3 minute read
The Elder Brood
from Chaositech - 3.5e
The least among the Galchutt are known collectively as the Elder Brood.The brood comprises about halfa dozen different races.Two ofthem are described here.
Small Outsider (Chaotic,Evil) Hit Dice: 2d8 + 10 (19 hp) Initiative: +7 Speed: 10 feet,fly 40 feet (good) Armor Class: 19 (+1 size,+3 Dexterity,+5 natural),touch 14, flat-footed 16 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/–2 Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6) Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6) Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet) Special Attacks: Poison Special Qualities: Spell resistance 15,damage reduction 5/law (5/+1),Galchutt qualities Saves: Fortitude +8,Reflex +6,Will +0 Abilities: Str 10,Dex 17,Con 21,Int 5,Wis 4,Cha 5 Skills: Climb +5,Hide +10,Listen +2,Move Silently +8,
Spot +2 Feats: Improved Initiative
Environment: Any Organization: Swarm (3–12) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always chaoticevil Advancement: 3–4 HD (Small);5–8 HD (Medium); 9–16 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: —
The obaan (singular and plural) is certainly the least among the Elder Brood.These creatures,in fact,might simply exist as the result ofactions taken by greater Galchutt. For example,ifa shaadom suffers a wound in a cave,the Galchutt’s foul blood,spilled on the cavern floor,may form into a swarm ofobaan 1d6 days later.
An obaan is a squirming mass oftentacles with a beaklike mouth at the center and flapping batlike wings on its “back.” The creature is surprisingly resilient and tough,but incredibly stupid.It obeys the commands ofany other Galchutt but,ifleft to its own devices,will wreak as much havoc as possible,slaying anything alive that it encounters. Although obaan do sometimes feed on their kills,they do not kill to eat—they kill to kill.
Obaan often live in caves,hanging from the ceiling when at rest,which is only about one hour per day.They never establish a permanent lair,instead remaining always on the move to find creatures to slay.Because they do not care for sunlight,they travel at night ifabove ground.However,light does not actually affect them adversely.
The obaan is a simple combatant,flying at its foe and attempting to poison it with its bite.It uses its tentacles only for grasping slain prey and for hanging.
Poison (Ex): The obaan’s bite injects a poison that inflicts 1d4 points ofinitial and secondary Strength damage (Fortitude save,DC 16).The saving throw is Constitution based.

Medium Outsider (Chaotic,Evil) Hit Dice: 6d8 + 24 (51 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: Fly 40 feet Armor Class: 19 (+1 Dexterity,+8 natural),touch 11, flat-footed 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+10 Attack: Bite +10 melee (1d6+4+1d6 acid) Full Attack: Bite +10 melee (1d10+4+1d6 acid), 2 bites +8 (1d4+2+1d6 acid) Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet) Special Attacks: Acid spittle,acid streams Special Qualities: Spell resistance 18,damage reduction 10/law (10/+1),Galchutt qualities Saves: Fortitude +9,Reflex +6,Will +7 Abilities: Str 19,Dex 13,Con 18,Int 7,Wis 8,Cha 8 Skills: Hide +10,Jump +13,Listen +10,Move Silently +10,
Spot +10,Survival +8 Feats: Alertness,Iron Will,Multiattack
Environment: Any Organization: Solitary or pack (3–7) Challenge Rating: 5 Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Chaotic evil Advancement: 7–10 HD (Medium);11–12 (Large) Level Adjustment: —
Another ofthe Elder Brood,the sscree is a stupid,monstrous brute with a drive to destroy whatever it finds.It feeds on almost anything,its acidic saliva breaking down almost any material.It eats its prey,but it is just as content to eat plants,soil,stones,or any other matter.
Sscree roam desolate wastelands and far-flung planar locales with little regard for anything other than mindless destruction.They make no lairs and try to stay on the move. Sometimes more powerful Galchutt use a pack ofsscree as guards or hunting beasts.
This horrid creature looks vaguely toadlike,with a broad mouth and bulbous eyes.It has only two muscular legs, which support it from beneath,and its feet are clawed,not webbed.From its back spring two tentacles that end in mouths (so they look a little like eyeless snakes).The sscree measures about 6 feet long and weighs almost a ton.It stinks ofacid and burnt flesh. Combat

The sscree love combat,so they attack without provocation. Thanks to their corrosive spittle,their bite carries a burning acid.They also spray acid from their tentacle mouths at foes they cannot easily reach.
Acid Spittle (Ex): Besides normal bite damage,the bite of the sscree also inflicts 1d6 points ofacid damage.
Acid Stream (Ex): Every 1d4 rounds,each sscree tentacle mouth can spray a stream ofacid,50 feet long,that inflicts 5d6 points ofacid damage (Reflex save,DC 17,for half).It can spray acid in the same round from both mouths as a full attack action,and it can spray acid in the same round as it bites with its larger mouth as a full attack action.The saving throw Difficulty Class is Constitution based.