7 minute read
City Guide I Mirialle’s
A small cottage squats a few feet away from the road. Dingy, unpainted, and in need of serious repairs, the cottage remains standing by force of will alone. Plants, leaves, and odd objects are suspended in net bags that hang all along the outer edge of the roof. The hanging bags, and the cluster of herbs nailed to the decrepit door, clearly suggest it is a herbalist’s home.
This is the home to Mirialle Lark, a herbalist and healer with a rather odd reputation. Known throughout the city for her herbs and healing kits, she also has a reputation for making antidotes to various poisons. Unknown to any outside the local assassins’ guild, she also makes some of the same poisons she provides antidotes for. The door has no lock or alarm, even when Mirialle is away. She is somewhat protected by the local assassins’ guild but this is not common knowledge. The filth and decrepit state of her cottage keeps her safe from theft as does the general idea that healers should be left alone
Mirialle Lark, Female Human, Exp3: CR2; Medium-Size Humanoid (5 ft. 2 in. tall); HD 3d6; hp 10; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Atk +1 melee (1d4-1/crit 19-20/x2, dagger), or +4 ranged (1d4-1/crit 19-20/x2, dagger); AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6; Str 8, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 13.
Skills: Alchemy +10, Appraise +8, Diplomacy +7, Gather Information +7, Heal +7, Knowledge (herbs) +8, Knowledge (poisons) +8, Sense Motive +7.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Alchemy).
Possessions: 3 daggers, healing kit, potion of cure light wounds, an ornate silver ring (10 gp), and a pouch containing 14 gp, 47 sp, and 32 cp. Description: Mirialle is a slender young woman with light brown hair and light blue eyes. While very beautiful, she wears shabby clothes and never looks people in the eye when she speaks to them. She carries a healing kit strapped to her back when she is away from her home, and usually has clusters of dried herbs tucked into her belt. Her high-pitched voice is rather shocking at first but people soon adjust to her voice and strange mannerisms.
Personality: Mirialle inherited her home, and business, at age 12 when her mother died in a carriage accident. In truth, Mirialle is an extraordinarily beautiful young woman, it is her abrupt personality and inability to look people in the eye that causes people to keep her at an arm’s distance. While her main business is selling herbs and healing kits, she is open to patients of all kinds, and never refuses treatment to anyone under any circumstances. Mirialle wears a faint, twisted smile when talking to customers that also frightens some people as they feel she is hiding something from them. Mirialle has no guiding morals; she secretly sells poisons to assassins at the same time she sells antidotes to the general public. If Mirialle can make a profit without risking herself, she is capable of almost any act.
Information and Interactions: Mirialle deals in herbs, poison antidotes, and healing kits and discusses her knowledge of them quite freely. She knows the best areas to find certain herbs, if she doesn’t grow them in her garden already, and can identify the effects of all common poisons. Something she does not discuss is her business with several different assassins. She knows, or suspects, the real names of the leading assassins in the city but does not divulge this information under any circumstances. Her strange sense of business honor leads her to inform the assassins’ guild of any questions related to their business, or to ask them for help if she is assaulted or threatened. Mirialle makes potent poisons used by several assassins and can easily seek protection from the guild any time she requires it. If a PC has a letter or marker from a leading assassin in the local guild she is willing to discuss her poisons and offer them for sale, without such a letter or marker she does not even admit to owning poisons let alone selling them.
City Guide I Mirialle’s
1) Shop Interior
The small cottage is packed full of strange glassware, jars, and glass bottles. Vials, jars, and bottles are lined up in racks along shelves that cover every wall and a variety of herbs lie drying on a large table in the center of the room. A small cot rests against one wall, clearly the only place to sit or sleep and a rusted stove squats in the corner. The wood floor is covered with dirt, dust, and discarded fragments of herbs to a level that it can’t even be seen in some places. Despite the filth and complete disorganization, Mirialle has a reputation for having the best and purest herbs and antidotes in the entire city.
The cottage is a mess, and a frightening one at that. Vials of antidotes Mirialle sells are unmarked, only she knows which vial is which. Her glassware is rarely, if ever, cleaned yet she somehow still creates pure poisons and antidotes for general use. Mirialle lives and works here, but she usually walks to the market to purchase food. After spending her days creating antidotes and healing kits she loathes cooking for herself. There is a 30% chance that Mirialle is out of her home during the day to collect herbs, get food, or help a patient someplace. She is always home in the evenings.
Treasure: The glassware she uses is dirty and would require a huge amount of cleaning work before it would be worth selling to anyone. The vials of antidotes are mixed with vials of poison and all of them are unmarked, any vial stolen has a 50% chance of being a poison rather than an antidote. There is a small sack hidden behind the rusting stove that contains 297 gp, 143 sp, and 17 cp (Search DC19).
Mirialle’s business revolves around selling fully prepared healing kits and the herbs to stock them along with her more profitable business of selling poisons and antidotes.
Healing kit 50 gp Replacement herbs 25 gp (replaces herbs used up in a healing it)
Antidotes: Mirialle’s antidotes are single dose and do not act immediately. A patient must take a dose of the appropriate antidote and rest for a minimum of 8 hours before recovering any lost ability scores. Her antidotes do not recover permanently lost ability points. If taken within one minute of receiving a dose of poison the antidote gives a +10 circumstance bonus to the next saving throw against the effects of that poison. Antidotes to common poisons cost half as much as the equivalent poison. If Mirialle must make an antidote to a new or rare poison she charges a price equivalent to the full price of that poison.
Spider venom antidote 75 gp Scorpion venom antidote 100 gp Snake venom antidote 60 gp Parlic oil antidote 3000 gp Schil residue antidote 5000 gp Toadstool antidote 500 gp
Poisons: Mirialle does not sell poisons to anyone that does not have proper references from the local assassins’ guild. She won’t even admit to owning poisons without those references. Some of the poisons she provides are rare and unique to the local area.
NOTE: The poisons listed here are quite powerful, their use should be monitored carefully by the gamemaster.
City Guide I Mirialle’s
Item: Parlic oil
Parlic oil is extracted from the leaves of a local flowering plant. It takes almost an entire bush worth of leaves to extract enough poison to be potent. Parlic oil begins to decompose 10 minutes after exposure to air so it must be used soon after applied to a weapon.
Item: Sehil Residue
Schil residue is created by heating certain flowers until the petals dry and flake away. Residue left behind on the glass is then concentrated in a light oil that can easily be spread on any surface.
Mirialle dissolves toadstools in a light acid and then boils them down to a light powder that can be spread on food or mixed with drinks. Toadstool concentrate has a slightly bitter taste so it is usually mixed with strong beverages.
Character Hooks or Stories:
Mirialle is a strange character that can be the subject of rumors, or the source of adventure.
Mirialle has heard about some new plants growing in a nearby forest and asks the PCs for help getting some samples.
The city guard is suspicious, they believe that Mirialle might be supplying poisons to the assassins’ guild. They can’t investigate openly so they ask for the PCs’ assistance.
Mirialle disappears. The assassins’ guild is concerned that she might be in hiding and giving information to the city guard. They use a disguised intermediary to show concern for the missing woman and ask the PCs to investigate.