4 minute read
Spellscales and Other Races
Illus. by E. Cox


spellscale’s physical mistreatment or oppression of the other is likely to be allowed, however.
Spellscales usually inhabit a land with its own system of governance, law, and taxation. They’ll do what’s necessary to get by as citizens of that land, but they have their own ideas about government. Depending upon what the local authorities are willing to put up with, a spellscale community within a larger municipality has its own organization and its own ruler—either openly or in secret. The caprice and individuality of the spellscale race is nowhere so perfectly epitomized as in its form of government. Every year, the spellscales in a community hold an election lottery. In a public ceremony, a large, black box is prepared. One gold bead is mixed with silver beads, the lot equaling the number of adult spellscale residents of the community. Every adult spellscale then pulls a bead at random, and whoever pulls the gold bead is the new ruler. This individual rules in whatever fashion he chooses for one year. He has full authority and must be obeyed, and he gets to choose his title (often “King” but sometimes as quirky as “Your Grand Pomposity” or as severe as “Autocrat”), advisors, and staff. The leader cannot alter two fundamental rules. A new, purely random election must take place the next year. Also, any spellscale who wants to do so can move away from the community until the next election. As can be expected from such a random process, the quality and intensity of leadership varies greatly. One year, the ruler might not do anything, making no rules and collecting no taxes. The next leader might rule with an iron fist, demanding military service and taxes and imposing a tyrannical, bureaucratic government. In general, spellscales find this diversity intriguing and fulfilling. Where else can you live and experience such a multiplicity of governments? SPELLSCALES AND OTHER RACES Spellscales view members of most other races as too limited in their perspectives and pursuits. No other race has the spellscales’ natural inclination for sorcery. No other race fi nds the entire world so fascinating.
Dragonborn: Spellscales consider dragonborn distantly related creatures, as a human might view a third cousin by marriage. The dragonborn’s singularity of intention interests spellscales, because every dragonborn seems to
have the same purpose and the same drive. Fascinating in a way, if terribly dull. Dragon-Descended: Spellscales share a kinship with draconic individuals, since they both sprang unexpectedly from an otherwise “normal” society. Spellscales have additional empathy for those with draconic heritage; most spellscales are born to sorcerers and thus have an easier time being accepted, but draconic individuals can be born to nearly any parent. Half-dragons are so mysterious that spellscales can’t help but be interested in them, much to the amused annoyance of most half-dragons. Dwarves: Spellscales think dwarves are slow—ponderous in their physical movement, their social bonding, and their decision-making. Nevertheless, dwarves are mesmerizing to observe in this slowness. A spellscale blissfully watches a dwarf in action and often correctly predicts the outcome of that action. Far from being boring, this activity is comfortable and reassuring, akin to rereading a favorite novel. Elves: While elves have the right idea when it comes to holding a fi ne appreciation of magic, they’re too academic in their approach to matters arcane. However, everyone is entitled to his own eccentricities, and the elves’ racial penchant for wizardry over sorcery is peculiar but acceptable. Aside from this, spellscales see elves as graceful, free spirits who have a love of life nearly equal to their own. Gnomes: In their many musings, most spellscales wonder what place gnomes have in the multiverse. Spell-like abilities in a humanoid race are unusual, but what real good are a couple of cantrips and the ability to talk to furry creatures that live in the ground? Further, many gnomes only dabble in spell casting as bards, forever isolated from the splendors of mighty magic. Most spellscales view these sadly hampered humanoids with a mix of pity and compassion, treating them gently, as one would a slow-witted child, to be protected and educated. Half-Elves: Most spellscales’ outlook toward half-elves can be summed up in a phrase: charming, quite charming. . . . or this . . . Half-elves have a resourcefulness born from a mixed heritage. They have poise and personality. And, like humans, a half-elf can do just about anything. This fl exibility and variability is to be respected. Half-Orcs: A bit too crude and boorish to hold much social attraction for spellscales, half-orcs nevertheless prove physically fascinating. Not even half-orcs notice the nuances of their physiology. A spellscale might marvel at how one half-orc’s lower teeth point inward and another’s outward, or at just how capable a half-orc is in toe-to-toe battle and feats of strength. Halfl ings: Fellow storytellers and agreeable folk, halflings and spellscales get along well. Spellscales appreciate how halfl ings fi ll many niches in the societies of other races while retaining a distinct outlook.