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Sidebar: Variant: Multiclassing Items
twice,the item can develop a +2 equivalent ability.Ifused in this way,the item takes the feat(s) but gains no actual benefit from it until it has earned the value ofthe desired ability.
Weapon or Armor Enhancement Bonus (Item Only)
The item gains more enhancement.
Benefit: The item gains a +1 enhancement bonus ifit is a weapon,a piece (or suit) ofarmor,or a shield.
Special: An item can take this feat multiple times,each time adding a new +1 enhancement bonus.The item’s level must equal at least three times its enhancement bonus.
Running Items
Ifa PC in the campaign has an intelligent item,the DM and the player should determine who “runs” the item.Often it proves easiest for the player to do so,but the item may be at cross-purposes with the character.This circumstance can lead to difficult or inappropriate roleplaying situations.At that point,the DM can “take over” the item.
It may be appropriate for the DM to handle intelligent item advancement (choosing feats and spell-like abilities).
Items should be treated just as NPCs.Each has a distinct personality and can be influenced by Diplomacy,Bluff,and even Intimidate checks.Items treated well often respond well.Items treated poorly,either physically or psychologically— and often,only the item can judge whether it is well cared for—react poorly to their users and others.
Items act on their own.In combat,they use their wielder’s initiative roll but take their own actions.
Item Healing, Maladies, and Death
Items do not heal hit points as living creatures do.However,a mending spell often repairs damage an item suffers (usually 1d8 hp worth) and make whole restores all lost hit points.An item restores mental ability score damage through rest like a creature,or through spells like lesser restoration. Item physical ability scores damage must be repaired through spells like restoration.
As with creatures,items can gain diseaselike afflictions. Called maladies,they are sometimes brought upon by magic (see bestow malady†) and sometimes by other conditions,such as stress,neglect,or whatever else the DM deems appropriate. A few maladies are presented here,as a sampling:
Devil’s Mind. The item begins acting erratically.It loses 1d3 points ofIntelligence or Wisdom each day (50 percent chance ofeither on a given day).Ifthe item can speak,its speech becomes slurred or jittery and quick.It appears obvious that something is wrong. Normally,an item may make a Will save (DC 18) each day to resist the effects.Three successful saving throws in a row usually shakes offthe malady altogether.
Dire Corrosion: The item suffers 1 point ofdamage per day and loses 1 point ofhardness each week.When hardness reaches 0,the item loses 5 hp per day.Once out ofhit points,the item crumbles to dust.It appears obvious that the item is decaying at a rate far faster than usual.Normally,an item may make a Will save (DC 16) each day to resist the effects.Two successful saving throws in a row usually shakes offthe malady altogether.
Object Paralysis: This malady affects only animate items or those that can float.They lose the ability to move entirely. Normally,an item may make a Will save (DC 15) each day to resist the effects. Three successful saving throws in a row usually shakes offthe malady altogether.
Intelligent items can be destroyed,just like regular items.In such a case,the item “dies.” They cannot be raised or resurrected, although a wish or miracle can restore them.
Variant:Multiclassing Items
Using this variant rule, an item can multiclass, taking other character classes instead of using the item advancement rules. While some classes are appropriate only to animate or floating items (like rogue or fighter), spellcasting classes prove very valuable to an item. Only items that can speak can cast spells with verbal components. Spells with somatic components require a full round to cast (or double the normal casting time if longer than an action). Items still need normal material components as well.
Intelligent Item Price
To determine the price ofintelligent items (even though Vabrin won’t sell them),use the following formula:
Base price + 1,000 + (level2 x 1,000) gp
The base price refers to the initial creation cost spent on ability scores,communication modes,and perception.Intelligent magic weapons or armor must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus,so you must also figure in that cost.
Ofcourse,someone with the proper feats can add abilities to an existing intelligent magic item.
The XP cost for creating an intelligent magic item is 100 XP plus any experience points involved in granting it ability scores,communication modes,and perception,and any devoted to raising its level.
Sample Items
Use these sample intelligent items as models for creating your own,or plug them directly into your game.
Goldenverse is a golden music box that can play almost any tune it has previously heard.It sometimes attempts to communicate through the song it
plays,although the box lid must be opened and closed for a new song to start.Overall, Goldenverse has a sunny disposition and simply enjoys playing music.It uses its music,ifpossible,to charm and influence those around it to like it and generally be happy (thus it has ranks in both Diplomacy and Bluff).Ifit likes its current owner,it will use any spell-like ability asked ofit.It resents being commanded.
Unless asked to do otherwise,it usually protects itselfat night with an alarm and an arcane lock.
Goldenverse,intelligent music box,7th level: hardness 5,hp 13;
Communication:Empathy;Perception:Hearing;AL NG;
SV Fort +5,Ref+5,Will +9;Str —,Dex —,Con —,Int 10,
Wis 14,Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Bluff+6,Diplomacy +6,Listen +7,Perform +6;
Detect Substance† (gold),Empathy†,Extend Ability† (rope trick),Iron Will
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—alarm, arcane lock, bless, dancing lights, identify, knock, light, mage hand, rope trick, tongues
Price: 50,550 gp
Starsight is a pair ofbrass-rimmed spectacles.It likes to think ofitselfas extremely intelligent and is somewhat arrogant. It delights in magic and would love for someone to grant it more magical powers,either by donating experience so that it can increase in level or by using Craft Wondrous Item to give it additional abilities.The way to Starsight’s “heart” is through bribery:Give it what it wants,and it works with you with a fair degree ofloyalty.
It isn’t beyond attempting to charm its user,but it remains very aware ofthat ability’s limited duration.
Starsight,intelligent pair ofspectacles,4th level: hp 6; Communication:Telepathy;Perception:Sight with darkvision;AL LN;SV Fort +4,Ref+4,Will +5;Str —, Dex — ,Con —,Int 14,Wis 13,Cha 9
Skills and Feats: Appraise +7,Knowledge (arcana) +7, Spellcraft +7,Spot +6;Enlarge Ability† (locate object), Extend Ability† (charm person),Unique Magical Ability† (+10 to user’s Search checks,and to Survival checks when tracking)
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—charm person, detect magic, locate object, read magic, silent image
Price: 24,500 gp
With a name like Goblinbane,it’s not surprising that this handaxe hates goblins.Thanks to its feats, Goblinbane is a +2 keen goblinoid-bane handaxe. It has a number ofpowers it uses on behalfofits wielder in combat.As long as a goodaligned character wields the axe,it is happy.Ifit is fighting goblinoids,it is even happier.Note that Goblinbane cannot hear,so verbal commands mean nothing to it.
Goblinbane,intelligent +2 handaxe,8th level: hardness 5,hp 10;
Attacks +6/+1 (1d6);Communication:Speech;Perception:
Sight;AL NG;SV Fort +8,Ref+6,Will +9;Str 10,Dex 6,
Con —,Int 8,Wis 12,Cha 13
Skills and Feats: Spot +12;Attack†,Float†,Weapon or Armor
Ability† (keen),Weapon or Armor Ability† (bane:goblinoids),Weapon or Armor Enhancement† bonus
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cure light wounds, detect poison, divine favor, ghost sound, greater invisibility, haste, jump, light, shield offaith
Market Price: 68,700 gp
Vaeram, an amulet that looks like an eagle,is extremely arrogant.This brass item wields many powers,adding to the user’s saves, Constitution,and spells in addition to having a large selection ofspell-like abilities of its own. Vaeram resents its creator (Vabrin) and hates all giants because ofit.It has dedicated itselfto destroying giants,or at least helping to destroy them,whenever possible.It refuses to act on behalfofa giant.
Vaeram,intelligent amulet,10th level: hardness 5,hp 23;
Communication:Super-Telepathy;Perception:Sight and hearing:AL N;SV Fort +7,Ref+7,Will +7;Str —,Dex —,
Con —,Int 9,Wis 11,Cha 16
Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +16;Ability Focus (feeblemind),Ability Penetration†,Toughen†,Unique
Magical Ability† (+2 resistance bonus to saving throws for the user),
Ability† (+2 enhancement bonus to Constitution for user),Unique Magical
Ability† (acts as a pearl ofpower for a 2nd-level spell for user)
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—clairaudience/ clairvoyance, daze, detect thoughts, dimension door, displacement, expeditious retreat, feeblemind, flare, invisibility, light, mage hand, ray ofenfeeblement, see invisibility, shield
Price: 113,800 gp