3 minute read
Miscellaneous Living Items
from Chaositech - 3.5e
polymorphed, petrified, or fallen victim to a similar transformation-based malady.It has no effect on mutations or on intrinsic chaositech items in the character’s body.The process, which takes about 10 minutes,is disorienting and painful to the extreme.Creatures suffer 1d6 points ofIntelligence, Wisdom,and Charisma damage after enduring it.
Craft DC 40;Price 1,600 gp
Skilled characters can shape flesh the way other artisans shape wood or stone.As with most ofthe intrinsic items in this chapter,the raw material for these living items is flesh grown in chaos laboratories.
These items are just like normal chaositech,except they are living,organic creatures in themselves.This means they heal 1 hit point per day on their own (and a Heal check can double this amount).They must receive a dose ofnutrient solution† (see page 64) once per week or they die,becoming useless.
The devices below are created using the Craft (chaositech)† skill found in Chapter Two:Bones ofSteel.
Adhesion Rope: This thick line looks like a normal 50foot hemp rope.However,as soon as someone touches it,it becomes clear that it’s something strange.The rope feels sticky,almost gummy,but strong.It has 20 hit points and sticks to a surface with Strength 16—almost as good as a grappling hook.
Craft DC 24;Price 450 gp;Weight 3 lbs.
Chaositech Detector: This device comprises a darkcolored fleshy sphere 3 inches in diameter atop a metal base. The detector shrieks when it comes within 10 feet ofany type ofchaositech,other than itself.
Craft DC 35;Price 1,200 gp;Weight 2 lbs.
Disease Detector: This device comprises a dark-colored fleshy sphere 3 inches in diameter atop a metal base.The detector shrieks when it comes within 10 feet ofany type of contagion or disease-ridden creature.
Craft DC 33;Price 900 gp;Weight 2 lbs.
Distracter: This small creature/device is a misshapen, 1-foot sphere floating in mid-air covered in metal plates bolted on for armor.Its four long,spindly arms each end in a flat,mirrored plate about 3 inches square.The device’s sole purpose is to distract creatures in combat.When it hears its key word,it activates and harasses the nearest creature until it hears its deactivating word.The creature it distracts suffers a –2 penalty to all attack rolls,checks,and saves.A creature attempting to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast it successfully.The distracter has 20 hit points and AC 21 (–2 for size,+2 Dexterity,+7 armor).
Craft DC 37;Price 6,000 gp;Weight 6 lbs.
Morphing Lockpick: This device seems like a fist-sized blob ofwarm clay,but it’s actually a living creature.When pressed against any opening,it conforms to the size and shape ofthat opening,and moves and turns.This function opens locks with a +10 bonus.Placing the morphing lockpick on a lock is a standard action,but it requires no further action on the part ofthe owner to open the lock.The morphing lockpick will keep trying until pulled away.Once it’s succeeded in opening the lock,it remains in the lock until retrieved.
Craft DC 26;Price 1,000 gp;Weight 1 lb
Mutant Detector: This device comprises a dark-colored fleshy sphere 3 inches in diameter atop a metal base.The detector shrieks when it comes within 10 feet ofa mutant.
Craft DC 35;Price 1,000 gp;Weight 2 lbs.
Poison Detector: This device comprises a dark-colored fleshy sphere 3 inches in diameter atop a metal base.The detector shrieks when it comes within 10 feet ofany type ofpoison or venom.
Craft DC 31;Price 1,000 gp;Weight 2 lbs.
Stunjelly: This small greenish blob is normally kept in a glass vial or similar container.The jelly carries a potent electrical charge.The first creature it touches must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 24) or be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds.A stunned creature drops everything held,can’t take actions,suffers a –2 penalty to Armor Class,and loses his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (ifany).Once it successfully discharges its jolt (actually stunning a creature),the stunjelly dies.
Craft DC 40;Price 3,300 gp;Weight 2 lbs.
Surgical Assistant: This strange creature/device looks a little like a 2-foot-long brain floating in mid-air,with two long,spindly arms that end in grasping clamps.Its sole purpose is to aid in chaositech surgical procedures.It adds a +5 bonus to any Chaos Surgery check made with its help.The assistant has 10 hit points and AC 11 (+1 for size).
Craft DC 39;Price 8,000 gp;Weight 10 lbs.