19 minute read
Guardians of the Green
10. Training Area: While much of the martial training offered by the Disciples takes place in the yards outside, this inner training area is used for smaller exercises and the practice of high-level techniques. 11. Arsenal: The Disciples keep extra arms and armor here. 12. Library: This great library is lined with bookshelves, mostly containing historical and mythical recountings of the
Six from Shadow and other great heroes. At almost all times of day and night, a few Disciples can be found here studying. 13. Altar of Heroism: This large balcony contains various | objects of mythic significance—broken weapons, bones of i great monsters, and the like—as well as several carved murals of the Six from Shadow. The stairs lead down to area 15. 14. Overlook: This is not a chamber at all, but a large open I area allowing passersby to look down into the reliquary. 15. The Reliquary: The spiritual heart of the Disciples of I Legend, this enormous stone chamber is carved with scenes taken from every known tale of the Six from Shadow. A large fountain stands in the center, topped by a sculpture of all six standing back to back. The niches marked A through F are sepulchers dedicated to the Six themselves, although only three have remains in them.
Within each one is an enormous stone sarcophagus, carved with the likeness of one of those great heroes. The doors that lead out into the abandoned complex of the Faceless Brethren are all solid stone, and barred from within.
When introducing the Disciples of Legend, play up its members' devotion to the Six from Shadow. The PCs are accustomed to meeting all sorts of adventurers, so focus on the beliefs and attitudes that make the Disciples of Legend stand out from the rest. They might quote from ancient tales of the Six, or pepper explanations and arguments with comments such as "Because it's what Ktolemagne would have done!" However, these NPCs are not fools or mindless drones parroting tales they don't understand; portray them as individuals who truly believe in following the examples of the legendary heroes.
The Disciples of Legend can be a means of introducing the PCs to specific threats in the campaign world, or to the legends of the Six from Shadow, which might in turn inspire the PCs to undertake their own quests. Alternatively, NPC mythic exemplars serve as examples of what can be accom¬ plished by following the old ways. Perhaps contact with such individuals might inspire your PCs to seek out and join the organization themselves, since membership could open up a wide range of potential adventures.
While the Disciples of Legend and associated prestige classes are based heavily on the Six from Shadow, they can easily be altered to venerate historical heroes from your own setting. As long as you keep the specific classes of the legendary heroes the same, you can easily change the background flavor and behavioral requirements to suit your purpose.
Sample Encounter
Nearly all encounters with Disciples of Legend occur in an adventuring context—most likely involving opposition to a great evil or a search for ancient lore. In both cases, members of the organization could become either allies or enemies of the PCs, depending on the compatibility of their goals.
EL 11: The mythic exemplar Mikolai Laziros (page 89) is on of the most active Disciples of Legend. A military leader, hi frequently volunteers to lead soldiers on behalf of any nation or cause whose forces are attempting to destroy dangerous ana evil foes. His squire, Ezria Birrinsdottir (page 112), serves 1 his bodyguard—and as his voice of reason when he become! too wrapped up in a cause to consider the practical ramifications. If the PCs get involved in a large-scale military conflict! these two are likely to fight on their side, but if both of the conflicting forces are non-evil, the PCs could face Laziros ana) Birrinsdottir across the battlefield.
The statistics for these characters can be found with the descriptions of their respective prestige classes.
"The earth is our mother and father, and all living creatures are our siblings. Would you not be willing to fight and die for the safety of your family?"
—Hasayla, Knight of the Green
The organization known as the Guardians of the Green is devoted to protecting all natural things and spaces. This goal seems laudable, but the group can take the concept to an extreme. Its members are often militant and uncompromising in their defense of the natural world. Though rarely evil, they are unpopular with and suspicious of city folk.
Most characters who are willing to go to battle to protect nature are welcome among the Guardians of the Green, Druids and rangers are the organization's most common members, but barbarians, clerics of nature deities, monks and others who are attuned to the natural world make up a significant percentage of the membership. Some join the Guardians because they love the wilds with an abandon that few ever experience—even in the love of another person. Others are drawn to the organization because they are angered by the wanton destruction of natural beauty.
Skills: Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.
Special: Full initiation takes place only after the candidate has spent a moon cycle in the wilderness with other members. During this time, the new member's loyalty is tested in battle if possible.
Though it welcomes members of several religions (chiefly followers of Ehlonna and Obad-Hai, and those who revere nature itself), the organization is a spiritual one in its own I right. Its leadership is chosen almost exclusively from among its druids, clerics, and other religious leaders, regardless of their personal beliefs, and a reverence for all natural life pervades the group's actions. All members are holy warriors in an ongoing struggle to defend that which is green and growing from encroaching civilization. Rangers and rogues undergo special training as guerrilla soldiers and saboteurs, whereas monk or barbarian members might choose a more primal path.
To gain a new rank in the Guardians of the Green, you must spend two cycles of sunrise and sunset in the wilderness, communing with nature. Anyone who accompanies you must also be a member of the Guardians of the Green.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Handle Animal 5 or more ranks +1 Profession (herbalism) 5 or more ranks +1 Knowledge (nature) 10 or more ranks +2 Survival 10 or more ranks +2 Can cast arcane or divine spells that have any elemental descriptor +1 Lives more than 20 miles from a village or larger community for at least 1 year +1
Multiple Use Explores a new wilderness area +2 Defeats a foe caught destroying wild plants or animals or ruining a natural landscape +1/4 creature's CR Lives in a small town or larger community for more than 1 m o n th -2 Destroys or kills a wild plant or animal (except to harvest it properly or protect other life) -4 Fails to prevent the destruction of a natural area -4 Fails to prevent the destruction of a sacred grove or untouched natural area -15
Affiliation Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None.
1 4-12 Initiate of the Green: Gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks made in natural areas. 1 13-21 Warden of the Green: Gain a +2 bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks made in natural areas. 3 22-29 Knight of the Green: Once per day, gain a bonus equal to +1/three character levels on one attack or damage roll when fighting in a natural area. 4 30 or higher Regent of the Green: Once per day, use control plants or transport via plants as a spell-like ability (caster level equals your character level).

The Guardians of the Green do not provide access to any place that a PC could not normally go. However, traveling in wilderness areas can be safer for members, since those assigned to care for specific places help their own whenever possible. In addition, members undertaking approved Guardians missions receive the services of experienced guides, if available.
Because this organization often engages in guerrilla tactics, maintaining anonymity is necessary to protect members from the prejudices of others. The Guardians are shunned and distrusted in most major cities, but proving that someone is a member is difficult. Thus, the benefits granted at specific ranks in the organization focus on protection and mobility.
Initiate of the Green: By the time you earn this rank, you have learned new methods of surviving in the wild from your fellow Guardians of the Green. This benefit manifests as a +2 bonus on Survival checks made in natural areas.
Warden of the Green: Upon advancing to this rank, you are ready to undertake a variety of information-gathering and sabotage methods on behalf of the organization. To enhance your success, you receive training that gives you a +2 bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks made in natural areas.
Knight of the Green: At this rank, you begin to take the fight to the enemy. Because of your experience in using natural terrain to your advantage, you can grant yourself a bonus equal to +1/three character levels on a single attack or damage roll made while fighting in a natural area.
Regent of the Green: At this rank, you are among the organization's most respected members. Your knowledge and expertise is needed on all fronts, so the ability to travel quickly and gain allies wherever you go is vital. Thus, you gain the ability to use either control plants or transport via plants once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals your character level). You can select which ability to use when the occasion arises.
As a Guardian of the Green, you swear to put nature above all other concerns. Nothing is more sacred to you, in this world and in the next. Since joining the organization, you have come to understand that humanoids are the only natural creatures capable of profaning themselves and thenenvironments and rendering whole areas incapable of supporting life. If you are of good alignment, you could seek to heal such sinners through compassionate teaching. If you're evil-aligned, you might believe that all humanoids outside the organization should be killed if they refuse to convert. If you have a neutral outlook, you weigh the various factors before choosing a course of action. Whatever your alignment, you defend the safety of wild spaces. Others help, hinder, or get out of the way.
As an organization, the Guardians of the Green is secretive, but social intrigue is not their strong suit. The more involved you become with the Guardians, the more difficult it becomes to maintain a life or career in any urban area. Those who know you well might not object, but the organization has many enemies. It prefers that you keep your allegiance completely secret, so that you cannot be pressured by foes to reveal its movements. Among your fellow members, however, you can hone your skills, seek adventure, and earn glory. If you earn a reputation for loyalty and heroism, you will be rewarded with positions of authority and faithful support.
With limited resources in both materials and personnel to draw upon, hit-and-run tactics are usually your best bet in combat. When your mission is to discourage the settlement of an area or sabotage an enemy's camp, get in and out as quickly as possible, maximizing damage while minimizing casualties. Honorable battle is meaningless against those who harm nature—hurt them without allowing them to hurt you. Ranged combat best accomplishes this end, along with stealth, careful planning, and teamwork.
The organization recruits carefully, so the offer to join them came only after a long period of observation. Your affiliation with the Guardians of the Green most likely began when a druid befriended you, and the two of you discussed ideology over a cup of tea. Later, he asked you to join him and a few friends in a mission, such as securing a forest against orc intruders. Shortly thereafter, your friend told you about the Guardians of the Green and asked you to join on a trial basis. The members sometimes use a zone of truth spell to weed out spies, but for the most part, they are friendly and ■ welcome newcomers.
Once you gave your commitment to the Guardians of the
Green, you began training for your future work, through mentoring by senior members and undertaking missions of your own. To remain in good standing, you must regularly perform services for the organization, many of which are dangerous or illegal. You are also obligated by your oath to report antinature activities to your superiors. You have learned to choose your allies carefully; divided loyalties are deadly.
Membership grants little status outside the organization. Indeed, keeping it a secret is recommended. Within the Guardians, however, all are treated like family, and particularly valiant members receive special training based on their skills and inclinations. The Guardians of the Green sponsor three prestige classes: the holt warden (page 84), the fist of the forest (page 80), and the forest reeve (page 82).

The Guardians of the Green undertake many different activities. Most often, members defend a wild region from destruction through battle, sabotage, or—or when dealing with innocent settlers—mischief or diplomacy. Larger schemes include kidnapping enemies to force negotiation, destroying harmful artifacts, or mounting an expedition to seek aid. Reconnaissance missions are common, both to learn enemy strategies and to investigate rumors of danger. Occasionally, you might be asked to seek out a fellow member who has ceased contact and determine her status. The Guardians can rarely spare more than the bare minimum of resources for a mission, so you are solely responsible for success or failure.
All participation in the Guardians of the Green is voluntary. If you do nothing for the organization, you get nothing in return, but as long as you keep its secrets, the only retribution you face is snubbing from your fellow members.
Because it is a volunteer group run on private funds, the organization rarely provides you with any economic benefits. In fact, you are regularly asked for donations. Inherently antimaterialistic, the Guardians are poor in material wealth but generous in spirit. Members enjoy the benefits of inclusion in a close-knit community that is known even among its detractors for taking good care of its own.
Though the Guardians of the Green can be vicious toward those who dishonor nature, they are exceedingly compassionate toward fellow members. You need never pay for healing services, and you receive healing potions in advance for approved missions. Within reason, you can request divine magic items, as long as you are a member in good standing and provide all necessary raw materials. And should you ever run afoul of the local authorities, the organization can arrange a safe hiding place.
The organization can provide you with light, simple weapons if you have none of your own. Once you rise to a position of authority, you might occasionally receive! gifts of masterwork or magic equipment, particularly when a band includes members with the ability to craft such items.
Though largely divorced from urban life, the Guardians of the Green can keep you apprised of events in local wilderness areas, and might even be able to provide information about natural areas of distant lands. Upon induction into! the organization, you learned a code of trail signs that) you can leave in wilderness areas to alert other members, to the presence of danger, resources, a being in need, and so on.
"They can call themselves Guardians of the Green if they like, but I say that name's just a fancy way of sayin' they hate everybody who wasn't born covered in leaves. " —Renoch Blacksmith, mayor of Pelorsburg; (population 238)1
This highly versatile organization can fill many different roles in a campaign world, depending on how you portray a local chapter. A particularly militant group might be an antagonist for the PCs, while a more moderate band could become an ally! or even sponsor a party of PCs, thereby providing a starting point for an entire campaign.
The Guardians of the Green claim that their organization was! never founded—not by mortals, at any rate. According to the group's legends, it has existed since the first humanoid was born. These tales claim that all humanoids were intended! to be guardians of the natural world, and that city dwelling perverts this divine charge. Few outside the organization believe this tale of its origin, though no one knows of any better explanation.
Loosely organized at best, a chapter of the Guardians of the Green functions according to the area in which it operates. Outside a flamboyantly wasteful city, local members might I follow strict protocols and hierarchies. Alternatively, the forests outside a prosperous but cruel city might be guarded by heroic outlaws.
The leaders of individual Guardians chapters are elder holt wardens. A smaller band. might choose a single leader by consensus, whereas a larger one might elect a small council instead of a single elder. Most leaders serve for I life, and a leader's word is law within her own band, Forest reeves sometimes serve presiding holt wardens as generals.
Each band gathers in the local forest, but strongholds are difficult to find. Members disdain permanent structures, I preferring to sleep in the open, or in tents during bad
weather. Nevertheless, a typical band has two or three preferred gathering places where its members plan missions or craft equipment. The organization as a whole is not sufficiently organized to have a headquarters, but the elders hold an annual grand council, drawing representatives from every band on the continent. This gathering takes place at a different time and location every year, for the sake of safety.
Though each band is unified, factions exist within the organization as a whole, and bands continually bicker with one another over decisions or territory. Overt hostilities are unheard of, and the Guardians of the Green always unite against common foes, but internally, members disagree about the best way to protect the land they all hold sacred.
NPC Reactions
Because the organization places the welfare of growing plants above that of humanoids, it is unpopular in settled areas. Farmers wonder whether the next field they clear will be one too many for the watching Guardians. Miners are sure that in the event of a cave-in, any members in the area will be more worried about the trees uprooted on the hill above than about the life flickering out below.
In fact, these warriors of nature are concerned mainly about wanton misuse of the land, not the average villager. But they spend so much time apart from society that they sometimes forget the art of diplomacy, and poorly chosen words can be twisted to rally the public against the Guardians of the Green. Thus, attitudes toward the organizations vary according to individual beliefs, but the most common reaction is unfriendly.

Characters who have ranks in Knowledge (nature) can research the Guardians of the Green to learn more about them. When a character succeeds on a skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.
DC 10: The Guardians meddle in the affairs of city folk and sometimes stop people from plowing or clearing land.
DC 15: The organization protects the forests by any means necessary. Its members are always at odds with local governments and, in some places, joining the group is illegal. "
DC 20: The Guardians can be extremists, but they protect the innocent and are ferocious toward destructive enemies. They are harsh but fair and will hear you out.
DC 30: Characters who achieve this level of success can learn important details about the Guardians of the Green in your campaign, including the organization's history, notable members, the areas where they operate, and the kinds of activities they undertake.
Because of the group's secrecy, making contact with the Guardians of the Green can be difficult. However, a member or two can often be found in the local jail, usually on charges of vandalism.
Since every band is a little different, NPC Guardians of the Green can behave in a variety of ways. Lawful members are organized and militant, while chaotic ones are radical extremists. Good members seek healing and negotiation, while evil ones seek vengeance against those who despoil the land. The one goal that all Guardians of the Green share is a fanatical devotion to the earth and its welfare.
The Guardians of the Green can make excellent allies or villains, depending on the attitudes of a band and its leaders. Tailor your local band to the kinds of cities that exist nearby and consider the sort of interactions you want its members to have with your PCs.
The organization works best in settings that feature large wilderness areas with cities beginning to encroach upon them. Within that framework, you can adapt the Guardians of the Green to later eras and to a variety of game styles. Where only a few wilderness areas remain, the local band is tiny and desperate. In a setting with few large cities, the Guardians of the Green might be so extreme that even basic agriculture is seen as enslavement of nature.
Sample Encounter
The Guardians of the Green can be easy to irritate. Chopping down the wrong tree at the wrong time might make foes out of the local members. On the other hand, allying with the organization against an evil overlord who is also destroying the forest could produce lasting friendships.
EL 15: The PCs come upon Hasayla the holt warden (see page 85), Denon the forest reeve (see page 83), and Sorag the fist of the forest (see page 81) valiantly fighting a gang of twenty-five gnolls in a filthy clearing, denuded of trees. Felled logs are stacked on a nearby cart. Sorag is too busy to notice the PCs at first, but Denon trains an arrow on the newcomers while Hasayla, still concentrating on the gnolls, shouts, "Are ye friends of nature?" The statistics for these characters can be found with the descriptions of their respective prestige classes. A statistics block for a typical gnoll is provided below.
CE Medium humanoid (gnoll)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +3
Languages Gnoll
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +2 shield, +1 natural) hp 11 (2 HD)
Fort +4, Ref+0, Will +0
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee battleaxe+3 (ld8+2/x3)
Ranged shortbow+1 (Id6/x3)
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Atk Options Power Attack
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Feats Power Attack
Skills Listen +2, Spot +3
Possessions leather armor, battleaxe, shortbow with 10 arrows