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Dragon Clan
encountered in the tunnels between Higashiyama and Nishiyama, to the east in Yasuki lands . These twisting passagesa series of natural caverns and undergroundpaths-form a quick shortcut across the Wall Above the Ocean Mountains, but regular incursions by Shadowlands creatures make the journey very dangerous . The Hida send a group to the tunnels at least every year to purge the creatures, but the oni keep returning.
Population : 3,000,000 ; humans (Crane clan noble caste, 10% ; common caste, 90%)
Clan Champion : Doji Kurohito (male Crane Sam6/iaijutsu master 5) Imports : Silk, spice, iron Exports: Foodstuffs, crafts, art, sake
Alignment : LN
The Crane clan has shaped the civilization of Rokugan from the beginning. Since the time of the first Hantei, a Crane has been the imperial Advisor, and until the last Hantei, a Doji has been every Emperor's bride . They are the masters of the political intrigue that surrounds the Imperial court-until very recently, the undisputed masters (the Scorpions now challenge that claim) . They hold favors in store from nearly every family of every clan, and know how to call in favors at the right time and circumstance. The members of the Crane clan are noble in every sense of the word, refined, cultured, civilized, and graceful .
Were it not for their war with the Crabs over the Yasuki lands, the Cranes would be on top of the world. Their former clan champion, Doji Kuwanan, became immortal and watches over the city of Volturnum to keep it free of Taint . Despite the rather unorthodox marriage of their headstrong new champion, Kuwanan's son Kurohito, to a Phoenix spirit, life for the Crane clan appears to be going well. The Cranes have not invested too much effort into their war with the Crabs, knowing that the right is on their side and that the Crabs cannot afford to divert too many resources away from the defense of the Kaiu Wall. However, the Cranes do feel the loss of arable land after Oblivion's Gate, the Kumo, and the Spirit Wars when fields were flooded, salted, and burned.
When the Scorpions were blamed for Emperor Toturi's kidnapping and sent into exile some thirty-five years ago, the Cranes fostered their children, so the Scorpions and Cranes share some uncharacteristically close ties now that those children are grown . There are even some adult Cranes whose ancestry is Scorpion, whether they know it or not, since not all the exiled Scorpions returned alive .
The families of the Crane are all cultured, sophisticated, and noble, though individual members of those families naturally deviate from that ideal.
The Doji are the most recognized diplomats and courtiers in the empire . Doji characters are usually members of the aristocrat NPC class .
The Daidoji, though still refined, are the more military arm of the Crane, often called the "Iron Crane ." Their crafty samurai frequently adopt the Daidoji bodyguard prestige class, described below.
The Kakitas are known for their artisans and their iaijutsu masters, duelists whose mastery of the katana is an art form in itself. The iaijutsu master prestige class is described in Chapter 3 : Prestige Classes .
The Asahinas are the shugenjas of the Crane clan . Devoted to pacifism, they are also the greatest creators of magic itemsfrom talismans to magic arms and armor-in Rokugan. CRANECLAN THE DAIDOJI BODYGUARD
The Daidoji are among Rokugan's craftiest fighters, concentrating on defensive maneuvers and a style of fighting that induces their opponents to defeat themselves . They make excellent bodyguards, although these abilities can also be turned toward shadie pursuits, and many Daidoji work as smugglers and spies . The Daidoji aren't ashamed of their illicit activities, although they don't go to any extremes to shout them to the world. Similar to underground spies, the Daidoji are the shadows in the court, gathering information and protecting the Doji diplomats. If something is needed, the Daidoji can find it. If there's a shipment that must get through, there's a Daidoji willing to take it there . Let the Doji use their skills to hide any dishonor ; the Daidoji are willing to do what must be done, for the sake of the clan.
While most characters in the Daidoji bodyguard school are samurai, a few rogues also train in the school and adopt the bodyguard prestige class.
Daidoji bodyguards, as the name suggests, are most commonly found serving as yojimbo (bodyguards) to Doji courtiers and other important Cranes . Others are found involved in criminal operations-or at least borderline activities .
Hit Die : d12 .
To qualify to become a Daidoji bodyguard, a character must fulfill all the following criteria .
Race : Human (Crane) .
Alignment : Any lawful . Base Attack Bonus : +5 . Feats : Improved Initiative, Dodge, Toughness .
The Daidoji bodyguard's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather
Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Read Lips (Int, exclusive skill), Search (Int), Sense
Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis) . See Chapter 4: Skills and Feats in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions . Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier .
The following are class features of the Daidoji bodyguard.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency : Daidoji bodyguards do not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiency.
Defensive Refocus (Ex) : A Daidoji bodyguard can refocus while using the total defense action. While on total defense, the bodyguard gets the usual +4 dodge bonus to his AC, though he cannot move as well . On the following rounds of combat, the character moves up in the initiative count and is positioned as though he had rolled a 20 on his initiative check .
Defensive Awareness (Ex) : Starting at 2nd level, the Daidoji bodyguard gains the extraordinary ability to