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Temple of the First Dawn
it, so it holds no visual distinction. While spells such as detect size category or smaller with a necromantic spell, that creamagic might reveal the truth, sometimes the only way to be ture instantly reanimates as a zombie under her control. This sure is to attempt to access the power of a Sepulcher of Wee Jas zombie does not count against the character's HD-based limat the site and see whether it works. it on the number of undead that can be controlled by spells
DC 28 (arcana or religion): Only those willing to taste death such as animate dead, and commanding it is a free action. The and those with a gift for necromantic magic can claim the zombie remains animate for a number of rounds equal to 1 + power of a Sepulcher of Wee Jas. Those who prove unworthy the level of the spell that slew it, then dies again. suffer for their hubris. In addition, the standard Will save for half damage no longer
Description: Every Sepulcher of Wee Jas is an ornate tomb applies to any inflict spells that the recipient spontaneously or crypt. Most are constructed of marble or granite, but a casts (though it applies normally for prepared inflict spells). A few are simply dug into the earth or made of materials other spellcaster who lacks the ability to swap out prepared spells than stone. These sites often boast detailed decorations and for inflict spells gains the power to do so as though she were engravings, which might or might not include symbols of an evil cleric of her divine caster level, but only once per day. Wee Jas. The typical Sepulcher of Wee Jas is merely one tomb The Will save applies normally in this case. in the middle of a great cemetery, but a few stand alone on Duration: The abilities granted by a Sepulcher of Wee Jas private lands. The air within the Sepulcher is cold and dry, last for 1 month. and sounds often fail to echo, as though the dimensions Aura: Strong necromancy. of the crypt were larger Ability Value: 7, 000 gp. than they appear. Adaptation: Although
Prerequisite: Only a few deities other than Wee spellcaster who has Spell Jas are associated with both Focus (necromancy), and death and magic, any god of at least 5 ranks in both death or necromancy could Knowledge (arcana) and create a similar holy site. Knowledge (religion) can gain the powers of a Sepul TEMPLE OF THE cher of Wee Jas. An actual FIRST DAWN worshiper of Wee Jas has In a distant land, atop a plaan easier time qualifying teau so high that the air is (see below), but allegiance thin and the wind blows to the Ruby Sorceress is cold, stands an enormous not a prerequisite. cathedral. Made by hands
Location Activation: far older than human, its The ritual required to gold-hued mithral frameaccess the power of a work supports stained glass Sepulcher of Wee Jas is walls of unearthly beauparticularly hideous be ty. The air inside is warm cause the petitioner must and comforting despite sample death. She must the chilling winds outside, enclose herself in a coffin and darkness and evil seem within the Sepulcher and distant and unimportant lie within—awake but within its walls. unmoving—for 24 hours. This luminous strucDuring this period, she ture is the Temple of the First takes ld6 points of nega Dawn, the holiest site of tive energy damage every Pelor's faith. According to 2 hours. Assuming the myth, this spot was where character survives, she the rays of the sun first must attempt a DC 30 Only those willing to taste death can benefit from a Sepulcher of Wee Jas touched the earthen skin Knowledge (arcana) or of the world, warming its Knowledge (religion) check (her choice) when the required surface and lighting the eternal night on the morning when time has elapsed. A worshiper of Wee Jas gains a +5 cir creation began. The cathedral is aptly named, because this cumstance bonus on this check. Success indicates that the place is indeed the site of the very first dawn. petitioner has acquired sufficient insight into death to gain the site's granted power. A character who fails the check by 10 or more points, however, instantly contracts mummy rot (DMG 292), no saving throw allowed. Lore: Characters can gain the following pieces of information about the Temple of the First Dawn by making Knowledge (religion) checks at the appropriate DCs, as given below.
Recharge: A given Sepulcher of Wee Jas can grant its ben DC 15: The Temple of the First Dawn was built on the site efits to a single character only once per month. where, according to Pelorian myth, the rays of the sun first
Special Ability (Su): Any time the recipient of the power touched the earth when reality began. Even the greatest of granted by a Sepulcher of Wee Jas kills a humanoid of her own Pelor's scholars don't know who built this cathedral.
DC 20: The Temple of the First Dawn enhances light and healing magic and suppresses dweomers of darkness and death.
DC 25: Almost any non-evil creature is welcome to claim the benefits of the Temple of the First Dawn, but doing so requires a show of intense devotion to Pelor. Beings of evil cannot draw on the powers of this site.
Description: The Temple of the First Dawn appears to be made entirely of stained glass. Its multicolored panes form different images, icons, and patterns depending on the position of the viewer and the sun. The grandest pattern of all is an intricately formed holy symbol of Pelor on the roof, through which the sun shines down into the structure. The glass is held in place by a framework of golden mithral that has been magically enhanced to be as unbreakable as stone.
No shadows ever fall within the Temple of the First Dawn. A combination of magic and the angle of the glass keeps the light diffuse and constant from all angles, making it impossible for any object to cast a shadow within the structure. Even at night, the glass glows with a light of its own that, though dimmer than true sunlight, serves the same purpose.
All the light from all the windows focuses on a single point in the precise center of the cathedral. Here, on the ground, is a strange golden spot—uneven but roughly circular. The holy sun symbol of Pelor is faintly embossed into its center. This spot is the heart of the Temple of the First Dawn—supposedly the exact place where the first sunbeam touched earth.
Prerequisite: Only non-evil characters can benefit from the powers of the Temple of the First Dawn.
Location Activation: To take advantage of the minor ability granted by the site, a character need only cast the appropriate spell while within the cathedral's stained-glass walls (see below).
To access the major ability of the Temple of the First Dawn, a character must prove her capacity for self-sacrifice by spending several days in prayer and fasting within the structure. At least 8 hours of each day must be spent in prayer at the center of the cathedral, and the petitioner must refrain from food and drink long enough to take one-quarter of her full normal hit points in nonlethal damage. Only then can she draw upon the major power of the site.
Recharge: The Temple of the First Dawn needs no recharge time for its minor ability.
Once it has granted its major benefit three times, it cannot do so again for the length of a season (3 months).
Special Ability (Su): The Temple of the First Dawn has both a minor ability, which is constantly available, and a major ability, which requires the ritual described above.
Minor. Any spells that have the healing or light descriptor that are cast within the walls of the temple are automatically maximized or extended, as appropriate, as though affected by the Maximize Spell and Extend Spell feats, with no change in spell slot. If a spell that utilizes negative energy or has the darkness descriptor is cast within these walls, its duration and any variable effects it might have are halved.
Major: The major ability granted by the Temple of the First Dawn varies based on the abilities of the petitioner, as follows. A cleric or other character who has the ability to turn undead can expend a turn attempt to render all undead within 60 feet susceptible to critical hits for 6 rounds.
In addition, a character who already has the ability to spontaneously cast cure spells gains the ability to quicken a spell that has the light or healing descriptor as if using the Quicken Spell feat, but without the associated change in spell slot. This ability is usable once per day. Any spellcaster who lacks the ability to swap out prepared spells for cure spells gains the power to do so, but only once per day, and she cannot use the temple's quicken ability on them.
Duration: The major ability lasts for 1 month. The minor ability is effective only as long as the petitioner remains within the temple's walls.
Aura: Strong abjuration, conjuration, and evocation.
Ability Value: 9, 250 gp.

ED STARK has worked for Wizards of the Coast as a game designer and manager for licensed projects, including Dragon® and Dungeon® magazines and DUNGEONS el DRAGONS® Online: Stormreach. His previous design projects include Complete Warrior, Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, and DD7: Barrow of the Forgotten King.
CHRIS THOMASSON served as Editor-in-Chief of the Originsaward-winning Dungeon Magazine before joining Wizards of the Coast, Inc. as an RPG editor. His design credits include Fiend Folio, Monster Manual III, and Dungeon Master's Guide II.
ARI MARMELL has contributed to more than forty RPG and fiction products, including Vampire: The Requiem, multiple books in the Scarred Lands setting, Egyptian Adventures: Hamunaptra, Dawnforge, and the novel Gehenna: The Final Night. His recent work for Wizards of the Coast includes Heroes of Horror, Tome of Magic, Complete Mage, and Faiths of Eberron. Ari lives with his wife, two cats, and an entire pack of neuroses (EL 12).
RHIANNON LOUVE works as a freelance writer and editor for several companies. Thus far, her largest contribution has been to the Scarred Lands. Her 2002 publication, Hornsaw: Forest of Blood—also Scarred Lands—earned an ENnie nomination. Complete Champion is Rhiannon's first publication for Wizards of the Coast. She also writes fiction, participates in an all-girl D&D group, is pursuing a master's degree, and loves her dog and birds.
GARY ASTLEFORD is a freelance game designer and writer. When not writing or working, he participates in American Civil War reenactments. He lives in southern California with his wife Amy, their son Stephen, and their three cats.
Divine Power at Your Command
Mastery of divine power is no longer reserved for the cleric or paladin. With devotion and dedication, any hero can become a divine champion and a force to shake the heavens. Your strength comes from the universe itself, and you can use your divine gifts to create, heal, or destroy. Your choices shape the world.
This book gives players and Dungeon Masters an unprecedented resource for using divine power and religion in their game. In addition to new feats, spells, items, and prestige classes, the Complete Champion™ game supplement presents exciting adventure locations, affiliation mechanics for different deities. and organizations, and a system for designing your own religions based on the cleric domain system. Alternative class features for every standard class and more reserve feats provide extended options for players interested in creating or advancing characters along the road to divine power.

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