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Machine Mage

Chaositech has nothing to do with magic,yet there are those who wish to bring these two potent forces together. They attempt to use chaositech science to enhance their own magical talents and bolster their spells.These people are called machine mages.

Machine mages recognize that the best way to use chaositech to aid their spellcasting is to implant custom chaositech devices right into their bodies.Each ofthese unique implants,called spellcircuits,is tailored to a specific individual.Only a machine mage can make use ofa spellcircuit,and even then only one that he creates when he has learned the right procedures.From far away,spellcircuits look like large tattoos in abstract,lined patterns. Closer examination reveals that the lines that make up the spellcircuit are made offlexible metal,raised from the machine mage’s skin like a relief.At his most powerful,the machine mage covers himselffrom head to foot in spellcircuits.


Machine mages also craft special implants for themselves that improve their physical systems,making them stronger, faster,and hardier.As with spellcircuits,these implants are specifically tailored to the machine mage.

Though always arcane spellcasters,machine mages come equally from the ranks ofsorcerers and wizards.Usually, these mages are hardier and more physically fit than their peers,due to the rigors their bodies must undergo to carry all the implants.These characters usually seem as preoccupied with devices and tools as with magic.

Machine mages work in guilds,hidden away from the majority ofsociety,cloistered with their spellbooks,their tools,and their components.These secret guilds often associate themselves with a chaos cult cell or temple,but not always.Sometimes,the machine mages vie with the cultists in a clandestine chaos war to obtain chaositech secrets, materials,or devices.This conflict over resources makes such machine mages heretics whom the chaos cultists hate even more than they hate everyone else.

Hit Die: d6


To qualify to become a machine mage,a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Alignment: Any chaotic

Knowledge (Arcana): 6 ranks

Craft (Chaositech): 8 ranks Chaos Surgery: 4 ranks Feat: Toughness Special: Must be able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.To achieve his initial chaositech components,the machine mage must spend 1,000 gp on parts.Each level afterward, the machine mage pays another 500 gp for his machine-based enhancements

Class Skills

The machine mage’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Chaos Surgery† (Int),Concentration (Con),Craft (any) (Int),Knowledge (any one skill) (Int),Profession (Int),Search (Int),Spellcraft (Int).See the Player’s Handbook, Chapter Four,for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Class Features

All ofthe following are class features ofthe machine mage prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The machine mage gains no proficiency in weapons,armor,or shields.

Class Base Fortitude Reflex Will Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day/Spells Known

1st +0 +0 +0 +2 +1 Dexterity bonus +1 level ofexisting class 2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Red spellcircuit +1 level ofexisting class 3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 Strength bonus +1 level ofexisting class 4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Chaositech servant,blue spellcircuit — 5th +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 Constitution bonus +1 level ofexisting class 6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Green spellcircuit +1 level ofexisting class 7th +3 +2 +2 +5 +1 Dexterity bonus +1 level ofexisting class 8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Difficult to dispel,grey spellcircuit — 9th +4 +3 +3 +6 +1 Strength,+1 Constitution bonus +1 level ofexisting class 10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Black spellcircuit +1 level ofexisting class


Spells Per Day/Spells Known: When a character gains a new machine mage level (except for 4th and 8th level),he earns new spells per day (and spells known,ifapplicable) as ifhe had also gained a level in his previous arcane spellcasting class (a class in which he can cast 3rd-level spells).He does not,however,gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained,such as bonus metamagic or item creation feats,and so on.Ifhe could cast 3rd-level spells from more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a machine mage,he must decide which class receives each level ofmachine mage for the purpose ofdetermining spells per day.

Ability Score Bonuses (Ex): The machine mage continually upgrades his physical form, gaining inherent bonuses.

Spellcircuits (Ex): The machine mage can create machine-based spell enhancement devices that he implants within his own body.A spell can be imbedded into the spellcircuit for various effects.It takes the machine mage a full minute to imbed a spell within the device by casting the spell into it.Each ofthese devices provides a different effect: • Red Spellcircuit: A spell imbedded within this device can be cast with no verbal or somatic components.Usable once per day.Gained at 2nd level. • Blue Spellcircuit: A spell imbedded within this device can be cast as a free action.Usable once per day.Gained at 4th level. • Green Spellcircuit: A spell imbedded within this device can be cast at a level equal to the machine mage’s caster level +2.Usable once per day.Gained at 6th level. • Grey Spellcircuit: A spell imbedded within this device can be cast as if maximized.Usable once per day.Gained at 8th level.

CHAOSITECH SERVANT Machine Mage Bonus Natural Strength Character Level HD Armor Adjustment Intelligence Special

12 or less +2 HD +1 +1 6 Improved evasion,share spells,empathic link,share saving throws 13–15 +4 HD +3 +2 7 Speak with machine mage 16–18 +6 HD +5 +3 8 Chaositech bond 19–20 +8 HD +7 +4 9 Spell resistance

• Black Spellcircuit: A spell imbedded within this device can be cast with no verbal or somatic components,at +2 caster level,maximized,as a free action.Usable once per day.Gained at 10th level.

Chaositech Servant (Ex): At 4th level,the machine mage gains a chaositech servant (see below).

Difficult to Dispel (Ex): By 8th level,the machine mage has so infused his own spellcasting with chaositech principles that traditional means ofdispelling magic don’t always work against his chaos-powered magic.Add +4 to the Difficulty Class to dispel a machine mage’s spell,thanks to this ability.

Chaositech Servant

Upon or after reaching 4th level,a machine mage can create a clockwork creature to serve him.Use the statistics ofa homunculus for this chaositech servant.The machine mage’s servant gains further Hit Dice and special abilities based on its creator’s character level (see table above).

The machine mage may have only one chaositech servant at a time.Should the servant die,he may create another one after one day.The new chaositech servant has all the accumulated abilities due a servant ofthe machine mage’s current level.

The chaositech servant is a special type ofchaosomaton (see page 86).

Machine Mage Character Level: This column in the table above refers to the character level ofthe machine mage (his machine mage level plus his original class levels).

Bonus Hit Dice: These extra d8 Hit Dice improve the servant’s base attack and base save bonuses,as normal.

Natural Armor: This serves as a bonus to the servant’s natural armor rating.

Strength Adjustment: Add this figure to the servant’s Strength score.

Intelligence: This is the servant’s Intelligence score.

Improved Evasion (Ex): Ifthe servant is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage,it takes no damage on a successful saving throw and only halfdamage on a failed one.

Share Spells (Su): The machine mage may elect to have any spell he casts on himselfalso affect his servant.The servant must be within arm’s reach at the time ofcasting.A spell with a duration ofother than Instantaneous stops affecting the servant ifit moves more than 5 feet away.The spell’s effect is not restored even ifthe servant returns to the machine mage before the duration would otherwise have ended.Additionally,the machine mage may cast a spell with a target of“You” on his servant (as a touch range spell) instead ofon himself.The machine mage and servant can share spells even ifthe spells normally do not affect creatures ofthe servant’s type (construct).

Empathic Link (Su): The machine mage has an empathic link with the servant,to a distance ofup to one mile.He cannot see through the servant’s eyes,but the two can communicate telepathically.The servant’s Intelligence score limits what it can communicate or understand,and even intelligent servants see the world differently than humans,so misunderstandings may take place.

Because ofthe empathic link between the servant and the machine mage,the machine mage has the same connection to a place or item (for teleportation,etc.) that the servant does.

Share Saving Throws: The servant uses its own base save bonuses or the machine mage’s,whichever is higher.

Speak With Machine Mage: The machine mage and servant can communicate verbally as ifthey were using a common language.Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help.

Chaositech Bond: The servant gains a +2 bonus to all attacks,checks,and saves ifit witnesses the machine mage being threatened or harmed.This bonus lasts as long as the threat remains immediate and apparent.

Spell Resistance: The servant’s spell resistance equals the machine mage’s level + 5.Ifanother spellcaster tries to affect the servant with a spell,that spellcaster must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) at least equal to the servant’s spell resistance in order to affect it.

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