8 minute read
The Temple of True Aim
Multiple Use Destroys a CR 8 or higher undead creature* +1/4 creature's CR Undertakes a mission to hunt undead" +1 Undertakes a mission underground* +1 Razes the stronghold of an undead creature +8 Brings a dead creature back to life with raise dead or similar magic +2 Aids the less fortunate with own funds +1/500 gp expended Converts a new member +1 Associates with undead -4 Associates with evil outsiders -2 Associates with illithids -6 Acts against alignment** -10 * Stacks with other mission criteria (for example, a mission to hunt a CR 9 undead creature underground nets a +4 modifier). ** Cannot improve affiliation score until atonement is completed.
Titles, Benefits, and Duties: To gain a new rank and its associated benefit requires no special action beyond the required tithing. Rising through the ranks of the Shining Light of Pelor increases a member's ability to minister to the ill and infirm, as well as to destroy the reviled undead.
Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None. 1 4-9 Novitiate of the Sun: Gain a+2 bonus on Heal checks made to stabilize a dying creature. 2 10-17 Light of the Sun: Gain a+2 bonus on turning checks. 3 18-24 Heat of the Sun: Gain a+1 bonus on saves against evil spells and effects. 4 25-29 Fury of the Sun: Once per day, add your Strength modifier as a bonus on a single saving throw. 5 30 or higher Shining Light: Once per day, wreathe yourself in the divine energy of the sun, which acts as Afire shield spell (warm shield only, caster level equals your character level).
favored Feats: Pelorites prefer feats that aid them in combating undead, or that help bring Pelor's light to the dark corners of the world. Extra Turning, especially when used in conjunction with divine feats, is a favorite. But knowing that turn attempts are less effective against more powerful undead, a typical cleric of Pelor takes Holy symbol of Pelor at least one divine feat, so that he can still use his turning ability as a resource. Clerics who wield their cure spells as weapons against the undead frequently choose Spell Focus (conjuration).
Favored Combat Tactics: In battle, clerics of Pelor focus first on undead enemies, typically beginning with a turn attempt to thin their ranks. Most pursue support or ranged spellcasting roles on the battlefield and usually prepare spells that deal extra damage to undead, such as searing light or sunburst. Still, they are always ready with a quick cure or restoration spell to sustain allies.
Most paladins of Pelor wield one-handed weapons and shields and focus on protecting more poorly armored comrades, leaving major damage-dealing to others. They try to goad enemies into attacking them, drawing their attention while allies move into flanking positions. When they have the opportunity, paladins attack undead opponents first.
Favored Adventure Types: A mission to determine the strength of an orc horde would interest Pelor's followers for the sake of rooting out evil, but any of them would leap at a quest to destroy a vampire. Likewise, the Shining Light is always eager to venture into the Underdark. Any quest in the lightless depths is an opportunity to shed Pelor's light on those who have yet to be graced by his presence.
Favored Oaths: In combat, Pelorites frequently exclaim "By the burning light!" or "By the fiery face!" "By the wizened one" is an expression of wonder, and "Pelor's touch" refers to healing magic of any sort.

Only with eternal vigilance can the world be kept safe from those who would destroy it. Too many times in their long history, the elves have seen evil rise—often from within their own ranks—and too often they have suffered at the hands of their enemies. But no more. With neverending vigilance, the Temple of True Aim has kept vigil over the world for uncounted centuries at the behest of Corellon Larethian. It does so for the good of all elves, even if that means keeping an eye on every elf. The enemies of Corellon and his people are so numerous that relaxing your watch for even a moment would let evil again win a foothold in the elven realms.
The Temple of True Aim consists of extremely cautious elves who know the truth of the world. Allies come and go, but enemies are never absent. The church encompasses a vast network of members. Many are clerics, but elves of other classes also want to keep their people safe. Elf rogues wander the streets of enemy nations, seeking to learn whether rumors of war are true. Elf rangers and druids scout the wild mountains, hoping to learn the strength of the current orc chieftain and his plans for conquest. When the vigilant church of Corellon Larethian detects the taint of evil in any elf nation, it strikes without mercy. Whether the enemies are fiends from the Abyss, raiding orcs, or the hated drow, Corellon's followers ply their sure arrows with deadly accuracy. Great heroes of the church earn honorifics among their enemies—a sign of respect strongly tinged with fear.

The drow earn special enmity for more than just the ancient schism that divided the elf race. The church teaches that when Corellon cast the drow from the surface, he meant to send them to the Abyss, there to spend the rest of eternity with their dark mistress, Lolth. But Lolth's power and trickery were too strong, so the drow remained on the Material Plane. Thus, killing drow is holy work, because each dark elf soul sent to the Abyss is another step toward completing the work begun by Corellon Larethian so long ago.
Enemies and Allies: The older the race, the more numerous its enemies. The elves have many foes in many nations. But the drow and the orcs are the elves' most hated opponents, both because of actions taken by Corellon Larethian in eons past. Thus, members of the Temple of True Aim dedicate the slaughter of both to the greater glory of their deity, and killing these enemies with a bow is considered especially holy.
Members: Only elves and half-elves can be members of the Temple of True Aim.
Scale: 16 (multicontinental).
Affiliation Score Criteria: Only good-aligned elves and half-elves can advance in rank within the Church of Corellon.

Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Chaotic alignment +1 Knowledge (religion) 5 or more ranks +1 Base attack bonus +5 or higher +1 Proficient with all martial weapons +1 Can cast 3rd- or 4th-level spells +2 Can cast 5th-level or higher spells +3
Multiple Use Overthrows a tyrannical lawful government +8 Overthrows an evil government +8 Converts a new member +1 Slays an evil drow or orc +1/4 creature's CR Successfully defends a church or other structure important to the church +2 Serves as a guardian of the church or a structure important to the church for 1-11 months"-'' +1 Serves as a guardian of the church or a structure important to the church for 1 year* +4 Defends a community or group unable to defend itself (if character is good) +4 Associates with known lawful creatures (such as paladins or monks) -4 Associates with known evil creatures -4 Associates with drow or orcs -20 Fails to defend a structure or item important to the church -6 Fails in combat -2 Fails in combat against a drow or orc -4 * Overlaps for same structure.
Titles, Benefits, and Duties: To gain a new rank and its associated benefit, a member of the Temple of True Aim must spend 24 hours in a grove (or similar natural site) sacred to Corellon. At the end of this time, she must fire a single arrow from a longbow straight into the air. If it comes back down within the confines of the grove, she gains the benefit of her new rank. Affiliation
Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None. 1 4-8 Watcher: Gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks. 2 9-16 Keeper: Once per day, ignore armor check penalty, if any, on one skill check. 3 17-23 First Captain: Cain a+1 bonus on attack rolls against evil enemies. 4 24-29 High Captain: Once per day, gain double the normal bonus when using Combat Expertise or Power Attack. If using a two-handed weapon with Power Attack, gain three times the damage for each -1 on the attack roll. 5 30 or higher Arrow of Corellon: Once per day, add 1/2 your character level to the save DC of a 3rd-level or lower spell that you cast, or as a bonus on a single attack roll and the corresponding damage roll if it hits. (Declare the bonus before resolving the spell or attack. )
Favored Feats: As a general rule, elves prefer to fight with bows, and the followers of Corellon are no exception. Thus, any feats that improve effectiveness with a bow are favorites in the Temple of True Aim. Feats that improve a spellcasters potency—especially Spell Ecus and metamagic feats—are also common.
Favored Combat Tactics: The bow is Corellon's favored weapon, and his mortal worshipers follow his example, whether they use a similar weapon or the magic that comes so naturally to the elven race. A member of the Temple of True Aim typically seeks to strike from ambush, using hit-and-run tactics and engaging in melee only when necessary.
Favored Adventure Types: The Church of Corellon considers the destruction of orcs a sacred calling. Gruumsh and his get are still prime enemies of elves everywhere, and Corellon's clerics frequently send adventuring parties into the mountains or the Underdark to take the fight to the orc hordes. Any mission to hunt drow, or counter the threat they represent, is also a sacred duty to Corellon's followers.
In addition, the Temple of True Aim strives to preserve the elven way of life at any cost. The church knows that conflict can never end, and that some enemy will always attempt to exterminate the elves. Only a preemptive strike before an enemy becomes a real threat can keep Corellon's people safe.
Favored Oaths: "By the bow!" is a common epithet
Holy symbol of Corellon Larethian