5 minute read
The Shiba Protector
to a shape . When at last Hitomi gave it a name, she called it Akodo-a name that fit the Shadow, for like the Shadow the Akodo were nothing, but also a name that changed the Shadow, for the Akodo were always the most honorable family of the clans . Suddenly, the Shadow had a form and a nature, and its nature was the epitome of honor . The decimated ranks of the Akodo, disbanded after the Scorpion Clan Coup, were filled with all the shadow-walkers who had lost their previous identities, and the ronin Ginawa was made their daimyo, since he had pulled Toturi from Jigoku . The new Akodo family has not had an easy time being reintegrated into the Lion clan, but they have proven themselves as honorable as their name and as valiant as their adoptive ancestors .
Though refugees from the Dragon lands have avoided Lion lands so far, settling instead on the borders of the Phoenix, the Lions are wary of the steady stream of refugees and have agreed to an alliance with the Phoenix. Now that war has erupted, the Lions fight on the Phoenix side against the Dragons .
The families of the Lion are united by their dedication to the highest ideals of the empire-respect for the ancestors, adherence to the code of bushido, and strength of arms .
The Akodo are the nobility of the Lion clan-fiercely devoted to honor and the ideals of bushido, more than any other family in the empire . The Akodo champion prestige class is described below .
The Ikoma family maintains the records of history for the Lion clan. Their "bards" are historians and storytellers, trained in war and law as well as history. Ikoma "bards" are often fighters, rogues, warriors, or experts ; they do not possess the magical abilities of the bard class .
The Kitsu is one of the most unusual, enigmatic shugenja families in Rokugan, and the only school that forbids entry to members of other clans . To the Kitsus, the spirits of their ancestors are still a binding force upon Rokugan . Because of their unique relationship with the spirit world, certain members of the Kitsu family are able to commune with the lingering spirits that haunt Rokugan, as well as those that have passed on to Jigoku . They are known as spirit talkers, and they adopt the shaman class described in Chapter 2 : Classes, with access to the Ancestor domain .
The Matsus are ferocious warriors with the strength of their lion namesake . Preferring large weapons like the greatsword (no-dachi) or the nagamaki, these bestial fighters often adopt the singh rager prestige class described in Chapter 3 : Prestige Classes (although they are usually called "Matsu ragers") .
The Akodo form the massive army of the Lion clan, disciplined, tightly structured, and unmatched in battle prowess . The Akodo put less weight on individual glory than other clans do, recognizing the strength of samurai fighting side by side. They learn coordinated efforts and tight maneuvers, training under the Akodo motto: "Duty, Honor, Leadership ." They are perhaps not as furious in battle as the Matsus, but their unison battle :ties and coordinated charges decimate their foes on the battlefield . The Akodo champions are the leaders of this mighty army, an inspiration to the soldiers they lead.
Akodo champions are almost exclusively drawn from the samurai character class .
NPC Akodo champions serve as officers in the Lion army, masters of strategy and tactics and guardians of the empire . Hit Die: d10. REQUIREMENTS
To qualify to become an Akodo champion, a character must ful fill all the following criteria .
Race: Human (Lion) .
Alignment : Lawful good .
Base Attack Bonus : +5.
Skills: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks.
Feats : Iron Will, Ki Shout, Weapon Focus (katana) .
The Akodo champion's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Sir), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Sir), Knowledge (history) (Int),
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str) . See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skiff descriptions . The laijutsu Focus skill is described in Chapter 4 of this book .
Skill Points at Each Level : 4 + Int modifier .
The following are class features of the Akodo champion .
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Akodo champions do not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiency .
Detect Evil (Sp) : At will, the Akodo champion can use detect evil .
Ancestral Favor (Ex) : At 2nd level and higher, an Akodo champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus on all saving throws .
Leadership Feat : At 2nd level, an Akodo champion gains the Leadership feat for free .
Smite Evil (Su) : Once per day, an Akodo champion of 2nd level or higher may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack . He adds his Charisma modifier (if positive) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per level. If the champion accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect but it is still used up for that day
Aura of Courage : Beginning at 3rd level, an Akodo champion is immune to fear (magical or otherwise) . Allies within 10 feet of the champion gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects . Granting the morale bonus to allies is a supernatural ability .
Great Leader : At 4th level, an Akodo champion's Leadership score is increased by 1 . This bonus increases by 1 every three levels thereafter (to 2 at 7th level and 3 at loth level) . This bonus stacks with other bonuses to Leadership, including the Great Diplomat (Asako ancestor) feat .
Inspire Greatness (Su): An Akodo champion of 5th level or higher can inspire greatness in another creature, granting extra fighting capability. For every two levels the champion attains beyond 5th, he can inspire greatness in one additional creature . To inspire greatness, the Akodo champion must meet his ally's gaze, and the ally must be within 30 feet. Acreature inspired with greatness gains temporary Hit Dice, attack bonuses, and saving throw bonuses as long as the Akodo champion continues participating in the same battle . The target gains the following boosts :
" +2 Hit Dice (d10s that grant temporary hit points) . " +2 competence bonus on attacks. " +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves.
Apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to each bonus Hit Die . These extra Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining effects such as the sleep spell. Inspire greatness is mind-affecting ability.