No Spot score,blind (50% miss chance on all attacks, immune to visual-based attacks or effects).–1 CR. 06–12 Only one arm: Has only one claw attack. 13–30 Strange color: Black,brown,red,purple,green,mottled. 31–40 Vestigial limb: Useless arm or leg hangs limply. 41–50 Extra eyes (1d4): Gains a +2 bonus to Search and Spot checks. 51–55 Variant poison excretion: Fortitude save (DC 13),initial damage 1 point temporary Dexterity,secondary damage 1 point temporary Dexterity;+1 CR. 56–60 Variant poison excretion: Fortitude save (DC 13),initial damage 1 point temporary Strength,secondary damage 1 point temporary Strength;+1 CR. 61–65 Variant poison excretion: Fortitude save (DC 13),initial damage 1 point temporary Constitution,secondary damage 1 point temporary Constitution;+1 CR. 66–70 Variant poison excretion: Fortitude save (DC 13),initial damage 1 point temporary Constitution,secondary damage 1d2 points temporary Constitution;+1 CR. 71–73 Two mouths: Extra mouth somewhere on body allows extra bite attack. 74–85 Extra arm: Extra claw attack becomes part ofits full-attack routine. 86–95 Two extra arms: Two extra claw attacks become part ofits full attack routine;+1 CR. 96–99 Roll again twice,ignoring results over 95. 00 Roll again three times,ignore results over 95.

Inshon Encounter(s) (EL 5 Each)

Three inshons wander into the PCs’ camp while they sleep outdoors one night. The creatures attack immediately.After the characters defeat them or drive them off,they come under attack again by three more.These attacks are relentless,until the PCs follow the inshons’ crude trail ofdeath and destruction back to their waterside lair.The party must destroy not only the inshons they encounter but any eggs they may find,or these horrid things will just keep coming.

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