4 minute read
Strength Domain
remind their parishioners to store up food and mend their roofs. If nearby goblins typically raid during the spring thaw, the church of a protection deity warns the town's leaders to double the guard during that season.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Knowledge (religion) 5 or more ranks +1 Proficient with heavy armor and shields +1 Has an adamantine weapon or armor +1/item AC 25-34 +1 AC 35-49 +2 AC 50 or higher +4 Can cast a spell that increases AC +1/spell Can cast a spell that increases at least one saving throw modifier +1/spell Can cast 3rd- or 4th-level abjuration spells +2 Can cast 5th-level or higher abjuration spells +3 Guards the church or a structure important to the church for 1-11 months'" +1 Guards the church or structure important to the church for at least one year* +4 AC 20 or lower -2 * Overlaps for the same structure.
Multiple Use Successfully defends a church or other structure important to the church +2 Converts a new member +1 Saves the life of a church member who has an affiliation score of 21 or higher +3 Catches an enemy of the church off guard and defeats it through superior preparation +1/4 creature's CR Defends a community or group unable to defend itself (if character is good) +4 Razes the stronghold of an enemy of the church +8 Razes the stronghold of an enemy of the church while the inhabitants are unprepared or through superior preparation +10 Allows a close friend to die -1 Fails to defend a structure or item important to the church -6 Refuses a mission to defend the church -8
Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None. 1 4-10 Protector: Gain a+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks. 2 11-18 Guardian: Choose Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. Gain a +1 bonus on the selected saving throw. (Once made, this choice cannot be changed. ) 3 19-29 Knight-Defender: You can ready a shield as a free action (normally a move action). 4 30 or higher Holy Shield: Once per day as an immediate action, grant yourself or an ally a dodge bonus to AC equal to 1/2 your character level. (This ability can be used after you know the result of the roll. ) The word "strength" conjures up images of muscled warriors swinging massive swords and cutting down foes. But the concept of strength is more than physical. Someone grounded in this ideal is mighty in all aspects, whether through raw physical power, force of will, or sheer presence.
Despite this emphasis on well-rounded strength, deities devoted to this principle find more joy in the physical exertion of melee combat than in more intellectual forms of] battle. They are robust and exuberant, with personalities that overwhelm those around them. Such deities revel in displays of physical might, such as athletic competitions.
A temple of a strength deity often resembles an arena. Many serve primarily as arenas with simple altars or shrines annexed to them. Athletic contests and feats of strength, form part of worship services, and prayers typically begin with some sort of physical activity. Community outreach generally consists of combat training, in which the clergy teaches young members basic martial skills. The priests of a strength church are as likely to be fighters or barbarians as clerics. They teach that strength of body and mind embodies the primal forces of the multiverse and that, by harnessing these forces, followers can channel the raw energy of the world into everyday actions.
Criterion One-Time Character level Fortitude save +10 or higher Will save +10 or higher Power Attack Strength 20-29 Strength 30-39 Strength 40 or higher Base attack bonus +5 or higher Strength 12 or lower Fortitude save +4 or lower Will save +4 or lower
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 levels +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 +1 -2 -4 -4
Multiple Use Destroys an enemy of the church +2 Razes the stronghold of an enemy of the church +8 Wins an athletic competition +1/4 opponent's CR Wins an athletic competition against an opponent that has a CR 3 or more higher than own character level +1/2 opponent's CR Defeats an opponent by grappling only +1/4 creature's CR Destroys a creature at full hit points with one blow +1/4 creature's CR Converts a new member +1 Deals 30-99 points of damage with a single blow +1/4 creature's CR Deals 100 or more points of damage with a single blow +1/creature's CR Loses an athletic competition against a foe that has a CR 1 or more below own character level -2 Loses in battle against an enemy of the church -4 Is caught cheating in an athletic competition -10 (if lawful) o r -6 (if chaotic)