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Chapter Five: MAGICITEMS Armor and Shield Special Abilities
Magic Items
When people think ofmagic items,they usually think ofthe wand offireball in the sorcerer’s hand or a similar arcane device.Magic items can just as easily be infused with divine power,to stunning effect.Characters should treat such items with the reverence one would normally accord a receptacle ofa god’s power.
This chapter provides a number ofnew magic items of many different types.Although they are quite varied, divine spellcasters will find them all ofparticular interest:to use,to create,or both.
Armor and Shield Special Abilities
Absolute Courage: Armor and shields with this ability grant the wearer complete immunity to fear-based effects.
Moderate abjuration;caster level 7th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spell immunity; Price+3 bonus
Absolute Purity: Armor and shields with this ability grant the wearer complete immunity to spells with the evil descriptor.
Strong abjuration;caster level 13th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy aura; Price +5 bonus
Charity: This ability can apply only to a shield,allowing it to extend its total enhancement bonus to all allies within 10 feet.
Faint abjuration;caster level 3rd;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield other; Price +2 bonus
Courage: Armor and shields with this ability grant the wearer a +4 morale bonus to saving throws against fearbased effects.
Faint enchantment;caster level 1st;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bless; Price +1 bonus
Crystal: Armor made ofcrystal is cumbersome (the armor check penalty drops by 1 point) but potent.Whenever a ray attack would strike the wearer,the armor instead absorbs it harmlessly and stores the energy.The wearer can then use the spell levels ofthe ray attack to power her own spells,similar to the manner ofa rod ofabsorption.For example,ifthe wearer is targeted with a ray ofenfeeblement, the armor stores the single spell level,which the wearer can then use to cast a 1st-level spell ofher own with no loss ofa prepared spell or spell slot.Ifthe ray had been from a disintegrate spell,the wearer would have six stored spell levels and could cast a 6th-level spell ofher own,two 3rd-level spells,a 1st-,2nd-, and 3rd-level spell,and so on.This armor does not grant the ability to cast spells that the wearer could not otherwise cast. While any energy remains stored within the armor,it does not absorb new incoming ray attacks.
Strong abjuration;caster level 13th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor,5,000 gp worth ofcrystal, freedom ofmovement, spell turning; Price +3 bonus
Deathward: Armor and shields with this ability grant the wearer complete immunity to spells with the death descriptor.
Moderate necromancy;caster level 7th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, death ward; Price +6 bonus
Faith: Armor and shields with this ability allow the wearer to transfer the item’s Armor Class enhancement bonus to a luck bonus to saving throws.The wearer decides to make the transfer on her turn,and the choice remains in effect until her next turn.
Faint abjuration;caster level 1st;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resistance, shield offaith; Price +1 bonus
Gold: This armor or shield provides special protection against the breath weapons offoes.The wearer gains a +5 resistance bonus to any saving throw made against a breath weapon attack.The magic effects make the gold portions of this armor as strong as steel.
Faint evocation;caster level 4th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor,1,000 gp worth ofgold, resistance, wind wall; Price +1 bonus
Platinum: Armor with this ability increases the wearer’s speed by +10 feet.This addition does not stack with spells such as godspeed†,nor does it stack with a barbarian’s or a monk’s enhanced speed.It is not multiplied by boots ofstriding and springing or expeditious retreat. It does stack with the bonus provided by a platinum weapon†,however.
Faint transmutation;caster level 4th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor,1,000 gp worth ofplatinum, godspeed†; Price +1 bonus
Purity: Armor with this ability grants the wearer a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor.
Strong abjuration;caster level13th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy aura; Price +1 bonus
Silver: Armor with this ability grants the wearer a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws against spells,spell-like abilities,or supernatural abilities (all magic).
Faint abjuration;caster level 5th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, 1,000 gp worth ofsilver, dispel magic; Price +1 bonus