3 minute read
Palace of Burning Ice
before the allotted time runs out.
Test of Endurance: The character engages in a race or a series of exercises against a particularly potent rival. Once the contest begins, the contestants cannot stop for any reason—not for rest, or even for food, drink, or healing. They must continue until one or the other drops from exhaustion or thirst. The one left standing is the victor.
Recharge: A coliseum of Kord can confer its benefits on only one character per week. Furthermore, any given individual can have only one benefit from it at any given time.
Special Ability (Ex):
A coliseum of Kord grants a character who passes the test an inherent bonus of +2 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. She can choose the ability, as long as it is one that the contest tested in some way.
D u r a t i o n: Kord demands that his champions test themselves regularly. The first time a character gains the benefit from a coliseum of Kord, it lasts for a year. The second time, it lasts for 6 months. The benefit lasts for 3 months the third time, 1 month the fourth time, and 1 week each time thereafter.
Aura: Strong transmutation.
Ability Value: 18, 334 gp.
Lore: Characters can gain the following information about frozen calderas of the Dragon Queen by making Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) checks at the appropriate DCs, as given below.
DC 15 (arcana or religion): Frozen calderas of the Dragon Queen, or Palaces of Burning Ice, as they are sometimes called, are draconic temples to Tiamat. Though they differ greatly in appearance, they are all found in volcanic craters in frozen environments.
DC 20 {religion): Dragon religion is very different from that of humanoids. Chromatic dragons do not travel to these areas just to pray or observe religious festivals. They enter a frozen caldera of the Dragon Queen only when they need Tiamat's aid on a particular endeavor and are prepared to sacrifice great riches to obtain it.
DC 25 (arcana): While the powers that can be obtained through the proper rituals are signifiPALACE OF BURNING ICE
With the possible exception of Obad-Hai, no deity combines so many disparate elements as Tiamat, the five-headed
Queen of Dragons. From the frozen northern reaches to the hearts of raging infernos, her influence is felt everywhere that chromatic dragons thrive—and some variety thrives everywhere.
But nowhere is the dragon deity's influence more overt than in her holy sites. The Draconic name of these places translates roughly as "Palaces of Burning Ice, " but human sages refer to them as frozen calderas of the Dragon Queen. The name is certainly appropriate, because whatever other features might differ, these sites appear in only one sort of location—the caldera of a volcano in a frozen mountain range.
While many of Tiamat's frozen calderas are little more than caves, cant, considerable wealth some truly live up to their name as palaces of burning ice and magic must be sacrificed to obtain the most potent.
Keyed Locations
1. Level One Entrance Cavern 2-6. The Five Dragon Lairs 7. Level Two Entrance Cavern 8. Abishai Roosts 9-10. Secret Vault 11-13. Abishai Lairs 14. Empty Cave with Pit 15-16. Frostborn Kobold Warrens 17. Level Four Entrance Cavern 18. Hidden Alcoves 19. White Wyrmling Nests 20-21. Lair of the White Wyrm 22-23. The White Wyrm's Larder 24. The White Wyrm's Vault 25. Icy Cell 26-27. Den of the Ice Manticores (Half-Dragons) 28. Empty Cave with Shaft 29. Level Five Entrance Cavern 30. Empty Cavern
Level One Palace of Burning Ice
One square = 20 feet
Up to surface/ Down to Level Two
Level Three
Down to level Five
Up to Level Three
Level Five
Up to Level Four Up to Level Two Down to Level Five
Up to secret entrance on surface