5 minute read
The Minor Clans
Clan Champion : Moto Gaheris (male Unicorn Sam5/Moto avenger 10) Imports : Silver, gold Exports : Diamonds, wool Alignment: N
For eight hundred years, the ancestors of the Unicorn wandered the lands outside Rokugan, learning from the barbarians and creating a culture uniquely their own, synthesizing elements of barbarian cultures with their native Rokugani heritage . In the three hundred years since the Unicorns returned to Rokugan, they have left their mark on its history as the best cavalry in the empire, with a powerful commitment to diplomacy and justice .
The Unicorns serve as the magistrates of the empire, enforcing the laws of the ideal Emperor even when the commands of the actual Emperor fall short of that ideal . Their "outsider" perspective-even after three hundred years of dwelling in Rokugangives them freedom from some of the strict mores that bind other clans, and a Unicorn magistrate is willing to report a truth that an Ikoma historian would never allow himself to speak, such as the deeds of an unjust Emperor or an embarrassment for their clan . The Unicorns are also excellent diplomats, and strive to keep the fracturing peace among the clans .
Toward the end of the War Against the Shadow, the Unicorns were finally able to purge a dark blot from their clan's honorthe corruption of the Moto by the Shadowlands . After hundreds of years of serving the Shadowlands' evil, the Dark Moto are gone, and the Moto family rides proudly once more . Still, the Moto have not forgotten their lost kin, and continue to ride into the Shadowlands and war against its evil . The fact that a member of the Unicorn clan, Iuchi Shahai, is now a mighty power in the Shadowlands, the so-called "Dark Daughter of Fu Leng," leaves many in the Unicorn clan angry and ashamed . As a result, the Unicorns are rapidly becoming nearly as dedicated as the Crabs to fighting the Shadowlands .
Of the five families of the Unicorn, three are formed almost exclusively of mounted warriors . Cavalry is the backbone of any Unicorn army, and even the Iuchi shugenjas are often mounted .
The Moto are still driven to avenge their kin who first lost their souls and then died in the Shadowlands . They are known as the most powerful cavalry of the Unicorn, but their greatest fury is directed toward the Shadowlands . Moto samurai often adopt the Moto avenger prestige class, described below .
The Shinjo are restless and unpredictable, leaning strongly toward a nomadic way of life and a focus on action over contemplation . Their samurai often adopt the kishi charger prestige class, described in Chapter 3 : Prestige Classes.
The Utakus are known for their determination, devotion, and straightforwardness-virtues exemplified in the Utaku battle maidens, who share a unique bond with their powerful horses. The battle maiden prestige class is described in Chapter 3 : Prestige Classes .
The Iuchi are the Unicorn's shugenja family . Their style of spellcasting is a varied mix of prayers to the Seven Fortunes, petitions to the elements themselves, and the use of talismans with sacred words inscribed on them. (These talismans serve as divine focus items for some or all of an Iuchi shugenja's spells, replacing the traditional ofudas . The spell is otherwise unchanged, though the Iuchi school teaches a number of spells that are unknown to other shugenjas .)
The Ide are the peacemakers and diplomats of the Unicorn, masters of what they call wabukan, "the peaceful path ." They serve as a smooth buffer between the Unicorn-whose "barbaric" ways often grate on the nerves of other Rokugani-and the other clans, sensitive to social customs and level-headed in the most awkward situations . Their emissaries are typically experts or aristocrats .
Though the Moto who rode in the Shadowlands were exterminated during the Battle of Oblivion's Gate, the remaining members of the Moto family are no less dedicated to their war against the Shadowlands and its evils . If anything, they are more impassioned, making more frequent raids into those dark lands and fighting more fiercely against Shadowlands creatures they encounter .
Moto avengers are often samurai, but they also come from the barbarian class .
NPC Moto avengers are rarely seen in Rokugan, for they still feel the shame oftheir family inheritance . Driven to avenge that dishonor, they ride into the Shadowlands on their grim mission.
Hit Die: d10.
To qualify to become a Moto avenger, a character must fulfill all the following criteria .
Race : Human (Unicorn) .
Alignment : Any good .
Base Attack Bonus : +5 .
Skills : Ride 8 ranks.
Feats : Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge, Trample .
The Moto avenger's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense
Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Swim (Str) . See Chapter 4:
Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions . Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
The following are class features of the Moto avenger.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency : Moto avengers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armor.
Detect Taint (Sp) : At will, a Moto avenger can detect Taint .
Fury of Vengeance (Ex) : When fighting creatures with the
Shadowlands type modifier or a Taint score, a Moto avenger can enter a state of rage, gaining phenomenal strength and durability but becoming reckless and less able to defend himself. He temporarily gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but suffers a -2 penalty to AC .
The increase in Constitution increases the avenger's hit points by 2 per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when the Constitution score drops back to normal . These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.
While raging, a Moto avenger cannot use skills or abilities that require patience and concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells . (The only class skills he can't use while raging are