3 minute read
"Water Domain
Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None. 1 4-13 Sergeant: Once per day, you can ignore the armor check penalty, if any, on one skill check. 2 14-22 Captain: Once per day, you can ignore the effects of difficult terrain on your movement for 1 round. 3 23-29 Commander: Once per day, gain double the normal bonus when using Combat Expertise or Power Attack. If using a two-handed weapon with Power Attack, you gain three times the damage for each -1 you take on the attack roll. 4 30 or higher General: Apply any feat that normally applies to a single weapon to all the weapons with the same damage type in an entire weapon class. For example, if you have Weapon Focus (longsword), you can apply its benefit to all martial slashing weapons.
Water flows eternally, wearing away obstacles bit by bit. Change is necessary, but rapid change is not. Indeed, haste often leads to mistakes, so you must first consider all the options. Like a river, you patiently apply pressure to eliminate problems. Only when the time is right do you unleash your full fury; until then, you display the calm, still peace of an undisturbed pool. But water is more than an agent of change; it is also the lifeblood of nearly all creatures. Only air can claim as important a role in life.
Deities of water are observant, patient, and calculating, and usually have a neutral alignment component. Like earth deities, they can wait eons, if necessary, to achieve a goal. But unlike a deity of earth, who might simply outlast an opponent, a water deity watches for weakness and gradually erodes an enemy's will. Victory is assured through the constant application of pressure, combined with keen insight.
Churches devoted to the principles of water teach that haste and quick action are routes to defeat—the opposite of a fire church's approach. Wisdom, patience, and careful observation are much more reliable paths to victory. But when the right moment comes to strike, the followers of water do so with overwhelming force, hammering their foes until nothing remains. Water clerics also preach on the life-giving power of water; without its blessing, all would be dust.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Knowledge (nature) 5 or more ranks +1 Knowledge (religion) 5 or more ranks +1 Has a swim speed +4 Has a neutral alignment component (if the deity has one) +1 Can cast arcane or divine spells that have the water descriptor +1 Has visited the Elemental Plane of Water at least once +2 Lacks a neutral alignment component (if deity has one) -4
Multiple Use Explores a new underwater area +2 Lives within 1 mile of a major body of water +1/year Humiliates or defeats a follower of fire +1 Saves the life of a member of the affiliation +1 Takes the time to formulate a detailed plan on a church mission +1 Wins a battle that lasts for more than 8 rounds against an enemy that has a CR within 1 of own character level +1/4 creature's CR Wins a fight that lasts more than 8 rounds against an enemy that has a CR equal to own character level + 3 or more +1/2 creature's CR Wins a fight that lasts more than 15 rounds against an enemy that has a CR equal to own character level + 3 or more +1/2 creature's CR + 2 Brings peace to two warring factions +6 Finds an enemy's weak spot and exploits it to earn victory +2 Finds the weak spot of an enemy that has a CR equal to own character level + 3 or more and exploits that weakness to earn victory +4 Casts a spell that has the fire descriptor -1 Takes a hasty action that results in defeat by an enemy of the church -8 Knowingly associates with creatures of the fire subtype -2
Affiliation Rank Score
0 3 or lower 1 4-11
Title: Benefits and Duties None.
Spring: Gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks made to negotiate peace. 2 12-21 River: Gain a+1 bonus on saving throws against fire spells and effects. 3 22-29 Flood: Once per day, gain water breathing or water walking as a spelllike ability (your choice each use). Caster level equals your character level. 4 30 or higher Mighty Ocean: Gain a swim speed of 20 feet, or add 20 feet to your swim speed if you already have one.