10 minute read
Price (Item Level): 4, 000 gp (8th) Body Slot: Feet Caster Level: 11th Aura: Moderate (DC 20); divination
Activation: — Weight: 1/2 lb.
The soles of these of dust-covered sandals are worn nearly paper-thin in spots, and the cracking leather straps seem likely to crumble to dust at any moment.
While wearing sandals of the vagabond, you gain a +2 luck bonus on initiative checks and immunity to exhaustion. You can still become fatigued normally, but any spell or effect that would cause you to become exhausted instead makes you merely fatigued. If you're already fatigued, any effect that would cause you to become exhausted merely extends your fatigue for the number of rounds the exhaustion would have applied.
These sandals are part of a set known collectively as the garb of the vagabond, which also includes the cloak of the vagabond, the robe of the vagabond, and the staff of the vagabond. Using three or more of these items together grants extra benefits, as described in the entries for cloak of the vagabond and staff of the vagabond.
Cost to Create: 2, 000 gp, 160 XP, 4 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item restoration.
Price (Item Level): 16, 000 gp (14th) Body Slot: Torso Caster Level: 7th Aura: Moderate (DC 18); enchantment
Activation: —
Weight: 3 lb.
These items make useful additions to a character's collection of implements.
Price (Item Level): 1, 500 gp (5th)
Body Slot: — (held)
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16); transmutation Activation: Standard (manipulation) Weight: 1 lb.
This small silver shaft has a hollow ball at one end. Tiny holes in the ball allow holy water to emerge from the font within.
The garb of the vagabond: staff, cloak, robe, and sandals
You can use this vessel to dispense small amounts of holy water. The I reservoir holds a pint of holy water, even though it does not appear large enough to contain such a quantity. Every dawn, an aspergillum of perpetual benediction refills itself, ensuring you a nearly endless supply of holy water. Holy water dispensed from this item loses its blessing after 24 hours. Chaotic, evil, and lawful versions of the aspergillum exist as well, though they are far less common.
Cost to Create: 750 gp, 60 XP, 2 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Mess water.
Emblazoned in blood-red hues across the chest of this gleaming white tabard is the lightning bolt symbol of Heironeous.
Whenever your current hit point total is equal to or less than one-half of your full normal hit points, you gain the mettle ability: If you are affected by a spell that would normally have a reduced effect on a successful Fortitude or Will saving throw, it instead has no effect at all upon you if you save successfully. If you already have mettle from a class feature or some other source, you instead gain improved mettle, which halves the harmful effects of a spell on a failed Fortitude or Will save while still protecting you entirely on a successful save.
The tabard of valor is part of a set known collectively as the raiment of valor, which also includes the crest of valor (page 139) and the periapt of valor (page 140). When you use a tabard with both of the other items, you gain additional abilities, as noted in the description of the crest of valor. Cost to Create: 8, 000 gp, 640 XP, 16 days. Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, good hope or prayer.
Price (Item Level): 3, 000 gp (7th) Body Slot: —(held) Caster Level: 5th Aura: Faint (DC 17); divination Activation: See text Weight: 8 lb.
The pages of this enormous tome are rough-edged and yellowed. Embossed on the worn, blue leather cover is the holy symbol of Boccob.
A book of all knowledge is said to contain all the secrets of the world, but few mortals are capable of accessing all that information. Its pages are apparently infinite; no matter how many you turn, more still remain unturned. Once per day, you can attempt a single Knowledge check (as if you were trained) with a +10 insight bonus after perusing the book for 2d4 hours.
If you're a worshiper of Boccob (or any deity that offers access to the Knowledge domain), the time required is only ld4 hours.
Cost to Create: 1, 500 gp, 120 XP, 3 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, lore of the gods*', worshiper of Boccob.
Price (Item Level): 36, 000 gp (17th) Body Slot: —(held) Caster level: 17th Aura: Strong (DC 23); necromancy Activation: As spell used Weight: 5 lb. • cause fear (1st) • death knell (2nd) • animate dead (3rd) • death ward (4th) • slay living (5th) • create undead (6th) • destruction (7th) • create greater undead (8th) • wail of the banshee (9th)
Cost to Create: 18, 000 gp, 1, 440 XP, 36 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Staff, animate dead, cause fear, create greater undead, create undead, death knell, death ward, destruction, slay living, wail of the banshee.
Price (Item Level): 36, 000 gp (17th) Body Slot: —(held) Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong (DC 23); conjuration Activation: As spell used
Weight: 5 lb.
This polished bone staff bears symbols at its head that represent the Nobility domain.
This polished bone staff bears symbols at its head that represent the Death domain.
A domain staff of death allows you to cast any of the following spells (each once per day) by expending a prepared divine spell or divine spell slot of the same level or higher. A domain staff of nobility allows you to cast any of the following spells (each once per day) by expending a prepared divine spell or divine spell slot of the same level or higher.

• divine favor (1st) • enthrall (2nd)
A domain staff allows its wielder to use his own divine energy to generate magical effects. Each domain staff holds the nine spells associated with a particular cleric domain. By expending a prepared divine spell or divine spell slot, the wielder can "cast" a spell of the same level or lower from the runestaffs list, as long as that spell also appears on the wielder's divine class spell list (including his domain lists, if any). Treat the domain spell as a spell of its level in the domain, even if it appears on your spell list at a different level. The spell is treated exactly as if the wielder cast the spell himself, including caster level, save DC, and any other effects related to the spell. Each spell can be cast from a domain staff once per day.
In order to use a domain staff, you must attune yourself to it as part of your preparation or readying of divine spells. You can't attune yourself to more than one domain staff at a time; attuning yourself to a second domain staff breaks your previous attunement.
Activating a domain staff (that is, casting a spell from it) is almost exactly like casting the spell yourself, including casting time and even provoking attacks of opportunity. You must supply any components or costs normally required by the spell cast from the domain staff, just as if you had cast it yourself.
• If the spell has a verbal component, activating the domain staff requires you to perform that verbal component (and thus the spell can't be cast if you're incapable of speaking).
If the spell has a somatic component, you don't need to have an extra hand free; simply manipulating the staff can meet the requirement. • If the spell has a material component or focus, you must supply it as part of the casting. For example, if a domain staff held stoneskin, you'd have to supply 250 gp of diamond dust each time you cast that spell from the domain staff. • If a spell has an XP component, you must pay that each time you use the domain staff to cast that spell. • If the spell has any other prerequisite that would normally prevent you from casting it (such as an alignment or racial restriction), you must meet the prerequisite in order to cast the spell from the domain staff.
You can apply the effect of metamagic feats that you know to spells from a domain staff, but you must expend a spell whose level equals or exceeds the adjusted level of the affected spell.
A small selection of domain staffs is presented here, and any other domain staff can easily be created. All domain staffs have the same price, item level, body slot, caster level, aura strength, activation, weight, and cost to create. The prerequisites include Craft Staff and access to all spells of the selected domain.
• magic vestment (3rd) • discern lies (4th) • command, greater (5th) • geas/quest (6th) • repulsion (7th) • demand (8th) • storm of vengeance (9th)
Cost to Create: 18, 000 gp, 1, 440 XP, 36 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Staff, demand, discern lies, divine favor, enthrall, geas/quest, greater command, magic vestment, repulsion, storm of vengeance.
• magic weapon (1st) • spiritual weapon (2nd) • magic vestment (3rd) • divine power (4th) • flame strike (5th) • blade barrier (6th) • power word blind (7th) • power word stun (8th) • power word kill (9th)
Cost to Create: 18, 000 gp, 1, 440 XP, 36 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Staff, blade barrier, divine power, flame strike, magic weapon, magic vestment, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, spiritual weapon.
Price (Item Level): 36, 000 gp (17th) Body Slot: —(held)
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong (DC 23); conjuration Activation: As spell used Weight: 5 lb.
This pale staff of ashwood hears symbols at its head that represent the Healing domain.
Price (Item Level): 3, 300 gp (8th) Body Slot: —(held)
Caster Level: 11th
Aura: Moderate (DC 20); evocation Activation: Standard (thrown)
Weight: —
A domain staff of healing allows you to cast any of the following spells (each once per day) by expending a prepared divine spell or divine spell slot of the same level or higher. This simple, 2-inch-tall, marble icon resembles a noble knight in full plate.
• cure light wounds (1st) • cure moderate wounds (2nd) • cure serious wounds (3rd) • cure critical wounds (4th) • cure light wounds, mass (5th) • heal (6th) • regenerate (7th) • cure critical wounds, mass (8th) • heal, mass (9th) When you throw an iconic guardian to the ground beside you, it transforms into a spiritual guardian, as the spell. Once the duration of that effect ends, the icon crumbles to dust.
Cost to Create: 1, 650 gp, 132 XP, 4 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, spiritual guardian*.

Cost to Create: 18, 000 gp, 1, 440 XP, 36 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Staff, cure critical wounds, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, heal, mass cure critical wounds, mass cure light wounds, mass heal, regenerate. Price (Item Level): 8, 000 gp (llth)
Body Slot: — Caster Level: 12th
Aura: Strong (DC 21); transmutation
Activation: —
Weight: 7 lb.
Made of soft brown leather, this quiver has been expertly stitched with golden strands. A tiny image of an eye is etched into its strap.
Price (Item Level): 36, 000 gp (17th) Body Slot: —(held)
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong (DC 23); enchantment Activation: As spell used Weight: 5 lb.
This fire-hardened staff of oak bears symbols at its head that represent the War domain. A domain staff of war allows you to cast any of the following spells (each once per day) by expending a prepared divine spell or divine spell slot of the same level or higher. A quiver of elvenkind holds up to 50 arrows. Any nonmagical arrow drawn forth from the quiver functions as a +1 arrow (as long as it has been held in the quiver for at least the previous hour). This magic fades after 1 round. If you are an elf or a worshiper of Corellon Larethian, however, any nonmagical arrow drawn from the quiver functions instead as a +1 orc bane arrow, and on a critical hit permanently blinds any living target (Fortitude DC 14 negates). If you are an elf using this quiver in conjunction with a bow of elvenkind (page 137), you gain additional benefits as noted in the description of that item. Cost to Create: 4, 000 gp, 320 XP, 8 days. Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, blindness, elf.