2 minute read
The Frog God’s Fane
Illus. by E. Deschamps

The champion’s crown
Location Activation: A character who arrives at the pinnacle of the champion’s crown and spends 1 minute soaking in the adoration of the crowd gains the benefit of this location . It is possible, though rare, for several characters to be so honored at the same time .
Ascending to the victor’s platform of the champion’s crown requires a successful DC 12 Climb check . The top of the ziggurat has room for four Medium creatures .
Recharge: Any champion who has performed admirably in the coliseum might gain the benefits of the champion’s crown. The true love of the people is rare, however, and usually no more than three individuals in a city enjoy the special ability conferred by the location . Successful gladiatorial groups or sporting teams sometimes exceed this limit .
An individual can regain the benefits of this location after 1 year if he once again accomplishes a crowd-pleasing and noteworthy feat in the coliseum .
Special Ability (Ex): A character who has rightfully ascended the champion’s crown becomes a hero of the community that holds the coliseum . He gains a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate checks made to influence or gain information from any individual who resides in that city .
In addition, all residents of the community have a default initial attitude of friendly toward the character if they recognize him .
Duration: The favor of the public is fickle, and thus the benefits of this location fade after 1 year .
Ability Value: 1,000 gp .
CourT of ThIeves
Below labyrinthine sewers, deep basement vaults, and the lairs of hidden creatures that feast on society’s filth lies the lost throne of the underworld, the famed yet forgotten court of thieves. Generations of bandit lords, robber kings, master assassins, and at times fouler tyrants held court in this sprawling den of excesses hidden beneath the very noses of those who would root it out . Those days are long past .
Lore: Characters with ranks in Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (local) can research the court of thieves to learn more about it . When a character succeeds on a skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs .
DC 10: The court of thieves was a hidden place where anything could be bought and any pleasure could be had .
DC 15: All thieves’ guilds and criminal activities were once ruled over by the elusive court of thieves .
DC 20: Treasures from a hundred lands were piled at the feet of the king of thieves as payment for the privilege of conducting crimes within his city .
DC 25: The vices of greedy brigands and honorless rogues eventually splintered the king’s power and left the court of thieves abandoned .
Description: The court of thieves is a subterranean palace, a complex of chambers built in secret far beneath city streets . One hall might be as vast and grand as the royal opera house—and indeed might have been used for a similar purpose—while the next could be nothing more than a crumbling chamber of exposed rock and sewer pipes . The